5G Cellular Technology: Basic Concept and Network Architecture

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5G Cellular Technology: Basic Concept And

Network Architecture
Abstract- The objective of this paper is Wireless Architecture (OWA) in is targeted to offer
comprehensive study related to 5G technology of open baseband processing modules with open interface
mobile communication. Existing research work in parameters. The OWA is related to MAC/PHY layers
mobile communication is related to 5G technology. In of future (4G) mobiles.[3] The 5G terminals will have
5G, researches are related to the development of World software defined radios and modulation scheme and
Wide Wireless Web (WWWW), Dynamic Adhoc new error-control schemes can be downloaded from the
Wireless Networks (DAWN) and Real Wireless Internet The enhancement is seen towards the
Communication. The most important technologies for consumer terminals as a focus on the 5G mobile
5G technologies are 802.11 Wireless Local Area networks. The 5G mobile terminals will have access to
Networks (WLAN) and 802.16 Wireless Metropolitan different wireless technologies at the same time. The
Area Networks (WMAN), Ad-hoc Wireless Personal 5G mobile terminal should be capable to merge special
Area Network (WPAN) and Wireless networks for flows from different technologies. The network will be
digital communication. 4G technology will include dependable for managing user-mobility.The 5G
several standards under a common umbrella, similar to terminal will make the ultimate selection among
3G, but with IEEE 802.xx wireless mobile networks different mobile access network providers for a
integrated from the commencement. The major specified service. The paper gives the concept of
contribution of this paper is the key provisions of 5G intelligent Internet [13] phone where the mobile can
(Fifth Generation) technology of mobile prefer the finest connections. [14]
communication, which is seen as consumer oriented. In
5G technology, the mobile consumer has given utmost II. CONCEPT OF 5G TECHNOLOGY
priority compared to others. 5G Technology stands for
5th Generation Mobile Technology. 5G technology is
to make use of mobile phones within very high
bandwidth. The consumer never experienced the
utmost valued technology as 5G.The 5G technologies
include all types of advanced features which make 5G
technology most dominant technology in near future.


Mobile and wireless networks have made

remarkable development in the last few years. At the
present time many mobile phones have also a WLAN Fig 1. Protocol stack for 5G
adapter. One may expect that near soon many mobile
phones will have Wax adapter too, besides their 3G, A. Physical/MAC layers
2G, WLAN, Bluetooth etc. adapters. We are using IP
for both generations, 2.5G or 3G Public Land Mobile Physical and Medium Access Control layers
Networks (PLMN) on one side and WLAN on the i.e. OSI layer 1 and OSI layer 2, define the wireless
other, raised study on their integration. Concerning the technology and shown in Fig.1. For these two layers
4G, its focus is towards flawless incorporation of the 5G mobile networks is likely to be based on Open
cellular networks such as GSM and 3G. Multi mode Wireless Architecture [7].
consumer terminals are seen as must have for 4G, but
special security mechanisms and special operating B. Network layer
system support in special wireless technologies remain
a test. Nevertheless, integration among different The network layer will be IP (Internet
wireless networks (e.g. PLMN and WLAN) is Protocol), because there is no competition today on this
implemented in practice even nowadays. Although, level. The IPv4 (version 4) is worldwide spread and it
different wireless networks from a sole terminal are has several problems such as limited address space and
used absolutely, that is, there is no combining of has no real possibility for QoS support per flow. These
different wireless access technologies for a same issues are solved in IPv6, but traded with significantly
session (e.g., FTP download). The anticipated Open bigger packet header. Then, mobility still remains a
problem. There is Mobile IP standard on one side as possible to be downloaded and installed. Such mobiles
well as many micro-mobility solutions (e.g., Cellular shall have the possibility to download (e.g., TCP, RTP
IP, HAWAII etc.). All mobile networks will use etc. Or new transport protocol) version which is
Mobile IP in 5G, and each mobile terminal will be FA targeted to a specific wireless technology installed at
(Foreign Agent), Application Layer Application ( the base stations. This is called here Open Transport
Services ) Presentation Layer Session layer Open Protocol - OTP. [8]
Transport Protocol (OTP) Transport Layer Network
layer Upper network layer Lower network Layer Data D. Application layer
link Layer(MAC) Open Wireless Architecture (OWA)
Physical Layer 2013 International Conference on Regarding the applications, the ultimate
Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing (ISSP) 289 request from the 5G mobile terminal is to provide
keeping the CoA (Care of Address) mapping between intelligent QoS management over a variety of
its fixed IPv6 address and CoA address for the current networks. Today, in mobile phones the users manually
wireless network. However, a mobile can be attached select the wireless interface for particular Internet
to several mobile or wireless networks at the same service without having the possibility to use QoS
time.[16] In such case, it will maintain different IP history to select the best wireless connection for a given
addresses for each of the radio interfaces, service. The 5G phone shall provide a possibility for
While each of these IP addresses will be CoA address service quality testing and storage of measurement
for the FA placed in the mobile Phone. The fixed IPv6 information in information databases in the mobile
will be implemented in the mobile phone by 5G phone terminal. The QoS parameters, such as delay, jitter,
manufactures. The 5G mobile phone shall maintain losses, bandwidth, reliability, will be stored in a
virtual multi-wireless network environment. For this database in the 5G mobile phone with the aim to be
purpose there should be separation of network layer used by intelligent algorithms running in the mobile
into two sub-layers in 5G mobiles (Fig. 3) i.e.: Lower terminal as system processes, which at the end shall
network layer (for each interface) and Upper network provide the best wireless connection upon required
layer (for the mobile terminal). This is due to the initial QoS and personal cost constraints. With 4G, a range of
design of the Internet, where all the routing is based on new services and models will be available. These
IP addresses which should be different in each IP services and models need to be further examined for
network world wide. The middleware between the their interface with the design of 4G systems.[22]
Upper and Lower network layers (Fig. 1) shall maintain The process of IPv4 address exhaustion is expected to
address translation from Upper network address (IPv6) be in its final stages by the time that 4G is deployed.
to different Lower network IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6), Therefore, IPv6 support for 4G is essential in order to
and vice versa. Fig.2 shows the 5G network layer. support a large no. of wireless- enabled devices. IPv6
removes the need for NAT (Network Address
Translation) by increasing the no. of IP addresses.[21]
With the available address space and number of
addressing bits in IPv6, many innovative coding
schemes can be developed for 4g devices and
applications that could help in the deployment of 4G
network and services.[20]
The fourth generation promises to fulfill the goal of
PCC (personal computing and communication) —a
Fig. 2 5G mobile terminal network layer[25] vision that affordably provides high data rates
everywhere over a wireless network [4]. In the future
wireless networks there must be a low complexity of
C. Open Transport Protocol (OTA) layer
implementation and an efficient means of negotiation
The mobile and wireless networks differ from between the end users and the wireless infrastructure.
wired networks regarding the transport layer. In all The Internet is the driving force for higher data rates
TCP versions the assumption is that lost segments are and high speed access for mobile wireless users. This
due to network congestion, while in wireless network will be the motivation for an all mobile IP based core
losses may occur due to higher bit error ratio in the network evolution.
radio interface. Therefore, TCP modifications and
adaptation are proposed for the mobile and wireless
networks, which retransmit the lost or damaged TCP
segments over the wireless link only. For 5G mobile
terminals will be suitable to have transport layer that is
FEATURES Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), video chat,
mobile TV, HDTV content, Digital Video
1. 5G technology offers high resolution for crazy cell Broadcasting (DVB),[18] minimal services like voice
phone user and bi- directional large bandwidth shaping. and data, and other services that utilize bandwidth. The
definition of 5G is to provide adequate RF coverage,
2. The advanced billing interfaces of 5G technology more bits/Hz and to interconnect all wireless
make it more attractive and effective. heterogeneous networks to provide seamless,
consistent telecom experience to the user. [10,11] A.
3. 5G technology also providing subscriber supervision Evolved Packet Core (EPC) Evolved Packet Core is the
tools for fast action. IP-based core network defined by 3GPP (Telecom
standard) for use with LTE and other access
4. The high quality services of 5G technology based on technologies. The goal of the EPC is to provide
Policy to avoid error. simplified all IP core network architectures to
efficiently give access to various services such as the
5. 5G technology is providing large broadcasting of ones provided by IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem).
data in Gigabit which supporting almost 65,000 EPC consists essentially of a Mobility Management
connections.[19] Entity (MME) & access agnostic gateway foe routing
of user datagram. EPC will be a completely new
6. 5G technology offers a transporter class gateway architecture for wireless operators, one that emulates
with unparalleled consistency. the IP world of data Communication rather than the
voice- centric world of wireless. EPC is based on flat
7. The traffic statistics by 5G technology makes it more IP network theory. Fig. 4 shows flat IP
accurate. Architecture.[15]
8. Through remote management offered by 5G
technology a user can get a better and faster solution.

9. The remote diagnostics also a great feature of 5G


10. The 5G technology is providing up to 25 Mbps

connectivity speed. 2013 International Conference on
Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing (ISSP) 290

11. The 5G technology also supports virtual private

Fig.4 Flat IP Architecture
12. The new 5G technology will take all delivery
services out of business prospect Mobile networks have been designed up to
this point for circuit- switched voice. Wireless
13. The uploading and downloading speed of 5G networks were designed in a hierarchal fashion to
technology touching the peak. aggregate, authenticate, manage and direct calls. A
BSC aggregates calls from multiple base stations,
IV. 5G ARCHITECTURE allocates radio channels, enables handoffs between
base stations and passes on calls to an even more
centralized mobile switching center.[17] As packet
data networks emerged, they were overlaid on the
existing voice-centric architecture, using the BSC for
the same mobility management functions and adding
the SGSN and GGSN in the case of GSM/UMTS and
a PDSN in the case of CDMA to route and manage data
sessions, as well as to connect to the Internet or
appropriate IP network. As data traffic is increasing
rapidly, this voice centric architecture has become
5G is being developed to accommodate the
cumbersome and harder to manage with too many
QoS and rate requirements set by forthcoming
network entities. Flat network architecture removes
applications like wireless broadband access,
that voice-centric hierarchy from the network. Instead
of overlaying a packet data core on the voice network, [8] M. Hata, “Fourth Generation Mobile Communication
separate and much-simplified data architecture can be Systems Beyond IMT-2000 Communications,” Proc 5th
implemented that removes the multiple elements of the Asia Pacific Conf.
network chain. BSC functions are divided between
[9] M. Bhalla, A. Bhalla, “Generations of Mobile Wireless
Base station and media gateway router. The base Technology: A Survey” International Journal of Computer
station will communicate directly via 3GDT (3G direct Applications, Volume 5- No.4, August 2010
tunnel) with media gateway over WAN (Carrier
Ethernet, MW, DWDM etc.). Some of the functions of [10] T. Janevski, “5G Mobile Phone Concept” – CCNC
BSC/RNC such as Radio resource management, Radio conference in Las Vegas, 2009.
Bearer Control, and Dynamic allocations of resources
will be handled by base stations, while functions such [11] A. Tudzarov , T. Janevski, “Design of 5G Mobile
as Distribution of paging messages, Security will be Architecture” International Journal of Communication
functional by mobility manager, located in Gateway Networks and Information Security, Vol. 3, No. 2, August
router. This approach has clearly visible advantages. It
will save a significant amount of Capex and Opex as, [12] Sapana Singh, Pratap Singh “Key Concepts and
service provider will have little hopes and fewer Network Architecture for 5G Mobile Technology”
network entities. By reducing the number of hops in the International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering &
network, data travels faster between end points, greatly Technology Volume 1 Issue 5 pp 165-170 August 2012
2013 International Conference on Intelligent Systems
and Signal Processing (ISSP) 291 reducing the network [13] ABDULLAH GANI, XICHUN LI, LINA YANG,
latency to help support real-time applications such as OMAR ZAKARIA, NOR BADRUL ANUAR “Multi-
voice over IP (VoIP), gaming and videoconferencing. Bandwidth Data Path Design for 5G Wireless Mobile
The flat IP architectures have emerged with WiMAX, SCIENCE and APPLICATIONS
and future LTE networks will be flat by definition.
[10,11,15] [14] 5G Mobile Technology
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