5G Cellular Technology: Basic Concept and Network Architecture
5G Cellular Technology: Basic Concept and Network Architecture
5G Cellular Technology: Basic Concept and Network Architecture
Network Architecture
Abstract- The objective of this paper is Wireless Architecture (OWA) in is targeted to offer
comprehensive study related to 5G technology of open baseband processing modules with open interface
mobile communication. Existing research work in parameters. The OWA is related to MAC/PHY layers
mobile communication is related to 5G technology. In of future (4G) mobiles.[3] The 5G terminals will have
5G, researches are related to the development of World software defined radios and modulation scheme and
Wide Wireless Web (WWWW), Dynamic Adhoc new error-control schemes can be downloaded from the
Wireless Networks (DAWN) and Real Wireless Internet The enhancement is seen towards the
Communication. The most important technologies for consumer terminals as a focus on the 5G mobile
5G technologies are 802.11 Wireless Local Area networks. The 5G mobile terminals will have access to
Networks (WLAN) and 802.16 Wireless Metropolitan different wireless technologies at the same time. The
Area Networks (WMAN), Ad-hoc Wireless Personal 5G mobile terminal should be capable to merge special
Area Network (WPAN) and Wireless networks for flows from different technologies. The network will be
digital communication. 4G technology will include dependable for managing user-mobility.The 5G
several standards under a common umbrella, similar to terminal will make the ultimate selection among
3G, but with IEEE 802.xx wireless mobile networks different mobile access network providers for a
integrated from the commencement. The major specified service. The paper gives the concept of
contribution of this paper is the key provisions of 5G intelligent Internet [13] phone where the mobile can
(Fifth Generation) technology of mobile prefer the finest connections. [14]
communication, which is seen as consumer oriented. In
5G technology, the mobile consumer has given utmost II. CONCEPT OF 5G TECHNOLOGY
priority compared to others. 5G Technology stands for
5th Generation Mobile Technology. 5G technology is
to make use of mobile phones within very high
bandwidth. The consumer never experienced the
utmost valued technology as 5G.The 5G technologies
include all types of advanced features which make 5G
technology most dominant technology in near future.
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[4] Toni Janevski, “Traffic Analysis and Design of Wireless [18] Idea about 4g Available:
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[5] Suk Yu Hui, Kai Hau Yeung, “Challenges in the
Migration to 4G Mobile Systems”, IEEE Communications [19] 5G technology Available:
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First International Conference on Emerging Trends in GenerationWireless-Network
Engineering and Technology