Radiograph Formula
Radiograph Formula
Radiograph Formula
Note: This is an approximation and is only valid for the straight line portion of
the film characteristic curve. See more info section.
Where: Where:
E1 = Exposure 1
E2 = Exposure 2
M = Magnification
FD1 = Film Density at Exposure 1 Ug = Geometric
Distance from unsharpness
FD2 = Film Density with Exposure 2 a =
source to object f = Focal spot size
Distance from Distance from
more information: b = object to a =
source to object
Film Density - Exposure Calculation detector Distance from
b = object to
more information:
Geometric more information:
Magnification Geometric
Calculation Unsharpness
Indication Depth Attenuation Half-Value Layer 1/2
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