SP01 - Spool Request Screen - Check For Spool That Are in Request For Over An Hour

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1. Q-1 What are your daily activities in your company?

Ans:- 1] Check that all the application servers are up:

sm51 SAP Servers
sm04/al08 Logon Users
2] Check that daily backup are executed without errors
DB12 Backup logs: overview
3] SAP standard background jobs are running successfully. Review for cancelled and critical
SM37 Background jobs--- Check for successful completion of jobs. Enter * in user-id field and
verify that all critical successful jobs and review any cancelled jobs.
4] Operating system Monitoring - ST06

5] Extents monitoring - DB02 Database monitoring--Check for max-extents reached

6] Check work-processes (started from sm51) SM50 Process overview-- All work processes
with a running or waiting status.
7] Check system log – SM21 System log-- Set date and time to before the last log review. Check
for errors, warning, security, message-bends, and database events.
8] Review workload statistics
ST03 Workload analysis of <sid>
ST02- tune summary instance
9] Look for any failed updates SM13 -update records
10] check for old locks - SM12 lock entry list
11] Check for spool problems
SP01 - Spool request screen-- check for spool that are in request for over an hour.
12] Review and resolve dumps
ST22 ABAP Dump analysis
13] Checking .trc file in SAP trace directory for block corruption on daily basis.
14] Archive backup
brarchive -f force -cds -c
Insert the archive backup tape
15] Review NT system logs for problem
-> NT system log- look 4 errors or failures
-> NT security log- failed logon 2 sap servers
-> NT Application log -look 4 errors or failures
Q 2 What are you roles and responsibilities in your company?

1. Perform User administration and role/profile assignment.

2. Perform Role Creation, Modification and Full trouble shooting support for the users
authorization failures in all SAP applications and resolving the Security issues and support in
integration testing of Roles/Profiles.
3. Maintain the integrity of the SAP environment by managing the SAP Correction and
Transport System (CTS) to ensure all configuration and development objects are promoted
4. Distribute the online SAP user workload and monitor and manage the SAP background job
5. Perform OSS / SAP Service Marketplace: Searching notes & creating OSS messages for the
respective queries to improve the Performance. And software download, Maintain System
Data, License Key & Maintenance Certificate, Developer & object registrations and connection
maintenance etc.
6. Starting and Stopping SAP instance/(s).
7. Preventive Maintenance activities - Support Pack/Plug-in implementations, Kernel upgrades,
OSS note applications and to apply support pack for Java using JSPM.
8. SAPGUI/SAPLGPAD troubleshooting and maintenance/upgrades/installations.
9. Prepare and maintain system documentation, procedures, and standards.
10. Perform SAP Database Administration – Space management, database reorganizations,
design and implement backup and restore strategy, maintain database security, administer
database performance, database problem determination and resolution, etc.
11. Perform SAP Installation, Post installation, client administration, System Refresh and Post-
Refresh activities as required.
12. Perform parameter modification, Buffer, memory management, performance tuning and
13.Perform SAP Licensing – Indentify inactive user, user classification and prepare System
Measurement result for SAP Global Audit team.
1. Q- 3 What are common background jobs that will run in your system?
Ans- Standard background jobs (or) Housekeeping jobs are sap_reorg*

1) Sap_reorg_abapdumps : Program: RSSNAPDL

2) Sap_reorg_batchinput : This job is used for delete batch input files Program: RSBDCREO

3) Sap_reorg_jobs : This job is used for delete old background jobs Program: RSBTCDEL

4) Sap_reorg_statististics : This job is used for run the statistics of sap tables Program:

5) Sap_reorg_spool : This job is used for delete the old print request. Program: RSPO0041

6) Sap_reorg_updaterecords : this job is used for delete the old update records Program:

Q- 7 What are common transport errors and their codes?

Ans - Error codes are basically of three types:

004: Warning (can be by and large ignored as mentioned by Barry)

008: Due to syntax errors. Examples of these have been given above.

0012: Fatal errors:system errors; Have got nothing to do with transport request itself. Need to
be analyzed on case to case basis.

Q-8 Transport request types and its syntax

Ans- There are four types of transport requests:

1. customizing request (Contains client specific changes recorded in a single client)

2. Workbench request (Contains changes made to the repository objects of ABAP work bench)
3. transport of copies (Allows to transport any sub objects into object list to any other SAP
4. relocation (Use this when development system of a complete package is to be changed on
permanent basis)

Types of Transport Request:

K type – with change in integrated system to consolidated system

C type – without change in integrated system to consolidated system

T type – move the one system to another system

TR can be released only once, all the tasks inside a TR are completed, released or
deleted. Change requests are named in a standard format as: <SID>K<Number>

 SID – System ID
 Number – can be anything from a range starting with 90001
 Once the Transport request is released, it creates a Data file and Co-file.

Q- Where will u find transport error logs?

Ans – Error find in the path of Trans directory path is – usr\sap\trans\log

Log: it rides the log files during the change request

1) A log: it contains the information about the transport request. Who is the transport request
and name of the consultant?

2) S log: S log files are stored in transport request of specific system

3) U log: U log means it contains the transport command that are executed at OS level
1. Q- How to do transport at OS level?

. Transport at OS level Requesting add to buffer:

# tp add to buffer Import request is:

# tp import Tp clean the buffer is

#tp clean buffer ---> to delete the request after completed successfully

#tp del form buffer ---> here we can delete the particular request

#tp show buffer ---> display the buffer request

Steps to import the transport request at OS level?

# tp import CLNT = pf = usr\sap\trans\bin\Tp_domain_.pfl

Q- How to define instances and operation modes?

We can configure Operation Mode by following methods.

◦ Creating Operations Mode (RZ04).

◦ Assigning Work process to operation modes.

Now we will assign work process to the operation mode. So press Instance/Operation mode tab
and press generate.

Now double click on the operation mode and you can see that you can actually change the
number of work process. Now make changes as required and press save at the bottom.

◦ Assign Operation Modes to Time Table (SM63).

◦ Manual switch the Operation Mode (RZ03).

Q- What are Homogenous system copy and Heterogeneous system copy and how you will do

Homogenous system- A system copy without a change in the database type and the OS is
called a homogeneous system copy.

Hetrogeneous system - A system copy with a change in the database type and the operating
system is called a heterogeneous system copy

Q- What is oracle Architecture?

Ans - Oracle = Shared Global Area + Background work process + Database

Oracle instance = Memory + Background work process

Memory (SGA shared global area + PGA Process global area) = Database buffer Area + Shared pool
+ Redo log buffer Area

What is An Oracle Database?

Basically, there are two main components of Oracle database –– instance and database
itself. An instance consists of some memory structures and the background processes,
whereas a database refers to the disk resources. Figure 1 will show you the
Figure 1. Two main components of Oracle database

Database files themselves are useless without the memory structures and processes to
interact with the database. Oracle defines the term instance as the memory structure
and the background processes used to access data from a database. The memory
structures and background processes contitute an instance. The memory structure
itself consists of System Global Area (SGA), Program Global Area (PGA), and an
optional area –– Software Area Code. In the other hand, 6 mandatory background
processes .

Figure 2. The instance components

System Global Area

SGA is the primary memory structures. When Oracle DBAs talk about memory, they
usually mean the SGA. This area is broken into a few of part memory –– Buffer
Cache, Shared Pool, Redo Log Buffer, Large Pool, and Java Pool.

Buffer Cache

Buffer cache is used to stores the copies of data block that retrieved from datafiles.
That is, when user retrieves data from database, the data will be stored in buffer cache.
Its size can be manipulated via DB_CACHE_SIZE parameter in init.ora initialization
parameter file.

Shared Pool

Shared pool is broken into two small part memories –– Library Cache and Dictionary
Cache. The library cache is used to stores information about the commonly used SQL
and PL/SQL statements; and is managed by a Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm.
It is also enables the sharing those statements among users. In the other
hand, dictionary cache is used to stores information about object definitions in the
database, such as columns, tables, indexes, users, privileges, etc.

The shared pool size can be set via SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter in init.ora
initialization parameter file.

Redo Log Buffer

Each DML statement (select, insert, update, and delete) executed by users will
generates the redo entry. What is a redo entry? It is an information about all data
changes made by users. That redo entry is stored in redo log buffer before it is written
into the redo log files. To manipulate the size of redo log buffer, you can use
the LOG_BUFFER parameter in init.ora initialization parameter file.

Large Pool

Large pool is an optional area of memory in the SGA. It is used to relieves the burden
place on the shared pool. It is also used for I/O processes. The large pool size can be
set by LARGE_POOL_SIZE parameter in init.ora initialization parameter file.

Java Pool

As its name, Java pool is used to services parsing of the Java commands. Its size can
be set by JAVA_POOL_SIZE parameter in init.ora initialization parameter file.
Program Global Area

Although the result of SQL statemen parsing is stored in library cache, but the value
of binding variable will be stored in PGA. Why? Because it must be private or not be
shared among users. The PGA is also used for sort area.

Software Area Code

Software area code is a location in memory where the Oracle application software

Oracle processes

There are two categories of processes that run with an Oracle database. They are
mentioned below:

 User processes
 System processes

The following figure illustrates the relationship between user processes, server
processes, PGA, and session:

The first interaction with the Oracle-based application comes from the user computer
that creates a user process. The user process then communicates with the server
process on the host computer. Here, PGA is used to store session specific information.
Oracle Background Processes

Oracle background processes is the processes behind the scene that work together
with the memories.


Database writer (DBWn) process is used to write data from buffer cache into the
datafiles. Historically, the database writer is named DBWR. But since some of Oracle
version allows us to have more than one database writer, the name is changed to
DBWn, where n value is a number 0 to 9.


Log writer (LGWR) process is similar to DBWn. It writes the redo entries from redo
log buffer into the redo log files.


Checkpoint (CKPT) is a process to give a signal to DBWn to writes data in the buffer
cache into datafiles. It will also updates datafiles and control files header when log file
switch occurs.


System Monitor (SMON) process is used to recover the system crash or instance
failure by applying the entries in the redo log files to the datafiles.


Process Monitor (PMON) process is used to clean up work after failed processes by
rolling back the transactions and releasing other resources.


The ARCH background process is invoked when your database is running in

ARCHIVELOG mode. If you are archiving your redo logs, the redo logs are touched
by several background processes. First, the LGWR process copies the log_buffer
contents to the online redo log files, and then the ARCH process copies the online
redo log files to the archived redo log filesystem on UNIX. The ARCH process
commonly offloads the most recent online redo log file whenever a log switch
operation occurs in Oracle.
The figure 4: shows various components of SGA, Oracle background processes, and their interactions with control
files, data files, Redo Log files, and archived redo logs.

The database refers to disk resources, and is broken into two main structures ––
Logical structures and Physical structures.

Logical Structures:~

Oracle database is divided into smaller logical units to manage, store, and retrieve
data effeciently. The logical units are tablespace, segment, extent, and data block.
Figure 5 will illustrate the relationships between those units.
Figure 5. The relationships between the Oracle logical structures


A Tablespace is a grouping logical database objects. A database must have one or

more tablespaces. In the Figure 5, we have three tablespaces –– SYSTEM tablespace,
Tablespace 1, and Tablespace 2. Tablespace is composed by one or more datafiles.

There are three types of tablespaces in Oracle:

 Permanent tablespaces
 Undo tablespaces
 temporary tablespaces


A Tablespace is further broken into segments. A segment is used to stores same type
of objects. That is, every table in the database will store into a specific segment
(named Data Segment) and every index in the database will also store in its own
segment (named Index Segment). The other segment types are Temporary Segment
and Rollback Segment.
A segment is a container for objects (such as tables, views, packages . . . indexes). A
segment consists of Extends.

There are 11 types of Segments in oracle 10g.

1. Table
2. Table Partition
3. Index
4. Index Partition
5. Cluster
6. Rollback
7. Deferred Rollback
8. Temporary
9. Cache
10. Lobsegment
11. Lobindex

A segment is further broken into extents. An extent consists of one or more
data block. When the database object is enlarged, an extent will be allocated.
Unlike a tablespace or a segment, an extent cannot be named. Space for a data
on a hard disk is allocated in extends.

Data Block

A data block is the smallest unit of storage in the Oracle database. The data
block size is a specific number of bytes within tablespace and it has the same
number of bytes.

Physical Structures:~The physical structures are structures of an Oracle

database (in this case the disk files) that are not directly manipulated by users.
The physical structure consists of datafiles, redo log files, and control files.


A datafile is a file that correspondens with a tablespace. One datafile can be

used by one tablespace, but one tablespace can has more than one datafiles. An
Oracle databae include of a number of physical files called datafile.

Redo Log Files

A Redo Log is a file that is part of an Oracle Database. When a transaction is
committed the transaction’s details in the redo log buffer is written in a redo log file.
These files contain information that helps in recovery in the event of system failure.

The figure 6: shows three Redo Log groups. Each group consists of two members. The first member of each Redo
Log group is stored in directory D1 and the second member is stored in directory D2.

Control Files

Control files are used to store information about physical structure of database. The
control file is absolutely crucial to database operations. It contains the following types
of information:

1. Database Information
2. Archive log history
3. Tablespace and datafile records
4. Redo threads
5. Database’s creation data
6. Database name
7. Current Archive information
8. Log records
9. Database Id which is unique to each Database
Q- At OS level in which directory oracle alerts are stored?

Ans – /oracle/SID/saptrace/diag/rdbms/sid/SID/trace/alert_SID.log
Q- If a lock entry is holding more than 24 hours then what will you do? If another user wants
to share that lock but the user using that lock haven’t released lock he went for holiday
what will u do? This user wants lock ASAP then what will u do?

Q- What will you observe in System log (SM21)?

Ans SM21: System logs specific to the instance. We can also identify the logs of other instances. System
log > Remote system It is used to display the logs for the following activities.

1. System Startup/ Work process log

2. All ABAP dumps are documented

3. When we delete SM12 the locks are logged.

4. All the database related errors like Space issues, Segment Management, Archive Stuck.

5. Illegal attempts and user locks

6. Session Termination due to network failures.

As a part of monitoring we need to identify the messages with color red.

7. Time out errors

Identify the error message from the log and search in the market place.

8. It displays the logs based on date/time, user, t-code & problem class.

Q- Various client copy methods and how you will do them?

Ans – 1- Local client copy

2- Remote client copy

3- client export and import

Client export & import is better

May be RFC connection is failed in remote client copy. And also it will take long time to process the
client copy because depending on the network problems.

Q How you will get help from OSS notes?

Ans – OSS- Online SAP support - helps us to download new software and updating the older to latest
one. It also consist of known error .

step 1 : if you want to refer through SAP note, go to SAP service Marketplace(service.sap.com).

step 2 :Check the valid package for the note in the description then check the package level of your
system.(system->status->sap system data)

step 3 : IF package level is low then upgrade the packege level then apply notes.

step 4 : If you are at a higher package level then code corrections cannot be implemented.

steap5 :

Steps for implementing sap notes.

a)go to Transaction u2018snoteu2019

b)Select goto in the menu bar and click on option u2018Download SAP Noteu2019.

(If download SAP Note option not working please check the RFC u2013 OSSSAP test connection )

c)Give the Note number which you want to implement.

Press execute button.

d)Select the note which you want to apply .

Select sapnote in the menu bar and click on implement SAP note
Q- what is GOLDEN CLIENT in SAP systems?

Ans - A golden Client is used in the development landscape for maintenance of the SAP application
configuration parameters for both system and business process objects.

Companies use a Golden Client to control changes to configuration parameters that are used in other
SAP Client instances across an SAP Enterprise platform.

The usage of a Golden Client avoids redundancy in maintaining the same parameters where more than
one Master Data Client is being used in development environment, avoid redundancy also avoids
inconstancy is the parameter settings; A Golden Client also enhances the transport process enabling
migration of configuration parameters to the QA system without the impact of master data used in the
development process.

Q- Difference between Application server and Central Instance?

Ans - Central instance have message server and dialog, update, spool, enque, gateway, background work

Application server has only Dialog, update, spool, gateway and Background workprocess.

Note: SAP server has only one message server and Enque server.

Q- How you will check whether database is active or not from OS level?

Ans - from Ora<sid> give the following the commands

ps -ef |grep ora_
ps -ef |grep pmon
If all the Oracle background process are running we can say
that oracle is up and running.
connect to the sql like sqlplus "/as sysdba"
sql> select status from v$instance;
if the output is "open" we can say that Oracle up and
running fine.

Q- What is Transport domain and Domain controller?

 Ans Transport Domain: A transport domain consists of all systms that you plan to manage using
the same TMS (Transport Management System). Within the transport domain, all systems must
have unique System IDs (SID) and only one if these systems is identified as the (transport)
domain controller.

 The Trasport Domain Controller is the system where all TMS configuration settings are
maintained. Any changes to the configuration settings are distributed to all systems in the
landscape. This ensures that TMS configuration settings are consistent throught out the domain.
The domain controller stores the referrence configuration and all other systems receive a copy
of the referrence configuration.

 Customizing and repository objects are assigned to a specific consolidation route by means of a
Transport layer.

Q- What is Consolidation route and delivery routes?

Ans- consolidation route :

Qus - What is use of operation Mode .

Ans –

Qus: what is host agent.

Qus: Step of TR import

Qus: How to check Java dump.

Qus: - How to check ABAP dump

Qus: How can you update company code.

Qus: What control file and where is it location.

Qus: Method of Refresh.

Qus Steps of DB refresh.

Qus: Steps of system refresh.

Qus: What is SP file. and its location

Qus What is schema.

Qus: what is shadow Process?

Qus : what is OPS$ and its function.

Qus : What is Private mode.

Qus : How system Logs are different from Database Logs.

Qus: How many background jobs are running in your production system?

Q- How to increase tables space, resizing, backups and when will you do?

Ans –

Q- What will you do if You got Update failure?


Q- How to transport objects from Production to Development?


Q- 4. If a background job runs more than the time it should be completed normally then what actions
will u take?

Ans -

Q- 5 How to schedule background jobs at OS level?

Q-6 How to add authorizations, how you will maintain profiles?

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