Corporation Code Notes
Corporation Code Notes
Corporation Code Notes
Contractual Significance: 1. The issuance *Both parties are religious institutions *Both
of a certificate of incorporation signals the use the acronym H.S.K.
birth of the corporation’s juridical As a rule, generic name or descriptive word
personality; may be used as a corporate name. Reason:
2. It is an essential requirement for the public domain; can be used by anyone;
existence of a corporation, even a de facto public use.
Purpose Clause
*Only one primary purpose. Primary Exception: If for compelling reasons, earlier
purpose defines the business activities of extension will be allowed. *During the three
the corporation. It is the ordinary course of year winding up period, the corporation still
business of the corporation has personality but activities are limited to
the liquidation of the corporation affairs and
*Secondary Purpose is for future not to transact further business.
expansion. There is no limit on the As a rule, after the term has expired, no
secondary purpose. more extensions be allowed or entertained
*In case the primary purpose is not viable by the SEC.
then secondary purpose may be used.
*Once an incorporator always an
Term of Existence incorporator. (Fait accompli – an
*A corporation has a maximum term of 50 accomplished fact which cannot be altered)
years. It may be extended for a period not *They are the signatories to the Articles of
exceeding 50 years in any single instance. Incorporation.
As a rule, no extension can be made earlier *They are originally forming the corporation
than 5 years prior to the expiration of the
- not necessary to own a share unlike as a stated.”
- limited to 5 to 15.
-They must have a contractual capacity. *It is required that at least 25% of the
Juridical person cannot create another subscribed capital must be paid and in no
juridical person. case may be paid-up capital be less than
-There is no citizen requirement but special P5,000.
laws may require otherwise. *Majority must
be a resident of the Philippines.
Authorized Capital Stock – the amount
Directors and trustees fixed in the articles of incorporation to be
*The Board of Directors is the governing subscribed and paid by the stockholders of
body in a stock corporation while Board of the corporation.
Trustees is the governing body in a non- Shows the total number of shares
stock corporation.
Subscribed Capital – that portion of the
-They exercise the powers of the authorized capital stock that is covered by
corporation. subscription agreements whether fully paid
Qualifications: or not.
1. Every director must own at least one (1)
share of the capital stock;
2. Majority of the directors or trustees must Paid-Up Capital – the portion of the
be residents of the Philippines. authorized capital stock which has been
subscribed and actually paid. Outstanding
*Any director who ceases to be the owner of
at least one share of the capital stock of the Capital Stock – the total shares of stock
corporation of which he is a director shall issued to subscribers or stockholders,
thereby cease to be a director. whether or not fully or partially paid except
treasury shares so long as there is a binding
*Trustees of non-stock corporations must be subscription agreement.
members thereof.
*Initial directors/trustees shall hold office for
one year until their successors are elected Shares of stock
and qualified. Q: Why shares of stock?
A: Because there is a share on the
Section 14(8) states that: “If it be a stock
corporation, the amount of its authorized Economic Value: 1. expectancy on the
capital stock in lawful money of the share in the profits 2. expectancy on the
Philippines, the number of shares into which share of assets in case of
it is divided, and in case the share are par dissolution/liquidation.
value shares, the par value of each, the Political Value: 1. vote
names, nationalities and residences of the 2. control in the management of the
original subscribers, and the amount corporation.
subscribed and paid by each on his
subscription, and if some or all of the shares
are without par value, such fact must be Doctrine of Equality of Shares – “Except
as otherwise provided in the articles of
incorporation and stated in the certificate of Non-voting Shares – shares without the
stock, each share shall be equal in all right to vote.
respects to every other share.” *Has only a limited right to vote. General
Rule: Shareholder owning non-voting
shares has no right to vote.
- Provides that where the Article of Exceptions:
Incorporation do not provide for any 1. Amendment of the articles of
distinction of the shares of stock, all shares incorporation;
issued by the corporation are presumed to 2. Adoption and amendment of by- laws;
be equal and enjoy the same rights and 3. Sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge
privileges and are also subject to the same or other disposition of all or substantially all
liabilities. of the corporate property;
Classes of Shares: 1) Par Value Share – 4. Incurring, creating or increasing bonded
shares that have a nominal value in the indebtedness;
certificate of stock. 5. Increase or decrease of capital stock; 6.
Contractual Significance: The minimum Merger or consolidation of the corporation
price at which the shares are to be issued. with another corporation or other
*The price is fixed. It is stated in the Articles 7. Investment of corporate funds in another
of Incorporation. corporation or business in accordance with
the Corporation Code; 8. Dissolution of the
2) No Par Value Share – those shares corporation.
which do not have nominal value. However, *The exceptions are exclusive; the list is a
they have issued value stated in the closed list
certificate or articles of incorporation. Statutory Constraint: Sec. 6 of the
Corporation Code
*There is flexibility in the price. *The corporation cannot provide for shares
*The price is determined by the Board. with no voting right
Limitations: General Rule: Only redeemable and
1. No par value shares cannot have an preferred shares are deprived of voting
issued price of less than P5.00; right.
2. The entire consideration for its issuance
constitutes capital so that no part of it Exception: Common shares may be denied
should be distributed as dividends; of its voting right in the following instances:
3. They cannot be used as preferred stocks; 1. Delinquent in paying the subscription; 2.
4. They cannot be issued by banks, trust If there was a founder’s share where it was
companies, insurance companies, public given the right to vote exclusively for 5
utilities and building and loan association years (Sec. 7).
(Reason: imbued with public interest);
5. The articles of incorporation must state 5. Common Shares – the most common
the fact that it issued no par value shares as type of shares which enjoy no preference.
well as the number of said shares; 6. Once *The basic class of stock ordinarily and
issued, they are deemed fully paid and non- usually issued without extraordinary rights
assessable. and privileges, and the owners thereof are
entitled to a pro rata share in the profits of
the corporation and in its assets upon
3. Voting Shares – shares with the right to dissolution and, likewise, in the
vote. They have the right to participate in management of its affairs without
the management of the corporation through preference or advantage whatsoever.
the exercise of such right.
6. Preferred Shares- shares which enjoy shares must be stated both in the certificate
preference as to dividends or assets upon of stock representing such share;
dissolution as stated in the Articles of
Incorporation. Reason: To attract investors. 3. Redeemable shares may be deprived of
*Preference does not give them a lien upon voting rights in the Articles of Incorporation,
the property nor make them creditors of the unless otherwise provided in the
corporation. *Characterized as redeemable Corporation Code;
4. The corporation is required to maintain a
Kinds: sinking fund to answer for redemption price
1. Preferred shares as to assets – share if the corporation is required to redeem;
which gives the holder thereof preference in
the distribution of the assets of the 5. The redeemable shares are deemed
corporation in case of liquidation; retired upon redemption unless otherwise
provided in the Articles of Incorporation;
5. Cumulative preferred shares – the *They are not entitled to dividends. *They
shareholder is entitled to recover dividends are not entitled to voting rights. Rationale: to
in arrears. While dividend declaration may prevent abuse by the management.
not be compelled, once it is declared, the
shareholder is entitled to the said arrears; *These shares may again be disposed of for
a reasonable price fixed by the Board of
6. Non-cumulative preferred shares – not Directors.
entitled to arrears only to present dividends.
Requisites: 1. The presence of such *If the interlocking director has a substantial
director or trustee in the board meeting in interest in one corporation and has a
which the contract was approved was not nominal interest in the other corporation, the
necessary to constitute a quorum for such director must comply with the requisites
meeting; provided in Sec. 32 on self-dealing
2. The vote of such director or trustee was
not necessary for the approval of the Reason: The case is analogous to that of
contract; transactions involving self-dealing directors
3. The contract is fair and reasonable under because such director holds substantial
the circumstances; interest with the other company.