When The Veil Is Pierced, The Ones Who Are Originally Considered As Separate and Distinct Will Now Be Directly Liable As Consequences
When The Veil Is Pierced, The Ones Who Are Originally Considered As Separate and Distinct Will Now Be Directly Liable As Consequences
When The Veil Is Pierced, The Ones Who Are Originally Considered As Separate and Distinct Will Now Be Directly Liable As Consequences
A corporation is civilly liable in the same Old rule: Corporation can only go for 50 years
manner as natural persons for torts, New Code: Can continue to exist perpetually
because “generally speaking, the rules unless its articles of incorporation provide a
governing the liability of a principal or specific corporate term
master for a tort committed by an agent
or servant are the same whether the Articles of Incorporation
principal or master be a natural person
or a corporation, and whether the Basic governing document of a private
servant or agent be a natural or artificial corporation
If terminated without prior notice, the Contents:
corporation is held liable A. The name of the corporation
B. The purpose
Classification of shares/stock C. Place of the principal office must be in the
1. Common shares D. Term of existence
ordinary stock of a corporation that E. Names, nationalities and residence address
entitles the holder to a pro rata of incorporators
(proportional) division of dividends, F. Number, names, nationalities and
without any preference or advantage residences of directors and trustees
over other stockholders G. Amount of authorized capital stock,
number of shares divided and par value
2. Preferred shares H. Names of subscribers, nationalities,
entitles the holder to certain preferences number of shares subscribe, amount
over other stockholders subscribed, and amount paid in
I. Other matters not inconsistent with law II. Acts to protect debts due to the
J. The name of temporary treasurer corporation
III. Different line of business
Corporate name IV. Acts designed to protect and aid
Under the Revised Code, no corporate V. Increase the business of the corporation
names shall be allowed by the C. Incidental powers
commission if it is not distinguishable I. Power of succession
from that already reserved or registered II. Have a corporate name
for the use of another corporation, or if III. Adopt a corporate seal
such name is already protected by law, IV. Power to acquire, hold or dispose or
rules and regulations. convey property as its reasonably require
Specific names can be sued, but not V. Adopt and amend its by laws
general names
The Commission shall also cause the Power to extend or shorten corporate term
removal of all visible signages, marks,
advertisements, labels prints and other A private corporation may extend or
effects bearing such corporate name. shorten its term as stated in the articles
Upon the approval of the new corporate of incorporation when approved by a
name, the Commission shall issue a majority vote of the board of directors or
certificate of incorporation under the trustees, and ratified at a meeting by the
amended name stockholders or members representing
at least two-thirds (2/3) of the
Registration, incorporation, and outstanding capital stock or of its
commencement of corporate name members.