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Chapter 5

The Presentation of Dolly the Sheep and Human Cloning

in the Mass Media

Miguel Alcíbar

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


. Introduction

He watched her drift away, drift with her pink face warm, smoothas an apple, unwrinkled and colorful.
She chimed her laugh at everyjoke, she tossed salads neatly, never once pausing for breath. “nd thebony
son and curved daughters were brilliantly witty, like theirfather, telling of the long years and their secret
life, while theirfather nodded proudly to each. The Long Years , Martian Chronicles, Ray ”rad‐
bury On the next day, John saw Jesus coming toward him,and so he said: ”ehold, the Lamb of God.
”ehold, he whotakes away the sin of the world . John , 9

. . Cloning as a media phenomenon

On February , the media covered the announcement of the birth of Dolly the sheep, the
first mammal in history to be cloned from an adult cell. The animal's cloning by Ian Wilmut
and his colleagues at the Roslin Institute, close to Edinburgh, rekindled a latent issue in popular
culture Is the cloning of human beings also possible? Dolly was the living proof that the images
depicted in science-fiction literature and films could imminently become a disturbing prospect.

The media coverage of this story can be explained by the varied and complex implications of
the human application of the nuclear transfer, cloning technique employed by Wilmut and his
team to achieve the amazing feat of Dolly. Therefore, the media differentially framed the risks
and benefits of human cloning. They trumpeted cloning as a means of curing a wide range of
diseases and as a cheap and safe method of producing food en masse. ”ut, above all, the media
highlighted those applications of cloning that might potentially violate human nature.

“ccording with [ ], the author understands "human cloning" as the creation of a human
embryo, whether for producing stem cells for biomedical purposes or for the gestation of a
foetus and subsequent birth of a baby. Generally speaking, the media treat human cloning in

© 2013 Alcíbar; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
104 Genetic Engineering

a discriminatory way if its techno-scientific applications and potential benefits for biomedicine
are emphasized, it is known as "therapeutic cloning" if, on the other hand, the discourse is
keyed to human reproduction, with all the disturbing scenarios that this conjures up, it is called
"reproductive cloning". However, this differential treatment of human cloning is clearly a
rhetorical strategy for disencumbering certain manipulations of human embryos for research
or therapeutic purposes of their negative connotations. This is due to the fact that the media
generate a great deal of apprehension on framing human cloning as a regenerative or repro‐
ductive process. Nevertheless, the dichotomy is not at all clear. On the one hand, therapeutic
cloning is based on a reproductive technology nuclear transfer and, on the other, reproduc‐
tive cloning can be regarded as a therapeutic procedure for treating, for instance, infertility,
according to the in vitro fertilization model.

Since the presentation of Dolly, the media have consolidated human cloning as a feasible
"scientific fact". The chronological milestones that have contributed to this can be summarized
as follows
• February . The media covered the official presentation of Dolly at the Roslin Institute.

• January . The “merican physician Richard Seed made a controversial statement about
his intention to clone a human being [ ].

• November . The Journal of Regenerative Medicine published a paper by scientists working

for the biotechnical company “dvanced Cell Technology “CT , in which they claimed to
have cloned a six-cell "human embryo" [ ].

• June . The Italian gynaecologist Severino “ntinori announced that the first cloned baby
had already completed weeks of gestation [ ].

• December . ”rigitte ”oisselier, spokeswoman for the International Raëlian Movement

and director of Clonaid, convened a press conference to announce the cloning of a girl called
Eva [ , , ].

• January . Dr. Panos Zavos announced before the press in London that he had implanted
a recently cloned human embryo in a sterile woman [ ].

• February . Dr. Woo Suk Hwang, a practically unknown South Korean researcher,
claimed to be the first person to clone a human embryo and obtain stem cells from it, thus
stepping into the international spotlight. In less than two years, from being an anonymous
researcher Hwang became a national hero, which was to be his undoing since at the end of
his research turned out to be a monumental hoax [ , ].
The cloning of mammals and, above all, the possibility of applying cloning techniques to
human beings, is therefore one of the most important public techno-scientific controversies of
the turn of the century [ , ]. Cloning is a media phenomenon because it provokes mixed
reactions among different sectors of society. The controversial aspects of cloning range from
those that are purely technical and its potential applications in the fields of biomedicine,
livestock breeding, and crop farming, to ethical and faith-based moral issues, through those
touching on the control mechanisms and legal regulation that these techno-scientific practices
The Presentation of Dolly the Sheep and Human Cloning in the Mass Media 105

call for. Nevertheless, the press addressed these aspects in a biased way, magnifying some and
minimizing others.

The focus was basically placed on the culmination of Dolly as a product and the social
consequences of the experiment, rather than on its technical details. The information published
about Dolly was more a catalyst of latent social fears than a driver for the pedagogical
dissemination of scientific knowledge. This deep-rooted habit of journalism is usually heavily
criticized by scientists, who dub it as "dumbing down" and hence a distortion of scientific
research. However, techno-scientists aware of the power of the media as regards reach and
publicity have exploited journalists for their own personal gain on quite a few occasions [ ,
]. The benefits that scientists and techno-scientific companies obtain from press coverage
range from greater professional prestige and social legitimization to greater financial gain. It
is with good reason that the extraordinary amount of publicity that Dolly obtained led to a
climb of % in the share price of PPL Therapeutics, the company sponsoring the experiment,
on the London Stock Exchange, just three days after the announcement had been made [ ].

The cloning of Dolly is a significant example of what is called the "mediatisation of science"
[ , , ]. Unlike other techno-scientific breakthroughs, whose technical details are usually
made known via formal channels, the cloning of mammals was disseminated via the mass
media. This meant that the strictly scientific side of cloning had a lesser impact on public
debate, while its social repercussions and disturbing future scenarios were indeed magnified
[ , , ].

This can be explained by taking a look at two interrelated factors . Nowhere in the paper
published in Nature, in which Wilmut and his team describe their experiments on the viability
of offspring derived from foetal and adult mammalian cells, is there a mention to cloning and,
even less, human cloning [ ] and . The possibility of applying the technique used by the
Scots research team to human beings is based solely on a unique and fortunate animal
experiment, not without its controversial aspects see Note .

Despite these restrictions, the exploitation of Dolly as a media phenomenon that is, the
amplification of social controversy was due in part to the fact that its rapid creation was
related to given cultural suppositions, steering the debate towards the hypothetical although
plausible field of human cloning. “s a result, Dolly mobilized different social actors that, with
divergent interests and arguments, shifted cloning into the realm of human testing and the
ethical issues that these tests might raise. Such an extrapolation stirred up, undoubtedly, an
overwhelming fear of automated replication, mass production and the loss of individuality,
all of which belong to the recurring imagery of popular culture as regards cloning [ ].

The fact that the journalists knew a little beforehand that the paper of Wilmut and his collea‐
gues had been accepted for publication in Nature, one of the scientific community's most widely
circulated journals, accorded the research a tacit legitimacy [ ]. In any case, the lack of a critical
attitude towards information coming from a scientific source, and the fact that the journalists
in question probably did not even read the original paper in Nature , in addition to the lack of
independent inquiry into the validity of the experiment, seem to be factors crucial to under‐
standing why they saw fit to air their own opinions on the significance of the cloning of Dolly.
106 Genetic Engineering

These disturbing journalistic interpretations triggered social and political pressure in favour
of banning cloning [ , ]. “s will be seen, the statements of experts might also have contrib‐
uted significantly to shifting the focus from animal cloning to the human kind, with the hope
of safeguarding the former from restrictions. Neither was there any debate about non-genetic
environmental influences on the development of the clone [ ], nor and this happens to be
one of the most controversial points on the differentiation state of the mammary cell used
by Wilmut [ ]. The cloning of Dolly was not only unusual because of the extraordinary
amount of media coverage that it received, but also because the controversy unlike other
cases such as that of cold fusion [ , ] was not about scientific facts although there were
news stories that varied with regard to their representation of these facts , their interpretation,
or even their implications for per se policies. The controversy was about how these facts affected
ethical issues [ , ].

Sticking to the reasons given by the Scots scientists and their sponsor PPL Therapeutics, the
experiment that led to the birth of Dolly was conceived so as to develop lines of research on
cellular differentiation and other basic aspects of cellular biology in addition to opening up
new ways of using cloning techniques in the field of biomedicine and livestock farming, with
the commercial gain that its sponsors expected to obtain from such applications [ , ].
However, the strictly scientific controversies, that is to say, those related to discrepancies in
the interpretation of the data, the experimental protocols used, or the skill of the researchers,
were practically ignored by the press. Furthermore, its application in the fields of medicine
and livestock breeding were only taken into account in an advanced phase of the debate [ ].
In contrast, as already mentioned, the debate focused on the ethical issues stemming from this
new biotechnology and on the need to legislate on its application in human beings. “n example
of this can be found in the way that the press covered the success rate of nuclear transfer.
“lthough the scant success rate of the method was the reason for dispute in scientific circles
Dolly was the sole successful result out of previous attempts , this was never a contro‐
versial point for the journalists covering the story. It was only mentioned so as to illustrate
how immensely difficult it was to clone a mammal from a mature cell. This example shows
that, generally speaking, the media ignore those technical details on which there is no expert

The first news about Dolly was published on February , despite the fact that the paper appearing in Nature was
not published until the th. The story was brought to light by a scientific editor working for The London Observer, who
obtained the information from a source other than Nature, thus technically breaking the embargo that the journal had
placed on the information see [ , ] .
“uthors such as [ ] dispute whether or not the mammary cell used by Wilmut to clone Dolly was in fact an adult cell.
Since Dolly was developed from a cell extracted from the mammary gland of a six-year-old sheep in its last three months
of pregnancy, and that it is known that given the fact that the mammary glands of mammals increase in size during the
final phases of gestation, it is permissible to deduce that some mammary cells, although technically adult, still behave in
a highly labile way, or even in a similar fashion to embryonic stem cells. This situation would lead them to be regarded
as undifferentiated cells and, therefore, totipotent. “s Gould has indicated, maybe it is only possible to clone from unusual
adult cells with a potential embryonic effect, and not from any cheek cell, hair follicle, or drop of blood that falls prey by
mere chance to a mad photocopier.
The attempts is the figure published in the press however, in a paper originally published in Science, the success
of the experiment conducted with these mammary cells was practically attributed to a miracle nuclear transfer tests
failed, but not Dolly's [ ].
The Presentation of Dolly the Sheep and Human Cloning in the Mass Media 107

. The cloning of Dolly as a "scientific fact"

The media converted Dolly into a kind of totemic animal, a sign of the times Figure . It
became a popular symbol of the trangressive potential of new genetics, since it was thought that
its creation had violated certain biological dogmas [ ]. “lthough Dolly was the result of a
"successful" one-off experiment, for the media the animal's birth represented the irrefutable
proof that cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer was not only feasible, but also that its
application in human beings had ceased to be a futurist dystopia to become a dismal techno-
scientific prospect.

On the basis of the “ctor Network Theory “NT , the sociologist from the University of
Trento Federico Neresini has demonstrated the role played by the mass media in estab‐
lishing the cloning of Dolly as a genuine "scientific fact" [ ]. His conclusions are based
on the analysis of articles published in two of Italy's most widely read daily newspa‐
pers Il Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica during the apogee of the Dolly case, that
is, from February- March .

Figure 1. Professor Ian Wilmut and Dolly (Source: Roslin Institute)

“ccording to the “NT, "scientific facts" are such thanks to complex processes of translation
within heterogeneous networks in which different actors negotiate, among other things, the
ontological statute of those facts. If the network's main actors are capable of persuading the
rest of the need for establishing certain pretentions of knowledge as "scientific facts," then it is
possible to say that these can be socially implanted with success, at least temporarily. “lthough
the “NT does not underestimate the fact that common sense has made us accustomed to
distinguishing "scientific facts" from the context in which they are produced, it does not accept
the dichotomy between science and society, which it regards as false, and looks upon this
disjunction as being an effect of the social process rather than its starting point. For this reason,
“NT sociologists talk about hybrids Dolly can be considered as a good example of a hybrid,
since it is impossible to exclusively classify it as a techno-scientific fact, social construction, or
natural entity [ ]. For Neresini, during the chain of translations Dolly, as a "scientific fact,"
108 Genetic Engineering

shifted from one set of contexts to another so as to attract the attention of new and varied actors.
This means that, in some way, the "scientific fact" can acquire different meanings for these new
actors hence, translation as betrayal and the hybrid notion as something impure and hazy ,
distinct from its meaning for the researchers responsible for the experiment. The latter's
concern was basically to consolidate animal cloning, according to certain techno-economic
criteria [ ]. Neresini observes that during the first few days of debate in the Italian press, the
network of actors spread, thus giving rise to the first translations. The objectives of these actors,
other than being diverse, were also in some cases contradictory to consolidate their own
opinions about in vitro fertilization, to put the accent on its applications in the field of livestock
breeding and experimental medicine, to limit scientific research, especially in the area of
genetic engineering, or to avoid the risk of denaturalizing reproduction, with the consequent
loss of human identity, among others. However, they all contributed to socially reinforcing
the cloning of mammals from differentiated cells as a genuine "scientific fact". “ clear example
of translation was that made by the Catholic Church. The Church used the debate on the
cloning of Dolly to strengthen its beliefs by reopening other collateral debates such as that of
abortion, contraception or the social definition of "family" way beyond the expectations of
Wilmut and his team when they thought up and conducted the experiment. So, the ability of
the main actors in a heterogeneous network consists in making diverse divergent aspirations
converge in a common objective in the case in hand, accepting the cloning of Dolly as an
unquestionable "scientific fact".

It is interesting to note that the actors that opposed human cloning could not help but maintain
the cloning of Dolly as a genuine "scientific fact", since they were not opposed to the "scientific
proof" that Dolly represented, but precisely against the application in human beings of certain
biological principles that had led to this achievement. The fact of cloning is taken for granted
what is rejected is human cloning, with arguments of an ethical as in the case of Dolly or
techno-social-political nature as in the case of the Raëlian movement in the Spanish daily El
País see [ ] . Even the Catholic Church was interested in establishing the cloning of mammals
from somatic cells as a "scientific fact", although neither with the aim of improving its own
scientific reputation, nor that of defending freedom of inquiry which, for obvious reasons,
was indeed in the interests of the team led by Wilmut , but with the aim of condemning
abortion and assisted reproduction techniques with scientific arguments, so as to reaffirm a
certain family model defined by Catholic morals as "natural" and to reclaim the authority of
the Church as regards the definition of the meaning of "human being". So, public debate on
the possible uses and/or consequences of the use of cloning techniques in human beings
legitimized the issue as a "scientific fact", at least in the mass media world [ ]. What is more,
if for a limited core of experts the cloning of Dolly might have been technically controversial,
the mass media actively contributed to constructing it publically as an indisputable fact,
focusing on certain elements of the debate and excluding others. The media helped citizens,
policy-makers, businessmen, and scientists accept the phenomenon of the cloning of Dolly as
a genuine "scientific fact", each defending their own interests.

Franklin suggests regarding Dolly as a form of ownership. “ll forms of ownership are cultural inventions, and Dolly
cannot only be regarded as a scientific invention, or as an ethical dilemma, but also as a cultural product.
The Presentation of Dolly the Sheep and Human Cloning in the Mass Media 109

It is widely known that media agenda setting had a powerful influence on political decision-
making about cloning, both at an administrative and legislative level. In some countries,
political reactions to the announcement of Dolly were quick and decisive, the majority of them
coming before the publication of Wilmut et al.'s paper in Nature. This rapid political reaction
suggests that establishing Dolly's cloning as a "scientific fact" and its possible applications in
humans played a decisive role in the tone of the statements made and in the nature of the
directives issued by the main official agencies UNESCO, UN, EU, etc. and world govern‐
ments. Media coverage determined to a great extent the focus of policies on research that might
affect the nature of human life. “s it happens, for instance, the ”ritish government withdrew
the funds assigned to Wilmut's research group [ ].

Media agenda setting also had an influence on the political agenda. The mass media do not
try to force people to think in a certain way, but they do indeed succeed in narrowing down
the issues that in their opinion should concern the general public [ ]. The hopes of the general
public as to the potential future benefits of cloning, along with their fears about eventual
malicious applications, imply that people accepted the cloning of Dolly as a well-established
"scientific fact", giving legitimacy to the experiment conducted at the Roslin Institute.

Therefore, the role of the media in socially establishing the cloning of Dolly as an undisputable
"scientific fact" was decisive, since they contributed to sustaining a heterogeneous network of
actors that, by means of chains of translation, linked Dolly's cloning to other situations that
the scientists responsible for the experiment had never even contemplated, explicitly at least,
such as in vitro fertilization, the ontological statute of the human embryo, or the loss of
individuality. Due to this, many other actors were prepared for diverse reasons and with
different objectives in mind to be included in the debate and thus steer the discussion towards
topics that already formed a part of the thematic agenda of the media. Dolly has at least two
characteristics that make it ideal for arousing media interest. The first is that it has an identi‐
fiable name and image, and the second is that cloning has sufficient ingredients of attraction
and repulsion so as to fit the type of stories told by the media. It awakens our collective
imagination and affects our emotions on linking techno-scientific advances with images that
are deeply rooted in popular culture. In this sense, it is important to take into account that the
media are one of the main actors in the construction of heterogeneous networks in which
identities, interests and facts are negotiated.

. Nuclear transfer, techno-scientific biofantasies and the "exact copy myth"

“s already mentioned, the announcement of the birth of Dolly was a major media event.
During the whole of and part of , the ethical debate centred on the possibility of
applying the technique to human beings, grabbing the headlines in a number of newspapers
and generating a significant amount of informative content and opinion [ ]. The evolution of
the social debate on cloning was clear in the Spanish context. Since the first days following the
presentation of Dolly, representations based on science fiction and the fears stemming from
these got the upper hand on the technical descriptions of the experiment. During , the
110 Genetic Engineering

media presented the debate as an ethical and legislative problem, before bringing it in line,
from onwards, with a discourse more akin to the biomedical applications of the novel
method tissue banks, organ transplants avoiding the problems of genetic rejection, or human
reproduction see Peralta quoted in [ ] [ ] . In , little was published about cloning, but
from “ugust onwards, with the ”ritish government's acceptance of the cloning of human
embryos for therapeutic purposes, the ethical and legislative debate re-surfaced [ ]. The
declaration of the United States Congress of “ugust , banning the use of human embryos
for biomedical research purposes, as well as the statements made by the Italian gynaecologist
Severino “ntinori about his intention of cloning humans, rekindled the ethical debate on the
boundaries of scientific research. Furthermore, in November of the same year, the company
“CT announced that it had managed to clone a human embryo [ ]. “t the end of and
the beginning of , the announcement made by the Raëlians about the cloning of a healthy
baby girl reopened yet again the debate on the boundaries of research and the need to legislate
as regards these practices. In particular, in the Spanish daily El País cloning was presented as
more of a scientific policy problem than an ethical issue. It called on policy-makers to clearly
differentiate between reproductive cloning ethically and technically reprehensible and
therapeutic cloning necessary for combating certain degenerative diseases. It was hoped that
the former would be banned and the latter promoted [ ]. From this, it is clear that the ethical
debate has always revolved around the need for enacting laws on the use of reprogenetic
The media frequently describe cloning as a procedure for obtaining "exact copies" from an
original mould. “s a result, cloning awakens public concern about genetic uniformity.
However, the nuclear transfer technique generates, as it were, "more imperfect copies" than
those represented by monozygotic twins, since these develop from the same fertilized ovum,
while Dolly developed independently from the donor ewe [ , , ]. Nevertheless, the press
simplified the issue and used literary and film stereotypes present in popular imagery as a
The technique used to clone Dolly is easy to understand. It involved introducing the nucleus
of a somatic cell, taken from the udder of a white donor sheep, into an enucleated ovum from
whose nucleus all the genetic material had been previously removed of a black-faced sheep,
which behaved from this moment on as if it has been fertilized. With the fusion of the nucleus
of the adult cell and the enucleated ovum by means of electrical discharges, a "reconstructed
ovum" was obtained in laboratory conditions which was then implanted in a third sheep also
black-faced which ultimately engendered Dolly Figure .
Nuclear transfer is a reprogenetic technology, that is to say, a technology geared to the genetic
reprogramming of the manipulated cell. In the strict sense of the word, Dolly is identical to
the ewe that donated the mammary cell only in terms of nuclear genetic material, but clearly
different with respect to the micro- and marco-environmental factors to which it was exposed
conditions depending on the uterus containing the embryo and the unique events making up
the life history of each individual Peralta quoted in [ ] .
On drawing upon social stereotypes, the media contribute to disseminating and publically
establishing certain myths of a scientific origin in a continuous dialectic process of information
The Presentation of Dolly the Sheep and Human Cloning in the Mass Media 111

flow. The "exact copy myth" of cloning that threatens human uniqueness and individuality is,
without doubt, a stereotype that the media use to simplify information and satisfy the rhetoric
of emotions [ ]. “ppealing to the rhetoric of emotions is a very effective strategy if in addition
it is reinforced by an efficient rhetoric of scientific rationality, which lends the discourse a
sufficient level of credibility so as to defend politically-correct social attitudes.

Figure 2. Nuclear transfer is the technique used to produce the embryo that resulted in the birth of Dolly the sheep
(Source: HowStuffWorks).
112 Genetic Engineering

Peralta quoted in [ ] found that, just after the announcement of Dolly's birth, an initial effect
of rejection of cloning was produced due to the way in which the media covered the story the
debate rapidly shifted to the ethical problems related to the possibility of cloning human beings
or parts of them [ , , , ]. “ccording to Peralta, several factors contributed to conjuring
up such a disturbing and, to a certain degree, perverse image of cloning. On the one hand, the
continuous references to the diffuse symbolic imaginary created by science-fiction literature
and films, above all, the futurist scene described by “ldous Huxley in ”rave New World [ - ]
and the technical madness of multi-cloning Hitler in both the book and film versions of Ira
Levin's The ”oys from ”razil. On the other hand, the photos and infographics included in news
stories reinforced the "exact copy myth". ”oth factors worked synergistically.
“ quick glance at some of the headlines of stories published in the Spanish press during the
first week after the announcement of Dolly's birth might help to see how science fiction helped
to evoke images, once seen as "terrifying fiction" and now, thanks to techno-scientific progress,
as feasible

• La oveja «Dolly» abre el camino para crear humanos en serie Dolly the sheep opens the
way to mass producing humans El Periódico, / / .
• La ciencia-ficción se convierte en realidad Science fiction becomes reality El Mundo,
/ / .
• Dolly entre animal y máquina Dolly half animal, half machine El Mundo, / / .
• La oveja «Dolly» resucita el fantasma de la clonación de seres humanos Dolly the sheep
resuscitates the spectre of human cloning “”C, / / .
• Dolly no fue la primera. La literatura y el cine se adelantaron a la ciencia en la creación de
clónicos Dolly was not the first. Literature and films anticipated science in the creation of clones
La Vanguardia, / / .
• «Dolly» abre la puerta a la copia de personas muertas y congeladas Dolly opens the way
to copying dead and frozen people El Periódico, / / .
• Las ovejas clónicas convierten la ciencia-ficción en realidad Cloned sheep makes a reality
of science fiction La Vanguardia, / / .
• Las imposibles granjas para humanos The impossible human farms El Periódico, / / .
• Frankenstein y su obra Frankenstein and his work of art El Mundo, / / .
Infographics and photos also played an important role in giving the impression that Dolly was
in all senses identical to the ewe from which the mammary cell - with which the sheep was
cloned was extracted Peralta quoted in [ ] . From then on, the visual representations of
cloning publically established the false image of clones as being "exact copies" Figure .
In the case of “ustralia's main newspapers, “lan Petersen arrived at similar conclusions both
the verbal information and the visual messages including infographics explaining the process
used to create Dolly disseminated and reinforced the popular image of cloning as a kind of
"Xerox" mechanism [ ].
The Presentation of Dolly the Sheep and Human Cloning in the Mass Media 113

. Cloning as a laboratory counterfeit and genetic determinism

One of the most alarming images that the mass media highlighted about cloning was the "loss
of individuality". The idea that a cloned person is not a unique individual implies two very
closely related assumptions [ ]. The first is that however exact the copy clone is, it does not
transcend its condition of "laboratory counterfeit". The spurious nature of the clone is identified
with its illegal provenance. “fter announcing a five-year federal moratorium on human
cloning, ”ill Clinton, the then President of the United States, stated this perception very
eloquently. Indeed, a clone, as an illegitimate laboratory copy, is regarded as an unnatural
entity, that is, artificial, and therefore its "production" is contrary to human dignity. The story
in Time magazine, for instance, held that "Dolly does not merely take after her biological
mother. She is a carbon copy, a laboratory counterfeit so exact that she is in essence her mother's
identical twin" March , p. .

Figure 3. The photographic composition illustrating the report Clonación salvaje (Savage cloning) reinforces the "ex‐
act copy" myth, so frequent in popular representations of human cloning (Source: El País Semanal 1279, 1 April 2001).

The second assumption implies that the idea of loss of individuality is directly related to the
first one. What is involved is the popular belief that genes determine all the characteristics of
an individual. It is what is known as genetic determinism. ”elief in genetic determinism leads
one to conclude that the copy will be identical to its original, including its psychological

What the legislation will do is to reaffirm our most cherished beliefs about the miracle of human life and the God-
given individuality each person possesses. It will ensure that we do not fall prey to the temptation to replicate ourselves
at the expense of those beliefs […]. ”anning human cloning reflects our humanity. It is the right thing to do. Creating a
child through this new method calls into question our most fundamental beliefs Clinton quoted in [ ] .
114 Genetic Engineering

attributes, although its social status is of a lower rank. In [ , ] has shown that the media
depict genes and their iconic representation in a regular and ubiquitous way, emphasising
their role in health, human behaviour and its diversity. In popular culture, genes have emerged
as the panacea that provide simple, irresistible and apparently scientific answers to questions
that are as complex as they are eternal the cause of good and bad, the foundations of moral
responsibility, and the nature of human relations. For these authors, media representations of
genes express a genetic essentialism that favours biologically determinist and socially dis‐
criminatory public attitudes.

In connection with the representation of genes as omnipresent and ubiquitous entities, [ ]

points out that in the s preference was given in the press to determinist representations
that associated a certain gene to a disease or a human behaviour. On many occasions, the
headline is determinist and the body of the news item is not, thus producing the so-called
framing effect. “ccording to this technique, the headline of the story substitutes the content it
frames it, so to speak , because few people read the whole story. Even though the body of the
text contains non-determinist information, the headline is so powerful that its effect "frames"
the interpretation of the reader, who tends to regard the information as a whole as determinist.
In the case of Dolly, the press rarely mentioned the influence of non-genetic environmental
factors or that of multi-factor genetic interactions as causes of the phenotypic features of the
clone [ ]. News stories with a determinist headline and body of the text were more common‐
place, although those with a determinist headline and a body of the text containing non-
determinist references were also published, although less frequently. The latter is what the
author has coined as "headline-body dissymmetry", a relatively common phenomenon in
scientific journalism covering genetics. Its most evident effect is the dissemination of para‐
doxical information while the headline has been written according to deterministic criteria,
the story's content tries to depict genes as not being totally responsible for the characteristics
of an individual, but rather the latter is a result of a complex multi-factor interaction where
genetics and the environment act in a synergetic way.

. The media framing of human cloning and its associated metaphors/


“s has been seen, the debate on cloning and genetic engineering is strongly influenced by
fictional narratives and literary and film stereotypes. These products of popular culture
represent in turn a hotbed for creating multiple images and metaphors, which are then widely
used in media debates. Dolly aired what popular culture had already successfully exploited
in Hollywood films, television series and best-sellers. Therefore, cloning as a possibility, above

The following story published on the front page of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo / / is a good example of
this La ciencia logra «fotocopiar» por primera vez a un mamífero vivo Science manages to "photocopy" a live mammal
for the first time . The body of the text contains phrases such as the following "It is nothing less than an exact genetic
photocopy of another sheep" "With a sole mammary cell from an adult sheep, these Scots researchers have managed to
produce another identical sheep". There is not one reference to environmental factors, but rather the accent is put on the
powerful influence of genes in determining that the cloned sheep is identical to its "original version".
The Presentation of Dolly the Sheep and Human Cloning in the Mass Media 115

all with a perverse end in mind, had attracted the attention of the general public long before
Wilmut and his team presented Dolly and their achievement was submitted to public opinion.
“lthough the media debate was first channelled towards ethical and legal issues, other
interpretive frames were used afterwards.

The intrinsic relationship between the media and their audiences is a complex phenomenon
of which media scholars do not have a thorough understanding as yet [ ]. However, the
mediation role seems to clearly indicate that the media reinterpret events, using certain
structures, parameters and values, which ultimately cater to specific interests and certain
conceptions of reality. Thus, the treatment of information is constrained both by internal factors
psychosocial features of communicators, professional routines, editorial viewpoints, etc. and
by those of an external nature far-reaching ideological frameworks, cultural myths and
stereotypes, economic interests of media corporations, audiences, etc. [ ].

The techno-scientific issues covered by the media are subject to these constraints, since
they are coded on the basis of ideological criteria, news value and cultural norms [ ,
]. On considering that the media represent one of the chief information sources for
citizens and that public support is frequently a necessary condition for implementing
some or other policy, media content becomes a critical component of the interactions be‐
tween citizens and politicians.

On the conceptual basis of the framing theory, it is possible to identify groups of metaphors
that function within specific media frameworks. Framing is the act of emphasizing certain
aspects of an event and minimizing others so as to allow the audience to interpret and
contextualize the information by making it more understandable [ , ]. In other words,
framing is to define certain issues generally by the elites for public consumption, and to
disseminate these definitions by means of the mass media [ ]. The media are exceedingly
relevant actors in framing techno-scientific controversies with social, political, economic and
ethical implications. To start with, it may be helpful to adopt the definition of framing put
forward by [ ], which has been most lauded in the field of communication studies

To frame is to select some aspects of a perceived reality and make them more salient in a
communicating text in such a way as to promote a particular problem, definition, causal
interpretation, moral evaluation, and/or treatment recommendation for the item described.

Therefore, frames define problems by determining what a causal agent does and at what cost
and benefit, generally measured in terms of common cultural values they diagnose causes
identifying the forces giving rise to the problem they make moral judgements evaluating causal
agents and their effect and they suggest remedies offering and justifying ways of addressing
the problem and predicting their probable impact.

”ased on the work of several authors that have studied the application of framing to techno-
scientific issues [ - ], the following media frames to human cloning and several examples
of their associated metaphors/images should be considered. It is important to note that some
frames have a positive valence i.e., promise, progress, economic prospects , and others a
negative valence i.e., ethical, Pandora’s box
116 Genetic Engineering

. Promise usually referring to developments that will have significant consequences on how
people live, eat, and view healthcare. "Rhetoric of future benefits".

"[la clonación]… tiene como objetivo lograr animales, que actúen como verdaderas fábricas
vivas de drogas y proveedores de órganos susceptibles de ser trasplantados a seres humanos"
"The aim [of cloning] is to produce animals that act like authentic living manufacturers of
medicines and suppliers of organs susceptible to being used for human transplants" “”C,
/ / .

. Progress celebrating new developments, breakthroughs direction of history conflict

between progressive/conservative-reactionary.

"Lo que cabe esperar de los responsables políticos es que se actúe diligentemente contra los
intentos irresponsables de fotocopiado de bebés y, a la vez, se proporcione un apoyo decidido
a las técnicas de clonación que sí tienen un fuerte interés biomédico" "What is expected of
policy-makers is that they take action against the irresponsible attempts to Xerox babies and,
at the same time, strongly support cloning techniques that do indeed have highly interesting
biomedical applications" El País, / / .

. Economic prospects economic potential prospects for investment and profits R&D

Según los científicos, los ganaderos podrían beneficiarse de esta técnica al conseguir animales
clónicos a partir de otros animales adultos de sus ganaderías que hubieran demostrado ser
más productivos y resistentes a las enfermedades "“ccording to scientists, stockbreeders
could benefit from this technique so to obtain cloned animals from other adult animals forming
a part of their livestock which have proved to be more productive and resistant to disease"
La Vanguardia, / / .

. Ethical calling for ethical principles thresholds boundaries distinguishing between

acceptable/unacceptable risks in discussions on known risks dilemmas.

La modificación genética para evitar enfermedades será aceptada mucho antes que la
destinada a mejorar cualidades de los hijos como la forma física o la inteligencia "Genetic
modification for preventing disease will be accepted long before its use for improving the
characteristics of children such as physical fitness or intelligence" El País, / / .

. Pandora’s box calling for restraint in the face of unknown risks warnings prior to the
opening of floodgates unknown risks as anticipated threats catastrophe warnings
disturbing future scenarios related to science fiction.

See all the examples included in the chapter that correspond to this frame.

. Nature/nurture environmental versus genetic determination inheritance issues.

"Con una sola célula de las glándulas mamarias de una oveja adulta, estos investigadores
escoceses han logrado fabricar otra oveja idéntica" "With a sole mammary cell from an adult
sheep, these Scots researchers have managed to produce another identical sheep" El Mundo,
The Presentation of Dolly the Sheep and Human Cloning in the Mass Media 117

/ / . There is not one reference to environmental factors, but rather the body of the text
represents cloning as a model of genetic determinism.

. Public accountability calling for public control, participation, public involvement regula‐
tory mechanisms private versus public interests.

Los pioneros de la clonación advierten que la técnica sería aplicable en humanos en dos años.
El doctor Wilmut pide normas internacionales para evitar esta posibilidad The pioneers of cloning
warn that the technique could be applied to humans in two years. Dr Wilmut calls for an
international regulatory framework so as to avoid this possibility “”C, / / .

. Globalization calling for global perspective national competitiveness within a global


La nación que no quiera subirse al tren del progreso está condenada a ser un país de tercera
división "Nations that miss the train of progress will condemn themselves to being third rate
countries" “”C Cultural, / / .
. Freedom of inquiry science vs. applied science or technology value free science neutrality
of science.
Quien adultera la ciencia no es el científico sino los mercaderes oportunistas que transforman
la plusvalía de la ciencia en una moneda de cambio podrida de intereses ajenos a la mentalidad
científica. Por lo tanto, no es la ciencia quien precisa ser regulada, sino los traficantes del
progreso "Those who adulterate science are not the scientists themselves but opportunist
merchants that transform scientific benefits into a bargaining chip whose interests go against
everything that science stands for" “”C Cultural, / / .
This wide range of frames suggests that the media debate on human cloning, which began
with the presentation of Dolly, was, and still is, complex and multifactorial. “long these lines,
it is interesting to highlight that certain metaphors can have different meanings, depending
on the context in which they are used [ ]. For instance, there is the metaphor that identifies
cloning with a Xerox mechanism producing perfect copies. For those that interpret cloning
within a frame with a positive valence, clones are useful products and, therefore, desirable.
For those that interpret cloning within a frame with a negative valence, cloning is to produce
a copy that is contrary to the essence of human beings, opening the way to manipulation and
totalitarian control. Therefore, any attempt at cloning a human being or his/her parts would
be regarded as a reprehensible act.

. The representation of human cloning as an ethical problem: The

boundaries of scientific research

“ll the studies conducted on the media coverage of Dolly seem to coincide in pointing out that
the press represented cloning as an ethical problem in urgent need of legal regulation [ , ,
, , , , ]. Indeed, the mass media gave priority to ethical problems stemming from the
possibilities opened up by the cloning of a mammal and created virtual scenarios to fuel public
118 Genetic Engineering

concern about human cloning. It is logical to presume that such a glut of information affected
policies and social attitudes towards cloning to a greater extent than academic debate on
bioethics would have been able to achieve on its own.

The representation of cloning as a fundamentally ethical problem revolves around three

interconnected issues . The loss of human uniqueness and individuality . The nearly al‐
ways perverse motivations for cloning and . The fear of irresponsible scientists or science out
of control [ ].

. . Loss of human uniqueness and individuality

One of the greatest concerns shown by the media was the alleged loss of uniqueness, as a
consequence of the clone's spurious nature. “ loss of uniqueness leads inevitably to that of
human identity. “mong other significant examples published in the North “merican press,
Hopkins points out that the photo appearing on the front page of Time magazine March
showed two large identical adult sheep against a background of around small copies,
with the caption Will There Ever Be Another You? Figure . The inside cover page talked
about cloning as a "Xerox" mechanism, and the photomontage used as an introduction to the
main body of the text depicted a fruit machine dispensing identical people. “ last photo
showed several identical human bodies coming out of a test tube.

For Hopkins, these visual images transmit a provocative message that clones are exact
denaturalized copies, while the body of the text strives to clarify that clones are not in fact exact
copies, that is to say, to explain the inconsistency of arguments based on genetic determinism
"headline-body dissymmetry" and "graphics-body dissymmetry" . It is interesting to point
out, as Hopkins himself suggests, that journalistic commentaries that try to explain and clarify
erroneous essentialist interpretations do not have a clear pedagogical purpose as regards the
genetic basis of human behaviour, but rather try to persuade readers that their fears about the
loss of uniqueness are unfounded. Therefore, it has been observed that the media exaggerate
and mitigate, simultaneously, concerns about the assumption that a clone, as an "unnatural"
copy, prejudices human dignity. Hopkins asks himself whether the dominant message of the
media about the loss of uniqueness is not a manifestation of the “merican people's peculiar
emphasis on individualism, for which reason he suggests that comparative studies be con‐
ducted in other countries with different values and beliefs. The author speculates putting
forward the hypothesis that in the press of other countries this obsession with individualism
would not occur. In this sense, the only indicative study to date is that conducted by Neresini
on the Italian press [ ]. In Italy, there was also concern about the loss of individualism, although
not to the obsessive extent that Hopkins sees in North “merican press coverage.

. . Motivations for cloning

In an attempt to assess the market that human cloning could generate, the mass media have
imagined multiple possibilities and scenarios that would require cloning to reach certain goals.
Speculation on hypothetical future uses of cloning cannot be censured, but it seems that their
influence on the public image of cloning is by no means negligible, especially when such virtual
The Presentation of Dolly the Sheep and Human Cloning in the Mass Media 119

scenarios are presented as perverse and are morally assessed. These hypothetical examples
find their way into the collective conscience, acquiring a certain dose of credibility [ ]. ”efore
such scenarios actually occur, people already have a more or less detailed idea of the motiva‐
tions that others might have to resort to cloning. In order of appearance in the media, Hopkins
has detected the following

Figure 4. Cover of Time magazine (10 March 1997)

The Megalomaniac. This motivation stems from the images projected by science-fiction
literature and films. For instance, in The ”oys from ”razil an attempt is made to multiply clone
Hitler so as to perpetuate Nazi ideology. Woody “llen's futurist satire Sleeper revolves around
the desire to clone an evil political leader using his nose. In Jurassic Park, terrified innocent
people flee from the attacks of hungry Tyrannosaurus Rex clones, created so as to entertain
visitors to a theme park. ”ut these references to science fiction only illustrate "hypothetical
120 Genetic Engineering

scenarios". However, Time magazine toyed with the possibility of an eccentric millionaire that
has never wanted to have children, but now, thanks to cloning, can have a child that not only
bears his name but also his own genetic code. The magazine concluded "Of all the reasons for
using the new technology, pure ego raises the most hackles." March , p. . Despite
having previously rejected genetic determinism, US News & World Report also clearly echoed
the idea that a megalomaniac might decide to immortalize his or herself by cloning an "heir"
March , p. .

The Replacement Child. This is the motivation of couples that want to "replace" a dying child.
“long these lines, the benchmark for the global press industry The New York Times asked
readers to consider "the case of a couple whose baby was dying and who wanted, literally, to
replace the child" February ” . On raising the issue of desperate situations such as
this in such a naïve way, the media create paradoxes and myths. Implicit or explicitly, the
"replacement" of a child implies that the cloned child will possess all the characteristics of the
child being replaced, which contrasts with the simultaneous opinions of scientists and experts
in ethics arguing against genetic determinism. It is important to note that the media transmit
a negative image of these couples they are people with psychological disorders, egoists and
incapable of accepting death. “ curious point is that they never align these motivations with
those of other parents that, faced with the loss of a child, decide to have another, or even with
the most common all for having children which is none other than to make the parents' lives
more rewarding. The motivations of the former are pathological those of the latter normal or
even commendable.

The Organ-Donor Cloners. The mass media also raise the possibility of certain individuals
resorting to cloning their offspring or themselves so as cure themselves from a disease or to
create a genetically compatible organ and tissue bank. For instance, Time magazine March
began its special report with the hypothetical case of a couple whose only daughter has
leukaemia "the parents, who face the very likely prospect of losing the one daughter they have,
could find themselves raising two of her the second created expressly to help keep the first
alive" March , p. . This motivation is usually treated with suspicion, as in the report
published in The New York Times on March .

The Last-Chance-Infertile-Couple. This is presented as the least objectionable motivation for

cloning. “lso the least controversial, it could be justified depending on the medical status or
the degree of misfortune of the infertile couple in question. Cloning would be the last resort
for these couples, after trying orthodox fertility techniques that have failed. In this way, cloning
is tacitly regarded as a psychological and morally inferior reproduction method than others.

. . Fear of irresponsible scientists or science out of control

The mass media have not only reported on cloning in negative terms, but they have also
emphasized its potential benefits for medicine, agriculture and livestock breeding although
such benefits are always juxtaposed with their dangers [ ]. On occasions, scientists are
reproved for wanting to "play God" this implies seeing science as an activity that can provide
answers to many important questions, although its intrinsic amorality can be dangerous. For
The Presentation of Dolly the Sheep and Human Cloning in the Mass Media 121

instance, the headline of the article, Little Lamb, Who Made Thee?, appearing in Newsweek
March , seems to point to the intrusion of scientists in the sacred domain of the divine.

”ut the most interesting discussion that the media construed on the boundaries of scientific
research is based on the secular fear of its achievements and the perception that these are
relentless. While it is reaffirmed that science is dangerous and that cloning is a technique
against which people should react and, consequently, reject if allowed, it is recurrently
admitted that science is relentless and that human cloning is inevitable, only being subject to
the restrictions imposed by refining techniques and methods [ ]. The same article appearing
in Newsweek stated that the creation of Dolly teaches us a clear lesson. From all this it can be
inferred that the media and the general public perceive science as a robust enterprise as regards
its achievements, amoral by definition, relentless in its progress, and inevitable in the appli‐
cation of its knowledge. From this perspective, the legal regulation of the application of
scientific knowledge is like trying to gate-keep in a world without fences. The boundaries of
scientific research are always of a technical kind which, one day, will be surpassed by the
scientists themselves, but never boundaries stemming from ethical or other kinds of non-
scientific imperatives.

In his analysis of the coverage of the “ustralian press, Petersen defends an identical stance. In
the first stories to be published, journalists used phrases and metaphors evoking a kind of
social engineering and authoritarian control. “n ambivalent image is implicitly found in these
articles a belief in the all-embracing power of science, but also mistrust with regard to the
motivations of scientists and fear of the results of their research [ ]. “ deep fear of "immoral
science" is evident in many of the news stories about the cloning of Dolly. “s [ ] concludes
"The collective message here seems to be that a brave new world is detestable, but may be

. The role of scientists in the defence of freedom of inquiry and the

neutrality of science

“fter examining in some detail how the media represent cloning as an ethical problem in
urgent need of legal regulation, it is interesting to analyze the role played by scientists
themselves in focusing concern on the use of the technique in human beings, encouraged by
their desire to defend their right to conduct research. What Dolly raised with redoubled
starkness was the eternal issue about the "boundaries of science", specifically, about what
should be done and how to regulate scientific research. In an attempt to preserve freedom of
inquiry and its merits i.e., a "neutral research model" so as to impede policy-makers from
implementing generic bans, the experts also contributed to sparking media concern about
human cloning [ ].

Science, for better or worse, almost always wins ethical qualms may throw some roadblocks in its path, or affect how
widespread a technique becomes, but rarely is moral queasiness a match for the onslaught of science p. .
122 Genetic Engineering

Scientists became obsessed with clearly differentiating between animal and human cloning.
They believed that this strategy would allow them to divert the focus from animal cloning to
the human kind, in such a way that the former would not be seen as the gateway to the latter.
The idea was to channel criticism from politicians, church authorities, and expert in bioethics
towards human cloning, thus freeing animal cloning from moral and legislative burdens. This
shift of focus was accompanied by an efficient "rhetoric of future benefits" the development
of research in the field of animal cloning is important because it represents a source of potential
benefits for medicine and livestock breeding. The "future benefits" strategy pretends to avoid
public and political rejection of cloning, thus contributing to its social acceptance and,
therefore, its development, on maintaining its sources of funding.

So, the researchers involved in the creation of Dolly did not limit themselves to technical
comments about the experiment, but were more interested in safeguarding freedom of inquiry
and the funding that makes it possible from the intrusions of politicians, church authorities,
experts in bioethics, and public opinion. It is interesting to note that in the ”ritish press the
differences of opinion on human and animal cloning constituted one of the most solid lines of
argument in the debate on the cloning of Dolly. For example, an enormous effort was made to
separate the idea that humans should be cloned versus whether this was actually possible that
is to say, an ostensible effort was made to separate the correct from the feasible. Therefore,
animal cloning should have been seen as a positive concept, regardless of the technical, ethical
and moral issues that the more than reprehensible cloning of humans would raise.

For his part, [ ], in addition to the strategy for clearly differentiating between animal and
human cloning, points to two others that scientists used to defend themselves from the
offensive unleashed by certain political and/or religious groups . Emphasizing environmental
rhetoric the separation between animal and human cloning is underlined, emphasizing the
importance of environmental factors, at the expense of genetic factors, in the shaping of human
identity. The experts tried to transmit the idea that even in the unlikely event that a person
was cloned his or her identity would be safeguarded, since it depends on the unrepeatable
history of an individual's interactions with the environment. In short, they attacked genetic
determinism. So as to bring to the fore that cloning would not mean a loss of individuality,
scientists referred to monozygotic twins as genetically identical but different as regards their
behavioural and personality traits, and . Distinguishing basic science from technology in their
pursuit to safeguard a neutral research model, some scientists drew a clear boundary between
basic and applied science. They tried to establish clear boundaries between basic scientific
knowledge and its applications science/technology dichotomy , as well as between scientific

With respect to this, several days after the announcement of Dolly's birth, Wilmut himself referred to human cloning
only to condemn it. This can be seen in the following headlines and bylines appearing in the Spanish press La ciencia
ficción se convierte en realidad. La técnica utilizada en Escocia puede utilizarse con las personas, pero los autores dicen que sería
antiético Science fiction becomes reality. The technique used in Scotland can be applied to humans, but the authors state that
this would not be ethical El Mundo, / /9 Ventajas e inconvenientes de una oveja clónica. «No vemos razones clínicas
para clonar seres humanos», ha dicho el artífice de Dolly The pros and cons of cloning sheep. "We don't see any clinical
reasons for cloning human beings," states the person responsible for Dolly El País, / /9 Los pioneros de la clonación
advierten que la técnica sería aplicable en humanos en dos años. El doctor Wilmut pide normas internacionales para evitar
esta posibilidad The pioneers of cloning warn that the technique could be applied to humans in two years. Dr Wilmut
calls for an international regulatory framework so as to avoid this possibility “”C, / /9 .
The Presentation of Dolly the Sheep and Human Cloning in the Mass Media 123

knowledge itself and non-epistemic values science/values dichotomy . ”y means of this

strategy, scientists aspired to shake off the responsibility for the "bad" ends to which others
might eventually put their basic research. Therefore, they not only wanted to fend off personal
accusations, but also to configure science as an intrinsically neutral activity. Consequently,
science could continue on its path without the need for ethical or legal limits.
Science as value free is a very weak line of reasoning. On the one hand, because those same
scientists are the ones demanding an acknowledgement for themselves and for scientific
research, which, without doubt, stems from its potential applications treating diseases,
developing new medicines, improving transplant techniques, increasing livestock production,
etc. “nd on the other, because, in a strict sense of the word, these scientists are techno-scientists
in other words, experts tied to the market demands of the biotechnological companies at which
they work, or which sponsor them, as was the case of the team that cloned Dolly. Research at
these companies is geared to obtaining economically profitable results.
On attempting to use the benefit rhetoric in the mid- and long-term to justify their research
projects, scientists perversely showed that in reality their activity is closely linked to its
applications, be they positive or negative [ ].

. Conclusions

The public presentation of Dolly the sheep unleashed certain latent biofantasies in popular
culture, since they had already been successfully exploited by literature and films, like for
instance the loss of human individuality, the mass production of slaves, or eugenics.
Even though Dolly was, in the strict sense of the word, only identical to the sheep donating
the mammary cell as regards nuclear genetic material, the media described the animal as an
"exact copy". This science-fiction approach conjured up disturbing future scenarios, and
contributed decisively to framing the discourse on cloning more as an ethical problem in urgent
need of legal regulation than a techno-scientific issue.
The scientists involved in the cloning of Dolly invested quite a bit of time in trying to clearly
distinguish animal cloning correct, feasible, ethically irreproachable, and with both commer‐
cial and biomedical benefits from the human kind reprehensible, immoral and unacceptable
because of its technical risks .
Since the media play a relevant role in constructing social reality and modelling the images
that the general public has as regards science and technology, it is important to consider the
frames that they use to achieve this. ”y means of these frames, they emphasize or minimize
certain aspects of an event so as to allow for its interpretation and contextualization, thus
making it easier for the audience to understand the information. In this framing process, the
media use multiple resources, including myths, cultural stereotypes, images, and metaphors,
so as to make the information more accessible to the audience. “s has been seen in the case of
human cloning, these resources have been used profusely, which is a good indicator of the
importance of the social debate fuelled by Dolly's presentation.
124 Genetic Engineering

However, the presentation of Dolly involved a varied network of social actors scientists,
biotechnological companies, experts in bioethics, religious authorities, policy-makers, citizens,
etc. that, each in their own way and on the basis of their specific interests, contributed to
establishing the cloning of Dolly as a genuine "scientific fact" and, consequently, the extrapo‐
lation of reprogenetic techniques to humans as feasible.

Author details

Miguel “lcíbar*

“ddress all correspondence to jalcibar@us.es

Department of Journalism I, University of Seville, Spain


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