Perhitungan Struktur Berdasarkan Hasil Analisis SAP2000

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Perhitungan struktur berdasarkan hasil analisis SAP2000

TABLE: Joint Reactions
Joint OutputCase CaseType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text KN KN KN KN-m KN-m KN-m
1 DEAD LinStatic 8.716 11.917 3671.936 -15.412 11.2837 -0.0001441
1 COMB1 Combination 12.203 16.683 5140.711 -21.5768 15.7972 -0.0002017
9 DEAD LinStatic 13.158 7.387 5834.892 -9.5568 17.0107 0.00005931
9 COMB1 Combination 18.422 10.342 8168.849 -13.3796 23.815 0.00008303
17 DEAD LinStatic 14.843 1.247 6426.447 -1.6157 19.1839 -0.00008072
17 COMB1 Combination 20.781 1.745 8997.026 -2.262 26.8575 -0.000113
25 DEAD LinStatic 14.841 -1.269 6425.938 1.6501 19.1803 0.0003206
25 COMB1 Combination 20.777 -1.777 8996.314 2.3102 26.8525 0.0004488
33 DEAD LinStatic 13.177 -7.384 5830.49 9.5577 17.0334 0.0001728
33 COMB1 Combination 18.448 -10.338 8162.685 13.3808 23.8468 0.0002419
41 DEAD LinStatic 8.705 -11.88 3674.962 15.3699 11.2666 0.0003824
41 COMB1 Combination 12.187 -16.632 5144.946 21.5179 15.7732 0.0005353
49 DEAD LinStatic 6.516 18.256 6297.903 -23.5822 8.4313 -0.0005145
49 COMB1 Combination 9.122 25.558 8817.064 -33.0151 11.8038 -0.0007202
57 DEAD LinStatic 9.852 11.932 9543.187 -15.4167 12.7354 -0.000183
57 COMB1 Combination 13.793 16.704 13360.461 -21.5834 17.8295 -0.0002562
65 DEAD LinStatic 10.73 2.185 10461.187 -2.8257 13.8676 0.0001633
65 COMB1 Combination 15.022 3.059 14645.661 -3.956 19.4146 0.0002286
73 DEAD LinStatic 10.732 -2.197 10460.569 2.8446 13.8686 0.00007679
73 COMB1 Combination 15.024 -3.075 14644.796 3.9825 19.4161 0.0001075
81 DEAD LinStatic 9.859 -11.933 9542.471 15.4222 12.7422 0.0004222
81 COMB1 Combination 13.802 -16.706 13359.46 21.591 17.8391 0.0005911
89 DEAD LinStatic 6.507 -18.248 6298.206 23.5764 8.4179 0.0007423
89 COMB1 Combination 9.11 -25.548 8817.488 33.007 11.785 0.001
97 DEAD LinStatic 0.001485 19.597 6833.255 -25.312 0.0033 0.0001207
97 COMB1 Combination 0.002078 27.436 9566.556 -35.4368 0.0047 0.000169
105 DEAD LinStatic 0.000666 12.745 10295.14 -16.4651 0.0018 0.0001176
105 COMB1 Combination 0.000932 17.843 14413.195 -23.0511 0.0025 0.0001647
113 DEAD LinStatic -0.000437 2.451 11310.877 -3.1695 -0.0001713 0.0001195
113 COMB1 Combination -0.000612 3.431 15835.228 -4.4374 -0.0002398 0.0001673
121 DEAD LinStatic 0.000309 -2.455 11310.799 3.1766 0.0002762 0.0001215
121 COMB1 Combination 0.000433 -3.436 15835.119 4.4472 0.0003866 0.0001701
129 DEAD LinStatic -0.000493 -12.747 10295.064 16.4707 -0.0013 0.0001202
129 COMB1 Combination -0.000691 -17.846 14413.09 23.0589 -0.0018 0.0001683
137 DEAD LinStatic -0.001199 -19.6 6833.297 25.3176 -0.0027 0.0001217
137 COMB1 Combination -0.001679 -27.44 9566.616 35.4446 -0.0038 0.0001704
145 DEAD LinStatic -6.507 18.246 6298.191 -23.5714 -8.4171 0.0007418
145 COMB1 Combination -9.11 25.545 8817.468 -32.9999 -11.784 0.001
153 DEAD LinStatic -9.858 11.931 9542.604 -15.4176 -12.741 0.0004215
153 COMB1 Combination -13.801 16.704 13359.646 -21.5847 -17.8374 0.00059
161 DEAD LinStatic -10.729 2.193 10460.853 -2.8373 -13.8654 0.00007792
161 COMB1 Combination -15.021 3.07 14645.194 -3.9723 -19.4116 0.0001091
169 DEAD LinStatic -10.73 -2.194 10460.855 2.8401 -13.8668 0.0001635
169 COMB1 Combination -15.022 -3.072 14645.197 3.9761 -19.4135 0.0002289
177 DEAD LinStatic -9.86 -11.933 9542.597 15.4202 -12.7452 -0.0001778
177 COMB1 Combination -13.804 -16.706 13359.636 21.5883 -17.8432 -0.0002489
185 DEAD LinStatic -6.51 -18.247 6298.206 23.5734 -8.4236 -0.0005008
185 COMB1 Combination -9.114 -25.546 8817.489 33.0027 -11.7931 -0.0007012
193 DEAD LinStatic -8.705 11.878 3674.955 -15.3652 -11.2659 0.0003817
193 COMB1 Combination -12.187 16.63 5144.937 -21.5113 -15.7723 0.0005343
201 DEAD LinStatic -13.177 7.384 5830.665 -9.5551 -17.033 0.0001731
201 COMB1 Combination -18.448 10.337 8162.931 -13.3771 -23.8461 0.0002424
209 DEAD LinStatic -14.838 1.27 6426.788 -1.6487 -19.1758 0.0003191
209 COMB1 Combination -20.773 1.778 8997.504 -2.3082 -26.8461 0.0004468
217 DEAD LinStatic -14.838 -1.27 6426.776 1.648 -19.1771 -0.00007592
217 COMB1 Combination -20.774 -1.778 8997.487 2.3072 -26.8479 -0.0001063
225 DEAD LinStatic -13.179 -7.383 5830.646 9.5542 -17.0368 0.00006902
225 COMB1 Combination -18.45 -10.337 8162.904 13.3758 -23.8515 0.00009663
233 DEAD LinStatic -8.707 -11.878 3674.942 15.3647 -11.2713 -0.0001365
233 COMB1 Combination -12.19 -16.629 5144.919 21.5105 -15.7798 -0.0001911
Max = 15835.228
and Mayne Clay Sand
Kedalaman Jenis Tanah N Cu-1 Cu/pa α fav Qs
0 0 0 0 1 0 0.00
2 2 12 0.1 1 4 45.24
4 2 12 0.1 1 4 45.24
6 2 12 0.1 1 4 45.24
8 Lempung 6 36 0.4 0.74 12 100.43
10 5 30 0.3 0.82 10 92.74
12 8 48 0.5 0.68 16 123.05
14 14 84 0.8 0.54 28 171.00
16 12 72 0.7 0.58 24 157.43
18 16 96 1
20 22 132 1.3
22 17 102 1
24 23 138 1.4
26 17 102 1
28 19 114 1.1
47 1055.58
30 20 120 1.2
32 29 174 1.7
34 Pasir 32 192 1.9
36 36 216 2.2
38 38 228 2.3
40 45 270 2.7
42 50 300 3
44 53 318 3.2
46 57 342 3.4
48 59 354 3.5
50 60 360 3.6
Qs = 1835.95

cu/pa α
0.5 0.68
0.7 0.58
0.9 0.51
1.1 0.45
1.3 0.41
1.5 0.39



Data Pondasi
Kedalaman Pondasi (L) = 30 m
Diameter Pondasi (D) = 0.6 m
Luas Pondasi (Ap) = 0.2827433 m2
Keliling Pondasi (p) = 1.8849556 m
Tekanan Atmosfir (Pa) = 100 kN/m2

Hitung N60 rata rata

10D keatas dan 4D kebawah
10D = 6 Keatas
4D = 2.4 Kebawah
N60 rata2 = 23.333333
Mencari Qp


Qp 13194.69 ≤ 2638.937829
Qp/SF 879.6459



Kedalaman Jenis Tanah N
0 0
2 2
4 2
6 3
8 7
10 9
12 8
14 11
16 15
18 16
Pasiran Campur Batu

20 22
22 17
24 22
26 12
28 20
30 23
32 12
34 16
36 18
38 24
40 29
42 32
44 45
46 54
48 60
50 60

Perhitungan Qp
Data Pondasi
Kedalaman Pondasi (L) = 30 m
Diameter Pondasi (D) = 0.8 m
Luas Pondasi (Ap) = 0.5027 m2
Keliling Pondasi (p) = 2.5133 m
Tekanan Atmosfir (Pa) = 100 kN/m2


Hitung N60
10D keatas dan 4D kebawah
10D = 8 , Ke atas = 22 m
4D = 3.2 , Ke bawah = 33.2 m
N60 = 17.43


  L 
Qp = Ap 0.4 p a N 60   ≤ Ap 4 p a N 60 
  D 
13140.8 ≤ 3504.22
Qp = 3504.22 kN

Perhitungan Qs

Kedalaman Jenis Tanah N Pa N60 fav Qs

0 0

2 2
4 2
6 3
8 7
10 9
12 8
14 11
16 15
Pasiran Campur Batu

18 16
20 22
22 17
100 17.43 34.85714 2628.17
24 22
26 12
28 20
30 23
32 12
34 16
36 18
38 24
40 29
42 32
44 45
46 54
48 60
50 60
Qs = 2628,17 Kn

Perhitungan Qall
Q p  Qs
Qall 
3504,22  2628,17
Qall 
Qall = 2044.13 kN

Perhitungan Pondasi Grup

Penentuan pondasi grup

n1 = 3 θ= 21.80 ◦
n2 = 4 ƞ= 0.657 = 65.68 %
D = 0.8 m
d = 2 m

Q grup = ƞ x n1 x n2 x Q
Q grup = 16111.74 kN

Q grup ≥ Q struktur
16111.74 ≥ 13466.64 OK!!
Q per tiang = 1342.64 kN

Pengaruh efisiensi
Qp grup = 9206.71 kN = 767.23 kN per tiang
Qs grup = 6905.03 kN = 575.42 kN per tiang

Q struktur 13466.64
Q work = = = 1122.22
n1 x n2 3x4

Qws = 575.42 kN
Qwp = 546.80 kN

Perhitungan Settlement Pondasi

D = 0.8 m
d = 2m
n1 = 3
n2 = 4
Bg = 4.8 m
Lg = 6.8 m

Ap = 0.5027 m2 Qws = 575.42 kN

Ep = 21000000 kN/m2 Qwp = 546.80 kN
L = 30 m
ξ = 0.62

Se(1) = 0.00257 m = 2.57 mm

qwp = 1087.82 kN/m2 Iwp = 0.85

Es = 25000 kN/m2
μs = 0.35

Se(2) = 0.026 m = 25.96 mm

Iws = 4.14

Se(3) = 0.0009 m = 0.9 mm

Se single = Se(1) + Se(2) + Se(3)
Se single = 29.42 mm

se group  se
se group  se
Se group = 72.06417 mm
Qu Mayne
Qp Qs FS Qu
2638.938 1836 3 1492

Pondasi Grup

Penentuan Pondasi Grup

n1 = 4
n2 = 4 θ= 18.92
d= 1.75 m ƞ= 0.68
D= 0.6 m
p= 1.88 m

a) Metode Mayne Group

Q grup = 16342.51 kN = 1021.407 kN per tiang Qp(g) = 9636 =
Qs(g) = 6704 =
Metode Q group Q struktur Keterangan
Mayne 16342.51 15835.23 Oke
Qws 989.7018 419
Qwp 570.7018
per tiang
602.25 kN (Qp per tiang dengan pengaruh ƞ)
419 kN (Qs per tiang dengan pengaruh ƞ)
Elastic Settlement

0.6 m Ap = 0.2827433 m2 Qwork = 990 kN
1.75 m Ep = 21000000 kN/m2 Qwp = 571 kN
4 L= 30 m Qws = 419 kN
4 Es = 25000 kN/m2 qwp = 2019.4994 kN/m2
5.85 m ξ= 0.62 μs = 0.35
5.85 m p= 1.8849556 m

Se1 = 0.0041975 m = 4.20 mm

Se2 = 0.0361511 m = 36.15 mm
se3 = 0.0006983 m = 0.70 mm
Se = 0.0410469 m = 41.05 mm

Se Group = 0.1281689 m = 128.17 mm

Iwp = 0.85
Iws = 4.4748737

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