Agri 32 Crop Science 2 Lecture Notes 2
Agri 32 Crop Science 2 Lecture Notes 2
Agri 32 Crop Science 2 Lecture Notes 2
Poverty 6.8 7.6 7.1 6.9 What is lacking to address food security?
Incidence 1. DOH = nutrition
Year 2006 2009 2012 2015 2. DENR = nature resources affecting agriculture
3. DOST = research and service
Causes 4. DSWD = food supply during calamities
1. Low labor productivity 5. DPWH = roads for food production
2. Lack of sustained investment in agriculture 6. DND = peace and order assuring food supply
Administration Budget Allotted (M) 7. DAR = food production of ARBS
Marcos 5.37
Aquino 3.15 Nutritional Security
Ramos 3.52 We still have a lot of cases of stunting, underweight,
Estrada 4.42 and wasted children.
Arroyo 4.58 The good news is that DepEd has a feeding program
Aquino 4.27 for school kids who are hungry.
The bad news is that the kids are again
Land degradation undernourished when classes resume after the two-
Erosion threatens 46% of arable land and permanent month vacation break.
crop of which 17.3% are under severe erosion and The Interdisciplinary Studies Center on Food and
28.3% moderate erosion Nutrition Security (UPLB) is organizing an
international conference on nutrition sensitive
Small Fragmented Farms agriculture and food systems in November
Farm size (ha) Ave farm size %
Under 0.5 0.13 38.83 Malnutrition Remains High
Type 2013 (%) 2015 (%)
0.5 – 0.99 0.61 18.06
Underweight 19.1 21.6
1 – 2.99 1.46 32.01
Stunting 30.3 33.5
88.9% has farm size below 3 ha Wasting 7.9 7.1
Ave area/farm = 1.29 ha Overweight 5.0 3.8
Upland crops
01-29-19 (Tuesday) Tillage is done when soil moisture is near field
Continuation With excessive soil moisture, tillage will result to soil
3. Soil Structure compaction and will destroy soil structure
Refers to the arrangement/clustering of soil
particles into characteristic aggregates
Field Capacity 2. May or may not involve plowing and harrowing bust
Soil condition at which excess water has been fully must include cutting of grasses and other vegetation
drained and should adopt minimum tillage system
Second grown forest
Soil Type Capacity Open grassland
Sandy 6 – 10 Land previously planted to crops
Loamy 18 – 26 Land presently planted to perennial crops (e.g.
Clayey 23 – 29 coconut plantation)
Woody crops = minimal land preparation
Fibrous roots = high/extensive land preparation
Plowing, harrowing, and rotavation are done to: Clay soil = high/extensive land preparation
Develop desirable soil structure (for easy seed Silt = minimal land preparation
germination and root development)
Incorporate crop stubbles and weeds (into the soil) Laying-out
Commercial pineapple farm = plant to 4 – 6 months Should follow recommended planting distance and
after land preparation systems of planting
Planting distance depends on crop variety (big trees
01-31-19 (Thursday) vs. small trees = different canopy) and growing
condition (fertile vs. infertile soil)
Land Preparation (Lowland) Systems of Planting
1. Square
Plowing, harrowing, and rotavation are done to: 2. Quincunx (Diagonal)
1. Cultivate land 3. Triangular (Hexagon)
Develop desirable soil structure 4. Contour planting system
1) For easy seed germination and root
development Digging of Holes and Planting
2) Better drainage = better water supply Holes should be big and deep to give space for
to roots addition of compost at the bottom and sides (also for
3) Encourage microbial activity (e.g. lime application, if needed)
nitrogen fixation at roots) During digging, topsoil should be separated from the
4) Aeration (respiration at roots) subsoil, then subsoil should be first used before
2. Control weeds subsoil = topsoil contains more nutrients (from
Decompost residuals from previous crops organic matter, fertilizers, etc.)
and weeds = provide nutrients for upcoming
crops 02-07-19 (Thursday)
3. Prevent compaction of land
A. Use of Recommended Varieties
Contour Planting For successful farming, use only varieties
In gently sloping field, tillage is done across recommended or approved by National Seed
the slope and following the contour lines Industry Council (NCIS), an agency under
the Department of Agriculture (DA)
Land Preparation Implements (Equipment) Such varieties after having been bred and
1. Carabao-drawn implements = moldboard plow, spike undergone rigid testing and evaluation
tooth harrow (kalmot), lithao (native furrower) were:
2. Tractor-drawn implements = moldboard plow, disc 1. Proven to have good yield
plow, disc harrow, rotavator, tractor-drawn furrower 2. Desirable quality
(adjustable width) 3. Resistance to pest and diseases,
3. Bedder = make beds (30 cm high) = pineapple = and
Mindanao 4. Other desirable traits
For perennial crops (e.g. trees) 2. Advantages of asexual over sexual methods
1. Extension of land preparation depends on condition a. Plants are true-to-type
of land With the same traits
(productive, good fruit
quality) as the mother
b. Trees are taller
c. Trees start bearing fruits earlier overnight followed by
d. Asexual propagation is the only washing
option for seedless varieties
(banana, seedless grapes); sterile 2. Vernalization – subjecting water-soaked or
(siniguelas) or when seeds are not germinating seeds to cold treatment to
readily available (sugarcane, achieve flowering of cool-season crops
cassava, bamboo) grown in warmer environment
Benefits of Optimum Population Density Note: One modification is rectangular system where
1. Early build up of sufficient leaf area index for trees are planted at the corners of rectangles
optimum use of solar energy
2. Early and better control of weeds 2. Triangular system (Hexagonal)
3. Increase efficiency in use of land, light, and water o Plants are set at the corners of triangle
(equilateral). Allows higher PD than the
Planting Density Depends on square by 15%.
1. Crop species and varieties PD = Area (m2)(1.15)/S2
o Grain crops vs. Trees
o Corn vs. Rice
o Mango vs. coffee
o Tall vs. short varieties of rice
o Tall vs. short varieties of banana
3. Quincunx System (Diagonal) 3. Inhibit sprouting
o A modification of the square system where
an additional plant is planted at the center Crop
of each square Sweet potato Methyl ester of 100 g per kg of
PD = Area (m2) + ((L/S-1)(W/S-1))/S2 NAA root
Onion Maleic hydrazide 500-2500 ppm
S = planting distance (m) 4. Increase fruit set/control fruit drop
L = length of the farm (m) o Grape = AlarTM (daminozide), 0.5 to 1%
W = width of the farm (m) o Tomato:
o Orthochlorophenoxy acetic acid (40
Planting Operations ppm)
1. Time of planting o Naphthoxy acetic acid (50 ppm)
o When soil is moist, usually at the start of o GA (100 ppm)
rainy season o Grapefruit (Citrus) = 2,4-D (60 ppm)
o Anytime, if irrigation facilities are available
o Cloudy weather, in case of seedlings 5. Reduce stem elongation or keep plants dwarf/short
o Chrysanthemum = Paclobutrazol
2. Transplanting perennials o Poinsettia = Paclobutrazol or earlier Alar
o Holes should be as deep and wide as the (0.5 – 1.0%)
ball of soil in which the seedling has been o Bougainvilla = Maleic Hydrazide
reared o Mussaenda = Paclobutrazol
o Container must be carefully removed;
making sure that the soil does not 6. Induce/modify flowering
crumble/break to avoid root disturbance o Pineapple = Ethrel (240 ppm), NAA (25
o Seedlings with weak stem need to be tied to ppm), Calcium carbide (1 g per plant)
a support (stakes or trellis) to keep them o Mango = KNO3 (1-2%)
upright o Cabbage = GA (250 ppm) as substitute to
02-28-19 (Thursday) o Cucumber = GA (100 to 200 ppm) to obtain
higher ration of female to male flowers
Control of Growth and Development
7. Delay/Prevent ripening
Plant Growth Regulators (PGR) o Ethylene biosynthesis inhibitors (AVG)
o Are organic compounds other than nutrients which in o Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) placed in
minute amount promote, inhibit or modify plant banana boxes
growth and development
o PGR’s are either synthetic or natural 8. Seedlessness in grapes
(phytohormones) o GA (50 ppm)
4. Retting
o An alternative method of extracting fibers
from ramie plant
o Done by soaking the stalk in water to loosen
the bark and facilitate removal of non-
fibrous tissues
5. Ginning
o Process of separating cotton fibers (lint)
from the cotton seeds
Linking Post-Harvest Handling Practices and Nutrition a. Colored fruits and vegetables,
carrot, yellow tomato, spinach,
What Makes Human Beings Healthy? squash, sweet potato, mango
“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your
food.” 5. Calcium
Fruits, vegetables, pulses, herbs, cereals, root crops, o Builds and maintains bones and teeth
meat, and fish are food o Helps blood clot
o Regulates cholesterol level
Nutrient content of indigenous vegetables/100 g edible o Good for the nerves, muscle cramps, and
portion menstrual pain
a. Beans, green leafy vegetables,
Protein Fiber Ca P Fe Vit. A Vit. malunggay, saluyot, alugbati,
(g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) C spinach, broccoli, mustard green,
(mg) citrus fruits, pineapple, passion
Alu 2.1 1.3 16- 0 1.2- 1686- 29- fruit
117 3.1 6390 166
Mal 6.7 0.9 440 0 7.0 11300 220 6. Potassium
Lab 4.0 1.0 37 40 1.5 0 10 o Normal toning of muscles, nerves, heart
Kat 0.008 6.87 0.05 0.53 0.18 0 0 action, and enzyme reactions
Tal 2.4 1.1 30- 0 4.8- 3 mg 31 o Regulates body fluid balance
135 5.0 a. Banana, pineapple, potato,
Him 2.9 1.5 278 75 4.3 0.3 0 cabbage, orange, tomato, lima
mg beans, singkamas (jicama)
Sal 6.5 2.0 488 114 11.6 1221 95
mg 7. Magnesium
o Proper functioning of nerves and muscles
Kul 4.6 1.1 43 0 918 12860 120
o Necessary for handling of calcium and
Amp 2.0 1.7 23 38- 2.0 0 88-
vitamin c within the body
70 96
a. Green leafy vegetables, pineapple
8. Phosphorus
Alu = Alubati
o Normal bone and tooth structure
Mal = Malunggay
o Interrelated with action of calcium and
Lab = Labong
vitamin d
Kat = Katuray
o Needed by some enzymes which help
Tal = Talinum
change food into energy
Him = Himbabao
a. Beans, pineapple, singkamas
Sal = Saluyot
Kul = Kulitis
9. Iron
Amp = Ampalaya
o Major component of hemoglobin (red blood
cells) that carries oxygen to the different
parts of the body
1. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
a. Green leafy vegetables, young
o Normal functioning of the nervous system,
leaves of the jute plant (saluyot),
heart, and muscles
sweet potato, Malabar spinach
o Aids in digestion
(alugbati), horse raddish tree
o Promotes carbohydrate metabolism
(malunggay), amaranth
a. Vegetables
b. Pineapple
1. Glucoseinolates
2. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
o Antioxidant = detoxification of chemical
o Promotes general growth
o Good for the skin
o Inhibits the growth of tumor cells
o Promotes healthy eyes
a. Broccoli, cauliflower, spinach
o Assists cells to use oxygen
o Release of energy from food
2. Lycopene
a. Strawberry
o Lower risk of prostate and stomach cancer
b. Pear
a. Tomato, red watermelon
3. Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
3. B-carotene
o Holds body cells together
o Lower risk of lung and other cancer
o Hastens healing and resistance to infection
a. Carrot, cantaloupe, green leafy
o Necessary for healthy teeth and gums
vegetable, sweet potato, squash,
a. Citrus, papaya, mango, guava,
mango, papaya
pineapple, strawberry
b. Sweet potato, potato, spinach,
4. Quercetin
cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower
o Lower risk of heart disease and cancer
a. Leafy vegetables, onion
4. Retinol (Vitamin A)
o Promotes good eyesight
5. Flavonoids
o Healthy skin, good teeth, general growth
o Lower risk of heart and cancer diseases
and vitality
a. Alugbati, malunggay, talinum,
o Builds resistance to infection
camote leaves, sugar beets, duhat,
o Necessary for pregnancy and lactation
6. Polyphenols Food Safety Hazards in Food the Pose Risks to Human Health
o Inhibits aldose-mediated reaction in the 1. Invisible chemical hazards in food
retina o Cleaning chemicals
o Prevents blindness o Adulterants
a. Red and black rice o Excess of permissible food additives
o Heavy metals
Anti-Nutritional Factors o Non-permissible food additives
1. Oxalic acid o Veterinary residues
o Binds with calcium and interferes with o Pesticide residues
iodine metabolism making these unavailable
to the body Food Safety Chemical Hazards
a. Camias, gabi leaves and stems,
cassava tops Stress Metabolites Sources of Contamination
Solanine (potato) Prolonged exposure to
2. Goitrogen sunlight
o Binds with calcium making calcium Isocoumarine (carrots) Storage together with high
unavailable to the body ethylene producers
a. Cabbage, chinese cabbage, Mycotoxins/aflatoxins High humidity/high
broccoli, cauliflower (corn, peanuts, soybeans) temperature storage of corn,
peanuts, soybeans, cassava,
3. Phasin copra
o Interferes with protein metabolism Ipomoeamarone Bacterial disease affecting
a. Lima beans and other leguminous (sweet potato) the tuber
D. Topiary
o An art of controlling the canopy shape of the
plants by training and regular pruning/trimming
E. Container Gardening
o Use of container-grown plants to landscape an
area or garden
o Particularly suitable for city dwellers
a. Hanging plants
o Plants in glazed or clay pots and
basket made of wire or wooden
boxes are suspended in the air
F. Water Garden
o A pool as main feature of a garden
o Fountains and waterfalls may be provided as
G. Green Walls
o A building looks incomplete (and shabby) without
o Imagine Makati Greenbelt without the greens
o Landscaping increases property values