Flushing & Hidrotest
Flushing & Hidrotest
Flushing & Hidrotest
REV. NO. : 0
1.0 PURPOSE 2 OF 13
6.0 PROCEDURE 3 - 13 OF 13
7.0 SAFETY 13 OF 13
8.0 RECORDS 13 OF 13
This procedure serves as a guideline for the preparation and execution of flushing and
hydrotest of piping systems at the site.
This procedure covers the work preparation, work execution, equipment used for flushing and
hydrotest, detail work activity and its safety requirements.
ASME ANSI B31.3 Latest Edition - Chemical Plant & Petroleum Refinery Piping
SES 38.2 - Shop And Field Welding Of Steel Piping.
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 The HT shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant specifications, codes
and standards in the contract documents. HT shall cover all flanged connections
pipe spool, ship-loose spools and pipe spools completely installed on the
platform or modules.
6.1.2 The flushing, to be carried out before the HT, shall be done to clear the pipe
spool from dirt, welding slag, welding rods, grease, weld spatters, loose scales
and debris.
6.2.1 HT / flushing shall not be carried out without informing the CONTRACTOR /
6.2.2 The test packages, which is done by the SUBCONTRACTOR design engineering
and line check, which is done by the SUBCONTRACTOR PMT shall be
completed prior to the HT and flushing of the piping system or it components.
SUBCONTRACTOR QC Inspector and CONTRACTOR Representative (if
required) shall be conducted the loop check.
6.2.3 Test Package shall include but not limited to the following: -
a) Weld summary indicating the completion of Inspection status (i.e. Fit up,
NDT, etc)
b) PW HT Status.
c) Flange make-up bolting tensioning and torque report inclusive of Gasket
inspection reports.
d) Pressure Gauges and Recorders, Surface Pyrometer Calibration Reports.
(Validity 90 Days).
e) Record of Temporary Spades and Blinds.
f) Valves greasing record (if any).
g) Pre-hydro test checklist.
h) Pre-hydrotest punch list
i) Copies of Isometric Drawings
j) P & ID drawing indicating injection point and bleed out / vent point and
discharge point.
6.3.2 All the above items and equipment shall be inspected by COMPANY /
CONTRACTOR Representative prior to flushing and hydrotesting activities. All
the temporary spades, blinds, bolts / nuts, gaskets, plugs and caps shall be
identified with colour codes. All the temporary items shall be coloured `black'
for identification.
6.3.3 The following equipment or items shall not be subjected to the HT:
6.4.1 Pre-Flushing
b) All fabricated work, welding, inspection, NDT and PWHT shall be completed
and accepted before flushing.
c) Check and provide additional temporary support for the piping system, if the
permanent supports are not sufficient to support the weight of the piping
filled with water during flushing activity.
d) Flushing water shall be free from dirt and impurities through filteration.
e) Prior to line flushing, valves specified in 6.4.1 (a) above shall be removed
and replaced with temporary spools until flushing is completed.
Water filled leak test of thirty (30) minutes duration is adequate to ascertain
acceptability. All lines and welds shall be visually inspected for leaks during
the test period.
h) All piping system shall be flushed with water containing approved inhibitor
using high-pressure jet flushing equipment with minimum pressure 100 bar.
This to be carried out prior to installation of pipe spools.
6.4.2 Pre-Hydrotest
b) Min. two (2) pressure gauges (i.e. one (1) is fitted on the highest point and
another at the lowest point), one (1) pressure recorder and one (1)
temperature recorder shall be used for each test. The working ranges of the
gauges will be between minimum 1.5 times maximum pressure test but not
more than 4 times.
d) In addition to the block and bleed valves between the pumps and the line, a
pressure relief valve shall also be installed in the system.
g) A suitably sized pressure relief device shall be provided, between the pump
and the piping fills connection, to protect the piping from potential
overpressure. The relief device shall be reset and calibrated, if required,
witnessed by COMPANY / CONTRACTOR representative.
All ball valves shall be greased to flush foreign particles from the seat
area. The grease type and it quantity that are used shall be approved by
COMPANY / CONTRACTOR and valve vendor requirement.
Manual ball valves shall be rotated to the half (1/2) open position and
shall remain in the half (1/2) open position until the system is ready for
final commissioning.
Other types of manual valves and spring return actuated ball valves
shall be placed in the full open position.
6.5.1 Potable water shall be used for flushing and HT. For carbon steel materials, the
water shall be fresh with less than 500 ppm by weight of chloride ion and 100
ppm limit for austenitic or duplex stainless steel. The water shall be analyzed,
prior to use. The certificate from an independent source that shows the chloride
contents of the test medium shall be provided to the contractor.
6.5.6 The actual test pressure of a piping system shall be as determined by the
appropriate code and as shown on the piping isometrics and line list. When the
piping is pneumatically tested, the test pressure shall be 1.1 times of the design
pressure unless otherwise advised by COMPANY / CONTRACTOR.
6.6.1 Flushing
c) The flow shall be effected from a suitable system high point to a suitable
low point and shall be done in the presence of SUBCONTRACTOR and
CONTRACTOR representatives. The minimum flushing volume required
shall be equal to five (5) times the displacement volume of the flushed
d) Test samples shall be taken until the water discharged from the test system
is free of dirt and foreign materials using a 100 mesh strainer.
e) The internal of the pipe shall be checked after flushing to ensure that it is
clean and free from foreign materials.
f) Spring type supports shall have stopper installed to prevent overloading the
g) Immediately after the successful flushing of the line, the water shall be
drained at the low point drain and dried. Draining and / or drying may be
waived with COMPANY / CONTRACTOR approval if HT is to follow
immediately after the flushing
h) SUBCONTRACTOR shall issue the flushing certificate after the work had
been found acceptable.
6.6.2 Hydrotest
b) Fill the system with potable water preferably at the lowest point in the
system. All vent valve connections shall be opened and closed only when
there is a steady flow of air-free test water at the vent connections. The
sequence of closure shall be from the lowest to the highest system vent
points. The HT water shall be filtered prior to introduction into the line. The
filter shall be capable of removing 99% of all particles 130 microns and
larger in diameter. This requires a wire mesh screen with 100 x 100 wires
per inch, 0.0050" wire diameter and 25% open area.
c) During filling operation, the system pressure should not exceed 1-2 bar
d) The filling shall continue until the system is full of test water and fully
vented. Upon completion, pump shall be used for filling and shall be
disconnected from the system and all the vents shall be closed.
f) Isolate the recorder initially. Pre-hydrotest the system( system under test )
to check for any leaks. If there is no leak in the system, de-isolate the
recorder back in system and ready to start recording the test pressure.
h) During hydro testing, all small-bore welded valves shall be subjected to seat
test to ensure the integrity of the seat after welding. Any valve found
passing or leaking shall be replaced and retested.
i) When the test pressure has been achieved, the test pump shall be stopped
and isolated from the system.
j) Hold the system at the test pressure and test duration shall be in
accordance to Section 6.6.
The system shall be examined for leaks throughout the test period. If there
is any significant rise in pressure due to temperature (10% from the test
pressure), the system should be vented to maintain the pressure close to
the test pressure. COMPANY / CONTRACTOR shall be notified prior to
venting the pressure
m) The piping shall be thoroughly drained after HT and shall be blown with dry
air to remove all water from the piping and components to COMPANY /
CONTRACTOR satisfaction. The system shall be kept closed and sealed to
prevent ingress of foreign material. A vapour phase inhibitor or surface
corrosion inhibitor shall be applied to all piping internal surfaces to protect
the piping prior to commissioning.
n) After the flushing / testing process has been completed, any openings in the
pipeline or ship-loose pipe spools shall be protected or cover with plastic
caps or plywood to prevent the ingress of dust, water and other foreign
materials. When the covering is not properly placed or there is evidence of
dirt contamination inside the pipe, it shall be thoroughly re-inspected,
cleaned and re-flushed to the satisfaction of the COMPANY /
CONTRACTOR Representative.
b) Welding Joint
d) After the rectification works have been carried out, the HT / flushing shall be
repeated as described previously.
6.8.4 Recorder Chart, which shall include the following minimum information:
i) Marked up P & ID indicating test limit points, injection points and vent/bleed-
out points.
ii) Explanation of any pressure discontinuities.
iii) Flushing and HT Acceptance Cert.
iv) Signature of COMPANY / CONTRACTOR Rep. and testing
6.9.1 Certain piping spool / line may be tested by pnuematic testing, if approved by
COMPANY / CONTRACTOR. The test pressure shall be 110% of Design
Pressure unless otherwise noted by COMPANY I CONTRACTOR.
6.9.2 Instrument and utility air piping shall can be pneumatically tested in accordance
to COMPANY / CONTRACTOR specification. When pneumatic testing is
approved, the maximum air dew point shall be -4°C (25°F)
a) When required test pressure exceeds 138 kpa, the initial pneumatic
pressure shall be built up to 138 kpa and held for a minimum time period of
five (5) minutes prior to applying and appropriate soap and water solution to
all welded and screwed joints.
b) If no leaks are detected during the initial examination, test pressure shall be
increased by no more than 103 kpa, held for a minimum of five (5) minutes
and the soap and water solution examination repeated.
c) Each increment of pressure build-up shall not exceed 103 kpa and each
pressure increment shall be held for five (5) minutes minimum period to
checking with the soap solution. This includes the final examination by soap
and water testing after the required test pressure has been reached.
6.9.4 The space between each set of flanges shall be taped on the full circumference
so as to close the gap. A small hole (0.4 mm dia.) shall be made in the tape
which shall be tested with soap and water solution for detection of any leak at
flanged connections.
6.9.5 Extreme caution shall be exercised at all times during pneumatic testing.
Pneumatic tests shall be conducted at such times when test area is essentially
free of personnel and warning signs are prominently displayed at strategic
locations. The test area shall be cleared of personnel not involved in testing. The
area shall be roped off for as large an area as possible and warning signs
prominently displayed prior to, commencement of pressure build-up and shall
remain so until testing is completed and test pressure decreased to atmospheric.
6.9.6 Test personnel engaged in soaping (snoopy) connections and examining for
leaks while piping is under pneumatic pressure shall, as a minimum, wear
protective face shields.
6.9.7 In the event that flanged and/or threaded joints are dismantled and reassembled
subsequent to pneumatic testing, a System Service Test shall be carried out for
the affected lines.
6.9.8. The general requirements regarding procedures, documentation, etc. that apply
to HT shall also apply to pneumatic testing.
7.1 The HT / pneumatic test area shall be barricaded and cordoned off and signboards and
warning signs shall be placed around the test area. All personnel attending the test shall
wear safety goggles. Only authorised personnel shall be allowed in the test area at the
time of testing.
7.2 JSA shall be prepared and conducted to the crew prior to commencement of testing.
8.1 This procedure shall be kept by SUBCONTRACTOR QA/QC Manager and made
available to authorised personnel performing the test.
8.2 SUBCONTRACTOR QA/QC Manager shall keep test records for final documentation.