Ec302 A
Ec302 A
Ec302 A
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks. Marks
1 a) Define autocorrelation function of random process and explain its properties. (5)
b) Find power spectral density of the WSS process if its autocorrelation function is given (7)
RX e for .
c) Explain the need for anti-aliasing filter in a digital communication system. (3)
2 a) What is a matched filter? Derive an expression for the impulse response of a matched (8)
b) Derive impulse response for Duobinary encoder. (7)
3 a) Consider a random process X(t) = Acos(2πfct+ø) where A and fc are constants and ø is (7)
uniformly distributed over the interval (-π, π). Check whether the given random process
is WSS.
b) A baseband digital system uses 4-level PAM along with the raised cosine pulse. The (8)
system has a frequency response of 3.2 kHz. If the binary data is transmitted at 9600 bps
data rate, then what would be the symbol rate and roll-off factor of the transmitted pulse
shape for zero ISI?
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks.
4 a) Given the signals s1 (t ), s2 (t ), s3 (t ) and s4 (t ) shown in Figure. Use the Gram-Schmidt (8)
orthogonalization procedure to find an orthonormal basis for the set of following signals:
b) Find mean and variance of received signal x(t), if signal si(t) was transmitted which is (7)
corrupted by AWGN with zero mean such that x(t)= si(t) +w(t),where w(t) is AWGN.
5 a) Derive an expression for probability of error for BPSK. (8)
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b) Draw the block diagram for QPSK generation and detection with relevant equations. (7)
6 a) Explain how a continuous AWGN channel can be converted into a vector channel. (8)
b) With the help of a neat diagram explain the detection of non-coherent orthogonal (7)
modulation schemes.
Answer any two full questions, each carries 20 marks.
7 a) Define process gain and jamming margin as applied to a spread spectrum system. (5)
b) Derive probability of error in direct sequence spread spectrum with coherent binary (8)
phase shift keying (DS/BPSK).
c) In a DSSS modulation scheme, a 14-stage linear feedback shift register is used to (7)
generate the PN code sequence. Find
(a) the period of code sequence
(b) Process gain.
8 a) Explain the principle of CDMA. Discuss the near field problem associated with CDMA. (7)
b) Discuss the need for diversity techniques for wireless communication. Give a brief (8)
outline of various diversity techniques.
c) Explain how a rake receiver counters the effects of multipath fading? (5)
9 a) In DSSS-CDMA, the data rate Rb = 6 kbps and the chip rate Rc = 12 Mbps. What is the (8)
JM if an output SNR of 10 dB is required for a Pc = 10-5. Also, find the JM if we include
a system loss of 1.5 dB owing to imperfections in tracking and detection.
b) Derive the bit error rate for a coherent BPSK over a flat-flat Rayleigh fading channel (7)
c) What are the advantages of FDMA over TDMA? (5)
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