PTL Ls Programme Handbook

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Chartered Institute

of Personnel and

Levels 3 and 4 Award in Preparing to Teach

in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS)


Version 3
1 Introduction 2

1.1 Purpose of the handbook 2

1.2 Introduction to PTLLS 2

2 Guidance for centres delivering PTLLS 4

2.1 Structure of the award 4

2.2 Mode and Duration of Delivery 4

2.3 Programme Design 5

2.4 Delivery of PTLLS within CTLLS or CTP 5

2.5 Centre and Programme Approval 5

2.6 Requirements for PTLLS Teaching and Assessment Team 5

2.7 Recruitment and Selection of Learners to PTLLS 6

2.8 Registration and Membership 6

2.9 Initial Assessment 7

2.10 Individual Learning Plans and Records 7

2.11 Support for Specialist Area 7

2.12 Indicative Content 8

2.13 Assessment Strategy 8

2.14 The Assignment 8

2.15 Observation of Teaching/Training Practice 9

2.16 Recorded Question and Answer 10

2.17 Assessment Records 10

2.18 Internal Verification 10

2.19 External Verification 10

3 PTLLS Specification 12

3.1 Level 3 Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector 12

3.2 Level Four: Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector 13

4 Indicative Content 14

5 Assessment Documents 18

5.1 Candidate Observation Record 18

5.2 PTLLS Assignment Template 20

5.3 Summative Assessment Record (Level 3) 21

5.4 Summative Assessment Record (Level 4) 23

6 CIPD Student Progress Form (SPF) 25

7 External Verification of Assignment (PTLLS EVA) 26

8 Cohort Report Form Moderation (PTLLS CRFM) 27

9 Mapping Document 28

10 Roles and contact details of CIPD PTLLS Quality Assurance Team 33

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 1

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the handbook

This programme handbook is written for centre staff involved in the delivery of
CIPD’s Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector

The handbook explains the administrative, assessment and quality assurance

processes that centres are required to implement to ensure the consistency and
quality of CIPD PTLLS programmes. Centres will also need to meet CIPD’s
generic quality assurance requirements, which can be found in our Centre
Handbook for Certificate Qualifications, available on the CIPD website

1.2 Introduction to PTLLS

The Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector is a single unit
qualification, available at levels 3 and 4 of the new Qualifications and Credit
Framework. It is aimed at individuals who:

• Want a short introduction to the skills, knowledge and understanding

required to teach and train adults
• Want to gain a recognised qualification that enables them to teach or train
in the Lifelong Learning sector, and progress to qualifications that lead to
Associate or Qualified Teacher (Learning and Skills) status
N.B. from September 2007, all new tutors and trainers teaching on publicly
funded provision will be required to gain ‘threshold status to teach’ by achieving
PTLLS. New entrants will then be required to progress and achieve a
qualification leading to either Associate or Qualified Teacher (Learning and Skills)
status within 5 years of achieving PTLLS. Further information on the Associate
level role and Qualified Teacher status for the Lifelong Learning sector can be
found on LLUK’s website.

Candidates who achieve a PTLLS award will:

• Have an understanding of the responsibilities and boundaries of their own

role in relation to teaching/training
• Be able to identify and use appropriate teaching and learning approaches
for the subject they intend to teach/deliver
• Be able to demonstrate session planning skills
• Understand how to deliver inclusive sessions which motivate learners
• Understand the use of different assessment methods and the need for
record keeping
• Be able to reflect on their own practice and learning, and identify areas for
further development

Successful candidates can progress to CIPD’s level 3 Certificate in Training

Practice (CTP), which builds on PTLLS and focuses on planning, delivering and
evaluating learning and development sessions within a business context.

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 2

Candidates can also progress to the level 3/4 Certificate in Teaching in the
Lifelong Learning Sector (CTLLS) awarded by CIPD, and the level 5 Diploma in
Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS), offered by other awarding
bodies. These qualifications are recognised by LLUK as meeting the
requirements for Associate Teacher and Qualified Teacher (Learning and Skills)
roles respectively. As PTLLS is included as a unit within both CTLLS and DTLLS
(Level 4 PTTLS only), candidates will be able to transfer credit and receive
exemptions when undertaking either PTTLS or DTLLS.

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 3

2 Guidance for centres delivering PTLLS

2.1 Structure of the award

PTLLS is available at levels 3 and 4. Each level of the Award comprises a single
unit with the same title, credit value and learning outcomes. The difference
between Level 3 PTLLS and Level 4 PTLLS is reflected in differing assessment
criteria, with the assessment criteria for level 4 PTLLS placing greater academic
demands on candidates. For example, for level 3 PTLLS, the assessment criteria
require candidates to:

“1.2 Identify key aspects of relevant current legislative requirements and codes
of practice within a specific context”,
“4.1 Explain ways to establish ground rules with learners which underpin
appropriate behaviour and respect for others”

At level 4, the corresponding assessment criteria require candidates to:

“1.2 Summarise key aspects of relevant current legislative requirements and

codes of practice within a specific context” and
“4.1 Analyse different ways to establish ground rules with learners which
underpin appropriate behaviour and respect for others”

Subject to CIPD approval, centres can deliver PTLLS at either level 3 or level 4
only, or deliver both levels in a combined programme, according to the needs of
their candidates. In practice, there will be very little difference in the ‘taught’
content of the level 3 and level 4, although the assessment activities will need to
enable each candidate to meet the assessment criteria for their particular level of

2.2 Mode and Duration of Delivery

PTLLS can be delivered on either a part-time or full-time block (fast track) basis.
Both the Level 3 and the Level 4 PTLLS awards have a credit value of 6. One
credit equates to 10 notional hours of study (including contact and non-contact
time), giving a total notional study time of 60 hours.

CIPD requires centres to provide a minimum 30 guided learning hours (contact

time) within the 60 required learning hours. Guided learning includes direct
teaching, supported individual study, tutorial time, remote support, direct learner
monitoring, review and assessment.

The remaining 30 hours will comprise the candidate’s own self directed learning.

There is no set programme duration, i.e. the period of time over which the
required 60 learning hours are spread. However CIPD would not normally expect
PTLLS programmes to extend beyond one year and, in the majority of cases, to
be of a substantially shorter duration than this.

Centres can seek approval to deliver more than one PTLLS programme per year,
and this should be documented within their programme approval application

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 4

2.3 P
rogramme Design

In designing a PTLLS programme, centres must ensure that

• Sufficient, appropriate learning input and support is provided to enable

candidates to achieve all the PTLLS learning outcomes
• Sufficient, appropriate assessment opportunity is available to allow
candidates to demonstrate their skills, knowledge and competence in
relation to all the PTLLS assessment criteria.

Whilst PTLLS covers generic teaching/training skills there is equal emphasis on

understanding role requirements and the particular requirements of candidates’
specialist area(s).

When delivering PTLLS, centres should take account of the level and credit value
of the PTLLS Award to avoid over delivery and assessment.

2.4 Delivery of PTLLS within CTLLS or CTP

PTLLS can be delivered within other CIPD programmes, primarily the Certificate
in Training Practice (CTP) and/or the Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong
Learning sector (CTLLS).

Where PTLLS is delivered as a unit of CTLLS, LLUK requires PTLLS to be

delivered at the beginning of the programme.

Where PTLLS is delivered in combination with the CTP, the point at which a
candidate completes PTLLS, and therefore gains the threshold to practice, must
be explicitly identified.

2.5 Centre and Programme Approval

In order to offer PTLLS, centres must gain formal approval from CIPD. The full
procedure for gaining this approval is detailed in the CIPD Centre Handbook for
Certificate Qualifications (available separately on CIPD’s website).

Once approved, centres can seek further approval to offer different CIPD
programmes, and usual procedures for this are also detailed in the Centre
Handbook for Certificate Qualifications.

During the initial implementation phase of PTLLS, i.e. from September 2007,
special, fast-track, programme approval arrangements have been established for
existing centres that are currently approved to offer CTP. Centres wishing to
submit an application to deliver PTLLS should contact the PTLLS QA Officer (see
contact details at the back of this handbook).

2.6 Requirements for PTLLS Teaching and Assessment Team

The CIPD Centre Handbook details the general centre approval requirements
regarding the programme team, including a requirement for a significant
proportion of the teaching/assessment team to have met the requirements for,
and gained, CIPD membership. Overall grades of membership must be
appropriate to the level and range of CIPD programmes being delivered.

Centre staff who are involved in the delivery and/or assessment of PTLLS are
also required to meet the following conditions agreed by LLUK:

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 5

• hold or be working towards a level 4 teaching/training qualification - for
example a PGCE, PG Cert in Learning and Development, NVQ in Learning
and Development, City and Guilds 7407 Certificate in Further Education
Teaching (minimum stage 2).
• have recent experience in delivering and assessing teaching/training
Where either of these conditions are not yet met, tutors/assessors must have
their assessment decisions sampled by an experienced member of the team until
they have achieved the required qualifications and appropriate experience.
Team members whose teaching or assessing of PTLLS involves working
with young people or vulnerable adults must be checked and approved by
the Criminal Records Bureau.

2.7 Recruitment and Selection of Learners to PTLLS

Prior to joining any CIPD programme, learners must be provided with full
information about the programme, and their suitability assessed by an approved
member of the programme team.

Whilst CIPD does not set specific entry requirements for PTLLS programmes, it
does require that all candidates have, with appropriate support:

• the ability to benefit from, and contribute to, their learning programme
• access to the required opportunities to complete their programme.

Centres should take account of the following factors when considering an

individual’s suitability for a PTLLS programme:

• level of general education

• work experience (paid or unpaid)
• knowledge and skills of specialist subject or training context. It is expected
that someone enrolling on PTLLS will normally possess at least a minimum
level 3 qualification in his/her area of specialism
• level of literacy, language, numeracy and ICT skills
• period of time since education or academic studies

In making these judgements, centres must take into account and comply with all
relevant CIPD policy documents, including Equal Opportunities and Reasonable
Adjustments policies. Centres should also be aware that:

• the PTLLS Award can be undertaken as either a pre- or in-service award,

and there is no requirement for candidates to be currently working in a
training role - training practice requirements can be met through micro-
• the PTLLS Award is accredited for learners aged 19 years and over.

2.8 Registration and Membership

Centres are required to register all candidates, individually, with CIPD at the
beginning of their programme, using the PTLLS Candidate Registration Form.

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 6

PTLLS candidates are encouraged to join the CIPD as student members at the
beginning of their programme. Membership forms will be provided to centres for
this purpose. Further information about student membership is available from

Ensuring that all candidates’ access student membership enables CIPD to

provide the wider support afforded to learners on all CIPD programmes. Full
details of CIPD membership and the benefits provided are contained in the
Centre Handbook.

2.9 Initial Assessment

PTLLS candidates must have an initial assessment at the beginning of their

programme. As a minimum, CIPD requires a one-to-one discussion (or series of)
between the candidate and member of the programme team, at which the
following is agreed and documented:

• overall approach to completing the PTLLS programme

• any physical/resource/particular needs in relation to accessing the
programme and how these will be met
• any study skills support needs and how these will be met
• individual support needs in relation to literacy, numeracy and ICT skills and
how this support will be provided
• individual support needs in relation to specialist area or context in which the
candidate will be/intends to work, and the opportunities and support
available for this (see section 2.11 for more information)
• best ways of working together to successfully complete PTLLS.

Centres are required to record outcomes of initial assessments within their own
(data protection compliant) documentation systems. Candidate’s individual
learning plans and reflective learning records will reflect the agreements made
during initial assessment.

Centres are requested to provide information about their initial assessment

processes within their programme approval application documents.

2.10 Individual Learning Plans and Records

All CIPD PTLLS candidates are required to have individual learning plans
relating to their programme, and to keep a reflective record of their learning.

The use of learning plans and records provides candidates with the opportunity to
develop and demonstrate the skills of planning, evaluating and managing their
own development. Centres should provide guidance on the learning plan and
record, and ensure that these are maintained by candidates.

CIPD does not prescribe a particular format for these documents, but provides in-
depth guidance for centres and candidates on the website.

2.11 Support for Specialist Area

Learning outcome 2 of PTLLS requires candidates to…‘understand appropriate

teaching and learning approaches in the specialist area’

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 7

Centres are required to support this learning outcome by providing one or more
of the following mechanisms:

• specialist tutor support

• advice and referral to: specialist information, core texts, sector related
reference and learning materials
• referral to special interest forums, such as those within the CIPD network. (access for members only)
• negotiation of specialist internal support or mentoring from within the
candidate’s employing organisation or intended sector

CIPD particularly encourages the establishment of a mentoring relationship for

PTLLS candidates, where the mentor has particular knowledge and experience of
the candidate’s specialist subject area or work context. Alongside the
candidate’s own network, the CIPD Branch Network may be a further source of
mentor support.

Centres should establish appropriate arrangements for supporting candidates in

their specialist area, and detail these within their programme approval application

2.12 Indicative Content

The indicative content is set out on page 13.

2.13 Assessment Strategy

In order to achieve PTLLS award candidates must:

• meet all the PTLLS assessment criteria
• complete a reflective learning record.
Candidates will normally meet the PTLLS assessment criteria through a
combination of the following:
• 1 x assignment with related appendices / supporting evidence
• 1 x observation of training, (minimum 30 minutes), in either a microteaching
or real work context
• recorded question and answer to ensure complete coverage of all
assessment criteria at the required level.

PTLLS is not graded. Candidates either meet (pass) or do not meet (fail) the
requirements of PTLLS. The depth of knowledge and skill reflected in the
candidate’s work is recognised by the level of their Award.
Assessment must be undertaken by approved programme staff. Where the
centre does not have the required subject expertise, some witness testimony will
be required from subject specialists to confirm the appropriateness of selected
teaching strategies to candidates’ subject area or work context. Where this is
the case, centres are responsible for briefing and supporting any non-programme
staff in this process.

2.14 The Assignment

PTLLS candidates are required to complete an assignment.

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 8

In order to meet the assessment criteria, CIPD recommends that the assignment

• an explanation of the candidate’s role and the context within which they
work (or seek to work)
• a rationale for how they would train others in some aspect of their specialist
area(s), and a related session plan
• an explanation of how
- the session structure, methods, content and resources are appropriate
to the subject area
- opportunities to include appropriate elements of functional skills
have been utilised
- the session meets the needs of the intended learners
• an explanation of the actual or potential use of candidate assessment to
inform or support the training session – reference should be made to initial,
formative and summative assessment, appropriate assessment methods
and related record keeping requirements.

Centres should develop their own PTLLS assignment (a pro-forma is provided at

section 4.2), ensuring that it will allow candidates to address all the relevant

In developing the assignment, centres should consider the following:

• assignments must reflect the level of programme to which they relate and
allow candidates to address the required assessment criteria
• assignment briefs should indicate the related learning outcomes and the
assessment criteria they are intended to address
• assignment briefs should provide clear instruction regarding the task(s) to
be undertaken
• assignments should require realistic work activities
• resources required for assignments should be realistic and available
• assignments should have a word count of around 2,000 - 2,500 words (plus

Centres must submit assignment briefs to CIPD as part of the programme

approval process, and provide an explanation of how the assignments meet the
assessment requirements.

2.15 Observation of Teaching/Training Practice

The PTLLS Award requires all candidates to deliver a (minimum) 30 minute

training/teaching session.

This can be delivered in either a micro-teaching or real work situation and must
be observed and assessed by a member of the PTLLS programme team.

A Candidate Observation Record is provided for this purpose at section 4.1.

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 9

Candidates may also spend time observing their peers delivering training
sessions, in a micro-teaching context, provided the assessed micro-teaching time
and time spent observing others does not exceed more than 6 hours per

2.16 Recorded Question and Answer

In order for candidates to meet all the PTLLS assessment criteria, it may be
necessary to complete any ‘gaps’ around the assignment and observation with
question and answer.

Questions and answers, whether verbal or written, should be recorded and the
records held by the candidate within their collection of work for PTLLS.

2.17 Assessment Records

It is anticipated that centres will use their own learning review / formative
assessment systems for recording progress towards achievement of PTLLS.

Centres, in conjunction with candidates, must provide a clear summative

assessment record, explicitly detailing how the PTLLS assessment criteria have
been met. A Summative Assessment Record pro-forma is provided at section

It is recommended that candidates keep their PTLLS assignments, observation

record, recorded question and answer and any supporting evidence in a binder or
folder, fronted by a completed Summative Assessment Record.

Copies of assessment records must be held by the centre and made available for
internal verification and CIPD moderation purposes, as required.

2.18 Internal Verification

Centres are required to establish internal processes for quality assuring

assessment, and must detail these in their programme approval submission
documents. Typical processes would include sampling of assessment decisions,
joint observation of training practice, and checking of summary assessment

Every candidate on the PTLLS programme must have some aspect of their work
internally verified, prior to final external moderation.

2.19 External Verification

We will appoint an External Verifier (EV) to be responsible for your centre and to
report directly to us about the assessment of the PTLLS qualification(s) at your
centre. Each EV is part of a regional team led by a Regional Verifier (RV). EVs are
usually allocated to a centre for a two-three year period to maintain the rigour of our
quality assurance process.

The purpose of Verification

The purpose of Verification is to ensure that:

• the learning outcomes/assessment criteria have been interpreted and applied

with integrity

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 10

• there is consistency in standards across assessments and assessors

The Visit

Centres will have one external visit at the end of the first PTLLS cohort and then
a maximum of two visits per year.

The key elements of the visit will include:

• Sampling of assignments
• Checking of all candidate portfolios evidence sheets
• Meetings with members of the assessment team
• A review of action points agreed at the previous visit

1. Prior to the visit, the EV will request a copy of the Student Progress Form
(SPF), showing the assessment outcomes for each candidate. The centre
should not send any assignments at this stage.

2. At the visit, using the SPF, 20% of candidates’ assessed work will be selected
for sampling by the EV (minimum of 6 – maximum of 15).

This sample should be across the whole range of assessments and will include
all assessors.

3. Where there are concerns regarding the standard of assessment, the EV will
ask for a further 5% of assessed work.

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 11

3 PTLLS Specification

3.1 Level 3 Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector

UNIT TITLE: Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector

LEVEL: Three

This unit has 5 learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Understand own role, 1.1 Explain own role and responsibilities, and
responsibilities and boundaries boundaries of own role as a teacher. (*)
of role in relation to teaching. 1.2 Identify key aspects of relevant current
legislative requirements and codes of practice
within a specific context.
1.3 Identify other points of referral available to
meet the potential needs of learners.
1.4 Identify issues of equality and diversity,
and ways to promote inclusion.
1.5 Explain the need for record keeping.
2. Understand appropriate 2.1 Identify and demonstrate relevant
teaching and learning approaches to teaching and learning in relation
approaches in the specialist to the specialist area.
area. 2.2 Explain ways to embed elements of
functional skills in the specialist area.
2.3 Justify selection of teaching and learning
approaches for a specific session.
3. Demonstrate session 3.1 Plan a teaching and learning session which
planning skills. meets the needs of individual learners.
3.2 Justify selection of resources for a specific
4. Understand how to deliver 4.1 Explain ways to establish ground rules with
inclusive sessions which learners which underpin appropriate behavior
motivate learners. and respect for others.
4.2 Use a range of appropriate and effective
teaching and learning approaches to engage
and motivate learners.
4.3 Explain and demonstrate good practice in
giving feedback.
4.4 Communicate appropriately and effectively
with learners.
4.5 Reflect on and evaluate the effectiveness
of own teaching.
5. Understand the use of 5.1 Identify different assessment methods.
different assessment methods 5.2 Explain the use of assessment methods in
and the need for record different contexts, including reference to initial
keeping. assessment.
5.3 Explain the need for record keeping in
relation to assessment.

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 12

3.2 Level Four: Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector

UNIT TITLE: Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector


This unit has 5 learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
1. Understand own role, 1.1 Review own role and responsibilities, and
responsibilities and boundaries of boundaries of own role as a teacher. (*)
role in relation to teaching. 1.2 Summarise key aspects of relevant current
legislative requirements and codes of practice
within a specific context.
1.3 Review other points of referral available to meet
the potential needs of learners.
1.4 Discuss issues of equality and diversity, and
ways to promote inclusion.
1.5 Justify the need for record keeping.
2. Understand appropriate 2.1 Identify, adapt and use relevant approaches to
teaching and learning approaches teaching and learning in relation to the specialist
in the specialist area. area.
2.2 Evaluate a range of ways to embed elements of
functional skills in the specialist area.
2.3 Evaluate the teaching and learning approaches
for a specific session.
3. Demonstrate session planning 3.1 Plan a teaching and learning session which
skills. meets the needs of individual learners.
3.2 Evaluate how the planned session meets the
needs of individual learners
3.3 Analyse the effectiveness of the resources for a
specific session.
4. Understand how to deliver 4.1 Analyse different ways to establish ground rules
inclusive sessions which motivate with learners which underpin appropriate behavior
learners. and respect for others.
4.2 Use a range of appropriate and effective
teaching and learning approaches to engage and
motivate learners.
4.3 Explain different methods of giving feedback
4.4 Demonstrate good practice in giving feedback.
4.5 Communicate appropriately and effectively with
4.6 Reflect on and evaluate the effectiveness of
own teaching, making recommendations for
modification as appropriate
5. Understand the use of different 5.1 Review a range of different assessment
assessment methods and the need methods.
for record keeping. 5.2 Evaluate the use of assessment methods in
different contexts, including reference to initial
5.3 Justify the need for record keeping in relation to

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 13

4 Indicative Content



1.1 Explain own role and responsibilities, and boundaries of own role
as a teacher.

• Responsibilities and functions of the tutor/trainer: for example,

preparing, planning, design and execution of delivery, record
keeping, tutorials, preparing and assessing work, giving and
receiving constructive feedback.
• Responsibilities to Learner, learner rights, equality, diversity,
inclusion, principles of effective communication and barriers.
• Reflective Practitioner
• The Role of the teacher/trainer and the contexts in which they
operate, for example Workplace Training, Work based learning,
Further Education, Adult & Community Learning)
• Limitations of own role and some knowledge of referral to specialist
internal and external agencies, for example Connexions, centre
counselling services
• Boundaries of teacher/trainer roles and other sources of support
(learning and personal) for learners. Defining the extent of the
teacher role, for example when and how to contact students,
maintaining professional relationships and own organisation protocol

1.2 Identify key aspects of relevant current legislative requirements

and codes of practice within a specific context.

• Current legislation, for example, Equal Opportunities legislation

including: The Disability Discrimination Act 1995, The Sex
Discrimination Act 1975 and the Race Relations Act 1976. Health
and Safety, Child protection and Data protection relating to teaching
and training
• Relevant legislation relating to specialist areas
• Codes of practice, for example CIPD Code of Professional Conduct
and Disciplinary procedures; IFL Code of Professional Practice;

1.3 Identify other points of referral available to meet the potential

needs of learners.

• Referral of candidates for additional or specialist support, either

within the Centre or to External Agencies, for example, Basic skills
support, Dyslexia support, ESOL.

1.4 Identify issues of equality and diversity, and ways to promote


• Principles of equality and diversity, for example, access, non-

discriminatory language and Inclusion
• Consider own role in promoting equal opportunities and diversity
through teaching materials
• Consideration of the impact of legislation and own language on
• Range of teaching styles to adapt to needs of different learners

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 14

1.5 Explain the need for record keeping

• Attendance, retention and learner progression records

• Records of personal objective setting for candidates
• Maintaining up to date tutorial records
• Learners’ skills audits, learning styles and records of initial interview



2.1 Identify and demonstrate relevant approaches to teaching and

learning in relation to the specialist area.

• Range of approaches to teaching and learning, their advantages and

disadvantages (e.g. presentation, facilitation of group activities, 1:1
coaching, on-line or distance learning)
• Subject specific requirements re knowledge, skills & qualifications
• Consideration of appropriate resources and equipment relevant to
specialist area
• Suitable venue/environment, room layout

2.2 Explain ways to embed elements of functional skills in the

specialist area.

• Understanding of Functional Skills (Numeracy, Language, Literacy

and ICT,)
• Examples of how to embed functional skills into learning plans for
specialist area(s).

2.3 Justify selection of teaching and learning approaches for a specific


• Learning styles e.g. Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic; Individual

learning styles, for example, Honey and Mumford’s questionnaire
• Teaching strategies, for example, Lecture, Discussions, Seminar,
Role play, simulation and games, discussion, tutorials, practical work
• Factors that affect teaching and learning approaches, for example,
legislative, subject related, organisational, individual/personal
• Inclusiveness, equal opportunities, diversity


3.1 Plan a teaching and learning session which meets the needs of
individual learners.

• Training Cycle
• Clarify learning needs, for example through the Training Cycle, job
role requirements, curriculum requirements, initial assessment
• Planning, to structure a teaching/training session, for example
lesson aims, objectives, logic, sequencing, timing, summaries
• Scheme of Work, Structure
• Lesson/training plan, Structure
• Range of techniques to address individual needs, group work, audio
visual, Q&A, individual support

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 15

• Factors affecting design, for example, numbers, location, resources,
facilities and equipment, health and safety, equality of opportunity,
diversity, resources and constraints, cost/benefit

3.2 Justify selection of resources for a specific session.

• Purpose and principles of using different learning resources and

learning materials, for example, visual aids, OHT/OHP, handouts,
presentation, flipcharts, video/audio, worksheets, journals, websites
• Appropriateness of quality, quantity and content



4.1 Explain ways to establish ground rules with learners which

underpin appropriate behaviour and respect for others.

• Creating a climate conducive to learning, for example, establish

rapport, interaction with learners, putting learners at ease
• Ground rules, use and purpose
• Induction, use and purpose
• Issues of equality of opportunity and non-discriminatory practice in
training delivery - possible sources of bias, promoting equality
• Personal delivery techniques, for example, voice, mannerisms,
language, pace, non-verbal communication
• Room layout and the physical environment, including health and
safety issues

4.2 Use a range of appropriate and effective teaching and learning

approaches to engage and motivate learners.

• Range of activities, delivery methods and teaching strategies, for

example, visual, auditory and kinaesthetic,
• Motivation theory - intrinsic, extrinsic factors
• Information Communication Technology

4.3 Explain and demonstrate good practice in giving feedback.

• Principles of giving feedback to learners - constructive,

• Methods of giving feedback, for example, written, spoken, tutorials

4.4 Communicate appropriately and effectively with learners.

• Effective communication, listening skills, body language,

communication theory

4.5 Reflect on and evaluate the effectiveness of own teaching.

• Reflective practice
• Quality assurance systems within own organisation including, for
example, internal inspection to develop and inform practice
• Continuing professional development

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 16


5.1 Identify different assessment methods.

• Different types of assessment, for example competence, knowledge,

skills, other
• Assessment methods, for example, tests, interviews, observation, work-
based evidence, assignments, examination, Question and Answer
• Stages of assessment, initial, formative and summative

5.2 Explain the use of assessment methods in different contexts,

including reference to initial assessment.

• Reasons for assessment, for example, initial, diagnostic, summative

and formative assessment
• Issues of equality, validity and reliability

5.3 Explain the need for record keeping in relation to assessment.

• Maintaining records of student results and recording feedback in

accordance with awarding body, own organisation requirements
• Methods of recording and storing assessment information

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 17

5 Assessment Documents

5.1 Candidate Observation Record

Candidate: Date:

Session Title: Length of Session:

No. Criteria Met? Comment

Planning and Preparation

The candidate…

1 has a clear and

appropriate session

2 has all required

training materials and
equipment and has
sufficient learning
materials for all

3 prepares the learning

environment in a way
that assists learner
participation and

4 considers and
addresses health &
safety factors in the
learning environment

Delivery of Inclusive Session

The candidate…

5 clarifies and agrees

the purpose and
objectives of the
training session, with

6 uses a range of
training approaches
that are appropriate to
the learners and to
the subject area

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 18

7 uses learning
appropriately and

8 monitors and
encourages learner
engagement and

9 communicates
appropriately and
effectively with
learners and
demonstrates good
practice in giving
feedback to

10 concludes the session

clearly and uses
appropriate methods
to assesses the
effectiveness of the

Summary Comments
To what extent has the candidate delivered a session which:
a) is effective b) is inclusive c) motivates learners

Observer Role: Name: Signature:

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 19

5.2 PTLLS Assignment Template

Assignment No:

Assignment Title:


Links to Unit(s), Learning Outcomes, Assessment Criteria:


Overall Aim of Assignment:

Specific Objectives / Requirements:

Assignment Guidance: (As well as general guidance to candidates, please
clarify any further requirements of this assignment, regarding minimum core,
specialist area or observation of teaching practice.)

Approximate Word Count:


Submission Date:

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 20

5.3 Summative Assessment Record (Level 3)

UNIT: Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (Level 3)

Assessment Criteria How / Where Criteria are met

1. Understand own role, responsibilities and boundaries of role in relation to


1.1 Explain own role and

responsibilities, and boundaries of
own role as a teacher.
1.2 Identify key aspects of relevant
current legislative requirements and
codes of practice within a specific
1.3 Identify other points of referral
available to meet the potential
needs of learners.
1.4 Identify issues of equality and
diversity, and ways to promote
1.5 Explain the need for record

2. Understand appropriate teaching and learning approaches in the specialist


2.1 Identify and demonstrate

relevant approaches to teaching
and learning in relation to the
specialist area.
2.2 Explain ways to embed
elements of functional skills in the
specialist area.
2.3 Justify selection of teaching and
learning approaches for a specific

3. Demonstrate session planning skills.

3.1 Plan a teaching and learning

session which meets the needs of
individual learners.
3.2 Justify selection of resources
for a specific session.

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 21

4. Understand how to deliver inclusive sessions which motivate learners.

4.1 Explain ways to establish

ground rules with learners which
underpin appropriate behaviour and
respect for others.
4.2 Use a range of appropriate and
effective teaching and learning
approaches to engage and
motivate learners.
4.3 Explain and demonstrate good
practice in giving feedback.
4.4 Communicate appropriately and
effectively with learners
4.5 Reflect on and evaluate the
effectiveness of own teaching.

5. Understand the use of different assessment methods and the need for record

5.1 Identify different assessment

5.2 Explain the use of assessment
methods in different contexts,
including reference to initial
5.3 Explain the need for record
keeping in relation to assessment.

I confirm that all requirements have been met for this unit….

Signed (Candidate):


Signed (Approved Tutor):



PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 22

5.4 Summative Assessment Record (Level 4)

UNIT: Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (Level 4)

Assessment Criteria How / Where Criteria are met

1. Understand own role, responsibilities and boundaries of role in relation to


1.1 Review own role and

responsibilities, and boundaries of
own role as a teacher. (*)

1.2 Summarise key aspects of

relevant current legislative
requirements and codes of practice
within a specific context. (AP 6.1)

1.3 Review other points of referral

available to meet the potential
needs of learners. (FP 1.1)

1.4 Discuss issues of equality and

diversity, and ways to promote
inclusion. (AK3.1)

1.5 Justify the need for record


2. Understand appropriate teaching and learning approaches in the specialist


2.1 Identify, adapt and use relevant

approaches to teaching and
learning in relation to the specialist
area. (CK3.1; CP3.1)

2.2 Evaluate a range of ways to

embed elements of functional skills
in the specialist area. (CK3.3)

2.3 Evaluate the teaching and

learning approaches for a specific
session. (CK 3.1)

3. Demonstrate session planning skills.

3.1 Plan a teaching and learning

session which meets the needs of
individual learners. (DP 1.2)

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 23

3.2 Evaluate how the planned
session meets the needs of
individual learners (DP 1.2)

3.3 Analyse the effectiveness of the

resources for a specific session.

4. Understand how to deliver inclusive sessions which motivate learners.

4.1 Analyse different ways to

establish ground rules with learners
which underpin appropriate
behaviour and respect for others.

4.2 Use a range of appropriate and

effective teaching and learning
approaches to engage and motivate

4.3 Explain different methods of

giving feedback

4.4 Demonstrate good practice in

giving feedback.

4.5 Communicate appropriately and

effectively with learners.

4.6 Reflect on and evaluate the

effectiveness of own teaching,
making recommendations for
modification as appropriate

5. Understand the use of different

assessment methods and the need
for record keeping.
5.1 Review a range of different
assessment methods.

5.2 Evaluate the use of assessment

methods in different contexts,
including reference to initial

5.3 Justify the need for record

keeping in relation to assessment.
I confirm that all requirements have been met for this unit

Signed (Candidate):


Signed (Approved Tutor):



PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 24

6 CIPD Student Progress Form (SPF)

CIPD Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS)

Programme Cohort Start and Finish Date Page of
Surname Forenames CIPD Satisfactory completion of… Final Result
Membership No. Obs. Assign. Q&A (if Learning (Pass/Fail)
(If applicable) applicable) Record


Programme Leader: Signature Name Date

CIPD Moderator: Signature

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 25

7 External Verification of Assignment (PTLLS EVA)

Date of Moderation: Moderator: Centre:

Candidate: Assessor: Assignment Title or Reference:

Quality/Level of
Candidate’s Work

(Overall standard, structure,

presentation and quality of
work in relation to the level
and requirements of PTLLS )

Integrity of Assessment

(Compliance with PTLLS

requirements, accuracy of
assessment, interpretation of
assessment criteria,
coverage of assessment

Quality of Feedback

Assessment Outcome? Agreed? External Verifier Signature:

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 26

8 Cohort Report Form Moderation (PTLLS CRFM)

Page 1

Date of Moderation: Moderator: Centre:

Cohort Start /Finish dates: Size of Cohort: Cohort Assessor(s):

MODERATOR COMMENTS (Please provide summary comments including areas of strength and any areas of concern.)

Quality/Level of Candidate

(Overall standard, structure,

presentation and quality of
work in relation to the level
and requirements of PTLLS )

Quality, and Integrity of

Assessment Practice

(Compliance with PTLLS

requirements, accuracy of
assessment, interpretation of
assessment criteria,
coverage of assessment

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 27

9 Mapping Document

The CIPD Certificate in Training Practice (CTP) – Matrix showing possible relationship between the Certificate in Training Practice and the
Level 3 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector

The matrix below shows the relationship between the PTLLS and the CTP. This is a useful tool if you are embedding PTLLS into the CTP or would like to
offer an additional ‘top up’ to the PTLLS in order that candidates gain the CTP and Associate Membership.

Please note that PTLLS must be delivered at the start of a programme. Where PTLLS is embedded within the CTP, the point at which a candidate
satisfactorily completes PTLLS, and therefore gains a threshold licence to practice, must be identified.

Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Certificate in Training Practice (CTP) – Specification Mapping Notes
Sector (PTLLS) – Specification

Learning Assessment Criteria Relevant Performance & Knowledge Indicators

Outcomes Module(s)
1. Understand 1.1 Explain own role and 1 Training P.1 Manage own personal and professional PTLLS-1.1 & PTLLS-1.3
own role, responsibilities, and boundaries of in Context. development. could be covered by CTP-
responsibilities own role as a teacher. (*) P.2 Build effective relationships with colleagues K.2 (point 1&2)
and and customers.
boundaries of 1.2 Identify key aspects of relevant P.3 Plan, monitor and keep records of training PTLLS-1.2 should be
role in relation current legislative requirements and sessions. covered by CTP-K.2 (point
to teaching. codes of practice within a specific ****** 3)
context. (AP 3.1) K.1 Continuing personal and professional
development PTLLS-1.4 should be partly
1.3 Identify other points of referral - The principles of self-evaluation and personal covered by CTP-K.2 (pt 3)
available to meet the potential development planning and the strategies, support
needs of learners. (FP 2.1) and sources needed to put it into practice. Note: PTLLS-1.4 should
K.2 The organisational context also be covered by CTP
1.4 Identify issues of equality and - The contribution that training and development Module 2, K.1 & K.2
diversity, and ways to promote makes to organisational success and the factors
inclusion. (AP 2) that influence its effectiveness. PTLLS-1.5 should be
- Organisational roles and relationships in relation covered by CTP-P.3 & K.3
1.5 Explain the need for record to personnel and development.
keeping. - The effect of legislation and government Note: Tutor will need to
influence on training practice. ensure that CTP input fully

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 28

K.3 Management and administration covers Initial Award
- Factors to consider when planning and requirement and that
organising training sessions and selecting from PTLLS outcomes are fully
the range of training record systems. met.

Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Certificate in Training Practice (CTP) – Specification Mapping Notes
Sector (PTLLS) – Specification

Learning Assessment Criteria Relevant Performance & Knowledge Indicators

Outcomes Module(s)
2. Understand 2.1 Identify and demonstrate 2 P.1 Identify, prioritise and agree learning needs PTLLS-2.1(Identify) should
appropriate relevant approaches to teaching Identifying with individuals and groups, using appropriate be met by CTP-P.2
teaching and and learning in relation to the and methods of analysis.
learning specialist area. (BP 2.2) prioritising P.2 Recommend learning and development Note: PTLLS-2.1
approaches in learning opportunities relevant to identified needs. (demonstrate) will be met in
the specialist 2.2 Explain ways to embed needs. ****** CTP Module 4 – ‘Deliver &
area. elements of functional skills in the K.1 Identifying learning needs Evaluate Training’
specialist area. (BP 4.3) - Methods and sources of information for
identifying learning needs. PTLLS-2.2 could be met by
2.3 Justify selection of teaching and - Factors affecting individual learning, in and out of CTP-K.2
learning approaches for a specific the workplace.
session. K.2 Recommending learning opportunities PTLLS-2.3 should be met
- The range of learning opportunities, including by CTP-K.1 & K.2
workplace and e-learning, their advantages and ---------------------------------
disadvantages, and principles of equality of
3 access/opportunity. A-2.1(identify) should be
Designing ---------------------------------------------------------------- covered by CTP-P.1
training P.1 Design training and development sessions for
and individual learners or groups. PTLLS-2.2 could be
assessmen P.2 Prepare and/or develop relevant materials and covered by CTP-K.1
t. facilities to support training and development
sessions. ****** PTLLS-2.3 should be
(P/K.1 & K.1 Designing training covered by CTP-K.1
P/K.2 only) - The principles of adult learning.
- The principles of effective design, and the range Note: Tutor will need to
of factors affecting design. ensure that CTP input fully

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 29

- The range of training/learning methods, their covers Initial Award
advantages and disadvantages, and criteria for requirement and that
their selection. PTLLS outcomes are fully
K.2 Materials and facilities met.
- The range of audio, visual, and technology-
based learning aids, for use in design and
delivery, and criteria for their selection.
Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Certificate in Training Practice (CTP) – Specification Mapping Notes
Sector (PTLLS) – Specification

Learning Assessment Criteria Relevant Performance & Knowledge Indicators

Outcomes Module(s)

3. 3.1Plan a teaching and learning 3 P.1 Design training and development sessions PTLLS-3.1 should be
Demonstrate session which meets the needs of Designing for individual learners or groups. covered by CTP-P.1
session individual learners. (CP 1.2) training and P.2 Prepare and/or develop relevant materials
planning skills. assessment. and facilities to support training and PTLLS-3.2 should be
3.2 Justify selection of resources for development sessions. covered by CTP-P.2 & K.2
a specific session. (CP 4.1) P.3 Assess and provide feedback to learners.
K.1 Designing training
- The principles of adult learning.
- The principles of effective design, and the
range of factors affecting design.
- The range of training/learning methods, their
advantages and disadvantages, and criteria for
their selection.
K.2 Materials and facilities
- The range of audio, visual, and technology-
based learning aids, for use in design and Note: Tutor will need to
delivery, and criteria for their selection. ensure that CTP input fully
K.3 Assessment covers Initial Award
- Methods for assessing learning, their requirement and that
advantages and disadvantages and criteria for PTLLS outcomes are fully
their selection. met.

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 30

Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Certificate in Training Practice (CTP) – Specification Mapping Notes
Sector (PTLLS) – Specification

Learning Assessment Criteria Relevant Performance & Knowledge Indicators

Outcomes Module(s)

4. Understand 4.1 Explain ways to establish 4. Delivering P.1 Prepare, deliver and review a range of PTLLS-4.1 should be
how to deliver ground rules with learners which and practical learning sessions for individuals and covered by CTP-K.1
inclusive underpin appropriate behaviour and evaluating groups.
sessions respect for others. (DK 1.2) training P.2 Evaluate training and development PTLLS-4.2 will be covered
which motivate sessions for individuals and groups, using within CTP-P.1
learners. 4.2 Use a range of appropriate and appropriate methods, and make improvements
effective teaching and learning as appropriate. PTLLS-4.3 (explain) could
approaches to engage and motivate be covered in CTP-K.1
learners. (DP 2.3) ******
PTLLS-4.3 (demonstrate)
4.3 Explain and demonstrate good K.1 Delivering training sessions and PTLLS-4.4 should be
practice in giving feedback. (EP 5.2) - The range of delivery styles and presentation covered in CTP-P.1
techniques, including on-line learning, skills
4.4 Communicate appropriately and needed, advantages and disadvantages and Note: feedback in relation to
effectively with learners. (AP 8.1) criteria for their selection. assessment is also covered
- How to create a climate conducive to learning, in CTP Module 3, P.3
4.5 Reflect on and evaluate the and overcome barriers to learning.
effectiveness of own teaching. (DP K. 2 Review and evaluation PTLLS-4.5 should be
2.9) - The purpose, principles, scope and focus of covered by CTP-P.2 and K.2
- Evaluation methods and procedures and Note: PTLLS-4.5 is also
criteria for their selection. addressed in CTP Module 1,
- Factors to consider when recommending and P.1 & K.1
making improvements.
Note: Tutor will need to
ensure that CTP input fully
covers Initial Award
requirement and outcomes
are met.

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 31

Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Certificate in Training Practice (CTP) – Specification Mapping Notes
Sector (PTLLS) – Specification

Learning Assessment Criteria Relevant Performance & Knowledge Indicators

Outcomes Module(s)

5. Understand 5.1 Identify different assessment 3 Designing P.3 Assess and provide feedback to learners. PTLLS-5.1 & 5.2 should be
the use of methods. (EP1.1) training and covered by CTP-K3
different assessment ******
assessment 5.2 Explain the use of assessment PTLLS-5.3
methods and methods in different contexts, (P/K.3 only) K.3 Assessment Note: reference is made to
the need for including reference to initial - Methods for assessing learning, their record keeping in CTP
record assessment. (EP 1.2) advantages and disadvantages and criteria for Module 1, P.3 – but should
keeping. their selection. be emphasised in the
5.3 Explain the need for record context of assessment,
keeping in relation to assessment. here, to meet the PTLLS
(EP 6.3) criteria.

Note: Tutor will need to

ensure that CTP input fully
covers Initial Award
requirement and that PTLLS
outcomes are fully met.

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 32

10 Roles and contact details of CIPD PTLLS Quality Assurance Team

Name Role Contact

Debbie A John QA Manager, Certificates 020 8612 6395

Charlotte Cope QA Officer 020 8612 6492

Sophie Borman QA Coordinator 020 8612 6390

PTLLS Programme Handbook V3 33

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