Merwans Become A Franchisee Form
Merwans Become A Franchisee Form
Merwans Become A Franchisee Form
SECTION I: - Personal Fact Sheet and fill the details of respective members.
3. Address :
6. Does your professional background involve any of the following? (Please tick)
7. How soon can you free yourselves from present commitments to start this possible association with
Merwans Confectionaries?
1. How do you propose to set up the Merwans Confectionaries Centre? (Please tick)
Proprietorship Partnership
(In case of partnership give the names of the partners and their addresses and in case of a company
please give the name of the directors with their addresses)
Copy of IT returns
Has the party agreed to bring the investment and working capital?
Attach letter showing interest
3. Depending on plan approved for desired location approximately 650-700 Sq. Ft carpet area will
be required (depends on the business model chosen)
From : ………….
To : ………….
If no, how long will it take to locate the site? ____________________ Months
Confidential Application Form Page 6 of 10
Financial position
b. Immovable property:
c. Movable property
Copy of deposits
Investments made
Proof of ownership
4. How will you be able to contribute in terms of personal skill and attributes to make the Merwans
Confectionaries Centre a success?
5. Why are you interested in a particular City/Suburb and a particular location that you mentioned above
to take the franchisee?
• I know the city/location well and found great potential for a concept like that of
• I don’t know
• Other _______________________________________________________________________________
2. Which other similar profile of sales operators are in your town/city/locality that you consider as major
competitor in this space?
5. If you invest (x) amount how much ROI do you expect on it every year?
A. 10%
B. 15%
C. 20%
D. 25%
• I already have an existing business however I feel it is underutilized therefore partnering with
Merwans will be better
• I am a passionate person with keen interest in business and now wish to get associated with
• Somebody recommended me
• Other _______________________________________________________________________________
8. I/We, declare that I/We do not have franchise of any other business directly or indirectly
or through my/our relatives and associates similar to the one offered by Merwans
9. I/We, hereby certify that I/We shall remain the applicants and if there is any change in the
composition of applicants before signing of agreement or opening of franchise. I/We hereby agree
to get the new applicants as well as the new form of organization approved by Merwans
Confectionaries. We agree to the rejection of this application if the changes are not approved by
10. I/We certify that all the information in this application form and on any attachments thereto is true
and accurately represents my/our current and continuing financial conditions. I/We understand
that any misrepresentation in this statement may result in rejection of this application.