04 Arithmetic

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3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I

Binary Arithmetic Binary Arithmetic

 Addition

0 0 1 1 0 6
0 1 0 1 1  11 
1 0 0 0 1 17

1 0 1 1 0 22
0 1 0 1 1  11 
1 0 0 0 0 1 33

3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Carry Binary Arithmetic

 What happens if we run out of digits?

• Adding two numbers each stored in 1 byte (8 bits) may
produce a 9-bit result
8 bits

1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 156
1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1  167 
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 323

• Added 15610 + 16710 and expected to get 32310

• 8-bit result was 010000112 or 6710
• Largest number we can represent in 8-bits is 255
• The issi g or left-o er is alled a carry (or carry-out)
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Condition Code Flags Binary Arithmetic

Current Program Status Register

N Z V C Reserved Control Bits

31 30 29 28 27 8 7 0

Condition Code
 Some instructions can optionally update the Condition
Code Flags to provide information about the result of
the execution of the instruction
• e.g. whether the result of an addition was zero, or negative or
whether a carry occurred
N – Negative Z – Zero
V – oVerflow C – Carry
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Condition Code Flags Binary Arithmetic

 The Condition Code Flags (N, Z, V, C) can be optionally

updated to reflect the result of an instruction
 S-bit in a machine code instruction is used to tell the
processor whether the Condition Code Flags should be
updated, based on the result
• e.g. ADD instruction
• Condition Code Flags only updated if S-bit (bit 20) is 1

11100000100 S Rn Rd 00000000 Rm
31 21 20 19 16 15 12 11 4 3 0

 In assembly language, we cause the Condition Code

Flags to e updated y appe di g “ to the i stru tio
mnemonic (e.g. ADDS, SUBS, MOVS)
Program 4.1 – Carry
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Binary Arithmetic

LDR r0, =0xC0000000
LDR r1, =0x70000000
ADDS r0, r0, r1

stop B stop

 ADDS causes the Condition Code

Flags to be updated
 32-bit arithmetic
 Expected result?
 Does the result fit in 32-bits?
 Will the carry flag to be set?
 Examine flags using µVision IDE

3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Negative Numbers Binary Arithmetic

 The following binary value is stored in memory. What

does the value represent?
• 010011012

 Interpretation!

 How can we represent signed values, and negative

values such as -1710 in particular, in memory?

 How can we tell whether any given value in memory

represents an unsigned value, a signed value, an ASCII
character, ... 6
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Sign-Magnitude Binary Arithmetic

31 30 0

0 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 +810

31 30 0

1 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 -810

31 30 0

 Represent signed values in the range [-127 ... +127]

 Two representations of zero (+0 and -0)
 Need special way to handle signed arithmetic
 Remember: interpretation! (is it -8 or 2,147,483,656?)
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Modulo-arithmetic Binary Arithmetic

 A 12-hour clock is an 12
11 1
example of modulo-12
arithmetic 10 2

 If we add 4 hours to 10
o’ lo k e get o’ lo k 9 3

 If we subtract 4 from 2
o’ lo k e get 8 4

o’ lo k ot - o’ lo k! 7 5

2’s Co ple e t
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Binary Arithmetic

 A 4-bit number
system allows us to 1111
represent 16 values 0
15 1
1110 0010
 Ignoring carries from 14 2
addition gives us
1101 0011
modulo-16 arithmetic 13 3

1100 12 4 0100
 (15 + 1) mod 16 = 0
• and -1 + 1 = 0 11 5

 (14 + 2) mod 16 = 0 1011 0101

• and -2 + 2 = 0
10 6

1010 0110
 (14 + 4) mod 16 = 2
9 7

• and -2 +4 = 2 1001

2’s Co ple e t
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Binary Arithmetic

1111 0001
-1 +1
1110 0010
-2 15 1 +2
14 2
1101 0011
-3 +3
13 3

1100 12
-4 12 interpretation!! 4 +4 0100

11 5
-5 +5
1011 0101
10 6

-6 9 7 +6
1010 -7
9 +7 0110

1001 0111
2’s Co ple e t
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Binary Arithmetic

 What is the range of signed values that can be

represe ted ith its usi g the ’s Co ple e t
 How would the values -4 and +103 be represented
using a 32- it ’s Co ple e t syste ?
 How many representations for zero are there?
 How can you tell whether a value represented using a
’s Co ple e t syste is positi e or egati e?
 How can we change the sign of a number represented
usi g a ’s Co ple e t u er syste ?

2’s Co ple e t Exa ples
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Binary Arithmetic

 Represent 9710 usi g ’ o ple e t

• 9710 = 0110 00012
• Inverting gives 1001 11102
• Adding 1 gives 1001 11112

• I terpreted as a ’s o ple e t i teger, 2 = -9710

• Interpreted as an unsigned integer, 1001 11112 = 15910

• (159 + 97) mod 256 = 0 Remember:


• Correct interpretation is the responsibility of the

progra er, ot the CPU, hi h does ot k o hether a
value 1001 11112 in R0 is -9710 or 15910
2’s Co ple e t Exa ples
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Binary Arithmetic

 Adding 0110 00012 (+9710) and 1001 11112 (-9710)

8 bits

0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Ignoring the carry bit yields correct signed result of 0

 Changing sign of 1001 11112 (-9710)

• Invert bits and add 1 again!!
• Inverting gives 0110 00002
• Adding 1 gives 0110 00012 (+9710)
Program 4.2 – Negate Value
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Binary Arithmetic

 Write an assembly language program to change the

sign of the value stored in r0
 “ig of a ’s Co ple e t alue a e ha ged y
inverting the value and adding one
LDR r0, =7 ; value = 7 (simple test value)
MVN r0, r0 ; value = NOT value (invert bits)
ADD r0, r0, #1 ; value = value + 1 (add 1)

stop B stop

• Use of LDR r0, =7 to load a test value (7) into r0

• MVN instruction moves a value from one register to another
register and negates (inverts) the value (note same register)
• Use of ADD with immediate constant value #1 (note syntax)
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Subtraction Binary Arithmetic

 A–B 8 bits

0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

 A + (TC(B))
8 bits

0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Subtraction Binary Arithmetic

 A–B 8 bits

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

 A + (TC(B)) 8 bits

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

 When performing a subtraction operation, if the Carry

bit is set then a borrow did not occur, otherwise ...
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
ARM Instruction Set Reference Binary Arithmetic

 Chapter 4 of the ARM Architecture Reference Manual

k o as ARMARM

3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
ARM Instruction Set Reference Binary Arithmetic

 ARMARM tells us how each instruction (optionally)

effects the Condition Code Flags
 e.g. ADD

3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
ARM Instruction Set Reference Binary Arithmetic

• e.g. SUBtract

3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Zero and Negative Flags Binary Arithmetic

 Zero Condition Code Flag is (optionally) set if the result

of the last instruction was zero
 Negative Condition code flag is (optionally) set if the
result of the last instruction was negative
• i.e. if the Most Significant Bit (MSB) of the result was 1
 e.g. SUBtract instruction

2’s Co ple e t Exa ples
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Binary Arithmetic

 Add +97 and +45

8 bits

0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 
0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

 Result is 1000 11102 (14210, or -11410)

 If we were interpreting values as signed integers, we
got an incorrect result
• With 8-bits, the highest +ve integer we can represent is +127
• We added two +ve numbers and obtained a –ve result
• 1000 11102 (-11410)
• The result is outside the range of the signed number system 21
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
oVerflow Binary Arithmetic

 If the result of an addition or subtraction gives a result

that is outside the range of the signed number system,
then an oVerflow has occurred
 The processor sets the oVerflow Condition Code Flag
after performing an arithmetic operation to indicate
whether an overflow has occurred

Current Program Status Register

N Z V C Reserved Control Bits

31 30 29 28 27 8 7 0

Condition Code
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Carry and oVerflow Binary Arithmetic

 The Carry and oVerflow flags are set by the processor

using a set of rules
 Re e er, the pro essor does ot k o hether
we, as programmers, are choosing to interpret stored
values as signed or unsigned values
• e.g. we could interpret the binary value 100011102 as either
14210 (unsigned) or -11410 (signed)
• e ould also i terpret it as the A“CII ode for Ä
• ...
 The C and V flags are set by the processor and it is the
responsibility of the programmer to choose
• whether to interpret C or V
• how to interpret C or V
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
oVerflow Rules Binary Arithmetic

 Addition rule (r = a + b)
V = 1 if MSB(a) = MSB(b) and
MSB(r)  MSB(a)
• i.e. oVerflow accurs for addition if the operands have the
same sign and the result has a different sign

 Subtraction rule (r = a – b)
V = 1 if MSB(a)  MSB(b) and
MSB(r)  MSB(a)
• i.e. oVerflow occurs for subtraction if the operands have
different signs and the sign of the result is different from the
sign of the first operand
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Carry and oVerflow Examples Binary Arithmetic

8 bits

0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Carry =1
1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0  oVerflow = 0
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

 Signed interpretation: (+112) + (-80) = +32

 Unsigned interpretation: 112 + 176 = 288
 By examining the V flag, we know that if were
interpreting the values as signed integers, the result is
 If we were interpreting the values as 8-bit unsigned
values, C = 1 tells us that the result was too large to fit
in 8-bits 25
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Carry and oVerflow Examples Binary Arithmetic

8 bits

1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Carry =1
1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0  oVerflow = 1
1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

 Signed: (-80) + (-80) = -160

 Unsigned: 176 + 176 = 352
 By examining the V flag (V = 1), we know that if were
interpreting the values as signed integers, the result is
outside the range of the signed number system
 If we were interpreting the values as 8-bit unsigned
values, C = 1 tells us that the result was too large to fit
in 8-bits 26
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Condiion Code Flags - Recap Binary Arithmeic

N Z VC Reserved Control Bits

31 30 29 28 27 8 7 0

 Many instrucions can opionally cause the processor to

update the Condiion Code Flags (N, Z, V, and C) to
relect certain properies of the result of an operaion
• Append “S” to instrucion in assembly language (e.g. ADDS)
• Set S-bit in machine code instrucion
 N lag set to 1 if result is negaive (if MSB is 1)
 Z lag is set to 1 if result zero (all bits are 0)
 C lag set if carry occurs (addiion) or borrow does not
occur (subtracion)
 V lag set if overlow occurs for addiion or subtracion 27
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Example: 64-bit Addition Binary Arithmetic

 64-bit addition on a 32-bit processor

Most-Significant (Upper) 32 Bits Least-Significant (Lower) 32 Bits

0 0 0 0 0 E 4 4 3 2 A 8 4 F E 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F 4 E 0 0 3 2 2 
0 0 0 0 0 E 4 5 2 7 8 8 5 3 0 8

• Split operation into two 32-bit operations

• Add lower 32 bits, followed by upper 32 bits
• A y arry-out fro the additio of the lo er its ust
e arried-i to the additio of the upper its
0 0 0 0 0 E 4 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 A 8 4 F E 6
1  F 4 E 0 0 3 2 2 
E 4 5 1 2 7 8 8 5 3 0 8 28
Program 4.3 – 64-bit Addition
3D1 / Microprocessor Systems I
Binary Arithmetic

 Use ADDS instruction to add lower 32 bits, causing the

processor to set the Carry flag if a carry-out occurs
 Use ADC instruction to add upper 32 bits, plus 1 if the
Carry flag was set (by the preceding ADDS instruction)

; Set some test values for A and B

LDR r2, =0x00000E44 ; Aupr
LDR r3, =0x32A84FE6 ; Alwr
LDR r4, =0x00000000 ; Bupr
LDR r5, =0xF4E00322 ; Blwr

; Add A and B
ADDS r0, r3, r5 ; Rlwr = Alwr + Blwr, update Cout
ADC r1, r2, r4 ; Rupr = Aupr + Blwr + Cout

stop B stop

 Same technique can be extended to larger values


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