10 LLM1
10 LLM1
10 LLM1
4. Examine the utility of sampling techniques. Explain the various kinds of sampling
6. Explain the objectives of a ‘survey’ What are the merits and demerits of social
(D 1233 CSL)
First Year
1. “A company is different from its shareholders”. Explain this statement with the
help of decided cases.
5. What is the nature of a share? Differentiate between the rights of equity share
holder and preference shareholder.
(D 1234 CSL)
3. How is the appointment of a secretary is made? State his rights and duties.
7. What are the duties and powers of company Law Tribunal in sanctioning the
scheme of arrangement?
8. What are the duties and responsibilities of directors in submitting the accounts
before the annual general meeting?
(D 1235 CSL)
1. Explain the concept of 'capital' in relation to a limited company and state the
various senses in which the term 'capital' is used in company law.
2. "Sec.81 is intended to prevent the director from offering shares to out siders before
offer is made to share holders. A share holder becomes entitled under this section
to obtain shares in the further issue of capital as a right". Critically examine the
statement keeping inview of the recent development in company law.
4. Explain the law relating to issue of shares at a premium and issue of shares at a
5. Critically examine employees stock option scheme and employees stock purchasing
6. "Public financial institutions are non-banking financial institutions. What are the
institutions that are recognized under 4A of companies Act as public institutions?
Briefly explain the salient features of each institution.
8. Critically examine the manners in which and the time at which the divided can be
1. Composition of certain offences is a device under the Company's Act to shield the
nominal directors. Explain. What is the objective of the legislature behind such
remedy? State the limitations and role of Regional Directors in this regard?
4. The company law Tribunal exercises vast discretionary power to order for winding
up of company under just and equitable clause. Discuss in detail some of those
7. What is meant by contributory when can a contributor is liable to pay the unpaid
9. What are the proceedings that are taken up against delinquent officers in case of
fraudulent conduct of business, falsification of books?