(Paper I)
Time allowed: 2:30 hours Maximum Marks: 100
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains Three Sections A, B & C.
2. Section-A Each question carries 2 marks. Each questions in about 50 words.
3 Section-B Each question carries 10 marks. Each questions in about 200 words.
4. Section-C Each question carries 15 marks. Each questions in about 500 words.
General Instructions:
(I) You are trained to be an Accountant and not a story writer, Answer point to Point.
(II) If you have Missed my Classes & have not prepared, don’t waste your time, instead pray god.
(III) Do not unnecessarily smile at the person sitting next to you, they may also not know the answer,
moreover exam hall is not the right place for networking.
(IV) It’s good to have a lot of beautiful options in life but all questions are compulsory here.
These Sample Questions Papers are very much idol for revision purpose before
You appear in Final Examinations.
If these Sample Papers attempted sincerely and accurately under Examination
100% SUCCESS in the Examination is guaranteed. BEST OF LUCK
1- (I)Define OPC.
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RANKER’S FACTORY CTC Classes Exam Series - 3
2-“ A Certificate of Incorporation is conclusive evidence that all the requirements of the company act have been
compiled with” Elaborate.
3- What are the Contents of MOA, how Can you alter the contents of Memorandum Of Association?
What is meant by incorporation of company? Describe in brief the process of incorporation of Company.
State the legal provisions as to borrowing powers of a company and discuss consequences of ultravires borrowing.
5- What is meant by Directors? State the conditions under which a person is disqualified from being appointed as a
What is meant by statutory meeting? Discuss in the provisions of the company law pertaining to statutory meetings.
6- Explain the different types of resolution that can be passed in company meetings. Give example in each cases.
7- Define a company and write its main characteristics. What kinds of companies can be formed under the Indian
Companies Act?
8- What is meant by membership of a company? How is the membership of a company acquired? In what
circumstances does it ceases?
9- What do you mean by Doctrine of Ultra Virus. If a company borrows beyond its power what remedies are open
to a person who has lent among to the company?
10- What do you mean by winding-up of a company? Describe briefly the different modes of winding-up. Explain
the difference between winding-up and dissolution of a company.
11- What is Corporate Veil? When or under what circumstances is it lifted? Give case law.
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