Crude Oil Chemistry No Series
Crude Oil Chemistry No Series
Crude Oil Chemistry No Series
Vastly Simanzhenkov
University Duisburg-Essen
Duisburg, Germany
Raphael Idem
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
ISBN: 0-8247-4098-X
Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, U.S.A.
tel: 212-696-9000; fax: 212-685-4540
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This book is devoted to students as well as scientists and process engineers in-
volved in petroleum science, refining and engineering. Part I of the book gives a
historical overview of the origin of petroleum. The first chapter shows how crude
oil is linked with human civilization. In this chapter it is also shown that the en-
ergy used to run most of today's machinery derives from petroleum. It also pro-
vokes our imagination on how the various moving parts of machinery would oper-
ate without mineral oil or lubricating oil, both of which are also produced from
crude oil. The first chapter also provides insight into the problems that have arisen
as a result of applying different standards by different countries to similar crude oil
products and how these problems are tackled.
The second chapter of Part I deals with modern analytical methods used in crude
oil chemistry. Modern and classical methods of petroleum and petroleum product
characterization are explained. This chapter is an essential chapter for present and
potential crude oil chemists since analytical chemistry constitutes an important
part of crude oil chemistry. Besides, crude oil products have so many special
properties that are important for the industry. The need to determine these proper-
ties gives rise to the use of very many analytical methods in the petroleum indus-
Part II (i.e. chapters 3 and 4) shows the geopolitical and economic nature of pe-
troleum chemistry. In this chapter, the initial stages of development of various
petroleum companies are shown. It gives a historical run-down on how small
companies of the past have blossomed into giant multinational companies of
worldwide repute. For readers, it is especially interesting to learn the history of the
development of the Eastern Bloc companies, especially the Russian companies. In
this chapter, it is shown how the political situation in this country has had a great
influence on the economic development of all Russian industries in general and
the petroleum industry in particular. It is also shown how it has been possible for
the big Russian petroleum concerns to be formed in less than twenty years during
the difficult times of political and economic reforms.
Chapters 5 and 6 of Part III of the book introduce the reader to the science of crude
oil refining. An illustration of the complete process scheme that starts from crude
oil all the way to final products is given. In particular, the process route of crude
oil from the well to the gas station and indeed the car tank is provided. These
chapters also present the techniques and technologies involved in most of the im-
portant processes used in modern petroleum refineries for processing light and
heavy distillate fractions. Chapter 7 in Part III looks at ecological problems that
iv Preface
arise in the crude oil industry. The chapter also shows that, in order to develop an
appropriate technology for crude oil treatment, not only are economically rational
decisions required, but also, ecologically acceptably decisions are needed. This
chapter looks at our environment as a very sensitive system that must be protected
with respect to the many processes that take place in the petroleum refining indus-
Good quality crude oil is often defined in terms of high API gravity and low sulfur
content. However, reserves of this type of oil are disappearing, giving rise to in-
creasing contributions from oil of lower API gravity and higher sulfur content. Is
the chemistry of processing of the two types of oil different? This question is an-
swered in Part IV of this book. The chapter also introduces the presence of asphal-
tenes in crude oil. A list of problems that occur during oil production, transporta-
tion, and processing that could be attributed to asphaltene presence in crude oil is
presented. New concepts and approaches that aid in the processing of crude oils
with significant amounts of asphaltenes are introduced. Part IV also looks at future
processes that may be introduced in the petroleum refinery. These are hybrid fuel
production processes that involve combining the well-known modern cracking
process with the recycling of waste plastics or bio-fuels. The advantages than can
be derived from co-processing of asphaltene-containing crude oils with plastics or
biomass materials are given. Part IV also presents some analytical techniques that
could be used by petroleum engineers and chemists to better understand the nature
of heavy crude oil and residues, and possible ways to positively influence their
processing. In all, Part IV presents critical material that can contribute towards
further development of the petroleum industry. This is especially true for the non-
conventional petroleum industry, and it can be particularly important for North
America, since Canada has the largest reserves of non-conventional petroleum in
the world.
Both authors have worked extensively in the areas of petroleum science and engi-
neering. We hope that this book will go a long way in introducing the reader to the
fascinating world and concepts of the black gold of our planet.
Vasily Simanzhenkov
Raphael Idem
Preface Hi
Part I Classification and Characterization of Crude Oil 1
7.3 Methods of air and gas cleaning used in the crude oil industry 309
7.4 Conclusion to Part III 318
Bibliography 320
Petroleum or crude oil has been known for a long time. Archeologists have
shown that it had already been extracted and used for about 5-6 thousand years
before Christ. The most ancient known oil wells are those at Ephrata and the
Kerch coast in the Chinese province of Sychuan. The mention of petroleum has
been found in many ancient manuscripts and books. For example, the Bible writes
about "pitch wells in the vicinities of the Dead Sea".
In ancient times, petroleum had some applications in medicine as well as
civil works. For example, the ancient Greek scientist Hippocrates (IV-V century
B.C.) has described many recipes of medicines which included petroleum. In one
ancient manuscript is written: "we shall rub the patients with petroleum in such a
way that the illness is taken away. White petroleum takes away the illness (cough
in this case). Black petroleum takes away a reasoning of the cough". The Egyp-
tians used petroleum oils to manufacture preservation mixtures.
Petroleum was also widely applied during construction work. Petroleum
bitumen was added to cement and the resulting product used during the con-
struction of the tower of Babylon. In the Bible, there is a narration that goes:
"Also each other has told to each other: "we shall do bricks and heat it by fire".
And they used the bricks instead of stones, and earthen pitch instead of cement".
Modern chemical analyses show that "earthen pitch" is "asphalt", the viscous
resinous substance remaining after the natural evaporation of the light fractions
from petroleum. Asphalt was applied in the construction of the Great Chinese
Wall as well as the trailing gardens of Semiramida. It was used as a water-
resistant medium for the construction of most of the ancient dams on Ephrata
4 Chapter 1
River. In the ruins of the ancient Indian city Mohengo-Daro was found a huge
pool constructed five thousand years ago. The walls of the pool were covered
with a layer of asphalt.
However, the greatest glory petroleum got was not for its use for construc-
tion. For more than two thousand years, petroleum was applied in military actions
and served as a source of military power. This was found in the discovery of the
antiquity based on the invention of "Greek fire". This new kind of weapon consid-
erably strengthened the military power of the countries that knew how to make
and operate them. It is still not proven scientifically who first invented the napalm.
Some people attribute the invention to the Byzantium alchemists, while others
think that the secret of its preparation was already known in ancient Greece. The
Greeks used to bind a vessel with a mysterious mixture to the end of a stick, and
threw it with the huge fire. Historians indicate that the fire flew with the speed of
light and with sound of thunder. When this vessel impinged on the wall, an explo-
sion occurred that gave rise to a huge cloud of smoke. The flame was distributed
in all directions. Water could not extinguish this fire.
Byzantium won a lot of fights using "Greek fire". The antic napalm was
especially of great service to Byzantium in the VII century during the attack by
the Arabs on Constantinople. The Arabian fleet had besieged the capital of
Byzantium. Besieged inhabitants of Constantinople had lost any hope of rescue
when the great idea came. During one of the attacks, they allowed most of the
Arabian fleet to come very close and unexpectedly unleashed a huge quantity of
"Greek fire" on the sea and burned it. The flame burned all the Arabian ships. It
seemed as if the sea was burning.
The composition of "Greek fire" was kept as a top secret. However Ara-
bian alchemists solved the secret of the "Greek fire" after almost four hundred
years after the fight at Constantinople. The main component of "Greek fire" was
petroleum with the addition of sulfur and saltpeter.
Up till now, petroleum has been used in many branches of construction
work or military service. It is thus hard to imagine what our life today would be
without crude oil. It brings power to all our machines and our houses. It is used
as a lubricant for various parts of machines. Hardly any modern device would
work without relying on various products derived from crude oil.
Even though the history of crude oil could be traced back by more than
two thousand years, real production of crude oil perhaps began in August 27,
1859, when the first industrial-scale crude oil well with a depth of 22 meters was
opened in Oil Creek, Pennsylvania. After this first industrial crude oil well was
opened, there was the commencement of a rapid development of crude oil
production and treatment. Probably, this day could be said to mark the birth of
modern crude oil chemistry. In 1878, the Swedish businessman Alfred B. Nobel
together with his brothers formed the Naphtha Company Brothers Nobel. The
company extracted the crude oil in Baku, Russia and transported it to the first
crude oil refineries via the pipelines built by Naphtha Co., which still exists
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil
Crude oil wells contain crude oil as well as gas. The amount of gas in the
crude oil varies from very little to hundreds of cubic meters per ton of crude oil.
These gases, solved in crude oil, can be released from the crude oil at normal
pressures. After production, crude oil is stabilized by separating the gas from the
oil (see Part III). The crude oil coming to the refinery usually contains less than
1% of dissolved gas.
All paraffins from C, to C7g can be separated from crude oil. However, it
has been shown that the largest fraction of paraffins in the crude oil is composed
of molecules from €7 to CM- Lighter or heavier paraffins are present in crude oil
in smaller amounts or as trace compounds.
All types of paraffins (i.e. «-paraffins and wo-paraffins) are present in
crude oil. The methyl-substituted paraffins were analytically proven to be pre-
sent in crude oil in the 1960s. It has been shown that methyl groups in paraffins
are located in positions 2, 6, 10, 14, 18 and further. Over 20 such isomers have
been found. The most abundant compounds of this kind of isomer are phitane
C2oH42 and pristane Ci9H4o (each was found in different crude oils in amounts up
to 1.5%).
It is known that paraffins from methane to butane are gases, from €5 till
On are liquids, and from C!8 onwards are solid substances. The solid paraffins
are present in all crude oils in different amounts, often up to 5%, but in some
crude oils up to 7% or even 12% have been found. Solid fractions of crude oils
do not only contain paraffins, but indeed these solids are complicated mixtures
of paraffins, naphthenes, aromatics and other compounds. It has been shown that
some heavy fractions from paraffmic oils can contain up to 50% paraffins, 47%
naphthenes and up to 3% aromatic compounds. It is known that the higher the
boiling temperatures of the crude oil fraction, the less the amount of paraffmic
compounds present in the fraction. However, paraffins are present in smaller or
higher amounts in all crude oils, crude oil fractions and products. The kind and
how the paraffins are present in oil (i.e. gas, solved or dispersed) depend on the
properties of the crude oil and the chemical conditions of paraffins.
The carbon atoms in the paraffin molecule are connected by a covalent
sigma (a) bond. The length of these bonds for the free isolated molecule in the
gas phase is 0.154 nm. The covalent angle between these C-C bonds is 112°.
The length and the valent angle can be different from the numbers shown for the
liquids and real gas paraffins. This difference can be explained on the basis of
the formation of hydrogen bonds between paraffin molecules. Through these
bonds, the conditions for intermolecular equilibrium in the paraffin will be
changed. However, it is well known that the power of the crystal field can
strongly influence the geometrical parameters of molecules by the formation of
hydrogen bonds. At the moment, there are very limited studies on the geometri-
cal differences between free isolated molecules and condensed molecules.
Paraffins can be present in crude oil as molecular paraffins as well as
associated molecules. The fraction of associated or molecular paraffins in crude
oil depends on many factors. However, one of the more important factors is
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 7
temperature; the higher the temperature, the less the fraction of associated paraf-
fins in crude oil.
Usually paraffins are less prone to most known industrial reactions. The
most important industrial reactions of paraffins are oxidation, catalytic isomeri-
zation and sulfurization.
Naphthenic hydrocarbons have the formula CnH2n. All bonds of carbon with
hydrogen are saturated. As such, naphthenic hydrocarbons in petroleum are also
relatively stable compounds.
Naphthenic hydrocarbons are the most abundant class of hydrocarbons in
most crude oils. Their composition in oil can vary from 25 to 75%. Usually, the
amount of naphthenes in crude oil fractions increases as the boiling point of the
fraction also increases. However there is an exception: The amount of naphthenic
hydrocarbons decreases with an increasing boiling temperature for heavy oils.
This can be explained on the basis of the increasing amounts of aromatic com-
pounds in heavy oils.
The distribution of monocyclic naphthenes is well investigated at the mo-
ment in comparison to polycyclic naphthenes. Monocyclic naphthenic compounds
are distributed mainly in the light fractions of crude oil. So, naphthenic hydrocar-
bons in the gasoline fraction are mainly present as substituted cyclopentanes and
cyclohexanes. The amount of these compounds in gasoline fractions varies from
10 to 85%. The polycyclic naphthenes can be found mainly in the heavy fractions
of crude oil (with boiling temperatures over 350°C).
At the moment, chemical analysis has identified only 25 dicyclic, five tricy-
clic and four terra- and pentacyclic naphthenic compounds in crude oil. In cases
where there are over one naphthenic ring in one molecule, a part of the molecule
normally consists of a polycondensed ring.
Bicyclic naphthenes (C7 - C9) are usually used as an indication of a naph-
thenic crude oil. The following bicyclic naphthenic compounds were observed in
different crude oils: bicyclo[3,3,0]octane, bicyclo[3,2,l]octane, bicy-
clo[2,2,2]octane, bicyclo[4,3,0]nonane, bicyclo[2,2,l]heptane and their isomers or
substituted compounds.
The tricyclic naphthenes are mainly present by alkylperyhydrophenantrens.
The following compounds of this class, a), b) and c), have already been analyti-
cally identified.
a) b) c)
Chapter 1
d) e)
g) h)
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil
There are no analytical proofs for the exact structure of polycyclic naph-
thenic compounds with number of rings over five. However, based on the results
of mass spectral analysis of heavy oil fractions, it can be said that there are poly-
cyclic naphthens with seven or eight rings in their structure. At the moment, it is
very difficult to be specific in analytical terms of the exact chemical structure of
such molecules.
Since naphthenes are saturated hydrocarbons, the chemical activity of the
naphthenic compounds is similar to the chemical activity of paraffins. During
thermal treatment of the naphthenes, it takes part in reactions involving C-C bond
cleavage, dehydration and, to a lesser extent, aromatization reactions.
Aromatics are unsaturated ring-type (cyclic) compounds that react readily
since they have carbon atoms that are deficient in hydrogen. All aromatics have at
least one benzene ring as part of their molecular structure. Aromatics may also
have two or more of the ring structures fused together. An example of a fused
double-ring aromatic compound is naphthalene. The most complex aromatics are
polynuclear (i.e. they have three or more aromatic rings fused together). These are
found in the heavier fractions of crude oil.
The amount of aromatics in different crude oils varies from 15 to 50%. The
highest amounts of aromatics are typically found in naphthenic oils. The amounts
of different types of aromatic compounds decrease in the following order: benzols
> naphthalenes > phenanthrenes > hriezenes > pyrenes > anthracenes.
The highest amounts of aromatic compounds are concentrated in crude oil
fractions with high boiling temperatures. It has been shown analytically that aro-
matics are usually present as substituted aromatic compounds with the length of
the substituents up to thirty carbon atoms.
Asphaltenes and resins are dark substances (from dark red to brown). They
are soluble in aromatic solvents but insoluble in paraffin solvents [3]. Asphaltenes
have various types of heteroatoms present in crude oil in their structure. Asphalte-
nes are the most complicated known compounds in crude oil.
10 Chapter 1
\ \
R'"' R
The amount of nitrogen in different crude oils varies from 0.02 to 1.5%.
There are many types of nitrogen compounds in crude oil. The example shown in
Figure 1.1 is only one of them.
Studies of nitrogen compounds present in crude oil are made possible in two
ways. First, these compounds can be analyzed directly in crude oil. The biggest
advantage of such an analysis is the possibility to investigate these compounds
both in their natural form and natural environment. However, the concentration of
nitrogen compounds in crude oil is relatively small, and this makes the analysis
not only difficult but results in a rather wide divergence of the measurements. The
second method is that the nitrogen compounds can be separated before analysis.
The disadvantage of this method is the possibility that during separation, the native
structure could be destroyed. However, despite the difficulties in investigating
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 11
nitrogen compounds, analysis has shown that, at the moment, nitrogen compounds
are present in crude oil mainly as cyclic compounds. Nowadays, nitrogen com-
pounds can be classified as alkaline (lye) nitrogen and neutral nitrogen com-
Pyridines (a), hinolines (b) and acredines (c) belong to the strong alkaline
(lye) nitrogen, because of their free, non-compensated electron pair.
a) b) c)
The substituted anilines (d), amides and/or imides belong to the weak alka-
line (lye) nitrogen compounds.
The non-substituted compounds such as indols (e) or carbozoles (f) are
typical nitrogen neutral compounds.
of the fraction. Over 20% of all oxygen compounds are concentrated in asphalte-
nes and resins.
Almost similar to nitrogen compounds, the oxygen compounds can be clas-
sified as neutral oxygen and acidic oxygen compounds. The cyclic and aromatic
compounds, ethers, anhydrides, furans and so on usually belong to the neutral
oxygen compound class.
The acidic oxygen compounds are usually represented by carbon acids. The
presence of these compounds in crude oil has been known for a very long time. It
was noticed during the production of light kerosene. In the production of high
quality light kerosene, it was necessary to clean the kerosene with lye. Compounds
with strong emulsifying properties were produced during this process. At the end
of the nineteenth century, it was shown that these compounds were sodium salts of
carbon acids.
Sulfur may be present in crude oil either as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), or as
compounds such as mercaptans (a), thiophenols (b), cycloalkanethiols (c), thio-
phenes (d), benzothiophenes (e), alkylbenzothiophenes (f), etc., or as elemental
a) b) c) d)
i ;s
Each crude oil has its own types and proportions of sulfur compounds. As a
general rule, however, the proportion, stability, and complexity of the compounds
are greater in the heavier crude oil fractions. Hydrogen sulfide is a primary con-
tributor to corrosion in refinery processing units. Other corrosive sulfur materials
are elemental sulfur and mercaptans. Pyrophoric iron sulfide results from the cor-
rosive action of sulfur compounds on the iron and steel materials used in refinery
process equipment, piping and tanks. The combustion of petroleum products con-
taining sulfur compounds results in the production of undesirable by-products such
as sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide. Catalytic hydrotreating processes such as hy-
drodesulfurization remove sulfur compounds from refinery product streams.
Sweetening processes either remove obnoxious sulfur compounds (example, mer-
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 13
The first attempt to explain the origin of petroleum dates back to antiquity.
For example, the Greek scientist Strabon, who lived about 2000 years ago wrote:
"At the place named Nymphey, there is a rock spiting fire, and under it are the
sources of warm water and asphalts... ". Strabon united two facts: the eruption of
volcanoes and the formation of asphalts (the way he named petroleum). This con-
nection between the two facts was a mistake. In the places mentioned by his work,
there were no erupting volcanos. The events which Strabon described as "erup-
tions" were actually "emissions", i.e. breaking out of underground waters (so-
called geysers), accompanied by outputs of petroleum and gas on the surface.
M.V. Lomonosov was one of the first scientists to introduce a reasonable
scientific concept of the origin of petroleum. In his mid-eighteenth century work
on "terrestrial layers", this Russian scientist wrote: "It is expelled from under-
ground with heat, prepared from stone coal and brown coal, this black oily mate-
rial... And this is a birth of a different grade of combustible liquid and dry hard
matter. This is the essence of stone oil, liquid pitch, petroleum, and similar materi-
14 Chapter 1
als which are different by cleanliness, but occur from the same origin" [5]. It can
therefore be stated that the idea of the organic origin of petroleum from stone coal
was conceived more than 200 years ago. The initial substance was an organic
material transformed at first into coal and then into petroleum.
Lomonosov was not the only one who addressed the question of the origin
of petroleum in the eighteenth century. However, some of the other hypotheses
formed at this time were less than scientific. For example, a hypothesis credited to
a Warsaw priest was that the Earth was very fertile in the paradise period. The
core of the earth contained a fatty impurity. After the paradise period, this fat was
partially evaporated, and the vapor partially condensed on the ground where it
mixed up with a variety of materials. This was later transformed to petroleum by
the world flood.
There are many other less scientific hypotheses about the origin of petro-
leum even by scientists. At the end of the nineteenth century, the authoritative
German geologist H. Hefer reported of an American petroleum industrialist who
considered petroleum to have resulted from wet whales that existed at the bottom
of polar seas. This petroleum penetrated into Pennsylvania by seeping through
underground channels [5].
In any case, the most widespread ideas among the scientists in the nine-
teenth century centered on the organic origin of petroleum. Disputes were mainly
around the initial material for petroleum formation: animals or plants? German
scientists H. Hefer and K. Engler carried out experiments in 1888 in which they
sought to prove that petroleum formation was from animal origin. The experi-
ments were performed by evaporation of fish fat at 400°C and 1 bar. Oil, combus-
tible gases, water, fats and different acids were formed from the 492 kg of fat
used. The largest fraction of evaporated material was oil (299 kg, or 61%) with a
density of 0.8105 g/cm3. Subsequent evaporation of the oil product yielded satu-
rated hydrocarbons (ranging from pentane to nonane), paraffin, lubricant oils as
well as olefms and aromatic hydrocarbons. Later, a Russian scientist (N.D. Ze-
linskiy) carried out a similar experiment in 1919. However, his initial material was
organic silt of mainly vegetative origin from Lake Balhash. The evaporation prod-
ucts in this case were: crude pitch - 63.2%, coke - 16.0%, and gases (methane,
carbon oxides, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide) - 20.8% [5]. Subsequent processing of
the pitch yielded gasoline, jet oil and heavy oil.
By the end of the nineteenth century, two different hypotheses of petroleum
origin had emerged: organic and inorganic hypothesis. The main concept of inor-
ganic petroleum origin was illustrated by the experiments of Berthelot. In 1866,
Berthelot considered that acetylene was the basic material. Large quantities of
acetylene were assumed to be produced by the reaction of water with carbides
which, themselves, were formed by the reaction of alkali metals with carbonates.
The conversion of acetylene to petroleum was accomplished at an elevated tem-
perature and pressure according to the following:
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 15
Indeed, the idea of the inorganic origin of crude oil did not initially have
any success with geologists, who considered that experiments carried out in the
laboratory considerably were different from processes that occur in a nature.
However, the inorganic theory of crude oil formation unexpectedly received
support due to new evidence from astrophysics. Research on the spectra of plan-
ets showed that, there are hydrocarbon compounds in the atmosphere of Jupiter
and other large planets as well as in gas environments of comets. If hydrocar-
bons are widespread in space, it means natural processes of synthesis of organic
substances from inorganic substances are possible.
In the 1950s, the Russian scientist N.A. Kudryavzev collected a lot of
geological material involving petroleum and gas deposits in the world. First of
all, Kudryavzev noticed that many gas and petroleum deposits were found in
zones of deep cracks of the terrestrial core. This knowledge was not new at this
time since other scientists had noticed this fact much earlier. However, Ku-
dryavzev extended the application of such ideas to a great extent. For example,
in the north of Siberia, near the area of the so-called Marhiinskij shaft, there are
frequent outbursts of petroleum onto the surface. At a depth of about two kilo-
meters, the mountain layers are literally impregnated with petroleum. At the
same time, it has been shown that the amount of carbon formed simultaneously
with mountain layers is extremely small (only 0.02 to 0.4%). But further from
the shaft, the amount of organic compounds in the layers increases. Neverthe-
less, the quantity of petroleum sharply decreases. Based on these extra data,
Kudryavzev suggests that crude oil formation in the Marhiinskij shaft can most
likely be explained not on the basis of formation from organic substance, but by
an inorganic theory of oil formation in the deep layers (or shells) of the planet.
Similar oil wells have been found in other regions of the world as well. A long
time ago in Wyoming (USA), the inhabitants heated their houses using pieces of
asphalt, which they collected from the cracks in mountain layers in the Copper
Mountains. But the minerals, of which these mountains consisted, could not
accumulate petroleum and gas. This means that the asphalt (similar to oil) could
only be formed according to the inorganic theory.
The space hypothesis of the origin of oil deserves mention as well. In 1892,
Sokolov stated that the dust cloud from which the Earth and other planets of the
solar system were formed consisted of hydrocarbons. In the process of the forma-
tion of the Earth, hydrocarbon substances were buried in the core of the earth.
Further, during the cooling of the planet, the hydrocarbons were pushed out. As a
result, they penetrated into cracks of friable minerals. This hypothesis is also one
of the representations of petroleum synthesis from minerals.
16 Chapter 1
However, the origin and formation of petroleum are very difficult questions
and it is almost impossible to answer them using only one theory. A more detailed
discussion concerning the origin of crude oil formation can be found in references
All seas and oceans are populated with biomass which are essentially a wide
variety of animals and plants. Of all sea biomass, the ones with the most signifi-
cant role in petroleum formation are microorganisms, typically plankton, 90% of
which is microscopic seaweed (phytoplankton). Plankton is the basic source of
organic material in the sea. Plankton is contained not only in the silts at the bottom
of seas or lakes but also dispersed or dissolved in the water. Approximate quanti-
ties of organic material dissolved per m3 of water are 2 g in the Atlantic and Pa-
cific oceans, 5-6 g in the Baltic and Caspian sea, and 10 g in the Azov sea. It is
interesting that the dissolved organic material is like greasy acids that is structur-
ally similar to plankton fats. The concentration of organic material is highest at the
bottom of the oceans. This is obvious because, for the most part, these organisms
are denser than the liquid medium. As such, they fall down to the bottom by grav-
ity. Shallow conditions are the preferable places for accumulation of organic mate-
rial. Generally, the process of mineral (clay, sandy minerals, etc.) accumulation
promotes fast trapping or collection of organic material as well as its protection
from decomposition. On the other hand, for organic material found deep in the
ocean water, there is sufficient time for it to be substantially dissolved and dis-
persed in the water due to the activity of bacteria. Consequently, only 1% of or-
ganic material is usually collected annually per m2 of ocean bottom in the world's
oceans out of 150 g that is formed.
Now, let us consider what occurs when organic material is collected on the
sea bottom. Organisms that are either brought from different continents or are
formed directly in the sea are collected rapidly in clay or sandy minerals. Although
organic materials contain various substances, the one with the greatest interest for
subsequent petroleum formation is "bitumoid". Birumoid can be extracted from
organic material using various solvents such as chloroform, benzene or ether. The
main source of bitumoides are lipoid (i.e., fat or a similar compound). The propor-
tion of bitumoides in the sea bottom deposits ranges from 2 to 20% of all organic
material. Apart from bitumoides, materials such as hydrocarbons (from 0.1 to 3%)
are also available in organic material. Approximately 300 g (and in some cases up
to 15 kg) of hydrocarbons are contained in 1 m3 of minerals formed. The average
quantity of dispersed hydrocarbons in minerals is 70-80xl012 ton. This exceeds the
established volume of hydrocarbons in oil fields (about 2.2xl012 ton) by about
tenfold. It is therefore evident that the organic material collected as described
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 17
earlier in this section is sufficient to form the established world petroleum re-
Dispersed hydrocarbons in solid minerals and silts in the seas are similar to
petroleum hydrocarbons. They are called dispersed petroleum or micro-petroleum.
Mountain minerals are hydrofill, meaning that they are moistened with wa-
ter instead of petroleum. Thus, in addition to mountain pressure, capillary forces
enhance the displacement of petroleum in the solid minerals.
The process of petroleum displacement in the native minerals (i.e. from
which it is formed) is referred to as primary migration or emigration. By getting
into loose solid minerals (collectors or traps), petroleum begins a new life.
Petroleum migration through collectors proceeds as long as it does not encounter
a trap (i.e. a layer that is capable of keeping the petroleum as a trapped deposit).
Examples of these traps are anticline traps, traps associated salt domes and oil
entrapment in a limestone reef. These are shown in Figures 1.2-1.4. Thus, the
pre-history of petroleum begins in live organisms from which are synthesized
initial biochemical compounds. On the other hand, the history of petroleum
begins with the collecting of biological and organic substances in the solid min-
erals [3].
Traps associated with salt intrusions are of many types (example: Fig. 1.2-
1.3); limestone reefs (Fig. 1.4) can also serve as reservoir rocks and give rise to
overlying traps of anticlinal form as a result of different compaction. Examples are
also known in which the reservoir rock extends to the surface of the earth but oil
and gas are sealed in it by clogging of the pores by bitumen or by natural cements
[3]. Many reservoirs can display more than one of the factors that contribute to the
entrapment of hydrocarbons.
18 Chapter 1
salt dome
Fig. 1.3: Traps associated with a salt dome.
Detailed discussions on oil and gas formation and modern methods of inves-
tigation in this area can be found in references 10-33.
so-called "convective movement" [5], which began a long time ago at a depth of
about three thousand kilometers into the earth where hot and rather light material
started moving upwards. After 15-16 million years, this movement reached the
lithosphere - the top and thinnest terrestrial environment. This material spread
over and "broke off' on the lithosphere into plates as a result offerees of viscous
friction. The plates moved apart from the region of outward flow of material and
drifted in a horizontal direction. The original structures were formed as huge fail-
ures or "rifts". These were then transformed into the ocean. Today, typical conti-
nental rifts exist in East Africa. They are typically filled with water. An example
of a modern sea rift that illustrates a subsequent stage of transition of an initial rift
structure to the ocean is the Red Sea.
The horizontal movement of the lithosphere plates eventually resulted in the
collision of the plates in which one plate was "pushed" under another plate. This
created the zone of subduction. Typically, during the immersing of lithosphere-
plates, the friction involved generates a considerable amount of heat that results in
increasing the temperature of the zone by hundreds of degrees. This process pro-
motes melting of the moved plate and gives rise to the occurrence of volcanic
processes. The modern subduction zones are widespread on the coast of the Pa-
cific Ocean and on the eastern part of the Indian Ocean. These processes are ac-
companied not only by active volcanic processes, but also by strong earthquakes.
As a result, the lithosphere is always in continuous movement. What is the relation
of the formation of petroleum to these powerful natural phenomena? Formation of
petroleum is a very energy-intensive process. It involves the dissociation of vari-
ous compounds, breaking of chemical bonds between carbon and oxygen, nitrogen
and sulfur, etc. These are processes that require significant amounts of energy to
be expended. For example, C-C bond scission requires 70-100 kcal/mol whereas
C-O bond breaking requires 70-200 kcal/mol. These processes can be initiated and
made to proceed actively within the temperature range 100-400°C. Below this
temperature range, transformation of dispersed organic material to petroleum will
proceed slowly and languidly, and will not completely exploit the potential of the
availability of the organic material resource. Chemists have synthesized a product
that is practically similar to natural petroleum from natural organic material. This
has been made a very rapid process as a result of the high temperature used in the
reactor. Hence, if the situation whereby solid minerals with organic material are
made to pass through the zone of high temperature can be provided in nature, the
formation of petroleum can be facilitated. A required condition for this purpose is
that the layer that contains organic material should be located at a minimum depth
of 2-3 km. This is where the main stage of petroleum formation proceeds. And
what will occur if organic material passes in the zone of rift or subduction? This
area is five to six times hotter than the surrounding areas. Hence, the transforma-
tion of organic material into liquid petroleum will be facilitated. Practically, it can
begin simultaneous with collecting solid minerals to make the trap. That is why
zones of rifts and subduction are usually of special interest to geologists when
performing oil-prospecting work. Since this knowledge gives them a key to a
20 Chapter 1
The basis for oil prospecting lies on the possibility of obtaining a geologi-
cal map of the prospecting area. In certain areas (e.g. Iran), one could easily
detect possible oil wells by air photography of the earth's surface in the pros-
pecting area. Geological prospecting can be made very exactly. However, it can
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 21
any crude oil deposit. Such an anomaly is usually a direct attribute of the crude oil
or gas deposits. The disadvantage of the method is that the anomaly can be dis-
placed from a source upwards of the layers.
The lumenescic method is based on an investigation of the bitumen dis-
persion area. The bitumen content in a layer rises above the crude oil or gas
deposits. Samples from the layer are selected from shallow depths, and investi-
gated using ultra-violet light.
The radioactive photography method is based on investigation of distribu-
tion of radioactive elements (first of all uranium) above petroleum and gas depos-
its. The radioactivity above the crude oil deposits is lower than around the deposit.
However, radioactive anomalies in surface layers can be due to changed lithologic
structure of layers. That is why this method is applied rarely.
With the hydrochemical method, the chemical composition of underground
water together with its contents of dissolved gases and organic substances is stud-
ied. A large amount of hydrocarbons in the underground water shows a high pos-
sibility of the presence of petroleum deposit in this area.
More about oil and gas prospecting and modern investigation in this area
can be found in references 38-46.
Practically all the drilling today is carried out according to the rotary prin-
ciple. A drilling tool screwed in at the lower end of the hollow linkage (either
roller chisels or diamond chisels) is shifted in a rotary motion by a turntable
installed in the drilling tower. The chisel drills into the Earth's layers. The bore-
hole usually has a diameter of 10 to 70 cm. The borehole begins with the largest
diameter at the surface and then decreases with depth.
Heavy bars are installed to increase the load pushing on the chisel and to
improve the drilling capacities. The individual parts are lined with steel tubes
and sealed against the mountain layers with cement. The layers of material
drilled out must be removed from the borehole. The scavenge pump is used to
ensure this removal as it maintains a liquid circulation in the drilling borehole.
Water is constantly supplied to the chisel as coolant. It ascends the pipe system
with constant pressure and thereby carries all detached rock particles forward.
During the drilling process, particles that are constantly brought by the flushing
water are examined in order to obtain information on the characteristics of the
drilled layers. The first pipe system (so-called "preventers") is now installed for
protection against uncontrolled oil or gas release. A simplified example of a
drilling tower is shown in Figure 1.5.
24 Chapter 1
Crude oil extraction begins after successful drilling. The three most popular
extraction methods are:
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 25
1. Eruptive extraction. Each crude oil deposit has a natural layer pressure,
which increases by up to one bar for every 10 meters of depth. Dissolved
gas also flows together with the crude oil from the oil well, the combined
flow resulting in pressure depletion in the well. Consequently, the gas
begins to exit from the oil accompanied by volume enlargement. The exit
of crude oil from the oil well in this case can be compared with the exit
of soda water from the bottle when it is opened.
2. Gas elevator extraction. After eruptive extraction has ended naturally,
one then sets the oil well under sufficient pressure that will force the oil
out, and so extend the period of free flowing out of the oil. Gas elevator
extraction has a distinct area of application. Frequently, one prefers to
pump to gas elevators during extraction of oil from larger depths (ap-
proximately between 2500 and 3500 meters).
3. Pumping extraction. Pumping is the most frequently used artificial ex-
traction method. The most important feature of this extraction method is
the use of a pump. The pump consists of three sections: the deep pump,
the pump linkage and finally the drive unit, which is represented by the
pump support (so-called horse head) with the driving motor. The usual
stroke rate for this pump varies from a few strokes up to 20 strokes per
minute. An example of such a pump is shown in Figure 1.6.
finic crude oils, which are remote from practical power sources. Most of such oil
wells are concentrated in deposits with porous traps. The most popular method
for extraction of such oils is the thermal method.
In this method, the oil deposit is opened for extraction by the opening of
boreholes, which are located in a uniform triangular grid formed by a thirteen-
borehole system with six boreholes in each of the two concentric circles. These
thirteen boreholes are located as follows: surrounding one central borehole is a
circle (i.e. first concentric circle) of boreholes consisting of six boreholes, and a
further six-borehole circle forming the second concentric circle. Thirteen bore-
holes are thus located so that each of the boreholes is located from the nearest ones
by an identical distance. The heat-medium (for viscosity decrease of the petro-
leum) is carried out cyclically, with each cycle consisting of three stages.
In the first stage, the introduction of the heat-medium is conducted simulta-
neously through the central input borehole and every second extraction borehole
of an external ring. Crude oil is extracted from all the other boreholes.
In the second stage, the introduction of the heat-medium is carried out
through the central borehole as well, but the role of boreholes in the external
ring changes: the heat-medium input boreholes now become extraction bore-
holes and the extraction boreholes now become heat-medium input boreholes.
The amount of heat-medium introduced in the second stage is the same as that in
the first stage.
In the last stage, only the central borehole is used as the heat-medium bore-
hole, and all the other boreholes play the role of extraction boreholes.
More drilling and extraction of crude oil can be found in reference 47.
In 1939, the inhabitants of the cities of Los Angeles and Long Beach ob-
served an appreciable concussion of the ground surface. The lowering of the
ground above the oil pool thereby began. The intensity of this process amplified in
the next fourteen years following when it started. The overall process resulted in
what could be considered as an elliptic rift. After sixteen years, the amplitude of
the lowering had already reached 8.7 m. The horizontal displacement with this
amplitude was up to 23 cm, directed towards the center of the area. Movement of
the ground was accompanied by earthquakes. Five strong earthquakes were regis-
tered in the period from 1949 till 1961. In a literal sense, the earth fell from under
the feet. Ports, pipelines, urban structures, highways, bridges and petroleum wells
collapsed. About 150 million dollars was spent for reparation. In 1951, the rate of
sinking of the ground surface achieved a maximum value of 81 cm per year. There
was a threat of flooding. Frightened by these events, the urban authorities of Long
Beach stopped the operation of the oil wells in order for them to develop a good
method to solve the problem.
In 1954, it was shown that the most effective method to mitigate this prob-
lem was water flooding (i.e., the input of water in the layer). Water input had other
advantages as well. For example, there was an increase in oil extraction. The first
stage of work for the flooding of the oil layer started in 1958, from which time a
southern part of the productive layer was input 60 thousand m3 of water per day.
In the ten years that followed, the rate of flooding of this layer increased to 122
thousand m3 per day. The lowering of the ground surface practically stopped. At
the end of the twentieth century, the rate of lowering of the center of the zone did
not exceed 5 cm per year. In some areas, there was even an elevation of the sur-
face of about 15 cm. The oil wells are again in operation. Now, for each ton of
petroleum extracted, about 1600 liters of water is needed. The maintenance of the
layer pressure gives up to 70% of daily petroleum extraction in the old areas of
Wilmington. Generally, 13,700 ton per day of petroleum is extracted from the oil
Reports appeared in 1999 about the lowering of the Northern Sea, close to
oil wells in Ecofisc, after the extraction of about 172 million tons of petroleum and
112 billion m3 of gas. It was accompanied by deformations of well trunks and sea
platforms. The consequences are difficult to predict, but their catastrophic charac-
ter is obvious.
Lowering of the ground accompanied by earthquakes also occurred in old
oil-extracting areas of Russia. It was especially strongly felt in Starogroznenskij
oil wells. Weak earthquakes that resulted from intensive petroleum extraction
were felt in this city in 1971. The earthquake was of intensity of 7 M at the epi-
center and was located 16 km from the city of Groznyj. The aftermath was that
owners of homes and office buildings had to be compensated. Workers who were
displaced from working in the oil wells also had to be settled. Lowering of the
ground occurred in the old oil wells in Azerbaijan. This was considered to be due
to horizontal motions. These horizontal motions were responsible for breaking of
pipes in the operational petroleum wells.
28 Chapter 1
Another danger in petroleum lies in the use of petroleum and gas as a fuel.
During the combustion of these materials, enormous amounts of carbon oxides
(such as carbon dioxide (CO2)), various sulfur compounds (such as sulfur dioxide
(SO2)), nitrogen oxides (such as nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)),
etc. are released into the atmosphere. In the last half of the twentieth century, the
contents of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by almost 288 billion tons, and
more than 300 billion tons of oxygen has been used up for combustion processes
involving various kinds of fuel, including stone coal. Thus, starting from the first
fires of primitive man to the present, the atmosphere has lost about 0.02% of oxy-
gen whereas the content of carbon oxides has increased by 12%. Annually, man-
kind burns 7 billion tons of fuel, for which more than 10 billion tons of oxygen is
used up, and up to 14 billion tons of CO2 is released into the atmosphere. In the
future, these values will grow because of the general increase in the production
and combustion of combustible minerals. It is predicted that in 2020, about 12,000
billion tons of oxygen (0.77%) will disappear from the atmosphere as a result of
being used up for combustion processes. This means that in the next 100 years, the
composition of the atmosphere will be essentially changed, probably, in an ad-
verse direction.
It is feared that reduction in the quantity of oxygen and the growth in the
content of CO2 will cause adverse changes in the climate. The molecules of C02
allow short wave solar radiation to penetrate the atmosphere of the Earth and re-
tain infrared radiation which penetrates into the terrestrial surface. This gives rise
to the so-called greenhouse effect, resulting in an increase in the average tempera-
ture of the planet. It is indicated that the change in climate from 1880 till 1940 is
substantially related to this effect. It seems that the climate will progressively
change due to the greenhouse effect. However, other human influences on the
atmosphere may help to neutralize the greenhouse effect.
Mankind contributes huge quantities of dust and other microparticles into
the atmosphere. These particles shield solar beams and reduce the heating action
of CO2. According to the American expert K. Frazer, the turbidity of the atmos-
phere above Washington in the period from 1905 to 1964 has increased by 57%.
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 29
The transparency of the atmosphere above the Pacific Ocean was decreased by
30% from 1957 till 1967.
Atmospheric pollution by itself introduces another problem: it reduces the
quantity of solar radiation that reaches the Earth's surface. According to data re-
leased from studies of the oceans and the atmosphere above the US by a US health
agency, solar radiation in the period from 1950 to 1972 decreased by 8% during
the fall season, and increased by only 3% in the spring. On the average, solar ra-
diation has fallen by 1.3% since 1964. This is equivalent to the loss of approxi-
mately 10 minutes of daylight per day. This apparent triviality can have serious
consequences on the Earth's climate.
In 1975, the atmospheric pollution above the United States resulted in an
absolutely unexpected phenomenon. In the area of Boston (Massachusetts), it was
established that there was a large increase in the quantity of ozone in the atmos-
phere - 0.127 ppm, whereas the established USA EPA safety limit is 0.08 ppm. It
is known that ozone is formed in the atmosphere during the interaction of hydro-
carbons with oxygen. A high concentration of ozone is more poisonous than char-
coal gas. On August 10, 1975, the Department of Public Health Services of the
state issued an "ozone-alarm", which lasted till August 14, 1975. This was already
the second alarm for one year.
Other notable contributors to atmospheric pollution include jet planes, ma-
chines and factories. For example, modern jets need to use 35 tons of oxygen to
enable them to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Also, the process of flying leaves "traces"
behind thereby increasing the cloudiness of the atmosphere. Cars, whose world-
wide total is already more than 500 million, pollute the atmosphere very signifi-
cantly. They use fossil fuel and emit CO2, SOX, NOX, etc. into the atmosphere. In
the US, automobiles contribute up to half of the air pollution. This type of statistic
led a US senator, E. Muskie, to declare in 1976 that 15 thousand men and women
die each year in the US because of diseases caused by air pollution. There are
strong efforts to seek to design automobile engines that can work with other types
of fuel. For example, electric cars are no longer dreams of the past. There are
demonstrations of various types of electric cars in many countries of the world.
However, their commercial application worldwide has been hampered by the low
capacity of the accumulators.
Petroleum fueled electrical power plants are also a major contributor to air
pollution. Such power plants emit about 500 tons per day of sulfur into the envi-
ronment in the form of sulfuric anhydride. This reacts with water resulting in the
immediate formation of sulfuric acid. A French journalist, M. Ruze, has presented
data to show that a French thermal power plant belonging to Electricite de France
emits about 33 tons of sulfuric anhydride into the atmosphere on a daily basis.
This can result in a daily production of about 50 tons of sulfuric acid. The after-
math of acid production is acid rain, the adverse effect of which covers the power
plant and surrounding territory up to a radius of 5 km. Such rains have high
chemical activity. They corrode even cement and marble.
30 Chapter 1
waters of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean as a result of the fire on board the
tanker "Hawaiian Patriot".
The year 1978 was marked by the largest tanker disaster on the coast of
Great Britain. The American supertanker "Amoko Cadiz" sank on the reefs, and
about 230 thousand tons of petroleum poured into the sea.
The collision of tankers "Atlantic Empress" and "Idgen Captain" in the
Caribbean Gulf was the largest disaster in 1979. About 300 thousand tons of petro-
leum poured into the sea.
In the November storm of 1981, the Greek tanker "Globe Asini" had a
disaster on the wave protector off the Port of Klaipeda. About 10 thousand tons of
petroleum poured into the sea.
In August of 1983, the tanker "Castillo de Believer" had a disaster near the
European Atlantic coast. The vessel sank, and about 250 thousand tons of petro-
leum was released into the ocean.
The tanker "Baia Paraiso" with one thousand tons of diesel oil on board
sank at the coast of the Antarctic continent in January of 1989. Another tragedy
happened in the Arctic waters of Alaska two months later. The tanker "Exxon
Valdez" sank at the reef because of the fault of the captain. More than 40 thousand
tons of petroleum flowed out from the hole into the waters. A petroleum slick
covering an area up to 800 km2 was formed. The area in the Strait of Prince Wil-
liam was declared "a zone of disaster". The US Navy was involved with the
cleanup. Nevertheless, there was the "potential for ecological disaster" with con-
sequences that are difficult to foresee, according to the Washington Post.
At the end of March of 1989, the Dutch River tanker ran aground in the area
of Bad-Honnefa. Approximately one thousand tons of petroleum poured into the
river. Petroleum film covered the river up to an area of 7 km .
In April of 1989, the Indian tanker "Kanchendgunga" ran aground at the reef
in the Red Sea in the territorial waters of Saudi Arabia 5 km from the port of Jeda.
More than 10 thousand tons of petroleum flowed out into the sea.
The sad list of tanker failures could go on, but their share in petroleum
pollution of seas and oceans is not big. Three times more petroleum is released
due to dumping of the water used in washing tanker tanks into the sea or oceans.
Also, four times more pollution comes from the waste water of petrochemical
factories; and almost the same amount of petroleum is released by the disasters
that occur at sea platforms.
Now, the question arises: How can the ocean be rescued?
Fortunately, there are good methods. Some of these methods involve the
application of dispersing additives - special substances - that adsorb petroleum;
another is the treatment of petroleum slicks with iron powder and the subsequent
collection of iron particles with a magnet. A promising method, however, lies in
biological protection: the use microbes. These micro-organisms (already designed
in the US and elsewhere for this purpose) are capable of splitting molecules of
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 33
Russian scientists have established that any bio-organisms that inhabit the
sea are not affected by petroleum pollution. An example is cardium. This plays an
important role in clearing sea water of petroleum by extracting for itself both food
and oxygen from the pollutant. Nature has already designed for the clearing of
seas and oceans following natural penetration of petroleum in the ocean. The
penetration of oil from underground is seen, for example, on the coasts of Califor-
nia, Australia, Canada, Mexico and Venezuela as well as in the Persian Gulf. In
one part of the bottom of the Californian Gulf, in the Strait of Santa Barbara, there
is a natural outflow of petroleum from underground. It is supposed that this oil
penetration had been taking place for the past ten thousand years. However, it was
noticed for the first time in 1793 by the English seafarer D. Vancouver. According
to US scientists, the annual penetration of petroleum into the world oceans from
natural infiltration is approximately 200 thousand tons. This is about 6% from the
total volume of petroleum that penetrates into the seas and oceans on the planet
from anthropogeneous sources. Suffice it to say that during the disaster of the
tanker "Tory Canyon", as much petroleum that will penetrate into water from the
Californian oil wells for 28 years poured into the ocean. This was too large an
amount of petroleum pollution to be mitigated by natural cleaning alone.
All the fractions obtained from atmospheric residue are called "heavy frac-
tions". On the other hand, the products obtained after secondary processing of the
heavy fractions are considered to be light fractions if boiling of the fraction ends at
< 350°C, and to be heavy fractions if boiling begins at > 350°C.
The amount of light fractions can be very different for oils from different oil
wells. For example, it can be under 20% for some heavy oils from Alberta (Can-
ada) and over 60% for some light oils form western Siberia (Russia). Typical
analysis of a Canadian petroleum from oil wells in McMurray resulted in the fol-
lowing fractions:
The chemical composition of petroleum can be very different too. The main
constituents of petroleum are:
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 35
Table 1.1 shows the chemical composition of oils from the US, Canada, and
Even though the chemical composition of petroleum varies, almost all the
hydrocarbons found in petroleum do not include alkenes. On the other hand, many
oils with high amounts of paraffinic or naphthenic compounds or arenes are
It is necessary to make a chemical classification of petroleum since chemical
properties are very crucial in selecting the right method for processing the oil.
There are many classifications with regard to fractions and chemical compositions
of petroleum. In this chapter we will present the basis for these classification
tive distillation. A fourth class has also been suggested, the hybrid base; it includes
asphaltic oils that contain a small amount of paraffins. A simplified scheme has
been proposed by Speight [3] with paraffinic, naphthenic, aromatic, and asphaltic
petroleums as extremes (Fig. 1.7). It is indeed possible to characterize petroleum
semi-quantitatively in this manner.
An attempt to give the classification system a quantitative basis suggested
that petroleum should be called asphaltic if the distillation residue contained less
than 2% of parafms and paraffinic if it contained more than 5%. A division ac-
cording to the chemical composition of the 250 to 300°C fraction has also been
suggested (Table 1.2), but the difficulty in using such a classification is that in the
fractions boiling above 200°C, the molecules can no longer be placed in one group
because most of them are typically of a mixed nature.
where T, in the case of a petroleum fraction, is the average boiling point, deter-
mined by the standard Bureau of Mines distillation method
d is the specific gravity.
Density has been the principal and often the only specification of petroleum
products and was taken as an index of the proportion of gasoline and kerosene
present. As long as only one kind of petroleum is in use the relations are approxi-
mately true. However, since a wide variety of crude oils having various other
properties occur in nature and have come into use, the significance of density
38 Chapter 1
This parameter, along with the Universal Oil Products (UOP) characteriza-
tion factor, has been used, to some extent, as a means of classifying crude oils.
Both parameters are usually employed to give an indication of the paraffinicity of
the petroleum. Both have been used, if a subtle differentiation can be made, as a
means of petroleum characterization rather than for petroleum classification.
Nevertheless, the viscosity-gravity constant is one of the indexes proposed
to characterize oil types. For heavy oils, the low-temperature viscosity is difficult
to measure. The viscosity-gravity constant for such type of petroleum is calculated
by the formula
have a vgc of 0.876 while the raffinate obtained by solvent extraction of lubricat-
ing oil distillate has a vgc of 0.840.
The UOP characterization factor is perhaps one of the more widely used of
the derived characterization or classification factors and is defined by the formula
K=TB"3/d (1.3)
The list of products from petroleum is endless. Oil products fuel planes,
trains, cars, trucks, buses, and so on. Oil is also used to heat homes. Chemicals
made from oil are used to make products that range from makeup, toys, fabrics,
sneakers and football helmets to aspirin, toothpaste, deodorant, clothes, hair dryers
and lipstick to name just a few. Plastics made from oil are widely used in every-
40 Chapter 1
thing from compact discs and video cassette recorders, to computers, television
sets, and telephones. In this chapter we will focus on petroleum fuels since it is
presently the most important power source.
Crude oil contains a wide range of hydrocarbons and other compounds
containing sulfur, nitrogen, etc. In the refinery, petroleum is distilled into various
fractions. Depending on the desired final products, these fractions are further proc-
essed and then blended to yield a wide variety of products.
Typical final products are:
• gases for chemical synthesis and fuel, liquified gases
• aviation and automotive gasoline
• aviation (jet) and lighting kerosene
• diesel fuel
• distillate and residual fuel oils
• lubricating oil base grades
• paraffin oils and waxes
Many of the common processes in the refinery are intended to increase the
yield of blending feedstocks for gasoline. As such, most modern fuels are repre-
sented by fuel fractions compounded from the products of many different proc-
Typical modern refinery processes for gasoline components include:
• Catalytic cracking
• Hydrocracking
• Isomerization
• Reforming
• Alkylation
1.3.1 Gasoline
In the late 19th century, the most suitable fuels for automobile use were coal
tar distillates and the lighter fractions from the distillation of crude oil. During the
early 20th Century, the oil companies were producing gasoline as a simple distil-
late from petroleum. On the other hand, automotive engines became vastly im-
proved and these required a more suitable fuel. Typical gasoline products in the
1920s had octane numbers (ratings) in the range 40-60. Tetraethyl lead was often
used to enhance the octane number.
Because sulfur in gasoline inhibited the octane-enhancing effect of the alkyl
lead, there was a restriction on the sulfur content of thermally cracked refinery
streams for gasoline. By the 1930s, it was determined that larger hydrocarbon
molecules had major adverse effects on the octane number of the gasoline, and
specifications consistent with the desired properties were developed.
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 41
The increase in the compression ratios of cars started in the 1950s. The
consequence was that such car engines required fuels with higher octane numbers.
Thus, octane number, lead levels, and vapour pressure increased whereas sulfur
and olefin contents decreased. Some new refining processes (such as hydrocrack-
ing), designed to provide hydrocarbon components with good lead response and
octane number, were introduced. Minor improvements were made to gasoline
formulations to improve yields and octane number until the 1970s, when unleaded
fuels were introduced to protect the catalysts that were also being introduced for
environmental reasons. From 1970 until 1990, there was a slow but progressive
change in the gasoline produced. Lead was being phased out. Lead levels de-
creased, octane number initially decreased as well, but vapor pressures continued
to increase while sulfur and olefins remained constant. The aromatic content in-
creased. In 1990, the US Clean Air Act started to force the implementation of
major compositional changes in gasoline. This resulted in the plummeting of the
vapor pressure and the increase in the oxygenate levels. These changes will con-
tinue into the 21st century as a way to minimize the polluting effect of the use of
gasoline as fuel in automobile engines.
The move to unleaded fuels continues worldwide. However, several coun-
tries have increased the aromatics content (by up to 50%) to replace alkyl lead.
These highly aromatic gasolines can lead to damage of elastomers and increased
levels of toxic aromatic emissions if is used without catalysts.
Gasoline as a fuel is composed of a mixture of various hydrocarbons, which
can be burnt to form water (H2O) and CO2. If combustion is not complete, carbon
monoxide (CO) is also formed.
The following main groups of hydrocarbons are contained in gasoline:
• saturated hydrocarbons or alkanes
• unsaturated hydrocarbons or olefins
• naphthene or cyclic hydrocarbons
• aromatics
• oxygenates
• other hetero-atom compounds
Gasoline contains over five hundred types of hydrocarbons that have be-
tween 3 to 12 carbon atoms in their structure. Gasoline has a boiling range from 30
to 180°C at atmospheric pressure. The boiling range is narrowing as the initial
boiling point is increasing, and the final boiling point is decreasing. Both these
changes are for environmental reasons.
Saturated hydrocarbons have the following major properties:
• Are thermally and chemically stable, it is the major component of leaded
• Tend to bum in air with a clean flame.
42 Chapter 1
The octane number depends on branching and number of carbon atoms. Gen-
erally octane number is low for n-alkanes and high for the iso-alkanes (iso-
octane is assigned the octane number of 100).
The cyclic hydrocarbons all have the positive properties of the alkanes with
regard to thermal and chemical stability as well as good environmental properties.
In addition, they have a higher octane number in comparison to alkanes.
Alkenes or unsaturated hydrocarbons have the following major properties:
• Are chemically unstable.
• Tend to be reactive and toxic, but have high octane numbers.
Polynuclear aromatics are high boiling compounds, and are only present in
small amounts in gasoline. The simplest and least toxic polynuclear arene, naph-
thalene, is present in only trace amounts in traditional gasoline, and in even lower
levels in reformulated gasoline. The larger multi-ringed polynuclear arenes are
highly toxic, and are not present in gasoline.
Oxygenates contain oxygen that does not contribute to the energy content,
but because of their structure, provides a reasonable antiknock value. Thus, they
are good substitutes for aromatics. They also reduce the tendencies of the forma-
tion of toxic gases. Most oxygenates used in gasoline are either alcohols or ethers
that contain 2 to 6 carbon atoms per molecule. Alcohols have been used in gaso-
line since the 1930s whereas ether (such as methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE))
was first used in commercial gasoline in Italy in 1973 and in the US in 1979.
Oxygenates can be produced from fossil fuels or from biomass. MTBE is
produced by reaction of methanol with iso-butylene in the liquid phase over an
acidic ion-exchanger resin catalyst at 100°C. MTBE production has increased at
the rate of 10 to 20% per year.
Oxygenates are added to gasoline to reduce emissions. However, they can
only be effective if the hydrocarbon fractions are modified to utilize the oxygen-
ate's octane number and volatility properties. If the hydrocarbon fraction is not
correctly modified, oxygenates can even increase smog-forming and toxic emis-
sions both of which are undesirable. It should also be noted that oxygenates do not
necessarily reduce all toxins.
Initially, oxygenates were added to hydrocarbon fractions that were just
slightly modified unleaded gasoline fractions. These were known as "oxygenated"
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 43
gasolines. Since 1995, the hydrocarbon fraction has been significantly modified
resulting in "reformulated gasoline".
Oxygenates added to gasoline function in two ways. First, they have a high
blending octane number, and so can replace high octane aromatics in the fuel.
These aromatics are responsible for disproportionate amounts of CO and hydro-
carbons emissions during combustion. Oxygenates cause engines without sophisti-
cated engine management systems to move to the lean side of stoichiometry, thus
reducing emissions of CO (2% oxygen can reduce CO by 16%) and hydrocarbons
(2% oxygen can reduce hydrocarbons emissions by 10%). Other researchers have
observed that similar reductions occur when oxygenates are added to reformulated
gasoline and used on older and newer vehicles. They have also shown that, unfor-
tunately, NOx levels may increase, as may some regulated toxins.
On the other hand, on vehicles with engine management systems, the fuel
volume will be increased to bring the stoichiometric combustion to the preferred
optimum setting. It is to be noted that oxygen in the fuel cannot contribute energy.
Consequently, the fuel has less energy content. Thus, for the same efficiency and
power output, more fuel has to be burned. Therefore, the slight improvements in
combustion efficiency that oxygenates provide on some engines usually do not
completely compensate for the energy loss due to the presence of oxygen.
There are some other properties of oxygenates that have to be considered if
they are to be used as fuels. These relate particularly to (i) their ability to form
very volatile azeotropes that cause the fuel's vapor pressure to increase, (ii) the
chemical nature of the emissions, and (iii) their tendency to separate into a sepa-
rate water-oxygenate phase when water is present. These problems are solved
more successfully in the reformulated gasoline than in the original oxygenated
Table 1.3 shows some hydrocarbons in gasoline and their corresponding oc-
tane numbers.
The main characteristics of gasoline are:
• Vapor pressure and distillation classes. There are six different classes accord-
ing to location and/or season. As gasoline is distilled, the temperatures at
which various fractions are evaporated are recorded. Specifications define the
temperatures at which various percentages of the fuel are evaporated. Distilla-
tion limits include maximum temperatures at which 10% is evaporated (50-
70°C), 50% is evaporated (110-121°C), 90% is evaporated (185-190°C), and
the final boiling point (225°C). A minimum temperature for 50% evaporated
(77°C), and a maximum amount of residue (2%) after distillation. Vapor
pressure limits for each class (54, 62, 69, 79, 93, 103 kPa, respectively) are
also specified.
• Vapor lock protection classes. There are five classes for vapor lock protec-
tion. This classification depends on location and/or season. The limit for each
class is a maximum vapor-liquid ratio of 20 at one of the specified testing
temperatures of 41,47, 51, 56, or 60°C.
44 Chapter 1
• Antiknock index. Limits are not specified, but changes in engine requirements
according season and location are discussed.
• Lead content
• Copper strip corrosion. This determines the ability to tarnish clean copper,
indicating the presence of any corrosive sulfur compounds.
• Maximum sulfur content. Sulfur adversely affects catalysts and fuel hydro-
carbon lead response. Sulfur may also be emitted as polluting sulfur oxides.
• Maximum solvent washed gum limits the amount of gums present in fuel at
the time of testing to 5 mg/100 mLs. The results do not correlate well with ac-
tual engine deposits caused by fuel vaporization.
• Minimum oxidation stability. This ensures that the fuel remains chemically
stable, and does not form additional gums during periods in the distribution
systems (can be up to 3-6 months). The test is conducted by heating the sam-
ple with oxygen inside a pressure vessel. The time required for a significant
oxygen uptake is measured to indicate minimum oxygen stability.
• Water tolerance. This is the highest temperature that causes phase separation
of oxygenated fuels. The limits vary according to location and month.
An understanding of the reasons for detonation makes it obvious that there
are two ways to improve the octane number of gasoline. It is possible to change
the composition of gasoline. However, this is a difficult and expensive method.
It is also possible to add additives that destroy peroxides. However, any "knock"
caused by the fuel will rapidly mechanically destroy the engine. The problem is
to identify economic additives which could be added to gasoline to prevent
knock effects. Originally, iodine was the best antiknock additive available, but
was not a practical gasoline additive, and was used as the benchmark. Later,
terra ethyl lead was added to the gasoline to improve the octane number.
Terra ethyl lead (C2H5)4Pb is an organometallic compound, which is well
soluble in hydrocarbons in the gasoline. At the temperatures of 200-250°C, this
substance is cracked to lead and four ethyl radicals CiHs'. All the compounds
formed prevent the formation of explosive compounds in gasoline, or promote
their fast destruction. However, the application of pure tetra ethyl lead was im-
possible. The formed lead deposits as a residue on the walls of the cylinder, and
further makes the working of the engine impossible. This is why, in practice,
tetra ethyl lead is mixed with various alkyl-halogens. At high temperature, alkyl-
halogens are cracked and react with lead to form volatile salts, which leave the
engine together with the exhaust gases.
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 45
mally the engine works about 20% of the general working time in forced regime.
This means that by using two tanks in a car, one can save up to 80% of the high
quality gasoline by partly using low quality fuel. However, this method did not
become popular and therefore did not result in industrial production of cars with
dual tanks.
It is useful at this stage, close to the end of the chapter on gasoline, to men-
tion additional properties of gasoline of importance:
• Volatility. This affects evaporative emissions and derivability. It is a property
that is changed with location and season. For example, fuel for mid-summer
Arizona would be difficult to use in mid-winter Alaska. For this reason, the
US is divided into zones, according to altitude and seasonal temperatures. The
fuel volatility is adjusted accordingly. Incorrect fuel may result in difficult
starting in cold weather, carburetor icing, vapor lock in hot weather, and
crankcase oil dilution. Volatility is controlled by distillation and vapor pres-
sure specifications. The higher boiling fractions of the gasoline have signifi-
cant effects on the emission levels of undesirable compounds (hydrocarbons
and oxygen containing compounds), and a reduction of 40°C in the end boil-
ing point will reduce the levels of benzene, butadiene, formaldehyde and ac-
etaldehyde by 25%, and will also reduce hydrocarbons emissions.
• Combustion Characteristics. Gasoline contains a wide variety of hydrocar-
bons. Thus, the only significant variable that characterizes different gasoline
grades is the octane number. Most other properties are similar. There are only
slight differences in combustion temperatures (most are around 2000°C in
isobaric adiabatic combustion). It should also be noted that the actual tem-
perature in the combustion chamber is also determined by other factors, such
as load and engine design. The addition of oxygenates changes the pre-flame
reaction pathways and also reduces the energy content of the fuel. The level
of oxygen in the fuel is regulated according to regional air quality standards.
• Stability. Motor gasoline may be stored up to six months. As such, they must
not form gums during storage. Gums formed may precipitate. Gums are
formed due to oxidation and polymerization reactions involving unsaturated
hydrocarbons. Antioxidants and metal deactivators are added to prevent gum
formation due to these reactions.
• Corrosiveness. Sulfur in the fuel facilitates corrosion. The combustion of
sulfur containing fuels results in the formation of corrosive gases that attack
the engine, the exhaust as well as the environment. Sulfur also adversely af-
fects the alkyl lead octane response. Furthermore, it adversely affects the ex-
haust catalysts. However, the monolithic catalysts usually recover when the
sulfur content of the fuel is reduced. In this case, sulfur is considered to be an
inhibitor rather than a catalyst poison. The copper strip corrosion test and the
sulfur content specification are used to ensure fuel quality. The copper strip
test measures the active sulfur whereas the sulfur content reports the total sul-
fur present.
48 Chapter 1
fuel temperature may fall to near the freezing point. It often contains a static
dissipator additive.
• Jet-B: This is a wide cut kerosene with lighter gasoline type naphtha compo-
nents. It is used widely in Canada. It contains a static dissipator and has a very
low flash point;
• JP-4: This is a military designation for a fuel like Jet-B but contains a full
additive package including corrosion inhibitor, anti-icing and static dissipator.
• JP-5: This is another military fuel. It has a higher flash point than JP-4 and
was designed for use by the US Navy on board aircraft carriers. It contains
anti-ice and corrosion inhibitors.
• JP-8: This is like Jet-Al with a full additive package.
• T-5: This is a Russian heavy jet fuel without any additives and had been used
for civil aviation. It has not been used any more since 1971.
• RT: This is a Russian hydroteated jet fuel with antioxidation additive ionol;
• T6: This is a Russian thermo-stabilized jet fuel made from the east sulfuric
petroleums with antioxidation additive ionol.
• T7: This is the same as the RT jet fuel without any additives.
• T8W: This is a Russian hydrotreated jet fuel without any additives.
1.3.3 Diesel
Diesel fuel is derived from petroleum. Diesel, gasoline and jet fuel are dif-
ferent cuts from the refining of petroleum. The difference is that diesel contains
heavier hydrocarbons with a higher boiling point than gasoline and jet fuel. The
term diesel fuel is therefore generic; it refers to any fuel mixture developed to run
a diesel-powered vehicle, i.e. engines with compression ignition engines.
Diesel is a hydrocarbon fraction that typically boils between 250-380°C.
Diesel engines use the cetane (n-hexadecane) rating to assess ignition delay. Nor-
mal alkanes have a high cetane rating, (n-Ci6=100) representing short ignition
delays. On the other hand, aromatics (alpha-methylnaphthalene = 0) and iso-
alkanes have low ratings representing long ignition delays. Because of the size of
the hydrocarbons, the low temperature flow properties control the composition of
diesel. Consequently, additives are usually added to prevent filter blocking in
cooler temperatures. There are usually summer and winter diesel grades. Envi-
ronmental legislation is reducing the amount of aromatics and sulfur permitted in
diesel. Their emission as well as those of small particulates are considered as pos-
sible carcinogens and are also known to cause other adverse health effects.
Cetane number is one of the most widely known quality characteristics of
diesel fuel. It is important to not confuse cetane number with cetane index.
The fuel in a diesel engine is ignited by the high-temperature and high-
pressure air created in the cylinder as the piston nears the end of the compression
stroke. In contrast, fuel in gasoline engines is ignited by a spark plug.
50 Chapter 1
Cetane number is therefore a measure of the power with which diesel fuel is
ignited during the compression stroke. The number is determined using a specified
laboratory test engine. Cetane index is calculated using an equation involving the
density and the distillation curve of the fuel. Consequently cetane index cannot be
increased and improved by cetane-improving additives because the equation does
not account for the type and amount of cetane-improving additive in the fuel.
However, cetane index can be modified through changes in the density or distilla-
tion curve of the fuel.
The time between the beginning of fuel injection and the start of combustion
is called "ignition delay". As stated earlier, higher cetane number fuels result in
shorter ignition delays, providing improved combustion, lower combustion noise,
easier cold starting, faster warm-up, less smoke, and in many engines, reduction of
In most diesel engines, the ignition delay is shorter than the duration of
injection. Under these circumstances, the total combustion period can be divided
into the following four stages:
• Ignition delay
• Rapid pressure rise
• Constant pressure or controlled pressure rise
• Burning on the expansion stroke
Rapid pressure rise results from the large number of ignition points and the
accumulation of fuel during the ignition delay period. Following this stage, the
rate of combustion can be controlled to a much greater degree by controlling the
injection rate since the fuel is being injected into the flame. Because the rapid
pressure rise represents uncontrolled and inefficient combustion, it is necessary to
limit the ignition delay to a minimum. This limitation can be accomplished me-
chanically by the selection of a spray pattern configuration properly tailored to the
combustion chamber.
The nature of the fuel is also an important factor in reducing ignition delay.
Physical characteristics such as viscosity, density, and medium boiling point are
influencing parameters. Hydrocarbon composition is also important as it affects
both the physical and combustion characteristics of the fuel. Ignition delay charac-
teristics of diesel fuel are of primary importance since they directly influence the
interval of uncontrolled combustion during the injection and, as such, the overall
engine performance.
The next important parameter of diesel fuel is stability or storage stability.
As fuel ages, it can become unstable and form insoluble particulates that accumu-
late and eventually end up on the fuel filter. For the most part, instability involves
the chemical conversion of precursors to compounds of higher molecular weight
with limited fuel solubility. The precursors are certain nitrogen and/or sulfur con-
taining compounds, organic acids, and reactive olefins. The conversion process
often involves oxidation of the precursors. Certain dissolved metals, especially
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 51
For this classification of diesel fuel, the low temperature properties of the
fuel are especially important. At low temperatures, wax crystals can be formed in
the diesel fuel. These wax crystals can collect on and plug fuel filters in a vehicle's
fuel system causing the engine to stumble or stall. The temperature at which this
occurs is called the low temperature operability limit of the fuel and vehicle. Both
the fuel system design and the fuel properties are important factors in determining
this minimum temperature for acceptable operation.
The next quality parameter of diesel fuel is the ability to keep the fuel injec-
tor clean. The fuel injector is the heart of a diesel engine. These precision compo-
nents meter fuel to a high degree of accuracy. Correct engine behavior depends on
the injector functioning properly.
52 Chapter 1
These additives are composed of a polar group that bonds to deposits and deposit
precursors and a non-polar group that dissolves in the fuel. Thus, the additive can
redissolve deposits that already have formed and reduce the opportunity for de-
posit precursors to form deposits.
Lubricity additives are used to compensate for the poor lubricity of severely
hydrotreated diesel fuels. They contain a polar group that is attracted to metal
surfaces, causing the additive to form a thin surface film. The film acts as a
boundary lubricant when two metal surfaces come in contact. Two additive
chemicals, fatty acids and esters, are typically used for this purpose.
Smoke suppressants are combustion catalysts. This class of additives is
usually composed of organometallic compounds. Adding these compounds to fuel
can reduce the emissions of pollutants that result from incomplete combustion.
Smoke suppressants that are based on organometallic compounds of iron, cerium,
platinum are in common use.
The following additives belong to the fuel handling additives:
Antifoam additives prevent formation of foam. Diesel fuels tend to be prone
to foam formation when they are pumped into the tanks. Most antifoam additives
are organosilicone compounds and are typically used at very low concentrations
(about lOppm).
De-icing additives prevent ice formation from the free water in diesel fuel. If
free water in diesel freezes, the resulting ice crystals can plug fuel lines and filters.
Low molecular weight alcohols or glycols can be added to diesel fuel to prevent
ice formation. The alcohols/glycols preferentially dissolve in the free water, giving
the resulting mixture a lower freezing point than that of pure water.
Low temperature operability additives lower a diesel fuel's pour point and
improve its cold flow properties. Most of these additives are polymers that interact
with the wax crystals that form in diesel fuel when it is cooled below the pour
point. The added polymers mitigate the adverse effect of wax crystal formation on
fuel flow by modifying their size, shape, and degree of agglomeration. The poly-
mer-wax interactions are fairly specific. As such, a particular additive generally
will not perform equally well in all fuels. Unfortunately, the best additive for a
particular fuel cannot be predicted; it must be determined experimentally.
Drag reducing additives are used by pipeline companies to increase the
volume of product they deliver. These high molecular weight polymers reduce
turbulence in fluids flowing in a pipeline. This can increase the maximum flow
rate by up to 40%. When the additive modified product passes through a pump,
the additive is broken into smaller molecules that have no effect on product per-
formance in engines.
Fuel stability additives prevent the formation of gums that can lead to injec-
tor deposits or particulates that can plug fuel filters and the fuel injection system.
The need for a stability additive varies widely from one fuel to another. Stability
additives typically work by blocking one step in a multi-step reaction pathway of
gum formation. Because of the complex chemistry involved, an additive that is
effective in one fuel may not work as well in another. If a fuel needs to be stabi-
54 Chapter 1
lized, it should be tested to select an effective additive and treatment rate. The best
results are obtained when the additive is added immediately after the fuel is manu-
Antioxidants prevent the oxidation of the fuel. Antioxidants work by inter-
rupting the chain in free radical chain reaction by blocking the free radicals. Phen-
ylenediamines are the most commonly used antioxidants.
Stabilizers prevent acid-base reactions in the diesel fuel. Basic amines are
usually used as stabilizers. They react with weakly acidic compounds with the
formation of products that remain dissolved in the fuel and do not react further.
Metal deactivators prevent the catalytic influence of the metals on reactions
that can lead to its instability in diesel fuel. They are typically used in concentra-
tions of up to 15 ppm.
Dispersants disperse the formed insoluble products in diesel fuel, preventing
them from clustering into aggregates large enough to plug fuel filters or injectors.
Dispersants are typically used in concentrations of up to 100 ppm.
Biocides prevent the growth of bio-organisms. The best choice is an additive
that dissolves in both the fuel and the water such that it can attack the microbes in
both phases. Biocides are typically used in concentrations of up to 600 ppm. A
biocide may not work if a heavy biofilm has accumulated on the surface of the
tank or other equipment, because then it does not reach the organisms living deep
within the film.
Demulsifiers aid in the separation of fuel from water. Normally, hydrocar-
bons and water separate rapidly and cleanly. But if the fuel contains polar com-
pounds that behave like surfactants and if free water is present, the fuel and water
can form a stable emulsion. Any operation that subjects the mixture to high shear
forces, like pumping the fuel, can stabilize the emulsion. Demulsifiers are surfac-
tants which can destabilize the emulsions and allow the fuel and water phases to
separate. Demulsifiers are used in concentrations of up to 30 ppm.
Corrosion inhibitors prevent the oxidation of the metal pieces in diesel en-
gines. Since most petroleum pipes and tanks are made of steel, the most common
corrosion is the formation of rust in the presence of water. The fuel is thus con-
taminated with rust particles, and these can plug fuel filters as well as increase fuel
pump and injector wear. Corrosion inhibitors attach to metal surfaces and form a
film that prevents attack by corrosive agents. They typically are used in concentra-
tions of up to 15 ppm.
Modem diesel fuel can be produced from sources other than petroleum.
Recently, attention has been focused on biodiesel. This is a cleaner-burning fuel
made from natural and renewable sources such as vegetable oils. Just like petro-
leum diesel, biodiesel can operate in combustion-ignition engines. Essentially no
engine modifications are required, and also biodiesel maintains the payload capac-
ity and range of diesel.
The use of biodiesel in a petroleum diesel engine results in substantial re-
duction of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and formation of participate
matter, i.e. in reduction of emission of pollutants. Emissions of nitrogen oxides are
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 55
either slightly reduced or slightly increased depending on the duty cycle and test-
ing methods. The use of biodiesel decreases the solid carbon fraction of particulate
matter (since the oxygen in biodiesel enables more complete combustion to CO2)
and eliminates sulfate fraction (as there is no sulfur in the fuel), while the soluble
and hydrocarbon fraction stay the same or are increased. Therefore, biodiesel
works well with new technologies such as catalysts (which reduce the soluble
fraction of diesel particulate but not the solid carbon fraction), particulate traps,
and exhaust gas recirculation (leads potentially to longer engine life due to less
Biodiesel has physical properties that are very similar to those of petroleum
diesel. As mentioned earlier, emission properties, however, are better for biodiesel
than for petroleum diesel.
Biodiesel is produced by a process called "trans-esterification". Vegetable
oil or animal fat is first filtered, then pre-processed with alkali to remove free fatty
acids. It is then mixed with an alcohol and a catalyst. The oil's triglycerides react
to form esters and glycerol, which are then separated from each other and purified.
Much of the current interest in biodiesel production comes from vegetable
oil sources such as soybean (in the USA), canola oil (in Canada) and rapeseed oil
(in Europe) because the vegetable oil producers are faced with excess production
capacity, product surpluses, and declining prices.
Waste animal fats and used frying oils (known as 'Fellow grease') are also
potential feedstocks. These are cheaper than soybean oil and are being considered
as a way to reduce feedstock costs.
MS ISO 8216/0 — 8216/4 have been developed as standards for fuel classi-
fication in the framework of international standardization.
MS ISO 8216/0 establishes the general classification of petroleum fuels
(fuels of class F). There are five categories of products which are included in class
F. These categories depend on the type of fuel.
A detailed classification of fuel groups with regard to conditions of applica-
tion, type, properties and characteristics establishes the groups of products for each
category and these are provided by separate parts of ISO 8216. Thus, parts desig-
nated as ISO 8216/1, ISO 8216/2, ISO 8216/4 which have been developed are
based on these standards. The Russian standards are included in the international
standards system:
• ISO 8216/0-86 - Classification. Part 0. This is a general classification of pe-
troleum fuels (Class F). The Russian equivalent for this standard is COST
• ISO 8216/1-86 - Classification. Part 1. This covers the categories of fuels for
sea engines. The Russian equivalent for this standard is COST 28577.1-90.
• ISO 8216/2-86 - Classification. Part 2. This covers the categories of fuels for
gas turbines for applications in industry and for sea engines. The Russian
equivalent for this standard is GOST 28577.2-90.
• ISO 8216/4-86 - Classification. Part 3. Group 1. This covers liquefied petro-
leum gases. The Russian equivalent for this standard is GOST 28577.3-90.
• Jet A - Fuel of the kerosene type with maximal freezing temperature of -40°C
• Jet A-1 - Similar to Jet A with freezing temperature of -47°C
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 59
C Petroleum Coke.
Hard fuels of petroleum origin produced in cracking processes, and consisting
basically of only carbon
The requirements for British jet fuels for civil aircraft are established by the
specification D, Eng. RD (DERD) 2494. Previously, it was developed for military
aircraft. This is fuel of the kerosene type with a freezing temperature of-47°C.
The list of control operations (AFQRJOS) is a basis for the international
requirements for jet fuels.
Fuel for turbines that are made and delivered according to AFQRJOS should
correspond to the most rigid requirements of the following specifications:
• The standard of the British Defense Ministry DBF STAN 91-91/ Editions 2
(DERD 2494) from May, 1996
• The standard specification ASTM D 1655
• The managing material of the international association of air transport (IATA)
from December, 1994
fusion of work piece and tool. The main functions of lubricating oils and lubri-
cants are:
• Reducing friction. Putting lubricating oil between moving metal surfaces
decreases friction. This results in energy conservation and significantly less
• Reducing wear. Lubricating oils reduce mechanical wear (caused by abrasion
and erosion) and chemical wear (corrosion caused by combustion acids and
water). Wear is influenced by various factors which can be divided into the
fields of tool, rough part, forming machine, lubricant and actual contact area.
Possible ways to reduce wear lie in the increase of annealing durability as
well as in the hardness of the surface, for example through nitriding, and ap-
plication of mostly ceramic wear resistant layers on the tool surface. Also,
massive wear reduction can be achieved by lowering the tool temperature.
• Cooling. Lubricating oil cools the mechanical components by helping to
remove heat and decreasing the amount of heat produced (by reducing fric-
• Ensuring leak tightness. Lubricants ensure leak tightness between the me-
chanical components such as the cylinder and the piston, improving compres-
sion and producing better engine performance.
• Removing impurities. Lubricants keep engine components clean by prevent-
ing the formation of deposits and suspended impurities (dust, combustion
residue, engine wear particles) that then build up on the oil filter.
Properties differ from one lubricant to another. However, the one compo-
nent that lubricants have in common is that they are composed of a main ingredi-
ent called the lubricating base. The lubricating base may be petroleum derived or
synthetic. The lubricating base accounts for 75 to 85% of the lubricant. There are
three different classes of lubricating bases that are used in modern oil industry:
• Mineral bases are manufactured from petroleum that has undergone a variety
of complex separation processes. They are the most commonly used for both
automotive and industrial applications.
• Synthetic bases or synthetics are products created by the chemical reaction of
several ingredients. Two main classes are used for lubricants: esters and syn-
thetic hydrocarbons (in particular polyalphaolefms manufactured from ethyl-
ene). These products have excellent physical properties and exceptional ther-
mal stability.
• Semi-synthetic oils are obtained from mixing both types of bases (generally
70 to 80% of mineral oil and 20 to 30% of synthetic oil).
The development of modern lubricants and their correct use are especially
important as these have substantial economic consequence on the use of these
devices. Optimally chosen lubricant brings saving of energy needed for machine
work, conserves the parts of these devices, reduces wear and tear, reduces the
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 61
maintenance time and shortens the overhaul intervals, which can take away mil-
lions of dollars from industry. The characteristics of lubricants are improved by
special substances called additives. In the current industrialized society, the use of
lubricants without these enhanced characteristics is no longer conceivable. Lubri-
cating oil additives are synthetic active substances, which are added to the basic
oils in order to give the products the desired characteristics or properties. This is
why, additives are the next main compounds of the oils (15 to 25%).
The following main classes of additives are available:
• Viscosity index improvers. These make the oil a sufficiently low viscous fluid
when cold (to facilitate starting) by lowering the pour point to between -45
and -45 °C (depending on the oil), and to viscous fluid when hot (to prevent
the contact between moving mechanical components). This class of additives
are polymers which are introduced into a lubricating base to produce a rela-
tive greater increase in viscosity when hot than when cold.
• Antiwear additives. These reinforce the antiwear action of the lubricant. The
main family of antiwear additives are alkyl-zinc dithiophosphates and numer-
ous phosphorus derivatives.
• Antioxidants. These eliminate or slow down lubricant oxidation, increasing
the time between oil changes through improved resistance to high tempera-
tures. Dithiophosphates that are used as antiwear additives are also excellent
antioxidants. Other chemical families such as substituted phenols and aro-
matic amines are also used.
• Detergents. These prevent the formation of deposits and varnish on the hottest
areas of the engines (such as ring grooves). Calcium or magnesium metal salts
from main chemical families such as alkylaryl-sulfonate, alkylphenate and al-
kylsalicylate are used as detergents.
• Dispersing agents. These maintain in suspension all the solid impurities
formed during engine operation. The solid impurities include unburned resi-
due, gums, sludge, diesel soot, deposits cleaned by detergents. Usually polar
compounds from the alkenylsuccinimides, succinic esters or their derivatives
are used as dispersing additives.
• Alkalinity additives. Those that neutralize combustion acid residue from fuels
are made primarily for diesel engines. The main compounds of this class of
additives are phenols and salicylates (which are natural alkaline), and sul-
fonates. In the case of sulfonates, their neutralizing property can be reinforced
by adding basic salts such as carbonates or hydroxides.
• Corrosion inhibitors. These prevent the corrosion of ferrous metals under the
combined effects of water, atmospheric oxygen and a number of oxides
formed during combustion. Mainly alkaline or alkaline-earth sulfonates, neu-
tral or alkaline (Na, Mg, Ca) salts, fatty acids or amines, alkenylsuccinic acids
and their derivatives are used as corrosion inhibitors.
• Antifreeze agents. These enable lubricating oils to retain good fluidity at low
temperatures (from -15 to -45°C). The main classes of this type of additive are
62 Chapter 1
It can be seen that the main functions of additives are to improve the lubri-
cating properties of the lubricant and to make the lubricant as stable against ad-
verse effects such as oxidation, corrosion, etc. It is important to know the mecha-
nisms of the various effects that each additive is trying to inhibit in order to make
the right choice of the additive or mixture of various additives to select. The most
important function of all lubricants is to lubricate the surfaces in order to prevent
friction between them.
As shown in Figure 1.8, there are four different kinds of friction.
It is possible to make the film for film friction artificially. Such a modifica-
tion in the lubricant and the friction surfaces is carried out by addition of special
additives called anti-wear (AW) and extreme pressure (EP) additives. The name
EP additives is derived from the need to endure extremely high pressure at the
points of contact between two surfaces. The most popular AW and EP additives
are made from zinc dialkyldithiophosphate. This zinc complex with general
chemical structure Zn[(RO)2PS2]2 belongs to the group of film forming surface
active substances. However, zinc dialkyldithiophosphate does not form the pro-
tecting film for film friction, but the products of their decomposition during fric-
tion do form the protecting film. The final film mostly contains hydrocarbons.
However, there are inorganic compounds such as iron sulfides, iron oxides, zinc
oxides, amorphous polyphosphate and so on. An example of film formation on the
friction surface is shown in Figure 1.9.
One more important requirement for lubricating oils, which can be improved
by adding additives, is the ability to keep their properties for a long time. One of
the most important additives used to improve this ability of oils is antioxidants.
Oxidation is a radical chain reaction promoted by alkyl and peroxide radi-
cals. This means that it is necessary to add radical acceptors to the oil to prevent its
oxidation. It is possible to classify most of the modern antioxidants in six groups:
Iron surface
gen. This is why antioxidants of this type are effective under conditions
of oils with low concentration of oxygen.
3. Antioxidants which destroy hydroperoxides. This type of additive re-
acts quickly with hydroperoxides without free radical formation. The
following substances are good examples of such additives: sulphide,
phosphite, arsenate and so on, and also thiophosphate and carbonates of
various metals, and various complexes.
4. Antioxidants which deactivate the surface of metals. Some compounds
of metals with variable valency react with hydroperoxides with the
formation of free radicals, which strongly promotes oxidation. This
type of catalytic oxidation can be prevented by adding a "complex for-
mer", which forms with a metal complex that is rendered inactive to
hydroperoxide. Examples include diamines, hydroacids and other com-
pounds that form strong complexes with metals.
5. Antioxidants with repeated action. During the oxidation of some
classes of substances such as alcohols and aliphatic amines, peroxide
radicals are formed, which have both oxidizing and reducing functions.
In such systems, additives that prevent oxidation are regenerated again
in the reducing reaction. This involves a catalytic breakage of the chain
in the radical chain reaction. The number of chain breakages depends
on the reaction ratio of additive regeneration and its consumption in the
reversible reaction. Examples are aromatic amines, nitrogen oxide
compounds, compounds of metals with variable valency, etc.
6. Antioxidants with combined function. Some additives prevent oxida-
tion by simultaneous reactions with many compounds that promote
oxidation. For example, it can react with both alkyl and with peroxide
radicals (anthracene, methylhynon), or can destroy hydroperoxides and
break off the reaction chain with RO2- radicals (carbomate and thio-
phosphate of metals). Such compounds are referred to as antioxidants
with combined function. The parallel reactions can occur with the same
group in one additive. For example, R- and RO2' radicals react with the
double bond of methylhynon. Frequently, two or more functional
groups exist in one molecule, each of which is responsible for an ap-
propriate reaction. For example, phenolsulphide reacts with hydroper-
oxide with the sulfide group and with RO2- with the phenol group. In a
different type of reaction, it can take part in the initial reaction with an-
tioxidant and products of its transformation. Often the mixtures of addi-
tives have combined function. For example, adding phenol and sul-
phide to the oil first prevents oxidation by breaking the reaction chain
with RO2- radical, and second reduces the reaction rate for branching
reactions by destroying the hydroperoxide. Synergy may be obtained if
two antioxidants strengthen the action of each other. Also, it is possible
for the action of two or more antioxidants to be additive. However, if
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 65
the action of a mixture is less than the sum of the actions of each anti-
oxidants, antagonism results.
strength, high pressure, extreme pressure) can only be assessed using bench
tests in the laboratory to determine their effects on other oil properties. The
same types of tests are carried out for greases as for oils, using special de-
vices: four-ball machine, Timken, etc.
• Laboratory tests are supplemented by bench tests on machines very similar to
real ones and which operate under controlled conditions.
• Engine tests are designed to determine the behavior of oils on either gasoline
or diesel engines. Each test is performed in such a way as to highlight one or
more lubricant properties. No single engine test is available that enables all
properties to be tested simultaneously.
• Bench tests are carried out either on standard automotive multi-cylinder en-
gines or on single-cylinder engines.
• Gear tests check the internal cohesion and pressure withstanding properties of
lubricants on real gears. Various methods are used depending on the type of
gear and test conditions.
Table 1.5: Classification of lubricant materials, industrial oils and related prod-
ucts. Division into groups according to area of application.
Group Application
A Open systems
B Formless systems
C Gear wheels
D Compressors (including cooling)
H Hydraulic systems
M Metal treatment
N Electrical isolation
P Pneumatic tools
Q Heat transfer
T Turbine
Y Other applications
The classifications of motor oils according to SAE and API have been ac-
cepted worldwide.
Motor oils are classified according to their viscosity and operational proper-
ties. Besides, motor oils are subdivided in terms of energy conservation and ability
to reduce fuel charge in comparison with a reference oil.
68 Chapter 1
Table 1.6: Classification of motor oils by viscosity — SAE J 300 (April, 1997)
Viscos- Viscosity at low temperature Viscosity at low temperature
ity pumpability, Mpa-s, at pumpability, Mpa-s, at Kinematic viscosity, Kinematic
class the temperature (°C) the temperature (°C) mm 2 /s,atlOO°C viscosity,
ASTM D 5293 ASTM D 4684 min max mm2/s, at
OW 3250 at -30 6000 at -40 3.8 - -
5W 3500 at -25 6000 at -35 3.8 - -
10W 3500 at -20 6000 at -30 4.1 - -
15W 3500 at -15 6000 at -25 5.6 - -
20W 4500 at -10 6000 at -20 5.6 - -
25W 6000 at -5 6000 at -1 5 3.3 - -
20 - - 5.6 <9.3 2.6
30 - - 9.3 <12.5 2.9
40 - - 12.5 <16.3 2.9
40. - - 12.5 <16.3 3.7
50 - - 16.3 <21.9 3.7
60 - - 21.9 <26.1 3.7
The CCMC (ACEA) Classification of motor oils has been developed for
European engines. The CCMC classification is developed separately for gasoline
and diesel engines, similar to what pertains for API (Table 1.8).
Each class of CCMC oils is comparable with the corresponding class of API
oils and is defined by a set of complex laboratory and motor tests, according to
ASTM, CBC, IP or DIN standards.
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 69
Table 1.7: API classification for motor oils by its operational properties and
areas of application.
Table 1.8: CCMC classification for motor oils by its operational properties and
areas of application.
Class | Area of application
Oils for gasoline engines
Gl Engines, working in usual conditions
G2 Engines of modern cars working in hard conditions
G3 Engines of modern cars, with high viscous properties
04 Engines of modern cars, used for driving with high-speed
G5 Engines of sports high-speed automobiles
Oils for diesel engines
Dl Engines working under usual conditions
D2 Engines working under heavy conditions
D3 Engines working under especially heavy conditions
PD-1 Diesel engines of the cars
D4 Engines working in heavy conditions
D5 Engines working in especially heavy conditions
PD-2 Engines with turbo-pressurization for cars
70 Chapter 1
Since January of 1996, the ACEA classification has practically replaced the
CCMC classification. The ACEA classification was developed as an integration of
standards of European organizations: CEC, ATC and ATIEL. It was adopted in
The ACEA classification is applicable to different oil products for different
gasoline engines (classes Al-96, A2-96, A3-96), diesel engines (classes Bl-96,
B2-96, B3-96) and diesel trucks (classes El-96, E2-96, E3-96). After the changes
and additions, new classes Al-98 and A3-98 for gasoline engines, Bl-98, B2-98,
B3-98 and B4-98 for diesel engines of cars and E4-98 for diesel engines of trucks
have been included.
A new system known as the European monitoring system of the qualities of
motor oils (EELQMS) has been developed to cover the requirements for European
motor oils. EELQMS includes the requirements of registration of tests, data col-
lecting and change of compositions. All tests should be registered in the European
registration center (an independent organization, possessing experience in the
control of the order of the performance of tests) before they are performed.
The car firms in the USA and Japan cooperating with ILSAC have formu-
lated requirements for motor oils for gasoline engines of cars. In ILSAC classifica-
tion, there are two classes which are designated as GF-1 and GF-2. They are close
to API classes SH and SJ, respectively.
The requirements for quality of transmission oils intended for various tasks
are numerous. This is why there is the need for classification.
Similar to motor oils, there are two systems of classification: SAE with
regard to viscosity and API with regard to operational properties.
According to SAE classification, tractor transmission oils are divided into 6
classes (Table 1.9) with regard to viscosity.
A hyphenated viscosity class implies that the oil is suitable for all seasons
for the specific climatic zone. For example, the oil with SAE 75W-90 classifica-
tion has the low temperature properties of the viscosity class SAE 75W (i.e. dy-
namic viscosity of the oil does not exceed 150 Pa*s at the temperature of -40°C).
At a positive temperature, the kinematic viscosity corresponds to the viscosity of
the class SAE-90, (i.e. at 100°C the kinematic viscosity is 13.5-24 mm2/s).
The distinctions in designs of transmission units and conditions of their
operation create distinctions in the requirements for operational properties of the
The development of API classification was based on this principle. As such,
the oils are divided according to the type and loading degree of the gears where the
oil is applied (Table 1.10).
Nature and Classification of Crude Oil 71
Table 1.9: The SAE classification for transmission oils with regard to viscosity.
Viscosity class The maximum temperature Kinematic viscosity
of the achievement of the Min Max
dynamic viscosity of 150
Pa*s, °C
winter oils
75W ^0 4.1
SOW -26 7.1
85W -12 22.1
summer oils
90 13.5 24
140 24 41
250 41
The SAE and API classifications give only the general characteristic of oils
without consideration of all parameters of quality. The complete requirements for
physical, chemical and operational properties of the oils and their allowable limit-
ing values are given in the specifications. In the countries of Western Europe and
the USA, transmission oils are produced with two types of specifications:
• Specifications of firms making automobiles
• Military specifications for oils for supply to the armed forces of both the USA
and NATO are made
Table 1.10: API classification of transmission oils with regard to area of appli-
Class Application area
GL1 Cylindrical and spiral-conic gears, working at low speeds and loading
G12 Cylindrical gears, working at low speeds and loading
G13 Usual transmissions with spiral-conic gears, working in hard conditions
GL4 Transmissions, working at normal speeds and high loading
GL5 Transmissions, working at high and low speeds and high loading
G16 Transmissions, working at extreme high speeds and normal loading
MT1 Mechanical transmissions
In the USA and the countries of Western Europe, the widest application has
been achieved by the military specifications from the USA:
• MIL-L-2105 (1959 is replaced by MIL-L-2105B)
• MIL-L-2105B (1973 is replaced by MIL-L - 2105C)
• MIL-L-2105C (1987 is replaced by MIL-L-2105D)
• MIL-L-2105D (since 1987)
In gas chromatography, the mobile phase is gas and the static phase is usu-
ally a liquid, or a solid in special cases. The main application of gas chromatogra-
phy is in the analysis of complicated mixtures of many components. The high
popularity of gas chromatography is due to its requirement of small sample
amounts for analysis and the possibility to analyze compounds in trace amounts.
The biggest disadvantage of this method is that all the compounds analyzed must
be in the gaseous phase or can be evaporated into the gaseous phase.
In gas-liquid chromatography, the stationary phase is a liquid which is cov-
ered on an indifferent (inert) solid substance called the carrier. The carrier is either
a porous adsorbent or the wall of a capillary. This analytical method corresponds
to the principle of classical distribution chromatography, in which a liquid is used
as the mobile phase. In gas adsorption chromatography, solid granulates with an
active adsorptive surface, such as activated coal or silica gel, are used as the sta-
tionary phase.
Gas chromatography has been well known as a separation method for a long
time. After they had invented the principle of distribution chromatography, A. J. P.
Martin and R. L. Synge suggested the use of a flowing gas as mobile phase. The
reason is that gas makes it possible to carry out distribution chromatography with
high flow velocity, because of its low viscosity as opposed to the viscosities en-
countered in the liquid phase.
The rapid development of the method in the last few years has substantially
contributed to the relatively simple and extremely sensitive measuring methods of
gas chromatography. This makes it easy to operate continuously with connections
between the separating column and the detector. Thus, separation, identification
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 75
It is obvious from the stated requirements that there are a lot of materials
that can be analyzed by gas chromatography. However, the requirement that the
material be gaseous or vapor at the column temperature provides a restriction in
the crude oil compounds that can be analyzed. Actually, with the requirement for
the boiling temperature to be under 350°C, it is only possible to analyze the light
fractions from petroleum such as gasoline, kerosene and diesel. However, these
fractions are very important for their industrial use as fuels. This makes gas chro-
matography one of the most popular analysis techniques in crude oil chemistry.
A simplified scheme of a gas chromatograph is presented in Figure 2.1.
sample input
data evaluating
column /
The detector and column are the most important parts of a gas chromato-
graph. Usually, separation by gas chromatography is carried out at higher than
room temperature. As such, Ihcrmostatic heating of the column is necessary.
There are many types of columns used for gas chromatography and they are
made from different materials. Usually, these are glass, plastics and metals such as
copper or steel. All these materials have advantages and disadvantages for differ-
ent types of analysis. For example, glass columns are thermally and chemically
very stable, and normally these are relatively cheap columns in comparison to
columns made from other materials. The disadvantage of the glass column is that
it is very fragile, and thus it is an easily breakable material that is relatively diffi-
cult to install. Plastic columns are not easily breakable. They are very flexible but
chemically stable. However, the disadvantage of such columns is that they are not
thermally stable. As such, they can be used only for analysis at a low temperature.
The metal columns are now the most popular columns for gas chromatography.
They are not breakable, and are thermally and chemically stable. They only have
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 77
the disadvantage that they may not be used for the analysis of acid rich or corro-
sive mixtures, because the metal can be oxidized and this can falsify the results of
the measurement. However, metal columns are now the most robust and stable,
and therefore the most popular types of columns. However, they are also the most
expensive columns. The length of columns used now varies from 1.5 m up to 4.5
m whereas the diameter can vary from 2 mm up to 10 mm.
The most important part of the column is the filling or fill material or pack-
ing. Based on the type of filling, the columns can be classified into packed col-
umns, adsorption columns, distribution columns and capillary columns.
The packed columns are the simplest and at the same time most modest
columns for gas chromatography. The configuration of these columns depends on
the gas chromatograph in which it is used. The most recommended configuration
of packed columns is the U-form, because this makes it simple to clean the column
or change the filling or packing. However, the biggest disadvantage of packed
columns is that they are very sensitive to shaking and the packing can be easily
broken. This type of column is, however, recommended for experimental work in
gas chromatography.
An adsorption column is usually filled with adsorptive active substances,
which could be, for example, oxidized alum, activated coal, silica gel or various
types of molecular sieves. The idea in separation using the adsorption column is
the separation of a mixture of compounds into a number of fractions according to
the adsorption ability of the fill material for the compounds. It is important at this
point to understand what adsorption is. Adsorption is the deposition of a gaseous
or liquid substance on the surface of the adsorbent whereby the substances adhere
to the surface of the adsorbent. The binding or adsorption power or the affinity of
the adsorbent for different compounds has to be different in order for separation to
take place. This allows for the separation of the compounds according to their
different adsorption powers. Adsorption columns are especially effective for
analysis at room temperature. This is why the use of this type of column is rec-
ommended for analyzing gas mixtures. The type of filling must be chosen de-
pending on the nature of the gas compounds; a polar adsorbent must be used for a
gas mixture with a large fraction of polar compounds, whereas non-polar adsorb-
ents must be used for non-polar gases such as hydrocarbons. Since natural gas and
most gases formed during crude oil treatment are hydrocarbons, it is reasonable to
use non-polar adsorbents as filling for analyzing the gases formed during petro-
leum treatment. However, many gas mixtures have complicated compositions
containing hydrocarbons as well as many types of polar gases such as hydrogen
sulfur or carbon monoxide. This is why it may be necessary and it is indeed possi-
ble to have a series of two or more columns in one instrument for most modern
gas chromatographs. This enables the analysis of complicated mixtures of gases in
one step.
The analysis of evaporated liquid mixtures using gas chromatography is
possible as well. For this purpose, filling poisons such as a non-volatile liquid are
used. The purpose of this poisoning is to block the most active adsorptive centers
78 Chapter 2
of the filling. In the absence of filling poisoning, high molecular compounds in the
mixture would be adsorbed so strongly on the active centers of the filling that the
transport of the mixture through the column is practically impossible. This leads to
the formation of zones called tailing zones. Good separation and reproducible
analysis in this case is impossible. A second method to analyze liquid samples
using this type of column is to increase the temperature of the column. However,
this method is useful only for mixtures of compounds with relatively low boiling
temperatures or which can be easily desorbed from the filling at high tempera-
In the event that the filling of the column must be changed or filled for the
first time, it is important to ensure that the filling is as homogenized as possible. In
order to achieve homogeneity, the packing material is fractionated by sieving into
narrow particle size ranges. Good filling requires only a narrow particle-size range
fraction with the appropriate average particle size. The column must be repeatedly
shaken during the filling of packing material in the column to prevent the forma-
tion of voids in the column. The column should be blown through by high-
pressure air after the column is completely filled with packing. It is done for im-
proved homogenization of the packing. After the column is packed in this way, it
is plugged at both ends and it can be used for analysis after conditioning.
The other type of column used in gas chromatography is the distribution
column. The idea in this column is the separation of compounds of the mixture
according to their solubility in the filling of the column. This type of columns is
recommended especially for the analysis of evaporated mixtures of liquid com-
The filling of the distribution column contains a material called carrier,
which is coated with a liquid absorbent. Zeolites or glass spheres are usually used
as carriers whereas non-volatile liquids such as silicone oil or poly-ethylene glycol
are used as the absorbents in distribution columns.
The filling must be custom prepared for every mixture if the appropriate
filling for the particular mixture is not available in the market. The filling for dis-
tribution columns must be as homogenized as possible. This is why sieve fraction-
ating is necessary before the column is filled and absorbent introduced on the
carrier. Fractionation is carried out in the same manner as in the case of filling for
the adsorption column. After the fraction with the appropriate particle size range is
obtained, the liquid absorbent is adsorbed on the surface of the carrier. The oils or
high molecular weight liquids usually used for this purpose are highly viscous
liquids, and it is very difficult to uniformly cover the surface of the carrier with
such viscous liquids. In this case, the absorbent is solved in a small amount of
solvent before covering the carrier. The carrier is then soaked in the solution and
intensively mixed. The excess solvent is removed from the prepared filling by
evaporation at a high temperature. The packing material prepared in such a way is
introduced into the column in the same manner as that in the adsorption column.
The last type of column for gas chromatography is the capillary column or
Golay-column. This type of column is especially interesting because they present
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 79
The thin layer column, also called the analytical column, is ideal for all
types of quantitative and qualitative analysis, because they provide the best possi-
ble resolution in comparison to other gas chromatographic columns. A thin layer
80 Chapter 2
of the carrier is impregnated into the inner wall of the thin layer column. A thin
film of the absorbent is then placed on the impregnated carrier and not on the inner
wall of the column, as in the case of the thin film column. The carrier material is
usually oxidized aluminum or silica gel. During analysis with thin layer columns,
it is important to ensure that all the connections used in instrument, from the in-
jection port to the detector, have the same size as the inner diameter of the column.
Any differences in size can result in the formation of zones where the separated
compounds can be mixed again, leading to the formation of wide peaks on the
chromatogram and bad resolution of the column. The inner arrangement of the
thin layer column is shown in Figure 2.3.
.Impregnated carrier
The next important part of the gas chromatograph is the detector. The de-
tector is the part of the gas chromatograph which detects the compounds leaving
or exiting the column. It is a very important part of the gas chromatograph in the
sense that even with the best column, if the detector is not able to exactly detect
the compound as it exits the column, then the analysis is incomplete. There are
many methods to detect the compounds present in the sample mixture. For exam-
ple, in the case when the carrier gas is hydrogen, the analyzed sample can be
burned as it exits from the column. The majority of compounds have unique colors
of their burning flames, allowing for the detection of the compounds according
their flame colors. This is just one of the simplest examples of the possibilities for
Even though there are many types of detectors used in gas chromatographs,
it is possible to classify them as integral and deferential detectors. The latter class
of detectors is currently the most well developed class of detectors. If only the
carrier gas flows through the column, modern deferential detectors will show a
direct zero base line. When analyzing real sample mixtures by gas chromatographs
with such detectors, the detector detects the compound immediately as it exits
from the column and sends a signal to the evaluating computer. After the particu-
lar component or compound has exited the column completely, the detector sends
a zero signal to the evaluating computer. These types of detectors are known as
exact detectors.
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 81
The signal sent from the detector is usually too weak to be directly analyzed
by the evaluating computer. This is why this signal is normally amplified. How-
ever, it must be ensured that the signal coming from the detector is strong enough
to be measured but too strong to be off scale. Often, it is not possible to measure
all the compounds of the sample mixture at the same level of amplification of the
signal. This is the reason why attenuators are often installed in gas chromato-
graphs. There are two types of attenuators: input and output attenuators. The input
attenuator is installed before the amplifier, and it can attenuate the signal by 101 up
to 105. The output attenuator is installed right after the amplifier, and this can
reduce the signal sent to the evaluating computer by a factor of from Vi up to
There is one further classification of detectors. Detectors can analyze the
molecules of the mixture with and without destroying of the molecule of the com-
ponent. These two classes of detectors are called destructive and non-destructive
detectors, respectively. The latter type of detector is very sensitive to the concen-
trations of the different compounds in the mixture. Also, the volume of the meas-
urement cell is important for this type of detector.
Currently, there are over a hundred different types of detectors used in gas
chromatographs. In this chapter, only the most popular and probably the most
important detectors will be described.
An important property of each detector is the sensitivity. Sensitivity shows
the ratio between the output signal of the detector and the amount of substance that
is passing through the detector. This characteristic of the detector corresponds to
the gradient of the amount/signal curve. One example of such a curve is shown in
Figure 2.4.
This curve is defined by the minimal detectable level amount of the sub-
stance that enters the detector. Usually, this level is accepted as two or three times
higher than the magnitude of the normal noise of the detector. The area where the
82 Chapter 2
The last important property of the detectors is the selectivity. This charac-
teristic of the detector shows which compounds in the sample can be analyzed by
gas chromatograph with each detector. There are universal detectors which can be
used for almost every compound in any sample mixture. For example, by con-
necting a gas chromatography to a mass spectrometer, where the mass spectrome-
ter plays the role of a detector for the gas chromatograph, even the most compli-
cated mixture of compounds can be analyzed. The disadvantage of this hybrid
system is the strictness of the analysis by such detectors such that a full library of
compounds is required at the evaluating computer for this detector. Also, experi-
ence is required of the scientist making the analysis. Universal detectors are the
most used detectors in modern chromatography. If a detector is peculiar for a
particular class of compounds, then it is referred to as a selective detector. Usually,
such detectors are more exact than universal detectors, but the disadvantage of
such detectors is that only mixtures of particular classes of compounds can be
The most popular detector is the flame ionization detector. Using this type
of detector, the component analyzed that is eluting from the end of the column is
mixed with hydrogen and burned in synthetic air. It is necessary to use synthetic
air to achieve a clean burning of the hydrogen and the component analyzed. Ion
formation during the clean burning of hydrogen is hardly possible whereas ions
are formed during the burning of all organic substances according to the following
Electrons formed in this reaction are dropped onto the collector electrode.
These electrons form the electrical signal of the detector. It is important to ensure
that synthetic air contains only oxygen and nitrogen and that the collector elec-
trode is very clean from the burning residue or other pollutants. Otherwise, this
can lead to a high deviation of the measured values from the real values. One
example of the flame ionization detector is shown in Figure 2.6.
Actually, the flame ionization detector is restricted to only the analysis of
organic substances. As such, gases like CO2, SO2, NH3 and CO cannot be ana-
lyzed by gas chromatographs with this detector type. However, analyzing inor-
ganic gases in the petroleum chemistry becomes necessary only in some special
cases such as ecological analyses of the gas formed during crude oil treatment.
The Janak detector is probably the simplest detector that exists for gas
chromatography. With this detector, carbon dioxide must be used as the carrier
gas. Both the carrier gas and the sample analyzed go through a vessel containing
concentrated Ca(OH)2 solution after exiting the column. In this way, the carbon
dioxide is separated from the gas analyzed. All the gases not dissolved in the
Ca(OH)2 solution are collected in a special collector. The volume of the com-
pounds is automatically measured in this collector. It is obvious that this collector
cannot be used for analyzing gases that are soluble in Ca(OH)2 solution.
84 Chapter 2
synthetic air
- , Analyzing
V = and carrier
<3 ik
The next and probably most important detector in gas chromatography is the
thermal conductivity detector. This detector contains four cells, which are installed
in a thermostat. Two of the cells are the measurement or analysis cells. The ana-
lyzed gas and carrier gas flow through these cells. The remaining two cells are
called the reference cells. Only the pure carrier gas flows through both these cells.
Inside of all the four cells are platinum or wolfram electrodes. All the electrodes
are heated up using exactly the same electrical stream. As such, the differences in
temperature of the electrodes are only due to the difference in the thermal conduc-
tivities of the gases flowing through them. If a difference in temperature in the
electrodes in the measurement and comparison cells is detected, the detector sends
a signal to the evaluating computer.
The temperature difference is measured by measuring the electrical conduc-
tivity of the electrodes in the cells. All these electrodes are connected in a special
bridge circuit. This circuit is in equilibrium as long as the temperature of all the
electrodes is the same. The electrical conductivity depends strongly on the tem-
perature of the electrodes. If a different gas in the carrier gas flows through the
measurement cells, then this circuit is immediately out of equilibrium.
The different electrical conductivities of the electrodes lead to a change of
voltage. This change is sent as the measured detector signal. One example of the
cells and the bridge circuit are shown in Figure 2.7.
It is obvious from the functioning principles of the detector that the thermal
conductivity detector is suitable for all types of chemical compounds. This is why
its use is recommended for analyzing complicated mixtures such as crude oil frac-
tions or products.
Another type of detector that is used relatively often for gas chromatography
is called the ion trap detector. In some cases, this detector is called a mass selec-
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 85
tive detector. Gas chromatographs with this detector are called gas chromatogra-
phy / mass spectroscopy hybrid units. This detector is very popular especially for
the ecologists.
a) b)
Fig. 2.7: a) Scheme of two cells of thermal conductivity detector; b) bridge circuit
The mass spectrometer serves for the exact determination of the masses of
atoms and molecules as well as for the registration of the mass spectra from parti-
cle mixtures to mass and relative proportion. The first ion trap detector was devel-
oped in 1919 by F.W. Aston.
An example of the ion trap detector is shown in Figure 2.8.
The ion trap detector is operated all the time under vacuum. The measure-
ment cell consists of two rotating symmetric pole caps and a ring electrode. The
molecules of the sample are usually analyzed in the measurement cell. They are
ionized by an electron beam that is only switched on for a brief period of time. The
ions in the space between the pole caps and the ring electrode are captured or
caught by a sturdy high-frequency field. By varying the high-frequency field, the
ions leave the space between the pole caps and the ring electrode in the order of
their mass to electrical charge values, and arrive at the amplifier.
It is obvious from the working principle of the ion trap detector that this is
equally a universal detector as is the thermal conductivity detector. The analysis of
the mixtures of compounds with this type of detector is possible not only by reten-
tion time of the compound in the column, but also by the composition of the ions
of this compound. Usually, libraries of the compounds for the ion trap detector are
much more extensive than the libraries for the thermal conductivity detector.
However, the more extensive possibilities for knowing which compound exited
the column makes this detector an excellent detector for the specialist, but intro-
duces many difficulties for beginners.
86 Chapter 2
electron source
The next detector to mention in this book is called the electron capture de-
tector. The electron capture detector is a detector which possesses a special sensi-
tivity for substances that can catch slow electrons. These include halogen organic
compounds. The electron capture detector is much more sensitive for this com-
pound class than, for example, the flame ionization detector. One example of such
a detector is shown in Figure 2.9.
anode cathode
Fig. 2.9: Scheme of the electron capture detector:
e" - slow electron
P - P - particles (fast electrons)
S e - analyzing substance molecule with caught slow electron
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 87
The electron capture detector has a layer of Ni63 as a P-radiation source. The
radioactivity of the radiation source amounts from 10 up to 15 mC (370 to 550
First, the carrier gas, which usually contains 90% argon and 10% methane
for this detector type, is ionized by the P-radiation. Slow electrons are formed in
this way, and are caught by the collecting electrode (anode). As long as no com-
pounds arrive into the detector room which can react with the slow electrons, the
electrical current stream remains constant. This gives rise to the zero stream. A
recombination of the slow electrons with the positive feed gas ions is not possible,
since the accumulation energy is equal to the dissociation energy.
If molecules of the component analyzed come into the detector together with
the carrier gas, and these molecules can catch slow electrons, then recombination
of the electrons with these molecules can take place. The molecules catch slow
electrons. Fewer electrons arrive at the collecting electrode. This change of elec-
tron stream forms the signal stream. Negatively charged ions are formed from
molecules of the component analyzed; they can transfer their electrons to the posi-
tive carrier gas ions. The high sensitivity of this detector can be decreased consid-
erably by contaminating the electrodes. This is why cleanliness of the electrodes
must be constantly checked.
The next and last type of detector discussed in this chapter is called the
thermo ionic detector. This detector is also called a phosphorus / nitrogen detector.
Actually, this type of detector is a modified form of the flame ionization detector,
which has its special field of application with organic nitrogen and phosphorus
compounds. The thermo ionic detector is structured in the same way as a flame
ionization detector with only a small rubidium containing glass bead at a platinum
wire as source of alkali located between the burner nozzle and the collecting elec-
trode. The alkali bead always has a negative potential. One example of the detec-
tor constructed for the detection of phosphorus compounds is presented in Figure
For the analysis of phosphorus compounds, the flame burns in the same way
as with the flame ionization detector. A nozzle is installed in such a way that elec-
trons formed by burning the organic compounds can flow out from the burner but
not to the collecting electrode. If the nozzle is not grounded as is indicated in Fig-
ure 2.10, electrons which formed during the burning of the hydrocarbons could
pass up to the negatively charged alkali bead. In such a situation, the reactions
cannot occur at the alkali bead. By grounding, the electrons at the nozzle can flow
off. The reactions take place at the alkali bead, and this makes the detector espe-
cially sensitive for phosphorus compounds.
The electrons formed in the reactions on the alkali bead go to the positively
charged collecting electrode and form the signal stream.
88 Chapter 2
synthetic air
Analyzing compound
and carrier gas
Ill hydrogen
Fig. 2.10: Scheme of the thermo ionic detector for the analysis of phosphor compounds.
The alkali bead consists of rubidium glass, which has semiconductor prop-
erties. If it is cold, it is an insulator, and in the hot state, it has some conductivity.
If there are alkali ions (Me+) in the hot alkali bead, then they react with electrons
into alkali atoms, which surround the alkali bead as a cloud. The alkali atoms can
become thermally innervated and react under light rays into innervated atoms Me .
Radicals (R-), which are formed from the burned component analyzed, react with
innervated alkali atoms by electron transfer from the alkali atom to substance
radical. The innervated alkali atoms change their electrical charge and form posi-
tively charged alkali ions, whereas the sample radicals react to form negatively
charged ions R . The positive alkali ions are caught by the negatively charged
alkali bead again, and react immediately to alkali atoms again. Also, they are
ready for further reactions with the sample radicals again. The anions (negative
charged ions) react to form a neutral final product. Electrons are captured or
caught by the collecting electrode and the detector signal is thereby formed.
The main reactions taking place in the detector with phosphorus compounds
can be shown in the five reactions given below. All these reactions are written
under the assumption that only reactions with the phosphorus oxides such as PO or
PO2 occur in the detector room, since the organic substance is completely burned
in the burner.
Nitrogen has an odd number of electrons on the outer shell just like phos-
phorus. However, the nitrogen oxide radicals formed similarly to the phosphorus
oxide radicals are cracked very quickly in the hot analyzing chamber in compari-
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 89
son to phosphorus oxides. Therefore, the thermo ionic detector can be recon-
structed in such a way that it can be more sensitive for organic nitrogen com-
pounds instead of the phosphorus compounds. A reducing flame condition must be
created for analyzing nitrogen compounds such that instead of nitrogen oxide
radicals, cyanide or cyanate radicals are formed. These react at the alkali bead in a
manner similar to phosphorus oxide radicals.
During the analysis of organic nitrogen compounds, one reduces the hydro-
gen and air supply to the extent that the flame at the burner nozzle is turned out. At
the same time, the bead is electrically heated. The hydrogen is ignited on the
glowing alkali bead and burns in the form of cold plasma around the alkali bead.
An example of the thermo ionic detector reconstructed for organic nitrogen com-
pounds analysis is shown in Figure 2.11.
synthetic air
Analyzing compound
and carrier gas
Fig. 2.11: Scheme of the thermo ionic detector for the analysis of nitrogen compounds.
The reaction mechanism of the reactions running in the analysis room of the
detector can be presented by the following reactions:
— C— C=N (cracking)
This type of detector is very specific and can be used in petroleum chemistry
only in specific cases for the analysis of nitrogen or, very rarely, phosphorus com-
pounds. Some of such cases are shown in the last chapter of this book. These are
cases where crude oil is treated or coprocessed with other feeds that contain het-
90 Chapter 2
ero-atoms. An intensive study of this area of crude oil chemistry just started some
decades ago. This is why an intensive study of the chemical mechanism for such
systems is essential.
The gas chromatograph can be used for meaningful analysis only after the
appropriate column and detector have been selected. However, there is still an
important aspect of gas chromatographic analysis that needs to be mentioned. This
involves the introduction of the sample into the column. Sample introduction is
achieved by using special injectors. There are five techniques to introduce sample
into the column.
The first technique is called the filled needle technique. In this technique,
the needle of the injector is fully filled. This is the simplest method but its biggest
disadvantage is that its reproducibility is very bad especially for volatile sub-
stances. Since most crude oil products (such as gasoline) are volatile substances,
this method is not recommended for their analysis.
The next method is called the empty needle technique. In this method, the
sample is sucked out from the needle. The reproducibility of this method is higher
than that by the full needle technique.
Another method is the air bubble technique. In this technique, a little amount
of air is sucked in the injector. The reproducibility of this method is higher than
that of the first two methods.
The next two methods are called the solvent methods. In the first solvent
method, the solvent is sucked into the injector directly after the first air bubble is
sucked in. The reproducibility of this method is the best in comparison to all
methods shown before.
The second solvent method is called the sandwich method. In this technique
the sample is sucked into the injector followed by air bubble and then the solvent.
After the solvent, the sample is sucked in one more time. The reproducibility of
this method is the best. However, its disadvantage is that a high amount of the
sample is introduced in the column. It is not every column that can function with
high sample loading or large amount of the sample.
All these methods are presented in Figure 2.12 for a better understanding of
the techniques they represent.
In addition to the availability of different methods of sample introduction
into the column in gas chromatography, there are two different types of injectors
that can be used to input the sample. These are the splitless injector and the split
Splitless injectors are used in cases where the column can work well with
high amounts of sample. In this case, the sample is fully injected into the column
and is pushed through the column by carrier gas.
However, for capillary columns, the amount of sample is very important.
This is why there is the second type of injectors: split injectors. With these injec-
tors, it is possible to input just a fraction of the evaporated sample in the column.
The other part of the evaporated sample can be pushed directly over a special split
into the atmosphere. This type of injector is used only for capillary columns.
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 91
^ 1
Fig. 2.12: Main techniques for the input of the sample in the column:
1 - full needle technique
2 - empty needle technique
3 - air bubble technique
4 - solvent technique
5 - sandwich technique
When all the preparation work has been completed and sample is introduced
in the column, analysis can begin. The analysis result consists of a chromatogram
with many peaks that correspond to the compounds present in the sample mixture.
At the beginning of this chapter, it was mentioned that the main idea of chroma-
tography is the differential adsorption or absorption of the components in a sample
mixture followed by desorption. However, what is observed in the chromatogram
are wide peaks instead of thin lines that should represent the compounds of the
sample. Why do we have wide peaks? One of the possible theories used to explain
this occurrence is the theory of resistances. The main idea of this theory is pre-
sented in Figure 2.13.
It is seen from Figure 2.13 that three molecules of the same component
introduced in the column entrance at the same time pass to the end of the column
using different routes. The length differences are specific to the filling or packing
of the column. The peak for the same substance can be wider or thinner depending
only on the type of column filling. The longer it takes the molecules to pass
through the column, the shorter and wider the peak is for this component.
Despite that chromatography is a relatively exact method, it has some draw-
backs such as the presence of anomalies, just like any known analytical method.
The anomalies that arise from chromatography are very difficult to classify. How-
ever, an attempt will be made in the following discussion to highlight the main
types of anomalies in chromatographic analysis.
Spikes can arise due to physical or chemical contamination of the column or
detector. For flame ionization detectors, these contaminants can come from the air.
However, the simplest possible reason for the presence of spikes is the mechanical
vibration of the instrument during analysis. Typical appearance of spikes is shown
in Figure 2.14.
It was shown earlier that there are many reasons for the occurrence of
anomalies during gas chromatographic analysis. This is why everything needed for
analysis must be chosen very accurately. After the gas chromatograph for analyz-
ing a specific sample is selected, the next step is to select the carrier gas. Every gas
can theoretically be used as a carrier gas. However, there are some important char-
acteristics that every carrier gas must have. The carrier gas must be chemically and
physically inert to the filling or packing of the column. Also, it must not react with
the compounds in the sample mixture. The last property of a good carrier gas is its
level of purity. It is very important for the analysis that the carrier gas introduces
no impurities into the gas chromatograph. Even very small amounts of foreign
substances in the carrier gas can falsify the results very seriously. Presently, three
gases are the most popular carrier gases used in gas chromatography. These are
hydrogen, nitrogen and helium.
The use of hydrogen as a carrier gas has only one disadvantage. The high
tendency of hydrogen to diffuse and permeate through the smallest splits in the
connections between parts of the gas chromatograph makes hydrogen relatively
dangerous. If the leakage in the system is inside the thermostat, it can result in
explosion because of the presence of a dangerous mixture of hydrogen and air.
This is why the use of hydrogen as the carrier gas must be related to ensuring that
there are no leaks between connections of parts in the gas chromatograph. Conse-
quently, a very thorough leak check is a must before the start of every experiment.
The next possible carrier gas is nitrogen. This is probably the cheapest and
least dangerous carrier gas. However, it must be noted that nitrogen is also used as
an inert atmosphere in many experiments in crude oil chemistry. This means that
gas coming to the analysis contains nitrogen. The analysis of nitrogen in the gas
mixture would be impossible if the carrier gas is the same as one of the compo-
nents of the sample mixture.
Nowadays, helium is the most popular carrier gas used in gas chromatogra-
phy. The use of helium as inert atmosphere in thermal or catalytic treatment ex-
94 Chapter 2
periments is, in most cases, not rational because of the high cost of this gas in
comparison to nitrogen. The formation of helium from crude oil or crude oil prod-
ucts is absolutely impossible too. This is why helium can be recommended as the
optimal carrier gas for analyzing crude oil fractions or gases formed during the
thermal or catalytic treatment of crude oil.
One important factor influencing the resolution of the column is the velocity
of the gas flow. This value must be chosen optimally for every column or column
system used in gas chromatography. Too high a velocity of the gas in the column
can lead to very bad separation of the compounds in the column. This means that it
is possible for many components of the mixture to exit the column at the same
time, thus making the evaluation of the results cumbersome and prone with error
or practically impossible. Too low a velocity of the gas in the column leads to the
formation of adsorption-desorption equilibrium, resulting in a poor resolution of
the column as well. The gas flow in any modern gas chromatograph is usually
controlled by a special controller called the mass flow controller. These devices
are very exact. However, they need to be calibrated. There are three most popular
devices to measure the gas flow and to calibrate the mass flow controller.
Soap bubble measurement is carried out in the device shown in Figure 2.16.
soap bubble
elastic bubble with
soap solution
Fig. 2.16: Gas flow measurement device using the soap bubble principle.
The principle of this gas flow measurement device is simple. A push on the
gummy bubble leads to soap bubble rising in the measurement cylinder. The gas
flow pressures up the soap bubble. The time it takes for the bubble to pass through
a defined volume of the measurement cylinder is measured by a timer. The princi-
ple of soap bubble gas flow measurement is the direct measurement of the average
gas flow velocity. The advantage of this device is that a very accurate average
value for the gas flow velocity can be calculated from the measurements. This
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 95
device is the most accurate for the calibration of gas flow controllers. And this
method is strongly recommended to measure the gas flow in the case when there
are no full automatic calibration devices for the gas flow controllers.
The next method uses the principle of floatation of a heavy sphere in the gas
flow. The scheme of the device using such a principle is shown in Figure 2.17.
The flowing gas makes the sphere float. The higher the velocity of the gas flow,
the higher the sphere is pushed. This device must be accurately calibrated before
use. The biggest disadvantage of this device is that the gas flow velocity defined
by this method at every moment is instantaneous velocity. All mass flow control-
lers, including the most modern ones, have certain errors, and gas flow can be
permanently changed within the limits of these errors. It is difficult to determine
gas flow velocity with controllers with relatively large errors. However, this de-
vice can be recommended for calibrating modern mass flow controllers with low
Fig. 2.17: Gas flow measurement device using principle of heavy sphere floatation.
The last device for measuring gas flow and for calibrating mass flow con-
trollers that is discussed in this chapter is called the capillary gas flow measurer.
The principle of this device is used in many modern automatic calibration devices
for mass flow controllers. The scheme of such a device is shown in Figure 2.18.
The main idea of this method is that the pressure needed to force the gas
through the capillary is directly proportional to the gas velocity. The pressure can
be measured by the method shown in Figure 2.18, by measuring the height of the
liquid, which can be mercury or water or, for special cases, highly viscous liquids.
However, this measurement is also possible by using other pressure measuring
devices as well.
After all the preparations and experiment are over comes to the time to
evaluate the experimental data. There are many methods to evaluate the gas chro-
matogram. Usually, every gas chromatograph is calibrated for each specific
The most popular and simplest method is called the peak height method.
The method is applicable only if the chromatographic column is not overloaded. In
96 Chapter 2
this case, a linear dependence between peak height and the quantity of the respec-
tive component in the sample exists for constant analysis conditions. If the maxi-
mum possible load of the column is exceeded, the separation ability of the column
decreases. As a result, a linear dependence between peak height and the quantity
of the respective component is not presented any more. Deviations from linearity
can occur with column that is not overloaded as well, if the compounds of the
mixture have very different physicochemical properties.
pressure measurement
Fig. 2.18: Gas flow measurement device using principle of the capillary pressure.
Bad separated peaks can be evaluated, if the peak height and the total reten-
tion time are measurable.
Thin peaks, which can arise frequently with capillary column chromatogra-
phy, are easy to evaluate.
With wide peaks, the peak height can be relatively accurately assessed.
The error obtained with this evaluation method is due mainly to the fact that
the total retention time of the individual components depends linearly on the peak
height only approximately. The amount of the component in the sample is often
judged as too small for thin peaks and too high for wide peaks. The linear depend-
ence is well suitable for homologous classes of compounds in the sample mixture
The next evaluating method is based on the multiplication of the peak height
by the width of the peak at half its height. With this evaluation method, the total
area of a peak, which corresponds to a Gauss distribution curve, is determined as
an area of an equal-leg triangle. The height of the triangle is equal to the maximum
of the detector signal. The area of the triangle is the result of the multiplication of
the triangle height with its width at the half height.
This method used frequently in comparison to all the other methods dis-
cussed previously because it is less sensitive to the influence of temperature,
change of pressure and carrier gas flow.
However, this method can be used only for the evaluation of chromatograms
with symmetric peaks. The advantage of the method is that the chromatogram can
have symmetric peaks even if, like in some cases, the column of the gas chro-
matograph is overloaded.
The last method of evaluation of a gas chromatogram is called the mix
method. With this method the compounds analyzed must be known. The pure
compound that is to be evaluated is mixed with the sample mixture. Analysis of
the sample mixture is performed twice in this method. One is in the absence of the
pure compound whereas the second is a mixture with the pure compound. Evalu-
ating the concentration of the component proceeds with a comparison of the peaks
from both chromatograms. The advantage of this method is that this method is
very accurate. On the other hand, the disadvantage is that the evaluation of the
pure compounds is needed, and also there is the need of at least two chroma-
tograms, which makes this method longer and more expensive than every other
method discussed before.
More information about gas chromatography can be found in references 54-
59 at the end of this chapter.
from column chromatography. The main difference between this method and gas
chromatography is that non-evaporating samples can be analyzed by this method.
This difference is also the biggest advantage of high performance liquid chroma-
tography. The reason is that some crude oils contain over 80% of heavy fractions
that cannot be evaporated at temperatures below 350°C. Such materials cannot be
analyzed by gas chromatography but are readily analyzed by high performance
liquid chromatography. The samples being analyzed by high performance liquid
chromatography must have the important property that they are soluble in the
solvent selected as the mobile phase for the chromatographic analysis.
It was mentioned earlier that high-pressure liquid chromatography was de-
veloped based on column chromatography. This method is very rarely used nowa-
days and only for special cases. However, this method is good to demonstrate the
functioning principle of modern high-performance liquid chromatographs. The
scheme of a column chromatograph is presented in Figure 2.19.
The setup shown in Figure 2.19 is the simplest example of liquid chroma-
tography. The column diameter for such chromatographs usually varies from 1 to
5 cm. The column is filled with fine adsorbent particles. The top of the column is
open for the entire duration of the experiment. The sample dissolved in a small
amount of the solvent is introduced first in the column. After this, the solvent is
introduced slowly but continuously into the column and separated compounds or
fractions of compounds exit the column at the bottom. In this method, the solvent
flows only under the influence of gravitational force. The disadvantage of this
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 99
method is that a single experiment can take hours for the separation and the col-
umn packing must be prepared specifically for each experiment. The compounds
exiting the column are often detected by optical methods. In the example shown in
Figure 2.19, the sample was separated into three compounds or three fractions.
These fractions can be detected by the difference in color. The need of a long time
for every experiment is the reason why column chromatography was developed
into high performance chromatography. However, the old classical column chro-
matography can still be found in many research petroleum laboratories even now.
This method is used for the separation of heavy oil fractions into fractions of com-
pound groups, as for example paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic compounds.
Fractionating by this method can be carried out to obtain more fractions of petro-
leum than was shown in this example. However, the analysis of individual com-
pounds of crude oil is impossible by this method. But some individual compounds
of heavy petroleum fractions can be analyzed by high performance liquid chro-
The main principles in the high-performance liquid chromatography tech-
nique are the same as for the gas chromatography technique. However, the mobile
phase in the high-pressure liquid chromatography is a liquid solvent, which is
forced through the column under high pressure. This is why no gas tank but a
solvent reservoir is used in liquid chromatography. The new accessories needed in
liquid chromatography are high-pressure pumps. Depending on the chromato-
graph, these pumps can achieve pressures up to 500 bar. One example of a high-
pressure liquid chromatograph is shown in Figure 2.20.
' r
column /
data evaluating
^. . thermostat -,.
solvent reservoir collector
raphy is usually very fine: 3-50 um. The biggest advantage of high-pressure liquid
chromatography in comparison to the classical column liquid chromatography is
that a very precise analysis can be performed in a very short time.
As in the case for gas chromatography, the column and detector are the heart
of the high performance liquid chromatograph. There are many types of columns
used for liquid chromatography. These are classified as guard, derivatizing, capil-
lary, fast, and preparatory columns.
The guard columns are placed anterior to the main separating column. This
serves to protect the separation column from impurities or contaminants, which
could be present in the sample. Usually, these columns have a length of 5 cm, and
the diameter of the guard column must be the same as that of the separating col-
umn. There are many types of guard columns designed for the different purposes.
For example, there are guard columns to filter the particulates from the sample or
separate ions that can influence the analysis. The use of these columns by petro-
leum chemists is important, because the composition of petroleum is so compli-
cated that it is very possible for the sample to contain insoluble particulates, which
can damage the separation column and make it unusable. These columns must be
changed frequently in order to optimize their protective function. The size of the
packing varies with the type of protection needed.
Derivatizing columns serve to chemically change the initial compounds. The
use of these columns can give accurate data for the sample in the case where the
analysis of the initial mixture resulted in doubtful data.
Capillary columns are used in the current high performance chromato-
graphs. The functioning principle of this type of column is the same as was de-
scribed for gas chromatography. There are three types of capillary columns used in
liquid chromatography: open tubular, partially packed, and tightly packed. The
advantage of these columns is that they allow us to work with very small amounts
of sample.
Fast columns are designed specifically to decrease the time needed for
analysis. Usually, these columns are shorter than the usual separating columns; the
packing material of such columns consists of a very fine material with particle size
of about 3 jam. The advantages of using these columns are decreased analysis time
and increased sensitivity of the column.
Preparatory columns serve to prepare the bulk sample for laboratory pre-
paratory applications or further analysis. A preparatory column usually has a large
diameter designed to facilitate large volume injections into the chromatograph.
There are more types of columns used in liquid chromatography designed
for special cases or for specific chromatographs. However, the most important part
of the column is the parking of the column. The high-pressure liquid chromatogra-
phy can be classified as adsorption, distribution, gel permeation, affinity and ion
pair chromatography according to the type of fillings or packing.
The principle of adsorption chromatography is the same as for gas chroma-
tography, which was discussed in some detail in a previous section. Another de-
scription is not very essential at this point. The most popular filling or packing for
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 101
the column around the particles with the fastest possible velocity. As a result, the
biggest molecules exit the column first, and the smallest ones come out last.
The gel permeation chromatographic column is characterized by the mini-
mum and maximum sizes or molecular weights of molecules that can be analyzed
by that column. This is because all the molecules with molecular weight higher
than maximum analyzable molecular weight cannot pass through the pore and all
move with the same velocity. The result is that they cannot be separated. The same
problem arises with the molecules smaller than the smallest analyzable molecule.
They all pass through the smallest pores of the packing material with the same
The affinity chromatography is a chromatographic method which uses spe-
cific interactions between the sample molecules and the stationary phase. Affinity
means the tendency of the molecules to react with each other. The first component
in this case is the one bounded to the stationary phase. The other component is the
component in the sample. This is adsorbed from the solution onto the ligand. The
components, which have no affinity for the ligand, are transported by the mobile
phase through the column. In order to desorb the analyzed component molecules
from the stationary phase, a solvent with greater affinity for the ligand in compari-
son with the stationary phase is introduced into the column. In some cases, it is
sufficient to change the pH value of the solution to desorb the components being
analyzed from the stationary phase.
The last type of column used in liquid chromatography is the column used
for ion pair chromatography. In this method an ionic solvent, which has the oppo-
site charge to the sample compound, is used as the mobile phase. The use of such a
mobile phase leads to the formation of an ion pair, which is the material eventually
analyzed in this method. Samples which cannot be analyzed by adsorption or
distribution chromatography because of the high electrical charge of ions, should
be analyzed by this method.
An important part of the high performance liquid chromatograph is the de-
tector. The main tasks of the detector for this type of chromatography are the same
as for gas chromatography. However, the detectors used in liquid chromatography
are different from those used in gas chromatography, because of the necessity to
perform analysis with liquid samples.
One of the most popular detectors in high-pressure chromatography is the
ultra violet (UV) detector. Compounds that can absorb ultra violet light, are de-
tected using this detector. The UV detectors have a relatively large dynamic range.
The great advantage of UV detectors is that they are only minimally sensitive to
temperature changes during analysis. An example of the UV detector is shown in
Figure 2.22.
After leaving the column, the mobile phase flows through a quartz cell,
which acts as the analysis cell. The analysis cell and a reference cell (which con-
tains the mobile phase) are irradiated with the same source of UV light. A low-
pressure mercury lamp or deuterium lamp is usually used as the UV light source.
The UV light intensity is measured with photoresistors. Before starting the real
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 103
Source of
UV light lens UV filter
mobile cell
Fig. 2.22: UV detector.
reference cell and the sample dissolved in the mobile phase flows through the
analysis cell. If the light in the analysis cell is bent differently compared to the
light in the reference cell, the detector produces a signal, which is sent to the
evaluating computer.
prism photo-
lamp f VS^/v
i - *' -~'\
solved X
Fig. 2.23: Analysis cell of refractive index detector.
The most modern but not especially popular refractive index detectors are
those that use a laser as the light source. The use of lasers brings many advantages.
First of all, the resolution of a laser refractive index detector is much higher than
by using classical detectors. However, the price for such detectors is relatively
high and it is used only for special analytical cases.
The next type of detector used in liquid chromatography is fluorescence
detectors. These detectors use the ability of components in the sample analyzed to
absorb and re-emit light at defined wavelengths. Each compound has a character-
istic fluorescence. Ultra violet lamps are usually used as the light source in such
detectors. The technique of fluorescence detectors is different as compared to the
usual detectors. They contain only one flow cell. The light goes through this cell.
The photoresistor measures the intensity of the light passing through the cell and
the monochromator measures the re-emitted light, i.e. fluorescence.
Electrochemical detectors are a very interesting example of detectors used in
liquid chromatography. These detectors can detect only compounds that are able
to react by oxidation or reduction reactions. Usually, this technique functions by
measuring the gain or loss of electrons from the flowing sample as it passes be-
tween two electrodes maintained at an electrical potential difference.
The last two popular detectors in liquid chromatography are nuclear mag-
netic resonance and mass spectrometers. The mass spectrometer as a detector was
described in the section in this chapter on gas chromatography. On the other hand,
the principles of the nuclear magnetic resonance are described in chapter 5 of this
book because of its important in asphaltene chemistry.
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 105
In degassing the solvent with a helium stream, helium gas is bubbled con-
tinuously through the solvent until all the solved gases are removed. In this
method, it is important that the mobile phase does not come in contact with air
during the degassing. This is the simplest and most popular method.
In degassing with ultrasound, a glass with solvent is placed in the bath with
the source of ultrasound. During the treatment with ultrasound, bubbles of the gas
removed can be seen issuing from the solvent. The ultrasound treatment must be
carried out until no more gas bubbles are issuing from the solvent.
The last method, the distillation method, is the most effective but also the
most complicated in executing. In this method, the solvent is evaporated in an
inert atmosphere and then condensed again. It is important to ensure that no gas is
dissolved in the solvent during the condensation. For this reason, the distillation
unit must be evacuated before degassing and then filled with a gas that is insoluble
in the mobile phase.
Elution with the selected and degassed solvent as mobile phase can be done
in two different methods. The first method is simplest, but cannot be used for all
samples especially those containing complicated mixtures of compounds in crude
oil fractions. As such, this method is only rarely used. It is called isocratic elution.
In this method, the same composition of mobile phase is used during the entire
analysis time. The main property of samples that can be analyzed by this method
is that the components in the sample have approximately the same polarity. The
second elution method is called gradient elution. This method can be used for
complicated mixtures of compounds which have different polarities and which
106 Chapter 2
cannot be analyzed by only one solvent. However, this method demands the use of
special pumps to support the stepwise mixing of the various solvents.
From the last shown elution method, it is clear that the pump is a very im-
portant accessory for high-pressure liquid chromatography. There are three main
types of pumps used in modern chromatographs:
membrane pumps
reciprocating piston pumps
syringe type pumps
constant pressure pumps
3 mobile / phase
mobile phase form container
to column
On the back stroke, the separation column valve is closed, and the piston
pulls in solvent from the mobile phase container. On the forward stroke, the pump
pushes the solvent out to the column from the hydraulic chamber. A wide range of
flow rates can be attained by altering the stroke frequency. As shown, the func-
tioning principle of the membrane pump is relatively simple. However, there is the
disadvantage that the pumping of the mobile phase is only done discontinuously or
intermittently. A schematic showing the pulsating pumping of the solvent by a
membrane pump is illustrated in Figure 2.25.
The problem with discontinuous pumping can easily be solved by using two
pumps functioning at the same time such that if one pump sucks in the solvent
another pump presses the solvent to the column (out of phase with each other).
This type of pump system is significantly smoother because one pump is filling
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 107
while the other is in the delivery cycle. Such connections of two membrane pumps
are relatively often used in liquid chromatography.
field investigations. The method does not need any special or complicated acces-
sories. Thin layer chromatography is also used in the laboratories by crude oil
chemists. Usually, this is only for quick screening research of many samples. This
method is recommended for field analysis of organic substances in ground sam-
ples during crude oil prospecting.
Thin layer chromatography differs from all other types of chromatography
discussed before by the simplicity of the technique used. Thin layer chromato-
graph has a stationary phase and a mobile phase just like every other chroma-
tographic method. However, the stationary phase for thin layer chromatography is
not located in the column as in gas or liquid chromatography. Instead, it is fixed on
a glass, aluminum or plastic plate as a thin layer.
Thin layer chromatography is very similar to paper chromatography. Thin
layer chromatography has a wide variety of possibilities depending on the choice
of the stationary phase. Adsorption, distribution and ion chromatography can be
carried out in thin layer chromatography.
The preparation of the experiment for thin layer chromatography begins
with the preparation of the analysis chamber. The analysis chamber for this chro-
matographic method is a glass filled with a small amount of the mobile phase, and
a filter paper is introduced. The analysis chamber is prepared by dipping the filter
paper in the mobile phase for circa half hour. This time is needed for the chamber
to reach vapor formation in equilibrium with the mobile phase. The fact that the
mobile phase vapor in the analysis chamber is saturated and in equilibrium with
the mobile phase liquid is especially important for executing the analysis, because
it has a great influence on the velocity of the mobile phase during the analysis. An
example of the analysis chamber that has been prepared correctly is shown in
Figure 2.26.
3 - 5 mm
The humidity that comes with the mobile phase filter paper ensures the
evenness of the vapor pressure in the analysis chamber and acts as an accelerator
for the achievement of saturated vapor with the mobile phase. The filter paper can
also act as an indicator; if the solvent front reaches the upper limit of the filter
paper, it is usually postulated that the analysis chamber is ready for the com-
mencement of the analysis.
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 109
It is important to select the appropriate mobile phase for the analysis (i.e. for
the separation of components in the sample). The right choice of the mobile phase
has a great influence on the resolution during analysis. The most popular solvents
used as mobile phase for thin layer chromatography are n-hexane, tetrachloro
methane, benzene, dichloro methane, trichloro methane, acetic acid ethyl ether,
dioxane, acetone, i-butanol, i-propanol, ethanol and methanol. Despite a good
choice of solvent for the mobile phase, it is often required to use a mixture of
solvents, because no single solvent has all the properties needed. There is a simple
method used to select the most appropriate solvent for thin layer chromatography.
It is called the spot test. This method is presented in Figure 2.27.
solvent used in solving the sample must be removed slowly to avoid touching the
thin layer plate. The analysis chamber is then placed on a sturdy table to prevent
vibrations during analysis. This is important for accurate analysis results. Then,
the thin layer plate is placed in the analysis card in the analysis chamber. The
analysis chamber with the thin film plate is shown in Figure 2.28.
3-5 mm
The development of the sample begins due to the capillary action of the
mobile phase on the thin layer plate, after the thin film plate has been placed in the
analysis chamber. Usually, the time needed for the analysis varies from twenty to
sixty minutes. However, the analysis proceeds until the solvent reaches the upper
limit of the thin film. In the case where appropriate resolution is achieved earlier
than when the solvent front reaches the upper limit of the plate, analysis can be
stopped early to save time.
Evaluation of the analysis results proceeds by measurement of the differ-
ences in the distance from the start line until the analyzed spot and front of the
mobile phase, as presented in Figure 2.29.
After measuring the distances di and 62, a special factor Rf is calculated
according to the formula (2.1) (see Figure 2.29). The Rf values depend on the
solid absorbent, the compound polarity, and the eluting solvent polarity. The
factor Rf for constant analysis conditions is a characteristic property of the sub-
stance. If the thin-film card is calibrated for permanently analyzing similar sam-
ples, the substance analyzed can be detected just by the Rf value.
Rf = d 2 / d , (2.1)
The evaluation can also be carried out visually as shown in Figure 2.29 or
by transferring the data into digital form by a scanner and evaluating the results in
a computer. Fluorescence active impregnation can be used in the case of analysis
of almost transparent samples. The spots of such samples are hard to see in the
visible spectra of light. However such substances can be easily detected by view-
ing the thin film with UV light and observing the fluorescence picture.
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 111
d, analyzed spot
i'femin1! M
start line
y^r'O---.^.*»». rf**
The evaluation of some samples is sometimes not possible after the first
development. This can be caused by a wrong choice of solvent or by special prop-
erties of the sample. However, it is possible to develop the thin film one or more
additional times. There are two methods for developing the thin-film card more
than one time: one-dimensional and two-dimensional development. The thin-film
card must be dried so that there are no residues of the mobile phase on the thin
film before the development in the second step.
After drying, the thin film is placed in the analysis chamber in the same way
as was done for the first analysis. The analysis can be repeated until an appropriate
resolution of the card is achieved. The Rf value for one-dimensional analysis is
calculated by the formula in equation (2.2), with regard to the number of times (n)
it was repeated.
I = I0-10-E-cd (2.4)
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 113
- Einitial = E = (2.5)
energy molecule
quanta of light
of the molecule is associated with it. The energy of the translational motion can be
calculated by equation (2.6).
E = mv2/2 (2.6)
where v is the velocity of the center of mass of the molecule
m is the mass of the molecule
The velocity with which a molecule translates may be resolved into compo-
nents along each of the three axes of the Cartesian coordinate system, as shown in
Figure 2.31.
If the molecule motion is observed as is shown in Figure 2.31, then the energy of
the translational motion is calculated by equation (2.7).
This equation shows that the total translational energy of the molecule can
be made up of three parts, each of which represents the kinetic energy of the mole-
cule along one of the reference directions. Any translation of the molecule may be
considered to arise from the vector sum of its motions along the three axes. Thus,
the kinetic energy may always be broken up into the sum of three contributions,
one arising from motion along the x axis, one from motion along the y axis, and
one from motion along the z axis. It means that the molecule has three transla-
tional degrees of freedom, one corresponding to each axis.
The next type of motion of the molecule is the rotational motion. The mole-
cule can rotate about some internal axis. This axis may be resolved into compo-
nents of the x-, y-, and z-axes of the coordinate system, so that any rotation of the
molecule may be resolved into three mutually perpendicular components. The
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 115
The final type of the motion of molecules is called vibrational motion. This
type of molecule motion is very important in infrared spectroscopy since the ab-
sorption of infrared radiation by this motion forms the fingerprint of the sample
analyzed. There are many types of vibrational motions, and these are shown be-
low. It is important to know the right number of degrees of freedom for the vibra-
tional motion of the sample molecule. This can be calculated by using the follow-
ing general equation (2.9).
Z=3-N-6 (2.9)
where N is number of centers of mass in the molecule
As was shown for translational and rotational motions, there are three de-
grees of freedom for vibrational motion for every center of mass in the molecule.
The number six on the right hand side term of equation (2.9) arises from the total
number of degrees of freedom for translational and rotational motion, which do
not belong to vibrational motion. It should be known that for linear molecules,
there are only two degrees of freedom for rotational motion. This is why for this
case there is a special equation for the calculation of the degrees of freedom for
vibrational motion (2.10).
Z = 3-N-5 (2.10)
The number of the degrees of freedom for the vibrational motion (Z) calcu-
lated by the equations (2.9) and (2.10) is called degrees of freedom of normal
For example one three-atom linear molecule has four degrees of freedom for
normal vibrations (2.11):
Z = 3-3-5 = 4 (2.11)
This means that four types of vibrational motion are possible for such a molecule.
The first motion is the symmetric vibration of the atoms in the direction of the
center of mass as shown in Figure 2.32. Since this vibration is symmetric, it does
116 Chapter 2
not lead to the altering of the dipole moment of the molecule. This means that
electromagnetic radiation cannot be absorbed by this type of motion. Such vibra-
tions are called infrared inactive vibrations
Both end atoms move asymmetric to the central atom during the second type
of vibrational movement. Such a movement leads to the altering of the dipole
moment of the molecule, and this type of vibration is active for infrared analysis.
An example of this movement is shown in Figure 2.33.
The next two types of vibrational movement are called deformation vibra-
tion. The end atoms move vertical to the central atom. The first type of vibrational
movement is shown in Figure 2.34.
Fig. 2.34: First type ofdeformational vibrational motion of the linear molecule.
This type of motion leads to the altering of the dipole moment of the mole-
cule as well as to an asymmetric vibrational motion. Thus, this vibration is active
for infrared analysis.
The last type of vibration for the molecule shown is principally the same as
the third type of motion. However, the vibration proceeds horizontally to the cen-
tral atom. This type of motion is shown in Figure 2.35
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 117
Fig. 2.35: Second type of deformational vibrational motion of the linear molecule.
This type of motion is shown as an extra motion because the motion pro-
ceeds in different coordinates in comparison to the first shown deformational
motion. However, the vibration frequency and the altering of the dipole moment
by these last two vibrations are the same. Such type of motions, where the vibra-
tion frequency of two or more motion types is the same, is called downgraded
motion. A special value, called degradation number, is given for characterization
of such motions. This value shows the number of molecules that have the same
vibration frequencies. For example, the degradation number for the linear mole-
cule shown above is two.
A three-atom nonlinear molecule is shown as the next example. Nonlinear
molecules are more popular in petroleum chemistry, because most organic sub-
stance are nonlinear. The number of degrees of freedom of normal vibrations for
three-atom nonlinear molecule is calculated using equation (2.12).
Z=3-3-6= 3 (2.12)
This means that three vibrational motions are possible for this type of molecule.
The end molecules vibrate symmetric to the central atom by the first possi-
ble motion. In opposition to the linear molecule this motion by a nonlinear mole-
cule leads to the altering of the dipole moment. This means that this vibration is
active for infrared analysis. An example of such a vibration is shown in Figure
As an analogue to the linear molecule the second vibrational motion for the
non linear molecule is asymmetric vibration. This type of motion is shown in
Figure 2.37.
118 Chapter 2
Fig. 2.37: Asymmetric vibrational motion of the nonlinear molecule.
The asymmetric vibration leads to the altering of the dipole moment as well,
and as a result this motion is active for infrared analysis.
The last possible vibrational motion is the deformational motion. This type
of vibration is presented in Figure 2.38.
From Figure 2.38, it is easy to see that for nonlinear molecule, only the type
of deformational motion shown is possible, because the deformational motional in
different coordinates other than the ones shown in figure 2.38 are analogues to the
rotational motion of the molecule. Thus, a three-atom nonlinear molecule has only
three degrees of freedom of normal vibrations whereas a three-atom linear mole-
cule has four degrees of freedom of normal vibrations.
There are many types of vibrational motion of atoms in molecules. However
the intention of this chapter is to show the fundamentals of infrared spectroscopy.
In the list of references at the end of this chapter, many books and articles are
recommended for a more detailed study of this type of analysis.
Each of the vibrational motions of a molecule occurs with a certain fre-
quency that is a characteristic value for the groups in the molecule analyzed. The
energy involved in a particular vibration is characterized by the amplitude of vi-
bration, so that the higher the vibrational energy, the larger the amplitude of the
motion. According to the results of quantum mechanics, only certain vibrational
energies are allowed for the molecule, and thus only certain amplitudes are al-
lowed. Associated with each of the vibrational motions of the molecule, there is a
series of energy levels. The molecule may change from one energy level to a
higher one by absorption of a quantum of electromagnetic radiation. This can be
calculated by equation (2.5). In undergoing such an energy of transition, the mole-
cule gains vibrational energy, and this is represented by an increase in the ampli-
tude of vibration. The frequency of light required to cause an energy transition for
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 119
Fig. 2.39: Infrared spectrometer:
1 - infrared light source
2 - sample chamber
3 - monochromator
4 - detector
5 - amplifier
6 - evaluating computer
The most frequently used source of infrared light for infrared spectrometers
is so called the Nernst stick. This stick is about two to four centimeters long and
one to three millimeters thick, and is made from zirconium oxide with additions of
yttrium oxide and oxides of other metals. This mixture of oxides has a negative
temperature coefficient of electrical resistance. This means that its electrical con-
ductivity increases with an increase in temperature. At room temperature, the
Nernst stick is a non-conductor. Thus, an auxiliary heating is necessary for igni-
tion of the Nernst stick. Even if the Nernst stick is red-hot, it can be heated further
by electricity. The normal operating temperature of this infrared light source is
approximately 1900 K.
120 Chapter 2
Because of its high operating temperature and the energy distribution in the
middle infrared spectrum area the Nernst stick is the most used infrared radiation
source. However, it is mechanically very sensitive and can be deformed by heat-
ing. This can change the optical characteristics of the spectrophotometer.
The next source of infrared light that is relatively often used is silicon car-
bide stick, called the glowbar. The glowbar is usually 6-8 mm in diameter and is
thicker than the Nernst stick. This gives the high mechanical firmness to the
glowbar. Due to its electrical conductivity at room temperature, the glowbar can
be ignited directly by electricity. The disadvantage of the glowbar is its low oper-
ating temperature (approximately 1500 K). The lower intensity of infrared radia-
tion produced by the glowbar as compared with the Nernst stick is a result of the
low operating temperature.
Ceramic infrared light sources are used in some spectrometers. A ceramic
stick is heated by a metallic conductor, made from platinum or a platinum alloy,
and wound around the ceramic stick. The conductor is surrounded with a sintered
layer of aluminum, thorium oxide, zirconium silicate or a similar material. The
heating conductors made from chrome nickel or tungsten wire are preferably suit-
able for short-wave spectral analysis.
The next important part of an infrared spectrometer is the sample chamber.
The sample chamber is used for placing the cuvette that contains the sample or for
placing any other accessory that contains the sample. The sample chamber is in-
stalled between the infrared light source and the monochromator.
It is very important to make the right choice of the cuvette material for liq-
uid and gas samples. This material must be transparent to the infrared light. So-
dium chloride is the most often used material for the cuvettes and the optics of the
infrared spectrometer. Other material such as special types of glass, quartz, alu-
minum oxide, calcium chloride, potassium bromide and so on are also used for
special purposes.
Another component part of the infrared spectrometer is the monochromator.
This is the most important accessory of infrared spectrometer. The function of the
monochromator is to split polychromic infrared light into many monochromic
light wavelengths. However, this splitting does not go strictly into monochromic
wavelengths, but the infrared radiation is split into very narrow wavelength inter-
vals. The splitting in strictly monochromatic light, as it is for radiation of individ-
ual emitted spectral lines by vacuum mercury lamp or radiation emitted by a laser,
cannot be achieved by a monochromator. The grated part of the infrared radiation
is lost due to splitting of the infrared light by the monochromator. This leads to
the requirement of a high sensitivity of the detectors used in infrared spectrome-
Modern monochromators consist of a rift system, the optics and the infrared
radiation splitting system, which is usually presented by prism or diffraction grid.
The following two types of monochromators are most popular in modern infrared
Littrow monochromator
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 121
Ebert monochromator
The Littrow monochromator has a prism as a splitting system while the Ebert
monochromator has a diffraction grid for the same purpose. The principles of the
schemes of both monochromators are presented in Figures 2.40 and 2.41, respec-
output rift
parabolic mirror
input si
The diverged infrared radiation from the input slit is directed to a parabolic
mirror and returned toward the splitting system (prism or gird). Depending on the
type of optical principle, the parallel reflected infrared light passes through the
prism or split by the diffraction gird. It is then reflected back by a plane mirror at
the same parabolic reflector for the Littrow monochromator or at a second para-
bolic reflector for the Ebert monochromator. After this, the monochromic infrared
radiation is directed to the output slit.
The most important part of the monochromator is the infrared radiation
splitting system. One of the most popular splitting systems is the prism. The
function of a prism is based on having various refraction angles for radiation with
various wavelengths. The function principle of a prism is shown in Figure 2.42.
122 Chapter 2
parabolic mirror
input slit
parabolic mirror
output slit
polychromic kht
and usually vary from 35° to 72°. The base length is limited by technical reasons.
It varies depending on the type of spectrometer from 60 mm to 100 mm.
Almost all old commercial spectrometers had only prisms in the monochro-
mators. Refraction grids are relatively popular in modern infrared spectrometers.
Some of the unfavorable properties of the prism materials that relate to hygro-
scopy, reflection, light absorption and the need to change the prism in order to
analyze in different wavelength areas could be prevented by using refraction
grids. At the same time, a substantially better and constant resolution for wide
wavelength areas can be achieved by using refraction grids.
Furrows scratched in an even glass or metal surface or a thin wire is applied
to produce refraction grids. Infrared light is split into individual wavelengths by
these furrows or wire.
The next component part in the infrared spectrometer is the detector. The
most important types of detectors used in infrared spectroscopy are the thermal
detectors. In this type of detector, radiation energy is first absorbed and then con-
verted into heat energy. The actual measured value is an electrical voltage, which
is produced or changed by the heating. Despite their higher sensitivity, photo
electric detectors have a lower popularity due to the limits they have of the ana-
lyzable wavelength area.
The detectors used in infrared spectroscopy are generally delicate but small
in order to make the thermal capacity of the detector as small as possible. This
leads to a very high mechanical sensitivity of the detector. Since thermal detectors
are influenced not only by the radiation energy that has to be measured, but also
by changes in the temperature of environment, the measured radiation is modu-
lated. This means that it is modulated by periodic interruption of the light beam
usually with the frequency 13 Hz. Infrared radiation, in such a situation, produces
an alternating voltage. This is then magnified in an alternating voltage amplifier
and then sent to the evaluating computer.
The most important characteristics of a detector are its sensitivity and the
relation of measuring signal to noise level.
The last component part of an infrared spectrometer other than the evaluat-
ing computer is the amplifier. The purpose of the amplifier is to amplify the signal
coming from the detector to enable the computer to evaluate the signals.
The first step in carrying out an infrared spectroscopic analysis is the prepa-
ration of the sample. The types of samples analyzed by infrared spectroscopy in
crude oil chemistry are solid or liquid samples.
A simple method to prepare a solid sample is called the potassium bromide
pressing technique. The prerequisite for this method is that the particles of the
solid sample are smaller than the wavelength, which must be measured. Larger
particles lead to the unwanted Christiansen effect.
In the potassium bromide pressing technique, a mixture consisting of ap-
proximately 300 mg potassium bromide and 1 mg of sample is put into a press
under vacuum. The sample/potassium bromide mixture is pressed to tablets by a
pressure of about twelve tons for a duration of two minutes. The material under
124 Chapter 2
this high pressure has the characteristic of a cold fluid. It becomes viscous and
encloses the sample particles completely.
The next method of the preparation of solid samples is called the film tech-
nique. In this method, the sample is solved in an appropriate solvent and smeared
on a glass plate in the form of a thin film.
The preparation of solid sample by the film technique is the same as the
preparation of liquid samples. In the two cases, there are many special require-
ments for the solvent used. The most important of them are as follows:
solvent must be chemically inert to the sample analyzed
solvent must be chemically and physically inert to the material of the
solvent must be as transparent as possible with regard to infrared radia-
For the analysis of liquid samples, the cuvette material must chosen so that
the sample is physically and chemically inert to this material.
The result of an infrared spectroscopy is the spectrogram or spectrum. A
typical example of the infrared spectrogram (i.e. spectrum) is shown in Figure
Usually, the infrared spectrum is drawn in terms of wave number / absorp-
tion or wave number / transmittance coordinates as shown in Figure 2.43. The
wave number is a characteristic value of the electromagnetic radiation, and can be
calculated by equation (2. 13).
Tr = I / I 0 (2.14)
4400 3900 3400 2900 2400 1900 1400 900 400
wave number [cm" ]
Fig. 2.43: Infrared spectrum:
1 - basis line
2 - background absorption
3 - absorption peak
4 - shoulder
5 - analysis start point
6 - spikes
= -E-C-d (2.15)
It can be seen that the concentration of the substance in the sample can be
calculated by comparing the input and output intensity of the infrared radiation.
However, the input intensity is actually not a constant value. It varies depending
on the frequency or wave number of infrared radiation. This means that the initial
intensity of infrared radiation must be measured for every frequency before ana-
lyzing the sample. However, this problem is solved in modern infrared spec-
trometers by using a double beam technique. In this method, the beam of infrared
126 Chapter 2
radiation from the radiation source is split into two beams by a system of reflec-
tors. One beam passes through the sample and is then analyzed. The second beam
is directed directly to the monochromator and then analyzed.
Every infrared spectrum obtained from analysis has six elements as shown
in Figure 2.43. First is the baseline. The baseline shows the transmittance line of
the spectrometer if there is no sample in the sample chamber. Usually, this line is
not registered during analysis as it is a characteristic for the instrument and not of
the sample. Number 2 in figure 2.43 represents the background absorption area.
This area shows the absorbed infrared radiation in the absence of the sample in the
sample chamber. A peak of a typical chemical group in the sample is shown with
in number 3. This peak is characteristic of every chemical group or substance, and
they give the information for quantitative analysis of the sample. The peaks of
some chemical groups or substances present in the infrared spectrum may not be
well defined. This may lead to the formation of a shoulder, which is shown as
number 4 in Figure 2.43. The shoulder represents poorly resolved peaks. However,
shoulders are not the only cause of inaccuracies in infrared spectroscopy. Spikes
are shown in Figure 2.43 in number 6. Spikes are caused by undesired fluctuations
in the voltage. They lead to the formation of false signals from the detector or
Quantitative evaluation of the infrared spectrum is done with regard to the
empiric tables or digital libraries. So this can be estimated quickly. For example, if
sample contains aromatic groups, information can be collected in the infrared
spectrum by looking for the peaks typical of the aromatic carbon.
The most important samples for analysis by infrared spectroscopy for crude
oil chemists are organic substances. For organic molecules, the infrared spectrum
can be divided into three important regions. First is the absorption of infrared
radiation within the wave number range of 4000 and 1300 cm"1 which is caused by
functional groups and different bond types. Second is the absorption between 1300
and 909 cm"1 that is typical for more complex interactions in the molecules. And
last is the absorption between 909 and 650 cm"1, which is usually associated with
the presence of aromatic compounds in the sample.
Infrared spectroscopy is used for the analysis of almost all the fractions and
products of crude oil. However, in the last century, a very interesting purpose of
the infrared spectroscopy has been developed. It is the dynamic monitoring of the
changes in the structure of lubricating oils as it undergoes degradation. Many
processes such as oxidation or polycondensation in oils can be studied by infrared
More detailed information on infrared spectroscopy can be found in refer-
ences 67-70 at the end of this chapter.
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 127
1 2 3
In step one shown in Figure 2.44, the molecule is brought by laser light from
the base energy level E, to the higher energy level E2. The higher energy level is
an unstable state for the molecule. The molecule migrates quickly from the higher
energy level to the end energy level. This can proceed in two different ways. The
first way is given as picture 2 in Figure 2.44 which indicates that light quanta is
being emitted. The energy of the resulting light quanta can be calculated by equa-
tion (2.16). This type of scattering is called stokes scattering.
EL = E,-E 3 (2.16)
EL=E]+E3 (2.17)
intensity [%]
ing oil. In this analysis, Raman spectroscopy can give more interesting and more
complete results than infrared spectroscopy.
More information on this topic can be found in references 71-75 at the end
of this chapter.
Colorimetry and photometry are the next spectral optical analysis methods.
Both the methods measure absorbed light as was shown for infrared spectroscopy.
However, for both these analyses, light with shorter wavelength is used. Color-
imetry uses light with wavelength of only the visible spectral area and photometry
uses the visible light, ultraviolet, and in some case, infrared area. A comparison of
the different spectral areas is shown in Figure 2.47.
Photometry is similar to infrared spectroscopy; a method for measuring
the light transmitting ability of a solution in order to determine the concentration
of a light absorbing material present in the solution. Crude oil chemists gener-
ally use spectrometry in three ways:
to determine the concentration of a substance which is not undergoing a
chemical change in the spectrophotometer cell
to measure the rate of change in the concentration of a substance which
is participating in a chemical reaction
to determine the absorption spectrum of a substance
1 5 6
Wavelength, [m]
Fig. 2.47: Spectrum of electromagnetic radiation:
1 - cosmic rays
2 - gamma rays
3 - X-rays
4 - ultraviolet rays
5 - visible light
6 - infrared rays
7 - microwaves
8 - radio waves
9 - electric power
areas. The short wavelength cut off is due to absorption by the lens of the eye
whereas the long wavelength cut off is due to the decrease in sensitivity of the
photoreceptors in the retina for longer wavelengths. Light at wavelengths longer
than 700 nm can be seen if the light source is intense. Every color of the visible
spectrum corresponds to a definite wavelength. The distribution of colors in the
visible spectrum is shown in Figure 2.48.
The motions that are analyzed by colorimetry and photometry are no longer
of rotational or vibrational nature as was shown for all previous spectral analyses.
The motions analyzed at the visible and ultraviolet spectral regions are specific for
each atom or chemical group. In order to understand the nature of these motions, it
is important to understand the structure of the atom.
There are lots of models on the structure of the atom that can help us to
understand the nature of matter. These models are simplified representations of
real atoms. The models can be made by atomic physics to be more accurate but
this makes the model more complicated. Today, it is possible to describe atoms
very accurately by using quantum mechanics. However, the question that cannot
be answered accurately is whether the true model has been found or not.
Which of the models is the best depends on what it is used to describe. For
example, there are applications in which it is sufficient to regard the atoms as
small particles.
The name "atom" derives from the Greek word "atomos" meaning indivisi-
ble or unbreakable. The use of the name "atom" was initiated by Demokrit, a
Greek philosopher, in the fifth century before Christ. Demokrit supported his
theories about atoms through hypotheses that he did not then prove by experi-
ments. His theory of the atomic structure of matter could not become generally
accepted against the competing concept of a continuous universe.
The first experimental verification of the existence of atoms came from
chemists and was based on the clarification of the chemical nature of matter. In the
nineteenth century, English chemist John Dalton formulated a law that now bears
his name; according to this law, all chemical compounds are always formed by a
fixed relation of the individual materials of the compound. Thus, the idea of atom
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 133
atom came about that chemical compounds could be formed by the reactions of
individual atoms.
The idea of indivisibility or indestructibility of the atom was disproved by
Joseph J. Thomson, when he discovered the cathode radiation in 1897. He was
able to prove that this radiation consisted of charged particles that originated from
atoms. This meant that atoms could be cracked with the formation of the charged
particles, which are now called electrons.
In 1911, a new idea about atomic structure was described by Ernest Ruther-
ford. In his famous scattering experiments, Ernest Rutherford discovered that
atoms consisted of a major part that contained nothing and that almost all the mass
of the atom was concentrated in a very small core.
Two years later, Danish scientist, Niels Bohr, described a new model of
atomic structure. Nowadays, the Bohr atom model is the most popular model used
by scientists. The electrons fly in the Bohr atom model on circular paths around
the core. The binding energy that holds the electrons in the atom is of an electrical
nature. Opposite charges attract each other, whereas like charges repel or push off
each other. The binding energy between two charged particles becomes smaller
with increasing distance from each other. Since the atom core is positively charged
while electrons are negatively charged, the electrons are attracted to the core. The
planets of our solar system have a similar attraction by the sun. As the planets are
held by the sun in their circular paths, so also are the electrons held by the core in
their circular paths.
In addition to the fact that the electrons fly on circular paths, Bohr also pos-
tulated that only certain orbits are permitted. Transitions between these orbits
occurred immediately or spontaneously without the possibility to take any inter-
mediate positions. It is impossible to understand these postulates with the laws of
classical physics. Only quantum mechanics could explain the second Bohr postu-
The Bohr atom model was an attempt to understand the presence of individ-
ual lines in the optical spectra of atoms. Since the atomic nucleus attracts the elec-
trons, energy is needed to keep the electrons away from the core. Exactly as the
case with the planet orbits, this energy arises from the rotating motion of the elec-
trons around the core. The further the electron is from the core, the more is the
energy stored by the electron. If an electron moves from a higher orbit to a lower
orbit, then it loses energy, which is radiated in form of a light quantum. An elec-
tron can move to a higher orbit only by the supply of energy. This means by ab-
sorption of a light quantum.
The fact that only light quanta with special energy levels can cause transi-
tions of electrons between orbits, shows that only certain orbits exist in atoms. The
energy levels of the light quanta absorbed can be explained as the energy differ-
ence between different orbits.
In a more exact observation of the optical spectra of different atoms, it was
detected that many of the spectral lines are additionally split up. This means that
the Bohr electron orbits differ somewhat by some type of electron transition that
134 Chapter 2
needs only a small energy for transition. Sommerfeld postulated that there are not
only circular orbits, but also elliptical orbits, which contain approximately the
same energy level as circular orbits. Figure 2.49 shows the Bohr-Sommerfeld
model of a hydrogen atom.
However, colorimeters are very rare to see in crude oil chemical laborato-
ries, because as was indicated earlier, almost all the important functions of the
colorimeter can be reproduced by modern photometers.
There are two important types of photometers: the one-ray photometer and
the two-ray photometer. The construction of the one-ray photometer is very simi-
lar to the colorimeter. The scheme of the one-ray photometer is presented in Fig-
ure 2.51.
Usually, the one-ray photometer has no dynamic change possibility for the
wavelength of the light used for the analysis whereas such a possibility exists for
the two-ray photometers. The main difference between the two-ray photometer
and the one-ray photometer is that the two-ray photometer has two cuvettes in the
sample chamber. These are the sample cuvette and the reference cuvette. The
reference cuvette is filled with pure solvent while the sample cuvette is filled up
with a solution of the sample analyzed in the solvent. The results of photometry
are evaluated by comparison of the intensity of light that passes through the sam-
ple solution and the pure solvent. The scheme of the two-ray photometer is pre-
sented in Figure 2.52.
1 2 3 4 5
All the component parts used in photometers have the same working princi-
ple as those already described in other spectrometers, for example, the infrared
spectrometer. The prism and refraction grids are used as monochromators. The
detector is usually made of different types of photoresistors depending on the
instrument type.
Photometry and colorimetry are used by crude oil chemists to determine the
content of different metals and heteroatomic compounds in crude oil and petro-
chemical products. Many references on photometry and colorimetry are given at
the end of this chapter. Many authors have described the successful analysis of
different metals in motor fuels by photometric and colorimetric methods. The
composition of additives used during fuel production can be characterized by
photometric and colorimetric methods because very many additives contain met-
als. It is not only fuels that can be characterized by photometry and colorimetry.
Lubricants, which contain metals as an important component, can be successfully
determined by these methods. These methods can quickly give qualitative infor-
mation on heavy metals and heteroatomic compounds such as oxygen and sulfur
in crude oil. More on this topic can be found in references 76 and 77 at the end of
this chapter.
The first method is the most used. The second and third methods are usually
used in connection with high performance liquid or thin film chromatography.
For quantitative evaluation according to the first method, equation (2.17) is
138 Chapter 2
IF = 4 > - I 0 - ( l - 1 0 E C d ) (2.17)
If the extinction (E) according to the Lambert-Beer law (see equation 2.4),
which is calculated by equation (2.18), is less than 0.01,
E = E-C-d (2.18)
Ca = C c -I F a /I F C (2.20)
Fluoremetry has two main advantages in comparison to photometry that uses the
same light spectrum for analysis. These are the high sensitivity and the high selec-
tivity of the method. High sensitivity of the method can be explained on the basis
of the absence of such effects as background absorption, which are typical of ab-
sorption spectral methods. High selectivity is due to the difference in wavelengths
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 139
between the prime light and the emitted light. By changing the wavelength, the
florescence of single compounds in the sample mixture can be measured.
Fluoremetry is especially useful for the determination of condensed aro-
matic and heteroatomic compounds in crude oil and its products. The use of fluo-
remetry in crude oil chemistry is presently so highly developed that already there
is a special classification of types of fluoremetry typical for crude oil chemists.
These are the qualitative, visible and quantitative methods widely used by crude
oil chemists.
More detailed descriptions of techniques and methods of fluoremetry for
crude oil chemistry can be found in references 78 and 79 given at the end of this
2. Cathode lamps. These lamps are used for calcium, magnesium, silver, gold,
chrome, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, zinc and many other elements.
The functioning principle of the gas discharge lamps can be explained based
on Figure 2.55. A small amount of the element that is analyzable by this lamp is
melted under pressure in the quartz chamber. The element emits light of a certain
wavelength by a high frequency electrical stream.
The gas discharge lamps have higher intensity of emitted light and can work
for a longer time without being changed in comparison to cathode lamps.
There are many types of light sources often used in modern atomic absorp-
tion spectroscopy. The scheme of such a lamp is represented in Figure 2.56.
Antimony, arsenic, selenium, tellurium, bismuth and tin are able to form
volatile hydrides by reaction with NaBH4. This property of these metals is used for
the hydride atomizing technique. In this method, the metal hydrides are atomized
in quartz cuvette by electrical heating.
The last method used for atomizing is the cold vapor method. Only mercury
can be analyzed by this method. It is known that mercury is the only metal which
has a relatively high vapor pressure even at 20°C. Mercury can be introduced in
the atomizer at room temperature without prior dissolution.
The next component part shown in Figure 2.54 is the monochromator. The
monochromators used in atomic absorption spectroscopy are the same as for all
the other spectral analytical methods. A detailed description of the monochroma-
tors can be found in the section in this chapter devoted to infrared spectroscopy.
Detectors used in atomic absorption spectroscopy are usually photometric
Atomic absorption spectroscopy belongs to a class of relative analysis
methods, meaning that direct quantitative evaluation of the results of this analysis
is impossible. The most popular method of quantitative evaluation of atom ab-
sorption spectroscopy results is the standard addition methods. Certain known
amounts of the element under analysis are added to the analyzing solution many
times, and the intensity of the specific wavelength measured each time, thereby
producing a calibration graph. An example of a calibration graph is shown in
Figure 2.57.
Concentration, [mol/l]
The concentration of the element in the sample solution can be found as the
intersection point of the calibration line with the concentration axis at which point
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 143
the absorption equals zero. The concentration of the element in the sample solu-
tion is accepted as zero for the calibration as shown in Figure 2.57.
Atomic emission spectroscopy is very similarly to atomic absorption spec-
troscopy. The difference between these methods can be seen from their names.
Emitted light of the atom under analysis is analyzed by atom emission spectros-
copy. The schematic for the atomic emission spectrometer is very similar to that
for atomic absorption spectrometer. The schematic for the atomic emission spec-
trometer is presented in Figure 2.58.
In Figure 2.58 it is seen that the atomic emission spectrometer has no light
source. Atoms emit light by the influence of the thermal energy of the burner.
However, the energy needed to enable the atoms emit the light is much higher than
the energy needed to only atomize them. Hence, the much higher temperature
required for the burner of the atomic emission spectrometer than that for the
atomic absorption spectrometer. This is also the reason why other gas mixtures
such as fuel gas should be used for atomic emission spectroscopy. Mixtures of
methane/air, hydrogen/air, acetylene/air, methane/oxygen and acetylene/oxygen
are usually used as a fuel gas for this analysis.
The next possible way to make atoms emit light is the flashover method. In
this method, flashover is the source of thermal energy. The biggest advantage of
this method is the ability to heat the sample up to 10000K. It is possible to analyze
almost all known metals at this temperature.
In most modern spectrometers, plasma sources are used as source of thermal
Both methods, atomic absorption spectroscopy and atomic emission spec-
troscopy, are used in modern crude oil laboratories, with atomic absorption spec-
144 Chapter 2
troscopy being estimated as being the more popular, because of the following
- better precision of the method
- less spectral divergences
- wider limits of concentrations of the elements analyzed in the sample, by
using the graphite pipe technique
Both methods are used for the determination of the metal content. The de-
termination of the concentrations of heavy metals in crude oil and its products is
an important topic in environmental chemistry. Heavy metals are always present
in crude oil, especially in the heavy fractions such as residual fuel. The control of
the concentration of heavy metals in such fuels is very important for ecological
monitoring in crude oil chemistry. More about the methods, techniques and mod-
ern research results made by atomic absorption spectroscopy and atomic emission
spectroscopy can be found in references 80-82 shown at the end of this chapter.
X-ray spectroscopy can be classified in the same manner as every other type
of spectral analysis into absorption and emission spectroscopy. However, the most
popular method of x-ray spectroscopy in crude oil chemistry is the emission spec-
troscopy, also called x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. The effect used by this type
of spectral analysis is the same as was described for fluorescence analysis. How-
ever, x-rays are used for this analysis instead of the ultraviolet radiation used for
fluorescence analysis.
The scheme of the x-ray fluorescence spectrometer is similar to that for the
fluoremetry spectrometer. This is presented in Figure 2.59.
X-ray pipes are used as the light source for x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy.
There are very many types of x-ray pipes in the modern market. The functioning
principle of the x-ray pipe is the same as for cathode lamps described in an earlier
section of this chapter. The x-ray pipe contains an electrical heated cathode, anode
and radiation output window. This window is made from beryllium because this
material is transparent to x-rays. The x-rays pipes offered in the market differ
because they have a different anode material, and consequently the spectral char-
acteristics of the emitting radiation are different.
The monochromator for x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy is called the ana-
lyzing crystal. It differs from all the monochromators described earlier for all the
other optical analytical instruments. The effect used in this type of monochromator
is not diffraction, but interference. The wavelength of the analyzing light is
changed by rotation of the analyzing crystal by certain angle.
The homogeneity of the sample is very important for successful x-ray fluo-
rescence spectrometry. Hence, the preparation of solid samples for this analysis by
melting. The samples analyzed by crude oil chemist are, in most cases, liquids or
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 145
can be melted at a relatively low temperature. This is why the problem of homo-
geneity does not arise in analyzing crude oil or their products.
The first three methods are very similar to the methods used for other spec-
troscopic methods. Statistical calculation methods can be used only in modern x-
ray fluorescence instruments that come with the appropriate software. Different
manufacturers or companies use different algorithms their instruments. The main
purpose of this software is to minimize the influence of measurement errors when
computing the results. A wide variety of statistical methods are available. The
statistical calculation method saves a lot of experimenting time, because only the
analysis of the sample is needed for every analysis. Calibration or analyses of
sample with added substance is not required in this case.
146 Chapter 2
All the separation methods used to classify physical and chemical properties
of crude oil can be classified into the following classes:
- chromatography
- spectroscopy
- adsorptive methods
- evaporating methods
- extraction
- thermal diffusion
- crystallization
- complex formation methods
The first two methods were described in detail in the first two sections of
this chapter. The adsorptive methods used by crude oil chemists are actually simi-
lar to those described for the chromatographic methods. The setup used for this
type of analysis is the same as was shown for column chromatography (see Figure
2.19). There are two different adsorptive separation methods:
- desorption method
- elution method
The preparation of sample for both methods is done in the same way as was
shown for column chromatography. However, both methods differ in the solvents
used for desorption. In the case of the desorption method, the solvents used should
have a stronger absorption ability than the compounds in the sample mixtures.
Solvents used for analyzing crude oil and its products include alcohols, ketones,
ethers, chlorine-containing solvents, benzene, toluene and so on. It is possible to
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 147
use many solvents in this method. It is very popular in analyzing heavy fractions
of crude oil.
Large amounts of solvents with lower adsorption ability than the compounds
of the sample mixture are used in the elution method. Pentane, hexane, heptane
and petrol ether are frequently used by crude oil chemists as solvents for elution
adsorptive analysis.
Evaporation methods can be classified in three types:
- distillation
- rectification
- molecular distillation
The first two methods are described in detail in chapter 5 of this book be-
cause of the high importance attached to these methods for the industrial separa-
tion of crude oil. However, it will be said at this point that both methods use the
difference in the boiling temperatures of the compounds in crude oil for separating
the compounds. Rectification actually involves carrying out the distillation as a
multistage process. The reason to carry out such a multistage process is that dis-
tillation (i.e. in one stage) does not provide a satisfactory separation into the de-
sired fractions. The distillation method is however frequently used, and it is a
standard method in all international standards for characterization of light fractions
of crude oil such as gasoline and diesel. The biggest advantage of this method in
comparison to rectification is that this analysis needs less time to be carried out.
The third method is molecular distillation. This is distillation under very low
pressure. Usually the pressure for this analysis varies from 0.133 Pa up to 0.013
Pa. The heavy fractions of crude oil can be separated with this method. The name
molecular distillation is derived from the fact that the vapor pressure of the high
molecular compounds depends almost linearly on the boiling point of these com-
pounds under vacuum. It means that the separations by this method proceeds ac-
cording to the molecular weight of the compounds in the sample. The quality of
the separation depends on the evaporation velocity of the compounds in sample
Extraction methods are based on the different solubility of the compounds of
sample in solvents. Usually, many different solvents or one solvent at different
temperatures are used to separate the sample into fractions according their solubil-
ity in the solvent. This method is important for analyzing the heavy fractions of
crude oil. This is why this method is described in detail in chapter 8 that is devoted
to asphaltene chemistry.
The thermal diffusion method is used rarely in comparison to all the other
analysis methods in crude oil characterization. However, this method is very use-
ful and can be successfully used for the analysis of heavy crude oil fractions. The
setup used for this analysis is really simple. It is represented in Figure 2.60.
The setup for thermal diffusion analysis contains two cylinders installed one
in another as shown in Figure 2.60. The sample is introduced between these two
cylinders. During analysis, the wall of one cylinder is heated up to a temperature
148 Chapter 2
between 100 and 180°C while the wall of the other cylinder is cooled down to a
temperature between 4°C and 20°C. Compounds in the sample are in motion in a
direction towards the top at the hot wall as well as in a direction towards the bot-
tom of the cold wall. Compounds of the sample are thus separated according to
their physical properties (i.e. according to the density and viscosity of the com-
pounds in the sample).
The next method is the crystallization method. This method is very fre-
quently used by crude oil chemists for the classification of lubricating oil fractions.
This method is based on difference in the crystallization temperatures of the com-
pounds in the sample. The samples which are analyzed by this method are usually
highly viscous. This makes it difficult to separate the crystallized substances from
the sample. Consequently, the sample is usually dissolved in a special solvent.
Examples of such solvents are liquefied propane, ethyl ether, and a mixture of
acetone and toluene.
The last method that was mentioned at the beginning of this section was
called the complex formation method. This method is based on formation of com-
plexes of crude oil compounds with other substances. The most popular methods
of complex formation are complex formation with CO(NH2)2 and CS(NH2)2. For
CO(NH2)2, it is typically to form complexes with rc-alkanes and their derivates
with relatively long paraffinic chains with normal structure. The formed com-
plexes are crystallized from the sample. The separation of the n-alkane fraction
from CO(NH2)2 can proceed by adding hot water to the crystallized complex. The
CO(NH2)2 is very soluble in water whereas paraffins are insoluble. This is why
two layers result in this separation: the fraction of aqueous solution of CO(NH2)2
and the paraffin fraction. Because the analysis is done at room temperature where
paraffins are usually solid, the paraffin plate can be easily taken off from the top of
the analysis glass. The analysis with CS(NH2)2 is carried out in the same way as
the analysis with CO(NH2)2. However, CS(NH2)2 forms a complex with iso-
alkanes. By using both of these methods, a relatively exact separation of rt-paraffin
and j'so-paraffin fractions is made possible.
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 149
Nh = w h - 1 0 0 / w s (2.21)
2.3.3 Structural Bulk Analysis of Heavy Crude Oil Fractions: n-d-M Method
The main idea of structural bulk analysis of heavy crude oil fractions is
based on the existence of the so-called average molecule. The average molecule
describes the chemical and structural properties of all molecules present in the
sample mixture. It means that the result of structural bulk analysis is not the de-
termined amount of compounds or compound groups, but it is the amount of car-
bon in certain structural groups, for example in aromatic groups, naphthenic
groups and paraffmic groups.
The most popular and simple method for structural bulk analysis for heavy
crude oil fractions is called n-d-M analysis. The main idea behind this method is
the linear dependence of aromatic, naphthenic and paraffmic carbon in heavy
fraction on refractive index, density and value reverse to the molecular weight.
This dependence is described by equation (2.23).
CL = a / M = b • Ad + c • An (2.23)
The refraction index, density and average molecular weight of the sample
must be measured in order to use the n-d-M method. Evaluating the results of this
method begins with calculating four factors: v, X, W and Y - according to equa-
tions (2.23), (2.24), (2.25) and (2.26).
For the case when all the measurements are carried out at the temperature
70°C, factor X is used. If X is positive, then the amount of aromatic carbon is
calculated by equation (2.29).
CA = 4 1 0 - v + 3660/M (2.29)
+ 3660/M (2.30)
tor W is positive, then the amount of cyclic carbon can be calculated by equation
CG= 1 4 4 0 - W - 3 - S + 1 0 6 0 0 / M (2.32)
Factor Y is used for the evaluation of the measurements made at the tem-
perature 70°C. If this factor is positive then the general amount of carbon in cyclic
groups can be calculated by equation (2.33).
CG = 7 7 5 - W - 3 - S + 1 1 5 0 0 / M (2.33)
C G = 1 4 4 0 - W - 3 - S + 12100/M (2.34)
CN = CC-C A (2.35)
CP = 100 - CG
Average molecules can be drawn based on the results of the structural bulk
analysis. For example, the molecule shown in Figure 2.61 has 33.3% of aromatic
carbon, 13.3% of naphthenic carbon and 53.4% of paraffinic carbon.
It should be noted that the same analysis results could be obtained, for ex-
ample, for a mixture of different derivates with different lengths of the paraffinic
chain or different number of aromatic rings. Now it is obvious that the information
obtained from the n-d-M method describes the average structure of the molecules
in the sample mixture and the amount of carbon in the different groups. This is
why this method is called structural bulk analysis.
The evaluation method described in this chapter was developed by Van-
Ness [85]. More about the n-d-M method and similar methods for the analysis of
heavy crude oil fraction can be found in many references at the end of this chapter.
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 153
The colloidal properties of the crude oil are important especially for the
chemistry of the heavy fractions of crude oil, which contain high amounts of as-
phaltenes and resins. The main purpose of all these methods is to determine the
size of the colloidal particles in crude oil product, and consequently to estimate the
colloidal stability of these products, meaning how long the product can keep the
physical properties in the bulk volume in equilibrium.
All the methods used for colloidal characterization of crude oil can be classi-
fied as direct and indirect methods.
All the spectral methods belong to the direct methods. All these methods use
interference or light scattering effect. The spectrum used for this analysis is all the
wavelengths from infrared until x-ray. However x-ray scattering method is the
most popular method of elucidating the colloidal properties of crude oil. The
technical fundamentals of such a measurement are the same as was shown for x-
ray spectroscopy. However, in this measurement, it is the intensity of radiation
scattered at a certain angle that is determined. Equation (2.36) is used for evaluat-
ing the measurements results.
T - T -l J /3)
Is = IQ • e(-S
0 /T o/;-.
(2. jo)
The angle factor S depends on scattering angle and wavelength of the radia-
tion used for the analysis. It is calculated by equation (2.37)
= 4-n/X-sin(9/2) (2.37)
where n = 3.14159265
A, - wavelength
6 - scattering angle
The next direct method used to characterize the colloidal properties of crude
oil is the sedimentation method. It is obvious from the name of the method that
this method is based on the sedimentation effect. There are two possibilities to
carry out this method: the first is the sedimentation under the influence of gravita-
tional force and the second sedimentation under influence of centrifugal force. The
choice between these methods depends on the viscosity of the sample and the size
of the particles of the disperse phase. Viscous samples or samples with relatively
small particles should be analyzed by the second method.
The setup used for sedimentation analysis is shown in Figure 2.62.
The simplest evaluation method for colloidal systems with similar sizes of
colloidal particles is based on equation (2.38).
9 vH
r= ' (2.38)
[2-(d-d 0 )-t s
The sedimentation time is measured as a time from when the analysis starts
until the time when the weight on the sedimentation scale does not change any
The sedimentation method belongs to the classical methods of characteriza-
tion of the colloidal properties of disperse systems. These methods can be used for
the analysis of colloidal solutions with size of colloidal particles between 1 and
100 micrometer. The analysis of solutions with smaller particles leads to relatively
high errors as a result of Brownian motion.
The next direct method for the determination of colloidal characteristics of
crude oil is the conductive method. This method is based on the measurement of
the electrical conductivity of the sample during the time the colloidal particles pass
through a calibrated microhole. The schematic of the setup used for measurement
by the conductive method is shown in Figure 2.63.
There is a constant voltage between two electrodes (see Figure 2.63). The
sample is sucked out continuously by a pump system shown as 5 in Figure 2.63.
Thus, there is continuous stream of the sample passing through the calibrated
microhole throughout the analysis time. Because of the difference in conductivity
of the discontinuous phase and the continuous phases in the sample colloidal solu-
tion, the measured conductivity of the sample is changed continuously as particles
of discontinuous phase pass through the calibrated microhole. The resulting elec-
trical impulses are registered by a monitoring device. The frequency of these im-
pulses depends on the concentration of the discontinuous phase and their intensity
is influenced by the size of the particles passing through the calibrated microhole.
Evaluation of the measurement results are based on calibration tables.
The biggest disadvantage of the conductive method is that only colloidal
solutions with a low concentration of the discontinuous phase can be analyzed.
This is due to the fact that only a few particles can pass through the calibrated hole
at the same time. This may lead to a wrong record of the particle size and concen-
156 Chapter 2
tration, because these few particles are registered as one particle of a size that is
greater than the size of each of the constituting particles.
The last direct method often used for determination of the colloidal proper-
ties of crude oils is gel permeation chromatography. The principles of this method
were described in section 2.1.2. Normally, this method is used for analyzing the
molecular weight distribution of substances. However, it is possible to use it to
analyze colloidal properties as well if an appropriate solvent is used as the mobile
phase. This solvent must not change the native disperse particles. Almost all the
solvents that can be used in this analysis as a mobile phase change the size of
native particles. This is why this analysis is usually used for estimating the particle
size in the sample solution.
All the indirect methods that are based on the determination of the colloidal
properties of crude oil measure macroscopic properties such as density, viscosity,
and molecular weight. An example is that the molecular weight of asphaltene
Characterization and Analysis Techniques 157
Density is not only just one of the most important physical parameters of
crude oil and its products, but it is also an important characteristic for measuring
the quality for crude oil and its products. The density of a sample shows its mass
in specific volume. The classical definition of density is presented in equation
d = W/V (2.39)
where d - density
W - weight of the sample
V - volume of the sample
da!=d./dw (2.40)
df=d./d w (2'41>
where ds - density of the sample at the temperature 20°C
dw - density of water at the temperature 4°C (1.00000 g/cm3)
158 Chapter 2
Firstly pycnometer is weighed without sample, then filled with the sample
thermostatted and weighed again. The absolute density is then calculated by using
equation (2.42):
where d - density
WF - weight of pycnometer with the sample
WE - weight of empty pycnometer
V - volume of the sample in pycnometer
Viscosity is the second most important physical parameter for crude oil. It
characterizes not only one of the physical properties, but also the quality of most
crude oil products such as lubricating oils and lubricants.
The term viscosity is derived from the flow behavior of a liquid. It is a
measure of resistance to flow. Viscosity can also be defined as inner friction or
inner resistance of the sample against flow.
There are two types of viscosity:
- dynamic viscosity and
- kinematic viscosity.
The two types of viscosity are often used by crude oil chemists for various
purposes. The kinematic viscosity can be measured with the Ostwald viscometer.
The Ostwald viscometer is the most popular instrument used by crude oil chem-
ists for determination of kinematic viscosity. A schematic of the Ostwald vis-
cometer is presented in Figure 2.66.
160 Chapter 2
The sample is introduced inside the viscometer for the analysis so that the
top limit of the sample is located exactly on sample level 1 (see Figure 2.66). After
the sample is well thermostatted in the thermostat 5 the analysis can start. The
sample is released for free motion through the capillary 4 for the analysis. The
analysis result is measured in terms of the time which the sample needs to flow
from sample level 1 to sample level 2. The viscosity result is evaluated from equa-
tion (2.43).
Tl = k • t (2.43)
v = r| • d (2.44)
Refractive index is an important physical property of crude oil and its prod-
ucts which is usually used for further evaluation of the characteristics of crude oil
and its products. Such characteristics include the n-d-M method described in an
earlier section of this chapter. Refractive index represents the ratio between two
angles, the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction. The angle of incidence
(aO is the angle of a light beam before hitting the sample, the angle of refraction
(0:2) is the angle of the light beam after hitting the sample. An example of refrac-
tion is shown in Figure 2.68.
162 Chapter 2
The refractive index is calculated by equation (2.45) with regard to the re-
fraction scheme shown on Figure 2.68.
Refractometry is the last analysis method discussed in this part of the book.
However, some more analysis methods can be found in chapter 8 of this book. The
reason to describe these analysis methods in another chapter is the high
importance attached to these methods for asphaltene chemistry, which is an
important part of crude oil chemistry.
sis over six years simulating conditions in a subsiding basin, J. Nature, 308,
177-179, 1984.
31 J. E. Snow. Of Hess crust and layer cake, J. Nature, 374, 413-414, 1995.
It would be appropriate to say at this point that this chapter deals more
with crude oil economy than with crude oil chemistry. However, the aim of this
chapter is to show the importance of crude oil chemistry not only for crude oil
chemists, but also for all of mankind. Almost everything around us is derived
from crude oil. This includes plastic parts, car fuel, jet fuel, oils, and even as-
phalt on the road; these are all made from petroleum. It is hard to imagine what
modern life would look like without these items, which began their existence
from the oil well.
Petroleum is responsible not only for making our life more comfortable,
but also it has a great influence on international politics. It is well known that
crude oil is often called "black gold". This name emphasizes the importance of
petroleum vis-a-vis the world economy.
The foregoing discussion explains why this chapter deserves a place in
this book. It helps us to understand the importance of crude oil chemistry for the
people making decisions about the future of petroleum education, for example.
This chapter shows new impressive sides of this branch of study.
Petroleum Producing Countries:
The many applications of petroleum have been known from ancient times.
Initially, primitive ways were employed in petroleum operations. Examples in-
clude collecting petroleum from the ground surface and the processing of oil
sands. The development of the petroleum industry started when mechanical drill-
ing for oil wells for petroleum production was employed in 1859 in the USA.
Practically all petroleum extracted in the world now makes use of mechanical
At the moment, there is a reserve of up to 140,000 million tons of economi-
cally exploitable petroleum referred to as proven reserves. About 3,400 million
tons of crude oil is processed annually in refineries to high-quality finished prod-
ucts. Petroleum has played a very important role in the economy of many coun-
In the two chapters (chapters 3 and 4) in part II of this book, the reader will
be taken on a trip from the west to the east involving some crude oil producing
countries. The influence of the crude oil industry and petroleum organizations
such as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is shown in
these chapters.
174 Chapters
Before the reader starts on the promised trip, a short history of the most
important organization for every crude oil producer is given. This organization is
All the countries that control the world petroleum market can be broadly
classified as the west cartel and the east cartel. The east organization is called
OPEC, acronym for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. This organi-
zation controls up to 61 % of the world petroleum export. OPEC is a multinational
union of crude oil extracting countries. The aim of this organization is to coordi-
nate the oil policy on the world market as well as control petroleum deliveries.
This organization was founded in 1960 and now twelve states belong to OPEC:
Algeria, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Ara-
bia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. Ecuador joined OPEC in 1973 and
withdrew its membership in 1992. The main headquarters of OPEC is now located
in Europe in Vienna, Austria.
The work of OPEC is controlled by half-yearly meetings attended by crude
oil ministers or finance ministers of OPEC member countries. Since 1988, there
has been the establishment of a ministerial supervisory committee. The aim of this
committee is to control and develop new guidelines for crude oil extraction strat-
egy. An economic commission checks the price strategy. Since 1994, a new organ
of the OPEC general secretariat leads various research projects, and is also respon-
sible for the legal and administrative questions inside the organization.
However, it can be said that the reason for the founding of OPEC was to
control the huge crude oil supply in comparison to the demand towards the end of
the 1950s. Oil prices increased as a result of this control of the difference between
supply and demand. Consequently, the international currency (money) paid by
international oil companies (for purchasing crude oil) to oil producing countries
increased. Thus, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries appears to
have been founded to correct this payment imbalance. From 1973 to 1974, OPEC
obtained almost a quadruple increase for the international selling price for crude
oil at almost twelve US Dollars per barrel. A consequence of this price increase
was the first world oil crisis. In 1979 and 1980, OPEC members started a second
round of price increases, which raised oil prices to over 30 US Dollars per barrel,
which led to a rapid rise in inflation in industrial nations. And thus, the second
world oil crisis came into existence.
The following Table 3.1 compares crude oil extraction levels in OPEC
countries in 1999. From the Table, it can be seen that Saudi Arabia is the largest
crude oil producer among the OPEC countries. It must be emphasized that Saudi
Arabia also extracts more crude oil than any other country in the world.
OPEC and Non-OPEC Petroleum Producing Countries 175
The history of the petroleum industry in North America, in general, and the
United States, in particular, can be considered to date back to the year 1846 when
a Canadian archeologist, A. Hesner, developed a petroleum distillation process for
petroleum rich porous minerals. Kerosene was the main product in this process.
Fortunately, kerosene was the main fuel for lighting and was considered to be
better than light oil. As a result, this simple type of distillation process was widely
used. About thirty-four companies were already using the process by the end of
the 1850s. By this time also, the USA was already producing kerosene at the rate
of 8 million barrels per year.
In 1859, the former railway conductor E. Drake drilled the first oil well for
petroleum extraction. This was the first known oil well in the world that used
mechanical drilling. The method was so simple and effective that, shortly after it
was introduced, it was employed by many companies. The major reason was that
it could extract a large amount of petroleum in a less expensive manner.
By the 1860s, there was a rapid growth in the number of petroleum compa-
nies and oil refineries. The main product of these pioneer oil refineries was kero-
sene. In the little town of Cleveland, fifteen such refineries were in business. In
1865, the young John D. Rockefeller bought one such refinery. This was the be-
ginning of the Rockefeller family and the oil company known as Standard Oil.
In 1873, Standard Oil became the biggest oil enterprise in the USA. In the
1880s, Standard Oil began to expand outside of the USA. In 1885, a major part of
176 Chapters
the company business (70%) was outside of the USA. In 1895, this company tried
to share the world petroleum market with the Russian government, but Russia did
not accept this offer. After the strong economic crisis in Russia, and the First
World War as well as the Russian Revolution, the national economy of Russia
crumbled. At this time, Standard Oil was the world's biggest petroleum enterprise.
Practically, Standard Oil was a world monopoly. In 1911, the U.S. Supreme Court
ordered the break-up of the Standard Oil Trust, resulting in the spin-off of 34
companies. It was from this break-up of the world's biggest petroleum monopoly
that Exxon, Mobil, Texaco, SOCo (Amoco) and Soccal (Chevron) came into ex-
The next stage in the development of the petroleum industry in the USA
began after the First World War. At this time, high quality gasoline became the
main product of the processing of petroleum. This required the development of
new technologies for oil processing and complete reorganization of the structure
of refineries. The policy of the state was directed against monopolies and the gov-
ernment began to take steps to put petroleum business under state control. Federal
taxes for fuels and other petroleum products increased. In 1928, the biggest petro-
leum enterprises in the USA such as Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, Texaco, Gulf, the
British company British Petroleum, and British-Hollandaise Shell formed an in-
ternational organization called Seven Sisters. This organization played a very
important role in the development of petroleum extraction (used interchangeably
with production) in the Middle East regions and in transportation of this petroleum
to the United States.
The extensive development of the automobile industry in the 1930s helped
to sustain the level of petroleum processing and market in the years of the great
crisis. In 1933, the government, in conjunction with petroleum enterprises, tried to
stabilize the existing prices of fuels and petroleum products. It is important to note
that in the 1930s, the American petroleum companies, helped by the development
of many petroleum fields in the Arabian East, aided further development of the
Seven Sisters.
During the Second World War, the state control of the petroleum industry
was much stronger. The following operations were centralized and controlled by
the state: petroleum transfer from the Arabian East, petroleum products transfer in
the land, and fixing the price for fuels and petroleum products.
After the Second World War, the world saw five petroleum crises. However,
these had little influence on the American petroleum industry because of the good
relationship that existed between the government and the petroleum companies.
Because of this good relationship, the petroleum industry had the opportunity to
extract cheap oil from the Arabian East. This explains why prices for petroleum
products were constant in the time between 1947 and 1967. There was an increase
in petroleum import during this period because the petroleum imported from the
Arabian East was 15-20 times cheaper than domestic petroleum.
The period of cheap petroleum ended in the 1970s, at which time an organi-
zation known as Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was
OPEC and Non-OPEC Petroleum Producing Countries 177
formed. Member countries were the countries of the Arabian East, Nigeria, Alge-
ria, Ecuador and Venezuela. All these countries stopped the selling of cheap pe-
troleum to the United States and the Seven Sisters. This was the start of the in-
crease in price for petroleum products in the USA and the beginning of the petro-
leum crisis. The export from the Arabian East was still at a very high level be-
cause, despite the relatively high prices of petroleum, the oil exported from OPEC
countries was cheaper than domestic petroleum.
The introduction of new ecological laws became the basis for the second
increase of petroleum prices. This required the development of new technologies
for the production of fuels with a higher quality as well as the reorganization of the
structure of petroleum refineries. The state price control played a positive role
during the period of price increase such that during the 1980s, the prices were
more or less stabilized. By 1986, petroleum prices were as low as 10 US$ per
barrel. In the 1990s, there was a greater stability in the price of petroleum in the
market. The price changed by only US$ 3-4 per barrel.
Nowadays, petroleum and natural gas are the biggest source of energy. To-
gether, they supply 65 percent of the energy used in the USA. Figure 3.1 shows
the breakdown of power sources as given by a U.S. Energy Agency.
About half of the oil consumed in the USA is produced in the United States.
The rest is imported.
The United States has 3,013 million tons of proven petroleum reserves.
At the end of the twentieth century, petroleum reserves had been declining
in the USA at an average of 2 percent per year. However, the fact that older re-
serves were added to these estimates and more negative revisions made the decline
much more severe in 1998. If drilling resumes, it is expected that the 2 percent
declining trend will be reestablished in the future. As the reserve base depletes
through production, the price of exploration rises through the increased cost of
deeper drilling.
At the present time, the following four areas account for 79 percent of U.S.
crude oil proven reserves:
Alaska 24%
Texas 23%
California 18%
Gulf of Mexico Federal Offshore 13%
Of these four areas, California increased its reserves in 1998, while Alaska,
the Gulf of Mexico, and Texas all had decreases in crude oil proven reserves.
The year 1999 saw a rapid recovery in oil prices, offsetting the weakness of
the previous year. The annual average price of petroleum rose by up to 39% in
178 Chapters
Nuclear Renewable
In Russia, the first set of oil wells was drilled in Kuban in 1864. In 1866,
one of the wells produced a petroleum fountain with a volume of more than 1,300
barrels per day. Then, the extraction of petroleum was conducted by the main
monopolies that were dependent on foreign capital. There was not much mechani-
OPEC and Non-OPEC Petroleum Producing Countries 179
zation of the oil extraction process. Therefore, a lot more wells had to be produced
to maximize the income. In the beginning of the 20th century, Russia occupied
first place in the production of petroleum.
The main areas of oil extraction in the first years of the Soviet regime in
Russia were Baku and Northern Caucasus. However, the oil wells of these old
areas failed to satisfy the needs of the developing industry. Construction started in
Bashkiria and resulted in the creation of the large Volgo-Ural petroleum area. The
new oil wells in Central Asia in Kazakhstan were discovered for which the pro-
duction of petroleum reached approximately 210 million barrels per day. The
Second World War (1939 - 1945) brought serious damage to the areas of North-
ern Caucasus. This essentially reduced the volume of petroleum extraction. How-
ever, the period after the war brought a parallel restoration of the oil-extraction
complexes of Groznyj and Maikop, marking the development of the largest re-
serves in the Volgo-Ural petroleum area. And by 1960, the reserves had already
produced approximately 71% of the petroleum extracted in the country. Fifty
years after the Second World War, about 270 million barrels has been extracted. In
the 60th year, this value is expected to increase up to 990 million barrels. In 1974
on the other hand, the unique West-Siberian oil fields attained a leading position,
and even overtook the level of petroleum extraction in Tataria.
Thus, the oil and gas sector is the forte of Russia. The oil industry of the
Russian Federation is closely connected to all sectors of the national economy and
has a huge importance for the Russian economy. The demand for petroleum and
gas is rather stable, though it is subject to crisis and decrease in price. Thus, in the
face of tax increase such as prescribed in Russia, this export-oriented operation
can be brought to liquidation. For these reasons, practically all advanced states of
the world and Russia, in particular, are interested in the successful development of
the Russian oil and gas industry.
As is well known, the more economically developed the state is, the more
advanced will its scientific and technological base be. For this state, most of the
imported goods will essentially be raw material. On the other hand, export goods
will comprise of expensive finished products and technological know how.
The construction of a similar system in Russia was the underlying basis for
Perestroyka. The structural reorganization of the Russian economy at the begin-
ning of the reforms were as follows: (1) to provide modern and high technological
economy, (2) to develop a political economy where ownership of property is pos-
sible, and (3) to make demonopolization and other socio-economic transforma-
tions. The economic reforms were also to provide liberalization of foreign trade
activities, as well as introduce modern energy-saving technologies. In other words,
the task was to restructure the national economy, in the shortest time, to a strong
industrial base that is founded on modern technologies. As such, the economy
would be competitive.
Unfortunately, the model of Russian economy got oriented towards the
export of raw materials initially during the reforms, contrary to original intentions.
This was so partly because the processing sector was basically noncompetitive and
was in a very difficult economic situation. Consequently, the former central uni-
form economic complex in Russia broke up into separate industrial and territorial-
industrial corporations (including a fuel and energy complex) during the reforms.
This exclusive old monopoly was very non-uniform by its territorial-sector struc-
ture. There was constant struggle for privileges and sources of state financing
between the enterprises and associations. Simultaneously, the new monopolies and
commercial groupings closely connected to external market were promptly formed
during the years of reforms in the country. These were the commercial structures
that had interest in the reformed Russian economy.
As was noted previously, the petroleum industry was stable even under
crisis conditions in Russia. However, problems existed in the oil industry as well.
These problems perhaps provided the challenges and opportunities for future de-
velopments. The petroleum and gas industry is represented in the gas sector by
Gazprom, and in the petroleum sector by such petroleum corporations as
LUKOIL, YUKOS, SIDANKO, ROSNEFT, etc. These companies were formed
OPEC and Non-OPEC Petroleum Producing Countries 181
during the structural reorganization of the oil and gas industries. This reorganiza-
tion had the following basic stages:
1. 1987-1990: The development of self-financing enterprises in the oil and gas
sectors, the expansion of economic independence for the enterprises, and be-
ing direct exporters of power sources to the world markets.
2. 1991-1994: The associations of the enterprises as vertical integrated struc-
tures, the beginning of privatization of holding petroleum companies, the
creation of an infrastructure for the shares market, coming into existence of
financial and industrial groups and consortia for participation in international
3. Since 1995: The concentration of economic authority in vertically integrated
companies, the transformation of companies from state controlled enterprises
into private companies by means of the mechanism of money auctions, reor-
ganization of the capital of the companies.
In the first stage (i.e., by the end of the 1980s), Russia introduced some elements
of market driven economy. A first step became the transition of the enterprises to
being self-financing. State ownership of the manufacturing sector was kept. How-
ever, in the long term, it was expected to transform into private or collective enter-
prises over the transitive period. The first stage of the structural reorganization of
the national economy could not eliminate crisis. Instead, it was aggravated. There
was a strategic miscalculation in the first stage of reform. The fact that privatiza-
tion could lead to a high degree of natural monopolization of the oil industry was
not considered. The splitting of the petroleum industry into separate enterprises,
which actually occurred after easing the state control, aggravated the crisis in the
oil industry.
In 1992, during the second stage of the accepted Russian program for priva-
tization, a mechanism for easing State control for the petroleum sector was worked
out. The essence was that the control package (the shares) of the enterprises re-
mained the property of the state for a fixed term. Privatization of the sector pro-
ceeded in two stages. At first, all the enterprises entering into the system known as
"Rosneftgas" and "Glavnefteprodukt" were transformed to open joint-stock com-
panies. After that, the creation of the basis for the joint-stock vertically integrated
holding companies began. The state enterprise, Rosneft, was created for commer-
cial management of the state shares of the enterprises that were not included in one
company on the basis of Rosneftgas. For the transport enterprises holding compa-
nies, "Transneft" and "Transnefteprodukt" were created. This distinctive feature of
the second stage of the oil and gas industry reforms led to the escalation of the
structural crisis. This was also promoted by the macro-economical preconditions.
With liberalization of the prices in the beginning of 1995, inflation was no longer
hidden, and the rates of inflation exceeded 30-40% per month. It affected the
strong growth performance of petroleum and gas export, and simultaneously there
was recession of internal consumption.
182 Chapters
The main characteristic of the third stage of the reforms in the oil and gas
industry in Russia was the new redistribution of property rights to the active enter-
prises and companies based mostly on political considerations. The second stage
of privatization of enterprises began after 1995. This was the key moment for the
realization of auctions pledged. The state gave the opportunity for commercial
banks to participate in crediting the federal programs by giving share packages
belonging to the state as pledges. The pledging auction represented the transition
of control share packages of the companies to banks with the prospect of their
repayment. By the end of 1996, the banks had received the right of repayment for
the shares. This created the prospect for transformation of all petroleum companies
into private enterprises.
Two opposing opinions have emerged as to further organizational develop-
ment of the gas industry. One of them proposed monopoly by the Russian power
since this would provide the stability needed by the gas industry even under to-
day's adverse conditions. The other prefers splitting into enterprises such as in
Gazprom and similar to the existing enterprises in the petroleum industry. The
former opinion is based on the thought that splitting the gas industry will weaken
its competitiveness in the world market.
crease their volume of oil extraction. These are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Nigeria and
There was recently a very difficult situation in the world petroleum market.
The prices for petroleum had fallen to less than 10 dollars per barrel for the first
time in a long time. OPEC countries wanted to see an increase of even up to 30
dollars per barrel. With this in mind, it became necessary to reduce the export of
petroleum to the world market, even though each country did not want to do so at
the expense of its overall export.
The military actions of the USA and Great Britain in December 16-18 of
1998 on Iraq also had positive consequences on Russia. As a result of the aerial
bombardment, the Iraq factory for petroleum processing as well as ports for pe-
troleum export were destroyed. It is necessary to note that, although Iraq produces
only about 3% of the world's petroleum due to sanctions, this petroleum influ-
enced world petroleum prices. Iraqi petroleum is of very high quality but attracts a
very low price. As a result, prices increased sharply on the stock exchanges in
London and New York following the incident. Experts forecasted that the price
would reach 30 dollars per barrel. All this could have a positive effect for the
economy of Russia.
Irrespective of the situation regarding energy sources in the world market,
petroleum and gas always will play an important role in the home market because
they are the most valuable raw material for the petrochemical industry. More than
2000 kinds of products are made from this raw material. Russia is interested that
domestic petrochemical synthesis becomes an independent and powerful sector of
industrial manufacture, and also becomes competitive in the world market. It is
also interested that the country exports not only crude oil, but also much more
value-added products of petroleum processing. This will bring appreciable income
into the country.
The main problems of the petroleum sector in post Perestrojka is that of the
reduced proven oil fields and rising cost of development for the available oil
fields. This problem exists because of insufficient financing of geological pros-
pecting, which implies that exploration of new oil fields has been partially sus-
pended. According to expert forecasts, geological prospecting can potentially
increase production for the Russian Federation from 5 billion up to 7.5 billion
barrels per year (about 2 billion barrels was extracted in 1997). In 1992, Russia
occupied second place in the world for reconnoitered oil wells (after Saudi Arabia
on which territory a third of the world oil reserves is concentrated). The oil reserve
in Russia in 1995 was 140 billion barrels of petroleum.
It should be noted that the degree of conformability of foreseen oil fields is
very low and there are still a large share of oil wells with high costs of develop-
ment (of all the oil fields, only 55% have high efficiency).
184 Chapters
Even in Western Siberia where the most gain of reserves is expected, about
40% of this gain will not be efficient oil fields with extraction volume from new
oil wells less than 70 barrels per day. This is the limit of profitability for this re-
Therefore, the present condition of the petroleum industry in Russia is char-
acterized by volume reduction of industrial petroleum reserves, a decrease of both
quality and rates of processing, reduction in prospecting and operational drilling,
and an increase of quantity of idle oil wells. It is also characterized by the absence
of significantly large reserves; need to be involved in industrial operation of oil
wells which are located in difficult areas; increasing technical and technological
difficulties by the sector; insufficient attention to the requirements of social devel-
opment and ecology.
Experts have given reasons for the difficult economic situation in the Rus-
sian petroleum sector:
• Production in the biggest oil fields that are state funded and are the main
components of the resource base in Russia are substantially completed.
• New developed oil fields are worsened by oil conditions. No large or produc-
tive oil fields has recently been opened.
• The financing of exploration has been reduced. So, in Western Siberia, where
the degree of development for foreseen resources was about 35 percent, the
financing of geological works, which began in 1989, was reduced to 30 per-
cent. The volumes of prospecting drilling have decreased as well.
• There is not enough highly-efficient technology and equipment for production
and drilling. The main part of this production has deteriorated by more than
50 percent. Only 14 percent of machines and equipment reach world stan-
dards. With the disintegration of the USSR, the situation has worsened with
deliveries of drilling equipment from the countries of CIS.
• The low internal prices for petroleum do not provide self-financing for the oil-
extracting enterprises. This situation has persisted because after a series of in-
creases, there are declines in the prices for petroleum in the world and do-
mestic markets. As a result, there has been a serious deterioration of technical
and financial maintenance of the sector.
• The shortage of effective and ecological equipment creates pollution prob-
lems in the oil sector. Significant material and financial resources have been
spent on solving these problems. Unfortunately, these do not contribute di-
rectly to the increase in the production of petroleum.
• As the oil and gas market is controlled by the State private companies, there is
presently no central oil and gas agency to broker deals between domestic and
international organizations as well as private individuals.
• Debts of republics for the supplied petroleum.
nature of other problems. Therefore, if the economic crisis in the country persists
and the process of political reform in the former Soviet Union does not proceed
smoothly, the production of petroleum will be reduced.
In the petroleum sector as well as the gas industry, the problem of lack of
foreign investments is very serious. It is necessary to note that the flow of invest-
ments in Russia was never large during the years of reforms, in comparison with
China and other former socialist countries. Investment is necessary for the energy
sector of the economy, though this money and this amount of the joint projects is
obviously not sufficient to extricate the sector from crisis. The reasons for the
small cash flow are related to both economic and political situations in Russia as
well as the absence of a leader among the oil companies in the petroleum sector.
On the other hand, Russian companies have begun to carry out projects in
other countries (Prikaspiy, Kazakhstan, Iraq, etc.). In fact, these projects have
continued despite the last global crisis in Russia. This can only illustrate the power
of the oil sector.
There are other methods to increase petroleum processing and stabilize the
petroleum industry. Two methods can be facilitated by the state: these are the
increase of prices for petroleum in the domestic market and an improved taxation
system for oil-extracting enterprises. Enterprises have obligations as well. These
are in technical equipment, extraction of petroleum from oil wells with small pe-
troleum reserves (it is possible only with an increase in prices for petroleum in the
domestic and/or world markets), increase in the level of oil processing and sale of
produced petroleum and petroleum products.
The Tyumen area is the main oil-extracting region of Russia. Today almost
80 percent of extraction in this area is performed by six enterprises
(Yuganskneftegas, Surgutneftegas, Nizhnevartovsneftegas, Noyaborskneftegas,
Kogalymneftegas and Langepasneftegas). But in the near future, the absolute
volumes of production will be reduced. According to expert forecasts, reduction in
Nizhnevartovsk will be to 60%, and in Yugansk to 45%. Presently, both the Rus-
sian policy and economy are determined practically by complicated interactions
between various independent oil enterprises. There is no recognized leader among
them, and there is also presently no competition. Such a disintegration creates
many problems. Integration has been postponed until the future because of (i) the
large dynamics of the sector, (ii) the decrease of production for one enterprise
leads to the increase of production for another enterprise, and (iii) strong competi-
tion by LUKOIL, YUKOS and SIBNEFT for influence in the region between.
Modern Arabian East includes thirteen Arabian countries and the state of
Israel. Despite its modest population, the Arabian East occupies a rather prominent
position in world culture, politics and economics. The Arabian East owes this
prominence to two factors: first, a unique geographical location and second, ex-
186 Chapters
treme riches via petroleum. The Arabian East holds the largest petroleum reserves
in the world. At least four countries of this sub-region (Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait
and United Arab Emirates) have, in the last few decades, constantly been in the
top ten of oil extractors in the world. The eastern regions of the Arabian Persian
Gulf constitute the basic crude oil "rich" territory. Opposite this area is the western
Mediterranean region that is essentially lacking in petroleum reserves. Extraordi-
narily high levels of petroleum production, coupled with a small native population
in the Persian Gulf is responsible for this level of affluence in these countries.
In the 1980s, the developed countries of the West developed complex meas-
ures to prevent a relapse of the increase in the prices of petroleum similar to the
level that occurred in 1973, as was stated earlier. The price of petroleum had be-
gun to reduce after the crisis. There was now a strong interest in alternative energy
sources. This was a clear indication to exporters of petroleum that the prominence
or value attached to petroleum can decline. Thus, even with the exploration of new
reserves that added to the very large reserves of petroleum in the region, the possi-
bility of alternative energy sources meant that the value of those reserves could
decline. First, Bahrain, that had the least reserves of petroleum among the coun-
tries of this region, had once seen the possibility of exhausting their petroleum
reserves. However, new reserves are being discovered all the time since the explo-
ration of new oil fields is a continuous process.
Petroleum exporters are usually interested in raw material, spare parts,
equipment, furnishings and especially of technologies delivered by transnational
corporations. The form of business cooperation between transnational corporations
on the one hand and the locals on the other hand is typically tuned towards a
mixed enterprise with more than 50% participation of local capital. As well, there
are also "non-joint"-stock forms of activity involving license agreements, training
of personnel, management and advertising, contracts on a "turn-key basis", and
The developed countries that benefit from export of petroleum from the
Arabian East have definitely succeeded in their investments. The transnational
corporations and large international financial organizations (for example, the In-
ternational Monetary Fund) start from a simple investment of < 1 percent, to more
purposeful investments by proposing personal participation in management and
forcing acceptance of their decisions. The volume of foreign investments in Saudi
Arabia is estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars, and most of this ends up in
the USA. Kuwait owns a part of many British, Canadian, American, Western
European and Japanese oil companies, including British Petroleum, General Mo-
tors, IBM, Kodak, Total, Sony, etc. Besides Kuwait's three refineries, it also owns
three European refineries located in Denmark, Netherlands and Italy. It also owns
a thousand tank stations in Denmark, Sweden, Great Britain, Italy and Norway as
well as ten air-refueling stations in large Western European airports. Kuwait has
25 of its own oil tankers. Kuwait today owns a marketing network (involving the
full cycle from production until sale to the ultimate user) for a significant part of
produced petroleum. Foreign investments in Kuwait by the developed western
OPEC and Non-OPEC Petroleum Producing Countries 187
countries achieve profits of not less than 100 billion dollars. These profits from
foreign capital investments have become an essential source of foreign currency in
3.4.1 Oman
Oman began oil extraction and export much later than the other countries of
this region. Therefore, although Oman is well endowed with petroleum reserves
(400 tons of petroleum per citizen), it remains a relatively not highly developed
country. Modern infrastructure is yet to fully take shape in Oman.
3.4.2 Iraq
The main company now in Iraq is the Iraq State Petroleum Company. The
following companies are working independently but are still subordinates to the
State Petroleum Company:
The State Company for Oil Projects (SCOP) is responsible for work con-
nected to the development of upstream and downstream projects.
The Oil Exploration Company (OEC) is responsible for prospecting and geo-
physical works.
The State Organization for Oil Marketing (SOMO) is engaged in the trade of
petroleum and is responsible for connections with organization of the coun-
tries to which they export Iraqi oil.
The Iraqi Oil Tankers Company (IOTC) - transport tanker company.
Northern Oil Company (NOC).
Southern Oil Company (SOC).
The last two companies are engaged in extracting petroleum in the northern
and southern parts of Iraq, respectively.
Finally, it has to be noted that as a result of the use of modern technologies
(horizontal and multilateral drilling) for petroleum extraction from Iraq oil wells,
the estimated proven petroleum reserves in Iraq are sure to increase in the near
future. It is also necessary to emphasize that a major part of the research and de-
velopment work in Iraq is still in progress. There is the intention to research on the
deep oil wells on Jurassic and Triassic levels (mainly in the Western Desert). A
successful outcome can open up additional oil reserves. However, research in this
area has not been carried out up till now.
3.4.3 Iran
The proven petroleum reserve estimates in Iran are 90 billion barrels (not
less than 9% of all world reserves). In 1998, 3.6 million barrels of petroleum were
extracted daily from Iranian oil fields. Daily consumption of petroleum is 1.13
million barrels. Capacity of petroleum processing is 1.45 barrels per day. The
importers of Iranian oil are essentially Japan, South Korea, Great Britain, China,
Turkey, Thailand, India, Brazil and Taiwan. The petroleum and gas industry of
Iran is under the complete control of the state. The State Petroleum Company is
called National Iranian Oil Company NIOC. It conducts research on development
of both petroleum and gas wells. It is also engaged in providing transportation for
both the raw petroleum and its products. The National Iranian Gas Company
(NIGC) is engaged in extracting, processing, transporting and the export of gas,
whereas the National Petrochemical Company (NPC) is responsible for petro-
chemical manufacture in Iran. The most active foreign companies in Iran today are
Gazprom, Petronas, Shell and Total. The main oil fields in Iran are Gagaran, Ma-
run, Avaz, Bangistan, Aga Gari, Raga-i-Safid, Pars and Hakim. The main oil re-
fining factories are Abadan (capacity 477,000 barrels per day), Isfagan (251,000
OPEC and Non-OPEC Petroleum Producing Countries 189
barrels per day), Bandar Abas (220,400 barrels per day), Teheran (213,750 barrels
per day), Arak (142,500 barrels per day), Tebriz (106,400 barrels per day), Shiraz
(38,000 barrels per day), Kermanshah (28,500 barrels per day) and Lavan (20,000
barrels per day).
In August of 1996, the American Congress approved a law that was aimed
at imposing sanctions against Iran and Libya (so-called ILSA). The provisions of
the law sought to ban non-American companies investing not less than 40 million
dollars annually from performing the development of petroleum and gas wells in
Iran. In 1997, the investment limit was lowered to 20 million dollars. ILSA is not
the first sanction imposed by the USA against Iran. For example, in the beginning
of 1995, President Clinton signed two governmental orders, according to which
American companies and their subsidiaries are not permitted to finance the devel-
opment of any petroleum sector in Iran. One of the large-scale contracts cancelled
as a result of these orders was the contract between Iran and the American com-
pany Conoco for the development of blocks A and E of the Sirri oil field. The
project was estimated to be 550 millions dollars. French Total and Petronas were
quickly engaged to replace Conoco. In the middle of August of 1997, President
Clinton signed one more governmental order (Nr. 13059), which stipulated inter-
diction for any investment actions of American citizens in Iran. Despite ILSA, a
consortium comprising Total, Petronas and Gazprom has continued with the proj-
ect of developing gas wells called the Southern Pars (volume of investments was 2
billion dollars).
From a purely objective reasoning in May of 1998, the White House made it
clear that the ILSA sanctions were not applicable to oil and gas pipelines that were
only connecting through the territory of Iran. This move probably resulted from
the construction of major pipelines and gas pipelines from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan
and Turkmenestan. It has to be noted that Iran occupies a strategic geopolitical
location for connection of petroleum transportation routes. This unique location
allows a considerable decrease in transportation price for transfer of raw material
to the world markets through connecting pipelines in Iran in comparison with
other routes (for example, through Turkey).
In December of 1998, the President of Iran declared that the main thrust of
government in the petroleum sector was the re-structuring and modernization of
the petroleum industry, and the opening up of new oil fields. In January of 1999,
the parliament of Iran ordered the Ministry of Petroleum of Iran to report monthly
concerning work that was carried out. In turn, the National Iranian Petroleum
Company (NIOC) concentrated efforts on prospecting work. Accordingly, NIOC's
plan was to drill 61 prospecting oil wells in the sea and on land by 2000.
By the year 2000, Iran was able to offer about 20 projects in gas and oil
sector to investors. These included measures for development of sea deposits and
for finishing the modernization of a number of refineries (for example, on an is-
land Lavan). In March of 1998, Bow Valley Energy (Canada) and British Premier
Oil signed a contract for 270 millions dollars for providing development of a sea
oil field called Balal valued at an estimated 80 millions barrels of petroleum. But
190 Chapters
at the end of 1998, Bow Valley Energy left the project, with the explanation of
financial problems resulting from the Asian crisis. In February of 1999, the gov-
ernment of Iran gave the rights for the development of the sea oil field at Dorud
and gas field near Harg Islands to a French company Elf Aquitaine and an Italian
enterprise ENI. In the opinion of the Iranian party, the prospecting of Dorunda (the
project is estimated to be half a billion dollars) will increase their proven petro-
leum reserves to 700 million barrels and an increase in the daily production of
petroleum from 90 to 220 thousand barrels.
In January of 1999, British Petroleum and Amoco began negotiation with
the Iranian government about the development of Avaz oil field. The same oil
field also attracted the French enterprise, Total. At the same time the Norwegian
company Saga Petroleum initiated negotiations with the Iranian government con-
cerning development of Dehl Uran and Cheshmen-Kosh oil fields. Saga Petroleum
has signed an agreement with NIOC for 2.7 millions dollars for seismic data in a
number of prospective places, including the block of Dara and the sea oil well
Handidgan. In December of 1998, Gazprom and NIOC - Naftgaran Engineering
Services Co. created a joint venture aimed at carrying out prospecting and drilling
work in Iran.
3.4.4 Qatar
The main foreign trade partners for Qatar are Japan, the USA, Great Britain,
Germany, France and Italy. Oil export accounts for 80% of total export.
The proven petroleum reserve estimate for Qatar is 3.7 billions barrels.
More than 650,000 barrels of petroleum is extracted in Qatar daily. The country
exports more than 600,000 barrels of petroleum per day. Approximately 70% of
petroleum in Qatar is exported to Japan and less than 10% to other countries of
Southeast Asia. The capacity for oil processing in Qatar is 57.5 thousand barrels of
petroleum per day. The petroleum sector of Qatar is under the total control of the
state. The state petroleum company of Qatar - Qatar General Petroleum Corpora-
tion (QGPC) - is engaged in prospecting work and the production of petroleum
products. The National Oil Distribution Company (NODCO) carries out the proc-
essing of petroleum whereas Qatar Petrochemical Company (QAPCO) is engaged
in petrochemical manufacture. Qatar Fertilizer Company (QAFCO) produces
fertilizers. On the other hand, Qatar Liquefied Gas Company (Qatargas) and Ras
Laffan LNG Company supervise manufacture and marketing of liquefied natural
gas (LNG).
The "overland" oil field of Qatar is in Duhan. About 2.2 billion barrels of
petroleum is concentrated there. It should be remembered that the proven petro-
leum reserve of Qatar is about 3.7 billion barrels. More than 1.5 billion barrels of
petroleum are concentrated in six shelf oil fields (Bui Hanan, Meydan Mahzam, Id
Al-Shargi, Al-Shahin, Al-Rayan and Al-Halig). Practically all extracted petroleum
from Qatar is exported to the countries of Southeast Asia.
OPEC and Non-OPEC Petroleum Producing Countries 191
One more significant oil field - Al-Holig - is located near the sea border
between Qatar and Iran. The work on this field began in March of 1997 (it has to
be noted that the French company Elf Aquitaine planned to begin the work in
1991). In March of 1998, this French Company extracted petroleum at the rate of
up to 30 thousand barrels per day from this field. Contract "production sharing"
signed between Elf Aquinaine and Qatar was made for 25 years. Elf Aquitaine has
55% of individual share while 45% share belongs to Italian Agip. The industrial
reserves of petroleum in Al-Haliga are estimated at 70-80 millions barrels. Nowa-
days, Al-Shahin is considered to be one of the most productive oil fields in Qatar.
Approximately 100 thousand barrels of petroleum per day are extracted from this
field. In 2000, the Danish company was going to finish a project to increase the
level of production to 150 thousand barrels per day.
3.4.5 Kuwait
result, the capacity for oil processing has decreased to 6.5 million tons per year
(more than six times lower).
The proven petroleum reserve estimate in Kuwait is 96.85 billion barrels.
This accounts for 10% of world reserves. Natural gas wells are 1500 billion cubic
meters. The annual volume of natural gas extraction is 7.8 billion cubic meters.
The oil-extracting capacity is 2.35 million barrels per day. In 1998, Kuwait ex-
tracted 101 million barrels of petroleum from its wells. It was expected that there
would be the potential to bring the extraction to 2.5 million barrels per day at the
end of 2000 and up to three million barrels per day by 2005. Two thirds of the
extracted petroleum is exported, 20% is exported to the USA, 50% to Southeast
Asian and Japan.
The oil and gas industry of Kuwait is subordinated to Kuwait Petroleum
Corporation (KPC). Its structure includes five companies. (1) Kuwait Oil Corpo-
ration (KOC) looks at both the production and export of petroleum and gas. (2)
Kuwait National Petroleum Company looks after oil processing and manufacture
of liquified natural gas, as well as their marketing and export. (3) Petrochemical
Industries Company (PIC) is engaged in the manufacture and export of petro-
chemical products. (4) Kuwait Oil Tankers (KOTC) engages in the transportation
of petroleum, petroleum products and liquefied gas. (5) Kuwait Foreign Petroleum
Exploration Company looks at both the extraction of petroleum and gas abroad. In
1998, the Supreme Council of Kuwait accepted the decisions to reorganize the
KPC, as well as privatize the PIC and KOTC.
The activity of foreign oil companies is limited by the agreement concerning
technical support. KPC has signed agreements with Chevron, British Petroleum,
Shell, Exxon and Total. Generally, there are 150 foreign firms, mostly from the
USA and England, involved in the petroleum business. About 15 billion dollars of
investments is required in order to realize the "ten years program".
Western oil companies insist on production sharing for capital investments
and "know-how" in the development of oil wells. The Supreme Council of petro-
leum accepted cooperation with foreign firms on the conditions of production
sharing, but progress in this direction was suspended because of strong opposition
from the National Assembly. As a compromise, the oil ministry developed a
model of cooperation with foreign companies with agreements only for technical
service. According to the arrangement, the foreign company will be completely
responsible for an oil well, including the investment, its development, as well as
applying the required technology and equipment. All petroleum remains the prop-
erty of Kuwait, but the foreign company, besides indemnification for operational
expenses and deductions for the capital investments, receives a certain percentage
from the sale of additional volume of raw material extracted with the help of their
know-how. This model of attracting investors to the local market has been referred
to as the Kuwaiti project.
In the first stage of the project, the model will be used for the development
of five northern and two western oil wells. As a result of the application of ad-
vanced western technologies, it is expected that by 2005, the extraction of petro-
OPEC and Non-OPEC Petroleum Producing Countries 193
leum will increase as given below. From 400,000 to 900,000 barrels per day in the
northern oil wells, 225,000 to 515,000 barrels per day in the Raudatein oil wells,
95,000 to 250,000 barrels per day in Sabrie, 3,000 to 30,000 barrels per day in
Bahrahe, and 78,000 to 110,000 barrels per day in Ratge and Abdali. Western oil
wells should give an extraction volume of 270,000 barrels per day. The Kuwaiti
project also includes the construction of a new export terminal on the island of
Readiness to cooperate in the Kuwaiti project was expressed by Mobil,
British Petroleum, Amoco, Shell, Chevron, Texaco, Conoco, Philips, Arco, Elf,
Total and Lasmo. In view of the large number of potential partners, Kuwait will
not give the whole field to only one foreign company, but to a foreign enterprise to
form a consortium of two or more firms.
One of the strategic directions of Kuwait petroleum policy is the creation of
infrastructure for oil processing and marketing of petroleum products abroad. This
is achieved by purchasing shares by foreign oil companies that will allow an ef-
fective control of the complete cycle of extraction, processing, and marketing of
petroleum and petroleum products. This is expected to increase the capacity of oil
refineries abroad to 700 thousand barrels per day, for those in Europe up to 300
thousand barrels per day, and in Asia up to 400 thousand barrels per day. The
overall capacity of oil refineries owned by Kuwait in Denmark, Netherlands and
Italy is 230 thousand barrels per day. Kuwait supervises 6.5 thousand gas stations
in Western Europe. By the signing of an agreement with Swedish companies,
Kuwait supervises 26% of the oil market in this country. The agreements for the
creation of joint refineries with China, Pakistan and Thailand with capacity of 300
thousand barrels per day have already been signed.
Nationalization of the petroleum sectors by the largest producers in OPEC
such as in Iraq, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait resulted in the reduction of
investments by Kuwait in these countries. The extra funds freed up were spent for
the development of new sources of raw material in other regions of the world.
According to a Middle East Economic Survey, 350 billion dollars was spent to
increase the volume of petroleum extraction in nontraditional regions in 1980-
The application of modern technologies for prospecting, developing and
operating petroleum wells has essentially reduced financial expenses for these
needs (approximately 40%). This scenario has also resulted in the increase of
petroleum export and a decrease in the price of crude oil. The planned increase in
the volume of petroleum extraction will be twelve million barrels per day in 2005,
from which the part for OPEC is nine million barrels per day, and the part for
other countries is about three million barrels per day. After 2005 it is predicted that
there will be recession of oil manufacture in the so-called independent exporters
194 Chapters
The major portion of exports from Saudi Arabia is petroleum and petroleum
products. The income from petroleum export is about 24 billion dollars (90% of
the general income). It should be noted especially that, despite competition from
Mexico, Venezuela and Canada, Saudi Arabia remains the main exporter of pe-
troleum to the USA and Japan.
The proven oil reserve estimate for Saudi Arabia is 261.5 billion barrels
(almost a quarter of the proven oil reserves in the world). The daily extraction of
petroleum in Saudi Arabia exceeds 8 million barrels. Oil refining capacity is 1.6
million barrels per day. The petroleum industry in the country was nationalized in
the 1970s. The petroleum sector is operated by the Supreme Petroleum Council
and the state companies of Saudi Arabian Oil Co. (Saudi Aramco) and Petro-
chemical Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC). The main oil fields are in
Gavar, Safaniya, Nazhd, Berry, Manifa, Zuluf, Shaybah, Abu Saafa, Hursaniya
and Abgeyg. The main foreign companies operating in Saudi Arabia are the Ara-
bian Oil Company from Japan (AOC), Mobil, Shell and Texaco. However, the
Arabian Oil Company has not been operating in Saudi Arabia since the beginning
of 2000.
In Saudi Arabia there is approximately a total of 77 oil and gas fields. How-
ever, the main oil fields of the country are concentrated in eight areas. One of them
is Gavar, the biggest overland Oil field with reserves estimated at 70 billion bar-
rels of petroleum. Another is Safania, the largest shelf oil field in the world, that
has reserves estimated at 19 billion barrels of petroleum.
OPEC and Non-OPEC Petroleum Producing Countries 195
The Japanese company AOC operates on two shelf oil wells, Hafgy and
Hut, and extracts about 300 thousand barrels per day. American Texaco developed
three oil wells on the ground, Vafra, Southern Favaris and Southern Um Gudayr,
and extracts more than 200 thousand barrels per day. Texaco has signed a contract
for its operation to last till 2010, and the American company plans to considerably
increase the volume of production. In September of 1998, the Minister of Oil and
Natural Resources of Saudi Arabia met with heads of a number of American oil
companies (Chevron, Mobil, Texaco, Arco, Conoco, Phillips Petroleum). As a
result of these negotiations, officials of Saudi Arabia have asked the companies to
present their bids for possible joint projects in the gas and petrochemical sectors.
International Petroleum Companies
British Petroleum is one of the biggest companies in Britain and one of the
world's largest oil and petrochemicals groups. At the beginning of its history it was
known as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company.
The history of the British Petroleum or the Anglo-Persian Oil Company
began with the work of William Knox D'Arcy shortly after the turn of the twenti-
eth century (1901). William Knox D'Arcy obtained a concession from the Shah of
Persia to explore the oil resources of the country, excluding the five northern
provinces that bordered Russia. Having been granted the concession, D'Arcy em-
ployed an engineer, George Reynolds, to undertake the task of exploring for oil in
Meanwhile, the costs mounted, stretching D'Arcy's resources to the point
where he sought outside financial assistance. This came in 1905 from the Burmah
Oil Company, which provided new funds for his venture.
More exploration in Persia followed without success until eventually, in
May of 1908, Reynolds and his associates struck oil in commercial quantities at
Masjid-i-Suleiman in southwest Persia. It was the first commercial oil discovery in
the Middle East. This signaled the emergence of that region as an oil producing
After the discovery had been made, the Anglo-Persian Oil Company was
formed in 1909 to develop the oilfield and exploit the concession. At the time of
Anglo-Persian's formation, 97% of its ordinary shares was owned by the Burmah
Oil Company. The rest were owned by Lord Strathcona, the company's first
Although D'Arcy was appointed a director and remained on the board until
his death in 1917, he was not to play a major part in the new company's business.
His role as the initial risk-taking investor was past and the daunting task of devel-
198 Chapter 4
oping the oil discovery into a commercial enterprise shifted to others, amongst
whom one particular person stands out: Charles Greenway. Greenway was one of
Anglo-Persian's founder-directors, becoming managing director in 1910 and
chairman, after Strathcona, in 1914.
Greenway, anxious to avoid falling under the domination of Royal Dutch-
Shell, also turned to another potential source of revenue and capital: the British
government. The basis of an agreement to their mutual advantage lay in Green-
way's desire to find new capital and an outlet for Anglo-Persian's fuel oil; and, on
the government's part, in the desire by the Admiralty to obtain secure supplies of
fuel oil, which had advantages over coal as a fuel, for the fleet of the Royal Navy.
After long negotiations, agreement was reached in 1914 shortly before the
outbreak of the First World War. Anglo-Persian was contracted to supply the
Admiralty with fuel oil and the government injected two million pounds of new
capital into the company, receiving in return a majority shareholding and the right
to appoint two directors to Anglo-Persian's board.
Although the government undertook not to interfere in Anglo-Persian's
normal commercial operations, its shareholding introduced an unusual political
dimension to the company's affairs. In later years, the government shareholding
was reduced and, apart from a tiny residual holding, ended in 1987.
Further expansion followed in the decade following the First World War.
New marketing methods were introduced, with curbside pumps replacing two-
gallon tins for the distribution of motor spirit (gasoline). Anglo-Persian also mar-
keted its products in Iran and Iraq; it established an international chain of marine
bunkering stations, and in 1926 began to market aviation spirit. New refineries,
much smaller than the plant at Abadan, also came on stream at Landarcy in South
Wales in 1921 and at Grangemouth in Scotland in 1924. Moreover, the company's
majority-owned French associate had a refinery at Courchelettes, near Douai. On
the other side of the world, in Australia, a new refinery at Laverton, near Mel-
bourne, was commissioned in 1924.
Exploration was carried out not only in the Middle East, but also in other
areas, such as Canada, South America, Africa, Papua New Guinea and Europe.
By the time Greenway retired as chairman in March 1927, he had realized
his main strategic goal of establishing Anglo-Persian as one of the world's largest
oil companies, with a substantial presence in all phases of the industry. In 1935,
the company was renamed the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.
After the Second World War, Europe had to be reconstructed. This de-
manded a high amount of oil that enabled Anglo-Iranian to expand its business
greatly. The company's sales, profits, capital expenditure and employment all rose
to record levels in the late 1940s. By this time, the refinery at Abadan was the
largest in the world.
While the company was expanding its operations in the late 1940s, it was
also engaged in negotiations with the Iranian government concerning the terms of
its oil concession. Long and complex negotiations failed to produce an agreement,
and in 1951 the Iranian government passed legislation nationalizing the company's
International Petroleum Companies 199
assets in Iran. It was then Britain's largest single overseas investment. The nation-
alization precipitated a major international crisis in which the British government
became deeply involved. The company's operations in Iran were brought to a halt.
Only after three years of intensive negotiations was the crisis resolved by the
formation of a consortium of oil companies, which, by agreement with the Iranian
government, re-started the Iranian oil industry in 1954. Anglo-Iranian was re-
named The British Petroleum Company in 1954 and held a 40% share in the con-
At first, it was noted that the company focused its business in the Middle
East, first of all in Persia (Iran). From the late 1960s the center of company inter-
ests shifted westwards, towards the USA and Britain itself.
Although all of these events were important for the company, it was hydro-
carbons under the North Sea and under the permafrost of Alaska that were to play
the key role in transforming British Petroleum into the company it is today. Ear-
lier, in 1959, the Dutch had discovered a giant gas field on the edge of the North
Sea at Groningen. This discovery encouraged others to begin searching for hydro-
carbons offshore. British Petroleum had their first success in British waters when,
in 1965, it found the West Sole gas field, which it brought on stream two years
later. The search for oil spread further north, and in 1970 British Petroleum dis-
covered the Forties field, the first major oil and gas commercial discovery in the
UK sector.
At this time in Alaska, USA, British Petroleum was rewarded for ten years'
exploration effort when, in 1969, it announced a major oil discovery at Prudhoe
Bay on the North Slope. When it became clear that through its large share in Prud-
hoe Bay, British Petroleum acquired the rights to part of the biggest oilfield in the
USA, the company decided that its Alaskan oil could best be handled by a well-
established US refining and marketing company. It signed an agreement with the
Standard Oil Company of Ohio in August of 1969. This company, the original
John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil, was the market leader in Ohio and was strongly
represented in neighboring states.
Under the agreement, which became effective from January 1, 1970, Stan-
dard took over British Petroleum leases at Prudhoe Bay and some East Coast
downstream assets that British Petroleum had acquired in 1968. In return, British
Petroleum acquired 25% of Standard Oil equity, a stake that would rise to a ma-
jority holding in 1978 when the Standard Oil share of Alaskan production passed
600,000 barrels a day.
The 1970s saw the great petroleum crisis that was to have serious effects on
the world's economy. British Petroleum lost direct access to most of its supplies of
OPEC oil as the OPEC countries took control of production and prices.
In 1973, the price explosion had a dramatic effect on the demand and the
sales of British Petroleum. By 1978, sales were a little higher, but then came the
Iranian revolution and another major rise in the price of oil. In 1979, BP suffered
further blows when its assets in Nigeria were nationalized and its supplies from
Kuwait cut back. By 1980, its sales dropped again.
200 Chapter 4
The company was rescued, thanks to high investments outside of the Middle
East. Since the early 1980s, British Petroleum has developed many more oil and
gas fields in the North Sea. Among these have been, in the UK sector, Magnus, the
Village gas fields at Miller and Bruce and, in Norwegian waters, Ula and Gyda. In
Alaska, the construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System enabled the Prudhoe
Bay field to come on stream in 1977. In 1981, the Kuparuk field also started pro-
duction, and towards the end of 1987, the world's first continuous commercial
production was recorded from an offshore area in the Arctic when the Endicott
field was commissioned.
In 1989, the company launched a campaign to introduce a stronger corporate
identity, featuring a restylcd British Petroleum shield and an emphasis on the color
green. In a complementary program that was to prove highly successful, British
Petroleum started to re-image its global network of service stations in a new de-
sign and livery.
At the same time, British Petroleum explorers, in the quest to find new
sources of oil and gas, began to focus their skills more and more on regions of the
world that for political or technical reasons remained relatively unexplored. The
regions included Colombia, the Republics of the former Soviet Union, and the
deep water areas of the Gulf of Mexico.
The process of integration following this major transactional phase was very
well advanced in the year 2000 and British Petroleum acquired a new base from
which to take the next step forward. The combination of British Petroleum,
Amoco, ARCO and Burmah Castrol provides the area with the skills and the peo-
ple necessary to deliver a distinctive rate of performance growth on a sustainable
British Petroleum at the beginning of the twentieth century is an interna-
tional company, having operations in over 70 countries. Its key businesses are oil
and gas exploration and production; the refining, marketing and supply of petro-
leum products; and the manufacturing and marketing of chemicals.
sport events where world speed and endurance records, on land, sea and air, were
broken. The land speed record alone has been broken 21 times by cars using Cas-
trol lubricants.
In 1975, the company became the first in the world to introduce a new oil,
SAE 15W-40, to the market. One year later, Castrol developed an oil using a hun-
dred percent synthetic oil as base.
In 1986, Castrol developed the first oils with low phosphor content to pro-
tect catalysts. And within nine years, Castrol created a synthetic oil with the low-
est viscosity.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the products of Castrol helped
machines and instruments to achieve greater reliability, endurance and cost effec-
tiveness. The new technologies developed by Castrol have resulted in technologi-
cal achievements that make Castrol lubricants the cost-effective choice across a
wide range of applications.
The history of the ExxonMobil corporation began when Exxon and Mobil
companies were, at the beginning the 20th century, components of one company
(Standard Oil, see the first section of chapter 3). At the end of the century, they
came together as a single organization. For most of the years in between, they
blazed separate trails as independent, competing enterprises. Each company placed
a singular imprint on the energy industry and on a dynamic era of world history.
Both Exxon and Mobil have their roots in the late 19th century with the
Standard Oil Trust. Standard Oil Company of New Jersey and Standard Oil Com-
pany of New York were the chief predecessor companies of Exxon and Mobil.
For both companies, the remainder of the 19th century was a time of expan-
sion beyond America's shores. The large kerosene market enabled overseas ship-
ments of products in large quantities. Affiliates and sales offices of both compa-
nies spread across Europe and Asia. Standard Oil's MEI FOO kerosene lamps
introduced illumination across China and opened a vast new market.
After the dissolution of Standard Oil Trust, the American kerosene output
was eclipsed for the first time by a formerly discarded byproduct - gasoline. The
growing automotive market ultimately inspired the product trademark Mobiloil,
registered by Socony in 1920. Jersey Standard and Socony separately faced rising
competition. Both companies were not fully integrated. Over the next twenty
years, each expanded across the U.S. and abroad.
Large acquisitions and mergers helped Jersey Standard acquire a 50 percent
interest in Humble Oil and Refining Company, a Texas oil producer. Socony pur-
chased a 45 percent interest in Magnolia Petroleum Company, a major refiner,
marketer and pipeline transporter. In 1931, Socony merged with Vacuum Oil Co.,
an industry pioneer dating back to 1866 and a growing Standard Oil spin-off in its
own right.
202 Chapter 4
produces 4-4.5 million oil-equivalent barrels of oil and gas per day from 24 coun-
The ExxonMobil Gas Marketing Company is the world largest non-
governmental marketer of gas. In 1998, ExxonMobil sold gas and liquefied natural
gas in 25 countries. The organization maintains gas-marketing offices in 19 coun-
The ExxonMobil Research Company provides the successful technical
expertise and large work experience of both companies that has historically con-
tributed to Exxon and Mobil's successes. The Upstream Research Company fa-
cilitates efficient and effective technology development and transfer to ExxonMo-
bil upstream companies. Exxon and Mobil have historically shared a strong com-
mitment to upstream technology research and have pioneered many key technolo-
gies in use today. Continued development of breakthrough and proprietary tech-
nologies will allow ExxonMobil to access and develop new resources at a lower
ExxonMobil downstream business includes refining, retail marketing, lubri-
cant basestock production and sales, finished lubricants, petroleum specialty prod-
ucts and downstream technology. The global downstream business is divided into
four companies:
• Refining and Supply
• Fuels Marketing
• Lubricants and Petroleum Specialties
• Research and Engineering
Neste company was created in 1948 to secure the oil supply in Finland. In
that year, the company owned the first oil tanker and started oil import.
Even before 1966, Neste started crude oil refining operations in Naantali and
Porvoo. The annual capacity of both refineries was about fourteen million tons. At
that time, these two refineries were the.most advanced oil refineries in Europe.
Four years later, the company began petrochemicals and plastics production. This
led to that company becoming the largest company in Finland to play an important
role in balancing the former Finland-Soviet trade.
By 1980, Neste was already in the international oil and chemical market.
Ten years later, the business of the company expanded to the North Sea and the
Middle East. Neste service stations appeared in the Baltic Sea region states. The
petrochemicals joint venture with the Russian company - Gazprom - was created.
In 1995, Neste's shares appeared on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. Three
years later, a new company, Fortum, was founded and Neste became its subsidi-
ary. In the same year, the share of Fortum appeared on the Helsinki Stock Ex-
Fortum manufactures petroleum products for use in traffic, heating, industry,
agriculture and energy generation. Additionally, Fortum manufactures methyl
tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) in Finland, Portugal, Canada and Saudi Arabia and
tertiary-amyl methyl ether (TAME) at its Porvoo refinery. MTBE and TAME are
essential components in reformulated gasoline. Fortum is the leading producer of
reformulated fuels in northern Europe.
The company supplies only reformulated gasoline and diesel fuels to the
market. Reformulated gasoline is improved with regard to octane number by using
oxygenates. City Diesel made by Fortum is sulfur-free. Neste and later Fortum
was the first company in Europe to start the manufacture and marketing of refor-
mulated gasoline. The range of gasolines comprises two unleaded grades: Futura
95 ER and Futura 98 ER for vehicles fitted with catalytic converters.
Futura CityDiesel is a very high quality, sulfur-free diesel fuel (or fuel with
sulfur content less than 0.005 wt%). Futura CityDiesel has a minimum cetane
number of 53. Another kind of diesel fuel manufactured by Fortum is conventional
diesel with a low sulfur content.
Fortum is well known on the market with its high quality oils that use
polyalphaolefins (PAO) and extra high viscosity index (EHVI) oils as base oils.
PAO are synthetic oils of very high quality that are used for oils manufacture for
the transport, food and cosmetic industries. Neste was one of four companies in
the world that manufactured PAO oils. EHVI oils are manufactured using the
hydro-isomerization process. The quality of this oil is very close to the quality of
PAO and much higher than the quality of the normal mineral oils.
The well known high quality motor oils of Neste, and later Fortum, are the
Neste City Pro oils. All these oils are based on synthetic base oils and they exhibit
a very high quality in a wide temperature range. Neste Torbo oils are the high
206 Chapter 4
quality oils for diesel motors working with low sulfur diesel fuel. Neste Hydraulic
oils are high quality hydraulic oils working in a wide temperature range. The
Neste Biohydraul is the synthetic bio-degradable oil for working in the natural
The history of this oil company (one of the biggest) began in 1833, in espe-
cially unusual circumstances for an oil concern, when Englishman Marcus Samuel
opened a little shop in London, selling antiques, curios and sea shells to Victorian
enthusiasts. Shells were wildly popular then for decoration, and it did not take long
before the trading of shells turned into a thriving general import/export business.
The history of Shell as a real oil enterprise began in early 1890, when Mar-
cus Samuel Junior made a visit to Batum on the Black Sea from where Russian oil
from Baku was imported. The businessman was very impressed by the scale of
operations. He saw a large market for kerosene in the Far East where it was used
for lamps and cooking. Unfortunately, American Standard Oil Trust had a monop-
oly on the business. So, Marcus had to find a way to undercut prices. Quite sepa-
rately, the Dutch company, Royal Dutch Petroleum Company, was formed to
develop an oilfield in Pangkalan Brandan in Sumatra. Established in the Hague, it
enjoyed the support of King William III of the Netherlands.
The solution was found in the Suez Canal. In 1892, Marcus Samuel com-
missioned the first special oil-tanker, SS Murex, launched at Hartlepool, which
delivered 4,000 tonnes of Russian kerosene to Singapore and Bangkok.
Marcus Samuel and Company and the Royal Dutch Company competed
with each other and with the US giant Standard Oil, and by 1897 Samuel's oil
business had become so extensive that he formed a separate company to operate it.
Taking the name from the original business, the new company was registered as
the Shell Transport and Trading Company.
In 1901, Shell Transport had become the first oil company to draw its sup-
plies from all around the world, with owned or contracted production from Bor-
neo, Russia, Romania and Texas. Its markets were also very widespread in the
world, with its products kerosene for lighting and heating, lubricants and fuel oil.
In 1903, the Shell Transport and Trading Company and Royal Dutch
merged together into the enterprise called Asiatic Petroleum Company. The part-
nership between these two enterprises worked so well that four years later, in
1907, it was extended to operations world-wide, with the creation of the Royal
Dutch/Shell Group of Companies. The two parent companies retained their sepa-
rate businesses and own the Group, with more than 1,700 active companies, in the
proportion of 60% to Royal Dutch Petroleum and 40% to Shell Transport and
Trading Company.
Shell UK was created when Shell-Mex and British Petroleum, which had
combined forces during the Great Depression of the 1930s, decided to break up.
International Petroleum Companies 207
Shell-Mex Limited had been the distribution organization of the Shell and Eagle
Groups, the latter being a Mexican company in which Shell took an interest in
During the Second World War, all oil companies in Great Britain set aside
their usual competition, working together under the guidance of one of Shell
Transport's senior directors, Andrew Agnew, and providing unbranded "Pool"
products. This arrangement continued into peacetime. When more normal condi-
tions had been restored, Shell was determined to re-establish its pre-war market.
The world marketing for Shell proceeds under the logo of the pecten, or
scallop shell. This sign is derived from the time when Marcus Samuel and his
brother Sam Samuel founded The Shell Transport and Trading Company in Lon-
don on the 18th of October 1897. They named the new venture after their late
father's most profitable trade - decorative sea shells. The new company's first trade
mark, registered on the 10th of October 1900, was a picture of the mussel. In 1961
the pecten was evolving into a pure emblem. It became so in 1971 and the word
SHELL vanished from its body - a silent, but strong sign of Shell.
The many developments of Shell scientists and researchers are remarkable.
In the 1950s, Shell scientists studied the introduction of the first generation of
detergent additives.
In the 1960s, a second generation of Shell detergents was introduced leading
to a better performance by engines, greater fuel economy and lower emissions. In
1984, a new state of the art detergent and an entirely new concept in fuel technol-
ogy - the spark aider - was developed. This helped cars become more driveable,
especially when cold.
Shell launched its advanced fuels range, the first range of fuels all contain-
ing detergent additives, in 1988. The launch followed more than 25 million miles
of road tests - one of the most thorough.
A Shell engine test showed Shell Advanced fuels were 375 times cleaner
than standard market fuel and the competitors had to respond by adding detergent
to their gasoline.
Additive technology continued improving. In 1994, Shell launched an even
better detergent package, enabling drivers to gain an average of nine extra miles to
a tankfull of gasoline, faster acceleration and still lower emissions.
Shell continued its development of new fuels in 1995 with the introduction
of Shell Advanced Low Lead 4 Star and the first low sulfur diesel to be manufac-
tured in the UK. These two new fuels continued to give drivers more ways of
reducing the impact of their vehicles on atmospheric quality.
Since 1999, the Shell businesses in the UK became a part of the Royal
Dutch/Shell Group of companies.
The main types of product offered to the market under the sign of Shell are:
• Shell Premium Unleaded and Shell Super Unleaded gasoline - improved
• Shell Lead Replacement gasoline, the new improved mark of gasoline has
been on the market since the 1s' of January, 2000.
208 Chapter 4
• Shell Pura Diesel is a market leading ultra low sulfur diesel which, in the year
2000, has already met the known year 2005 emissions standards.
• The range of motor oils providing superior performance in passenger car
engines. The range includes fully synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral oils
for different types of engines, age and operation.
• Oil formulated for heavy diesel use and tailored to exceed both industrial
specifications and equipment manufacturers' requirements.
• The range of high temperature and high performance greases for lubrication
of automotive wheel bearings.
• Automatic transmission fluids suitable for automotive hydraulic, power
steering and some manual transmission applications.
• Fuel efficient gear oils which deliver ultimate performance.
• Synthetic air compressor oils which give outstanding performance in rotary
and reciprocating compressors.
• Oils that are specially formulated to give excellent performance in rotary and
reciprocating compressors.
• The range of conventional and high performance, milky soluble cutting fluids
that ensure high cooling rates, good lubrication and excellent anti corrosion
• Low smoking, low misting range of neat oils suitable for all neat and metal-
working applications giving excellent tool life and component finish.
• Corrosion protectors for machine components from one week to two years.
• High performance industrial gear oils for use in all helical, bevel and spur
gear boxes.
• High quality lubricant for bearing and circulation systems.
• The high performance multipurpose greases suitable for use in high tempera-
tures and in the presence of moisture.
• Lithium base greases designed to give high performance in industrial bear-
• The high technology grease that enables optimum performance for grease
lubrication in industrial bearings, giving extended regreasing intervals and
improved equipment life.
• High performance anti-wear hydraulic oils that are universally acknowledged
as the market leader in the field of industrial hydraulic and fluid power lubri-
The first part of this corporate company, PetroFina, was founded in the year
1920. Within four years, PetroFina was already a well known company that had its
own distributor, PurFina, for sales in Holland and Belgium. In 1924, the Compag-
nie Francaise des Petroles, one of the ancestors of Total, was formed. In 1927, this
International Petroleum Companies 209
company discovered the first oil field near Kirkuk in Iraq. Two years later, the
shares of this company appeared on the Paris Bourse.
In the meantime, the new company - Compagnie Francaise de Raffinange-
together with Compagnie Francaise des Petroles and in conjunction with the
French state and several private French companies got involved in the French
petroleum business.
In 1931, Compagnie Navale des Peroles was formed from Compagnie
Francaise des Petroles. Two years later, a company, Compagnie Francaise de
Raffinage, was formed. This company was responsible for petroleum processing.
This company had already owned its own petroleum refinery only within two
years of formation.
It was only in 1945 that the successors of the third part, Total Fina Elf com-
panies, was born. These were the French companies Regie Autonome des Petroles
(RAP), the Societe Nationale des Petroles d'Aquitaine (SNPA) and the Bureau de
Recherches de Petrole (BRP). The actual start of the formation for these compa-
nies can be considered to be the year 1939, when the exploration of the oil field at
Saint-Marcet in Aquitaine yielded some success.
In 1947, the first marketing subsidiary of the petroleum enterprises, the
ancestors of Total, was created. This company was named Compagnie Francaise
De Distribution des Petroles en Afrioque (CFDPA).
The Societe Industrielle Beige des Petroles (Belgian Industrial Petroleum
Company) - SIBP - was founded in Antwerp in 1949 as a result of the industrial
integration through the control of the refining process after the Second World War
and began production in 1951. In the same time, PetroFina undertook exploration
and production in Mexico, Canada, Angola, and Egypt. It was during these years
that the company started its world-wide growth. In 1954, PetroFina started its
petrochemical production with its first plastic manufacturing.
In 1954, the parent company of Total Petroleum participated in the Iranian
Oil Consortium. In the same year, the first trade mark - TOTAL - was created and
the first marketing company for Total products was thus founded.
Two years later, the Hassi-Messaoud oil field and Hassi R'Mel gas field in
the Algerian Sahara were discovered, and within three years Compagnie Francaise
des Petroles began the commercial production and operation on oil wells in these
In 1964, the Compagnie Francaise des Petroles started exploration opera-
tions in the North Sea and four years later started its involvement in Indonesia.
In 1965, the historic decision for the future of Elf Company was accepted.
RAP and BRP merged to form Enterprise de Recherches et d'Activites Petrolieres
(ERAP). ERAP was the real foundation stone for the future Elf Aquitaine group,
which comprised a chain of specialties from the oil well to the pump. It was not
until this year that the ancestors of this company discovered oil fields all over the
world. The company was assured oil production and treatment. It was therefore
decided to add refining and marketing as essential supplements. The Union Ge-
210 Chapter 4
nerale des Petroles (UGP) was formed, and then the Union Industrielle des Pe-
troles (UIP).
Since 1967, all the products of the Elf ancestor companies have come to the
market with only one short name: ELF.
In 1970, the petroleum company which is well known nowadays as Total
Petroleum was founded. This foundation was actually the renaming of an already
existing company: the French Petroleum Company of Canada. Within three years,
the share of this company had already appeared on the London Stock Exchange,
and within one year Total Indonesia started commercial production in East Ka-
After three years, Total Petroleum began the commercial production from
the Frigg gas field in the North Sea. In the same year, the historical document, the
agreement of the merger of the Compagnie Auxiliare de Navigation and the Com-
pagnie Navale des Petroles to form the Total Compagnie Francaise de Navigation,
was signed.
In 1972, PetroFina bought back all their shares in Societe Industrielle Beige
des Petroles. The company focused on its refining activities. Fina Raffinaderij
Antwerpen became the center of an integrated petroleum and petrochemical net-
In 1980, agreement was signed for the start of exploration and production in
China. In 1981, work started in the refinery at Victoria in Cameroon that was built
and operated with technical assistance from Total.
In 1983, there existed the new merger of Minatome and Total Energie de-
velopment to form Total Compagnie Miniere. Two years later, the Compagnie
Francoise des Petroleum was renamed Total CFP.
In 1987, Total owned the hydrocarbon assets held by TIPCO in the United
States, as well as those of FRANCAREP ITALIA. In the same year, Total owned
the petroleum refinery at Denver in the United States.
In 1988, the products of Fina chemical production were sold around Europe
and in the USA.
Three years later, Total started the discovery of the oil field at Cusiana in
Colombia and the gas field at Peciko in Indonesia. In the same year, the company
name - Total - was adopted as the official trade mark and the international com-
pany name. In the same year Total shares appeared on the New York Stock Ex-
change and the direct share holding of the French government in Total was re-
duced from 31.7 to 5.4%.
Five years later, the shares of Elf Aquitaine appeared on the New York
Stock Exchange. As of the end of the twentieth century, Elf Aquitaine had three
strong company sectors: hydrocarbons, chemicals and health.
In 1995, Total was selected to lead the Yemen gas liquefaction project. One
year later, a further 4% of Total capital was divested by the French government;
that reduced government stake to 0.97%.
International Petroleum Companies 211
Maurice Promager, manager of R&D of Elf Antar France, quotes the fuel
consumption of the progressive distillation as being 1.25% fuel oil equivalent
(FOE) for the Soviet Export Blend and 1.15% FOE for the Arabian heavy oil. This
compares with 1.7% to 2.0% for the Arabian light oil by conventional processing.
The selection of process units and individual processes was determined by
projected product specifications, required range of products and the overriding
necessity to minimize residue yield.
212 Chapter 4
The safety system of the refinery is called "AES" and has been applied to
units with high danger potential in addition to the usual shut down system. The
AES system was developed originally for use in steam crackers and ethylene
plants, and is initiated using both simultaneously pressing and turning a switch.
AES offers the process operator three stages of action. In the first stage, the
unit is put into a safe stationary condition, essentially by cutting off or, if need be,
rerouting of feed/product streams together with heat and steam inputs to ensure
that no additional risks can be brought into the unit. Under this condition, it would
be possible to re-stream the unit with little effort. Initiation of stage two would
effect isolation of the unit and relief to flare at a predefined pressure level. With
this, the relevant section of the unit would be completely sealed off from neigh-
boring sections. Finally, by initiating stage three the whole unit would undergo
sealing off and relief.
Furthermore, the AES system can be programmed to any relevant time
functions on a sequential shut-down. Such a system appears at a first glance not to
be too complicated, but when one realizes that all the units are connected with
each other, then shutting down one unit in an emergency situation could be seen as
a significant disturbance to the integrated production. Therefore, in all cases where
immediate action is needed, neighboring units have to become involved and are
put into an appropriate safe condition.
The refinery is primarily supplied with Russian crude oil via pipelines.
However, this crude oil can also be supplied via the Baltic ports of Rostock and
Danzig. For this purpose the MVL (Schwedt pipeline) is available together with
the raw material pipeline Rostock-Bohlen (RRB), which belongs to the Dow
Chemical Company, and is used for supplying its olefin group (BSL) in Bohlen
with ethylene cracker feedstock in a roundabout way via Leuna. The refinery tank
farm, consisting of a total of 63 tanks, has a crude oil storage capacity of roughly
300,000 m3. In addition, 490,000 m3 capacity is available for intermediate prod-
ucts and 265,000 m3 for finished products. LPG tankage totals 11 tanks with a
capacity of 24,000 m3.
Finished products are distributed by rail, road and pipelines. Rail and pipe-
line distribution each account for roughly 4 million tons per year. Road transport
accounts for a total of 3 million tons per year of products for customers within a
150 km radius of the refinery. The Central German Product Pipeline (MIPRO) has
a design capacity of 3.2 million tons per year and is used for supplying the Hart-
mannsdorf depot near Chemnitz.
With an annual production of over four million tons of diesel fuel and do-
mestic heating oil in addition to two million tons of motor gasoline, the refinery is
in a position to almost fulfill local demand.
MIDER will process Russian export blend crude oil almost exclusively.
Arabian heavy crude oil will form the exception in the summer months, whilst
producing bitumen. Segregated vacuum residues from Arabian heavy oils and
Russian export blend crude oil will be blended to meet local bitumen specifica-
tions and demands.
214 Chapter 4
There are abundant connections between the new refinery and other petro-
chemical sites. Up to 700,000 tons per year of naphtha (LDF) will be charged to
the feedstock pipeline Rostock-Bohlen for processing in Bohlen. Refinery pro-
duced methanol, amongst other things, goes to two customers in Leuna, namely
Atochem for their formaldehyde based glue production and UCB for the manu-
facture of amines and formamides.
The refinery yields include 50% middle distillates, 23% gasoline, 7% LDF,
and 2% LPG. Most of the C3 LPG (70%) is propylene, which is mainly used for
cumol synthesis via the caprolactum process, operated by Caproleuna in Leuna.
Regarding product quality, the gasoline will be produced with a benzene
content < 1%, sulfur content < 0.01% and aromatics content of 35%. Diesel fuel
will have a sulfur content of < 0.05% with a lower capability of < 0.025%, and a
cetane index of 52.
OAO LUKOil is the leader of Russia's fuel and energy complex. LUKOil is
the first Russian integrated oil company operating in all the petroleum processing
spheres from petroleum extracting to marketing of petroleum products. LUKOil
was formed in 1991 in the form of a business concern, based on the three biggest
oil and gas producing enterprises in Western Siberia - Langepasneftegaz,
Uraineftegaz and Kogalymneftegaz. The first letters of these names were com-
bined to form LUKOil. Subsequently, LUKOil absorbed other oil-producing, oil-
refining, sales, petrochemical, transportation and other oil business enterprises.
In the year 2000, the LUKOil concern was expected to expand its operations
in 40 regions of Russia and 25 countries outside of Russia. This company owns
one of the biggest proven petroleum reserves in the world that is owned by a pri-
vate oil company. LUKOil proven reserves in 2000 exceed two billion tonnes.
This company takes first place among Russian companies in terms of the volume
of oil produced.
In 1999, the company produced 75.6 million tonnes of oil and 4.7 billion
cubic metres of gas. A large proportion of the oil is extracted by its basic oil-
producing subsidiary, OOO LUKOIL-Western Siberia, which includes:
• LUKOil-Langepasneftegaz
• LUKOil-Uraineftegaz
• LUKOil-Kogalymneftegaz
• LUKOil-Pokachevneft
In the western part of Russia, oil production is carried out by the main oil-
and gas-producing subsidiaries of the company:
• OOO LUKOil -Astrakhanmorneft
• OOO LUKOil- Kaliningradmorneft
International Petroleum Companies 215
In 1999, the oil production in European Russia that was carried out by LU-
KOil amounted to 24 million tonnes. In the same year, OAO LUKOil acquired the
oil company KomiTEK, the result being a substantial increase in the company's
raw material base: proven oil reserves increased by 400 million tonnes and those
of gas by 47 billion cubic meters.
The ultimate assessment of the reserves based on the results of tests of deep
prospecting wells is expected at the end of the year 2000.
LUKOil is the first Russian petroleum enterprise to start the manufacture of
high quality half-synthetic and fully synthetic oils. The products of this company
are used not only on the domestic market, but also on the European and American
The quality of LUKOil oils has been certified and recommended by the
German companies Mercedes, BMW and VW.
YUKOS was formed on the 15th of April 1993 according to the government
decree No. 354. The acronym YUKOS was chosen as the name for the company,
with its letters taken from the names of its original two primary operating units:
• Yuganskneftegas - one of Russia's largest oil production units, located in the
Tyumen region
• Kuibishevnefteorgsintes - a major petrochemical holding located in the Sam-
ara region
In 1998, the restructuring of INK began with the first step taken by Novy
Holding to replace the management of TNK with individuals educated in the west,
having extensive experience with international oil giants and possessing compre-
hensive knowledge of the Russian oil industry.
In October of 2000, Tyumen Oil Company received the American Society
for Competitiveness's (ASC) annual award for leadership in developing globally
competitive practices in an emerging economy.
The products of the company include:
• Gasoline with octane numbers of 92, 95, 98; all kinds of gasoline made by
TNK are unleaded; the company has started the production of reformulated
• Diesel fuel with a sulfur content of 0.2%, and an ecological diesel with a
sulfur content of 0.05%
• Domestic fuel
• Residual fuels
• Industrial oils
• Motor oils
• Additives for motor oils
• Catalysts for the Petroleum treatment processes, such as reforming and hydro-
U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves.
1998 Annual Report, December 1999, Energy Information Administration
Office of Oil and Gas, U.S. Department of Energy.
• thermal cracking,
• visbreaking,
• residue conversion processes,
• blending.
As a rule, the initial stage of petroleum extraction from oil wells occurs
under the natural layer pressure practically without contamination with water.
With time, however, the water layer gets produced together with the petroleum
layer. About two-thirds of all petroleum is extracted in high humidity conditions.
Water layers can differ considerably by their chemical and bacteriological con-
tents. During the extraction of this mixture of petroleum with water layer, an
emulsion is formed. Emulsions can be considered to be a physical mixture of two
immiscible liquids, one of which is distributed in another phase as droplets of
various sizes. The water present in petroleum results in an increase in the trans-
portation price because of an increase in both volume and viscosity of the resulting
liquid to be transported.
The presence of corrosive mineral salts in solution in the water leads to fast
deterioration of petroleum pumps and oil refining equipment. The presence of up
to 0.1% of water in petroleum leads to intensive foam formation in the rectifica-
tion tower of oil refineries. This results in an alteration of the technological
scheme for oil processing. Besides, it also affects the condensation equipment.
The light fractions of petroleum (gases from methane to butane) are valuable
raw materials for the chemical industry from which products such as solvents,
liquid motor fuel, alcohol, synthetic rubber, fertilizers, artificial fiber and other
products of organic synthesis are made. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the
loss of light fractions during petroleum processing. Thus, all hydrocarbons deriv-
able from petroleum need to be preserved for subsequent processing.
Modern petrochemical complexes manufacture various high-quality oils and
fuels as well as new types of chemical products. The quality of these products
depends on the quality of the initial raw material, i.e. crude petroleum. In the past,
the technological processing scheme of older oil refineries could be used to proc-
ess crude petroleum with mineral salts contents of 100—500 mg/L. Petroleum
with a lower salt content is required in modern refineries. Thus, frequently before
222 Chapter 5
In order to select the proper drying process, it is necessary to know both the
mechanism of formation and properties of petroleum emulsions.
Usually, no emulsions are formed within the petroleum layer. Emulsion
formation begins during the movement of petroleum to the mouth of the oil well
and intensifies during further transport of petroleum in pipes (i.e. emulsions are
predominant where there is the potential for continuous mixing of petroleum and
water). The intensity of emulsion formation in an oil well depends on the method
of petroleum extraction. This, in turn, is defined by the character of the oil wells,
time of its operation and physical-chemical properties of the petroleum.
When petroleum is extracted from oil wells using the natural layer pressure
(which is typical in the initial period of oil well operation), there is usually a very
high rate of extraction of the oil from the oil well. The intensity of petroleum
mixing with water in elevating pipes of the oil well increases due to dispersion of
Crude Oil Distillation 223
the solved gases at decreasing pressure. This leads to emulsion formation at the
early stages of movement of the petroleum-water mixture.
During deep pumping extraction of petroleum, emulsion formation occurs in
the valves, in the pump cylinders and in the elevating pipes during the reciprocat-
ing movement of pump bars.
In the compressor oil well, the base of the emulsion formation is the same as
at extraction using natural layer pressure. Air sometimes mixes with the gas in an
oil well and oxidizes a part of the heavy hydrocarbons to form asphaltenes-
resinous materials. These adversely influence emulsion formation negatively.
Thus, the presence of salts of organic acids as well as asphaltenes-resinous materi-
als leads to emulsion formation. This type of emulsion has a very high stability.
It is important to distinguish two phases in emulsions - the discontinuous
and continuous phases. The continuous phase is the liquid in which very small
droplets of another liquid are dispersed. The discontinuous phase is the liquid that
is dispersed in the form of fine droplets in the continuous phase.
Two types of emulsions are distinguishable - "oil in water" and "water in
oil". The type of emulsion formed basically depends on the volume ratio of the
two phases. The continuous phase is the liquid with the greater volume. In practice
the most frequently known emulsion is the water in oil emulsion.
The presence of emulsifiers (materials that promote emulsion formation)
influences the ability to form an emulsion between petroleum and water. Emulsifi-
ers act by lowering the interfacial tension between the phases and creating a strong
adsorbed layer around the surface of the internal phase. Emulsifiers that are solu-
ble in water (hydrophilic) promote the creation of oil in water emulsion. Alkaline
soaps, starch and so on are such hydrophilic emulsifiers. Hydrophobic emulsifiers
(i.e. soluble in petroleum) promote the formation of water in oil emulsions. Hy-
drophobic emulsifiers include resins dispersed in particle form within soot, clay
and other substances. Petroleum emulsions can be characterized using properties
such as viscosity, dispersion, density, electrical properties and stability. The vis-
cosity of petroleum emulsion changes within wide ranges and depends on the
viscosity of petroleum, temperature, and amounts of petroleum and water.
Petroleum emulsions that are disperse systems have unusual properties
under certain conditions, i.e. they are Newtonian liquids. Thus, petroleum emul-
sions like all Newtonian liquids can be characterized by an effective viscosity.
Dispersion of the emulsion is the degree of distribution of the droplets of the
discontinuous phase in the continuous phase. Dispersion is characterized by the
diameter of the droplets d, and by D = 1/d (- specific surface area) calculated by
dividing the total surface area of the particles by their total volume.
The sizes of droplets can change depending on the physical-chemical prop-
erties of petroleum and water as well as the conditions of emulsion formation.
Sizes range from 0.1 micron up to several tens of mm. Disperse systems which
consist of droplets of the same size (single diameter) are referred to as mono-
disperse. On the other hand, systems that consist of droplets of different sizes are
called poly-disperse systems. Petroleum emulsions are poly-dispersed systems.
224 Chapter 5
The critical droplet size that can exist in the flow at a given thermodynamic
mode is determined by the velocity of movement of the mixture of water and
petroleum, interfacial tension between the phases and pulsation of flow.
In the turbulent flow regime, caused by non-uniformity of pulsation and
variable cross section of pipeline, the existence of droplets of various diameters is
possible. Fine droplets that move in the section of pipeline of lower velocity gradi-
ents and smaller pulsation tend towards agglomeration, whereas those that move
in the zones of high velocity gradients and large pulsation tend towards splitting.
The presence of additional factors (such as heating, addition of emulsifier, etc.)
under certain hydrodynamic conditions can lead to the separation of the emulsion
phases in the pipelines.
A higher degree of emulsion stability depends on the structure of the com-
pounds that constitute the protective layer formed on the surface of the droplet.
The emulsifier adsorbs on the surface of the droplet and covers it with a preserving
layer thereby stabilizing the droplet. This layer prevents droplets from merging
with each other (i.e. promotes emulsion formation and stability).
The chemical nature of water in the petroleum layer has an influence on the
stability of petroleum emulsions. All the water layers contain chemically different
materials. However, they can all be divided into two basic groups: the first group
is hard water containing calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, etc.; the second
group is alkaline water. The presence of increased amounts of acid in the water
layer leads to the formation of more stable emulsions. Adding alkali to the emul-
sion can reduce the amount of acid in the water layer.
sions can be easily separated by the usual settling method or by settling with mod-
erate heating. More complex processes, such as intensive heating, chemical proc-
essing, electrical processing, and combinations of these methods are required for
separation of water from stabilized emulsions.
For designing the schemes for drying of petroleum under industrial condi-
tions, it is necessary to determine for the petroleum to be dried the water content in
the petroleum, type and quantity of impurities in water, and also the conditions in
which water is present.
The processes of drying and desalting are very similar. In desalting, how-
ever, the water is removed from the petroleum together with the dissolved mineral
salts. If it is desired, more complete desalting is achieved by introducing additional
fresh water to the petroleum to dissolve the mineral salts and subsequent drying.
Settling, centrifugation and filtration are mechanical methods for petroleum
Settling is applied if unstable emulsions are processed. Here, the droplets are
stratified due to the difference in the densities of the materials in the phases.
The droplets' settling speed for designing separators is calculated using the
These equations imply that the major factors that influence the efficiency of
emulsion separation are:
226 Chapter 5
The efficiency of emulsion separation is reduced in the case where the den-
sity between the dispersed droplets or particles and the continuous phase is very
small. Also, stabilized emulsions cannot be separated by mechanical methods. A
significant proportion of "water in oil" emulsions is in this category.
Adverse hydraulic conditions of settling such as turbulence, convective
flows, mixing, etc. represent negative influences on emulsion separation. Signifi-
cant improvement of separation efficiency for petroleum emulsions is achieved by
the use of gravitational settling in combination with thermal, chemical and electri-
cal methods.
Crude Oil Distillation 227
The heating of petroleum intended for drying is carried out in special heat-
ing sets (heaters). A large variety of such heaters have been developed. The heat-
ers are installed in a technological scheme of petroleum drying after the section
that deals with the separation of gases from petroleum, but before introducing the
petroleum into the separator.
The chemical drying methods are widely employed in the modern petroleum
industry for petroleum drying. The fundamental principle of such methods is the
destruction of the "water in petroleum" emulsions by using chemical additives.
Many types of such additives have already been developed in the industry. The
efficiency of chemical petroleum drying depends substantially on the type of ad-
ditive used. The choice of an effective additive, in turn, depends on the type of
emulsion that is to be destabilized. In each case, the choice of additive is made
after the petroleum is analyzed in special laboratories.
Like in other combined petroleum drying methods, chemical drying is fol-
lowed with settling of the emulsion under the influence of gravity. Heating of the
petroleum is employed in some drying systems in combination with the use of
additives. The additive is added and blended with the emulsion. This creates the
conditions for removing the water from petroleum by settling. It is possible to
apply both periodic and continuous emulsion separation, but nowadays preference
is given to the continuous process. There are three locations where the chemical
drying of petroleum could be implemented:
1. Drying and separation carried out inside the petroleum oil well;
2. Drying and separation carried out in the collector's pipeline;
3. Petroleum drying carried out directly in separation tanks where additives are
added to the tank that is filled with petroleum.
The first two methods have many advantages and are more effective than
the third method.
Filtration that is based on the selective adsorption of different substances is
employed for the separation of unstable emulsions. The material of the filter layer
can be dry sand; glass; aspen, maple, poplar and other types of non-resinous wood;
and metal particles. Glass fiber, which is usually well moistened with water and
not with petroleum is used quite often. Petroleum drying by filtration is applied
very seldom because of low productivity as well as the need to change the filter
material frequently.
Crude Oil Distillation 229
Some organic and mineral acids (sulfuric, hydrochloric and acetic acids),
alkali and salts (table salt, chloride ion, etc.) can be used as electrolytes. The elec-
trolytes can form the insoluble products which reduce stability of the protection
layer or promote their destruction. Electrolytes as additives are applied extremely
rarely because of their high price and, particularly, their corrosive properties as it
affects the separators. The non-electrolytes are organic substances which are capa-
ble of dissolving the protective film on the water droplets and reducing the viscos-
ity of petroleum. This leads to the acceleration of the water droplets. This type of
additive can be gasoline, acetone, alcohol, benzene, phenol, etc. Non-electrolytes
are not used in industry because of their high price.
Colloidal additives are interfacial active substances which can destroy emul-
sions or weaken the protective film and can transform the native water in oil emul-
sion into the opposite type (oil in water); i.e. it can promote emulsion inversion.
Most effective additives are formed by reaction of ethylene oxide with or-
ganic substances; they are widely applied in the industry. Using the ethylene ox-
ide/organic substance ratio involved in the reaction to produce the additive can
control the efficiency of this additive group. The additive solubility in water in-
creases with the lengthening of the ethylene oxide chain. If it is necessary, it is
possible to make these additives with hydrophobic properties by reactions with
230 Chapter 5
propylene oxide, i.e. there is the opportunity to create various additives with dif-
ferent properties.
The additives should dissolve well in one of the emulsion phases (in water
or petroleum), i.e. they should be hydrophilic or hydrophobia, in order to be able
to destroy the protective film of the water droplets. Also, they should be inert to
metals, should not worsen the quality of petroleum, should be cheap, and should
be of universal applicability with respect to use for various emulsions.
The sooner the additive is added to the emulsion of water in petroleum, the
easier the separation. For separation, however, just adding the additive to petro-
leum is not sufficient. It is necessary to ensure the best possible contact between
the additive and the water droplets. Intensive mixing and emulsion heating can
achieve this.
Electrical desalting and drying of petroleum is especially widely applied in
the industry, but less often in the oil wells. The opportunity created by the applica-
tion of the electrical method in combination with many other methods can be
attributed to one main advantage of this method.
It is known that the separation of petroleum using an electrical field with
variable frequency is more effective than the separation with a constant electrical
Viscosity and density of the emulsion, dispersion, water content, electrical
properties as well as the stability of the protective films considerably influence the
efficiency of electrical separation. However, the main factor is the intensity of the
electrical field. The electrical separators are operated at the current industrial fre-
quency (50 Hz for Europe and 60 Hz for North America), rarely by constant cur-
rent. The voltage on the electrodes in the separators ranges from 10,000 to 45,000
The electrical separators can be spherical and cylindrical in geometry, and
can be installed in horizontal or vertical orientation.
Hence, it is necessary to remove the gases and light fractions from petro-
leum at the oil wells and to direct them for further processing. This consequently
lowers the evaporation ability of petroleum.
It is also possible to prevent the loss of the light fractions of petroleum by
application of rational systems of petroleum extraction, gas treatment, and petro-
leum stabilization before its subsequent transport and storage. It is necessary to
understand that stabilization of petroleum in this case is the extraction of light
hydrocarbons (which under normal conditions are gases) for further processing in
the petrochemical industry.
Thus, separation is used in this case as the main method for petroleum stabi-
lization at the oil wells. Separators of the widest applicability are of gravitational
and centrifugal designs.
In gravitational separators, separation of droplets and firm suspensions from
a gas flow occurs by the influence of gravity. A high degree of gas and liquid
separation can only be achieved at a very slow flow speed. The optimum speed as
established in practice is 0.1 m/s at a pressure of 6 MPa. The proportion of petro-
leum suspension separation from the gas at this flow speed is 75—85%.
In centrifugal separators, separation of the gas from petroleum occurs by the
influence of a centrifugal force.
The extraction and preparation of petroleum and gas, which begin at the
opening of the oil wells and end at the preparation units, follow a uniform tech-
nological system. There are many technological schemes of petroleum prepara-
tion. However, they are usually considered together with the petroleum extraction
systems at the oil wells.
The pressure extraction system (see Fig. 5.1) is operated as follows. The
quantity of petroleum from each oil well (produced with the natural layer pressure)
is serially measured using an automatic group measurement unit. Then, the petro-
leum from various oil wells in the field is transported to the local separation sta-
tion. The quantity of the petroleum from the oil wells is measured after the pre-
liminary gas separation with the centrifugal separator. After that, the petroleum
and gas are directed to a local separation unit, where gas is separated from the
petroleum by the first stage separator at the pressure 4—5 bar and then directed to
the gas processing station. Petroleum with layer water and solved gases will be
pumped to the central processing station, where the second step of separation
232 Chapter 5
begins by the end of the separators. The gas from the second step of separation is
directed to the gas processing station using a set of compressors.
This pressure extraction system is completely hermetically sealed. Therefore
it excludes loss of gas and light petroleum fractions. The pressure extraction sys-
tem allows for petroleum preparation at a central processing station for oils from
several oil wells located in an area up to a 100-km radius. However, long distances
for petroleum transport can lead to the creation of stable emulsions. With high
humidity of the petroleum, this can lead to an increase in operations and transport
costs. Nevertheless, it is one of the promising systems of petroleum extraction that
is widely applied.
There are many technological schemes for petroleum preparation. However,
technical and economic considerations determine which scheme is used and the
location of installation. It is known that the lowest capital investment and opera-
tional costs for petroleum preparation are for installations in locations of the great-
est petroleum concentration (collector stations, commodity parks, and head of-
*nL»|cs | r-«i
Figure 5.2 shows the basic technological scheme of the installation for the
thermal chemical petroleum preparation.
Petroleum from the oil well is directed to the combined separation installa-
tion 2, in which hot water from settling tank 6 containing additives is directed to
mixer 1. This begins the partial separation of gas, petroleum and water. The sepa-
rated water is directed to petroleum traps 20, whereas the separated gas moves to
the gas processing station. The petroleum from separator 2 together with the re-
maining water is pumped by pump 3 through heat exchanger 4 and vapor heater 5.
Fig. 5.2: Technological scheme of the complex for thermal chemical petroleum prepara-
1. Mixer, 2. Separator, 3. Pump, 4. Heat exchanger, 5. Vapor heater, 6-7. Settling
tanks, 8. Dryer, 9. Vacuum separator, 10. Refrigerator, 11. Hydro-centrifugal
separator, 12. Pump, 13. Water line, 14. Oven, 15. Vapor heater, 16. Oxygen tank,
17. Pump, 18. Compressor, 19. Separator, 20. Oil traps, 21. Pump, 22. Vessels, 23.
Pump, 24. Separators, 25. Vessel, 26. Tank, 27. Pump, 28. Compressor.
Then the heated petroleum is moved to settling tank 6 for the final separation of
petroleum from water. The separated water is carried away from the petroleum
with a major fraction of the mineral salts. For better desalting, the petroleum from
settling tank 6 is directed for mixing with hot fresh water pumped by pump 17
after pre-heating in the vapor heater 15 and removing the oxygen in tank 16. After
mixing fresh water with the petroleum, the emulsion is directed to settling tank 7,
where the required salt concentration is achieved. After desalting and separation of
water, the petroleum is directed, if required, from settling tank 7 to additional
desalting and drying in electrical dryer 8. If the water and salts contents are within
234 Chapter 5
the allowable limits after electrical dryer 8, the petroleum is moved directly to
vacuum separator 9. Vacuum compressors 12 transport the gases from separator 9,
from which after refrigerator 10 and hydro-centrifugal separator 11, a major frac-
tion of light hydrocarbons is separated. The condensed product from separator 11
is directed to gas and gasoline collectors. Additives are introduced into the petro-
leum before heat exchanger 4. This influences the interfacial property of the pro-
tective films between the two phases in the emulsion.
This system allows the cleaning of waste water and its subsequent direction
by pumps for the flooding of the oil layer.
Even with the preparation of petroleum at the oil wells, the crude oil often
contains water, inorganic salts, suspended solids, and water-soluble trace metal
compounds. As a first step in the refining process (to reduce corrosion, plugging,
and fouling of equipment and to prevent the poisoning catalysts in the processing
units), these contaminants must be removed by processes of desalting and dehy-
dration or drying.
The methods of desalting and dehydration are based on the same funda-
mental principles as those for petroleum preparation at the oil wells. The two most
typical methods of crude oil desalting: chemical and electrostatic separation, use
hot water as the extraction agent. In chemical desalting, water and chemical sur-
factant (demulsifiers) are added to the crude, heated so that salts and other impuri-
ties dissolve in the water or attach themselves to it, and then held in a tank where
they settle out. Electrical desalting is the application of high-voltage electrostatic
charges to concentrate suspended water globules at the bottom of the settling tank.
Surfactants are added only when the petroleum has a large amount of suspended
solids. Both methods of desalting are continuous. A third and less-common proc-
ess involves filtering heated crude using diatomaceous earth.
The feedstock crude oil is heated to between 110 and 160°C to reduce vis-
cosity and surface tension for easier mixing and separation of the water. The tem-
perature is limited by the vapor pressure of the petroleum. In both methods, other
chemicals may be added. Ammonia is often used to reduce corrosion. Caustic or
acid may be added to adjust the pH of the water wash.
Wastewater and contaminants are discharged from the bottom of the settling
tank to the wastewater treatment facility. The desalted crude is continuously drawn
from the top of the settling tanks and sent to the petroleum rectification unit. All
the apparatus for petroleum desalting and drying can be classified in two big
• spherical desalter
• cylindrical desalter, which can be sub-classified into:
Crude Oil Distillation 235
The petroleum prepared at the oil well comes to the petroleum refinery and
the first process at modern refineries (excluding the refineries working only with
non-conventional feed) is atmospheric rectification. The first refinery, which was
opened in 1861, produced only kerosene and this was possible by using simple
atmospheric distillation alone. The by-products of this refinery included tar and
naphtha. For the next thirty years, kerosene still remained the main product that
consumers wanted. Two significant events changed this situation:
• invention of electric light decreased the demand for kerosene,
• invention of the internal combustion engine created a demand for diesel fuel
and gasoline.
Distillation is the process involving the conversion of a liquid into vapor that
is subsequently condensed back to a liquid. It is exemplified when steam*from a
kettle becomes deposited as droplets of distilled water on a cold surface. A simple
example of a distillation unit is shown in Figure 3.3.
Distillation is used to separate volatile products from non-volatile sub-
stances. The early experimentalists also employed distillation. Aristotle (384-322
BC) mentioned that pure water was made by evaporation of seawater.
Most methods of distillation used by industry are variations of simple dis-
tillation. The basic operation of the industrial process requires the use of the same
principal installations as the above mentioned example of simple distillation: a still
(flask and gas burner) in which a liquid is heated and partly vaporized, a condenser
to cool the vapor, and a receiver to collect the distillate. In the still is charged a
mixture of substances with different boiling points. The lowest boiling products
distill first, followed by others in order of increasing boiling temperatures. In
comparison to our example shown in Figure 5.3, larger equipment made of metal
or ceramic is employed for industrial applications.
In the petroleum industry, the method of fractional distillation, differential
distillation, or rectification is utilized for the primary separation of crude oil into
fractions with regard to their boiling temperatures, because simple distillation is
not efficient for separating liquids whose boiling points lie close to one another.
236 Chapter 5
In this operation, the vapors from distillation are repeatedly condensed and re-
vaporized in the next evaporator. Figure 5.4 shows the principle of differential
distillation or rectification. This installation works on the basis of the reverse or
counter-current flow principle. For a steady state functioning of the rectification
unit, it is important that there is equilibrium in every evaporator. This means that
for the example shown, the following equations have to be obeyed:
• Yo = x,
• YH = XK
Instead of the example shown, rectification towers are used for rectification
in the petroleum industry. Rectification towers can be classified as follows:
On the basis of the area of application:
• atmospheric towers
• vacuum towers
On the basis of the type of tower internals:
• Tray towers
• Trickle or packed towers
Crude Oil Distillation 237
n v ; YII
One example of the simple tray tower is shown in Figure 5.5. From Figure
5.5, it is clearly seen that for the effective functioning of all types of rectification
towers, it is especially important to return back to the tower part of the head con-
densed vapor and bottom product. The objective is to achieve the closest possible
contact between the rising vapor and the descending liquid so as to allow only the
most volatile material to rise in the form of vapor to the receiver, while returning
the less volatile material as liquid towards the still.
238 Chapter 5
A comparison of the towers shown in Figures 5.5 and 5.6 illustrates the
difference between simple and complicated towers. The main difference between
these two types of rectification towers is that in a complicated tower, many vola-
tile products or side products are obtained. The addition of small towers called
strippers are used to improve the purity of the side products. The function of the
stripper is the same as for the big rectification towers.
product 1
product 2
feed 1 product 3
feed 2 volatile
product 4
The schematic that illustrates the function of the tower tray is shown in
Figure 5.7. It is shown that the tray tower has the same function as shown in Fig-
ure 5.4. The only difference is that in the actual rectification tower, the trays also
play the role of the evaporators. The vapor goes through the liquid on the trays and
there is material transfer in the bubble regime. The liquid coming from the top tray
(phlegm) carries the material exchanged between the liquid and vapor phases in
the tower.
Sieve trays consist of punched metal sheets with holes of diameters of 4-13
mm with a division of the holes of 2.5 to 4 times dho|e (see Fig. 5.8). The proper-
240 Chapter 5
tion of liquid on the tower trays ranges from 0.05 to 0.2 times the feed. Although
there are many types of trays, only three are used in the petroleum industry. These
• sieve trays
• bubble cap trays
• valve trays
The liquid does not flow through the holes, but is held by the pressure loss during
vapor flow through the tray holes. This determines that there is limited range of
feed load.
vapor liquid
In valve trays, the holes in the tray are bigger. Also, the valves are mobile
and cannot be completely closed. These valves ensure that the flow of the liquid
through the tray holes is impossible even with varying feed loads. The hole di-
ameter of this type of tray ranges from 20 to 30 mm, valve diameter from 40 to 50
mm and division of the tray holes 1.5 to 3 times dva|ve. Figure 5.9 shows an exam-
ple of the valve in the valve tray.
Crude Oil Distillation 241
dhole = 4 - 13 mm
The bubble cap trays have the largest range of feed load possible. However,
it is also the most expensive. By immersing the bell edges into the liquid (this
being necessary for bubble formation), the pressure loss can be characterized by
the static proportion for the bell tray. During very low gas load, all the bells are no
longer functioning, so that the liquid does not have sufficient contact with the
vapor phase. This leads to a decrease in the tray efficiency. An example of the bell
for the bubble cap tray is shown in Figure 5.10.
liquid liquid
In comparison with tray towers, the packed or trickle towers have the fol-
lowing advantages:
• low pressure loss
• low installation cost
• more homogenate mixture of the vapor and liquid phases
• better material exchange between the vapor and the liquid phases
There are many types of packings for packed towers. However, the most
frequently used are as shown below:
Crude Oil Distillation 243
The main property of the packing for rectification towers is the specific
surface area, which determines the efficiency of the packing. The larger the spe-
cific surface area, the more effectively the packing operates.
For both types of towers, it is important to determine the number of theoreti-
cal trays required to perform fractionation to specified compositions of fractions.
For packed or trickle towers, the theoretical tray is replaced with the height
equivalent of the packed layer equivalent to one theoretical tray.
There are a few methods to evaluate the number theoretical trays. Tray to
tray calculations is one the most popular methods.
In the rectification tower, four equations are available from material bal-
ances (overall and component material balances) for the separation of the four
components. If the feed or input amount and its composition are known, then one
has two unknown streams H (head product) and B (bottom product) and three
unknown concentrations in each stream. Thus, generally there are eight unknown
values for a four component mixture. Only two of these unknown values are to be
determined. Thus the material balance of the rectification tower can be evaluated
to obtain the top and bottom product rates. The vapor stream in the stripping sec-
tion can be determined as the vapor stream ascending from the tower bottom. This
stream can be taken as constant throughout the stripping section of the tower. This
vapor stream plus the fraction of feed that is vapor will yield both the head product
stream as well as the reflux stream that will be returned to the tower. The reflux
ratio can be determined based on the minimum reflux. There is a method for the
evaluation of the minimum reflux. This method will be shown in a later section.
The next step for the calculation of the number of theoretical trays is to
make a material balance around the tower bottom (it can also be started from the
tower top). The concentrations of the components in the ascending vapor stream
are calculated from equilibrium equation (Dalton Raoult laws) for the existing
mixture composition in the tower bottom (5.3).
The boiling temperature of liquid L] is calculated on a trial and error basis. This
must be lower than the temperature of the tower bottom. This boiling temperature
is calculated on the basis that at a specific pressure this temperature must satisfy
the relation Ey, = 1.0. For a mixture of components 1,2,3 and 4 with component 3
as the basis, Zy, = LK,x/ = KjIcx/X; = Z(Ps/P)x, = 1.0. The trial starts with a guess
of a temperature. Then the values of af are calculated from the values of K, (read
from a chart) at this temperature. The value of K3 is calculated as Kj = 1.0/Ece,x,.
Then the temperature corresponding to the calculated value of K? is compared to
the assumed temperature. If the values are different, the calculated temperature is
used for the next iteration. After the final temperature is known (i.e. convergence
is reached), the vapor composition is calculated from equation 5.1 or its equiva-
1. tray
\ bottom
bottom heating
The calculation of the temperature difference between the bottom and the
first tray makes use of heat balance at the tower bottom.
The next step is the calculation of the liquid composition in tray 2 using
material balance equations and the vapor composition for the first tray of the down
part of the tower. During this calculation, it is important to remember that the
composition of the liquid phase on the first tray is the same as the vapor composi-
tion in the tower bottom. This is because the liquid on the first tray is the product
of the condensation of the vapor produced at the bottom of the tower. The material
balance is shown in equation (5.5):
246 Chapter 5
L, + V, = Vs + L, (5.5)
The balance element for the equation (5.5) is shown in Figure 5.13.
These tray-by-tray calculations are continued until we reach the input or
feed tray where the calculated composition of the input is similar to the actual feed
The calculation of the upper section of the rectification tower proceeds in
the same way as the bottom section. In this case, the calculation could be started
from the top tray and proceeds towards the feed tray.
The disadvantage of this method is the need for iteration. Thus, the calcula-
tions are cumbersome and time-consuming if hand calculators are used. Nowadays
all calculations of theoretical number of trays are carried out by use of the com-
puter and many software packages for such calculations are available in the mar-
ket. Two approaches can be used for distillation calculations:
n-th tray
1 vnn-l
One is if the product compositions are known, then tray-by-tray calculations are
used to determine the number of trays needed to obtain those product composi-
tions. The other is if the number of trays is given (such as in an existing unit), then
calculations are made to determine the compositions of products that could be
obtained from such a unit.
If the distillation unit provides for side products and/or multiple feed loca-
tions, then the tray to tray calculations will use material balances for each tray that
account for these additional streams. Furthermore, it is important to note that frac-
tion cuts for crude oil fractionation are based more on boiling temperature ranges
rather than on composition.
Crude Oil Distillation 247
The following four operations need to be carried out to calculate the mini-
mum reflux:
1. assume a minimum reflux,
2. carry out the evaluation from tray to tray from B and H,
3. add a small amount of the lightest component to the mixture at the "pinch-
point" 3, and evaluate from tray to tray until the head of the tower,
248 Chapter 5
4. repeat as in point 3 for "pinch-point" 2. If the results of the third and fourth
points are equal, then the assumed value was correct. If not, then repeat all the
operations from the first until fourth point.
Rectification units in the petroleum industry are used to separate the crude
oil into fractions for subsequent processing in secondary processes such as cata-
lytic reforming, cracking, alkylation, or coking. In turn, each of these complex
secondary-processing units incorporates a fractional distillation tower to separate
its own reaction products.
Modern petroleum rectification units operate continuously over long periods
of time. For rectification, petroleum is drawn from storage tanks at ambient tem-
perature and pumped at a constant rate through a series of heat exchangers in order
to reach a temperature of approximately 120°C. The preheated petroleum passes
though an oven (see position O, Fig. 5.15). At this position it is heated to a tem-
perature between 315 and 400°C, depending on the type of petroleum and the
quality of the end products desired. A mixture of vapor and nonvaporized oil
passes from the oven into the rectification tower. The size of an industrial rectifi-
cation tower is about 45 meters tall with 20 to 40 fractionating trays. The most
common trays used in the petroleum industry are sieve or valve trays. Petroleum
vapor rises up through the trays to the top of the tower. It is condensed to a liquid
in a water- or air-cooled condenser at the top of the tower. A small amount of gas
remains uncondensed (see position 2, Fig. 5.15) and is piped into the refinery fuel-
gas system. A pressure control valve on the fuel-gas line maintains rectification
tower pressure at the desired value, usually near atmospheric pressure. Part of the
condensed liquid, reflux, is pumped back into the top of the column and descends
from tray to tray, contacting rising vapors as they pass through the slots in the
trays. The liquid progressively absorbs heavier constituents from the vapor and, in
turn, releases lighter constituents to the vapor phase.
The intermediate products, or side-streams (see positions 4, 5, Fig. 5.15) are
drawn at several points from the tower dependent on the fractions desired. Usually
these fractions are gasoline and diesel fractions. Dependent on the production type
in the refineries, jet fraction can be drawn as well. In addition, modern petroleum
rectification units employ intermediate reflux streams (Fig. 5.6).
Crude Oil Distillation 249
•>• 5
Typical boiling ranges for various streams are as follows: light straight-run
naphtha (head), 20-95°C; heavy naphtha (side-stream), 90-165°C; crude kerosene
or jet (side-stream), 150-245°C; light gas oil or diesel (side-stream), 215-315°C.
Non-vaporized oil entering the tower flows downward over the trays (below the
feed tray) called stripping trays (Fig. 5.6). These act to remove any light constitu-
ents remaining in the liquid. In any case, steam is injected into the bottom of the
tower in order to reduce the partial pressure of the hydrocarbons; this plays a
similar role as a vacuum during vacuum rectification (see section 5.5). The residue
that is obtained from the bottom of the tower is suitable for blending into residual
fuels. Alternatively, it may be further distilled under vacuum conditions to yield
250 Chapter 5
quantities of distilled oils for manufacture into lubricating oils or for use as feed-
stock in gas oil cracking processes.
In the modern petroleum industry, a more complicated scheme of the rectifi-
cation unit, the so called "two-step rectification", is used. An illustration of this
type of rectification unit is shown in Figure 5.16.
The main difference between the simple rectification and two-step rectifica-
tion is the presence of the second rectification tower (T2) in the two-step unit. In
the latter case, the feed passes to the first rectification tower at a temperature of
approximately 200-240°C. Because of the low temperature used, the volatile
product from the first tower only forms part of the gasoline fraction. The bottom
product from Tl (Fig. 3.16) passes to the oven for heating until it reaches a feed
Tl T2
The principles and main units for vacuum rectification resemble those for
atmospheric rectification. The major exceptions are that larger-diameter towers are
used to maintain comparable vapor velocities at reduced operating pressures. A
vacuum of 50 to 100 mm of Hg absolute is produced by a vacuum pump or steam
ejector. The capacity of modern vacuum rectification units is about 3.5 million
tons per annum.
The primary advantage of vacuum rectification is that it allows the distilling
of heavier materials at lower temperatures than would be required at atmospheric
pressure, thus avoiding thermal cracking of the components. The input tempera-
ture of the atmospheric residue in the vacuum tower usually does not exceed
425°C. The residue from atmospheric rectification is preheated against distillates
and vacuum residue before heating up in the fired heater. From the heater outlet
the stream is fed to the vacuum tower. The high specific volume of vapor at low
pressure demands large tower diameters, particularly in the upper part. The lower
part of the tower (below the feed inlet) is used as a stripping section using steam to
reduce the partial pressure of hydrocarbons in the vapor phase.
An example of the one-step vacuum rectification is shown in Figure 5.17. In
Figure 5.17, the feed (atmospheric residue) passes through oven Ol to the vacuum
tower Tl. In this tower, the feed is typically separated into the following fractions:
vacuum residue 8, middle oil distillate 4, and light oil distillate 3. The middle oil
fraction is fractionated in tower T2 into fraction with narrower boiling temperature
ranges. Steam 2 is used to reduce the partial pressure of the oil fraction which,
finally, helps in the separation of the light fractions from the oil.
The one-step vacuum rectification unit does not allow for production of oil
fractions with desired market quality. This is why one-step vacuum rectification
units can be found nowadays only in small refineries. The scheme that allows for
the production of oil fractions with a higher quality is the two-step vacuum rectifi-
cation. An illustration of the two-step vacuum rectification plant is shown in Fig-
ure 5.18.
252 Chapter 5
In the two-step rectification unit, the feed 1 in the first tower is distilled to
obtain the following fractions: light oil 2, middle oil 3, and partly distilled vacuum
residue 6. The vacuum residue from the first tower passes through oven Ol to
rectification tower T2, where it is fractionated to narrower fractions. In compari-
son with the one-step scheme, the two-step scheme requires more energy for pro-
duction, but the quality of the oil fractions is much higher.
The residue remaining after vacuum rectification is called "Goudron". This
may be used for blending to produce road asphalt or residual fuel oil, or it may be
used as a feedstock for thermal cracking or coking units. Vacuum rectification
units are an essential part of the many processing units required for the production
of lubricants.
In modern refineries, atmospheric and vacuum rectification processes are
rarely carried out in separate units. Usually, combined atmospheric-vacuum recti-
fication units are used for these processes. An illustration of a scheme for this
combined unit used in refineries in Russia is shown in Figure 5.19.
Petroleum 1 for rectification is fed from storage tanks at ambient tempera-
ture through a series of heat exchangers in order to attain the temperature of ap-
proximately 120°C (see Fig. 5.19). A controlled amount of fresh water is intro-
duced, and the mixture is pumped into an electrical desalting and drying unit
(EDDU), where it passes through an electrical field and a salt water phase is sepa-
rated. If the salt is not removed at this stage, it will be deposited later on the tubes
of the ovens or heat exchangers. This can cause plugging and corrosion.
Crude Oil Distillation 253
The desalted crude oil passes through additional heat exchangers to the first at-
mospheric tower Tl. Light gasoline 2 is separated at the top of this tower from a
mixture of anti-corrosive additives added to the raw petroleum because of its high
sulfur content. The sulfur compounds can be very corrosive to the metallic tower
walls and this can lead to destruction of the units. Anti-corrosive additives slow
down corrosion of the rectification units. The bottom product from rectification
tower 1 passes to oven O2. There, it is heated to a temperature of approximately
350°C. A mixture of vapor and petroleum liquid passes from oven O2 into rectifi-
cation tower T2. The volatile product obtained in T2 is gasoline fraction. This
fraction passes to the next rectification tower T3, where it is fractionated into
fractions of light hydrocarbons, gases 3, and residue. The residue from T3 passes
to the section for secondary gasoline distillation (SSGD), where the gasoline frac-
tion is fractionated into narrower fractions (4-7) used for the production of fuels
and petrochemicals. The side-streams from rectification tower T2 consist of the
following fuel fractions: 8 - kerosene fraction with boiling range of 180-230°C, 9
- light diesel fraction (230-280°C), and 10 - heavy diesel fraction (280-350°C).
Rectification tower T2 employs intermediate reflux streams, which come from the
stripping section of three towers. Stream 15 is fed to the stripping sections of the
three towers as well as tower T2 in order to reduce the partial pressure of the light
products during rectification.
Petroleum from T2 that is not vaporized passes to oven O4, where it is
heated to a temperature of approximately 425°C (the input temperature in vacuum
tower T4). After this, the heated atmospheric residue passes to the vacuum tower
254 Chapter 5
T4 where it is fractionated into: oil fraction 11, gases, cracking products and the
rest of heavy diesel fraction 14, and vacuum residue or goudron 12.
It is seen that in the illustration (Fig. 5.19), a two-step atmospheric rectifica-
tion unit is combined with a one-step vacuum rectification unit. In modern refin-
eries, however, the combined rectification unit consists of a two-step atmospheric
unit and a two-step vacuum rectification unit. At the MIDER refinery in Germany
(the most modern refinery in Europe), a combination of a three-step atmospheric
and a one-step vacuum rectification unit is used. A scheme for this unit is shown
in Figure 5.20.
The unit shown in Figure 5.20 saves about 50,000 tons of fuel oil per year,
compared with a one-step rectification process with the same capacity. The proc-
ess development was based on the objective of avoiding unnecessary overheating
of light components. Additionally, it avoids the thermal degrading associated with
drawing off of heavy cuts. To this end, crude oil is pre-fractionated in the tower
operating with best conditions of 125°C and 2 bar, and then in a second stage at
131°C and 1 bar. The pre-distilled petroleum is then fractionated in the main atmo-
spheric tower at 1 bar and 357°C. The bottom product (atmospheric residue) is
subsequently heated to 416°C and passed to the vacuum column.
Processing of petroleum under the above-specified conditions results in a
vacuum residue of 585°C cut point. The combined rectification yields the fol-
lowing cuts:
• Straight-run gasoline (boiling begins 80°C)
• Naphtha as feedstock for the petrochemical industry (80-95°C)
• Heavy naphtha (96-160°C)
• Kerosene (160-225°C)
• Light and heavy gas oil and vacuum gas oil (225-400°C)
• Medium and heavy vacuum fraction as cat cracker feed (400-585°C)
• Vacuum residue for bitumen production and feed for visbreaker.
The distillation tower is the most important equipment used in rectification units.
The different types of rectification towers and schemes have been described al-
ready in the preceding sections. In addition to towers, there are also other major
items of equipment used in the rectification unit. These are essentially units used
for heat transfer. Heat exchangers play a very important role not only in rectifica-
tion units, but also in petroleum processing as a whole. All the heat exchangers
used in the petroleum industry can be classified as follows:
• air-coolers
• tube-bundle or shell and tube heat exchanger
• finned heat exchanger
• U-tube heat exchanger
• double-pipe heat exchanger
The first four types of heat exchangers are especially popular in the petro-
leum industry. The double-pipe heat exchanger is only used for heating high vis-
cosity materials such as vacuum residue or bitumen. Figure 5.21 shows an exam-
ple of the horizontal tube-bundle heat exchanger.
The example of the heat exchanger shown in Figure 5.21 is used in the low
temperature range because of thermal expansion of the tubes. The U-tube heat
exchanger and finned heat exchanger were developed for operating at higher tem-
peratures. The last has the largest temperature interval of operation. Figures 5.22
and 5.23 show examples of these two types of heat exchangers, respectively.
From Figures 5.22 and 5.23, it is seen that there is room to accommodate the
thermal expansion of the tubes. In the case of the finned heat exchanger, the tubes
can expand in an expandable shell, whereas in the case of the U-tube heat ex-
changer, expansion room is provided because of the existence of free fixed tubes
in a firm shell.
Crude Oil Distillation 257
The heat exchangers can be installed both vertically and horizontally. The
heaters for the rectification-tower bottom-product reflux are special units of inter-
est. There are four types of heat exchanger schemes. These are shown in Figure
Fig. 5.21: Horizontal tube-bundle (shell and tube) heat exchanger.
~TT~ r\
The schemes with natural reflux are operated based on the principle of natu-
ral convection (i.e. circulation based on density difference between cold and
heated fluid streams) to create a thermo-siphon. The hotter stream has the lower
density. In natural reflux, the heated feed passes to the top of the heat exchanger
and then to the bottom of tower by itself while the colder stream drains from the
tower bottom to the heater. Forced reflux is based on using pumps for the circula-
The last major items of equipment in rectification units are the separators.
Separators are also used in many other technological schemes in the petroleum
industry where there is the need to separate materials based on density difference.
Usually, separators are vessels and can be classified as:
• horizontal
• vertical
• spherical
Processing of Light and Heavy
262 Chapter 6
The olefins formed during thermal cracking are characterized by the fact
that the bond in the (^-position (the second bond from the double bond) is weaker
than the C-C bond in the paraffin chain. The energy of the bond in the paraffin
chain is approximately 320 kJ/mol, whereas the energy of the bond in the p-
position is 259 kJ/mol and the energy of the C-C bond in the a-position is 371
kJ/mol. This means that the olefins formed during cracking can be cracked more
extensively than the initial paraffins.
The side chains of aromatic rings can be cracked very extensively. The
energy of the bond in the (i-position for these compounds is 273 kJ/mol.
The next step after "chain start" is "chain growth". The same reactions as
occurred during "chain start" also occur in this stage of thermal cracking. How-
ever, the most important reaction of "chain growth" is the reaction for formation
of light stable molecules (HR), from the radical (-R) formed during chain start as
well as from the heavier radical from the feed molecule (6.2).
Different radicals have different reactivity for thermal cracking. In the fol-
lowing example, the radicals are presented in order of their reaction abilities:
Another reaction type that occurs during the "chain growth" step of thermal
cracking is the addition reaction involving a radical and a double bond (6.4).
Chain termination is the last stage of every chain reaction. There are two
types of reactions that typically occur in thermal cracking chain termination. One
type is radical recombination (6.5).
The greatest problem during thermal cracking arises from reactions involv-
ing aromatic feed. Aromatic compounds in the feed have a very high tendency to
undergo polycondensation reactions that lead to coke formation. Coke formation
decreases the yields of the desired gasoline and diesel fractions. One example of a
polycondensation reaction is shown in reaction (6.7).
N v. . N
,p) (6.10)
tioned earlier, the equilibrium constant can be calculated based on the thermody-
namic conditions of the system. This can be done by using equation (6.12)
K P j = exp(-AG/RT) (6.12)
The reactions that proceed with changes in volume and pressure are very
important. Thermal cracking proceeds at high temperatures, and many products of
this process are gaseous. This means that there is a volume increase during the
reaction. This dependence can be described by equation (6.13).
AG = AG 0 +19.13-log(P-T) (6.13)
It is obvious from equations (6.12) and (6.13) that the higher the pressure is,
the smaller is the equilibrium constant. This is valid for reactions such as thermal
cracking, which proceed with a volume increase. It means that a higher pressure
leads to an acceleration of polycondensation, alkylation, hydrogenation and other
reactions that proceed with a volume decrease.
The thermodynamic possibility of a reaction can be estimated by the value
of the Gibbs energy difference. Gibbs energy is the part of the internal energy of
the substance, which can be converted into work. This means that a reaction can
go spontaneously only in the case where the difference between the Gibbs energy
of products and reactants is negative. This implies that part of the Gibbs energy
has been converted into the work needed for making the reaction go.
Gibbs energy contains two values: enthalpy and entropy. Generally, this
energy can be presented as in equation (6.14).
G = H-T-S (6.14)
T - temperature
The next equation (6.15), which is a derivation from equation (6.14), is used
for the calculation of the difference of the Gibbs energy. This equation is known as
Gibbs-Helmholtz equation.
AG = A H - T - A S (6.15)
AG = A + B - T (6.16)
temperature can be quite slow and impossible to carry out at industrial scale. Thus,
often it becomes necessary to increase the temperature of the process in order to
increase the velocity of the reaction, despite that this may not lead to the maximum
possible degree of conversion of the reactants. It is well known that increase of the
temperature by 10°C leads to an increase in the reaction velocity of 2-4 times.
This dependence can be described by the Arrhenius equation (6.17).
k = ko • exp(-EA/RT) (6.17)
NE = N-exp(-E/RT) (6.18)
Every real chemical reaction leads to formation of product over many steps.
It also leads to formation of compounds that exist only for a short time as well.
This was shown in reaction (6.2). This chemical reaction can be represented by an
overall general equation (6.19).
The transition complex in equation (6.19) is derived from the collision the-
ory. The main idea in this theory is that two molecules form a transition complex
by collision, which can exist only for a short time. Then, the activation energy is
the difference in the energy levels of the reactants and the transition complex. This
is presented in Figure 6.2.
From Figure 6.2, it is obvious that the formation of a transition complex is
possible only if a higher energy than the activation energy is released by the colli-
sion of two molecules. This implies that the kinetic energy of the movement of
molecule, as well as the rotational energy and vibrational energy of the reactants
must be higher than the activation energy to enable the formation of the transition
From equation (6.17) and Figure 6.1, it is obvious that temperature has a
large influence on every type of reaction. Desired reactions during thermal crack-
ing are reactions that lead to breakage of hydrocarbons. These types of reactions
are referred to as monomolecular reactions. This means that only one molecule of
Processing of Light and Heavy Distillates 269
reactant is needed to react to the product. The reaction velocity of such a reaction
can hardly be influenced by pressure. On the other hand, bi-molecular reactions
can be greatly influenced by pressure. These include polycondensation, alkylation,
hydration, and recombination. Most polymolecular reactions are undesired in
thermal cracking. However, most modern thermal cracking plants operate at high
pressures. The reason to carry out the industrial process under pressure is to pre-
vent further cracking of the light cracking products to gas. It should be noted that
the desired product during thermal cracking is the light liquid fraction.
One additional kinetic theory that deserves to be mentioned is the theory
based on the Eyring equation. The essence in this theory is captured by the fol-
lowing phrase credited to Henry Eyring in 1945: "... a molecular system ... passes
... from one state of equilibrium to another ... by means of all possible intermediate
paths, but the path that is most economical in energy will be more often traveled."
The equation of the chemical reaction (6.19), which was used for the interpretation
of the kinetic theory based on the Arrhenius equation, is modified in order to ex-
plain the Eyring equation, as shown in equation (6.20).
It is obvious that the difference between equation (6.19) and (6.20) is that
the formation of the transition complex A—B is an equilibrium reaction. This
means, for example, that by reaction (6.20) shown for thermal cracking, the tran-
sition complex is an unstable compound that reacts immediately to products or
back to reactants. The reaction velocity of the transition complex formation can be
calculated by equation (6.21).
Reaction patch
Fig. 6.2: Definition of activation energy.
270 Chapter 6
= -k 2 -[A-B] (6.22)
Equation (6.22) can be rewritten based on equations (6.23) and (6.24) to the
form in equation (6.25).
k=K=-VT/h (6.27)
It was shown earlier in equation (6. 12) that the equilibrium constant depends
on the thermodynamic characteristics of the reaction system. This dependency can
be rewritten as in equation (6.28) for the transition complex.
AG= = - R - T - l n ( K = ) (6.28)
The basic form of the equation for the calculating of the Gibbs energy was
given by equation (6.14). However this equation must be rewritten by equation
(6.29) to calculate the activation Gibbs energy.
The activation enthalpy in the case presented in equation (6.26) can be de-
scribed as the enthalpy difference between the reactants and the transition com-
plex. This is presented in Figure 6.3.
272 Chapter 6
Potential energy
Reaction patch
The meaning of the activation entropy can be explained in the same way as
was done for the activation enthalpy. Activation entropy is presented as the differ-
ence between entropy of reactants and entropy of transition complex.
The thermodynamic meaning of activation Gibbs energy is the thermody-
namic possibility of reaction from reactants to transition complex. However, the
value of the activation Gibbs energy can be interpreted as a measure of the stabil-
ity of the transition complex. The less the activation Gibbs energy is, the more
stable is the transition complex formed during the reaction. The reaction velocity
depends on the concentration of the transition complex, which increases with its
increasing stability. There are three important consequences regarding the reaction
system which depend on the activation Gibbs energy:
AG = > 0 - reaction is impossible
AG= = 0 - equilibrium reaction, there is no change of reactants concentrations
AG= < 0 - reaction happens spontaneously
= -AH=/R-T + (6.30)
The Eyring equation can be written based on equations (6.27) and (6.30) as
shown in equation (6.31).
Fig. 6.4: Graphical determination of the thermodynamic parameters of the Eyring equa-
ateness of using this theory by crude oil chemists in many cases. However, the
Eyring equation gives much more information about the mechanism of the reac-
tions occurring in the system in comparison to the Arrhenius equation. As was
shown earlier, both theories have their advantages and disadvantages. Hence, the
application of any of the theories must be decided in every case based on the com-
plexity of the reactions occurring within the reaction system and the importance of
studying the reaction mechanism for the system.
More about kinetic evaluation of chemical reactions and the different types
of chemical reaction can be found in references 13-16 at the end of part III of this
The kinetic evaluation of the chemical reactions can be carried out by much
more complicated models than has been presented. The evaluation with such mod-
els is often possible by numerical methods alone. There are many programs and
special software packages in the market which can be used for kinetic evaluation.
References 17-20 show a few programs and methods which can be used for the
evaluation of cracking processes.
Thermal cracking units provide a severe treatment to the feed and, often,
convert up to 50% of the incoming feed to naphtha and light diesel oils.
To obtain a more severe treatment of the feed during thermal cracking, a
two-stage cracking unit is employed. A schematic of such a unit is shown in Fig-
ure 6.1.
In the scheme (Fig. 6.5), the feed (heavy residue from atmospheric rectifica-
tion) passes to the bottom part of tower T3 and to the upper part of the low-
pressure evaporator T4. The feed in T4 mixes with the heavy gas oil vapors and
then passes to T3. The feed from the bottom of T3 passes to oven Ol for the heavy
Tower T3 has a blind tray in its middle section. The vapor from the bottom
part of the tower can pass through this tray to the upper section of the tower, but
the liquid from the upper section cannot pass to the bottom section. The liquid
from the upper section of tower T3 passes to the deep cracking oven O2.
The cracked products from both the ovens are directed to the reaction tower
Tl. The mixture of vapor and liquid from Tl passes to the high-pressure evapora-
tor T2. In T2 the cracking residue is separated from the vapor. This residue passes
to the low-pressure evaporator T4, and is partly evaporated. The evaporator T4 has
a blind tray in the middle section similar to that of tower T3. The vapor product
(heavy gas oil) is partly condensed in the upper section of T4 and mixed with the
fresh feed. The non-condensed part leaves the cracking unit as kerosene - gas oil
fraction 2.
The volatile product from T2 passes to the rectification tower T3. The gas 1
and gasoline fractions leave the upper section of tower T3. The gasoline fraction
passes to the rectification tower T5 for further fractionation into fractions of light
gasoline 3 and gasoline fraction 4.
Processing of Light and Heavy Distillates 275
The last product of the thermal cracking unit is the cracking residue 5, the
bottom product of the low-pressure evaporator T4.
Thermal cracking processes can only convert up to 50% of the feed, as
stated previously. Catalytic cracking was developed in order to improve the con-
version level of the heavy feed.
The use of thermal cracking units to convert gas oils into naphtha began in
1913. These units produced small quantities of unstable naphtha and large
amounts of by-product coke. While they succeeded in providing a small increase
in gasoline yields, it was the commercialization of the fluid catalytic cracking
process in 1942 that really established the foundation for modern petroleum re-
fining. The process not only provided a highly efficient means of converting high-
boiling gas oils into naphtha to meet the rising demand for high-octane gasoline,
but it also represented a breakthrough in catalyst technology.
The use of a catalyst in the cracking reaction increases the yield of high-
quality products under much less severe operating conditions than in thermal
cracking. Several complex reactions are involved, but the principal mechanism by
276 Chapter 6
which long-chain hydrocarbons are cracked into lighter products can be explained
by the carbonium ion theory. According to this theory, the catalysts can be classi-
fied into two groups as follows:
• catalysis on metals
• catalysis on acid catalysts
All these reaction steps are presented graphically in Figure 6. 6. From Figure
6.6, it is obvious that catalysis is a very complicated physical and chemical proc-
ess. Also, each of the seven catalysis steps shown can proceed with a different
velocity. The slowest stage is called the rate limiting step of the process, because
this limits the overall velocity or rate of the process. The general velocity of the
chemical catalytic reaction has the same value as the velocity of the slowest step
of the catalytic process. This is why the reaction velocity of a catalytic reaction is
called the effective reaction velocity.
Processing of Light and Heavy Distillates 277
Table 6.1 shows a comparison of the most important process constants for
different regimes of catalysis.
where R - reactant
X - catalyst
R—X - transition complex of reactant with catalyst
P-X - transition complex of product with catalyst
P - product
278 Chapter 6
Table 6.1: Comparison of some process parameters for different catalysis re-
From equation (6.36), it is clear that this reaction has more than one activa-
tion energy. There are at least two activation energies. It is remarkable that each of
the activation energies is smaller than the activation energy of the reaction without
catalyst. Figure 6.7 shows a comparison of a non-catalytic reaction and a catalytic
It is obvious from Figure 6.7 that every chemical reaction can proceed and
react from reactants to products only after it has been able to go over the reaction
barrier, which is equal to the activation energy. It is to be seen that the non-
catalytic reaction only has one activation energy, EA. The reaction path of the
catalytic reaction proceeds over three energetic barriers: E A i, EA2 and EA3- How-
ever, the adsorption energy of the reactants on catalyst, the activation energy of the
catalytic reaction and the desorption energy of products from catalyst are each
much smaller than the activation energy of the non-catalytic reaction. Conse-
quently, a catalytic reaction proceeds faster than a non-catalytic reaction. Catalysts
can be compared to a leader that leads the reaction over more energetically effec-
tive states than happens by non-catalytic reactions.
There are three theories of catalysis that are used in modern science to ex-
plain the mechanism of catalytic reactions. These are:
- geometric theory
- electron theory
- chemical theory
The main idea of the geometric theory of catalysis is the assumption that the
activity of the catalyst depends on the geometrical form of the crystal grid of the
catalysts. Catalysts with crystal grid similar in form to the reactant molecules are
usually more active than catalysts with crystal grids different from the reactant
Processing of Light and Heavy Distillates 279
Reaction patch
+ H2 (6.41)
From Figure 6.9, it is obvious that a strictly defined size of catalyst pores
allows only the molecules with size less than the pore size to leave the catalyst
pore. This leads to the selective isomerization of aromatic compounds as shown in
the example in Figure 6.9.
The catalysts used during catalytic cracking or any other catalytic processes
have two main properties that determine the choice for the right catalyst for the
process. These are
• catalyst activity
• catalyst selectivity
Catalyst activity shows how intensively the catalysts promote the reaction.
Selectivity shows the ability to promote the desired reaction and inhibit any other
reaction that leads to by-products.
Typical modern catalytic cracking reactors operate at 480-550°C and at
relatively low pressures. At first, natural silica-alumina clays were used as cata-
lysts, but by the mid-1970s, zeolites and molecular sieve-based catalysts were
used. Zeolite catalysts give more selective yields of products, while reducing the
formation of gas and coke.
Processing of Light and Heavy Distillates 283
A modern catalytic cracking unit employs a finely divided solid catalyst that
has properties analogous to a fluid when it is agitated by air or oil vapors. The
principles of operation of the cracking unit are shown in Figure 6.10. In Figure
6.10, a reactor and regenerator are located side by side. The oil feed is vaporized
when it meets the hot catalyst at the feed-injection point, and the vapor flows up-
ward through the riser reactor at a high velocity, providing a fluidizing effect for
the catalyst particles. Catalytic reaction occurs exclusively in the riser reactor.
Coke, a byproduct of cracking, is deposited on the catalyst particles. Since
these deposits impair reaction efficiency, the catalyst must be continuously put
through the regenerator, where the carbon is burned with a current of air. The high
temperature of the regeneration process (675-785°C) heats the catalyst to the de-
sired reaction temperature for re-contacting fresh feed in the unit.
In order to regenerate the activity of the catalyst completely, a small amount
of fresh catalyst is added to the system from time to time. Figure 6.11 depicts
typical reactor-regenerator sections of a catalytic cracking unit used in petroleum
Regenerator Reactor
Fuel gas
Propane/ propene
Bu tane / butyl ene
The catalytic cracking process is very flexible, and operating parameters can
be adjusted to meet changing product demand. In addition to cracking, catalytic
activities include dehydrogenation, hydrogenation, and isomerization.
The most common process is fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) in which the oil
is cracked in the presence of a finely divided catalyst maintained in a fluidized
state by the oil vapors. The fluid cracker consists of a catalyst section and a frac-
tionating section that operate together as an integrated processing unit. The cata-
lyst section contains the reactor and regenerator. The fluid catalyst is continuously
circulated between the reactor and the regenerator using air, oil vapors, and steam
as the conveying media (see Fig. 6.11).
waste gas product waste gas product
25 «—
The demand for light fractions grows all the time, at the same time the re-
quirement for heavy residual fuel oils declines. Furthermore, many of the new
sources of crude petroleum have yielded heavier crude oils with higher natural
yields of residual fuels. As a result, refiners have become even more dependent on
the conversion of residue components into lighter products.
In 1930, large volumes of residue were being processed in visbreaking units.
This simple process unit basically consists of a large oven that heats the feedstock
to a temperature in the range of 450 to 500°C. The residence time in the furnace is
carefully limited to prevent much of coke formation from taking place and clog-
ging the oven tubes. The heated feed is then charged to a reaction chamber, which
is kept at a pressure high enough to permit cracking of large molecules, but re-
stricts coke formation. The process fluid from the reaction chamber is cooled to
inhibit further cracking and then charged to a rectification tower for separation
into components.
Visbreaking units typically convert about 15% of the feedstock to naphtha
and diesel oils and produce a lower-viscosity residual fuel.
More details about the chemistry of visbreaking are given in chapter 8.
burned as fuel in admixture with coal. Coker economics usually favor the conver-
sion of residue into light products even if there is no market for coke.
All the existing coking units can be classified into three main types:
• Discontinuous coking
• Delayed coking
• Continuous coking
The final coking process is continuous coking. During this coking, the feed
is heated in the reactor by contact with a hot medium. Coke formation proceeds on
the surface of the medium particles. After coking in the reactor, the medium with
coke on the surface passes to the regenerator. Coke is combusted in the regenera-
tor, and the heat generated by coke combustion is used for heating the medium.
The heated medium (usually ceramic particles) passes back to the coker.
More details concerning the coking chemistry and the equipment for coking
are given in chapter 8.
Sulfides and disulfides are hydrogenated in two steps. The reactions for the
hydrogenation of sulfides and disulfides are shown in the reaction equations (6.45)
and (6.46).
2RSR + 2H2 -»2R-SH + 2RH + 3H2 -> 2R-H + 2RH + 2H2S (6.45)
The next important class of heteroatom containing compounds are those that
contain nitrogen. The hydrogenation of these compounds proceeds with the for-
mation of ammonia (6.48).
2H2 H2 -» CH3-CH2-CHrCH2-NH2
N "
The velocity of this reaction (6.51) as well as that for most hydrogenation
reactions is very slow without using a catalyst. Moreover, reaction (6.51) is an
exothermic reaction, meaning that there is a thermodynamic limitation in that the
conversion in this reaction decreases with increasing temperature of the process
(see section 6.1). Hydrogenation of many hydrocarbons is already impossible at
temperatures over 400°C. In section 6.1, it was shown that pressure has a large
influence on reactions that proceed with a volume change. It is obvious from all
the hydroprcessing reactions shown that this process proceeds with a volume de-
crease, meaning that hydroprocessing must be carried out under a hydrogen pres-
sure that is as high as possible.
As mentioned already, the majority of hydroprocessing reactions are exo-
thermic reactions. However, the hydroprocessing of light fractions from the cata-
lytic cracking unit can have a relatively small exothermic heat effect, approxi-
mately 80 kJ/kg. On the other hand, the hydroprocessing of more unsaturated and
heteroatom rich feed can have an exothermic heat effect of up to 500 kJ/kg. It has
therefore become essential that most modern hydroprocessing plants have heat
exchangers to take out the heat during the process.
Modern hydroprocessing is carried out with the use of catalysts. The typical
catalysts for this process are oxides and sulfides of nickel, cobalt, molybdenum,
and vanadium. Recently, new catalysts for hydrotreatment have been developed
based on metal cluster compounds.
In a typical catalytic hydroproceesing unit (Fig. 6.12), the feedstock 1 is de-
aerated and mixed with hydrogen 2. This is preheated in a fired heater O to the
temperature of 350-400°C and then charged through a fixed-bed catalytic reactor
R. In the reactor, the sulfur and nitrogen compounds in the feedstock are converted
into H2S and NH^. The reaction products leave the reactor and, after separation in
the hot separator Tl and cooling to a low temperature, enter the liquid/gas separa-
tors T2 in which wash water 3 is used to remove the ammonia and hydrogen sul-
fide. The sour water 4 leaves the separator in the bottom section of the equipment.
The overhead gas from the cold separator T2 is charged to the high-pressure
scrubber T3 to remove hydrogen sulfide from the recycled gas. It is chemically
absorbed in an amine solution 5. The purified recycle gas is mixed with fresh
hydrogen 2 to compensate for the losses in the hydrogenation reactions. The recy-
cled gas compressor routes the gas back to the reactor loop. The liquid product
streams are sent to a rectification tower T4 where the volatile product is hydro-
treated naphtha.
The bottom product from the T4 is sent to the vacuum rectification tower T5
for further rectification. The bottom product from vacuum tower T5 is the middle
Hydrotreating processes differ depending upon the feed utilized and the
catalysts used. Typical catalysts for hydroproceesing were described in the pre-
ceding section.
290 Chapter 6
Depending on the feed used, hydroprocessing can be used for the treatment
of middle fractions, for example, to improve the burning characteristics of distil-
lates, such as kerosene. Hydrotreatment of a kerosene fraction can convert aro-
matics into naphthenes.
The hydroprocessing of heavy oil fractions, for example, lubricating oil
hydroprocessing, uses a catalytic treatment of the oil with hydrogen to improve
product quality. The objectives in mild hydroprocessing include saturation of
olefins and reduction of the acid nature of the oil. Mild oil hydrotreating also may
be used following solvent processing.
Hydrotreating also can be employed to improve the quality of pyrolysis
gasoline, a by-product from the manufacture of ethylene. Traditionally, the outlet
for this gasoline has been motor gasoline blending, a suitable route in view of its
high octane number. However, only small portions of untreated pyrolysis gasoline
can be used for blending owing to its unacceptable odor, color, and gum-forming
Processing of Light and Heavy Distillates 291
tendencies. The quality of pyrolysis gasoline, which is high in diolefin content, can
be satisfactorily improved by hydroprocessing, whereby conversion of diolefins
into mono-olefins provides an acceptable product for motor gasoline blending.
Just like any catalytic process in the crude oil industry, the big problem in
hydroprocessing is the deactivation of the catalyst during the process. There two
main mechanisms of catalyst deactivation during hydroprocessing:
1. deactivation by coke formation on catalyst surface
2. deactivation by heavy metals deposition on catalyst active centers
Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo
Fig. 6.13: Catalyst deactivation by absorption of coke or similar compounds.
Coke formation on the catalyst proceeds in same way as was shown in sec-
tion 6.1 for thermal cracking. However, the presence of the catalyst changes the
mechanism of the polycondesation reaction. Coke formation in all catalytic proc-
esses proceeds by the ion mechanism and not by the radical chain mechanism
applicable for thermal processes. One example of a possible pathway for coke
formation is shown in reaction (6.52).
Catalyst can also be deactivated by adsorption of asphaltenes during the
hydroprocessing of heavy crude oil residues.
All heavy crude oil residues have heavy metals such as Ni, V or Fe in their
structrure. These metals are bonded as organometalic compounds. At high
temperatures and for hydrogenation reactions, these compounds are cracked and
heavy metals are deposited on the catalyst surface. These metals can also react
with hydrogen sulfur from the gas phase to form metal sulfides. The deposition of
sulfides of iron, vanadium or nickel leads to irreversible poisoning of the catalyst.
This is the difference between catalyst deactivation by metals and deactivation by
coke; the former leads to an irreversible loss of the catalyst activity.
292 Chapter 6
The main reaction that occurs during catalytic reforming is the aromatization
reaction. However, the aromatization reaction involves many simple reactions that
are presented in the following set of reactions (6.53):
From the reaction (6.53) line 1, it can be seen that aromatization proceeds
initially from paraffin through olefms, diolefins and triolefins. From this example,
it is obvious that less unsaturated compounds are formed during catalytic reform-
ing. They change their structure under the influence of the catalysts from unsatu-
rated and chemically unstable olefins to stable aromatic compounds (see (6.53)).
Chrome oxide, copper chromide and aluminum-molybdenum (MoO3/AlO3)
were the first catalysts used for the reforming process. This catalyst promotes all
the reactions that occur during reforming. This catalyst thus belongs to the cata-
lysts with very low selectivity. During the reforming, as with every other catalytic
process in crude oil refining, coke forming occurs, leading to a very fast deactiva-
tion of the catalyst. During reforming, the most frequent reactions that occur are
cyclization reactions that can proceed further until aromatics are formed. How-
ever, recent investigations have shown that cyclization is the last step in these
processes. In the case of the reaction of naphthene side-chains, cyclization can
actually be the last reaction (6.54)
From both reactions (6.53) and (6.54), it can be seen that reforming pro-
ceeds with the formation of a high amount of hydrogen. However, reforming is
carried out under a hydrogen atmosphere in order to reduce coke formation. Be-
cause hydrogen is one of the reforming products, the high hydrogen content in the
reaction zone slows down the reforming reactions as well. This is why it is so
important to choose the hydrogen pressure in the reforming reactor so that the
reforming reactions will proceed fast enough for industrial applications.
294 Chapter 6
The reformed gasoline has an octane number between 90 and 100. At the
higher octane number level, product yields are smaller, and more frequent catalyst
regeneration is required. During the course of the reforming process, small
amounts of coke are deposited on the catalyst, causing a gradual deterioration of
the product yield pattern. Some units are semi-regenerative facilities. That is, they
must be removed from service periodically to burn off the coke and rejuvenate the
catalyst system. However, increased demand for high octane fuels has also led to
the development of continuous regeneration systems, which avoid periodic unit
shutdowns and maximize the yield of high octane reformates.
fuel gas
1 ' ^~~^
light fraction
The steadily increasing demands for premium gasoline requires higher ca-
pacities for isomerization, reforming and alkylation. In addition, the more stringent
legislation on aromatics in reformulated gasoline is an important incentive for
refineries to saturate benzene and remove naphthenes in isomerization units. The
first widespread use of isomerization was during the Second World War, because
of the great demand for aviation gasoline, and afterward the quantities of isobutane
available for alkylation feedstock were insufficient. This deficiency was remedied
by isomerization of the more abundant normal butane into isobutane. The isomeri-
zation catalyst is aluminum chloride supported on alumina and promoted by hy-
drogen chloride gas.
Processing of Light and Heavy Distillates 297
The real reaction mechanism on the surface of the catalyst particle can be
represented by a more complicated multistage reaction (6.56):
dehydro- protonation
In the first stage, the olefin reacts with the catalyst, for example sulfuric acid
+ H 2 S0 4 HSO4 (6.58)
In the second stage, the butyl ion reacts with the olefin (6.60).
The third and last stage is most complicated. First of all, the migration of the
hydrogen atom proceeds at this stage (6.61).
All the carbon ions formed at this stage finally react with iso-butane in the
first stage with the formation of stable molecules and new carbon ions.
All the alkylation units used in the industry can by classified into different
groups according to the catalyst used:
• sulfuric acid alkylation
• hydrofluoric acid
300 Chapter 6
n-C 4
AA alkylate
olef ins
The feed and recycled iso-butane pass to reactor 1 (Fig. 6.18). The product
from the reactor passes to separator 2, where this is separated to acid and the prod-
uct. The product is then distilled into an alkylate (desired product) fraction and the
volatile product containing the hydrofluoric acid vapor and the rest of the iso-
butane. This volatile product passes to the next separation tower 4 where this is
separated into propane with the hydrogen sulfide from the product and the bottom
product directed to reactor 1. The propane with the hydrogen sulfide passes to the
separation tower 5, the bottom product of which is pure propane.
use of diesel fuel. Accordingly, the fuel requirements for trucks have been reduced
by up to 4%.
In the example of "Aquazole", it has been shown that even the simplest
process such as blending that is carried out in the crude oil refinery can have a
large influence on the quality of the crude oil products and the economics of the
Environmental Issues Facing the
Refining Industry
Many ecological problems that arise in the crude oil industry were already
discussed in chapter one of this book. Thus, the objective of this chapter is to show
that in order to develop an appropriate technology for crude oil treatment, not only
are economically rational decisions required, but also ecologically acceptable
decisions are needed. Nowadays it has been very important to change the world-
view on environmental issues, such that everyone understands that our environ-
ment is a very sensitive system that must be protected.
The first steps that need to be taken in the direction of environmental devel-
opment of the crude oil industry were already done more than thirty years ago. In
January 1, 1970 in the USA, a new ecological law called the National Environ-
mental Policy Act (NEPA) was accepted. The main objectives of this law are to
ensure that the necessity to estimate all the possible influences of any industrial
activity on the environment is carried out, and to decrease the negative influence
of the industry on the biosphere. The highlights of this law are given as follows.
An analysis of the influence of the industrial activity on the environment must be
done before starting the activity. Also, the analysis must be done not only by spe-
cialists from the industry, but also by independent specialists from the area where
this industrial activity is to be carried out.
This new ecological system based on NEPA, called Environmental Assess-
ment or Environmental Impact Assessment, was started in the USA. The next
country that started using an ecological law in order to change industrial policy
was Canada. Then, many European countries started their ecological policies
because of the clear necessity for environmental protection. Now almost all the
countries around the world use environmental laws in their industrial policies.
304 Chapter 7
This chapter thus deals with the ecological consequences of crude oil treat-
ment and the use of crude oil products. It also deals with the methods currently in
place to improve the ecological outlook of the crude oil Industry.
The first operation during the mechanical step of soil cleaning after the
damage on a pipeline is to minimize the size of the affected area (i.e. the area of
contact between crude oil and the soil should be made as small as possible). This
can be done by leading the petroleum spill to natural containments. This is the
simplest way but is not reasonable all the time. It is not always possible to find
natural containment near the place of pipeline damage. Then, such an operation as
described above can actually result in the contamination of a larger soil area while
trying to lead crude oil to a natural containment. Thus, if it is impossible to find a
nearby natural containment, then it is necessary to build a dam around the place of
damage in order to prevent the spread of crude oil to other areas.
Environmental Issues in the Refinery 305
Special pumps are used for removing crude oil from the surface of the soil.
Then, the surface of the soil must be collected and utilized or disposed of. In very
rare cases where the crude oil contamination penetrates very deep into the soil
layer, typically over ten meters, it becomes necessary to completely burn the soil
layer. After burning up the contaminated soil, it is replaced with fresh soil because
the ecological system of the burnt soil had been completely destroyed by burning.
Natural adsorbents such as peat or sand are used to simplify the removal of
crude oil from the soil surface. Example of the dam and control system on pipeline
place of damage is presented in Figure 7.1.
Fig. 7.1: Place of pipeline damage during the restoration of the soil.
2. Crude oil and natural adsorbent layer
3. Water
4. Crude oil
5. Station of ground water sample extraction
6. Borehole to ground water
7. Soil layer
8. Ground water
Water can enter the dam area in Figure 7.1 from rain or snow coming into
the damage area. Crude oil film, 4, is collected by special pumps from the dam.
The upper layer of the soil together with crude oil adsorbed on natural adsorbent is
removed from the damage area by a dredger and either disposed of or put into use.
Often, in order to ensure that crude oil is successfully removed from the damage
area, ground water analysis is performed in analyzing stations installed near the
dam. It is important to control the quality of ground water in the damage area
because if the crude oil contamination reaches the ground water it can be spread
further to areas around the damage area and contaminate a wider area than was at
the time of pipeline damage [38].
Biological self-restoration of the soil after crude oil contamination is a very
long process. Usually, it takes over twenty years before the ecological system of
the contaminated area reaches a new ecological equilibrium. However, the process
306 Chapter 7
can be accelerated simply by loosening the soil. This action minimizes the oxygen
deficiency in the soil caused by formation of crude oil film on the surface.
Soil and water contamination can occur not only by damage of pipelines. A
majority of crude oil treatment processes need water either as cooling medium or
heating agent in heat exchangers, or simply as a reagent. These avenues lead to
oil-water contacts, which are responsible for formation of waste water that must be
cleaned before it is released back to the environment. There are many different
methods used for cleaning waste water. These can be classified as follows:
- mechanical method
- chemical method
- physical chemical method
- biological method
The types of contamination that emanate from the oil industry and can affect
natural water can be classified as follows:
- mechanical contamination: characteristic of this type of contamination is the
presence of a high concentration of insoluble solid particles in water,
- chemical contamination: characteristic of this type of contamination is the
presence of organic or inorganic pollutants in water; this type of water
contamination is especially typical of the crude oil industry,
-bacteriological or biological contamination are represented by contamina-
tion by bacteria or foreign biological material in certain ecological systems;
this type of contamination is atypical of the crude oil industry, and can only
occur through improper selection and use of biological cleaning methods,
- radioactive pollutions, this type of pollution is not usually present in the
crude oil industry,
- thermal pollution, this type of pollution is present by releasing a warmer
process water into the colder natural pools, ponds, or other surface waters;
although the potential is there, this type of pollution occurs very rarely in
the crude oil industry.
The choice of method and technological scheme for water cleaning in in-
dustry depends on many factors. However, the most important factor is the level of
cleanliness of the water as required by legislation in the area. Most modern indus-
try processes work with a closed water loop or circuit during production. In this
case, water must be only as clean as is needed for the process. In order to have
universal applicability, the old plants must be replaced with new and more eco-
logical based processes. For ecologically based processes, water in the circuit only
needs to be cleaned to as high a degree as is technically desired and economically
The main objective in the mechanical method of water cleaning is to remove
insoluble or solid contaminants from waste water by settling and filtration. Me-
chanical solid contaminants are separated by grids or fine filters depending on the
size of the contaminant particles. Liquid contamination from crude oil or its prod-
Environmental Issues in the Refinery 307
ucts must be separated from the water in special reservoirs by settling. The me-
chanical cleaning allows the separation from industrial waste water up to 95% of
contaminants. A schematic of the mechanical cleaning system is shown in Figure
Crude oil
Solid pollutants
Fig. 7.2: Principle of mechanical water cleaning.
cleaning in almost all modern crude oil refineries. The chemical cleaning is used
only in special cases if it is necessary to remove any contaminant which cannot by
removed by the physical-chemical method. Biological cleaning of waste water is
used only in the case where the water must leave the industrial water circuit and be
returned to natural lakes or pools.
The physical-chemical methods of waste water cleaning are the most im-
portant and most popular as they are included in almost all industrial technological
schemes of waste water treatment. Oil-water emulsion destruction by coagulation
of the disperse phase is the most popular method used as a second step for water
cleaning in water treatment processes in modern crude oil refineries. The objective
in this method is to destroy the stable oil-water emulsion by addition of inorganic
electrolytes. NaCl, H2SO4, FeSO4, Fe2(SO4)3, FeCl3, CaO, A12(SO4)3 can be used
as inorganic electrolytes. These electrolytes can be used separately or in combina-
tion with each other depending on the type of contaminants. These electrolytes,
when added, result in a decrease of the electrokinetic potential of oil-water emul-
sion and the destruction of the structural-mechanical barrier preventing the desired
coagulation of oil drops in water. It is important to note that some electrolytes are
able to recharge the oil droplets in the emulsion with the formation of an unstable
colloidal system. This type of emulsion is called opposite emulsion. Thus, it is
very important to determine the optimum concentration of electrolyte needed for
application for successful waste water treatment. The use of many electrolytes
allows considerable flexibility in this regard, and also leads to increased cleaning
efficiency. Currently, aluminum sulfate is the most popular electrolyte used for
waste water cleaning.
The coagulation intensity during cleaning by physical-chemical methods can
be increased by additional influence of factors such as electromagnetic field, tem-
perature or ultrasound. Ultrasound is used only in special cases because of the
deficit of knowledge of such processes. On the other hand, the influence of tem-
perature and electromagnetic field has been well investigated and widely used in
industrial waste water treatment plants. The use of such technologies in the crude
oil industry is relatively rare because of the high cost of a process that uses an
electromagnetic field. However, the use of such a technology can undoubtedly
improve the quality of water leaving the industry.
Very often, special filter systems are used for the separation of crude oil
from water as a form of waste water cleaning. The principle in such filtration
plants is not just ordinary filtration but is adsorptive filtration. The filter in such a
plant consists of a layer of adsorbents. Adsorbents usually used are oxidative ad-
sorbents or activated natural fibers.
A general scheme of a waste water treatment plant is presented in the exam-
ple shown in Figure 7.3. The scheme presented in Figure 7.3 is a very general
presentation of the possible water cleaning system in the refinery. Depending on
the amount of water and the type of contaminants, it can look different than what
is shown in Figure 7.3. However, the pool-collectors and collectors for technical
water, which were not described previously, are always part of every scheme of
Environmental Issues in the Refinery 309
the water circuit in refinery. The need for these elements is based on the possibility
that the formation waste water or need for technical water in the refinery can be
larger or smaller than the performance of the capacity of the water cleaning plant.
It must be noted that the cleanliness of the technical water from the waste water
cleaning plant is not sufficient for it to be released into natural pools. However, it
can be used in the refinery water circuit again.
Mechanical clean-
ing cleaning
Pool - collector
Fig. 7.3: A general scheme of industrial water circuit with water cleaning.
The atmosphere of our planet is a very sensitive system, such that even little
changes in the concentrations of the same gases present in the atmosphere can
strongly change the ecological equilibrium not only in the area of formation of the
pollutants, but also in areas many kilometers around. Using methods of preventing
the damage done by gas pollution as was shown for soil and water contamination
in section 7.2 is impossible because of the very high speed of spreading in the
environment for gaseous pollutants. This is why it is important to control the qual-
ity of the waste air or gas leaving the industrial circuit.
All the types of gas pollutants can be divided into:
- Mechanical particles (solid and liquid) in the form of aerosols
- Gaseous and vapor pollutants
The first group consists of solid particles of inorganic and also liquid drop-
lets (e.g. fog) all of which could be in the form of aerosols. Dust is a stable colloi-
dal system containing more large particles than smokes and fogs. The concentra-
310 Chapter?
m= -, (7.3)
H 2 At
However, the method using the dilution of the pollutants in the higher layers
of the atmosphere does not really save the environment from the contaminants. It
only moves the pollutants from the area of formation to other areas. Consequently,
it is better not to use this method if it is possible.
All the methods for gas cleaning can be classified into the following three
- mechanical cleaning
- electrostatic coagulation method
- cleaning using ultrasound
The mechanical methods can be classified into dry and humid methods. The
dry methods can be different such as in:
- gravitational settling
- centrifugal settling
- filtration
P= A •w (7.4)
rotation of parts of the chamber. Cyclones of various types are used as centrifugal
chambers. Cyclones are the most frequently applied units for the cleaning of aero-
sols (solid particles in gas) in the industry. Cyclones are characterized by their
high productivity in comparison to gravitational settling units. The size of the
particle that can be separated by this method can be approximately calculated by
empirical equation (7.5).
2Nco( Pp - P(! )
The next method for dry gas cleaning is filtration. Filtration is based on
passage of dirty gas through various filtering fabrics such as cotton, wool, chemi-
cal fibers, fiber glass, etc. or through other filtering materials such as ceramics,
metal ceramics, porous filters from plastic, etc. Special fibrous materials such as
fiber glass or wool are often used for gas cleaning. Fabric filters are applied for gas
cleaning at the temperature of waste gas of 60-65°C. Depending on colloidal
structure of initial waste gas, up to a 85-99% degree of cleaning can be achieve by
this method. The hydraulic resistance of the filter is about 1000 Pa.
The use of fiber filters allows the achievement of a degree of cleaning up to
99.9%. Using fiber glass as a filter material allows the cleaning of the waste gas at
a temperature up to 275°C.
Filtration is the most frequently used method for fine cleaning of waste
gases in industry. However, the energy needed for this method is higher than the
energy required for settling methods. Thus, this method should only be used in the
case where a high degree of cleaning is really needed.
Humid cleaning of waste gases is the next group of cleaning methods for
waste gases. This is based on washing of gas by a liquid (usually by water). The
contact surface area of liquid with particles in the waste gas stream should be as
large as possible, and the mixing of waste gas with liquid should also be as inten-
sive as possible. This is a universal method of particles of dust, smoke and fog
from industrial gases. It is the most widespread method used as a final stage of
mechanical cleaning. There are many different devices that are developed to use
the humid method of gas cleaning as a rational cleaning method.
Environmental Issues in the Refinery 313
Towers with special packings are used and they are characterized by their
simplicity of design and operation, stability in work, small hydraulic resistance
(300-800 Pa), and a rather small need of energy. In such devices, it is possible to
clean gases with initial gas pollution up to 6 g/m3. The efficiency of one step of
cleaning for this device for waste gas with pollutant particle size over five microns
is usually between 70% and 80%. The disadvantage of this method is that the void
volume of the packed tower is quickly blocked by dust, especially at a high initial
dust content.
Humid cyclones are used for cleaning large volumes of gas. They have
small hydraulic resistance - 400-850 Pa. The efficiency of gas cleaning for waste
gas with pollutant particle size of 2-5 microns is approximately 50%.
Foam devices are used for cleaning waste gas from pollutants with polydis-
perse colloidal structure. Intensive foam formation by this method is created by
linear speed of gas between 1 and 4 m/s. Foam cleaners have high efficiency of
gas cleaning and small hydraulic resistance (app. 600 Pa). For pollutants with
particle size over 5 microns, up to a 99% degree of cleaning can be achieved for
foam gas cleaners.
The scrubber is the most effective device for waste gas cleaning. However,
it consumes a large amount of energy for it to work. The speed of the waste gas
into a narrowing pipe can be up to 100-200 m/s, and in some special devices, it
can be up to 1200 m/s. At such a speed, the waste gas is highly dispersed into
smallest drops. This leads to an intensive collision of pollutant particles with drops
of liquid, and catching of these particles under the action of inertial forces. Scrub-
bers are universally small-sized units ensuring cleaning of fogs up to 99-100%,
waste gases with pollutant particles with size between 0.01 and 0.35 microns up to
50-85%, and waste gases with pollutant particles with size between 0.5-2 microns
up to 97%. The degree of cleaning for waste gases with particle size between 0.3
and 10 microns can be calculated by equation (7.6).
The biggest disadvantage of all humid methods of gas cleaning is the for-
mation of a large amount of liquid residue, which must be utilized or disposed of.
If in the general scheme of the cleaning plant in the refinery, there is no plant for
utilizing such residues, this method will only lead to transfer of pollutants from
gas into water.
The electrostatic cleaning of gases serves as a universal method which is
suitable for cleaning all types of waste gases that contain solid or liquid pollutants,
including fogs of acids. The method is based on the ionization of pollutant parti-
cles in the waste gas by passing the gas through an electrical field of a high volt-
age created by electrodes. Settling of the particles occurs in settling electrodes.
The industrial electrofllters consist of a number of plates or pipes through which
the waste gas passes. Between the settling electrodes are hung wire electrodes,
which have voltages of 25-100 kV. The theoretical equation for calculating the
degree of cleaning of waste gas in tubular electrofllters is presented in equations
(7.7) and (7.8).
Environmental Issues in the Refinery 315
l-e (7.7)
The absorption of pollutants from waste gases by liquids is applied in the oil
industry for the extraction of gases such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and
other sulfur containing compounds, nitrogen oxides, acids (HC1, HF, H2SO4),
various organic compounds such as phenol, and volatile solvents.
All the absorptive methods are based on selective solubility of the gas com-
ponents in the washing liquid. There are two different methods of absorption:
- physical absorption
- chemical absorption
All the absorptive cleaning methods used in modern industry are continuous
methods. The washing liquid is usually regenerated and used in the cleaning again.
Heating or decreasing the pressure is usually used for regenerating the washing
liquid. One example of absorptive gas cleaning plant is presented in Figure 7.5.
316 Chapter 7
industry more often as the most used universal method for cleaning waste gas
from toxic pollutants. Adsorbents usually used are activated coal, silica gel, alu-
minum gel and synthetic zeolite.
Industrial adsorptive cleaning plants usually work continuously. However,
the adsorbent is a solid material, which makes it difficult to transport continuously
from adsorber to regenerator. In order to circumvent this difficulty, modern ad-
sorptive cleaning plants make use of at least two absorbers. When one adsorbent is
working, the other adsorbent is switched to the regenerating regime. In that way, it
is possible to carry out the cleaning continuously. One example of an adsorptive
cleaner is shown in Figure 7.6.
The next class of gas cleaning methods is the catalytic cleaning method. The
main difference of this method from all the other methods described in this chapter
is the fact that with this method pollutants are not separated from the waste gas but
transformed into compounds that are not dangerous vis-a-vis the environment. The
reactions of pollutants to new products take place in presence of catalysts. This is
why this cleaning method is called the catalytic method.
The best example for the use of the catalytic method in the oil industry is the
cleaning of waste gas of H2S and the production of sulfur as a byproduct. The
transformation of hydrogen sulfide to sulfur proceeds according to the reaction
given in equation (7.9).
Catalytic methods of gas cleaning are used very often in modern industry as
a result of the possibility of very deep cleaning of the waste gas. Up to 99.9% of
pollutant can be separated from the waste gas by this method. However, the disad-
vantage of this method is the formation of new compounds, which must be use-
able. In the example shown of waste gas cleaning from the H2S, the formed by-
product can be used in the chemical industry. However, the amount of sulfur
formed in crude oil refineries is often so high that it cannot be moved completely
to the chemical industry. It then becomes important to find new ways of using
The last method of gas cleaning is the thermal method. This method was
very intensively used in the past. However, it has been the desire recently to re-
duce the number of such plants in modern refineries. The main idea of this method
is that of burning the waste gases thereby destroying the pollutants.
Using only one of the described methods in the refinery for waste gas
cleaning is impossible. Modern refineries have different schemes in their techno-
logical structure for gas cleaning, each consisting of many methods. It is only the
use of many methods in combination that will allow us to achieve the needed
cleanliness of the gas with optimum use of energy and chemical recourses of the
The main processes involved in crude oil refining were shown in part III of
this book. Now is the time to show how all these processes can be combined in
one crude oil refinery. However, it must be noted that every crude refinery is built
uniquely and there are no two crude oil refineries in the world having the same
technological scheme of processes used. The technological scheme of the refinery
must be chosen based on the properties of crude oil that the refinery is supposed to
treat. Nevertheless, it is possible to classify all modern refineries in two groups:
Environmental Issues in the Refinery 319
5 J D Elliot. Delayed Coker Design and Operation: Recent Trends and Inno-
vations. Foster Wheeler USA Corporation, 1996.
From the title given to part IV of this book, it is obvious that in the next two
chapters we will be engaged in studies involving the chemistry of the heaviest
compounds of crude oil - asphaltenes. The presence of these compounds in crude
oil leads to many problems during crude oil treatment. In this part of the book,
these problems and ways to circumvent them are discussed.
The present trend in the petroleum industry shows an increasing demand for
light products such as gasoline, jet fuel and diesel fuel. In order to meet the market
demand, refineries convert a portion of their residual heavy oils into light fractions
by destructive processes as was highlighted in chapter 6. This conversion also
results in the production of modern heavy fuels, which contain a greater concen-
tration of sulfur, vanadium, and asphaltenes.
Asphaltenes are considered to be part of the "bottom of the barrel". They
constitute the non-volatile, high molecular weight fraction of petroleum. In addi-
tion, since asphaltenes are non-soluble in heptane, they remain in the solid form in
crude oil as well.
The chemistry of asphaltenes is very complicated and it is the least studied
field of crude oil chemistry. Because of the complexity of asphaltenes' structure,
there is no information about the exact chemical structure of an asphaltene mole-
cule. It is natural that only the average asphaletene molecular is possible as given
in the literature. The use of such a chemical structure (i.e. average molecular
structure) for the asphaltene molecule is warranted because of the wide molecular
weight range and the diversity of chemical groups in the structure of asphaltenes.
The chemistry and understanding of the nature of asphaltenes is as fascinat-
ing as it is complicated. Many properties of asphaltenes are still not fully investi-
gated. This, perhaps, is the object of the next generation of crude oil chemists; that
326 Part IV
is to discover more fully new properties of asphaletenes, and also, to find out ways
to convert these compounds to useful crude oil products.
In the next two chapters, the reader will be exposed to the main problems
that arise for the crude oil industry due to the presence of asphaltenes in crude oil.
The reader will also be exposed to the latest results of investigations of various
possibilities for conversion to useful products of asphaltenes and heavy oil.
Chemistry of Crude Oil Asphaltenes
For many years, crude oil has been the cheapest source of liquid fuels in
many countries. The balancing between product yield and market demand without
manufacturing large quantities of low-commercial-value fractions has long re-
quired processes for the conversion of hydrocarbons of one molecular weight
range and/or structure into another molecular weight and/or structure. Basic proc-
esses for this are the so-called "cracking" processes in which relatively heavy
hydrocarbons are broken down (i.e. cracked) into smaller, lower-boiling fractions.
In the present market, there is increasingly less high quality crude oil but more
bitumen with a very high content of asphaltenes. This is why one has to realize
that heavy bitumen and/or vacuum residues from petroleum refineries have value
as an alternative feed for the production of liquid fuels. In Canada, for example,
60% of all crude oil sources are in the form of bitumen (tar) sands [1]. But by
using almost all the existing cracking processes, coke formation is inevitable. This
makes all these processes non-economic; i.e., the present thermal treatment proc-
esses cannot completely solve the problem of production of fuel fractions from
heavy residues of crude oils.
Reactions that lead to coke formation are polycondensation reactions in-
volving the heaviest and most highly aromatic compounds of crude oil - the as-
phaltenes. Asphaltene is derived from the word "asphaltu" meaning "to split", and
adopted later by the Greeks, signifying "firm", "stable" or "secure". Asphaltenes
are present in crude oil in its original state as the so-called "native asphaltenes".
Asphaltenes are also found in larger amounts in residual fractions because, there is
an increasing trend to extract large portions of light fractions from crude oil by
cracking and visbreaking, while asphaltenes stay in the heavy residues [2].
The classic definition of asphaltenes is based on the solution properties of
petroleum residuum in various solvents. Broadly speaking, asphaltenes are insolu-
ble in paraffin solvents but soluble in aromatic solvents. Structurally, asphaltenes
328 Chapter 8
are condensed polynuclear aromatic ring systems bearing mainly alkyl side-
chains. The number of these rings in oil asphaltenes can vary from 6 to 15.
The presence of asphaltene in crude oil causes problem [3] for:
• Oil recovery (in the oil reservoir, in the well, in the pipeline).
• Visbreaking processes (degraded asphaltenes are smaller in size, more aro-
matic and less soluble in maltene than original asphaltene. This leads to coke
• Blend of mineral oil residue (flocculation of asphaltenes).
• Storage (sludge and plugging due to further oxidation, among other things).
• Preheating (the preheating of fuel oils prior to their burning encourages the
precipitation of asphaltenes and coking).
• Combustion (poor combustion causes boiler fouling, poor heat transfer and
stack solid emission).
The presence of asphaltene in crude oil causes problems for oil treatment as
follows [4]:
• Asphaltenes formed as a result of thermal treatment are smaller in size, but
more aromatic and less soluble in maltene than the original asphaltene. This
leads to coke formation on the pipe walls resulting in very high heat con-
sumption since coke has a very low thermal conductivity. Coke formation on
pipe walls can also result in blocked pipes and this will lead to a high pressure
drop in the pipes.
• Catalytic treatment: deactivation of catalysts is caused by coke formation, and
also catalysts are poisoned by the heavy metals from asphaltenes
• In blending of mineral oil residue asphaltenes can be flocculated
• Storage (sludge and plugging due to further oxidation, among other things)
Chemistry of Crude Oil Asphaltenes 329
As + As —» coke + gas
As + n • Ar -» coke + gas
As + n • olefins -» coke + gas
ins. This causes resins to combine and form more asphaltenes, and the asphaltenes
to become less soluble [7]. This strongly accelerates the polycondensation reac-
tions and leads to coke formation. In addition, if the thermal conversion is carried
far enough, the asphaltenes can precipitate as a liquid crystalline phase or carbona-
ceous mesophases and very quickly combine to form coke [7]. On cooling, the less
soluble asphaltenes with fewer resins as natural dispersants can precipitate from
the product [8].
Fig. 8.1: Colloidal dispersion - solution hybrid model of petroleum:
A - asphaltenes
R - resins
a - aromatic compounds
m - maltenes
During the thermal treatment of crude oil vacuum residue, asphaltenes un-
dergo polycondensation reactions that consequently lead to coke formation. As
was mentioned earlier, this results in a high pressure drop since the pipes are
blocked by coke, and to higher heat consumption since the coke has a very low
thermal conductivity. This is why every thermal cracking process has to be
stopped periodically in order to clean off the coke. In contrast to thermal cracking,
catalytic cracking is affected adversely by deactivation of the catalysts due to coke
formation and by catalyst poisoning by reactions with heavy metals. Coking can
be rapid but can be controlled by continuous regeneration as in FCC catalysts, or
slowed down by subjecting to monthly or yearly maintenance, as in hydrotreating
The heavy metals in crude oil residues are agglomerated, first of all, in as-
phaltenes in the form of porphyrin compounds. One example of this compound is
presented in Figure 8.2:
Chemistry of Crude Oil Asphaltenes 331
\ ,
N — Me--N
R1,„/ R
Vanadium, nickel and iron generally represent the heavy metal (Me) in the
asphaltenes in Figure 8.2. The molecular weight of this type of compound varies
between 420 and 520, i.e. from C27N4 - C33N4 [10]. During catalytic treatment
of the crude oil residues, the destruction of asphaltenes and the formation of non-
bonded heavy metals occur. A possible mechanism of catalyst poisoning will be
presented in a later part of section 8.2.
Treatment for crude oil residues is intended to minimize the adverse effects
of the presence of asphaltenes during thermal processing. Generally, two types of
treatment possibilities are available. There are physical and chemical treatments.
The physical treatment essentially involves deasphalting whereas the chemical
treatment includes thermal processes such as visbreaking and coking.
Feedstocks for cracking processes are now usually the vacuum residue or
heavy distillates from vacuum distillation.
Heavy oils and residues contain substantial amounts of asphaltenes, which
preclude the use of these residues as fuel oils or lubricating stocks. Subjecting
these residues directly to thermal cracking is economically advantageous, since, on
the one hand, the final result is the production of lower-boiling fractions; on the
other hand, asphaltenes in the residue are regarded as coke-forming constituents
and may even promote coke formation from the compounds of the residue.
332 Chapter 8
lowed by an evaporative solvent recovery section that removes the balance of the
solvent. In other units, only the evaporative solvent recovery section is used. In
both cases, the output of the evaporative solvent recovery section is deasphalted
oil product and asphaltene product having acceptable levels of the solvent. In an
evaporative solvent recovery section, each of the liquid product streams of
deasphalted oil and solvent or asphaltene and solvent is first flashed to produce a
vaporized solvent stream and a reduced solvent liquid product stream. Each of the
reduced solvent liquid product streams so produced are then subjected to serial
flashing and/or stripping until the final product stream is free of solvent to the
desired degree. The vaporized solvent produced in this manner is condensed and
In order to reduce the amount of heat lost as a result of the condensation of
the vaporized solvent, the temperature at which flashing operations are carried out
is kept as low as possible. Thus, the flash drums to which the solvent containing
product streams are applied operate to produce solvent vapor at about 100°C. Heat
contained in these vapors is of such low quality that economic recovery is not
practical. As a consequence, such heat is extracted from the solvent by air or water
cooling, and is lost to the environment.
The solubility of propane decreases with increasing temperature and is
markedly influenced by pressure. Generally, the extraction temperatures can range
from 50 to 90°C with a pressure of 25 to 40 bar. Propane:oil volume ratios ranging
from 4:1 to 10:1 are normally used. Butane alone may also be employed as sol-
vent, but is usually mixed with propane.
As the availability of lighter crude oil sources diminishes, refiners are being
forced to deal with heavier crude oil feedstocks. This comes at a time when ex-
ploring for oil and gas formations is becoming increasingly more expensive while
there is an increasing demand for refined products, particularly transportation
fuels, such as gasoline and diesel fuel. Refiners are faced with the need for finding
conversion processes to convert the heavy crude oil feedstocks and the various
crude oil residues (residue) that result from the normal refining processes to more
useful and profitable lighter products while minimizing the production of heavy
fuel oils and coke.
Existing processes for converting heavy crude feedstocks and residue to
useful, lighter products include fluid catalytic cracking, residue catalytic hy-
drocracking, thermal cracking, delayed coking, and fluidized bed coking. Vis-
breaking and coking were presented in chapter 6 as processes for treating residue
fractions. In this section, we present some details concerning their chemistry as
well as equipment used to carry out the processes.
334 Chapter 8 Visbreaking
Two contrasting processes that relate to asphaltenes take place during vis-
1) cracking of asphaltenes that results in a decrease in both their content and
molecular weight, but increase in their aromaticity in the oil
2) asphaltenes formation from the polar components of the feed Coking
reduced crude oil (see chapter 5). Typically, the vacuum tower bottom product
from such vacuum rectification towers generally includes all the fractions boiling
above a selected temperature. Usually, this temperature can be as low as 450°C.
But often, it is set at 510°C.
A fired heater with horizontal tubes is used in the coking process to reach
thermal cracking temperatures of 485 to 505°C. By using short residence times in
the furnace tubes, coking of the feed material is thereby "delayed" until it reaches
large coking drums downstream of the heater. Three physical structures of coke:
shot, sponge, or needle coke can be produced by delayed coking. These physical
structures and the chemical properties of the coke determine its end use, which
includes being burned as fuel; calcined for use in the aluminum, chemical, or steel
industries; or gasified to produce steam, electricity, or gas feedstocks for the petro-
chemical industry. The technology of coking can be broken into three stages:
1) The feed undergoes partial vaporization and mild cracking as it passes
through a coking oven.
2) The vapors undergo cracking as they pass through the coke drum to frac-
tionation facilities downstream where products of gas, naphtha, jet fuel and
gas oil are separated. The coke remains in the drum.
3) The heavy hydrocarbon liquid trapped in the coke drum is subjected to suc-
cessive cracking and polycondensation until it is converted to volatile product
and coke.
Delayed coking is the only main process in a modern petroleum refinery that
is a batch-continuous process. The flow through the tube oven is continuous. The
feed stream is switched between two drums. One drum is filling with coke while
the other drum is being steam-stripped, cooled, decoked and warmed up (see
chapter 6). The overhead vapors from the coke drums flow to a rectification unit.
The rectification tower has a reservoir in the bottom where the fresh feed is com-
bined with condensed product vapors (recycle) to make up the feed to the coker
[11]. The residue at the temperature 480-570°C is coked by being sprayed into a
fluidized bed of hot, fine particles, which permits the coking reactions to be con-
ducted at higher temperatures and shorter contact times than can be employed in
delayed coking (see chapter 3). Moreover, these conditions result in decreased
yields of coke; better quantities of more valuable liquid product are recovered in
the fluid processes.
Hydrocarbons that react on a catalyst surface may not always follow the
expected reaction pathway. Some compounds adsorb strongly on the surface and
form a coke deposit. This explains why deactivation by coke formation is some-
times called, "self-poisoning". Coke can also be formed by products that are not
taking part in the main reactions. A simple form of a possible reaction scheme for
coke formation during the catalytic treatment of crude oils is given in reaction
equation (8.2). The mechanism of coke deposition is a very complex multi-step
reaction sequence. The reaction path consists of adsorption, dehydrogenation,
polycondensation, and cyclization of hydrogen-deficient fragments [12]. It is not
possible to find a general coking mechanism. Different reaction schemes have
been proposed for different systems. Butt and Petersen [13] discuss a carbanion
mechanism for formation of higher aromatics from benzene and naphthalene on
cracking catalysts. Petersen and Bell [14] propose that coke can be formed from
methylcyclohexane on a platforming catalyst via a doubly bonded intermediate
that is converted to a six-bonded coke precursor.
Figure 8.5 shows a working metal catalyst surface. On the surface there are
reactants, products, coke in the form of polymers, and different hydrocarbon frag-
ments that may react to coke if they are not removed from the surface [15]. The
carbonaceous layer is not the only form of coke. On iron surfaces, coke can grow
as whiskers with a little metal crystallite.
338 Chapter 8
carbonion hydrogen
Fig. 8.6: Coke on a supported metal catalyst.
Different catalysts may form coke at different rates. There has been a report
[16] of studies conducted on the effect of coke formation on platforming catalysts
with different metal dispersions. In the report, it was found that small crystallites
had a stronger resistance to coke deposition than larger ones. The explanation for
this fact was that cyclopentadiene (cyclopentane in nitrogen was used as feed)
adsorbed more strongly on the big crystallites and formed coke. The effect was
due to less electronic interaction with the support than for smaller crystallites.
Another study [7] on promotion of reforming catalysts with lithium found out that
the promoted catalysts became more stable against coke formation.
Catalyst poisoning or diffusion blocking by coke formation can have similar
effects on catalyst activity. Assigning a cause to one or the other is an important
first step in poisoning studies. Poisons mask active sites or change the selectivity
of the catalyst for particular reactions or reaction types by reaction with any com-
pounds of feedstock. Poisons are usually metals or multiple-bond light-gas mole-
cules. In the case of vacuum residue treatment, metals are agglomerated in the
asphaltenes. This means catalyst poisoning can be prevented by the removal of
asphaltenes from the process. To differentiate between poisoning and diffusion
blocking, one can first increase the temperature. Heavy product residue will
evaporate off with heating, leaving elemental carbon or poisoning as the culprit.
340 Chapter 8
Substituting an oxidizing gas for the inert gas would remove carbon at high tem-
perature. Such a treatment and the resulting mass and conversion data would show
the relative contributions of poisoning, coking, and heavy product retention.
asphaltenes > resins > light aromatics > olefins > naphthenes > paraffin
A comparison between the activation energies for coke formation from light aro-
matics (52-58 kJ/mol) and from asphaltenes and resins (34- 47 kJ/mol) shows that
the reaction velocity of coke formation from light aromatics grows faster with
increasing temperature than for coke formation from asphaltenes or resins.
Figure 8.7 shows a possible chemical path from paraffins (the most stable
compounds against coke formation) to coke [1, 20]. It is evident that direct coke
formation from paraffin or naphthenes is impossible. Coke formation can occur
only during thermal cracking of paraffinic fractions by the many complicated
reactions from paraffins to light and then to heavy aromatics. The utilization of
vacuum residue paraffinic compound mixtures in thermal cracking processes can
lead to flocculation of the asphaltenes from the maltenes. Flocculated and agglom-
erated asphaltenes form a melted crystalline mesophase on the reactor walls and
this reacts very quickly to coke. Flocculation of asphaltenes is possible from mix-
tures with aromatic compounds as well. There is a report [12] about the phenome-
non of self-association in asphaltene/aromatic mixtures that has been confirmed
through measurements of surface tension.
Chemistry of Crude Oil Asphaltenes 341
paraffin olefin
light hydrocarbons light hydrocarbons
+ +
aromatics coke
It has been shown [21] that, at low concentrations (below the critical micelle for-
mation concentration), asphaltenes in solution are in a molecular state. Above the
critical micelle concentration, however, asphaltene micelle formation occurs in a
manner similar to that in surfactant systems where surfactant monomers are more
uniform in their structure and less polydisperse. Now, it is obvious that coke for-
342 Chapter 8
Asphaltenes are derived from the root word "asphalt", a "sticky tar-like
substance found naturally in petroleum crude oil." Asphaltenes are complex, high
molecular weight aromatic compounds suspended within the fuel. They have high
melting points and high carbon/hydrogen ratios with low calorific values.
During the refining process, a portion of the asphaltenes is coked to form
carbon residue. The actual percentage depends on the refining process. For this
reason, the commonly held assumption that asphaltenes in the fuel can be esti-
mated by knowing the Conradson Carbon Residue is erroneous. In actual fact, the
asphaltenes vary widely from Conradson Carbon Residue levels and have to be
analyzed separately.
The term "carbon residue" is used to designate the carbonaceous residue
formed after evaporation and pyrolysis of a petroleum product. The residue is not
entirely composed of carbon, but is a coke that can be further changed by pyroly-
sis. The term is used to indicate the relative tendency of a residue to form carbon
deposits that may foul reactor pipes.
There are three tests used to measure carbon residue: Conradson Carbon
Residue (CCR), Microcarbon Residue (MCR) and Ramsbottom Carbon Residue
(used primarily with distillate fuels). CCR and MCR results are closely correlated,
though MCR is considered to be more accurate and is becoming the predominant
test procedure in test laboratories. The MCR test is also quicker to run and uses a
smaller sample of residue. The standard test method for determining Carbon Resi-
due (Micro Method), ASTM D4530 (ISO 10370:1993) states: "A weighed quan-
tity of sample is placed in a glass vial and heated to 500°C under an inert (nitro-
gen) atmosphere in a controlled manner for a specific time. The sample undergoes
coking reactions and volatiles formed are swept away by the nitrogen. The carbo-
naceous type residue remaining is presented as a percentage of the original sample
as micro carbon residue. The term carbon residue may be misleading as the resi-
due may contain elements other than products from carbon decomposition (such as
ash) in many kinds of residue. The ash content of a residue oil is the non-
combustible residue found in the residue. These are organometallics from the
crude oil, inorganic contaminants or metallic catalyst fines used in the refining
Chemistry of Crude Oil Asphaltenes 343
reaction product
liquid / solid
w i t h pentane
w i t h toluene
The rest of the THF is removed from the product by drying at room temperature.
This can proceed from one through any number of days. Figure 8.9 shows a typi-
cal progression of this drying process.
The following balance equation (8.3) is used for the definition of the amount
of liquid product:
1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
time [day]
After the soxhlet extraction and drying of the extract are completed, the
extract is dissolved in pentane first. An ultrasound bath can be used to improve
solving. This solution of extract in pentane is filtered. After filtration, the extract is
separated into two fractions: pentane soluble fraction or filtrate and the remainder.
The pentane soluble fraction is composed of compounds that have similar polarity
as pentane or the liquid at the filtration temperature. The remainder contains the
asphaltene fraction and precoke. This remainder is dissolved in toluene in the
same manner as the extract was solved in pentane, and then filtered. The asphal-
tene fraction is the filtrate after filtration with toluene, and precoke is the remain-
der. The solvents (pentane and toluene) are removed from the filtrates by distilla-
tion at 40°C and normal pressure for pentane distillation, and 70 mbar for toluene
The described example of solution analysis was shown for the analysis of
crude oil vacuum residue, but this method can be successfully applied for different
kinds of feed. In our investigation, we used this method for the analysis of mix-
tures of vacuum residue and plastics, and pure plastics. In the case of the plastic or
product of its cracking analysis, one has to consider that what is left behind after
soxhlet extraction is the heavy plastic fraction or non-cracked plastic.
346 Chapter 8
Table 8.1 shows the results of solution analysis for the vacuum residue (Bi-
tumen 200 Elf) and plastics that were used in our investigation:
Table 8.1: Results of solution analysis for the different kinds of feedstock.
Based on the results shown in table 8.1, it is obvious that during solution
analysis of the cracking product of polyethylene and polypropylene, only non-
cracked plastics remain completely in the remainder. In contrast to polyethylene
and polypropylene, polystyrene and PVC are over 40 wt. % soluble in THF.
Figure 8.10 shows the general scheme for coagulation analysis that was used
for analysis of crude oil vacuum residue in our investigation.
During coagulation analysis, the ratio of the coagulation agent to the sub-
stance is 40 to 1 based on recommendations by many authors that this ratio is the
optimum for this kind of analysis [1, 22]. The coagulation of the asphaltene frac-
tion in the scheme is done according to the Golde method (DIN 51595, IP 143/57)
recommended as the most exact method of asphaltene definition [1, 23, 24].
Chemistry of Crude Oil Asphaltenes 347
\l V
f f
flocculated asphaltene hard paraffin soft oil
fraction resin resin
In the first step of the Golde method, the substance is dissolved in n-heptane
in the ratio of n-heptane:substance = 1:40. The asphaltene fraction is flocculated
from the dissolved sample after 24 hours of coagulation. After this, asphaltenes are
filtered from the maltenes. And the rest of maltenes or resins, which stay in the
asphaltenes during flocculation with n-heptane at room temperature is extracted by
soxhlet extraction (see preceding section). In the next step, the hard resin fraction
is coagulated from the maltenes in the same manner as the asphaltenes from the
vacuum residue, but during this step, a mixture of iso-butanol and cyclohexane is
applied as coagulation agent. In the case of hard resin coagulation, the coagulation
agent with the solved substance is not filtered, but removed from the glass with a
pipette, and the product (hard resin) is not extracted, but only dried. The coagula-
tion agent is distilled from the rest of the sample, and the rest is analyzed in the
next analysis step in the same manner. The analyses proceed until only the oil
fraction stays.
An example of the results of this analysis for Bitumen 200 Elf is presented
in table 8.2. Coagulation analysis for the vacuum residue was carried out for three
samples (1,2 and 3), which were taken from three different levels of the container;
since bitumen is a colloid solution, the result of the coagulation analysis can differ
depending on the level in the container. From table 8.2, it is evident that the ana-
lyzed vacuum residue represents the colloidal stable solution, because the values
of the amount of all fractions are approximately the same for all levels. For each
348 Chapter 8
sample, coagulation analysis was carried out three times (a, b and c). It is also
obvious from table 8.2 that the method of coagulation analysis is very reproduci-
ble since the difference between analyses a, b and c is very small.
For the characterization of the product of thermal treatment of vacuum resi-
due and mixtures of vacuum residue and plastics, a simpler method of coagulation
analysis was used, since the method described earlier is very complicated to use
for the given number of samples. The scheme of coagulation analysis for the
product of thermal processing is represented in Figure 8.11:
During the analysis shown in Figure 8.11, the sample is broken down into
four fractions:
• Maltene
• Asphaltene
• Precoke
• Remainder
The remainder during this analysis is coke, in the case of thermal treatment
of pure vacuum residue, and coke and non-cracked plastics, in the case of the
thermal treatment of mixtures of crude oil vacuum residue and plastics.
Chemistry of Crude Oil Asphaltenes 349
Soxhlet extraction
with n-Heptane
in toluene
Fig. 8.11: Scheme of the coagulation analysis for the product of thermal treatment.
o Chromatography
vacuum residue
treatment with carbomid
n-paraffin iso-paraffin
13 C-NMR analysis
•o = B • y (8.5)
Almost every element in the periodic table has an isotope with a nonzero
nuclear spin; the spin for carbon (13C) is Vi. In order to understand how atoms with
spin behave in a magnetic field, let us consider carbon. Think of the spin of this
carbon as a magnetic moment vector, causing the proton to behave like a tiny
magnet with a north pole and a south pole. When the carbon is placed in an exter-
nal magnetic field, the spin vector of the particle aligns itself with the external
352 Chapter 8
field, just like a magnet would. There is a low energy configuration or state where
the poles are aligned N-S-N-S, and a high-energy state N-N-S-S.
The NMR analysis is a continuous wave experiment. There are two ways of
performing this experiment. In the first, a constant frequency continuously probes
the energy levels of the molecules while the magnetic field is varied. The energy
of this frequency is represented by the blue line in the energy level diagram.
The continuous wave experiment can also be performed with a constant
magnetic field and a frequency that is varied. The magnitude of the constant mag-
netic field is represented by the position of the vertical blue line in the energy level
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is the use of the NMR phenome-
non to study physical and chemical properties of matter. As a consequence, NMR
spectroscopy finds applications in several areas of science. NMR spectroscopy is
routinely used by chemists to study materials. Solid state NMR spectroscopy is
used to determine the molecular structure of solids. In our investigation, NMR
spectroscopy was used to determine the molecular structure of asphaltene mole-
Asphaltene and/or coke molecules contain carbon. Unfortunately, the 12C
nucleus, which is contained in crude oil residues, does not have a nuclear spin, but
the ' C nucleus does, due to the presence of an unpaired neutron. This is why only
C can be used in C-NMR analyses.
The result of 13C-NMR analyses for the asphaltenes and hard resins in Bi-
tumen 200 Elf is presented in table 8.3. From table 8.3, it is evident that asphalte-
nes (heavier fraction) have a higher aromaticity in comparison to hard resins and at
the same time a lesser amount of paraffin side chains. This shows that asphaltenes
have a higher tendency to coke formation in comparison with hard resins (see
section 8.2).
Table 8.3: Results of I3C-NMR analysis for asphaltenes and hard resins (% of C
in the chemical group to total C in the sample).
H/Catomic=12-H/C (8.6)
This value shows the quality of the product or the depth of hydrogenation of the
feedstock. The higher the H / Calomic ratio, the more deeply hydrogenated the feed-
stock is. Feedstock with a H / CatomjC ratio higher than two can be used as hydrogen
donor during thermal or catalytic treatment of the heavy feed. These values of the
H / Catomic ratio are presented in table 8.5.
From the table 8.5, it is evident that polypropylene and polyethylene have
H/Catomic ratio of approximately two, which means that these plastics can be used
as hydrogen donors during the co-processing of crude oil vacuum residue and
Vapor pressure osmometry has become the prevalent method for determin-
ing asphaltene molecular weights. However, the value of the molecular weight
from vapor pressure osmometry must be weighed carefully since, in general, the
measured value of molecular weight is a function of temperature and the solvent
molecular properties (see next section). The vapor pressure osmometry method is
suitable for the determination of the average molecular weight of high molecular
substances, which are soluble in different organic solvents.
An example of a vapor pressure osmometer is shown in Figure 8.14. Two
thermistors, connected to measure the difference, are suspended in a thermostated
measuring cell filled with the saturated vapor of the solvent. The measuring
probes, which are first covered with solvent droplets, adapt to the cell temperature.
Thus, there is no temperature difference between them. Exchanging the
solvent droplet of one of the probes by a droplet of the solution leads to condensa-
tion of solvent vapor due to the lower vapor pressure of the solvent above the
solution. Thereby, the released condensation enthalpy increases the temperature of
the solution droplet, which simultaneously leads to an increase of the vapor pres-
sure. After reaching the vapor pressure equilibrium of the solution droplet, a rela-
tively stable temperature is obtained at the solution droplet. This temperature is
converted by the measuring system to a direct voltage signal and is thereby at the
user's disposal as a measuring value. The resulting relative measured value is
nearly proportional to the osmolal concentration of the solutions. However, it may
be affected by heat loss and the nonideal behavior of the polymer solutions.
Chemistry of Crude Oil Asphaltenes 355
M = Kou / K (8-7)
K in this equation (8.7) is found in the same manner as K^ from the dia-
gram for the investigated sample. Figure 8.16 shows an example of this diagram
for asphaltenes from Bitumen 200 Elf.
Defined molecular weights for the different fractions from Bitumen 200 Elf
are presented in table 8.6.
356 Chapter 8
5 10 15
concentration, Cwt tg/kg]
4500 -
4000 - 3031
3500 -;.
2500 --
2000 --
0 0,02 0,04 0,06
molar concentration
Table 8.6: Molecular weight for different fractions of Bitumen 200 Elf.
Fraction Molecular weight
Asphaltene 1440
Hard resin 1220
Paraffin 1090
Soft resin 1150
Oil 607.5
From table 8.6, it is evident that the heaviest fraction of crude oil vacuum
residue is the asphaltene fraction. The hard resin fraction has approximately the
same molecular weight as asphaltenes. From the molecular determination and 13C-
NMR analysis of asphaltenes and hard resins (see preceding section), it is obvious
that these two fractions have approximately the same chemical properties. Oil is
the lightest fraction of the crude oil residue, and this is why this fraction is not as
important as the asphaltene and resin fractions from the chemical perspective of
coke formation.
In the preceding section, the vapor pressure osmometry method for the de-
termination of the molecular weight was described. It is important that the value of
the molecular weight from vapor pressure osmometry be weighed carefully since,
in general, the measured value of the molecular weight is a function of tempera-
ture and the solvent molecular properties. This influence of the temperature and
solvent can be explained by a very high tendency of asphaltenes to micelle forma-
tion. Figure 8.17 shows one example of micelle formation from two asphaltene
360 Chapter 9
Crude oil residues and bitumen are colloidal disperse systems. In these sys-
tems, high-molecular solid structure units (asphaltenes) are dispersed in an oily
phase (maltenes) (see section 8.2). In industrial thermal cracking processes, these
units precipitate as coke. Coke formation is caused by polycondensation reactions
of aromatic cores of asphaltenes, which lose the paraffinic periphery. The main
objective of a substantial portion of this chapter is to show how deep cracking of
bitumen at low temperature can be achieved without coke formation (i.e., without
polycondensation of asphaltenes). The main reactions of asphaltenes that lead to
coke formation are described. Also described are ways to reduce the negative
influence of these reactions on the process.
The behavior of asphaltenes during thermal treatment of pure vacuum resi-
due (VR) is remarkable. At 400°C, the molecular weight of the asphaltenes de-
creases to a residence time of 30 minutes and then increases up to almost double
the value of the molecular weight of native asphaltenes (see Fig. 9.1).
15 20 25 30 35 40
Fig. 9.1: Molecular weight of asphaltenes versus residence time during co-processing.
Processing of Heavy Crude Oil and Residue 361
This means that cracking of the paraffmic periphery (reaction (9.1)) is the
only reaction that can cause the reduction of the molecular weight of asphaltenes
at this temperature level. In other words, during polycondensation of asphaltenes
at 425 °C, it is not only the aromatic cores of native asphaltenes that react. As-
phaltenes with paraffmic chains also undergo a reaction (reaction (9.3)).
—> + H- (9.4)
+ H- (9.5)
—» (9.6)
The fact that at the low temperature no cracking of naphthenic rings occurs
(which could lead to the nascence of olefins) permits us to say that the quality of
the product formed is better if crude oil is thermally processed at a low tempera-
Processing of Heavy Crude Oil and Residue 363
ture. This is because the chemical stability of naphthenes and aromatics is higher
in comparison with olefins that arise during the cracking of naphthenes at higher
On account of the tendency of the asphaltene core to polycondensation, the
increase in molecular weight at residence time over 15 minutes and a reaction
temperature of 400°C can be explained by polycondensation of aromatic cores of
asphaltenes (reaction (9.2)). Polycondensation reactions affect coke formation.
This is noticed at 40 minutes residence time. By the thermal treatment of Bitumen
200, approximately 1 wt.% coke (based on water free feed) was formed. The fact
that coke formation begins at the temperature of 400°C only if asphaltenes attain a
very high molecular weight in comparison to higher temperature levels is caused
by the formation of a stable steric colloid with the resins. This stable colloid is not
cracked at the temperature of 400°C as deeply as at higher temperature levels. The
formation of such a colloid is represented in Figure 9.3:
The reaction of coke to gas proceeds only if the coke was formed via the
mechanism described by reaction (9.3), i.e. if paraffin side chains are available in
the coke structure. These side chains can be cracked via reaction 9.1.
Based on 13C-NMR analysis, ultimate analysis and molecular weight deter-
mination (table 9.1), a model of the average molecule was built for native asphal-
tene (Fig. 9.4a) and asphaltene from visbreaking at 425°C and a residence time of
30 minutes (Fig. 9.4b). These figures show clearly that during the thermal treat-
ment of crude oil residue, only the cracking of paraffmic chains can cause asphal-
tenes reactivity to yield coke.
In the same way, a model of asphaltenes as a product of the thermal treat-
ment of VR/plastics blends was investigated (Fig. 9.5a-c). The destruction of aro-
matic cores of asphaltenes can be clearly observed during the co-processing of VR
and plastics. This can explain the minimization of coke formation during the co-
cracking of VR and plastics.
Table 9.1: Data for development of the average molecule model of asphaltenes.
Fig. 9.5: Model of average asphaltene molecule as a product of the thermal treatment of:
a) VR/PP/PS blends at 425°C and residence time 15 minutes
b) VR/PE/PP/PS blends at 425°C and residence time 30 minutes
c) VR/PE/PP/PS/PVC blends at 425°C and residence time 15 minutes
From Figure 9.5c, it is evident that during the joint cracking of bitumen and
PVC a reaction takes place between asphaltenes and chlorine. GC analysis of the
product gas of the joint cracking of bitumen and PVC has shown that these reac-
tions proceed very extensively, since in the product gas was found no hydrogen
chloride which is formed in very large amounts for the thermal cracking of pure
PVC. This shows a very high tendency of asphaltenes towards reactions with
Processing of Heavy Crude Oil and Residue 367
• Paraffin periphery
Bridge-ring structure
Aromatic structure
• Heteroatom structure
The values for free enthalpies can be taken from the literature [25]. But for
complicated compounds such as asphaltenes, no data are available in the literature.
Thus, for the evaluation of the reaction possibility between high molecular weight
compounds, the free enthalpy of each of the products and feed have to be calcu-
lated. One example for this calculation is given below.
The free enthalpy for the following compound (Fig. 9.6) has to be calcu-
lated. The free enthalpy for such complicated compounds can be calculated based
on the knowledge of their structural elements. The values for free enthalpy of the
structural elements can be found in ref. 25. The enthalpy values for important
structures of asphaltene are presented in table 9.2.
In the example (Fig. 9.6), there are the following structural elements:
a) Aromatic bond
>C-H: seven bonds
>C-R: three bonds
>C - : four bonds
b) Acyclic bond
- CH3: three bonds
>CH 2 : one bond
Fig. 9.6: Example of compound used to illustrate the calculation of free enthalpy.
In order to calculate the free enthalpy of the compound, the values of the
free enthalpies of the various bonds in the compound are added. For the shown
example at the temperature of 600°K (326.85°C):
free enthalpy values were calculated for the evaluation of various reaction possi-
bilities for asphaltenes.
From Figures 9.3 and 9.4, we can see that the cracking of the aromatic core
of asphaltenes can take place via the destruction of the bridge-ring system. This
cracking reaction is the reversible reaction of polycondensation (9.2) or (9.3). It
means that a gas will be used during this reaction. This gas can be hydrogen or
hydrocarbon. The reaction with hydrogen can be described by equation (9.9):
2 Ho
From Figure 9.7, it is evident that the destruction of the bridge-ring struc-
tures by hydrogenation of the cracked bond is thermodynamically possible only at
temperatures under approximately 25 °C. Studies [26] concerning the reaction of
asphaltenes and atomic hydrogen at low temperatures have been reported. It was
shown in the studies that the aromatic core of asphaltenes can be cracked and its
decomposition (of the aromatic core) proceeds especially extensively, if the reac-
tion occurs at a temperature below 0°C.
From Figure 9.8, we see that only reactions with ethane and/or methyl radi-
cals are thermodynamically possible at temperatures over 300°C. All reactions
with heavier hydrocarbons or radicals are possible only at temperatures below
Reaction (9.10) is thermodynamically possible. However, for the reaction to
proceed to a large extent, it is necessary that the methyl radical is produced on a
continuous basis with relatively high velocity. Ethane cracking at a temperature
under 500°C is thermodynamically not possible, i.e. reaction (9.10) proceeds only
very slowly with ethane. But during the common cracking of bitumen and plastics,
the methyl radical can form from cracked products of plastics and then enhance
deep asphaltene cracking. These reactions can be described by equation (9.12).
372 Chapter 9
150 -i
t 0
100 200 400 500
<D -50
temperature [°C]
Fig. 9.8: Change of free enthalpy. Solid: for reaction (9.10); doted: for reaction (9.11).
Processing of Heavy Crude Oil and Residue 373
1 -14
390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460
temperature [°C]
The change of free enthalpy for reaction (9.13) is presented in Figure 9.11.
10 n
0 100 200 300 400 500
temperature [°C]
After hydrogenation, the product is analyzed by GS-MS. By this method,
the ratios for dihydroanthracene/remaining anthracene as well as anthracene de-
rivatives/remaining anthracene were determined as 9 and 10, respectively. These
two values show the depth and chemical path for hydrogenation, i.e. from these
two values it can be proved which reaction (hydrogenation or alkylation) occurred
during hydrogen transfer provoked by the investigated hydrogen donor.
376 Chapter 9
Fig. 9.12: Synergy during the co-processing of blends of VR and PP and VR and PS:
pressure = 20 bar
reaction temperature = 425 °C
reaction time = 25 minutes
378 Chapter 9
-S+V = 0 (9.15)
S - substance
V - volatile product
The integrated form of the kinetic equation (9.17) or (9.18) is used for the
determination of kinetic parameters:
0 a
° T*(1-n) - IOg »pi; ''I - (9.17)
T22 PE Ea 2.3RT
These equations are solved graphically as in Figure 9.13 in which the left-hand
side of the integrated form of the kinetic equations is the ordinate and the term 1/T
is the abscissa. The graphical method involves the best approximation of the curve
to a straight line [28].
Processing of Heavy Crude Oil and Residue 379
A model has been developed for the main reactions in an attempt to obtain a
better understanding of the kinetic data obtained for co-processing. The basic
principles of this model are:
• Co-processing is a process of thermal cracking of VR and plastic blends.
• Thermal cracking of organic material has a radical chain mechanism.
• The radical chain mechanism includes three phases as presented in Figure
The first step (chain start) can be controlled either by a catalyst or change of
the reaction conditions (i.e., temperature and/or pressure). On the other hand,
however, the second step, chain growth, can be influenced by the input of more
radicals to the reaction zone. A material can be used as additive radicals if it can
be cracked at a higher reaction velocity than VR with all other conditions remain-
ing the same.
This reaction between plastic radicals and VR molecules has a theoretical
reaction order of 2 or higher during the formation of more complicated complexes.
This is higher than could be obtained from only one radical and one molecule.
This means that the increment of the reaction order during co-processing is evi-
dence of reactions between plastic radicals and VR molecules. The optimum con-
ditions for co-processing are in such ranges of pressure and temperature where the
co-cracking has the highest reaction order. On the other hand, recombination and
polycondensation reactions have a theoretical reaction order of 2 and higher, too.
But these reactions lead to the formation of heavy products that can be condensed
into the liquid phase again. This physical process leads to the reduction of the
reaction order [29].
380 Chapter 9
-> O
The reduction of the reaction order during co-processing shows that under
the selected reaction conditions, a large number of radicals stay in the reaction
zone leading to recombination and polycondensation reactions, which in turn lead
to the formation of heavy products. Therefore, cracking reactions and the activa-
tion of co-cracking is decelerated under these conditions.
We have used the method of molecular weight determination and monitor-
ing the molecular weight change during thermal processing to investigate the
chemistry of co-processing of blends of crude oil vacuum residue with different
types of plastics.
but leads to the formation of heavy products, which can condense back to the
liquid product. This leads to smaller reaction orders [29]. During co-processing in
the pressure range above 30 bar (see Fig. 9.15), polycondensation reactions domi-
Our investigation has shown that polystyrene promotes the decomposition
reactions of asphaltenes (Figure 9.15). Remarkable is the fact that at a lower tem-
perature (400°C), the decrease in the asphaltenes' molecular weight (65%) is big-
ger than at the higher temperature (425°C, molecular weight decrease 44%). This
can be caused by the poor solubility of asphaltenes in maltenes; at higher tem-
peratures, more aromatic cracking products go to the vapor phase. On the other
hand, it can be caused by the tendency of aromatics to polycondensation reactions
(see chapter 1). We carried out experiments with vacuum residue/toluene blends in
order to prove whether asphaltene cracking is promoted by chemical activation or
by better solubility of asphaltenes in highly aromatic maltenes. Since toluene is a
thermally stable substance at the reaction temperature of 400°C, it can only influ-
ence co-processing by improved solubility of the asphaltenes in the maltenes. The
experiments with blends of VR/toluene (Figure 9.16) showed that a better solubil-
ity of asphaltenes in maltenes decelerated polycondenstion reactions and coke
formation, but this does not activate asphaltenes cracking. This means that the
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
pressure [bar]
-VR/PPZ=10wt.% •••••VR/PSZ=25wt.%
10 20 30 40 50
residence time [min]
Fig. 9.16: Influence of the asphaitenes' solubility in maltenes on the chemistry of as-
phaitenes cracking.
Constant parameters:
T = 400 °C
PNZcoid = 20 bar
additive concentration = 20 wt.%
Processing of Heavy Crude Oil and Residue 383
15 20 25 30 35 40 45
pressure [bar]
-Ea, VR -—Ea, PE - — -Ea, PP -»-log(kO), VR —— log(kO), PE •••••• log(kO), PP
10 15 20 25 30 35 40
resince time [min]
Fig. 9.18: Influence of paraffin containing plastics on the chemistry of asphaltene during
thermal cracking.
Constant parameters:
T = 425 °C, pN2cotd = 20 bar, additive concentration = 20 wt.%.
Processing of Heavy Crude Oil and Residue 385
9.3.3 Possibilities that Exist for Carrying Out Co-Processing of Heavy Crude
Oils and Various Co-Feeds
The next possibility for very deep co-processing of crude oil residues and
plastics is one that also involves vacuum residue recovery. The main idea of this
method is shown in the schematic in Figure 9.19.
Fraction <350°C
Fraction <350°C
Fig. 9.19: Co-processing of crude oil vacuum residue and plastics with recovery of the
vacuum residue, at 425°C, app. 30 bar, 15 min.
VR/P- mixture vacuum residue to PP/PS (5/1), 20 wt.% of plastics
1 - 4 - steps of experiment
Table 9.5: Results of investigation into the co-processing with vacuum residue
Step of experiment / Product 1 2 3 4
Boiling temperature < 150°C [%] 8.40 9.30 9.00 9.120
Boiling temperature 150-350°C [%] 15.30 16.50 16.10 16.70
Boiling temperature > 350°C [%] 75.80 73.70 74.40 73.60
Coke [%] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50
Processing of Heavy Crude Oil and Residue 387
From the table, it is obvious that the vacuum residue from co-processing can
be recovered back to the process. The results show that it is only after the third
usage that traces of coke (0.5 wt.%) were found. Such a method can strongly in-
crease the conversion of heavy crude oils and vacuum residues into the desired
light fractions.
It is not only plastics that can be used as co-feed for co-processing. Many
different organic co-feeds were investigated in our work. For example, investiga-
tion into co-processing of crude oil vacuum residue with used fat such as organic
co-feed has shown that the optimum conditions for the mixtures of vacuum resi-
due/used fat are similar to those for co-processing of crude oil vacuum residue
with plastics. In the case with bio-based co-feed, coke free co-processing was
achieved at the temperature of 425°C, pressure 20 bar, and reaction time of 15
The heavy metals in crude oil residues are agglomerated mostly in asphalte-
nes in the form of porphyrin compounds. One example of this compound was
presented in Figure 8.2.
The investigation into the behavior of the heavy metals has shown that dur-
ing the co-processing of crude oil residue and plastics more heavy metals are
transferred from light fractions to coke and asphaltenes than in the case of thermal
treatment of pure crude oil residue. This shows that the fuel fractions from the co-
processing are ecologically better than visbreaking fuels. An example of these
results is shown in Figure 9.20.
Fe Ni Fe Ni Fe Ni Fe Ni Fe Ni Fe Ni Fe Ni Fe Ni
t [min] 0 0 15 15 30 30 40 40
T [°C] 425 425 425 425 425 425
P [bar] 20 20 20 20 20 20
Fig. 9.20: Graphical presentation of heavy metals transfer between vacuum residue frac-
tions during co-processing
The main task of fluid catalytic cracking is the conversion of a wide range of
both virgin and cracked hydrocarbon residues into lower molecular weight and
more valuable products.
The main advantages of this process are:
• Selective conversion of different feedstocks to a variety of high quality prod-
• Production of high pressure steam from waste heat
• Cracking under low pressure conditions
• No hydrogen feed needed
Figure 9.21 shows an example of a fluid catalytic cracking unit. In its simple
form, the Fluid catalytic cracking unit consists of three sections:
Processing of Heavy Crude Oil and Residue 389
• Reactor section
• Fractionation
• Gas concentration
The preheated raw oil feed meets a stream of hot catalyst from the regen-
erator at the base or lower part of the reactor riser. Heat from the catalyst vaporizes
the oil, and the catalyst and oil travel up to the reactor. The cracked hydrocarbons,
separated from the catalyst in cyclones, leave the reactor overhead and go to the
fractionation column.
The spent catalyst falls down into the stripping section within the reactor.
Steam removes most of the hydrocarbon vapor and the catalyst then flows down a
standpipe to the regenerator.
The spent catalyst mixes with air and clean catalyst at the base of the regen-
erator. Here the coke deposited during cracking is burned off to reactivate the
catalyst and provide heat for the endothermic cracking reactions. The recirculating
loop of clean catalyst provides added heat for initiation of the carbon burn. The
catalyst and air flow up the regenerator riser and separate at a T-shaped head. The
flue gas is further cleaned of catalyst in cyclones at the top of the regenerator.
390 Chapter 9
Waste heat from the flue gas is used for generation of high-pressure steam in the
waste heat boiler. The regenerated catalyst flows down a standpipe to meet the raw
oil charge at the bottom or lower part of the reactor riser, and the circulation con-
The main column is the first step in the separation and recovery of cracked
hydrocarbon vapors from the reactor. Heavy naphtha and middle distillates are
withdrawn as side cuts, the bottom product is used as fuel oil or recycle stream.
In the gas concentration section the overhead products from the main col-
umn are further separated into fuel gas, butane-propane fraction and gasoline.
Typical fluid catalytic cracking processes are operated at a reaction tem-
perature of approximately 500°C and under a pressure of approximately 3 bar in
the reaction zone.
9.4.2 Hydrocracking
fuel gas
Fig. 9.22: Hydrocracking unit:
O - oven
H - hydrotreating reactor
C - cracking reactor
V - high pressure separator
v - low pressure separator
T - rectification tower
S - stripper
The effluent from the cracking reactor is cooled and condensed. The liquid
products are separated from the recycled gas in the high-pressure separator. Recy-
cled gas is returned to the reactors while the liquid product is sent to the low-
pressure separator. Here, most of the dissolved gases are removed before product
fractionation in the fractionation section. Unconverted oil is usually recycled to the
reactors and cracked completely to lower-boiling products. However, if desired,
the recycled oil may be withdrawn (one-through operation) to produce feedstock
for FCC or ethylene plants.
For large plants, a second stage is added to the basic single-stage hy-
drocracker. This system permits the unconverted, first-stage oil to be processed in
a separate reactor. This configuration can also be used to achieve different product
yields and product qualities. Generally, about 40-70% of the total conversion takes
place in the second stage. Hydrocracking proceeds in the temperature range 370-
430°C and under a pressure of 160-180 bar.
392 Chapter 9
9.4.3 Coking
Coking is used for the conversion of crude oil vacuum residues and cracking
residues into coke and a clean liquid product with a high H/C ratio. Typical prod-
ucts of coking are: hydrocarbon gas, naphtha, gas oil, feed oil for downstream
processing and coke.
The main advantages of the coking process are:
• High temperature flash distillation of residue oil and simultaneous coking of
non-distillable asphaltenes in a unique mixing reactor
• High yields of oil product and lower yields of gas and coke compared to con-
ventional cokers or solvent deasphalters
• Rejection of pollutants like heavy metals, Conradson Carbon Residue, sulfur
and nitrogen
• Production of a demetalized product oil with 30-40% vacuum residue content
or with 0-5% vacuum residue content
• Autothermal heat supply
A gas diverter in the collecting bin separates the heat carrier coke from the
off gas. The heat carrier collected is recycled at a controlled rate via another seal
leg back to the blender.
394 Chapter 9
The seal legs are pipes that are continuously kept filled with fine-grained
coke to act as a seal between the coking reactor, i.e. the blender and the combus-
tion reactor.
Coking process proceeds at a temperature ranging from 500 to 600°C.
Everybody knows the problem arising when using the international scale
units: one often finds formulas or product properties in which non-uniform scale
units are used. In this short appendix the most important scale units for the petro-
leum specialist from around the world are collected.
[°C] = 0.566 • [F] - 17.778
[°C] = [K]-273.15
[°C] = 0.566 • [Rankine] - 273.15
[atm]= 1.013-[bar]
[atm] = 1033.3 • [cm-H2O]
[atm] = 76 • [cm-Hg]
[atm] = 406.796 • [inch-H2O(39.2°F)]
[atm] = 407.189 • [inch-H2O(60°F)]
[atm] = 29.921 • [inch-H2O(39.2°F)]
[atm] = 30.006 • [inch-H2O(60°F)]
[m3] = 103 • [liter]
[m3] = 6.29 • [barrel(oil)]
[m3] = 8.386 • [barrel(US liquid)]
[m3] = 219.969 • [gallon(UK)]
398 Appendix A
[J] = 2.39 • [calorie]
[J] = [Wh] / 3600
[kg/m3] = 3.6 • 10"5 • [Ibm/inch3]
[kg/m3] = 8.345 • 10"3 • [Ibm/gallon]
[mill ton/year] = 2.066-10"3-[barrel/day]
Appendix B:
In the following glossary, the most important terms used by crude oil chem-
ists have been collected and given brief explanations.
C-NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance. Analysis based on measurement
of spin of 13C atoms.
Bitumen Crude oil product used in road and building construction. Also
see vacuum residue.
Bromine number Amount of bromine that reacts with sample in the determina-
tion of the number of unsaturated bonds.
Catalytic crack- Cracking of heavy crude oil fractions using catalysts such as
ing alumino-silicates in order to achieve deep conversion of heavy
hydrocarbons of crude oil.
Cetane number Measure of the ability of diesel fuel to self-ignition under pres-
Coking Conversation process used for the conversion of crude oil vac-
uum residues and cracking residues into coke and a clean liquid
product with a high H/C ratio. Typical products of coking are:
hydrocarbon gas, naphtha, gas oil, feed oil for downstream
processing, and coke.
Glossary 401
Crude oil refm- conversion of crude oil into useful products as fuels, oils, plas-
ing tics or chemicals.
Crude oil trap Natural subsurface reservoir of crude oil. The oil is always
accompanied by water and often by natural gas; all are con-
fined in porous rock, usually sedimentary rocks such as sands,
sandstones, arkoses, and fissured limestones.
Friction Force that resists the sliding or rolling of one solid object over
Hydrocracking Type of catalytic cracking carried out under high pressure and
in a hydrogen atmosphere.
Iodine number Amount of iodine that reacts with sample in the determination
of the number of unsaturated bonds.
Liquid chroma- Analysis method used for characterization of crude oil products
tography based on the differential adsorption ability of the product com-
ponents on an adsorbent.
Lubrication oil Oil derived from petroleum or having synthetic nature, used for
404 Appendix B
Rectification Stepwise distillation, used for fractionating crude oil into frac-
tions. There are in existence rectification under atmosphere
pressure and under vacuum. The first is used for producing
fractions with boiling point up to 350°C. The second is used for
producing fractions with boiling point up to 550°C.
Sedimentation Analysis method that uses the sedimentation principle for de-
analysis termination of colloidal properties of sample.
Thermal crack- Thermal splitting process of heavy crude oil fraction under
ing influence of high temperature. Proceeds according to the free
radical chain mechanism.
Thin layer Qualitative analysis method that uses the principles of chro-
chromatography matography for substances in the dissolved state.
with plastics, 360-367 Heavy crude oil (see Crude oil residue)
possibilities with various co-feeds, Hydrocarbons:
385-387 aromatics, 9
thermodynamics of, 368-375 asphaltenene and resins, 9
and heavy crude oil: naphthenes, 7
asphaltenes from visbreaking, 365 paraffins, 6
native asphaltene, 327, 365
problems caused by asphaltenes in, Jet fuel, 48-49
treatment of, 328 Lubricating oils and lubricants, 59-65
industrial treatment methods of: international standards for, 66-72
coking, 392-394 properties of, 65-66
fluid catalytic cracking, 388-390
hydrocracking, 390-391 Octane number, 40-42
methods of analysis of: Oil formation in world's oceans, 16-18
chromatography, 350-351 OPEC, 173
C-NMR, 351-352 background on, 174
coagulation, 346-349 members of, 174
coke forming tendency, 342-
distillation, 349-350 Paraffins:
molecular weight determination, 354- associated, 6-7
358 iso-, 6
solution, 343-346 light, 5
ultimate, 353-354 molecular, 6
treatment possibilities for: normal-, 6
catalytic, 337-340 Petroleum:
chemical, 333-342 bitumen, 3
physical, 331-333 black, 3
thermal, 333-337, 340-342 classification of:
chemical, 35-37
Diesel, 49-55 by density, 37-38
Drilling, 23 technological, 39
by viscosity-gravity constant, 38-39
Environmental issues, 303-304 composition of, 5
for crude oil: compounds in:
cleaning contaminated soil, 303-306 aromatics, 9
cleaning contaminated water, 306- asphaltenes and resins, 9-10
309 metallic compounds or ash, 13
consequences of intensive extraction, metals, 13
26-32 naphthenes, 7-9
gas cleaning, 309-318 nitrogen compounds, 10-12
in the refining industry, 303-304 oxygen compounds
paraffins, 6-7
Fuels, international standards for, 58 sulfur compounds, 12-13
formation of:
Gasoline, 40-48 modern concept of, 18-26
average composition of, 45 in world's oceans, 16-18
characteristics of, 43-44 history and nature of, 3-13
Index 409