Peace Education Dimension Operative Values Alignment To GCED Topics Sample Transformative Teaching Strategies Cognitive Phase: Twinning
Peace Education Dimension Operative Values Alignment To GCED Topics Sample Transformative Teaching Strategies Cognitive Phase: Twinning
Peace Education Dimension Operative Values Alignment To GCED Topics Sample Transformative Teaching Strategies Cognitive Phase: Twinning
Personal and Family Integrity Spirituality Different Levels of Identity Cognitive Phase: Twinning,
Pair Share, Visualization
Ethically Responsible Behavior Exercise, Perspective Taking,
Affective Phase:
Film/Photographs, Perspective
Taking, Expert Resources,
Active Phase: Collage
Making, Sharing Stories,
Human Rights and Democracy Justice Local, national, and global Cognitive Phase: Role-
systems and structures Playing, Simulation,
Song/Poem Analysis,
Underlying Assumptions and Teachable Moments, Expert
Power Dynamics Resources
Affective Phase: Twinning,
Case Studies, Perspective
Taking, Pair Share
Active Phase: Collage
Making, Problem Solving,
Journal Writing, Advocacy
Poverty Education Compassion Underlying Assumptions and Cognitive Phase:
Power Dynamics Visualization Exercise, Use of
Maps and Globes, Exposure
Actions that can be taken Trips, Perspective Taking
Individually and Collectively Affective Phase: Sharing
Stories, Discussion, Issue Poll,
Getting Engaged and Taking Song/Poem Analysis
Action Active Phase: Advocacy
Campaign, Reading/Writing a
Interviews/Research, Problem
Disarmament and Cessation Active Non-Violence Issues Affecting Interaction Cognitive Phase: Teachable
of Hostilities and Connectedness of Moments, Case Studies,
Communities Song/Poem Analysis, Pair
Local, national, and global Affective Phase: Twinning,
systems and structures Visualization Exercise,
Perspective Taking
Active Phase: Brainstorming,
Problem Solving, Issue Poll,
Encouraging Action,
Environmental Protection Stewardship Ethically Responsible Behavior Cognitive Phase:
Discussion, Exposure Trips,
Actions that can be taken Use of Maps and Globes,
Individually and Collectively Song/Poem Analysis, Sentence
Affective Phase: Role-
Playing, Simulation Games,
Journal Writing, Go-Round,
Teachable Moments
Active Phase: Reciprocal
Teaching, Dialogues, Problem
Solving, Issue Poll,
Encouraging Action
Promoting a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence in the Classroom
Workshop Activity Template
Major Topic Subtopic Entry Point Learning Objectives Peace Education Theme Transformative
Teaching Strategy