Symbols Sets
Symbols Sets
Symbols Sets
A = {3,7,9,14},
{} set a collection of elements
B = {9,14,28}
A = {x | x∈ ,
| such that so that
objects that belong to set A
A∩B intersection
and set B
A ∩ B = {9,14}
both sets have the same
A=B equality
all the objects that do not
Ac complement
belong to set A
A = {3,9,14},
objects that belong to A and
A\B relative complement
not to B
B = {1,2,3},
A \ B = {9,14}
A = {3,9,14},
objects that belong to A and
A-B relative complement
not to B
B = {1,2,3},
A - B = {9,14}
A = {3,9,14},
objects that belong to A or B B = {1,2,3},
A∆B symmetric difference
but not to their intersection A∆B=
A = {3,9,14},
objects that belong to A or B B = {1,2,3},
A⊖B symmetric difference
but not to their intersection A⊖B=
A={3,9,14}, 1 ∉
x∉A not element of no set membership
cardinality of countable
ordinal numbers set
= {z | z=a+bi, -
complex numbers set 6+2i ∈
∞<a<∞, -∞<b<∞}