Understanding The Meaning of Triangular Shape in Mosque Architecture in Indonesia
Understanding The Meaning of Triangular Shape in Mosque Architecture in Indonesia
Understanding The Meaning of Triangular Shape in Mosque Architecture in Indonesia
7) (2018) 458-462
Research paper
This paper discuss the formal and symbolical meaning of triangular shape of contemporary mosque architecture in Indonesia, with case
study the mosques designed by Ridwan Kamil in Jakarta and in rest area Km 88 toll road between Jakarta and Bandung. There was a
question in the public whether the triangular shape was adequate to be used as a mosque building. This paper propose answers with the
analitical descriptive to understand the symbolical meaning of triangle shape used Sundanese community culture, one of Indonesian ethnics
as representation. The paper used comparation and interpretation method to reveals the meaning of triangle shape in local culture and to
find the connection to triangle shape in contemporary mosques architecture. The vernacular mosques in Indonesia known with their pyramid
shape stacked roof with pointed roof in the peak. The pointed roof derived from the mountain that believed as the sacred place and used as
symbol in the form of stacked roof of mosque. The finding of this paper is that triangular form can be accepted as mosque architectural
form for the symbolical meaning derived from Sundanese culture. In the two mosques, this triangle shape enlarged and become praying
room and as bridge to the God realm. The shape then achieved two purpose, as symbol of holy place and also fullfiled the function of
praying room.
Copyright © 2018 Jamaludin. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unre-
stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 459
it. Thus the triangle shape in the mosque must receive in-depth at- For the convenience of air, the mosque is equipped with air
tention and research to get an explanation that can be understood by conditioner. The form concepts of Al Safar derived from traditional
the public. Sundanese headband but also consists of diamond cut shape [4].
This paper aim is to unveil the symbolic meaning contained in the
A-Frame shape or triangle shape in mosque architecture in Indone-
sia. With this analysis, it is expected that there will be benefit in
form of an understanding of the triangular shape applied in the form
of a mosque building, both architectural and interior design. By un-
derstanding the meaning of triangular shapes in mosque buildings,
in addition to the community can understand the wealth of symbolic
elements in mosque buildings, also the opportunity is wide open for
architects to make mosque designs in various forms according to
cultural diversity in Indonesia.
Figure. 2: Exterior and interior of Darussalam mosque with A-frame con- 3. Results and Discussion
struction that is triangle shape. A-frame construction created isosceles trian-
gular prism interior.The cantilever box is mihrab area.
To trace the source of the triangular shape in Darussalam mosque
and Al Safar mosque, a study of the theoretical framework on the
For Al Safar mosque, Ridwan Kamil composed of triangle shape to
concept of Indonesian mosque form was conducted, and used to
form the sloping wall of the building with Aluminium Composite
find out the relationship between the concept of architectural forms
Panel (ACP) rectangular module. The interior of this mosque is gra-
of the two mosques and the concept of triangular shape in
dation forms from reactangular to triangle form or A-frame in the
Indonesian with Sundanese ethnic culture as representative.
west end or mihrab. There is no window except in the left and right
sloping wall of mihrab there are tall vertical windows to let day light
entering the room and creates bright ambiance of the imam area.
460 International Journal of Engineering & Technology
pyramid hip roof style imitated the mountain shape and can be eas-
3.1 The Origin of Triangle Shape in Architecture ily connected to the mountain because of the same shape. The
Javanese mosque was derived from mount form [15]. The meaning
The description below is a way to understand the triangle shape in of triangle shape or pyramidal roof in tiered roof of in Indonesian
building. In art, architecture and design, shape defined as two di- vernacular mosque is regarded as the representative of meru, a
mensional and form is three dimension. In other word, shape is a sacred mountain.
flat two-dimensional area enclosed by lines and form is a three-di-
mensional area enclosed by a surface [11]. Triangle shape in term
of art consists of two dimensional shape that is in architecture
generally called A-frame construction. It derived from letter “A”
and performed triangle with the same leg or called isosceles triangle
Isosceles triangles, which have two equal sides, are also found in
architecture throughout the world, mainly in traditional house. The Figure. 6: The mountain is a reference to nature for a triangle
triangle's use in vernacular architecture dates back more years than
other common architecture shapes such as the arch, dome, and cyl- Javanese mosque generally have two to five stacked roofs. Five
inder. tiered roof levels as found in Banten great mosque featured moslem
faith as follows: the bottom level is the largest roof represent all
moslem (islam), the second level is faithful (mukminin), the third
represents benefactor (muhsinin), the fourth represents sincere
(muhlisin) and the fifth roof represents the cautious (muttaqin) [16].
In Java island, the most common mosque is three stacked pyramidal
roofs, it represents trilogy of islam treatise, those are faith (iman),
surrender (islam), good deeds (ihsan). The basic shape of stacked
roof is triangle and formed pyramidal form in three dimensional
Figure 4: Isosceles in three dimension created isosceles triangular prism
In Sundanese language, the triangle shape can be found in the 3.5. Comparation Study: The Meaning of Triangular
phrase bale nyungcung (building with pointy roof) and Buana Shape in Indonesian vernacular mosque and Darussalam
Nyuncung (pointy realm). Bale Nyungcung is another name for the Mosque and Al Safar
holy building, which is mosque. In old days, sentence in Sundanese
ka bale nyungcung (go to the mosque) in everyday conversation What distinguishes the two mosques designed by Ridwan Kamil
means “to hold the marriage ceremony”, which is generally done in from the shape of the vernacular mosque's roof top, is that the two
the mosque. Bale nyungcung pointed to the model of the roof of the mosques are abstraction from the shape of a mountain into an A-
mosque that uses a gunungan (mountain-look shape) or meru piled frame construction, taken from the shape of triangular shape. By
with tiered roof with pyramid-shaped on top composed of four tri- magnified the shape as seen in the two contemporary mosques, the
angular shapes. triangle shape not merely symbolic but also become functional and
In the Sundanese cosmology adopted by the Kanekes community, formalism [24].
according to the Carita Parahiyangan script is called Jatisunda The triangle shape that applied in the form of tiered roof in the ver-
realm is divided into three types[21], they are: nacular mosque merely symbolical form. The triangle shape in piy-
(1) Buana Nyungcung, or Buana Jatiniskala the place where God ramidal form of stacked roof in vernacular mosque used merely as
resides, which is located at the top, symbol, in Darussalam mosque and Al Safar mosque also created
(2) Buana Panca Tengah or Buana Sangkala a place where human as space to pray. Ridwan Kamil enlarged the symbol into the isos-
and other creatures live, located in the middle, celes triangular prism so that in addition to being a symbol of holy
(3) Buana Larang, or Buana Niskala which is the place of people place, the triangular shape also plays as formal form for the func-
who have passed away. tional object as space.
The term Buana Nyungcung is the zenith universe, a term in Sun- Two mosques designed by Ridwan Kamil do not used stacked roof
danese cosmology for god’s place [22]. Pointy buildings and as implimentation of the triangle symbol but he used the triangle
pointed realm are interpreted as sacred buildings not because of shape into the space and the mihrab form. From description above,
their sharpness but because the pointed part is pointing upwards. it is became obvious that two mosques designed by Ridwan Kamil
The upward direction is interpreted as a place of omnipotence, the also have a connection with this tiered or stacked roof meaning, but
place of God. The term nyungcung used to explain the highest in contemporary implementation in the form of isosceles form.
place, the place that only suitable for God and thus it can be under-
stood that nyungcung means holy place. The pointed shape symbol-
ized by a triangle with one of the pointed sections located at the top
and it real world it is mountain.
Mountain used as symbol as holy place for its function as the space
between world and sky. In other world a space between real life in
the world and the afterlife or realm of God that believed exist in the
sky as heaven. Heaven is understood as an almighty place, which is
why when praying people raise their hands up with open fingers.
The other meanings about triangle was told by Ajip Rosidi [23]. He
explained that the triangle shape (in Sundanese called juru tilu) is
also used as a symbol of the vagina or yoni, the gate or door for Figure 10: The different approach on using the triangular shape between
human birth. It seems that the symbol is in the form of an inverted Indonesian vernacular mosque and Darussalam and Al Safar mosques.
triangle or one of the corners is located below. This triangle shape
is opposite position with the mountain shape. The two triangle 3.6. Aesthetic Approach The Meaning of Triangular
shapes abstracted from mountain and vagina then can be understood Shape of Darussalam and Al Safar Mosque
as the space beetween. Mountain is space between real life in the
world and the afterlife or realm of God. The vagina is space between The A-frame construction of Darussalam mosque building which
the nature of womb and the real life in the world. From the descrip- then creates the isosceles triangular prism interior of the mosque,
tion above, it becomes clear that the triangle has an important role and triangle shape composition in the exterior and in mihrab area in
in human life, because it acts as a connecting space between the two Al Safar mosque, can be understood as the adaptation the symbol-
worlds a place of transformation from the previous world to an- ical interpretation from local culture into the mosque contemporary
other. architecture. Ridwan Kamil enlarged the triangle shape into an
isosceles triangular prism created space that can be used by
congregation for praying. It does not only as a symbol but is mani-
fested into buildings. In the vernacular mosque the triangular form
is only placed at the top of the mosque, by Ridwan Kamil the trian-
gular shape turns into a space for worship activities.
The meaning of triangle form in Darussalam mosque and Al Safar
are quite the same. They are simbolised the holy place and also the
space between life and god realm as the stacked roof in Indonesian
vernacular mosque.
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