Leadership Outline
Leadership Outline
Leadership Outline
1. Break-Out Groups with group presentation
a. Define Leadership
b. Define Management
c. Is their a difference? If so, what is it?
d. What makes leaders effective?
e. What makes leaders ineffective?
2. Leadership versus Management
a. What is the difference? – Personal Power & Influence
b. Authority
c. 80/20 rule
d. real leaders assume power in the vacuum (80% taken)
e. some leaders wear the title but provide no leadership (20% given)
f. Use 100%
3. Responsibility
a. Accept responsibility for your decisions and actions
b. Accept responsibility for your subordinate’s decisions and actions
c. Accept responsibility for your and your subordinate’s failures
d. Challenge Conventional Wisdom
i. “All employees are created equally”
ii. Treating each fairly does not mean equally
iii. Utilize Talents where they are best suited
iv. This does not imply allowing laziness as a cover
v. “With enough training every employee will exceed”
• Understand your employee’s assets and limitations
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Pacifico Investigations & Consulting
Leadership & Assertive Supervision
Course Outline
1. Goes back to the 80/20 rule
a. Stop second guessing everything you do
b. Just because there is a disagreement doesn’t make you wrong
c. General Colin Powell leadership rule #1, “Being responsible sometimes means
pissing people off.”
2. Take responsibility for failures, give praise to others for success
a. Your bosses know that the success of any organization lives and dies by its leaders –
3. Don’t rule by committee
a. Take input and consider options, but ultimately you are in charge
b. Make timely and appropriate decisions that best suit the mission
i. If you wait for all the information, it will be too late
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Pacifico Investigations & Consulting
Leadership & Assertive Supervision
Course Outline
1. Friendship versus leadership
2. Being nice and friendly and presenting a continuously positive message is absolutely
3. Don’t confuse being friendly with being friends – don’t let the line between supervisor
and subordinate become so fuzzy no one can tell who is in charge
4. People want to be led by their bosses and want to feel comfortable knowing someone is
absolutely in charge – especially leaders themselves!
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Pacifico Investigations & Consulting
Leadership & Assertive Supervision
Course Outline
1. Regular and Confidential
a. Honesty is key
b. Negative messages must be delivered with tact, but MUST BE DELIVERED
c. Shall be performance based, not personality based
i. We don’t judge people, we evaluate their work performance
ii. Overlooking negative performance is a failure of leadership
iii. Good employees want to improve, they won’t if you don’t help them
iv. Negative comments on a quarterly or yearly evaluation should not be a
1. Organization is the key
a. There are multiple methods of organization
i. Pick the one right for you – BUT PICK ONE!
b. Goal setting is an old idea that doesn’t need fixing
i. Set reasonable and attainable goals
ii. Strive to surpass those goals legally, morally and ethically
c. Prioritize
i. Understanding the mission allows you to effectively prioritize
ii. Having daily autonomy (employee empowered decision making) allows for
creativity and prioritizing based on one’s skill set
2. Control Yourself
a. Minimize useless chatter and distractions that will keep you from attaining your goal
b. As a supervisor, this means watching the little things and keeping an eye on the staff
to ensure they are on target
3. Control Your environment
a. Overwhelming feelings often result of the physical environment
b. Reduce clutter
c. Organize the project and the individual tasks if “overwhelming” is a recurring theme
d. FOCUS – Find Our Calm Under Stress
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Pacifico Investigations & Consulting
Leadership & Assertive Supervision
Course Outline
4. Procrastination
a. Due to lack of prioritizing, self-control, environmental factors and lack of FOCUS
b. Supervisors must determine whether the failure is training related or motivational
i. Is the employee right for the job?
ii. Is the job right for the employee?
iii. Is this a purely performance based problem that requires a different solution?
A. Methods of evaluation
1. Critical thinking and analysis questions from practical exercises
2. In-class mock counseling sessions using role-playing
3. In-class performance evaluation writing exercise
4. Public Speaking exercises
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