Feasibility Study On Beef Cattle Development in Te

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The key takeaways are that beef cattle development in Bintuni regency, West Papua is feasible but requires improvements to land aspects and community knowledge about raising cattle.

The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the readiness of beef cattle development using ranch system in Bintuni District, West Papua through the approach of four local foundations in terms of technical, social and economic aspects.

Socio-economic feasibility was investigated based on food security and poverty level of society.

Buletin Peternakan 42 (2): 170-178, May 2018

Bulletin of Animal Science

ISSN-0126-4400/E-ISSN-2407-876X Acredited: 36a/E/KPT/2016

Doi: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v42i2.32731

Feasibility Study on Beef Cattle Development in Teluk Bintuni Regency,

West Papua
Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati1*, Budi Santoso2, Djonly Woran1, Irba Unggul Warsono1 and John Arnold
Department of Animal Production, Papua University, Manokwari, 98314, Indonesia
Department of Animal Nutrition, Papua University, Manokwari, 98314, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the readiness of the
development of beef cattle using ranch system in Bintuni District, West Papua through
the approach of four local foundations in terms of technical, social and economic.
Research respondents were 62 families from four local foundations in Bintuni.
Determination of technical feasibility of land used based on carrying capacity for each
land. The technical feasibility of raising cattle was observed based on the knowledge of
Article history
the community. Socio-economic feasibility was investigated based on food security and
Submitted: 25 January 2018 poverty level of society. Business feasibility was determined according to economic
Accepted: 20 April 2018 indicators namely B/C ratio, NPV, and IRR. The results showed that the aspect of land
provided by the four foundations was feasible with the average carrying capacity based
* Corresponding author: on fresh weight, dry matter and TDN basis were 1.8, 2.0 and 4.5 AU/Ha/year,
Telp. +62 81325242055 respectively. About 70,91% of the farmers are free from poverty, and 46.54% are in food
E-mail: trieswd4@gmail.com security status, which means that cattle raising will not be disturbed by the basic
requirement of life but it needs an initial investment to support cattle raising. Based on
the technical feasibility of cattle raising as much as 64,39% having no knowledge of
breeding, therefore training and livestock education should be done. The business
feasibility result shows that cattle raising on a breeding scale of 60 heads were feasible
with positive NPV value of IDR 2.536.610,211, IRR of 23.09% and B/C of 1.22. Based
on the overall indicators, it was concluded that the development of beef cattle in Bintuni
regency was feasible to be done with requisite that improvement on land aspects and
community knowledge about raising cattle.

Keywords: Beef cattle, Bintuni, Feasibility, West Papua

Introduction participation in supplying beef to meet both

company and public meat demand, including the
West Papua is an Indonesian province that public demand in Manokwari, Sorong, and Fak-
has been deliberately planned as beef cattle fak.
development area using ranch system. Some The fact that beef cattle is not an
targeted areas in the region are Kebar, Fakfak, indigenous animal in Papua is becoming one of
Sorong, and Bintuni. West Papua has an the challenges on beef cattle development there
approximately 9,000 ha of land available for ranch as local people are not acquainted with beef cattle
development. Furthermore, the plan is also farming yet (Woran and Sumpe, 2007). Some
supported by the availability of agricultural land strategies for introducing and accustoming local
and agricultural waste. people to beef cattle farming practices are thought
Tangguh LNG, a Liquid Natural Gas to be necessary. Assigning religion- and social-
company that operates in Bintuni Bay has an based organization as adviser of farmer group on
intention to collaborate with the Indonesian beef cattle development project is believed to be
government on community development project the best way to do so. Mauludin et al. (2012)
for people around their operating area (Directly stated that one of the main advantages of beef
Affected Village) and outside their operating areas cattle development via farmer group are reducing
such as Bintuni and Fakfak. One of the main farmer’s daily time allocation and enabling work
programs to promote the economic growth of local ethich transfer process.
people there is involving local people on beef Along beef cattle production cycle is one of
cattle development using ranch model. Hopefully, the other challenges on beef cattle development
this program will increase local people that involves the community. The fact that farmer

Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati et al. Feasibility Study on Beef Cattle Development

requires at least 3 years on rearing a cow until it Techniques on land availability and feasibility
will produce a calf is becoming a distinctive evaluation
challenge for a farmer who still lives under poverty The feasibility of land was assessed based
line. An insistence on providing basic needs is a on multiple aspects: forages conformity, forages
common reason for farmers to sell their cow productivity and quality, carrying capacity, water
earlier before it becomes profitable (Widayati et content, and targeted land for ranch area that
al., 2011). A socio-economic background review evaluated as below.
of community that includes their food security
status and the poverty level is required on a Forages identification
feasibility study to asses the readiness of the All sampled forages were identified by
community to do a beef cattle farming practices using the guideline determination, then separated
without having any worry that they will sell their based on their species. Species identification
cattle earlier before old enough to be slaughtered inside the quadrant used identification book.
or sold.
An evaluation of carrying capacity, botany Forages production and quality
composition, and chemical composition of forages Forages production were evaluated based
are required on planning a ranch development. on fresh weight, dry weight, and total digestible
High forage production is positively associated nutrient (TDN) of available forages. The
with the number of livestock animal that can be production of fresh forages was measured based
grazed (Reksohadiprodjo, 1994). on the conversion of the average of fresh
According to above means, research of production/m2 into fresh production/ha by using
technical aspects that include land availability, proper use factor 45%. The production of dry
socio-economic condition by assessing food matters was measured by multiplying the fresh
security status and poverty level of targeted production with the percentage of dry matter
community, and the feasibility study of beef cattle content of the forage. TDN was calculated based
development using ranch system is thought to be on this following formula:
necessary to evaluate the visibility of beef cattle Production of forage TDN = fresh production
development project in Teluk Bintuni Regency. (kg/ha) x % TDN
The forage quality was evaluated by using
Materials and Methods proximate analysis and crude fiber content. As
much as 300 g of each forages samples were
Location and respondent taken for analysis in the laboratory. Measured
This study was conducted in Bintuni and forages nutrient content include dry matter, crude
Manimeri District of Bintuni Bay Regency, West protein, crude fat, crude fiber, and nitrogen-free
Papua by using survey method with question list- extract, and ashes.
baed in-depth interview and direct observation as
well. Respondents are 62 patriarchs consisting of Carrying capacity
25 patriarchs from Yayasan Muhammadiyah Carrying capacity was evaluated based on
(Islamic-based organization), 5 patriarchs from Voisin formula (1959) cit. Reksohadiprodjo (1994)
Yayasan Pendidikan Kristen (YPK, a Christian- that had been modified as follow:
based Education Organization), 6 patriarchs from CC = A × B
Yayasan Pendidikan dan Persekolahan Katolik whereas, forages production/ha
(YPPK, Catholic-based Education Organization), CC = Carrying Capacity
forages consumed/one animal unit/month
16 patriarchs from Koperasi 7 Bersaudara (a Y= forages production/ha
cooperative), and 3 patriarchs form transmigrant
community. Y = (Y − 1)S = R
Sampling was conducted purposively whereas,
toward key stakeholder such as the head of the Y = required paddock/one animal unit/year
agricultural agency; head of local government S = grazing period (30 days)
office; head of the industrial and cooperative R = resting period (70 days)
agency; BP Tangguh representative; board
member and member of Yayasan One animal unit is equal with a cattle with
Muhammadiyah, Yayasan Pendidikan Kristen, 255 kg of body weight that consumes dry matter
Yayasan Pendidikan dan Persekolahan Katholik, as much as 5 kg/day with TDN requirement for
and Koperasi 7 Bersaudara. Other key maintenance and production for a year is 0.6618
respondents involved are public figures; local tonnes TDN/ha/year.
people from Sebyar, Sumuri, and Irarut ethnic
groups who have targeted recipients of the Beef cattle production feasibility
project; local entrepreneurs in meat industry such Beef cattle production feasibility was
as trader, butcher, meat seller, local restaurant assessed by evaluating farmers knowledge
owner, transportation agent, slaughterhouse, and related with cattle housing, breeding, production
meat warehouse and storage facility. process, animal reproduction, feed, and livestock
disease management via questionnaire (Waris et
al., 2015). The results were then sorted into 3
main categories which are: score 0-30 (farmers

Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati et al. Feasibility Study on Beef Cattle Development

without any knowledge on beef cattle farming future operating cash flow using a certain discount
practices); score 31-60 (farmers with limited rate. If the NPV value of a project is positive, it can
knowledge on beef cattle farming practices); and be concluded that the investment is feasible.
score 61-100 (farmers with sufficient knowledge). Meanwhile, the negative NPV shows that the
investment is not feasible.
Socio-economic feasibility NPV can be calculated by following this
The socio-economic feasibility was formula:
determined based on the food security and P
NPV= ∑ t⁄ -l
poverty status of targeted program recipient and (1+i)t 0
by assessing economic indicator of feasibility. In which,
Pt = net cash flow
Food security status i = discount rate
There are numerous methods on n = investment period
assessing food security status, while the indicator I0 = initial outlay
that directly related with welfare is food expenses.
Evaluating food expenses of a household toward The internal rate of return (IRR). The
total expenses will allow seeing unprosperous internal rate of return is an interest rate that shows
household that has a great amount of food present value of benefit and cost are equal to
expenses, leaving small amounts for education, zero.
health, recreation, expenses for luxury stuff, and IRR method is a trial method, whereas
investment. Food security status than can be NPV is equal to zero. The interest rate is
known according to the formula that had been calculated by using trial and error method, finding
proposed by Supardi (2002), and Ilham and 2 interest rate in which can produce PV of cash
Sinaga (2007) as below: inflow above and below the investment value. The
IRR of an investment can be calculated by using
Household expenses this formula below:
ω= x 100% NPV+
Total Expenses
IRR=i- + [ ] (i- -i+ )
in which,  = food expenses NPV+ -NPV-
A household with food expenses as much as In which,
<60% is household with secured food security, IRR = internal rate of return
while a household with food expenses as much as NPV+ = positive NPV
≥60% is a household with unsecured food NPV- = negative NPV
security. i+ = interest rete of positive NPV
i- = interest rate of negative NPV
Poverty status An investment is feasible if the IRR value
A study by Widayati et al. (2011) revealed greater than interest rate (IRR > i).
that households whose any difficulty on providing
their basic needs such as food and clothes will be Benefit-cost ratio (BC). Benefit-cost ratio
barely able to take a role on beef cattle is the comparison between benefit present value
development and rearing beef cattle due to the and cost, indicating the feasibility of an
long cycle of beef cattle production, up to 3 years. investment. BC analysis can be used to evaluate
Thus, poverty status is required to be analyzed to the benefit value of an investment. Theoretically,
perceive the readiness of targeted community on BC can be calculated as below:
rearing beef cattle in a relatively long period. The B⁄ = ∑Bt /(1+i)
poverty criteria used are based on Sayogyo C ∑ Ct /(1+i)t
(1977) criteria. Poverty reduction target base on In which :
poverty criteria in the region where the study was B/C = Benefit cost ratio
conducted is shown in Table 1. i = interest rate
t = investment period
Business feasibility An profitable investment will have B/C
The financial feasibility of ranch greater than 1.
development was evaluated by using net present
value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and Data analysis
benefit cost ratio (BCR) (Gittinger, 1986). Data were analyzed descriptively by using
Net present value (NPV). Net Present some scales that latter can be used to analyze the
Value was used to calculate the difference feasibility from some aspects. The technical
between the value of the present investment and
the present value of cash inflow, subtracted with

Table 1. Criteria of poverty according to Sayogyo (1977)

Poor area Rice (kg/capita/year) Calori (kcal/capita/year)

Poor city 320 3.156,16
Poor vilage 240 2.367,12

Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati et al. Feasibility Study on Beef Cattle Development

feasibility and socio-economic aspect for feasibility al., 2015). Reksohadiprodjo (1994) stated that
justification can be seen in Table 1. rangeland can be classified as productive
rangeland if the carrying capacity is at least 2.5
Result and Discussion AU/ha/year. The surveyed area in this study can
be transformed into a ranch/range land for beef
Land feasibility cattle by introduction new type of forages and
Carrying capacity is the capacity of a ranch legumes, and the application of “cut and carry”
on producing forages for livestock animals grazed feeding method.
in per ha of ranch/rangeland. In another word, it is The average of TDN production of forages
the ability of a ranch to accommodate livestock in Bintuni and Manimeri District is 68.8%. It is
animal (Reksohadiprodjo, 1994). The carrying higher than typical TDN production of forages in
capacity of a ranch/rangeland is depended on tropic that ranges from 41.5 to 59.9%
various factors, such as land and soil condition, (Reksohadiprodjo, 1984). According to that
soil fertilization, climate, forages species, and the analysis, forages available in the surveyed area is
type of a livestock animal. Determination of able to supply nutrient requirement for livestock
grazing pressure base on animal production is the animal.
best method to know optimum stocking rate of a The above carrying capacity estimation
ranch/rangeland. based on either dry matter or TDN is ranging from
According to chemical analysis of forages 2 to 6 AU/ha/year. This condition shows that the
samples in surveyed area, the average of fresh forages available in the area can be used as a
forage production, dry matter production, and TDN ranch for ruminant livestock. However, an
production are 4.4; 1.0; and 3.0 ton/ha. The improvement on its management is thought to be
average of carrying capacity based on fresh necessary to obtain optimal livestock productivity.
weight, dry weight, and TDN in the surveyed area
are 1.8; 2.0; and 4.5 animal unit/ha/year (Table 2). Knowledge readiness of community on animal
Those values are from a calculation in farming practices
which the used bodyweight value of cattle is 250 Technical knowledge on animal farming
kg/head as a standard in the tropical area. practices that include breeding and feeding
Carrying capacity based on the dry matter is process play an important role on the business
relatively greater, compared to carrying capacity sustainability of beef cattle production (Suroto and
based on fresh production, 2.0 vs. 18. It might be Nurhasan, 2014; Waris et al., 2015; Malotes,
possible because of the high water content of 2016). The study shows that the good on farm
forages in the research site, as much as 77.98%. management practices has not been completely
Santosa (1995) stated that carrying capacity adopted by a farmer or targeted community in
estimation based on the dry matter of forages is Bintuni.
more suitable as the nutrient requirement of cattle Technical experience and knowledge on
is calculated based on dry matter. animal farming practices of respondents in Bintuni
Carrying capacity based on fresh and Manimeri District can be seen in Table 3.
production in this study shows a greater number Data on Table 3 show that most
compared to carrying capacity of rangeland in respondents in the study do not have beef cattle
Kebar, West Papua which is 0.49-1.70 AU/ha/year farming knowledge: YPK (100%), Koperasi 7
(Yoku et al., 2014). Furthermore, compared to Bersaudaara (93.75%). Meanwhile, groups whose
rangeland in Flores Regency, Nusa Tenggara limited knowledge on beef cattle farming are
Timur that has 0.38 of carrying capacity (Kleden et YPKK (66.67%) and Yayasan

Table 2. Fresh production, dry matter, and TDN of forages in research site

Yayasan YPK YPPK Koperasi 7 Saudara

Muhammadiyah (SP-5) (Manimeri) (Km 9)

Fresh production kg/m2 0,87 0,66 1,290 0,77

ton/ha 3,93 2,97 5,81 3,44
Carrying capacity based
on fresh production AU/ha/year 2,00 1,00 2,00 1,00
Dry matter (DM) (%) 24,49 22,26 20,10 22,26
production ton/ha 0,96 0,66 1,17 0,77
Carrying capacity based
on dry matter production AU/ha/ year 2,00 1,00 2,00 2,00

TDN prodcution (%) 69,65 72,21 64,97 68,67

ton/ha 2,74 2,14 3,77 2,36
Carrying capacity based
on TDN production AU/ha/ year 4,00 3,00 6,00 4,00
Note: 1 Animal Unit (AU) is cattle with 250 kg of body weight as cattle standard in the tropical area.

Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati et al. Feasibility Study on Beef Cattle Development

Table 3. Technical experience and knowledge on animal farming

Technical knowledge of cattle raising

Does not know about Has limited knowledge of Has sufficient knowledge
beef cattle farming (%) beef cattle farming (%) on beef cattle farming (%)

Koperasi 7 Bersaudara 93,75 6,25 0,00

Yayasan Muhammadiyah 61,54 11,54 26,92
Transmigrant (Control) 0,00 100,00 0,00
YPPK 66,67 33,33 0,00
YPK 100,00 0,00 0,00
Rata-rata (average) 64,39 30,22 5,38

Muhammadiyah (61.54%). Respondents whose development. One of underlying reason for the
sufficient knowledge are transmigrant community failure of beef cattle development in small-scale
(100%) and Yayasan Muhammadiyah (26.92%). farmers is the pressure on providing basic needs.
One of technical challenges related to beef As it has been known before, the production cycle
cattle farming found in the targeted community is of beef cattle takes a relatively long period of time.
the inadequate knowledge of breeding. All Farmer requires at least 3 years to produce a beef
respondents from YPK (100%) do not have skill cattle that can be slaughtered. Therefore, it is
and knowledge on determining the species of beef considered tough for farmers who are still facing
cattle, breeding process, selection, breeding age, difficulty in providing basic needs to keep their
calving interval, and determining behavioral signs beef cattle until reaching the slaughtering-age
of estrous. Moreover, the rearing management (Widayati et al., 2011). A study on household
knowledge is considered as another challenge. income and farmer welfare by assessing
Most the respondents do not have housing for household income toward poverty line and food
their beef cattle. All beef cattle will be grazed all security is considered to be required. The
the time or moved to one yard/farm to another calculation of household income, poverty level,
communally. Beef cattle farming is only a side job, and food security status are shown in Table 4.
and it acts as a saving. Beef cattle have not been Household income was calculated by
used for soil processing in agriculture. Most of adding all net income that available to spend.
beef cattle feces is also not used optimally, only a Income comes from various type jobs either main
few of farmers that used it as fertilizer. Recording or side job. The average of annual household
on a breeding date, vaccination, and other income in this study is Rp32.588.591 with the
practices have not practically applied yet. lowest and highest income as much as
Another technical challenge of the project Rp10.380.000 and Rp66.250.000.
is the limited knowledge of farmer regarding the The sustainability of a job/occupation is
feeding management. Most of the respondents considered as an important factor in improving
have already understood the number of forages household income. An extractive job that
and feeding frequency that they should have commonly practiced by Papua people has less
done. However, they still have limited knowledge sustainability and reliability compared to other
on the using of high-quality forage and the occupation including farming.
necessity of providing ad libitum drinking water for The study shows that 70.91% of surveyed
their beef cattle. Furthermore, the targeted households are above the poverty line, while the
community also still have limited knowledge of rest of 29.09% of surveyed households are below
animal disease management. the poverty line. It confirms that most of the
targeted households have been capable on
Food security and poverty status providing their basic needs. Bandini (2003) stated
Understanding economic background of that the best time to sell a steer when it has
targeted community is considered important in reached 2 years of age and 8 years for a cow to
evaluating the feasibility of beef cattle allow it is reproducing in the meantime. Selling

Table 4. Calculation of income, poverty level and food security status of communities in Bintuni

Number of Number of households that

Organization of Annual income (Rp) households under have no food security
respondents the poverty line status
Lowest Highest Average % %
Koperasi 7 Bersaudara 13.500.000 75.650.000 46.425.000 35,71 78,57
13.200.000 90.000.000 23.277.959 23,08 65,38
Transmigran (kontrol) 4.200.000 21.000.000 10.800.000 33,33 33,33
Yayasan Katolik
6.000.000 84.600.000 43.200.000 33,33 50,00
Yayasan Kristen (YPK) 15.000.000 60.000.000 39.240.000 20,00 40,00
Average 10.380.000 66.250.000 32.588.591 29,09 53,456

Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati et al. Feasibility Study on Beef Cattle Development

the livestock animal in the right time will give a of farmer. Beef cattle farming practices are hoped
benefit on the sustainability and economic profit. to be a motivation for improving welfare and well
Williamson and Payne (1993) stated that the being of the targeted community.
growth curve of beef cattle will keep growing along Economic review by assessing household
the age of the beef cattle until it stops at the income and poverty level shows that most
certain time. At the initial phase of growth, beef targeted community is poverty free. It means that
cattle will need more nutrient for tissue targeted households are ready to be involved in
development, followed by muscle and carcass the project in beef cattle development without any
growth. Selling beef cattle before it reaches its worry that they will sell their beef cattle earlier,
slaughtering-age only will lead to economic before the recommended time.
In the other hand, the study of food The business feasibility of beef cattle farming
security status shows that 53.46% of targeted using ranch system
household are not secured yet regarding their The main purposes of rach development
food security status. It means that only 46.54% of for beef cattle in Bintuni Regency is to raise the
targeted household that has food security issue. beef cattle population in the area. Thus, breeding
Most of the respondents are only able to provide is the main project that considered to be the best
their basic needs, compromising welfare. Fewer way to attain the purpose. The fattening in this
segment expenses indicate that the household project is becoming the additional business in
has an allocation of their expenses to improve order to cut the period for farmers to sell their beef
their welfare and be able to provide basic needs cattle. The investment value on rearing 60 beef
such as food. The study by Joanne and cattle for breeding and 70 beef cattle for fattening
Photakoun (2008) and Biradar et al. (2013) stated are shown in Table 5, as much as
that beef cattle farming on improving the welfare Rp8.111.870.250.

Table 5. Investment value and operating cost on beef cattle production using ranch system (60 beef cattle for breeding and 70
beef cattle for fattening

A Investment for breeding Volume Cost per unit (rp) Total (Rp)
1 Purchasing 2 years old of heifer 60 head 10.000.000 600.000,000
2 Purchasing 2 years old of bull 4 head 10.000.000 40.000.000
3 Selection and Quarantine process for 4 days 2 unit 15.000.000 30.000.000
4 Transportation and mobilization of beef cattle 1 pack 75.000.000 75.000.000
5 Land clearing 20 Ha 40.120.000 802.400.000
6 Cultivation 20 Ha 12.800.000 256.000.000
7 Ranch construction and development 8 Ha 18.475.000 147.800.000
8 The development of cutting grass 8 Ha 15.000.000 120.000.000
The construction of fences surrounding the ranch
9 20 Ha 80.000.000 1.600.000.000
The construction of barbed grass surrounding the
10 8 Ha 80.000.000 640.000.000
grass area
11 The construction of beef cattle yard 2 Ha 39.647.500 79.295.000

12 The construction of beef cattle housing/bardn 4 Unit 55.000.000 220.000.000

The construction of cattle neck clamp used for
13 2 Unit 2.000.000 4.000.000
14 The construction of shelter and drinking system 4 Unit 10.461.000 41.844.000
15 The construction of warehouse (3 m x 3 m) 2 Unit 57.340.000 114.680.000
16 The construction of clinic (3 m x 6 m) 1 Unit 64.446.250 64.446.250
17 The construction of office (5 m x 6 m) 1 Unit 90.000.000 90.000.000
18 The construction of employee housing 5 Unit 150.000.000 750.000.000
19 The construction of a deeping facility for beef cattle 2 Unit 50.000.000 100.000.000
20 Purchasing working tools and utilities 1 pack 5.000.000 5.000.000
21 The construction of water tower and water tub 2 pack 12.080.000 24.160.000
22 Alkon pump and hose 2 Unit 7.000.000 14.000.000
23 The construction of wells and sewage system 2 Unit 11.706.000 23.412.000
24 Pick up car 1 Unit 200.000.000 200.000.000
25 Motorcycle 1 Unit 20.000.000 20.000.000
26 Electrical generator 2 Unit 5.000.000 10.000.000

Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati et al. Feasibility Study on Beef Cattle Development

Lanjutan. Table 5.
volume cost per unit (Rp) Total (Rp)
27 Chopper 2 Unit 40.000.000 80.000.000
28 Livestock scale 1 Unit 15.000.000 15.000.000
Sub Total A
B Investment value for fattening
Procurement of seed, planting, fertilizing and lawn
29 2 Ha 15.000.000 30,000,000
30 The construction of housing/barn 2 Unit 250.000.000 500.000.000
31 Livestock Scale 1 Unit 15.000.000 15.000.000
Sub Total B 545.000.000
C Operating cost
32 Labor cost for 1 additional assistant 12 months 10.000.000 120.000.000
33 Purchasing fertilizer and animal drugs 1 Pack 6.000.000 6.000.000
34 Labor cost 12 months 38.000.000 456.000.000
35 Fuel 20l/day 365 days 15.000.000 109.500.000
Sub Total C 691.500.000
D Operating cost of fattening
38 The purchasing of 1.5 years old of male beef cattle 70 Head 8.000.000 560,000,000
39 Trasnportation and mobilization cost of beef cattle 1 Pack 75.000.000 75,000,000
39 Selection and quarantine for 4 days 2 People 15.000.000 30,000,000
40 Feed supplement and animal drugs 2 Pack 5.000.000 10,000,000
41 Cultivation of legume 33,333 Stek 1.000 33,333,000
Sub Total D 708.333.000
Total of Investment and Operating Cost 8.111.870.250

Tabel 6. Economic feasibility indicators of beef cattle development using ranch system in Bintuny Bay

Indicator) Beef cattle production (breeding purpose) Beef cattle production (breeding and fattening purpose)

value statement justification value statement justification

B/C 1,22 >1 feasible 1,28 >1 feasible
feasible due to the feasible due to the
>tingkat bunga
IRR (%) 23,0384 IRR value is above 23,2986 (>interest) IRR value is above
(> interest)
the interest (11%) the interest (11%)
Feasible due to
Feasible due to the
NPV (Rp) 2.536.610.211 Positive the NPV value is 3.193.345.168 Positive
NPV value is positive

The economic feasibility on breeding of 60 should not only be reviewed for its short-term
beef cattle is obtained in year 13th with positive benefit. Other benefit that should be considered
NPV, as much as Rp2.536.610.610.211. The are a direct and indirect benefit. The direct benefit
23.09 of IRR indicates that the project can be done includes net income obtained from selling the main
above the interest rate (11% per year). B/C and side product of the animal husbandry project
calculation for 20 years of the project is more than in Bintuni Regency. Indirect benefit can be seen
1, as much as 1.22. Thus, this beef cattle from numerous indicators such as the
development project is feasible (Siregar, 2012; improvement of land productivity, the improvement
Steflyando et al., 2014). of work opportunity, the improvement of
The feasibility value of project combining knowledge on animal farming practice, transfer
breeding and fattening shows the greater positive process of work ethic, and interaction between the
value compared to breeding project only, as much community with project assistant (Poole et al.,
as Rp3.193.345.168 in the same year (year 13th). 2007; Mwaura, 2014; Tolno et al., 2015), the
The IRR value of the project combining breeding knowledge on product processing technology and
and fattening is 23.30 which is greater than marketing, knowledge on economic organization
present interest rate (11). The 1.29 of B/C value and cooperation. Another indicator are the
shows that a combination of breeding and enhancement of environmental quality as an effect
fattening project is feasible (Gittinger, 1986; of the project (Santoso et al., 2014).
Zulfanita et al., 2009). The beef cattle development project using
Reksohadiprodjo and Brojonegeroro (1997) mini ranch system have multiplier effects, mainly
stated that the advantage and benefit of a project on providing job availability that will increase the

Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati et al. Feasibility Study on Beef Cattle Development

local people employment and the using of unused western Maharashtra. J. Hum Ecol. 41:
land as productive land. This system also 107-112.
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