2112 Exam 09
2112 Exam 09
2112 Exam 09
DATE OB-May-09
TIME 14:30
Speed of light in vacuo: c = 2.998 X 108 m s-I Planck constant: h = 6.626 X 10-34 J s
Solar mass: M0 =1.99 X 1030 kg Parsec: pc = 3.086 X 1016 m
Solar luminosity: L0 = 3.86 X 1026 W 1eV = 1.602 x 10-19 J
Solar radius: � = 6.9598 x loB m
Proton mass: 1.007276 amu = 1.67266 x 10-27 kg
'He mass: 4.0026 amu
Gravitational constant G = 6.67 X 10-11 N m2 kg-2
Electron scattering (Thornson) cross-section O"T 6.65 X 10-29 m2
Section A
(Answer ALL questions from this section)
4. Explain the conditions that prevail under Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE). [2J
List the relevant distributions appropriate to those conditions (by name; formulae
are not required).
7. The equation of radiative transfer for free-free emission in an ionized nebula may
be written as
dIv .
= Jv - kvIv.
Use this relationship, together with your approximate solutions for the optically-
thick and optically-thin limits, to derive, and thence sketch, the form of the radio- [1]
frequency spectrum of free-free emission from a nebula, Iv ex vI> (Cl! � -0.1, +2;
you may assume that the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation to the Planck function is
valid in the radio regime).
Explain how the temperature and emission measure of the nebula might be mea- [3]
sured from its radio spectrum.
2U+fl =0,
-Gm(T)p(T) x dm
dP = .
r2 47tr2p(r)
By using your derivation of the Virial Equation, obtain an expression for a lower [1]
limit to the (mass-weighted) mean temperature of a star.
For main-sequence stars, R. ex �.8. Use this relationship to show that the mass- [2]
weighted mean stellar temperature increases with increasing mass.
9. Outline the basic steps of the nuclear reactions that constitute
(i) the PP-I process, [8]
and (ii) the triple-a process.
Briefly summarize subsequent fusion processes, and explain why they fail to pro- [6]
duce elements heavier than iron.
Outline how such elements are produced. [3]
Suppose that luminosity and mass are related by L. ex M: for main-sequence
stars. Estimate the main-sequence lifetime (in years) of a 1.5M0 star, assuming [3]
that �10% of the total mass undergoes pp processing.
10. Explain the 'plane parallel' approximation for stellar atmospheres. Under what [3]
circumstances is this a reasonable approximation?
Derive the equation of radiative transfer for a plane-parallel stellar atmosphere in [8]
the form
J.1-- S
11. With the aid of a diagram, explain the term 'equivalent width'. [2]
List, with brief descriptions, the principal line-broadening mechanisms in diffuse [5]
interstellar gas clouds (you may identify the associated profile shapes, but detailed
formulae are not required).
The optical depth in an interstellar absorption line may be written as
T (/.I) = -J<I>(/.I)N.
Using this result , develop an expression for the equivalent width of a weak inter- [3]
stellar absorption line in terms of the column density of absorbers.
With the aid of a diagram, explain how the equivalent widths of interstellar ab- [7]
sorption lines change with increasing column density, for lines of any strength.
(Formulae are not required.)
Briefly summarize the main inferences concerning abundances in the gas phase of [3]
the diffuse , neutral interstellar medium resulting from absorption-line studies.
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