Accounting Basics Fundamental Accounting Concepts
Accounting Basics Fundamental Accounting Concepts
Accounting Basics Fundamental Accounting Concepts
In addition to transactions 1, 2 and 3 in the previous lesson, assume the following data:
Examples Explained
4. The company received cash for services rendered. Cash increased thereby increasing
assets. At the same time, capital is increased as a result of the income (Service Revenue).
As we've mentioned in the Accounting Elements lesson, income increases capital.
5. The company rendered services on account. The services have been rendered, hence,
already earned. Thus, the $750 worth of services rendered is considered income even if
the amount has not yet been collected. Since the amount is still to be collected, it is
recorded as Accounts Receivable, an asset account.
6. Office supplies worth $200 were acquired. This increases the company's Office Supplies,
part of the company's assets. The purchase results in an obligation to pay the supplier;
thus a $200 increase in liability (Accounts Payable).
7. The company incurred in $400 Repairs Expense. Expenses decrease capital. The amount
has not yet been paid. Thus, it results in an increase in total liabilities.
8. The owner withdrew $5,000 cash. Cash is decreased thereby decreasing total assets.
Withdrawals or drawings decrease capital.
9. One-third of the $30,000 loan was paid. Therefore, Cash is decreased by $10,000 due to
the payment. Liabilities are also decreased by the amount paid.
10. The $750 account in a previous transaction has been collected. Therefore, the Accounts
Receivable account is decreased and Cash is increased.
Notice that every transaction results in an equal effect to assets and liabilities plus capital. The
beginning balances are equal. The changes arising from the transactions are equal. Therefore, the
ending balances would still be equal.
The balance of the total assets after considering all the above transactions amounts to $36,450. It
is equal to the combined balances of total liabilities at $20,600 and capital at $15,850 (total of
Assets = Liabilities + Capital is a mathematical equation. Using your skills in algebra, the
formula can be rewritten to get other versions of the equation.
Fundamental Accounting Equation:
Problems and Solutions
No. Problems & Solutions
01. Show that the accounting equation is satisfied after taking into consideration
each of the following transactions in the books of Mr. N
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Accounting equation is the base of accounting. If you are new in learning of accounting you
should learn accounting equation example. With this accounting equation example, you can
clear your fundamentals in accounting. Accounting equation means that equation which tells us
that assets will always be equal to the liabilities. These liabilities are of creditor's liability and
owner's liability. This equation will always same in every transaction. First we explain its
formula and then we prove it with example.
Total Assets = Total creditor's equity + ( Owner's capital + total incomes - total expenses)
(A) Business of Mohan receives cash as asset, Cash asset will be $ 30000
(B) Mohan gives this cash in the form of capital = Owner's equity will be $ 30000
Total Assets = Total Liabilities + Total Capital
Total Liabilities Nil
Cash 30000
Capital 30000
30000 30000
(A) When we bought furniture with cash, our cash will decrease with $ 10000. It means one asset
will decrease.
(B) Our furniture asset will increase in business, so we add $ 10000 as furniture asset. There will
no effect on liability side of accounting equation.
Cash 30000
Total Liabilities Nil
Less payment for furniture -10000
Capital 30000
Furniture 20000
30000 30000
(A) With this there will no effect on cash but new goods asset will increase. This is called
inventory or stock asset. So, we will show more $ 5000 in asset side of accounting equation.
( B) With we have to pay to sham $ 5000, so he is our creditor. This will increase our liability.
35000 35000
( B) We have to get money of $ 2000. So, account receivable will increase with $ 2000.
(C) By this dealing we gained $ 1000. So, this will increase our initial capital.
36000 36000
35000 35000
6. Mohan has to pay rent to landlord $ 1000 but not yet paid.
35000 35000
(A) Our asset of receivable commission will increase because we have to get $ 1000.
(B) Our capital will increase with $ 1000 because this commission is our income. Income always
increases capital.
36000 36000
8. Mohan has received advance fees $ 6000 from client before providing service to him.
(A) This advance fees of $ 6000 will our liability. Because if we will not complete our service,
other person has to get money from us.
(B) A new asset of advance insurance will create with $ 7000 because we has right to get back
same amount before due date of premium of insurance.
42000 42000
10. Mohan purchased Computer of $ 3000 with business cash for personal use.
(A) Cash will decrease $ 3000 for payment for buying computer.
(B) Capital will decrease because he withdraws money for personal use. No, business will get
power for not paying $ 3000 capital in future to businessman Mohan.