Energy Content in Coal: Coal Fired Power Plant
Energy Content in Coal: Coal Fired Power Plant
Energy Content in Coal: Coal Fired Power Plant
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Energy conversion takes place in two stages.
Heat Rate
Heat rate is the heat input required to produce one unit
of electricity. (1 kw hr)
One Kw is 3600 kJ/hr. If the energy conversion is 100
% efficient then to produce oneunit of electricity we
require 3600 kJ. After considering the conversion
efficiency in a power plant we require an heat input
of (3600 / 33.44% ) 10765 kJ/ kw hr.
Coal Quantity
Since coal has a heat value of 20,000 kJ/kg, for
producing one we require (10765 / 20000) 0.538
kg of coal. This translates to (0.538 x 100 x 1,000)
53800 kg/hr (53.8 T/hr)of coal for an output of 100
Coal Cost
Basic cost of coal depends on the market conditions.
Transportation costs, regional influences
and government taxes are also part of the cost. Coal
trader’s web sites give base prices in the
international market.
We take a coal price of around 65 $ / Ton.
The cost of coal consumed by 100 MW power plant is
(53.8 x 65) 3497 $ /hr
A 100 MW unit produces 100,000 units of electricity.
So the cost of coal per unit of electricity is
(3497/100,000) 3.5 cents per unit
Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant: The
BasicSteps and Facts
Written by:
johnzactruba • Edited by: Lamar Stonecypher Updated Sep 8, 2011 •
Related Guides:
Carbon Dioxide | Steam | Electricity This article explains the basics
of the working of a coal fired thermal power plant.More than half of
the electricity generated in the world is by using coal as the primary
fuel.The function of the coal fired thermal power plant is to convert
the energy available in the coal toElectricity.Coal power plants work
by using several steps to convert stored energy in coal to
usableelectricity that we find in our home that powers our lights,
computers, and sometimes, back intoheat for our homes.
image provided by the Tennessee Valley Authority
The steam is then condensed and pumped back into the boiler to
repeat the cycle.
Stage 3
Ads by Google In the third stage, rotation of the turbine rotates the
generator rotor to produce electricity based of
Faraday’s Principle of electromagnetic inductio
n.Check out this series describing the layout of thermal power plants.
Key Facts About Coal-Fired Electricity Production
In practice to effect these three stages of conversion, many systems
and sub systems have to bein service. Also involved are different
technologies, like combustion, aerodynamics,
heattransfer, thermodynamics, pollution control, and
logistics.As an example consider these facts for typical
coal fired power plant of capacity 500 MW.
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Ash if the main byproduct of combustion and since the
amount of coal used is huge, you canintuitively imagine
the amount of ash generated and it is certainly in the
region of thousand tonsper day. Ash is much more
difficult to handle as compared to coal since it comes
out hot fromthe boiler and is very corrosive in nature.
Disposing of such huge quantities of ash requires alarge
amount of empty space where it can be safely
dumped.There must be ample space for the storage of
coal, disposal of ash, building of the power
plant,residential colony of workers, markets and so
forth. An approximate analysis suggests that forevery
MW of power generated there must be at least 3 acres
of land available for the purpose.Hence the power plant
site needs to have good amount of land and this land
should have goodbearing capacity in order to survive
the static and dynamic loads during the operation of