How To Teach English With Technology.: Educational Technology & Society January 2007

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How to teach English with Technology.

Article  in  Educational Technology & Society · January 2007

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2 authors:

Jesus Garcia Laborda Teresa Magal-Royo

University of Alcalá Universitat Politècnica de València


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Laborda, J. G., & Royo, T. M. (2007). Book review: How to teach English with Technology (Gavin Dudeney & Nicky Hockly).
Educational Technology & Society, 10 (3), 320-324.

How to teach English with Technology

(Book Review)

Jesús García Laborda
Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics
Polytechnic University of Valencia
E. P. S. Gandía, Valencia, Spain
Tel: +34 666 28 45 57

Teresa Magal Royo

Associate Professor in mass media communication
Polytechnic University of Valencia
E. P. S. Gandía, Valencia, Spain

Textbook Details:
How to teach English with Technology (with CD-Rom)
Gavin Dudeney & Nicky Hockly
Pearson - Longman
ISBN 978-1-4058-5308-8
2007, 192 pages

The volume "How to teach English with Technology" is about language and second language teaching using the
devices provided by the latest computer and the Internet technology. The authors, Gavin Dudeney and Nicky
Hockley, are co-directors of a language consultancy (Barcelona, Spain) specializing in online and distance learning.
The book has two main goals: introducing a wide range of teaching possibilities for those teachers who are not fully
aware of computer technology and Internet, and providing ideas for classroom activities. The book has 12 chapters
plus four appendixes which first describe the theoretical background of each topic, followed by a description of the
technical devices, software or hardware, used in the chapter and some suggestions for classroom activities. Each
chapter concludes with a summary, and has some follow up activities in the first appendix. The most interesting
feature of this book is the possibilities of teachers who work with a variety of types of software or hardware (or even
who actually do not approach language teaching with technology) to integrate the contents into their daily teaching
plans. Additionally, the book has a CD-Rom which contains practical demonstrations of the contents of each chapter,
interviews with practitioner teachers and some related webliography. These interviews reflect the ways, constraints
and ideas of novel and experienced teachers when working with technology.

Introduction and justification

Computers and language teaching have walked hand to hand for a long time and contributed as teaching tools in the
language and second language classroom. In fact, this is not the first book of its kind. It seems that regularly, as
computers evolve, applications to language teaching in form of relevant general volumes are published (Chesters,
1987; Brierley, 1991; Sabourin, 1994; Boswood, 1997; Beatty, 2003; Lee, Jor & Lai, 2005; Szendeffy, 2005;
Towndrow, 2007). Besides, among a large number of recent publications, some volumes have addressed specific
issues in second language acquisition (Chapelle, 2001), communication (Warschauer & Kern, 2000) or language
teaching for the professions (Arnó Macià, Soler Cervera & Rueda Ramos, 2006) to only mention some.

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Computers and technology are still a source of fears and insecurity for many teachers everywhere in the world
despite the latest advances applicable to language teaching such as specialized websites, blogs, wikis, language
teaching methodology, journals, and so. Although many countries have done institutional efforts to modernize their
equipment, spent large amounts in technology, proved the positive effects of integrating computers in language
learning (Tsou, Wang & Tzeng, 2006) and so, many teachers still miss the appropriate interest, strong will to learn
and a challenging attitude towards teaching with computers. Most times the reasons are the lack of time for out-of-
school training in combination with the natural difficulty in incorporating new working schemata within their own
classrooms. Besides, institutional organizations, district and national educational boards, and even publishers are
doing important institutional efforts to strengthen the presence and evolution of distance and online education. As a
consequence, computers should no longer be a little more than a way to typewrite (as they are sometimes today),
send messages and, when lucky, to browse out for information on the net (Johnson & Eisenberg, 2006). Therefore,
one major concern that is commonly shown by both teachers and education boards is how to motivate and instruct
teachers to integrate computers and ICT into their classes.

How to teach English with Technology, integrates theory and practice. In this sense, the authors intend to inform as
well a propose ways in which to incorporate teaching tips, ideas and classroom plans as well as provide activities for
self learning and evaluation. In fact, texts are usually followed by revision and critical thinking questions that try to
make the reader process and summarize what has been said in each chapter.

Chapter Summary
Chapter 1, Technology in the classroom, deal with the importance of including ICT in the language curriculum.
According to the authors ICT have intrinsic features that make its use a valuable source of input but, as mentioned
above, sometimes teachers may distrust technology or just be reluctant to include computer activities in their

Chapter 2, Word processors in the classroom, provides unique ideas for those teachers with limited expertise in
teaching with technology so they can begin progressively to incorporate computer activities with texts and pictures
but, in any case, in a productive and elaborate way.

Chapter 3, Using websites, is probably one of the most interesting chapters since the chapter gives information on
how to find information for classroom activities, it makes a difference between authentic and teacher created
materials, on the features to be evaluated when working with and distinguishing the best didactic websites, it also
provides ideas for classroom plans and, very important, tips for disadvantaged or advanced students. The chapter is
also attractive because it gives ideas for classes with different proficiency levels.

Chapter 4, Internet-based project work, addresses the issue of task based learning and cooperative language
learning, two of the most significant issues in the last twenty years in language teaching. The authors propose a scale
from the easier projects like information gather to simulations and webquests. Especially significant is the authorst
combination of constructivist and behaviourist ideas and function of webquests in language learning (p. 56).

Communication asynchronous and synchronous are especially studied in chapters 5 and 6, How to use email and
How to use chat. These two chapters have attracted a huge number of researchers in the last few years that have been
able to see their importance in cross cultural communication and intercultural competence. Thus, the first and foreign
language teachers may want to read the chapters with especial attention. These chapters include features such as
proposals for keypal projects, or the educational use of chat rooms (either written or oral), chat lessons, and, overall,
follow up activities for both types of communication activities.

Chapter 7, blogs, wikis and podcasts, deals with social software in which a variety of social actants have the
opportunity to include their own contents. Among these, podcasts are significant for the language teachers because
teachers find difficult to find resources for pronunciation with a variety of accents and registers to be used in the
classes. Wikis and blogs incorporate a wide variety of audiovisual items that are worth incorporating in the foreign
language classroom.

Chapter 8, Online reference tools, looks at online resources as dictionaries, thesauruses, translators, corpuses and
encyclopaedias; Chapter 9, Technology based courseware, shows publishers' materials that teachers may want to use
along with their textbooks (of which, most times they are official complimentary materials). Chapter 9 also devotes
some space to interactive whiteboards that have so successfully incorporated in countries like India or Mexico, and
computer assisted language testing software and online resources. This chapter is enhanced by the following,
Producing electronic materials, which is a very appealing mini-course in authoring, creating and designing one own's
materials with or without authoring tools like Hot Potatoes, Clarity Software, Creative Technology or Quia.

The last two chapters are exclusively devoted to the professionals' personal development. Chapter 11, e-learning:
online teaching and training, deal with the importance of online training and tutorials, discussion lists and online
groups. Chapter 12, Preparing for the future, may be an interesting additional extra reading. It reviews the current
state of the art, and gives advice on how to keep up-to-date in such a changing world and foresees what things like
web 2.0, online learning, virtual learning and m-learning may bring. This chapter is very attractive and, even for
those already in the field, will certainly offer new discussion and thinking perspectives.

The book also includes a section with activities and a key for those activities just in case this book may be used for
teacher training in technology courses. These activities are linked to the webliography and interviews presented in
the CD-Rom. The volume also includes a jargon-free glossary with the most common entries found in the book.

It is a pity that some teachers in first language or general teaching may be deviated by the title of this book review
considering that they may not be interested in language or foreign language teaching, because this book integrates
ideas and current technology and web developments that some teachers may neglect or just simple ignore but could
be valuable assets in their classes. Dudeney and Hockly's work tends to be informative instead of only supporting the
great benefits of including all the elements pointed in the previous section in the language classroom. Of course, they
support their use in the classroom but it seems that their goal is more offering a range of possibilities to the teacher
rather than directions for the implementation of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). In this sense, the
real examples provided all through the book, the huge webliography, the snapshots from websites, the
demonstrations and teaching tips facilitate its reading and quick integration into most school environments. Besides,
readers will feel the potential of the book and self development because they will be able to go from the simpler
ideas to "dip into the chapters which seem most relevant to [their] teaching or training situation" (p. 5). In the
negative sense, the book could have placed most snapshots on the CD-Rom. Also, some readers may get the feeling
that the CD-Rom has been underused since many demonstrations and classroom techniques could have been video
recorded like some other books in the "How to…" series have done (Harmer, 2007). One other drawback would be
that the book is too descriptive and although the activities lead to personal reflexions, more possibilities for writer-
reader debate and some directions to for and against forums would have been desirable for the more experienced
readers. A major criticism would be the almost total lack of citations to mega websites that include many of the
desirable materials (exercises, journals and more) like, Dave's ESL Café or as
well as mentions to journals like TESL EJ, CALL EJ, Language Learning & Technology, Internet ESL journal and
many more which are open and free to be accessed by practitioner teachers.

From a content perspective, the book addresses issues that have currently attracted the interest of many teachers in
any field and that have proved their value in any classroom like the educational place of webquests (Ikpeze & Boyd,
2007), the traditional use of websites as a source of information and language input (Dalvit, Murray, Mini, Terzoli &
Zhao, 2005), the positive attitudes of teachers and students towards the integration of the Internet in language
teaching (Yang, 2001), the use of video to provide language input and correct the student's phonological realizations
(Hada Ogata, & Yano, 2002), issues in synchronous and asynchronous communication (Ingram, Hathorn & Evans,
2000), attitudes towards computer based oral (Kenyon & Malabonga, 2001) and writing (Sawaki, 2001). assessment,
projects in language learning as a teaching approach for classes with different competence level and students with
different teaching styles (Hollenbeck & Hollenbeck, 2004).

In general, because it can be assumed that we live with and by technology, it is time to look at ICT as an integral part
of education with some limited implications in education. Thus, teachers need to use them as tools in education
rather than variables of failure or success in language (or content) teaching (Felix, 2005). Of course, ICT can
definitely complement textbooks, as seen in chapter 9, but it is so much more than supporting stuff (Oakes &
Saunders, 2004) and, obviously, a lot less than the teacher who assumes a facilitating role that allows students to
achieve new degrees and types of literacy (Molebash & Fisher, 2003).

Overall, both experienced and inexperienced practitioner teachers as well as teacher trainees will definitely learn
very much from this book and its friendly reader style. They will certainly find teaching tips and strategies that may
enhance and improve their teaching. Again, it can be emphasized that teachers with no experience have nothing to
fear, and that the implementation of some strategies included in the book will increase confidence in technology and
their esteem as teachers.

Arnó Macià, E., Soler Cervera, A., & Rueda Ramos, C. (2006). Information Technology in Languages for Specific
Purposes: Issues and Prospects, Berlin: Springer.

Beatty, K. (2003). Teaching and Researching Computer-Assisted Language Learning (Applied Linguistics in
Action), New York: Pearson ESL.

Boswood, T. (1997). New Ways of Using Computers in Language Teaching (New Ways in Tesol Series II),
California: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.

Brierley, B. (1991). Computers as a Tool in Language Teaching (Ellis Horwood Series on Computers and Their
Applications), New York: Ellis Horwood.

Chapelle, C. A. (2001). Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press.

Chester, S. (1987). Use of Computers in the Teaching of Language, Houston: Athelstan Publications.

Dalvit, L., Murray, S., Mini, B., Terzoli, A., & Zhao, X. (2005). Computers and african languages in education: An
ICT tool for the promotion of multilingualism at a south African university. Perspectives in Education, 23(4), 123-

Felix, U. (2005). Analysing recent call effectiveness research--towards a common agenda. Computer Assisted
Language Learning, 18(1-2), 1-32.

Hada, Y., Ogata, H., & Yano, Y. (2002). Supporting online video-based correction for language learning through
markup-based video. Paper presented at the Ed Media Conference, June 24-29, 2002, Denver, Colorado, USA.

Harmer, J. (2007). How to teach English, Harlow, Essex: Pearson-Longman.

Hollenbeck, J. E., & Hollenbeck, D. Z. (2004). Technology to enhance learning in the multi-lingual classroom, East
Lansing, Mi, Eric document ED490629, Retrieved June 7, 2007, from

Ingram, A. L., Hathorn, L. G., & Evans, A. (2000). Beyond chat on the internet. Computers & Education, 35(1), 21-

Ikpeze, C. H., & Boyd, F. B. (2007). Web-based inquiry learning: Facilitating thoughtful literacy with WebQuests.
Reading Teacher, 60(7), 644-654.

Johnson, D., & Eisenberg, M. (2006). Learning and Teaching Information Technology--Computer Skills in Context,
East Lansing, Mi, Eric document ED465377, Retrieved June 7, 2007, from

Kenyon, D. M., & Malabonga, V. (2001). Comparing examinee attitudes toward computer-assisted and other oral
proficiency assessments. Language Learning & Technology, 5(2), 60-83.

Lee, C., George Jor, G., & Lai, E. (2005). Web-based Teaching and English Language Teaching: A Hong Kong
Experience, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.

Molebash, P., & Fisher, D. (2003). Teaching and learning literacy with technology. Reading Improvement, 40(2), 63-

Oakes, J., & Saunders, M. (2004). Education's most basic tools: Access to textbooks and instructional materials in
California's public schools, Teachers College Record, 106(10), 1967-1988.

Towndrow, P. A. (2007). Task Design, Implementation and Assessment: Integrating Information and
Communication Technology in English Language Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong: McGraw-Hill Education.

Tsou, W., Wang, W., & Tzeng, Y. (2006) Applying a Multimedia Storytelling Website in Foreign Language
Learning. Computers and Education, 47(1), 17-28.

Sabourin, C. (1994). Computer assisted language teaching: Teaching vocabulary, grammar, spelling, writing,
composition, listening, speaking, translation, foreign languages, Montreal, Canada: Infolingua.

Sawaki, Y. (2001). Comparability of conventional and computerized tests of reading in a second language. Language
Learning & Technology, 5(2), 38-59.

Szendeffy, J. (2005). A Practical Guide to Using Computers in Language Teaching, East Lansing: University of
Michigan Press/ESL.

Warschauer, M., & Kern, K. (2000). Network-based Language Teaching: Concepts and Practice, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Yang, S. C. (2001). Language learning on the World Wide Web: An investigation of EFL learners' attitudes and
perceptions, Journal of Educational Computing Research, 24(2), 155-181.


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