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Word Clouds as a Learning Analytic Tool for the Cooperative e-Learning

Platform NeuroK

Conference Paper · January 2018

DOI: 10.5220/0006816505080513


9 679

6 authors, including:

Fernando Calle-Alonso Jesus M. Sanchez-Gomez

Universidad de Extremadura Universidad de Extremadura


Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez Carlos J. Pérez

Universidad de Extremadura Universidad de Extremadura


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Word clouds as a learning analytic tool for the cooperative e-learning
platform NeuroK

Fernando Calle-Alonso1, Vicente Botón-Fernández2, Jesús M. Sánchez-Gómez2, Miguel A. Vega-

Rodríguez3, Carlos J. Pérez4, and Daniel de la Mata1
1Research& Development Department, ASPgems SL, Spain
2CátedraASPgems, University of Extremadura, Spain
3Department of Technologies of Computers & Communications, University of Extremadura, Spain
4Department of Mathematics, University of Extremadura, Spain


Keywords: Word Cloud, Tag Cloud, e-learning, Online Learning, NeuroK, Evaluation, Engagement.

Abstract: Word cloud or tag cloud is very popular these days. It is a tool used to display text data summarization in a
visual way very easy to understand. However, it has not been extensively used in teaching, especially in e-
learning, where it would make a differential advantage. This research presents the definition and
implementation of a word cloud tool in a social network-based e-learning platform (NeuroK), which is based
on the principles of neurodidactics. The different features developed and the results are shown. Several options
to compare word clouds from students and teachers allow the teacher to follow the development of the course,
and they provide him more information to facilitate the evaluation process.

1 INTRODUCTION wrong direction (see, e.g., Nevado-Maestre et al.

Nowadays the use of e-learning platforms and Word clouds or tag clouds can be used as learning
learning management systems is very common for analytics tools. They are visual representations of a
educational institutions and companies. Although group of words used by the participants, and based on
digital education is growing continuously some their frequency. These kinds of clouds give greater
problems still should be resolved to continue its prominence to the words appearing more frequently
development, for example, the difficulty to evaluate and reflect on all the information from within the texts
students (dos Santos and Favero, 2015), the written by students and teacher in a course. By
prevention of dropping out (Yukselturk, 2014), the investigating the patterns of words or phrases, or lack
redesign of educator roles (Adams et al., 2017), thereof, in textual student responses, instructors can
understanding automatically the natural language evaluate if students, as a whole, have grasped or
(Aeiad and Meziane, 2016), the flaws in the missed key concepts or have made common mistakes
accreditation process of distance and flexible learning (De Paolo and Wilkinson, 2014). Word clouds belong
programs (Reeves, 2003) or blending formal and to Natural Language Processing (NLP) field (Heimerl
informal learning (Czerkawski, 2016). et al., 2014). They are very easy to understand and
Calle-Alonso et al., 2017 developed a new e- they can be included into any class, subject and age.
learning platform based on the principles of Although word clouds are very powerful, they are not
neurodidactics called NeuroK. This platform tries to used very much in education (nor in online education
solve several of the current problems affecting online of course), but the use of word clouds could offer a
learning environments. lot of benefits in e-learning for both, teachers and
Learning analytics (Baker and Inventado, 2014) students.
allows to track students’ performance by using the Nickell (2012) shows how word clouds work and
data obtained from their activities (connections, test them in mathematics classrooms. He showed how
comments, evaluations, documents shared, to promote engagement in online learning. Perry
favorites...). With learning analytics and (2012) presents a use case to teach speaking style with
visualizations, real-time analysis of the course could word clouds. Miley and Read (2011) used Wordle
be performed and future-tense adapting actions could (see Feinberg, 2014) to introduce Word Clouds in a
be carried out to anticipate the course drifting in the classroom routine, obtaining remarkable results,
validated by the student’s opinions. Finally, also with Word clouds represent the concepts most frequently
Wordle, McNaught and Lam (2010) applied word used by students. In our word cloud representation,
cloud tool for content analysis in research. These are the bigger and more colourful a concept is, the
some interesting results of the application of Word larger the number of times it is referred to.
Clouds in teaching and research. The data obtained from NeuroK to build the word
NeuroK is meant to be a social network based clouds and to compute the concordance are mainly:
learning platform, and the learning process is • Remarks: these are opinions and statements
supported by discussions. These interactions motivate that a student publishes in a course or topic.
students and engage them. Word cloud tool is • Comments: these are the replies that other
demonstrated to be engaging for the students, and to students make of a certain remark.
motivate them. Kaptein et al. (2010) and Behar- • Rates: these are comments that a student makes
Horenstein and Niu (2011) established that visual to justify their assessment of a given remark.
representations of students texts with a word cloud • Delivery documents: these are the documents
improved both critical thinking and engagement, that a student encloses in a delivery. Valid
especially in online discussions. It was tested by extensions are .doc, .docx, .pdf, .pptx and .txt.
deNoyelles and Reyes-Foster (2015), revealing that Each time any of these contents are published in a
students using word clouds reported moderately course or topic, the corresponding text is
higher scores on critical thinking and engagement, as automatically analysed. First of all, words are
well as peer interaction. extracted from the text and those that do not provide
In the next sections, NeuroK Word Cloud tool is useful information, such as e-mails, URLs, numbers,
presented and the features and results are shown with acronyms… are removed from the analysis process.
examples. Once the words have been extracted, they are
analysed one by one checking they are not stop words
and obtaining their stem. Stop words are the most
2 IMPLEMENTATION common words in a language (prepositions, articles,
adverbs, conjunctions, pronouns and some verbs),
Today, word clouds have been shown to be a whereas a stem is the root form of a word. Stop words
beneficial tool in many educational environments are filtered because they are not so relevant for natural
(Miley and Read, 2011). They provide a fast visual language processing purposes since they occur
representation of the information contained in texts. frequently in a language and bring little semantic
In this work, word clouds are built upon a cooperative value to the content. At present, there is no single
e-learning platform, Neurok, to provide an overview universal list of stop words available, so we have built
of the main concepts used by the students in their our own list. Furthermore, a stemming process based
communications. Thereby, teachers can analyze what on Porter Stemming Algorithm (Porter, 1997) is used
is being talked about in a course and make decisions for getting the stem words. Other versions of the
on strategy to guide the learning process through the algorithm have been included to support more
texts the students write. And since it is a learning languages, such as Spanish (Porter, 2001).
methodology based on the content of Finally, both the analyzed word and those with
communications, the participation and activity of which it is related are mapped to the same stem, and
students is promoted and supported. one of them is selected to represent them all. This
The tool under consideration consists of three avoids repetition of words with the same meaning in
different word clouds: the target cloud, with the the resultant cloud. When choosing the most
concepts that the teacher would like their students to representative word, several criteria are taken into
talk about; the real cloud, with the concepts most account: infinitive verb, shorter noun, etc. Words
commonly used by the students; and the mixture of frequency is counted by stem and only those with the
both, with the target concepts according to their use highest frequency are shown in the cloud.
by the students. These three word clouds provide a
summary at both topic and course level. Several
metrics to measure the concordance between the
target cloud and the real cloud have also been
implemented. 2.2 Target cloud
The target cloud is a special type of cloud that
2.1 Word cloud represents the ideal word cloud from the teacher’s
point of view. In this cloud, the teacher can add new have tested NeuroK through an existing topic called
words and specify the weight of each word. By “Machine Learning” to obtain a real dataset. There
default, this weight is set proportionally to the number are ten students enrolled in the course and two
of target words. To add new words, the teacher can teachers. In order to carry out the tag clouds service,
either type in a new one or select one from the list of all the information from remarks, comments, delivery
words that the students have used. Once the target documents and rates are saved into the NeuroK
cloud is defined, the teacher will be able to compare database. This information is registered during a
it with the course word cloud and analyse the period of one month. Once the dataset is ready, it is
concordance. time to navigate to the “Tag Cloud” view and set up
the filters. In this case, we establish the following
2.3 Interface settings: Machine Learning topic, only students and
25 most relevant words. The rest of the filters remain
For the representation purpose, jQCloud plugin has as default.
been used. This plugin has some advantages such as: After running our tag cloud approach over the
• Dynamic lightweight and customizable tag previous dataset, it generates the word cloud that
cloud. appears in Fig. 1. This cloud consists of the 25 most
• Cloud shaped appearance. frequently used words by students of the Machine
• Vertical, elliptic and rectangular clouds Learning topic. In order to evaluate this word cloud it
support. is necessary to define the target cloud. To do this, the
• Custom tag’s links, styles and weights. teacher can click on the button “Manage target cloud”
and customize its own target cloud.
The teacher and students can interact with the
word cloud by doing any of the following actions:
• Choosing the course or topic they want to be
represented in the cloud.
• Filtering data by user: students and teacher/s,
only students or a specific student.
• Selecting the size of the cloud: 10 words, 25
words or 50 words.
• Comparing the current cloud with the target

However, there are differences between students

and teachers in terms of permissions. On the one
hand, students can see highlighted in the mixture of
clouds those words they are talking about and that the
teacher wants them to use, but they cannot see the
target words they are not using yet. On the other hand,
the teacher can see all types of words: the target words
the students are talking about, the remaining target Figure 1: Word cloud of the “Machine Learning” topic.
words that have not been used, and the words the
students are using but are not part of the target cloud.
In addition, teachers are the only ones with enough
permissions to edit the target cloud.

In this section, a typical scenario that covers the
concepts previously mentioned has been described in
order to better understand the system operation. We
As shown in Fig. 2, a teacher is able to create a words belonging to both clouds. Just like the rest of
target cloud per topic or course. They can type a new the cloud representations, the size of each word is
term and add it to the cloud or select one of the words proportional to its frequency of use. Keeping all this
they have already used during the topic or course and in mind, let us analyse the concordance metric.
insert it into the cloud. The words used by the teacher Concordance is measured through words and their
are listed on the right column and sorted by frequency respective weights. The existence of each target word
of usage. The teacher can also remove a word from in the word cloud is validated and then the deviation
the cloud at any time. In this case, we have built a between its weights is calculated. The smaller the
target cloud with ten concepts related to machine absolute deviation of all weights, the better the
learning: algorithm, classification, decision, concordance between the two clouds. The best case
knowledge, learning, mining, model, network, pattern scenario is when students use all words from the
and training. As it was mentioned before, if no weight target cloud at the same frequency/weight specified
is specified, it is set proportionally to the number of by the teacher. In the case in hand, the concordance
target words. Since the target cloud has 10 words, between the two clouds is about 31.59%. There are
each word will weigh 10%. only four words that both clouds have in common:
learning, decision, model and classification; but their
frequency of use is pretty similar to that expected
from the teacher. That is the reason why, even though
students use only a few target words, the concordance
is acceptable.

Figure 2: Target cloud customization view.

Once the target cloud is defined, the teacher can

compare it with the topic word cloud. Back to the
“Tag Cloud” view, we select the following options:
Machine Learning topic, only students, 10 most Figure 3: Comparison of “Machine Learning” word cloud
relevant words and comparison with target cloud. It is with target cloud.
important to remark that the number of words
selected has a direct impact on the concordance By modifying one of the previous filters, namely
calculation. To compare two clouds as accurately as the user filter, we can get a comparison between a
possible, both must have the same size. That is why, student word cloud and the target cloud. Fig. 4 and
in this case, only the 10 most relevant words from the Fig. 5 shows two examples of these comparisons. The
topic word cloud have been selected. first one presents a peculiar case because: in this case
Fig. 3 shows the mixture of word clouds generated there are six words belonging to both clouds, but not
after the application of the above filters. This mixture all of them have the expected frequency of use. That
presents different colours for each word depending on explains why the concordance here is only of 18.82%.
the cloud they belong to: dark slate blue for those
words belonging to the word cloud (i.e. Machine
Learning word cloud), light grey for those words
belonging to the target cloud and orange for those
Word cloud can be used in gap analyses, showing
what is missing and what is expected using the
different colours to identify if the words are in the
student cloud, the teacher cloud or both. With this
information, the teacher could redirect the learning
process introducing new materials and exercises to
reinforce the misrepresented subjects in the word
In the future, we will expand these features also to
be available for the students. It could be very
interesting for them to know which concepts they
have missed, but that the teacher expects to be well
known. This could boost motivation to discover the
ideas proposed by the teacher that they have left
Also the distances from student’s word clouds to
the teacher one could be useful to provide an
automatic evaluation measure.
Figure 4: Comparison of “Machine Learning” word cloud
with target cloud for a specific student.

This research has been supported by Ministerio de
Economía y Competitividad (Centro para el
Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial, Contract IDI-
20161039), Junta de Extremadura (Contract AA-16-
0017-1, and projects GR15106 and GR15011),
Cátedra ASPgems, and European Union (European
Regional Development Funds).

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