ORNO 3859 Ccpur Sonpi
ORNO 3859 Ccpur Sonpi
ORNO 3859 Ccpur Sonpi
3. The following physical and financial targets shall be strictly adhered to:
4. The technical approval and financial sanction will lapse, in case the work is not
awarded within Six months from the date of its issue.
5. This sanction is subject to the condition that the work should be completed as
per the targets indicated in paragraph 3 above.
7. There should not be any overlapping and duplication during execution at site
with the already executed work and proper video recording of the work before &
after execution should be ensured.
9. The project has to be uploaded on PMIS as per NHIDCL guidelines for monitoring
purpose. Monthly progress reports in the stipulated proforma should be sent to
HQ, NHIDCL, till the work is completed. On completion of the work, project
completion report shall also be submitted in the prescribed proforma.