An Open-Source Radio Coverage Prediction Tool
An Open-Source Radio Coverage Prediction Tool
An Open-Source Radio Coverage Prediction Tool
Abstract: - The cellular concept applied in mobile communication systems enables significant increase of
overall system capacity, but requires careful radio network planning and dimensioning. Wireless and mobile
network operators typically rely on various commercial radio network planning and dimensioning tools, which
incorporate different radio signal propagation models. In this paper we present the use of open-source
Geographical Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) for the calculation of radio signal coverage. We
developed GRASS modules for radio coverage prediction for a number of different radio channel models, with
antenna radiation patterns given in the standard MSI format. The results are stored in a data base (e.g. MySQL,
PostgreSQL) for further processing and in a simplified form as a bit-map file for displaying in GRASS. The
accuracy of prediction was confirmed by comparison with results obtained by a dedicated professional
prediction tool as well as with measurement results.
Key-Words: network planning tool, open-source, GRASS GIS, path loss, raster, clutter, radio signal coverage
explained. In addition, a module for tying various where each mapset represents either a subregion or
processing modules into a complete radio coverage data of a specific user. Users may read and copy data
tool is also described. In section 4, the GRASS from any mapset, while modifications are allowed
software package is evaluated by comparing only within their own mapsets. Such organization
simulation results with field measurements and enables efficient collaboration between users in a
simulations performed with a professional tool. The working group. The described structure of maps and
paper concludes by a description of our experience files is maintained automatically by GRASS.
with the GRASS system and by plans for our future GRASS GEOMETRY AND
GIS systems find their applications in several /home/user/grassdata /slovenia /PERMANENT
management, navigation, environmental protection, /avilhar
/toulouse .
demographical data management etc. Several .
. .
professional GIS tools exist on the market; however, . /dbf ...
due to their limitations such as price, long response .
to required changes and limited possibility of tool .
patterns and setup parameters such as antenna tilting, responsible for a correct sequence of modules
azimuth and antenna height. Furthermore, it execution. Therefore, each individual module
performs computation of the maximum signal level represents realization of the radio calculations only,
at the receiver and additional processing of the while the script takes care for the input and output
output data. data management. The achieved modularity has
The software packet block diagram is presented in several benefits:
Fig. 2. It is composed of two basic compositions of simple upgrade or substitution of existing
modules. The first part is composed of GRASS mathematical modules with new models,
modules for radio coverage calculations, which are module independency from a specific
linked together with a script written in the Python network,
programming language. Additional modules for data quick and simple recalculation for an
comparison and for adapting input data to the individual segment or chosen geographical
GRASS data structure build the second group of region,
GRASS modules. possibility of parallelized calculation.
Besides the GRASS modules represented in Fig. In each step, realization of different modules with
2 as white squares, the input and output data are also the same or a similar task is feasible. Proper module
depicted as different colorized parallelograms. selection is performed through the script and
Textual input and output files are indicated in depends on the usage purpose. This is significant
orange, GRASS raster files in blue, while databases especially for the first segment where different
are denoted in yellow. mathematical models for radio signal propagation
The core of the radio coverage software is radio can be taken into consideration. In the first segment,
coverage calculation in Fig. 2 encircled with a four modules are implemented, r.fspl, r.hata,
dashed line. Radio coverage calculation for the r.hataDEM and r.cost231. Module r.sector is
whole cellular network is divided into three steps: currently the only module in the second segment
path loss calculation for isotropic source, while the third segment contains two modules -
calculation of influence of the antenna db.GenerateTable (creates an empty table for the
diagram, antenna tilt and azimuth, results) and r.MaxPower (arranges the computed
storage of N highest calculated received data and writes it to the output file).
signal strength values into a database.
In the GRASS programming environment every 3.1 Implemented Path Loss Models
segment is implemented as a separate module. A Currently, four basic path loss prediction models for
script written in the Python programming language is
the open rural and suburban environments are r.sector module calculates the actual path loss for the
implemented. analyzed cell and writes the data to the output raster
The FSPL (Free Space Path Loss) model for further processing.
implemented in the r.fspl module calculates radio
signal propagation attenuation in free space with no 3.3 Arranging Cells According to Received
nearby obstacles to cause reflections or diffractions Power and Writing in Database
[14]. At higher carrier frequencies and in After the path loss for each individual cell located
environments without many reflections, the r.fspl within the analyzed area has been calculated, the
module can serve as the first approximation of the radio signal coverage prediction must be performed.
radio signal propagation prediction for the The received signal strengths for cells included in
geographical points that are in the transmitter’s line- simulations are calculated with the r.MaxPower
of-sight. Therefore, the calculation must be done in module. Values from different antennas at each
two steps. In the first step, the visibility between the receive location are arranged in a table in a
transmitter and each receive point in the area must be decreasing sequence. An empty table is first
determined with the already integrated r.los module. generated with the db.GenerateTable module.
Afterwards, the path loss at the LOS points is Furthermore, the r.MaxPower module also generates
calculated using the r.fspl module. an output raster file with the maximal received signal
The r.hata module implements the Okumura-Hata strengths for all individual points, which can be
model [1]. The model is founded on empirically graphically presented in GRASS GUI (Fig. 3).
determined radio propagation characteristics and
includes three variants: for the urban, suburban and
open environments. The model does not consider
terrain configuration neither the environment where
the mobile terminal is located, which are its main
drawbacks. Radio signal attenuation depends only on
the distance, antennas heights and carrier
frequencies. To improve the model accuracy, an
additional knife edge diffraction module must be
The COST231 model, realized in the r.cost231
module, is an extension of the Okumura-Hata model
for higher frequencies [15]. It is suitable for medium
and large cities where the base station antenna height Fig. 3: Radio coverage calculation for flat terrain at
is above the surrounding buildings. The terrain 2040 MHz with r.hataDEM module
configuration is only partly taken into consideration.
Therefore, the signal is predicted also behind larger 3.4 Python Script
geographical obstacles, which significantly In order to enable interaction of all processing
contributes to the model inaccuracy. modules, we wrote a module, r.radcov, in the Python
In the r.hataDEM module, a modification of the scripting language. Creation of the user interface
Okumura-Hata model is implemented [16]. In itself was considerably simplified by the fact that
addition to the carrier frequency, the distance GRASS has built-in support for this, offering input
between the transmitter and the receiver, and the parameter parsing and checking against allowed
receiver and transmitter antenna heights, the model values, and also automatically generating graphic
takes into consideration also the terrain profile, user interface at run time if a user wants to use it.
clutter data and the spherical earth impact. This is the First, r.radcov reads an input table in the CSV
most accurate and sophisticated model implemented (Comma Separated Value) format, which specifies
in GRASS so far. the configuration of the radio cells comprising the
radio network, such as positions and orientations of
3.2 Antenna Radiation Diagram Influence antennas, etc. It also takes a number of parameters
After the path loss calculation of the isotropic source (as command-line arguments or via the GRASS’s
for a specific region, the antenna’s radiation diagram auto-generated GUI) specifying global simulation
is considered. Based on the input raster containing data such as radio transmission frequency etc. The
the path loss data for the isotropic source, and the script performs extensive checking of these
antenna’s radiation diagram (beam direction, parameters as well as the contents of the input table
electrical and mechanical tilt, antenna gain) the against valid values and reports eventual errors.
Next, r.radcov performs a two-step coverage the professional radio signal coverage prediction
computation by first calling modules for the selected programme TEMS.
propagation models (e.g. r.hata, r.hataDEM,…) and The performance of the new software package
then applying antenna transmission beam forming was investigated for different types of networks
using the actual antennas’ radiation patterns. (GSM, UMTS) and terrains (hilly and almost flat
Finally, r.radcov calls the r.MaxPower module, rural, urban, and suburban). Due to the limited scope
which joins all partial coverage results for individual of the article, only the analysis for one region with
antennas into a complete coverage data, given as a several UMTS base stations is included. Radio signal
bit map picture and a database (e.g. MySQL, coverage prediction using the custom built GRASS
PostgreSQL) for further processing. software takes longer than an identical prediction
with the TEMS software package.
The accuracy of the GRASS prediction software
4 Radio Coverage Tool Performance can be verified from charts in Fig. 4. On the left side,
the charts comparing the measurements and
Analysis calculations with the GRASS radio coverage
The performance and accuracy of the developed
prediction software are depicted, while graphs
modules for radio signal coverage prediction was
showing the comparison between the measurements
investigated through the comparison of simulation
and calculations with the TEMS software package
results with field measurements. The reference
are on the right. It is evident from the received power
values were obtained by comparing field
charts showing the simulation results from both the
measurements and simulation results acquired from
software and the field measurements that the
-20 -20
Meas. Meas.
-40 Sim -40 Sim
-60 -60
Rscp [dBm]
Rscp [dBm]
-80 -80
-100 -100
-120 -120
-140 -140
-160 -160
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
N 4 N 4
x 10 x 10
Received power
60 60
40 40
20 20
Diff [dBm]
Diff [dBm]
0 0
-20 -20
-40 -40
-60 -60
-80 -80
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
N 4 N 4
x 10 x 10
simulation results match with the measurements data. The achievment made so far represents a strong
rather well. The deviation among the measurements base for future work and is interesting both from the
and simulations for both software applications is point of view of researchers as well as network
depicted in the second raw of diagrams in Fig. 4. It is developers.
evident that the difference between the diagrams on
the left- and on the right-hand side is minor. Thus, it can
be concluded that the results from the developed Acknowledgment
radio coverage tool are comparable with the results The authors gratefully acknowledge for suggestions,
from the TEMS software package. Some negligible advices and the results of measurements and radio
differences between the results originate from the cover predictions the Radio networks department at
fact that the implemented path loss model in the Mobitel d.d.
TEMS software used in the simulation is not entirely
available. Thus, it cannot be realized in the GRASS
software with all the minor details. References:
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Loss in Land Mobile Radio Services, IEEE
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