Reliability: Case Processing Summary
Reliability: Case Processing Summary
Reliability: Case Processing Summary
Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.884 9
Item Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
Soal1 .57 .504 30
soal2 .60 .498 30
soal3 .53 .507 30
soal4 .67 .479 30
soal5 .60 .498 30
soal6 .67 .479 30
soal7 .53 .507 30
soal8 .63 .490 30
soal9 .73 .450 30
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Alpha if Item
Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted
Soal1 4.97 7.757 .751 .861
soal2 4.93 8.202 .585 .875
soal3 5.00 8.138 .596 .875
soal4 4.87 8.189 .620 .872
soal5 4.93 8.202 .585 .875
soal6 4.87 7.982 .704 .865
soal7 5.00 7.724 .758 .860
soal8 4.90 8.162 .613 .873
soal9 4.80 8.648 .480 .883
Scale Statistics
Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items
5.53 10.120 3.181 9