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How to Build a Nuclear Bomb

Hosted by McMaster Science for Peace

David Kahl

27 March 2007
 Motivation
 Principles of Nuclear Energy

 Uranium acquisition and refinement

 Nuclear Reactors

 Bomb Physics

 Distinguish Between Good and Bad
 Undergrad Course Project

 The Los Alamos Primer

• “Those who worry that it is all too easy to find

bomb-building instructions in the library or on the
Web should rest assured: these lectures were
tough for the greatest theoretical physicists of the
time to follow” official book review
 Support Nuclear Disarmament

Manhattan Project
 Fission: New Science in the 1940s
• Today we are standing on the shoulders of giants
• Texts also widely available now

 This talk will explain Little Boy

• Uranium shotgun design
• This design is much simpler than a plutonium bomb
• Untested prior to detonation at Hiroshima
• Do not scoff at 'elementary' bomb design

 Weapons are more advanced now

• Higher Efficiency Output
• Signifcantly more sophisitcated engineering and physics
• ICMB technology yield unlimited target range
Nuclear Basics
 Nuclei and Elements
 Big Bang and Stellar Nucleosynthesis

 E = mc2

 Fusion and Fission

 Rubber Band Model

 Release of Energy
• Adjusts Proton/Neutron Number
 Alpha, beta, gamma
 Varying Lifetimes

• Shade of Grey, not black and white

 Radioactivity is everywhere
 Earth's magnetic field, temperature

Uranium Fission in Detail
 Spontaneous vs. Induced
 Splits into uneven nuclei and neutrons

• Average of 2.5 neutrons each with 2 MeV

Fission Products Chain Reaction of Fission 8
Uranium Fission Cross-section

No cross section below 1.4MeV
High cross section at low energies
Will only fission with high energy
Will fission fairly easily neutrons, and even then, cross
section of n-capture is high,
leading to plutonium.
Cottingham, W. N., Greenwood, D. A. An Introduction to Nuclear Physics, 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Natural Uranium
 Ore Must be Mined
• Pitchblende and Uranite
 UO2 , UO3 , U3O8
• Saskatchewan produces 30% of the world's uranium
• Ore can be bought for ~$20/kg

 Machinery for Processing

 Isotopic Composition
• 99.3% 238U, 0.7% 235U
 Decay series
• Explains the isotope disparity
• 238U has a longer lifetime than all elements in 235U decay chain
 Roughly 4 billion year difference

Uranium 238 Decay Series

Adapted from Greenwood, N.N. Chemistry of the Elements. Pergamon Press Ltd., U.S.A., 1984.
Uranium 235 Decay Series

Adapted from Greenwood, N.N. Chemistry of the Elements. Pergamon Press Ltd., U.S.A., 1984.
Uranium Enrichment
 A weapon requires mainly 235U
 Compare enrichment with depletion
 Largest Single Limiting Factor
• Getting 235U in highly purified form
• For our purposes, over 11,000 kg will need to be refined!
 Initial Refinement Most Time Consuming
• Range: .7% to ~15%
• Target value: 80% to 99%
 Refinement methods use mass difference
• 1.26% mass difference makes this difficult
• Electromagnetic
 Method used for the Manhattan Project
• Gas Centrifuge
 Primary Method Employed since 1946 due to lower cost
• Aerodynamic
• Thermal Diffusion
• Laser Process 13
Electromagnetic Separation
 Ionize and accelerate UCl4 into B-field
 Imperfect ionization / collection

Refinement Facility
Oak Ridge, TN
 Sample Alpha Track at Y-12
• Refines natural to 12-20%

 Sample Beta Track at Y-12

• Refines Alpha Track to 80-

Y-12 Refinement Facility
40 – 240 grams/day of 235U
Gas Centrifuge
 Inject UF6 gas into rotor
• Gas is very corrosive

 Separates like a merry-go-round

 Only causes slight enrichment
• Must use a series of centrifuges

 2500 Centrifuges for 1 year

• This would process ~11 metric tons of uranium ore

Nuclear Power
 Controlled reactions make heat
 No greenhouse gases

 Natural reactors in West Africa

 Ontario: 50% power from nuclear

 Worldwide: 550 reactors, 450 active

 Chernobyl

• By-passed safeguards to increase output

 Three Mile Island
• Contained all radiation 18
Type of Reactors
 Slow vs. Fast Neutrons
• Recall cross section for uranium isotopes
• 238U can capture a fast neutron and decay to 239Pu
• Breeder reactors fabricate 239Pu in excess

 Light water vs. Heavy water (CANDU)

• Light water reactors require ~3-20% enriched uranium
 Compare to >80% enrichment for weapons

• Heavy water reactors may operate with natural uranium

• CANDU reactors can burn plutonium

Spent Fuel
 May be stored underground
• This is where uranium originally came from!

 Reprocessing 'waste'
• Spent fuel contains many valuable materials
• Over 90% of waste is uranium
• Conserve world's uranium supplies
• 1 ton of reprocessed material = ~100,000 barrels of oil
• Does contain ~1% plutonium

 Oil and coal also make nuclear waste

• Much less controlled or accounted for

Molecular and Nuclear Reactions
 Conventional explosives
• Rely on breaking chemical bonds for energy
• Energy release on the order of 10eV/molecule

 Nuclear weapons
• Break apart the nucleus for energy
• Immediate energy released: 178MeV/nucleus
(determined experimentally)

 Comparison
• Nuclear explosives are around 10,000,000 times
more powerful than conventional explosives

So you want to design a bomb…
 We need a fast chain reaction of fissions

• Mean free path

• Critical mass
 Trigger design
• How the bomb is detonated
 Output and efficiency
• Energy ouput of explosion
• How much uranium underwent fission

Neutron Mean Free Path
 Mean distance a neutron travels before collision with U
• Think of this like a pinball machine

 Mean free path for any  The time () for this to occur
interaction (ℓ), with cross- with neutron velocity () is:
section () and density s .07 m −9
(=4.8 x 1028 nuclei m-3): τ= = =8 .1x 10 s
v 1 .7x 10 7 m⋅s−1
ℓ= =0 . 029 m=2 .9 cm
σ t ρ 235 U
 1 in 6 collisions is a fission
with a neutron energy of 2
MeV. Assume 'random walk.'
Then the fission mean free
path (s) is:

s= 6⋅ℓ =.07 m=7 cm

Chain reaction of fission 23
Critical Mass Calculation
 Minimum uranium mass to sustain chain reaction
 Number of neutrons (N), with neutrons per fission (), variable
neutron current (j), computed fission time-scale (), as a
function of time (t) and radius (r):
dN  υ −1  dj
= N−
dt τ dr
 The neutron current (j) and its radial derivative, with the
mean free path (ℓ) and neutron velocity () as before:
ℓ v dN dj
ℓv d N
j=− dr 3 dr 2
3 dr
 We may easily combine these two equations which yields:
dN  υ −1 
ℓv d N
= N
dt τ 3 dr 2 24
Critical Mass Calculation
 We only need to consider the time-independent part of the
equation to find the critical radius, so we can set it to zero:

 υ −1  2
ℓv d N
N 2
τ 3 dr
 This is an easily solvable 2nd order homogenous ordinary
differential equation. The solution is simply dependent on
unknown constants C1 and C2:

N =C 1 cos
3 υ −1 
τ⋅ℓ⋅v 
r C 2 i sin 
3 υ −1 
r 
 This is a sinusoidal wave function, and if we apply the
boundry condition N=0 at the centre (r=0), then we have:
0=C 1 cos  0  −C 2 i sin  0  25
Critical Mass Calculation
 So this means that C1=0 and we are left with a single constant
C=C2i, which gives us the following equation:

N =C sin  3 υ −1
r 
 We set r as one half of the critical radius (Rc), because this
is where we expect the neutron density to be the highest
because of elastic and inelastic scattering of neutrons.
The sine function has its first maxium at /2. Thus:

 3υ −1
R c=π
Critical Mass Value

 Solving for the critical radius
Rc, we get: π 2 τ ⋅ℓ⋅v
Rc =
3 υ −1

 Recalling that we have the following values for our variables:

ℓ =0 .029 m τ =8 .1×10−9 s
υ =2.5 v=1. 7×10 7 m/s

 If we plug in these values, we find that Rc=9.35 cm. Using

235U, we find that a sphere with this radius is 64.9 kg

 A mass of this size is precisely large enough to sustain a

chain reaction despite neutrons lost through the surface of
the sphere of uranium. 27
Trigger design
 Assemble the critical mass at high speed
• Speed of assembly for 235
U is 600 m/s to avoid pre-detonation
• This calculation is tough, but the values are known
• Pu requires a much faster assembly speed

 Include a source of neutrons

 U can be detonated with a

235  Pu requires a more

simple shotgun design sophisticated concentric

Serber, R. The Los Alamos Primer. University of California Press, 1992.
shell explosion 28
Trigger Neutron Source
 Once the critical mass is assembled, any free neutron that
interacts with it will be sufficient to trigger detonation

 210
Po is an α-emitter

 Be + α 
9 12

 The neutron released in this reaction has enough kinetic energy to

induce fission in a 235U nucleus

 Put half the neutron source on the bullet, and half on the target

 Little Boy had an explosive output of 20kT of TNT
 A 20kT output is equal to 24 TeraJoules
 There are 2.85x10-11J/fission
 This means that 8.4x1023 atoms must fission for a
20kT yield
 This number of atoms will fission in 80 generations of
 The time this will take is .648 microseconds
 This is equivalent to .327 kg of uranium
 This means the bomb must have an efficiency of slightly
over 0.5%

 A tamper is a material which surrounds the critical mass
 To increase efficiency the critical mass you can add a
tamper of highly dense material like 238U or gold

 The tamper serves two purposes

• It reflects neutrons back into the mass, decreasing surface loss
of neutrons
• It increases the density around the mass, holding it together
longer so more fissions can occur before density drops too far
to sustain the reaction
• Given that expected efficiency is less than half of one percent
any minor increase that the tamper provides will greatly
increase the magnitude of the explosion

Aerial of Hiroshima Before

Aerial of Hiroshima After

Former Prefectoral Office

 This was the only building in Hiroshima to survive the

nuclear bombing by the US in 1945. Now A-Bomb Building.

 Covered Enrichment
• This is where uranium originally came from!

 Explained Little Boy

• Showed most of the calcuations that the book omits
• Such a basic nuclear bomb is not conceptually difficult
• Did not show how to calculate minimum detontation
• Critical mass explains why there are not small nuclear

 Even a low efficiency is deadly

• Did not do advanced yield calculations

Final Statement
 Understanding basic nuclear physics is useful for effective
opposition to nuclear arms proliferation
 Limiting factor for building a bomb is acquiring the fissile
 Must protect existing fissile material

 The physics involved isn’t prohibitively difficult

 I went through most the details in under an hour
 Many reactor designs do not use or produce bomb grade
 Reactors are safe and do not emit greenhouse gases

 Please don’t go out and build a bomb now


Chad Huibregtse, Steve Abbott, Elizabeth Boatman, Elon Candea, Sarah Johns, Jason
Marmon, Dr. Patrick Polley, Jared Nance, Eric Stall, John Stierna, Loren Warmington
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