Chapter 2.02 - Fire-Resistive Requirements and Standards For Fire Protection
Chapter 2.02 - Fire-Resistive Requirements and Standards For Fire Protection
Chapter 2.02 - Fire-Resistive Requirements and Standards For Fire Protection
(a) General. Finishes for interior walls and ceilings of any building shall be
classified according to their flame-spread characteristics using the
internationally accepted "Tunnel Test" or other equivalent test for fire
protection. The class of materials according to flame-spread characteristics shall
be determined for each occupancy group. The smoke density shall not be greater
than that obtain from the burning of untreated wood under similar conditions
when tested in accordance with the "Tunnel Test" in the way intended for use.
The products of combustion shall be no more toxic than the burning of untreated
wood under similar conditions.
(a) General. Buildings shall adjoin or have access to a public space, yard, or
street on not less than one side. Required yards shall be permanently
maintained. For the purpose of this Section, the center line of an adjoining
street or alley shall be considered an adjacent property line. Eaves over required
windows shall be not less than 75 centimeters (30 inches) from the side and rear
and rear property lines.
(b) All building erected shall face a street or public alley or private street which
has been officially approved.
(a) Every room intended for any use, not otherwise provided with air-
conditioning or mechanical ventilation system as herein provided in this Code,
shall be provided with a window or windows whose total area of openings shall be
at least 1/10th the floor area of the room, and such shall open directly to a
court, yard, public way or alley, or water course.
SECTION 1.01.01: Title
SECTION 1.01.05 Building Use Affecting Public Health and Safety
(a) Any building or structure, or any ancillary or accessory facility thereto, and
any alteration or addition to any building or structure already existing, shall
conform in all respects to the principles of safe construction, shall be suited to
the purpose for which the building is designed, and shall, in no case contribute
to making the community in which it is located at eyesore, a slum, or a blighted
Section 9. Performance Standards The GB Code shall be subject to the following performance
Section 10. Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency requires the adoption of efficient practices, de
signs, methods and technologies that reduce energy consumption resulting in cost savings.
a. General As the humidity levels are very high in the Philippines, the unwanted infiltration a
nd humidity ingress into the spaces can cause additional load on the air conditioning system
and a detrimental
impact on air quality. Buildings must be planned and designed with specific details to ensure t
hat air tightness is maximized. Details should precisely include joints, service entry points, win
dows and doors. The implementation of these measures requires only increased attention to t
he construction details and it can be implemented at practically no cost.
ii. Moisture protection on the surface of the external façade to reduce vapor or moisture migr
ation from external spaces
d. Exceptions Buildings and spaces without provisions for air conditioning systems are exempt.
a. General This measure will give building occupants the flexibility and opportunity to use nat
ural ventilation for free cooling and fresh air in regularly occupied spaces. This measure will li
mit the tendency to create glass-
sealed box type buildings. Size of each room and space shall be consistent with the occupan
cy load of the NBC.
c. Requirements
i. Operable windows or balcony door shall be provided in regularly occupied spaces. The size
of the opening shall be equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the floor area of regularly occ
upied spaces.
ii. All operable windows shall be provided with safety features for protection against strong w
inds, water penetration and protection for building occupants including child safety and securit
a. General Light-
colored building envelope, especially the roof areas which are the most vulnerable, can reduce
heat transfer from the outside to the inside of the building by having surfaces with high Sola
r Reflectance Index (SRI).
c. Requirements Building metal roof surfaces shall either be colored white or have a minimu
m SRI of 70.
d. Exceptions. There are no exceptions to this provision.