C Is A Procedural Programming Language. It
C Is A Procedural Programming Language. It
C Is A Procedural Programming Language. It
Holerith developed a motor driven calculating computer Z3 was ENIAC A computer containing 17,000 Hexadecimal is the most common way
machine that counted, sorted and used in aircraft and missile vacuum tubes and over 500 miles of of displaying the raw data sitting in a
collated information stored in punched design during World War II for wires machine's memory or even stored on
cards. the German War Effort. disk
An assembler is a program that C is a procedural programming language. It FORTRAN was the world's first high-level C++ was devised by Bjarne Stroustrup
converts assembly language into machine was initially developed by Dennis Ritchie programming language. It was also an employee from Bell Labs (AT&T).
code. between 1969 and 1973.
developed at IBM by a small team led by
John Backus.
Ruby was created by Yukihiro In 1642, Blaise Pascal, a mathematician, Analytic machine is able to store 1,000 20-digit
Java was started as a project called Matsumoto, or "Matz", in Japan in the invented the calculator constructed of decimal numbers and a variable program that
"Oak" by James Gosling in June 1991 could modify the function of the machine so it
mid 1990's gears and wheels
could perform various calculating tasks
. BIOS and DOS Communications Area – . IO. SYS – program that loads the into the TPA MSDOS/PCDOS – it occupies 2 areas of the Device Drivers – Varies from one pc to another.
contains the transient data used by programs to whenever an MSDOS or PCDOS is started memory. One is 16 bytes long located at the top of It controls the installable I/O devices such as
access the I/O devices and the internal features of the TPA and other one is much larger and is at the mouse, scanner and the CD-ROM
the computer system. bottom
COMMAND.COM – command processor program. FREE TPA – holds application programs as they Hard Disk Memory – Attached to the computer . Free Area – this area is used for the expanded
It controls the operation of the computer from the are executed like Word, Spreadsheets and CAD and the interface card might contain a ROM. This memory system EMS in PC or XT system
Keyboard. programs to name a few. ROM often holds low-level format software at or the upper memory system in an AT
location C8000H system.
Video BIOS ROM are found in C0000H up to BIOS ROM – located on the top 64K of the system I/O Space - allows the microprocessor to . EXPANDED MEMORY SYSTEM - This page frame
C7FFFH and contains program that controls the area. This ROM controls the operation of the basic communicate between itself and the outside world. (usually located in D0000H to DFFFFH) is used
display. I/O devices connected to the computer system. It allows the computer to access up to 64K to expand the memory system by switching in
different 8 bit I/O devices pages of memory from EMS into this range of
memory address.
Basic Language ROM – only found in early IBM MICROPROCESSOR – the heart of a BUSES – a common group of wires that
LIM 4.0 – is a memory management driver that systems, this area is open or free in newer computer microprocessor-based computer system. It is the interconnects components in the computer system.
resulted from Linux, Intel and Microsoft system. In newer systems, it is back filled with extra controlling element in the computer and sometimes
standardizing the access to expanded memory RAM called upper memory or memory blocks. Each referred to as the CPU.
systems. block is 4KB in length.
• A19/S6 - A16/S3 • AD15 - AD0 – QS1 and QS0:
– multiplexed address/status bits. – Multiplexed address/data bus. show status of LOCK:
– lines carry status bits S6 - S3 whenever ALE is – lines carry address bits A15 - A0 whenever ALE internal instruction queue. Provided for access by is used to lock peripherals off the system. Activated
logic 0. (Address Latch Enable) is logic 1. the by using the LOCK: prefix on any instruction.
numeric coprocessor (8087).
Accumulator register consists of 2 8-bit registers Base register consists of 2 8-bit registers BL and Data register consists of two 8-bit registers DL Base Pointer (BP) is a 16-bit register pointing to
AL and AH, which can be combined together and BH, which can be combined together and used as a and DH, which can be combined together and used data in stack segment. BP register is usually used
used as a 16-bit register AX 16-bit register BX as a 16-bit register DX. for based, based indexed or register indirect
Source Index (SI) is a 16-bit register. SI is used Destination Index (DI) is a 16-bit register. DI is Implied - the data value/data address is implicitly Register indirect - instruction specifies a register
for indexed, based indexed and register indirect used for indexed, based indexed and register associated with the instruction. containing an address, where data is located. This
addressing, as well as a source data address in indirect addressing, as well as a destination data Addressing mode addressing mode works with SI, DI, BX and BP
string manipulation instructions. address in string manipulation instructions. registers.
Addressing mode
Based Indexed with displacement - 8-bit or TPA – holds the operating system and other DOS – Disk operating system. It controls the way . Interrupt Vectors – access various features of
16-bit instruction operand is added to the contents programs that control the computer system. that the disk memory is organized and controlled the DOS, BIOS, and applications. BIOS is a
of a base register (BX or BP) and index register (SI as well as the function and control of some I/O collection of programs stored in ROM or in Flash
or DI), the resulting value is a pointer to location devices connected to the system memory that operate many of the I/O devices
where data resides. connected to the computer system.
DT/R Data transmit/receive. Data bus is BHE/S7 Bank high enable HLDA (Hold Acknowledge): Indicates
transmitting (‘1’), or receiving (‘0’) (for controlling – used to enable D15 - D8 in an 8086 during a 16-
that the microprocessor has entered the Minimum Mode: connect MN/MX to
bi-directional bus drivers). bitread/write.
– Multiplexed with S7, which is not used (always hold state. +5V (directly).
– latched with ALE.
Maximum Mode: connect MN/MX to 8086 and 8088 bus cycles consume four ALE (Address Latch Enable) • If more than 10 loads are attached to
ground (directly). system clock periods any bus pin, then the entire 8086/8088
must be buffered
Overflow Flag (OF) - set if the result is Auxiliary carry Flag (AF) - set if there SYSTEM AREA – contains program on I/O addresses between 000H and
too large positive number, or is too small was a carry from or borrow to bits 0-3 in either a ROM or flash memory and RAM 00FFH address the components on the
negative number to fit into destination the AL register. for data storage. main board of the computer
Pentium Pro Processor-based computer The first 1MB of memory is often called The PS/2 is referred to as microchannel The remaining area is available I/O
systems can have up to 1M less than 4G the real memory because each Intel architecture of the ISA (industry space for expansion that extends from
or 64G of extended memory Processor is designed to function in this standard architecture) system depending I/O port 0500H to FFFFH
area in its real mode of operation on the model number.