Catch Up Plan
Catch Up Plan
Catch Up Plan
Department of Education
Region II
Division of Cagayan
Gonzaga, Cagayan
SY 2018-2019
For the first two years of the Senior High School Implementation,
subjects were not harmonized. Schools did not offer the same subjects
because subject offerings per school were dependent on the
availability of senior high school teachers in the area. It is only this
year that the department came up with the harmonized subjects that
all schools in the country should offer per semester, per track and per
The school faced a problem when Grade 12 students from other
schools transferred to our school. It was a problem in the sense that
some of the subjects that were already offered by our school for the
past two semesters were not yet offered by the school where they
came from and vice versa. And they also changed their track
preference. But as a public institution, we cannot deny the students to
study in this school. So, the department has come with a solution to
answer such problem.
The department coordinator assessed the students’ report cards
and look unto the behind and advanced subjects per student- there
are 9 Grade 12 transferees. For them to still get the offered subjects
this semester under Grade 12 in their respective Track and Strand, we
provided them a special schedule aside from their regular schedule.