18 Descrips
18 Descrips
18 Descrips
It has been said that the rose is a rose from the time it is a seed to the time it dies. Within it, at all
times, it contains its whole potential. It seems to be constantly in the process of change: Yet at each
state, at each moment, it is perfectly all right as it is.
In Philippine tradition, a lady’s eighteenth birthday is a much awaited celebration of her womanhood.
Back then, debut celebrations are organized by the debutante’s family as a way of introducing her to
the society and letting the community know of the debutante’s readiness for courtship, love and
romance. Thus, the 18 Roses involves a dance with 18 men, handing over the rose and thorn which
symbolizes sorrow and gladness linked together and expectedly present in every relationship.
Imbued with social expectations and legal responsibilities, the debutante’s life here onwards will be a
whole new level of challenge and fun. Be that as it may, she would need the counsel, wisdom and
support of her most trusted confidants, peers and advisors.
The 18 Candles is the time for 18 women, who share a special relationship with the debutante, to give
speeches, advice and well-wishes for the lady of the evening. Each candle that they will light
symbolize the light which shall guide the debutante in her journey to womanhood.
The transition towards a life of adulthood can be daunting and thrilling. Life being crazy and
complicated as it is, it is always a good idea to look back on wonderful memories, ponder carefully
before making any decision and move forward with a brave heart. As the debutante sets on the path
of womanhood, she would need gifts and tokens from where she will draw hope and inspiration.
The 18 Treasures entail the debutante’s family and friends to give her instruments of special
significance. These treasures represent their relationship, the experiences they have undertaken
together or the tools which may help her in the future.
In Western settings, a lady is emancipated upon reaching the age of eighteen. By then, she is given
the freedom to decide for herself, to live independently, and to take responsibility of her actions, even
to the extent of moving away from the home and looking for a job to sustain herself. While some of
these aspects may be of striking similarity in the Philippine context, our collective culture treats a
lady’s eighteenth birthday as her coming of age. Yes, she is deemed independent, mature and
responsible, but not so much as to kick her out of the house.
Just as the tradition of receiving gifts from ninongs and ninangs during Christmas, the 18 Blue Bills is
a ceremony which leans on the practice of godparents providing for their godchild. The 18 Blue Bills
symbolize financial stability, independence and responsibility. As the debutante comes of legal age,
may she attain, with honest intentions and sincere labor, the skills, mindset and values needed for her
to able to be competently independent, financially capable, and heartily generous.