Kariba Dam, Zimbabwe Bratsk Dam, Russia
Kariba Dam, Zimbabwe Bratsk Dam, Russia
Kariba Dam, Zimbabwe Bratsk Dam, Russia
Storage Capacity: 185 billion cubic metres Storage Capacity: 169.27 billion cubic metres
Year Constructed: between 1955 and 1959. Year Constructed: 1954 to 1964
Kariba Dam is the world's biggest dam based on Bratsk Dam in Siberia, Russia, ranks as the
water storage capacity. The dam creates Lake second biggest dam in the world thanks to its
Kariba. The Lake Kariba covers a length of 169.27 billion cubic metres reservoir. The dam
280km and is 32km wide at its widest section. impounds the Angara River.
The double curvature concrete arch dam is The concrete gravity dam is owned by
owned by Zambezi River Authority and Irkutskenergo and was constructed from 1954 to
constructed by Impresit of Italy. The dam is 1964 by Bratskgesstroy (formerly
designed to avert a one in 10,000-year flood Nizhneangargesstroy management).
The dam is 125m high and 1,452m in length,
The dam is 128m high, 617m in length, and was and has a rail line and a highway on its top. The
constructed using 1.036 million cubic metres of power plant at the dam has an installed capacity
concrete. It comprises of two power stations of 4,500MW comprising of 18 Francis turbines.
generating a combined 1,470MW of energy,
which constitutes approximately 60% of the Image URL: http://www.eghpp.mn/images/content/Bratsk.Hydroelectric.Power.Station.jpg
Image URL:http://i.imgur.com/xFfHN.jpg
Volta River Authority owns the dam and
IMPREGILO-Italy was the main construction
contractor. The power plant at the dam consists
of six turbo generator units rated at 128,000kW
Image URL:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/Spillway_of_Akosombo_dam.jpg
Guri Dam, Venezuela Aswan High Dam, Egypt
Location: Bolívar State, Venezuela Location: Aswan, Egypt
Storage Capacity: 135 billion cubic metres Storage Capacity: 132 billion cubic metres
Image URL:http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/34/76234-004-2A9B844D.jpg
W.A.C Bennett Dam, Canada Krasnoyarsk Dam, Russia
Location: Divnogorsk, Russia
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Storage Capacity: 73.3 billion cubic metres
Storage Capacity: 74 billion cubic metres
Surface Area: 2,000km2
Surface Area: 1,773km2
Type of Dam: concrete gravity dam
Type of Dam: earth fill embankment dam
Year Constructed: from1956 to 1972
Year Constructed: 1961 to1967.
The world's eighth biggest dam is the
W.A.C Bennett Dam, constructed on the Peace Krasnoyarsk Dam, which impounds the Yenisey
River in British Columbia, Canada, creates the River and creates the Krasnoyarskoye reservoir
Williston lake. The dam ranks as the seventh with a storage capacity of 73.3 billion cubic
largest with a storage capacity of approximately metres. The reservoir covers a surface area of
74 billion cubic metres and covers a surface 2,000km2 and has a shoreline of approximately
area of 1,773km2. 1,560km.
The earth fill embankment dam is operated by The concrete gravity dam is 124m high, 1,065m
B.C Hydro, and has a height of 183m andcrest in length, and was constructed from1956 to
length of 2,068m. The construction of the dam 1972. It is designed with a flood discharge
was commenced in 1961 and completed in capacity of 20,400m3 per second.
The power station of the dam features 12 units
The power generating station at the dam, known with a combined installed capacity of 6,000MW,
as the G.M. Shrum Generating Station, has an used primarily to power aluminium plants owned
installed capacity of 2,790MW and started by RUSAL Company. The water from the
generating electricity in 1968. reservoir also serves the purpose of irrigation.
Image URL:http://srmprojects.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/IMG_2531.jpg
Image URL:http://ak7.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/4676300/preview/stock-footage-krasnoyarsk-
Zeya Dam, Russia Robert-Bourassa Dam, Canada
Location: Amur Oblast, Russia Location: Quebec, Canada
Storage Capacity: 68.42 billion cubic metres Storage Capacity: 61.7 billion cubic metres
The Zeya Dam, built on the Zeya River in the The Robert Bourassa Dam impounding the La
Amur Oblast of Russia, north of the Chinese Grande River in northern Quebec, Canada,
border, creates the Zeya reservoir with a storage creates the Robert-Bourassa Reservoir. It is the
capacity of 68.42 billion cubic metres, which is world's tenth biggest dam and has a reservoir
the ninth biggest dam based on reservoir capacity of 61.7 billion cubic metres covering a
capacity. The reservoir covers a surface area of surface area of 2,815km 2.
The embankment dam is 162m high and 2,835m
The concrete gravity dam has an overall height in length, and features a spillway which has a
of 112m, a crest length of 714.2m, and was capacity to release17,600m3 of water per
constructed utilising 2.067 million cubic metres second.
of concrete.
The dam is owned by Hydro-Québec and was
The Zeya Dam is owned by RusHydro and was constructed from 1974 to 1981. The dam's two
constructed by Zeyagesstroy and power plants are fitted with 16 Francis turbines
Bureyagesstroy from 1964 to 1975. The dam's having a combined installed capacity of
power plant comprises of six generating units 5,616MW. Alstom is carrying out a major
with a combined installed capacity of 1,290MW. refurbishment and upgrade of the dam's power
The power plant features the world's first stations.
adjustable-blade diagonal-flow turbines.
Image URL:http://media-cache-
Image URL:http://i59.fastpic.ru/big/2013/1017/7b/494b2edf20911e2b1ca9ac76ce88157b.jpg