2 Planet Combination
2 Planet Combination
2 Planet Combination
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When ever there is conjunction of 2 planets, result will depend on their lordships, their natural signification
in astrology and last but not the least the strength of both planets in sign.
>>>Mars: Aggressive, Hot, dynamic, forceful, courageous, high on energy, cruel.
>>>Jupiter: Knowledge, wisdom, devotion, philosophy,generosity, patience, Benevolent,expander,justice,
extravagant, priest, teacher, Jovial nature, obesity and so on.
When Jupiter and Mars, one natural benefic and another natural malefic planet are in conjunction in any chart,
person becomes very optimist, and powerful personality provided none of them are afflicted or debilitated in
chart. As we know most of the time positive thinking attracts many positive things in life so their natural
optimism makes them beneficial in many ways.
Jupiter multiplies the significance of Mars in the chart for example if your Sun which is 12th lord in conjunction
with Jupiter then Jupiter will expand your expenditure, chances of visiting hospital more whether for yourself or
for others.
Person with Jupiter and Mars conjunction in horoscope will be having strong determination to achieve the goal
in their life as the participation of highly positive and benefic planet Jupiter will guide the person in single
direction to be the achiever. Here Jupiter will cover up the raw force of Mars to reach the goal else we know
Mars is at times destructive.
When natural 1st, 8th, 9th and 12th lords are in conjunction in any chart then the person will be having in depth
knowledge of religion and spirituality.
Jupiter is for higher knowledge and Mars means assertiveness, forceful and speed. So anyone with Jupiter and
Mars conjunction will be having very sharp intelligence, good in observing or understanding the situation or
subject in depth. They are ‘Go Getter’ type of people. They will never shy away putting their finger on what
they want.
As Its also the natural combination of 1st and 9th house lords so the person with Jupiter-Mars conjunction in
horoscope will be very lucky, learned, famous in life.
As Jupiter is the natural ruler of 9th and 12th house sitting with Mars the 8th ruler gives the drive for going
through austerity, teaching philosophical pursuits of life.
Person with Jupiter Mars conjunction will always induce great influence in others life as a father figure or as a
Jupiter & Mars conjunction gives a bold speech which can be at times too direct. This conjunction makes a
person too much ambitious at times.
At times person with Jupiter and Mars conjunction tends to take a daring action and show his courage and hole
hearted dedication towards his aim.
Jupiter and Mars conjunction is between two friendly planets which can give helping attitude towards others,
boosting the courage of people, fighting for justice till the end.
Jupiter Mars conjunction will make a person little over powering at times.
Jupiter & Mars conjunction makes a yoga called Guru Mangal Yoga which will bestow a person with abandon
of energy, fearlessness, resourceful, pioneering, highly optimistic, rational in action, piercing knowledge in
philosophy and spirituality, makes good orator. One tends to get high status through own efforts.
When it comes to analyzing Jupiter and Mars conjunction in Vedic astrology, the twist we will have to keep in
mind that both exaltation and debilitation of Jupiter and Mars are opposite to each other. If either of them gets
exalted then the other one will be debilitated in that sign and vice versa. So half of the above qualities mentioned
about Guru Mangal Yoga will be missing as per the planets’ strength.
Either Jupiter or Mars having link with Ascendant or 10th house, person may be working as an engineer,
technical supervisor, Professor, would never like to do ordinary job.
Such conjunction is one of the rarest one in Astrology. Being the slowest moving planets both Jupiter &
Saturn get conjunct once in 19years or so.This conjunction can give ethical approach, punctual life style in a
person if well placed as per sign and house.
Jupiter Denotes : Dharma, Guru, Higher knowledge, expansion, optimism, spirituality, pilgrimage, religious
activity, justice, fortune, children, patience, wisdom, orthodox, etc.
Saturn Denotes : Law & Order, Servant, Hardship,Poverty, Delay, Unknown fear, Insecurity,Old age, time,
punctuality, limitation, materialistic Karma etc.
In Saturn’s sign Capricorn Jupiter gets debilitated, as Jupiter being the Master of wisdom is not that easy enough
in doing materialistic works in the sign of Natural 10th house of Karma.
Jupiter & Saturn are neutral to each other, when these two planets are in one sign then actual result will depend
on Sigh house and aspect on them.
As Jupiter and Saturn both are slow moving planets, so a person with this conjunction will never rush for
anything. They will always move ahead with a systematic, disciplined, slow and steady approach.
Cause of Saturn’s slow moving tendency, as we all know Saturn is for delay in life, a person with Saturn &
Jupiter conjunction will rise late in life, mostly after 29years or so.
As Jupiter denotes expansion and Saturn denotes contraction so two opposite characteristics planets if posited in
Ascendant then it makes a person cruel, intolerant, lazy, bending the truth as per own wish; Except for Sagittarius
& Pisces Ascendant.
Though Saturn is not an ambitious planet, but when with Mercury it makes a person so ambitious but little
delayed achievement cause of Saturn’s slow moves.
This is not a favourable conjunction for higher education or studies if not in positive houses or Horoscope is not
supported by other good yogas for higher education.
If Both Jupiter & Saturn are Retrograde, then Jupiter’s influence will be prominent in this conjunction and the
result will not be adverse.
Mostly person with Jupiter & Saturn conjunction moves ahead in life crossing mountain high odd situations in
life to achieve the goals no matter whether there are supporters in life or not. As they can move on with a full
proof planning and methods.
Unlike the conjunction of Saturn & Mercury there is no short cut or easy gain with this conjunction of Jupiter &
Saturn. Running for shortcut in life will give legal harassment in life for sure.
If this conjunction takes place in any of the saturnine signs or in the exaltation sign of Saturn,
that is, Libra, negativity of Saturn will automatically be cancelled.
The Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn is better in fiery signs than in earthy signs.
The conjunction of natural 9th and 10th lord Jupiter & Saturn makes Natural Dharma Karma Adhipati Yoga in
a chart.
If Either of Jupiter of Saturn is the lord of Ascendant or 10th house then the person can have the profession in
legal fields.
Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is good for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius Ascendant if these planets join the
Ascendant or the 5th house.Aquarius Ascendant, the combination is auspicious in the 2nd, 7th and 12th houses,
while bad for all other houses.
Whenever Jupiter & Saturn are together in a chart, the house where Aries will fall will be the most troubling
house for anyone. Anything regarding that Aries house will be giving the person enough set back in life.
Jupiter in conjunction with Rahu in a horoscope makes a Yoga called Guru Chandal Yoga. Its not a common
Yoga or combination in any horoscope. Jupiter stays in any sign for almost 13months and Rahu takes 1 & ½
year to change one sign. So Guru Chandal Yoga can only get formed in 7/8 years . Result of this Yoga is
variable on the basis of its placement and lordship. Generally this is not a favourable combination in any
horoscope as by nature Guru & Rahu are inimical to each other. Guru Chandal is rather Dosha than Yoga as
it’s effects are majorly negative in most of the horoscope.
>>> Guru : Traditional, wisdom, knowledge, dharma, scripture, justice, patience, Honesty, charity.
>>> Rahu : Amplifier, illusion, short cut, deception, tricky, rebellious, jealous, selfish, materialistic, high
ambition, immoral.
Strength of this Guru Chandal Yoga depends on the :
Degreecal distance between Rahu & Jupiter
. Strength of the dispositor of Rahu & Jupiter
Navamsha Positioning of these two planets – Rahu & Jupiter.
Strength of 5th and 9th house of horoscope, one if Purva Punya and endurance for knowledge another is your
fortune, higher knowledge, dharma. If these two are strong enough in anyone’s chart then Guru Chandal cant
have much negative grip on a person.
All these points will significantly alter the result of Guru Chandal Yoga.
Result of this Guru Chandal Yoga will depend on :
1. Whether Jupiter is functional malefic or benefic in chart,
2. The house where the conjunction is taking place,
3. Planets associated with these two planets.
4. Benefic or Malefic aspects on Rahu & Jupiter.
When Rahu and Jupiter is in Conjunction, Rahu being reflective planet starts acting like the nature of Guru of
that horoscope, that’s where people gets confused of the characteristics of such people. It’s Rahu’s deceptive
nature which acts like Guru for which people easily trust or have faith on such people but later they find
themselves trapped by such people.
Most of the time a person with Guru Chandal Yoga gets trapped by his own deeds. As Rahu makes a person
highly ambitious and to reach ultimate goal he or she may take short cut ways, which becomes a trap for them
Most of the Fake spiritual Gurus are having this Guru chandal Yoga, cause Jupiter is for Dharma, Faith, and
when posited with Rahu have blind faith on something or they have their own philosophical theory to spread on.
Whenever Rahu & Jupiter is together in a chart that creates some or the other unethical incidents in their life as
per the house lordship signification in the chart of these two planets.
Guru Chandal Yoga in Upachay houses does better than in Quadrant or Kendra houses. This yoga is more
dangerous in 6th, 8th, 12th house of horoscope.
Its not always that Guru and Rahu conjunction gives bad and malefic effect in life. If Jupiter is stronger than
Rahu in Guru Chandal Yoga and the dispositor of them are strong too, then the person can use this combination
in a positive constructive way in his life and this Guru Chandal can bless a person with Wealth and fame.
Guru Chandal Yoga can be assessed in any Divisional chart too but the interpretation should be as per the specific
use of that divisional chart. For example if in D10 (Dashamansha) chart someone is having Guru Chandal Yoga
in 6th house so the person may do some unethical work in his profession/job for which he may get entangled in
legal issues, getting barred from company etc.
If Jupiter is benefic in a chart and strongly posited with Rahu in a positive house, then the person can be having
high social status, political influence, immense wealth and lots of followers.
Person with a Guru Chandal Yoga will be having lack of gratitude, at times habitual lairs, and their decision or
action will always surprise you.
A very good way to tackle Guru Chandal is to strengthen your Mercury in life.
Whenever there is conjunction of 2 planets, result will depend on their lordships, their natural signification in
astrology and last but not the least the strength of both planets in sign.
Ketu : Separating, spiritual, enlightening, past life significator, negative, sudden, extreme, sorrow, turmoil, lack
of interest, pessimism etc.
Jupiter : Knowledge, wisdom, devotion, philosophy, generosity, patience, Benevolent,expander,justice,
extravagant, priest, teacher, Jovial nature, obesity and so on.
When Jupiter and Ketu, one natural benefic and another natural malefic planet are in conjunction in any chart,
person becomes very happy at heart, never run for too much materialistic stuffs and have a self-contended
Jupiter is the planet of knowledge and expansion where Ketu is for likings for occult when these two planets are
together, then person has natural tendency to know Almighty and His power, the core truth of Creativity etc.
Jupiter is for higher knowledge and generosity, when in conjunction with Ketu, it makes a person little scattered
interms of almost everything whether its grabbing knowledge or practicing spirituality.
The lord of natural 9th and 12th house lord Jupiter when in conjunction with the planet Ketu, person can be learned
in Shastras, in many languages, never really too dreamy or ambitious in life. These people are never Go Getter
Person with Jupiter Ketu conjunction in a horoscope gives weak base of faith. Its easy to change their opinion
or faith, firmness is mostly missing. This Jupiter Ketu conjunction is best in Sagittarius & Pisces Sign. Person
comes out with many noble qualities.
If Jupiter is debilitated of ill placed or highly afflicted by other functional malefics in a horoscope, Ketu
conjunction with such Jupiter will make a person deceptive, unsocial, lack of popularity in society, drug abuse
Common factor between both Jupiter & Ketu is ‘Spirituality’, when these two spiritual planets are in
conjunction, then at one stage of life person makes a dive in the ocean of occult and most of their decision they
take by self instinct. They have this tendency of going by intuition.
Jupiter and Ketu conjunction where ever it takes place, it kills one of the signification of that very house in
In 9th or 12th house this Jupiter Ketu conjunction is quite helpful in progression of spiritual life; provided Jupiter
is not afflicted.
As Ketu’s natural trait is to separate, so there will be a phase in life where person will be going through the
conjunction of choosing right faith for him; whether to go for expansion on the path of Dharma, intuition or
Either Jupiter or Ketu having link with Ascendant or 10th house, person may be working as Priest, Astrologer,
magician, alchemy, teacher, spiritual master. .
Sun : Brightest one in the sky, Hot, dynamic, classy, elegant, Soul, ego, personality, confidence,high status,
father figure, leader, brilliant ,center stage, masculine, cruel.
Jupiter: Knowledge, wisdom, devotion, philosophy, generosity, patience, Benevolent, expander, justice,
extravagant, priest, teacher, jovial nature, obesity and so on.
When Jupiter and Sun both natural benefic planets are in conjunction in any chart, person becomes very optimist,
and powerful personality provided none of them are afflicted or debilitated in chart.As we know most of the time
positive thinking attracts many positive things in life so their natural optimism makes them beneficial in many
Jupiter multiplies the significance of Sun in the chart for example if your Sun which is 12th lord in conjunction
with Jupiter then Jupiter will expand your expenditure, chances of visiting hospital more whether for yourself or
for others.
Whenever any planet is with Sun there is a chance of getting combust. If Jupiter is within 12Degree of Sun’s
position then Jupiter will be combust in chart and the signification of Jupiter in chart will get reduced whether
its good or bad.
Suppose Jupiter is your 6th lord getting combust, then its better as Jupiter in the chart is 6th lord which denotes
debt, health trouble, legal issues. Here Sun will reduce the chances of
having more debt, or dragging legal issues.
Jupiter Sun conjunction while Jupiter is combust is good for Taurus,Libra, Capricorn Ascendant. Moreover if
Jupiter Sun conjunction happens in Capricorn sign then too Jupiter combustion is not that bad.
When natural 5th,9th and 12th lords are in conjunction in any chart then the person will be very knowledgeable,
fortunate, religious, father figure or head of organization.Love to be in
centre of attraction all the time.
As Jupiter is the natural ruler of 9th and 12th house sitting with Sun give the drive for going ahead in spiritual
life and having Moksha.
Person with Jupiter Sun conjunction have great influence of father in life or any father figure in life.
Jupiter & Sun conjunction gives a glow in face if either of the planet is Ascendant lord in chart also both the
planets are not afflicted.
Jupiter & Sun conjunction can make a Very learned person but at times have ego issues with people. Ego of Sun
doesnt let them grab more from the surroundings, their “Ya I Know” attitude may irritate you time to time.
Jupiter Sun conjunction will make a person get carried away by extravaganza of life.They tend to do everything
in a big way.They love to live larger than life – life style.
Jupiter & Sun conjunction makes a person religious, ethical in life unless Jupiter and sun is in Libra or Capricorn
or also afflicted by Rahu. This conjunction gives lots of praising and helping hand from superiors.
Either Jupiter or Sun having link with Ascendant or 10th house, person may be working as a supervisor, Professor
or in any executive post, would never like to do ordinary job.
When Jupiter And Moon are in conjunction, it makes one very auspicious yoga called Gajkesari Yoga. This
yoga blesses people with sterling qualities; Courage, intellect, high post in society, loved by the Authority also
loved by men, will live like a King and so on.The problem is, almost 20%-30% people are born every month
with his great Gajkesari Yoga in their horoscope.horoscope. Ofcourse such a huge portion population cant have
such sterling qualities gifted by Gajkesari Yoga.So the truth will be hidden under the microscopic view of this
yoga formation.
Formation of Yoga :
Moon & Jupiter will have to be in Kendra from each other or,
Jupiter will have to be either Quadrant from Moon or,
Moon & Jupiter will have to be in Quadrant from Ascendant.
So the only two planets involved making this Yoga is Moon & Jupiter. To get the most oout of this benefic Yoga
certain conditions will have to get fulfilled.
Criteria for Good Result :
Moon or Jupiter neither of the planet should be debilitated.
Moon & Jupiter should not be in inimical sign
Jupiter should not be combust
Jupiter should not be Retrograde.
If Jupiter Is retrograde and aspccted by a malefic, (Saturn, Mars or with Rahu or Kctu) the promised good results
get reduced.
We should keep few things in mind while assessing Gajkesari Yoga :
Both Moon & Jupiter can’t be exalted together in this yoga.
Jupiter gets exalted in Cancer while Moon in Taurus and both Cancer and Taurus are not Quadrant from each
other, they are 3/11 from each other.
If Jupiter is exalted then Moon have to be in Cardinal sign(chara raashi)- Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capri
If Moon is exalted in Gajkesari Yoga then Jupiter will be in fixed signs (sthir raashi) – Taurus,
Both Jupiter & Moon cant be debilitated and form Gajkesari Yoga.
Either Jupiter or Moon can be either exalted or debiliated in Gajkesari Yoga.
Assessing Gajkesari Strength :
Ascendant should be strong enough to bestow good result
Check whether the moon is in Gandant or not
Check if Moon is in Kemudrum or not
Check the lordship of Moon & Jupiter in horoscope.
Check whether Moon Dasha is coming under 20years of life or not.
Many people keeps on complaining for not getting much benefice result form Gajkesary Yoga.Except Aries,
Cancer,Virgo,Scorpio, Pisces Both Juptier & Moon gets lordship of many malefic houses.
Lets take a look at the Gajkesari Yoga of two times British Prime Minister David Cameron. He is having Virgo
**Rising so Gajkesari yoga causing planets Moon is 11th lord while Jupiter is the lord of 4th and 7th both are
in conjunction in 11th house of profit,benefit,desire fulfilment.
**Neither Moon nor Jupiter is aspected by any malefic
**Moon in own sign while Jupiter exalted
**Jupiter is in Pushkar Navamsha as in watery sign 8degree.
**As its 7th lord exalted Jupiter involved in this Yoga, his success in career was backed up by the influence of
his wife’s family background.
He will never have Jupiter Mahadasha in his life but he will be having Moon Mahadasha from 2020 to 2030.Still
that unblemished Gajkesari Yoga gave him High position, liked by people, lots of wealth too.Till 2014 he was
going through Ketu Mahadasha, Ketu sitting in 2nd house is another Pushkar Navamsha Planet, is in the
Nakshatra of Jupiter Vishakha hence he got all this positions authority and honor in life.In October 2010,
David Cameron inherited £300,000 from his father’s will. His name will be indeed written in History of this
Mercury: Analytical, information, intelligence, witty, communication, management, quick, logic,
planning, commerce, sales, dual.
Jupiter: Knowledge, wisdom, devotion, philosophy, generosity, patience, Benevolent, expander,
justice, extravagant, priest, teacher, Jovial nature, obesity and so on.
Conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury gives a superb tendency to know your own first. Person with such
conjunction knows very well about their capacity in various aspects of life. First knowing about yourself then
comes rest of the world.
Jupiter & Mercury share conflict of relation between themselves. They are not very friendly to each other. For
Jupiter, Mercury is enemy but for Mercury, Jupiter is neutral. So there is always gona be some conflict of nature
in a person who ever will be having Jupiter & Mercury conjunction in their horoscope.
Jupiter & Mercury conjunction gives excellent appetite for grabbing more knowledge, learning more also it
makes the brain a huge store house of knowledge.
Jupiter denotes positivity, enthusiasm and Mercury denotes Speech so a person with Jupiter & Mercury
conjunction will be having mostly positive talk, always talking about knowledge, religious and philosophical
ideas but ideology is going to be little biased by their own analysis.
When the natural 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th house lords are in conjunction then the person will be always little stubborn
in their theory of knowledge, always keen on injecting their faith or belief on you rather than getting biased by
your belief.
Jupiter is the natural lord of fortune and higher knowledge house 9th when in conjunction with natural 6th house
of service, analysis makes a person very much focused on what they want and what they are opting for. Hardly
have they missed out any crucial data.
Jupiter & Mercury conjunction in a horoscope gives urge for more knowledge and information but then they
never go that deep in any sort of learning rather they go for variety of it. So the wide range in knowledge or any
sort of work makes it harder for them to excel. Even they themselves are never satisfied with their range of
This conjunction of Jupiter & mercury makes it difficult for a person to focus on a particular subject or a single
thing as they always go for wide range or variety. After all Jupiter the planet of expansion is here with Mercury.
As Mercury basically denotes information so this conjunction of Jupiter & Mercury will give the desire to grab
knowledge on the basis of grabbing more info or you can say core information based knowledge which will also
give excellent reasoning capability in a person.
Mercury is the lord of 6th house in Horoscope which is for medicine, and Jupiter is the one for higher knowledge,
so a person with Jupiter & Mercury conjunction can be a critic of medicine, or health magazine. In short they
can be a good critic, as mercury will give the analytical capacity.
“Bhavat Bhavam” literally means from “from house to house”. By applying this logic, we can study
the houses in a much deeper way than normal interpretation. This house-to-house principle can be
extended to every house and reveals that there is a relationship between such houses.
Some learned astrologers have opined that this principle mostly harms the living beings it
represents than the inanimate aspect of life. However I will leave this to the readers to judge by
experience and do not wish to get into any discussion.
The small treatise, “Bhavartha Ratnakara” written by Sri Ramanujacharya and translated by Dr
BV Raman gives more insights i
karaka means significator, which means one who is responsible for the particular event or the
factor. Karakatva is the duty assigned to a karaka (planet). There are many types of karakas in
vedic astrology as explained by Sage Parashara and others.
There are mainly two types of karakas on broader sense. They are: House or Bhava Karakatva
and Planetary Karakatva.
Bhava/House Karakatva: Every house from 1 to 12 have been assigned different significations.
So a particular event or signification is determined by the strength of that particular house/bhava.
Here are the list of karakatwas assigned for each house. Please note that these are only the
important significations, there are many other factors also.
1st House: Tanu Bhava – Personality, Physique, Overall life
Planetary Karakatwas: Here each planet has been assigned certain duties for itself. Based on
the position and strength of the planet, it gives result. Below are the significations for all the
Sun – Soul, self, self-realisation, prestige, power, ego, right eye, heart, heat, well-being, father,
king, fame, honour, electricity, royal favour etc.
Moon – Emotions, mind, mother, left eye, liquid, Heart, sleep, happiness, travel, milk, pearls
Mars – Courage, valour, anger, desire, weapons, younger brother, strength, scandals,
controversies, injuries by burns and weapons, police, defence, engineering etc.
Venus – Beauty, fame, marriage, wife, sexual matters, jewellery, ornaments, sensual pleasures,
singing, flowers, buying & selling, vehicles, perfumes, dance, music etc
Saturn – Longevity, profession, karma, death, life, adversity, conduct, service, disease, poverty,
trouble, losses, theft, servants, old age, dishonour, imprisonment, grief, oils, agriculture, west
direction etc.
Rahu – Gambling, mystery, foreign, snake bite, accidents, poison, skin disease, harsh speech,
fallacious arguments, travelling, theft, wickedness, widow, swelling in the body, pilgrimage,
paternal grandfather etc.
Ketu – Occult science, detachment, moksha, consumption, pain, wound, dog, birds, maternal
grandfather, imprisonment etc.
These are also called as sthira karakas. These significations are fixed or permanent irrespective
of the horoscope.
Chara Karaka: According to Jaimini school of astrology, based on the position of planets in a
horoscope, the order of significations changes. Accordingly in chara karaka scheme of
arrangements, the significations depends on the longitude of the planet in a particular sign. It is
determined by finding how much a planet has moved in a sign. So significators are different for
each horoscope.
A planet with highest degree of longitude is called as Atmakaraka. Atmakaraka planet
determines the significations of soul, self. The planet with next higher degree is called as amatya
karaka and represents intellect, profession. Planet with next higher degree is Bhratru karaka and
represents siblings. Next is Matru karaka which represents mother. Next planet is Pitru karaka
which represents father. Next planet is for Putra karaka who represents children. Next planet is
Gnati karaka is for enemy, disease. Planet with lowest degree is Dara karaka who represents
There are two school of thoughts. One considers like above eight sets of karakas. Others consider
only seven karakas excluding Pitru karaka.
When two planets are having same longitude, both of them are qualified for that karakatwa. In
this case last karakatwa should be assigned to Venus (natural significator) for marriage etc.
House No
Your energy, communication skills, help from the brother or Friends and small distance
you travel in your professions. This house also
indicates transfer to the nearby place or at small distance from where you can come back
to your residence in the evening. This house also
House No3 indicates the Facility of Chauffer/Driver.
This is a Prime House of public, Property, Luxury and vehicles. This house also signifies
House No4 your house, house peace and native place.
This house indicates your artistic abilities, intelligence, creativity, speculative tendencies.
Your affairs, your children’s, risk taking
capacity, your Prarabadh Karma, suffocation at work place. (This is 12th from the
6thhouse, which signifies work
House No5 place).
This House indicates Your environment at your work place, your enemies, your
House No6 debts/loans, your competitive skills.
House No8 This house signifies the Hurdles, obstacles, insult, un-earned money.
This house signifies Long journeys transfer at distant place, Luck, divine, grace and loss
House No9 of status (because 9th is 12 th from the 10thhouse. which is karka for the status.
This house is the Prime house of the profession, which indicates the source of earning, this
signifies the Promotions, awards, owners and
House No10 status of the profession.
This house is a house of Gains for everything. (But on the contrary side this house is
House No11 Badhak for the moveable Lagan’s (1-4-7-10).
House No12 This house signifies lasses, Penalties, wasteful expenditures and business or Job abroad.
The planet sun is Karka for the Government job or big corporate deals in finance, banking,
MOON insurance, shares and mutual funds.
2. See that if any three planets out of the planets which signifies 2-6-10-11 or 2-7-10-11are conjunct within
one house.
3. Any of planets which signifies 2-6-10-11 or 2-7-10-11 are conjunct with in one house.
5. Any three Planets, which signify 2-6-10-11 & 2-7-10-11 transit the signification houses.
6. See if, the ADL Transits over the constellation signifying 2-6-10-11.
Note: - The strength of the Scope the Transit effect is Applicable when MDL, ADL, & PDL signify 2-6-
10-11 & 2-7-10-11 at the same time.
Combinations for Profession:-
1) (a) 2-6-10-11
(b) 2-6-11
(c) 6-10-11
(d) 6-11
(e) 10-11
2) (a) 2-7-10-11
(b) 2-7-11
(c) 7-10-11
(d) 7-11
(e) 10-11
Is the combination for Profession .the Strength of the Combinations goes on reducing from A to E.
Now, the astrologer faces the Query from the Client that
Whether the native will do business or job. This is an important question for the Native and concern
of the Parents. To answer this query, Astrologer should reply these following steps:-
1. Draw a line From 15 degree of lagna to 15 degree of 7th house.
2. Check if, five or more planets are present in the bright half of the horoscope.
3. Check if, two Parmatmansha planets are also present among them.
The Native will have the tendency to do his own business or he will like to do the job where he will
work like a boss. This decision becomes stronger if the lagna lord is present in 10th house.
Sometimes, you will come to know that native with these combinations is doing job but he will also
have the inclination to do business because strongest planet in the Horoscope. If, it is among the
SUN, MOON, SATURN or dasha of (MDL) (ADL) & (PDL) is of SUN, MOON& SATURN. Sometime
leads such person, prevailing at the time of starting carrier. Sometime leads the person towards job
because SUN, MOON & SATURN are Karka for the job.
Dasha of the Mercury Leads the Native towards business.
Whereas for the business signification of 2-7-10-11, 2-7-11, 7-11, 7-10 are solicited in the MDL,
ADL& PDL and in most of the planets otherwise the native adopt Job as his profession.
Q. when a native joins Profession?
1) According to the DESH KAAL PATRA Siddhanta native should be eligible for the Profession.
(a) Whether, he has completed his education.
Whether, he is eligible in the course for selection, for campus Placement.
(b) Whether, he is compelled by the circumstances to join the job or business before completing the
2) Native joins the Profession when MDL, ADL & PDL signifies:-
(A) (B) 3) Native will join the Profession When after clearing steps 1 & 2
transit supports the native to join Profession.
2-6-10-11 2-7-10-11
Q. How Transit supports the Native to join Profession?
2-6-11 2-7-11 Ans. Transit place signified for timing the Event of the joining job
or profession .For applying transit of planets following rules should
6-10-11 7-10-11 be applied.
Rule 1:- KARKA, see the karka of the profession. It should be transit
6-11 7-11
over the 10th house or aspect the 10 house and it should also
10-11 10-11 signify
(a) 2-6-10-11, 2-6-11, 6-10-11, 6-11, 10-11.
(b) 2-7-10-11, 2-7-11, 7-10-11, 7-11, 10-11
Rule 2:-Any three or more planets signify 2-6-10-11, 2-6-11, 6-10-11, 6-11, 10-11. Or 2-7-10-11, 2-7-
11, 7-10-11, 7-11, 10-11 should conjunct with in one house (they may or may not be) running dasha.
Rule 3:-Any two Planets signify 2-6-10-11, 2-6-11, 6-10-11, 6-11, 10-11. Or 2-7-10-11, 2-7-11, 7-10-
11, 7-11, 10-11 conjunct within 1degree in any house.
Rule 4:- Any 3 planets signify transit over the profession related houses
(a) 2-6-10-11, 2-6-11, 6-10-11, 6-11, 10-11.
(b) 2-7-10-11, 2-7-11, 7-10-11, 7-11, 10-11.
Rule 5:- Any three planets signify transit over the profession related house 2-6-10-11.
Q. Why a native is not getting Job or getting hurdles in career?
Ans. As you Know that 5th house is 12th from the 6th (Environment of work place) and 5th house is
also a 11th of 7th house (house of opposition) and in this way gain of opposition. 8th house is prime
house of hurdles, insult, obstacles, misfortunes. 12th is house of losses, penalties and wasteful
expenditures. So, when 5 are signified with 8 in the Dasha System it represents suffocation with
humiliation and hurdles at work place.
When house 5is attached with 8 &12 both(5-8-12)it signifies the suffocation , hurdles, obstacles,
losses at work place, we can establish that combination of 5-8-12 in dasha system is worst
combination for the profession. In this type of dasha it becomes hard for the native to get a job
because in this situation your opposition /competitor win the opportunities.
Q. when a person is in job or business he feels suffocation, feels insulted and lose his job or business.
1. Native already in job feels suffocation at a work place.
2. When the combination of 5-8 appears in the suffocation and native feels insulted or hurdles at work place
and when combination of 5-8 appears in the dasha system & natural malefic planets are lords of the dasha
3. Person starts thinking of resigning the job or change the place and style of job and business, when dasha
system signifies 5-8-12.
4. Resignation submitted by the native gets approved when the Dasha of Separeative planets is in operation.
5. In the Dasha of benefic planets if combination of 5-8-12 also signifies 6-11, 2-6-11, or 2-6-10-11 then the
native may be called by the management for of the reason of the resignation and native does not leave the