NPSM064 07 05 PDF
NPSM064 07 05 PDF
NPSM064 07 05 PDF
Vol. 64, No. 7, July 2014, pp. 692∼695
Jong-Ho Park∗
Department of Science Education, Chinju National University of Education, Jinju 660-756, Korea
A cylindrical-type sample cell has been designed and produced to investigate the complex dielec-
tric properties of crude oils in the frequency range from 10−2 Hz to 109 Hz by using an impedance
analyzer. The characteristics of the measurement cell are optimized to give high sensitivity. High-
sensitivity, complex dielectric constant measurements are obtained by using calibrations with several
known fluids. From the complex dielectric spectra, we observed a dielectric behavior consisting of
two regions for the measurement frequencies the low-frequency region may be due to diffusion charge
transport caused by impurities while the dielectric relaxation mechanism for the high-frequency
region seems to be a non-interacting Debye-type mechanism. In the high-frequency region, the
relaxation time has been observed to be related to the viscosities of the crude oils.
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Complex Dielectric Properties of Crude Oils in the Wide Frequency Range 10−2 Hz ∼ 109 Hz – Jong-Ho Park 693
Table 1. Asphalts concentration and viscosity in the Table 2. ε0s of the standard samples at 20 ◦ C.
crude oils each samples.
Medium ε0s Ref’s
Samples Asphalts (wt%) Viscosity (arb. unit) at 100 ◦ C Air 1.0005 ± 0.0002 11
S1 11.30 2368 n-Heptane 1.924 ± 0.01 11,13,14
S2 12.30 2404 Carbon tetrachloride 2.238 ± 0.002 11
S3 12.40 2639 Chloroform 4.82 ± 0.02 13
S4 12.55 2980 Monochlorobenzene 5.699 ± 0.008 11,13
S5 12.70 3195 1,2-Dichloroethane 10.65 ± 0.05 11, 14
frequency. Static and high frequency dielectric constant, C 0 corresponding to the ordinary capacitance, while the
relaxation time distribution parameter, and conductivity imaginary component (C 00 ) represents the dielectric loss
are calculated from the spectra. These dielectric param- component. C0 the geometric capacitance given by
eters depend on the permanent dipole moments, polar-
2πε0 le
isability, dynamics and density of the molecules, ion and C0 =
free electrons [7,8].
In this paper, we designed cylindrical-type sample cell where le is the electrical length of the measurement cell.
and calibrated the dielectric measurement of the sample b is the inner radius of the outer conductor and a is
cell. We investigated the dielectric relaxation behavior of the radius of the inner conductor. Owing to existing
the refined heavy oil from crude oil and the relationship stray capacitances at the end of the cell, the electrical
between viscosity and electrical parameter of heavy oils length, le , is not equal to the mechanical length, lm . The
using the impedance analyzer. measurement cell is designed to maximize the geometric
capacitance so that it can be sensitive to small change in
the complex dielectric constant.
II. EXPERIMENT Since it is difficult to develop an exact analytical model
for the measurement cell, this system was based on a nu-
We divided the heavy oils samples into 5 classes. The merical calibration of the relationship between the mea-
properties of heavy oils are shown in Table 1. Dielec- sured capacitance (Cmeas. ) and the static dielectric con-
tric constant of standard samples (Air; Carbon tetrachlo- stant (ε0s ) of the fluid. The numerical expression is gen-
ride; Chloroform; n-Heptane; Monochlorobenezene; 1,2- erally presented as
Dichloroethane) and the heavy oils were measured in the
frequency regions (10−2 ∼ 106 Hz) using an impedance Cmeas = Cp + C0 ε0s (2)
analyzer (Solatron, SI1260) and in the high frequency
The model parameters Cp (F) and C0 (F) are determined
regions (106 ∼ 109 Hz) using an impedance analyze
by linear regression on fluids of the known dielectric con-
(HP4191A RF). The experiments were performed at 20
stant, where Cp represents stray capacitances and C0 the
C on the standard samples and 100 ◦ C on the crude oils
geometric capacitance of the measurement cell. The Cp
in free atmosphere and the temperature of the sample
includes all errors, such as instrument error, geometri-
was measured with a platinum-rhodium thermocouple.
cal error and external noise. The fluids employed in the
The temperature was controlled within ±0.1 ◦ C.
calibration procedure are listed in Table 2.
In the low and high frequency range, the capacitance
and tangent of loss angle of the cylindrical measurement
cell were measured. The complex capacitance, C*, of the III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
cell filled with a fluid of complex dielectric constant ε∗
is given by Figure 1 shows Cmeas as a function of ε0s at (a) 104 Hz
C0 0 and (b) 107 Hz in the standard samples. We can see a
C ∗ = C 0 − iC 00 = (ε − iε00 ) (1) good linearity between Cmeas and ε0s . This implies that
694 New Physics: Sae Mulli, Vol. 64, No. 7, July 2014
Fig. 1. The relationship between Cmeas . at (a) 104 Hz, Fig. 2. ε0 (a), ε00 (b) vs. frequency characteristics of the
(b) 107 Hz and ε0s of standard samples. Solid line fitted crude oils with various asphalt contents.
by Eq. (2). The slope of the straight line correspond to
the Co . Cp is the intercept value.
dielectric behavior of heavy oils cannot be ideally de-
scribed by the Debye expression. These two different
when Cmeas is plotted against ε0s , it should raise on a
tendencies in the frequency dependence suggest that two
straight line with the slope of C0 . Indeed, the present
dispersion mechanisms should be involved. Two di-
data show a reasonable agreement with Eq. (2) as seen
electric dispersion mechanisms are possible in our mea-
from Fig. 1. The values obtained were C0 = 28.2089 ±
suring frequency, namely: (1) The dielectric relaxation
0.0007 pF and Cp = 6.2168 ± 0.0003 pF at low frequency
due to polar molecules motions (rotation of large polar
and C0 = 2.6755 ± 0.0007 pF, Cp = 2.0399 ± 0.0003 pF
molecules) which do not involve long-range mobile large
at high frequency. polar molecules, characterized by τ1 and m, and (2) the
The estimation of the dielectric loss in this system is conductivity relaxation, or carrier response, associated
therefore based on Equation (3) with long-range conducting charge moving in heavy oil
described by τ2 and n. Consequently, The total complex
ε00 = tan δ × ε0 (3)
dielectric constant, ε∗ (ω), may be described as follows
[1,3] :
where tan δ is the measured tangent of loss angle.
Figures 2(a) and 2(b) present the variation of ε0 and ε∗ (ω) = ε∗ (ω)rotation + ε∗ (ω)carrier
ε00 versus frequency using a double logarithmic scale for εs − ε∞ σ0
ε∗ (ω) = ε∞ + m
+ [1 + (iωτ2 )n ] (4)
several heavy oils. ε0 and ε00 were obtained by Eqs. (2) 1 + (iωτ1 ) ε0 ω
and (3). The relaxational peak frequency of ε00 moves to The solid lines in Fig. 2(b) are theoretical curves ob-
a high-frequency region with increasing viscosity. More- tained by using Eq. (4). Only the data relative to the
over, another relaxational behavior appears partially in imaginary part were used in the fitting. The five parame-
the low frequency range (≤ 104 Hz). This implies the ters, ∆ε(= εs −ε∞ ), τ1 , τ2 , m and n were then introduced
Complex Dielectric Properties of Crude Oils in the Wide Frequency Range 10−2 Hz ∼ 109 Hz – Jong-Ho Park 695