Design FMEA

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Failure Modes and Effects Analysis



Six Sigma MBB & Transformation Consultant
Contact : 9971716430,
Setting the Context

vTotal Experience and span in this organization
vExpectations from this session

ü Ground Rules??
FMEA – Getting Started

FMEA stands for

à Failure Modes and Effect Analysis

PFMEA stands for

à Potential Failure Modes and Effect Analysis

FMEA – Getting Started
➢ Created by Aerospace Industry – 1960’s
➢ Widely used in:
• Automotive industry
• Marine industry
• Nuclear safety

➢ Most recently used in:

• Reliability engineering
• Water Resources engineering
Purpose and Benefit:

Ø Cost effective tool for maximizing and documenting the

collective knowledge, experience, and insights of the
professional community

Ø Format for communication across disciplines

Ø Provides logical, sequential steps for specifying areas of


Four Common Classes of FMEA
v System FMEA
ü Focuses on how interactions among Systems might fail

v Design FMEA
ü Focuses on how product design might fail

v Process FMEA
ü Focuses on how process that make the product might fail

v Machinery FMEA
ü Focuses on how machinery that perform processes might fail

Rational-Structured Quality Planning

Cause & Effect
The Underlying Message

vDon’t correct a weak product design by focusing on a super

robust process

vDon’t correct a weak process design by focusing on design

changes to the product
Team Requirement

FMEA Teams
vMulti- Functional Teams are essential
vEnsure expertise from manufacturing engineering, plant operations,
maintenance and other appropriate sources
vSelect team with ability to contribute:
ü Knowledge
ü Information
ü Experience
ü Equity
ü Empowerment
vPick the right team members, but limit the number of team members
based on the scope of issues being addressed
vIn addition to the FMEA team
ü Call in experts as needed

Team must include an FMEA expert, who can facilitate the team
FMEA development, either design or process, uses a common approach
to address:
• Potential product or process failure to meet expectations
• Potential consequences
• Potential causes of the failure mode
• Application of current controls
• Level of risk
• Risk reduction

Before the FMEA is started, the team must define the scope of the
project and collect existing information which is necessary for an
effective and efficient FMEA development process.
Defining the Scope
Scope establishes the boundary of the FMEA analysis.
It defines what is included and excluded, determined based on the type of
FMEA being developed, i.e., system, subsystem, or component.

ü Before the FMEA can begin, a clear understanding of what is to be

evaluated must be determined. What to exclude can be just as
important as what to include in the analysis.

ü The scope needs to be established at the start of the process to assure

consistent direction and focus.
Defining the Scope

The following may assist the team in defining the scope of the FMEA:
ü Function Model
ü Block (Boundary) diagrams
ü Parameter (P) diagrams
ü Interface diagrams
ü Process flow diagrams
ü Interrelationship matrices
ü Schematics
ü Bill of Materials (BOM)
v END USER: the person or organization that will utilize the product. The FMEA analysis
affecting the End User could include, for example, durability.
manufacturing operations (e.g., stamping and powertrain) and vehicle assembly take
place. Addressing the interfaces between the product and its assembly process is
critical to an effective FMEA analysis.
v SUPPLY CHAIN MANUFACTURING: the supplier location where manufacturing,
fabricating or assembling of production materials or parts takes place. This includes
fabricating production and service parts and assemblies and processes such as heat
treating, welding, painting, plating or other finishing services. This may be any
subsequent or downstream operation or a next tier manufacturing process.
v REGULATORS: government agencies that define requirements and monitor
compliance to safety and environmental specifications which can impact the product
or process.

Knowledge of these customers can help to define the functions, requirements and specifications more
robustly as well as aid in determining the effects of related failure modes.
Functions, Requirements, and Specifications

v Identify and understand the functions, requirements and

specifications relevant to the defined scope.

v The purpose of this activity is to clarify the item design

intent or process purpose.

v This assists in the determination of the potential failure

mode for each attribute or aspect of the function.

Failure Modes

Failure mode is defined as the way or manner in which a

product or process could fail to meet design intent or
process requirements.

ü A concise and understandable failure definition is important since it properly focuses the
ü Potential failure modes should be described in technical terms and not as a symptom
necessarily noticeable by the customer.
ü A large number of failure modes identified for a single requirement may indicate that the
defined requirement is not concise.

Potential Effects
v Potential effects of failure are defined as the effects of the failure mode as
perceived by the customer.

v The effects or impact of the failure are described in terms of what the
customer might notice or experience.

v The customer may be an internal customer as well as the End User.

Determining potential effects includes the analysis of the consequences of the failures and
the severity or seriousness of those consequences.

Identify Potential Causes
v Potential cause of failure is defined as an indication of how the failure
could occur, described in terms of something that can be corrected or can
be controlled.

v Potential cause of failure may be an indication of a design weakness, the

consequence of which is the failure mode.

ü There is a direct relation between a cause and its resultant failure mode (i.e., if the cause
occurs, then the failure mode occurs).
ü Identifying the root cause(s) of the failure mode, in sufficient detail, enables the
identification of appropriate controls and action plans.
ü A separate potential cause analysis is performed for each cause if there are multiple

Identify Controls
v Controls are those activities that prevent or detect the cause of the failure
or failure mode.
v In developing controls, it is important to identify what is going wrong, why,
and how to prevent or detect it.

ü Controls are applicable to product design or manufacturing processes. Controls focused on

prevention will provide the greatest return.

Identifying and Assessing Risk
One of the important steps in the FMEA process is the assessment of risk.
This is evaluated in three ways, severity, occurrence, and detection:
v Severity is an assessment of the level of impact of a failure on the
v Occurrence is how often the cause of a failure may occur.
v Detection is an assessment of how well the product or process controls
detect the cause of the failure or the failure mode.

ü Organizations need to understand their customer requirements for risk assessment.

The Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis, referred to as DFMEA, supports
the design process in reducing the risk of failures by:

v Aiding in the objective evaluation of the design,

ü including functional requirements and design alternatives,
v Evaluating the initial design for
ü manufacturing,
ü assembly, service, and
ü recycling requirements,
v Increasing the probability that potential failure modes and their effects on system and
vehicle operation have been considered in the design/development process,
v Providing additional information to aid in the planning of thorough and efficient design,
development, and validation programs,

vDeveloping a ranked list of potential failure modes according
to their effect on the customer, thus establishing a priority
system for design improvements, development, and validation
vProviding an open issue format for recommending and
tracking risk-reducing actions, and,
vProviding future reference, (e.g., lessons learned), to aid in
addressing field concerns, evaluating design changes, and
developing advanced designs.

The DFMEA is a living document and should: Be initiated
before design concept finalization,

vBe updated as changes occur or additional information is

obtained throughout the phases of product development,
vBe fundamentally completed before the production
design is released, and,
vBe a source of lessons learned for future design iterations.

Development of a Design FMEA
v The DFMEA focuses on the design of the product that will be delivered
to the final customer (End User).
v The prerequisite tasks for an effective analysis of the product design
include: assembling a team, determining scope, creating block
diagrams or P-diagrams depicting product function and requirements.
v A clear and complete definition of the desired product characteristics
better facilitates the identification of potential failure modes.
v A DFMEA form is used to document the results of the analysis including
any recommended actions and responsibilities
v The DFMEA process can be mapped to the customer or organization’s
product development process.

vA DFMEA should begin with the development of information to
understand the system, subsystem, or component being analysed
and define their functional requirements and characteristics.

vIn order to determine the scope of the DFMEA, the team should
consider the following as applicable to component, subsystem or
system DFMEAs

vWhat processes, mating components, or systems does the product

interface with?

vAre there functions or features of the product that affect other
components or systems?

vAre there inputs provided by other components or systems that are

needed to perform intended functions of the product?

vDo the product’s functions include the prevention or detection of a

possible failure mode in a linked component or system?

vThe following sections describe tools that may be applied, as

appropriate, to assist the team in developing the DFMEA.

Block (Boundary) Diagrams
vThe block diagram of the product shows the physical and logical
relationships between the components of the product. There are
different approaches and formats to the construction of a block diagram

vThe block diagram indicates the interaction of components and

subsystems within the scope of the design. This interaction may include:
flow of information, energy, force, or fluid.

vThe objective is to understand the requirements or inputs to the system,

the activities acting on the inputs or function performed, and the
deliverables or output.

Sample Block Diagram

Parameter (P) Diagrams
v The P-Diagram is a structured tool to help the team understand the
physics related to the function(s) of the design.
v The team analyses the intended inputs (signals) and outputs (responses
or functions) for the design as well as those controlled and
uncontrolled factors which can impact performance.
v The inputs to the product and outputs from the product, i.e., the
intended and unintended functions of the product, are useful in
identifying error states, noise factors, and control factors.
v The error states correspond to the Potential Failure Modes in the

Parameter (P) Diagrams

Functional Requirements
Another step in the DFMEA process is a compilation of the functional
and interface requirements of the design. This list may include the
following categories:
• General: This category considers the purpose of the product and its
overall design intent
• Safety • Ergonomics
• Government Regulations • Appearance
• Reliability (Life of the Function) • Packaging and Shipping
• Loading and Duty Cycles: Customer • Service
product usage profile • Design for Assembly
• Quiet Operations: Noise, vibration and • Design for Manufacturability
harshness (NVH)
• Fluid Retention

Other Tools and Information Resources
Other tools and resources that may help the team understand and
define the design requirements may include:
ü Schematics, drawings, etc.
ü Bill of Materials (BOM)
ü Interrelationship matrices
ü Interface matrix
ü Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
ü Quality and Reliability History
ü The use of these tools, supported by engineering experience and
historical information, can assist in defining a comprehensive set
of requirements and functions.
ü After considering these prerequisites, start filling out the form

DFMEA (Summary)
Identify Potential Failure Acceptable?
modes for each design
Identify Team Members Device and Implement
(Include Cross Functional) Corrective Actions – Design
Identify Potential Failure controls
modes Causes and Effects
Define Severity (S),
Occurrence (O), and Re-Calculate RPN after
Detection (D) Ratings Completed taking Corrective actions
for all
Identify Design Standards,
Yes Low Risk Design
Components and
Functions of the Product
Calculate RPN Values
(S X O X D) Start
DFMEA Template
Sub System (DESIGN FMEA) FMEA number:
Component Design Responsibility: Page :
Model Years(s) / Program (s) Key Date Prepared By
Core Team: FMEA Date (Orig): Rev
Current Design Action Results
Potential Potential S l Potential Cause(s)/ c Current e
R Responsibility S O D R
Item / Current Recommended
Requirement Failure Effect(s) e a Mechanism(s) of P and Target Actions
Function Process c Process t Action(s) e c e P
Mode of Failure v s Failure N Completion Date Taken
Controls u Controls e v c t N
r c

DFMEA Template
Sub System (DESIGN FMEA) FMEA number:
Component Design Responsibility: Page :
Model Years(s) / Program (s) Key Date Prepared By
Core Team: FMEA Date (Orig): Rev
Current Design Action Results
Potential Potential S l Potential Cause(s)/ c Current e
R Responsibility and S O D R
Item / Current Recommended
Requirement Failure Effect(s) e a Mechanism(s) of P Target Completion Actions
Function Process c Process t Action(s) e c e P
Mode of Failure v s Failure N Date Taken
Controls u Controls e v c t N
r c

Enter the OEM, organization, and

department or group who is design
responsible. Also enter the supply
organization name, if applicable
Enter an alphanumeric
string which is used to
Enter the name and number Enter the initial DFMEA due date, which identify the FMEA
of the system, subsystem, should not exceed the document
or component which is scheduled production design release date.
being analysed.

DFMEA Template
Sub System (DESIGN FMEA) FMEA number:
Component Design Responsibility: Page :
Model Years(s) / Program (s) Key Date Prepared By
Core Team: FMEA Date (Orig): Rev
Current Design Action Results
Potential Potential S l Potential Cause(s)/ c Current e
R Responsibility and S O D R
Item / Current Recommended
Requirement Failure Effect(s) e a Mechanism(s) of P Target Completion Actions
Function Process c Process t Action(s) e c e P
Mode of Failure v s Failure N Date Taken
Controls u Controls e v c t N
r c

Enter the intended model year(s) and Enter the date the Enter the name and contact information
program(s) that will use or original DFMEA was including the organization (company) of
be affected by the design being analysed completed and the the engineer responsible for preparing the
latest revision date DFMEA.

Enter the team members

responsible for developing the
DFMEA. Contact information (e.g.,
name, organization, telephone
number, and email)

DFMEA Template
Sub System (DESIGN FMEA) FMEA number:
Component Design Responsibility: Page :
Model Years(s) / Program (s) Key Date Prepared By
Core Team: FMEA Date (Orig): Rev
Current Design Action Results
Potential Potential S l Potential Cause(s)/ c Current e
R Responsibility and S O D R
Item / Current Recommended
Requirement Failure Effect(s) e a Mechanism(s) of P Target Completion Actions
Function Process c Process t Action(s) e c e P
Mode of Failure v s Failure N Date Taken
Controls u Controls e v c t N
r c

Enter the failure mode. Enter the name and contact information
Each function may have including the organization (company) of
multiple failure modes. the engineer responsible for preparing the
Enter the items, interfaces, or parts
which have been identified Enter the requirement(s) for each
of the functions being analysed
Enter the function(s) of the item(s) (based on customer requirements
or interface(s) being analysed which and the team’s discussion
are necessary to meet the design

Potential Failure Mode

v Potential failure mode is defined as the manner in which a component,

subsystem, or system could potentially fail to meet or deliver the
intended function described in the item column.

v Identify the potential failure mode(s) associated with the


v Potential failure modes should be described in technical terms, and not

necessarily as a symptom noticeable by the customer.

Potential Failure Mode

v Each function may have multiple failure modes. A large number of

failure modes identified for a single function may indicate that the
requirement is not well defined.

v The assumption is made that the failure could occur, but may not
necessarily occur, consequently the use of the word “potential”.

Failure Mode wrt Requirement
Item Function Requirement Failure Mode
Disk Brake System Stop Vehicle on Stop vehicle traveling on Vehicle does not stop
Demand dry asphalt pavement
within specified distance Vehicle stops in excess of specified
within specified g’s of distance
Stops vehicle with more than xx g’s of
Allow unimpeded vehicle Activates with no demand; Vehicle
movement on no system movement is partially impeded
Activates with no demand Vehicle
cannot move

Allows transfer of Insufficient torque resistance delivered

Must deliver specified
Brake Rotor force from brake
torque resistance at axle
pads to axle

Potential Effects of Failure

v Potential effects of failure are defined as the effects of the failure mode
on the function, as perceived by the customer(s).

v Describe the effects of the failure in terms of what the customer might
notice or experience, remembering that the customer may be an
internal customer as well as the ultimate End User.

v State clearly if the failure mode could impact safety or non- compliance
to regulations. The effects should always be stated in terms of the
specific system, subsystem, or component being analyzed.

Potential Effects of Failure

v Remember that a hierarchical relationship exists between the

component, subsystem, and system levels . 4

v For example, a part could fracture, which may cause the assembly to
vibrate, resulting in an intermittent system operation. The intermittent
system operation could cause performance to degrade and ultimately
lead to customer dissatisfaction. The intent is to predict the potential
failure effects to the team’s level of knowledge.

Effects of Failure
Item Failure Mode Effect
Disk Brake System Vehicle does not stop Vehicle control impaired; Regulatory non-
Vehicle stops in excess of specified Vehicle control impaired; Regulatory non-
distance compliance

Stops vehicle with more than xx g’s of Regulatory non-compliance

Activates with no demand; Vehicle Decreased pad life; diminished vehicle
movement is partially impeded control

Activates with no demand Vehicle cannot Customer unable to drive vehicle



v Severity is the value associated with the most

serious effect for a given failure mode.

v Severity is a relative ranking within the scope of the

individual FMEA.

Suggested Evaluation Criteria

The team should agree on evaluation criteria and a ranking system and
apply them consistently, even if modified for individual process analysis.

Effect Rank
Severity of Effect on Product (Customer Effect)
Potential failure mode affects safe vehicle operation and/or involves
Failure to Meet Safety 10
noncompliance with government regulation without warning.
and/or Regulatory
Requirements Potential failure mode affects safe vehicle operation and/or involves
noncompliance with government regulation with warning.
Loss of primary function (vehicle inoperable, does not affect safe vehicle
Loss or Degradation of operation).
Primary Function Degradation of primary function (vehicle operable, but at reduced level of
Loss of secondary function (vehicle operable, but comfort / convenience functions
Loss or Degradation of inoperable).
Secondary Function Degradation of secondary function (vehicle operable, but comfort / convenience
functions at reduced level of performance).
Appearance or Audible Noise, vehicle operable, item does not conform and
noticed by most customers (> 75%).
Appearance or Audible Noise, vehicle operable, item does not conform and
Annoyance 3
noticed by many customers (50%).
Appearance or Audible Noise, vehicle operable, item does not conform and
noticed by discriminating customers (< 25%).
No effect No discernible effect. 1

Ø It is not recommended to modify criteria ranking values of 9 and 10.

Ø Failure modes with a rank of severity 1 should not be analyzed further. 46
v This column may be used to highlight high-priority failure modes and
their associated causes.

v As a result of this analysis, the team may use this information to identify
special characteristics.

v Customer specific requirements may identify special product or process

characteristic symbols and their usage.

v A characteristic designated in the design record as special without an

associated design failure mode identified in the DFMEA is an indication
of a weakness in the design process.

Potential Causes of Failure
v This information can be separated into multiple columns or combined
into a single column.

v In the development of the FMEA, the identification of all potential causes

of the failure mode is key to subsequent analysis.

v Although varied techniques (such as brainstorming) can be used to

determine the potential cause(s) of the failure mode, it is recommended
that the team should focus on an understanding of the failure
mechanism for each failure mode.

Mechanism of Failure
v A failure mechanism is the physical, chemical, electrical, thermal, or
other process that results in the failure mode. It is important to make
the distinction that a failure mode is an "observed" or "external"
effect so as not to confuse failure mode with failure mechanism, the
actual physical phenomenon behind the failure mode or the process
of degradation or chain of events leading to and resulting in a
particular failure mode.

v To the extent possible, list every potential mechanism for each failure
mode. The mechanism should be listed as concisely and completely as

Mechanism of Failure
v For a system, the failure mechanism is the process of error
propagation following a component failure which leads to a system

v A product or process can have several failure modes which are

correlated to each other because of a common failure mechanism
behind them.

v Ensure that process effects are considered as part of the DFMEA


Potential Causes of Failure Mode

vPotential cause of failure is defined as an indication of how

the design process could allow the failure to occur, described
in terms of something that can be corrected or can be

vPotential cause of failure may be an indication of a design

weakness, the consequence of which is the failure mode.

vCauses are the circumstances that induce or activate a failure


Potential Causes of Failure

vOccurrence is the likelihood that a specific cause/
mechanism will occur resulting in the failure mode within
the design life.

vThe likelihood of occurrence ranking number has a relative

meaning rather than an absolute value

vA consistent occurrence ranking system should be used to

ensure continuity. The occurrence number is a relative
ranking within the scope of the FMEA and may not reflect
the actual likelihood of occurrence.

Suggested Evaluation Criteria
The team should agree on evaluation criteria and a ranking system and apply them
consistently, even if modified for individual process analysis. Occurrence should be
estimated using a 1 to 10 scale using given guideline.

In determining this estimate, questions such as the following should be considered:

ü What is the service history and field experience with similar components,
subsystems, or systems?
ü Is the item a carryover or similar to a previous level item?
ü How significant are changes from a previous level item?
ü Is the item radically different from a previous level item?
ü Is the item completely new?
ü What is the application or what are the environmental changes?
ü Has an engineering analysis (e.g., reliability) been used to estimate the expected
comparable occurrence rate for the application?
ü Have preventive controls been put in place?

Likely Hood Criteria
Criteria: Criteria: Occurrence of Cause -
Likelihood Occurrence of Cause - DFMEA (Design life/reliability of DFMEA
item/vehicle) (Incidents per items/vehicles)
Very High New technology/new design with no history. ≥ 100 per thousand ≥ 1 in 10 10
Failure is inevitable with new design, new application, or change in duty
50 per thousand 1 in 20 9
cycle/operating conditions.
Failure is likely with new design, new application, or change in duty
High 20 per thousand 1 in 50 8
cycle/operating conditions.
Failure is uncertain with new design, new application, or change in duty
10 per thousand 1 in 100 7
cycle/operating conditions.
Frequent failures associated with similar designs or in design simulation and
2 per thousand 1 in 500 6
Occasional failures associated with similar designs or in design simulation and
Moderate .5 per thousand 1 in 2,000 5
Isolated failures associated with similar design or in design simulation and
.1 per thousand 1 in 10,000 4
Only isolated failures associated with almost identical design or in design
.01 per thousand 1 in 100,000 3
simulation and testing.
No observed failures associated with almost identical design or in design
≤.001 per thousand 1 in 1,000,000 2
simulation and testing.
Failure is eliminated through
Very Low Failure is eliminated through preventive control. 1
preventive control.

Current Design Controls
Current Design Controls are those activities conducted as part of the
design process that have been completed or committed to and that will
assure the design adequacy for the design functional and reliability
requirements under consideration.

There are two types of design controls to consider:

ü Prevention:
Eliminate (prevent) the cause of the mechanism of failure or the
failure mode from occurring, or reduce its rate of occurrence.
ü Detection:
Identify (detect) the existence of a cause, the resulting mechanism of
failure or the failure mode, either by analytical or physical methods,
before the item is released for production.

Prevention Controls
ü Benchmarking studies
ü Fail-safe designs
ü Design and Material standards (internal and external)
ü Documentation – records of best practices, lessons learned, etc. from
similar designs
ü Simulation studies – analysis of concepts to establish design
ü Error-proofing
Detection controls
ü Design reviews
ü Prototype testing
ü Validation testing
ü Simulation studies – validation of design
ü Design of Experiments; including reliability testing
ü Mock-up using similar parts
Cause Prevention controls Detection controls
Mechanical linkage break due to Designed per material Environmental stress
inadequate corrosion protection standard MS-845 test 03-9963
Carry-over design with
Master cylinder vacuum lock due Pressure variability
same duty cycle
to seal design testing – system level
Vehicle does Loss of hydraulic fluid from loose
Designed per torque Vibration step- stress
not stop hydraulic line due to incorrect
requirements - 3993 test 18-1950
connector torque specification
Loss of hydraulic fluid due to
hydraulic lines
Designed per material Design of Experiments
standard MS-1178 (DOE) – tube resiliency
inappropriate tube material


v Detection is the rank associated with the best detection control

listed in the Current Design Control Detection column. When more
than one control is identified, it is recommended that the detection
ranking of each control be included as part of the description of the
control. Record the lowest ranking value in the Detection column.

v A suggested approach to Current Design Control Detection is to

assume the failure has occurred and then assess the capabilities of
the current design controls to detect this failure mode.

v Do not automatically presume that the detection ranking is low
because the occurrence is low. It is important to assess the
capability of the design controls to detect low frequency failure
modes or reduce the risk of them going further in the design release

v Detection is a relative ranking within the scope of the individual

FMEA. In order to achieve a lower ranking, generally the design
control (analysis or verification activities) has to be improved.

Detection – Evaluation Criteria
The team should agree on evaluation criteria and a ranking system and
apply them consistently, even if modified for individual process analysis.
Detection should be estimated using given guidelines.

Detection Ratings
Opportunity for Criteria:
Rank Likelihood of Detection
Detection Likelihood of Detection by Design Control
No detection
No current design control; Cannot detect or is not analyzed. 10 Almost Impossible
Not likely to detect at Design analysis/detection controls have a weak detection capability; Virtual Analysis (e.g., CAE, FEA, etc.) is not
9 Very Remote
any stage correlated to expected actual operating conditions.

Product verification/validation after design freeze and prior to launch with pass/fail testing (Subsystem or system
8 Remote
testing with acceptance criteria such as ride and handling, shipping evaluation, etc.).

Post Design Freeze Product verification/validation after design freeze and prior to launch with test to failure testing (Subsystem or
and prior to launch 7 Very Low
system testing until failure occurs, testing of system interactions, etc.).

Product verification/validation after design freeze and prior to launch with degradation testing (Subsystem or
6 Low
system testing after durability test, e.g., function check).

Product validation (reliability testing, development or validation tests) prior to design freeze using pass/fail
5 Moderate
testing (e.g., acceptance criteria for performance, function checks, etc.).

Prior to Design Product validation (reliability testing, development or validation tests) prior to design freeze using test to failure
Freeze 4 Moderately High
(e.g., until leaks, yields, cracks, etc.).
Product validation (reliability testing, development or validation tests) prior to design freeze using degradation
3 High
testing (e.g., data trends, before/after values, etc.).

Virtual Analysis - Design analysis/detection controls have a strong detection capability. Virtual analysis (e.g., CAE, FEA, etc.) is
2 Very High
Correlated highly correlated with actual or expected operating conditions prior to design freeze.

Detection not
Failure cause or failure mode can not occur because it is fully prevented through design solutions (e.g., proven
applicable; Failure 1 Almost Certain
design standard, best practice or common material, etc.).

Determining Action Priorities
v Once the team has completed the initial identification of failure modes
and effects, causes and controls, including rankings for severity,
occurrence, and detection, they must decide if further efforts are
needed to reduce the risk.

v Due to the inherent limitations on resources, time, technology, and

other factors, they must choose how to best prioritize these efforts.

v The initial focus of the team should be oriented towards failure modes
with the highest severity rankings. When the severity is 9 or 10, it is
imperative that the team must ensure that the risk is addressed
through existing design controls or recommended actions (as
documented in the FMEA).
Determining Action Priorities
v For failure modes with severities 8 or below the team should consider
causes having highest occurrence or detection rankings.

v It is the team’s responsibility to look at the information identified,

decide upon an approach, and determine how to best prioritize the
risk reduction efforts that best serve their organization and customers.

Risk Evaluation

Risk Priority Number (RPN)

One approach to assist in action prioritization has been to use the Risk Priority Number:

RPN = Severity (S) x Occurrence (O) x Detection (D)

Within the scope of the individual FMEA, this value can range between 1 and 1000.

The use of an RPN threshold is NOT a recommended practice for determining the need
for actions.

Risk Evaluation
The use of an RPN threshold is NOT a recommended practice for determining the need
for actions.

Applying thresholds assumes that RPNs are a measure of relative risk (which they often
are not) and that continuous improvement is not required (which it is).

For example, if the customer applied an arbitrary threshold of 100 to the following, the
supplier would be required to take action on the characteristic B with the RPN of 112.

Item Severity Occurrence Detection RPN

A 9 2 5 90
B 7 4 4 112

Recommended Actions
In general, prevention actions (i.e., reducing the occurrence) are
preferable to detection actions.

An example of this is the use of proven design standard or best practice

rather than product verification/validation after design freeze.

The intent of recommended actions is to improve the design. Identifying

these actions should consider reducing rankings in the following order:
severity, occurrence, and detection.

Recommended Actions
Example approaches to reduce these are explained below:

• To Reduce Severity (S) Ranking: Only a design revision can bring about
a reduction in the severity ranking.

ü High severity rankings can sometimes be reduced by making design revisions that
compensate or mitigate the resultant severity of failure. For example: The
requirement for a tire is to “retain applied air pressure under use”. The severity of
the effect of the failure mode “rapid loss of air pressure” would be lower for a “run
flat” tire.
ü A design change, in and of itself, does not imply that the severity will be reduced.
Any design change should be reviewed by the team to determine the effect to the
product functionality and process.

Recommended Actions
To Reduce Occurrence (O) Ranking: A reduction in the
occurrence ranking can be effected by removing or controlling
one or more of the causes or mechanisms of the failure mode
through a design revision.

Actions such as, but not limited to, the following should be
ü Error proof the design to eliminate the failure mode
ü Revised design geometry and tolerances
ü Revised design to lower the stresses or replace weak (high failure
probability) components
ü Add redundancy
ü Revised material specification
Recommended Actions
To Reduce Detection (D) Ranking:

ü The preferred method is the use of error/mistake proofing.

ü An increase in design validation/verification actions
ü In some cases, a design change to a specific part may be
required to increase the likelihood of detection
ü Additionally, the following should be considered:
o Design of Experiments (particularly when multiple or interactive
causes of a failure mode are present)
o Revised test plan

Recommended Actions
v For design actions consider using the following:
v Results of design DOE or reliability testing
v Design analysis (reliability, structural or physics of
failure) that would confirm that the solution is effective
and does not introduce new potential failure modes
v Drawing, schematics, or model to confirm physical
change of targeted feature
v Results from a design review
Changes to a given Engineering Standard or Design
Guidelines Reliability analysis results

Responsibility & Target Date
v Enter the name of the individual and organization
responsible for completing each recommended action
including the target completion date.

v The design-responsible engineer/team leader is

responsible for ensuring that all actions recommended
have been implemented or adequately addressed.

Action Results
vThis section identifies the results of any completed actions
and their effect on S, O, D rankings and RPN.

vAfter the action has been implemented, enter a brief

description of the action taken and actual completion

Revised S, O, D Ratings and RPN
v After the preventive/corrective action has been completed,
determine and record the resulting severity, occurrence,
and detection rankings.
ü Calculate and record the resulting action (risk) priority indicator
(e.g., RPN).
ü All revised rankings should be reviewed.

v Actions alone do not guarantee that the problem was

solved, thus an appropriate analysis or test should be
completed as verification. If further action is considered
necessary, repeat the analysis. The focus should always be
on continuous improvement.
Example – Recommended Actions
Failure Detection Recommended
Item Cause Prevention Controls
Mode Controls Actions
Mechanical linkage break Environmental
Designed per material Change material to
due to inadequate stress test 03-
standard MS- 845 stainless steel
corrosion protection 9963
Carry-over design with
Master cylinder vacuum variability Use carry-over seal
same duty cycle
lock due to seal design testing – system design
Vehicle does Loss of hydraulic fluid from
Brake Vibration step- Modify connector
not stop loose hydraulic line due to Designed per torque
system stress test 18- from bolt-style to
incorrect connector torque requirements - 3993
1950 quick-connect
Loss of hydraulic fluid due
Modify hose design
to hydraulic lines
Designed per material DOE – tube from MS- 1178 to
standard MS- 1178 resiliency MS-2025 to increase
inappropriate tube material

Maintaining DFMEA
v The DFMEA is a living document and should be reviewed whenever
there is a product design change and updated, as required.
v Recommended actions updates should be included into a subsequent
DFMEA along with the final results (what worked and what did not
v Another element of on-going maintenance of DFMEAs should include a
periodic review of the rankings used in the DFMEA.
v Specific focus should be given to Occurrence and Detection rankings.
This is particularly important where improvements have been made
either through product changes or improvements in design controls.
Additionally, in cases where field issues have occurred, the rankings
should be revised accordingly.

Open for Q&A Please!

ABC/GEN/02 77

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