Base de Datos

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Data Modelling and Databases (DMDB) ETH Zurich

Spring Semester 2017 Systems Group

Lecturer(s): Gustavo Alonso, Ce Zhang Date: February 27/March 3, 2017
Assistant(s): Claude Barthels, Eleftherios Sidirourgos, Last update: August 16, 2017
Eliza Wszola, Ingo Müller, Kaan Kara, Renato Marro-
quín, Zsolt István

Exercise 1: Entity-Relationship Model


The exercises marked with * will be discussed in the exercise session. You can solve the other
exercises as practice, ask questions about them in the session, and hand them in for feedback.
All exercises may be relevant for the exam.

Ask Ingo ( for feedback on this week’s exercise sheet or give it
to the TA of your session (preferably stapled and with your e-mail address).

1 Understanding Entity-Relationship Models*

Consider the following entity-relationship (ER) model.

person 1 1
passport number has e-mail address


father mother
man woman
1 1

father 1 N son daughter N 1 mother

isSon isDaughter
Data Modelling and Databases (DMDB), Spring Semester 2017, Exercise 1:
Entity-Relationship Model, February 27/March 3, 2017 Legi-Nr:

For each of the following groups of statements, pick the one that coincides best with the

1. A. Each person has at least one e-mail address.

B. Each person has at most one e-mail address.
C. Each person has exactly one e-mail address.
D. None of the above is true.

Explanation: A relation, even of type 1:1, optionally connects entities. If it is weak,

only the weak entity needs to participate in such a relation. Since person is not the weak
entity here, a person may not have an e-mail address. However, due to the cardinalities,
each person may have at most one e-mail address.

2. A. Each e-mail address belongs to at least one person.

B. Each e-mail address belongs to at most one person.
C. Each e-mail address belongs to exactly one person.
D. None of the above is true.

Explanation: The e-mail entity is the weak entity of the has relationship, so it must
participate in this relationship. Furthermore, the cardinalities restrict it to participate
at most once (as with any weak entity).

3. A. Each person has at least one passport number.

B. Each person has at most one passport number.
C. Each person has exactly one passport number.
D. None of the above is true.

Explanation: Each entity has exactly one value for each attribute.

4. A. Each man has at least one father.

B. Each man has at most one father.
C. Each man has exactly one father.
D. None of the above is true.

Explanation: Entities may or may not participate in relationships, so a man may not
have a father. Furthermore, the same man entity can participate several times as son
in the isSon relationship as long as it is with a different father and a different mother.
This is because the 1:1:N cardinality of the isSon relationship only limits the number of
man entities in the role of father to 1, given a man entity in the son role and a woman
Data Modelling and Databases (DMDB), Spring Semester 2017, Exercise 1:
Entity-Relationship Model, February 27/March 3, 2017 Legi-Nr:

For each of the following statements, say whether it is true or false in the model.

5. Each passport number belongs to at most one person. True False

Explanation: Passport number is the key of the person entity, so each passport number
is unique and used only by one person.

6. There are no two persons with the same name. True False

Explanation: Name is not a key of the person entity, so it’s values are not restricted
and can occur multiple times.

7. Each person who is not a man is a woman. True False

Explanation: In this ER model, a person can be neither a man nor a woman. In

general, there may be entities of the general entity type of a generalization.

8. Each person who is a man is not a woman. True False

Explanation: In this ER model, a person can be both a man and a woman at the
same time. In general, an entity of the general entity type of a generalization may
also be an entity of multiple different specializations. In other words, the definition of
generalization in ER says that the set of entities of each special type (here: “man” and
“woman”) is a subset of the entities of the general type (here: “person”), but it does not
say anything about whether the subset of the special types overlap or not. (It also does
not require that each entity of the general type is an entity of one of the special types.)

9. Each woman is a person. True False

Explanation: By definition of “is-a”.

10. A man can be his own father. True False

Explanation: There is no constraint that prevents the same man entity to participate
both in the man role and in the son role in the isSon relationship.

11. If a woman has a father, she also has a mother. True False

Explanation: In an isDaughter relationship, there is always exactly one woman entity

in the mother role, one woman entity in the daughter role, and one man entity in the
father role.
Data Modelling and Databases (DMDB), Spring Semester 2017, Exercise 1:
Entity-Relationship Model, February 27/March 3, 2017 Legi-Nr:

12. Each man is a father. True False

Explanation: A man entity may or may not participate in the isSon relationship (in
either role).

13. Each father is a man. True False

Explanation: Only man entities can take the father role of the isSon relationship.

14. Each son is a man. True False

Explanation: Only man entities can take the son role of the isSon relationship.

15. Each woman has at least one daughter. True False

Explanation: A woman entity may or may not participate in the isDaughter relation-
ship (in either role).

16. Each woman has at most one daughter. True False

Explanation: The 1:1:N relationship allows a woman entity arbitrarily many partici-
pations in the mother role, for example each time with a different woman entity in the
daughter role (or with the same daughter, but a different father).

2 Cardinalities in Min/Max Notation*

Consider the following ER model where the two notations of cardinalities from the lecture are
superposed: F1 and F2 represent numbers in the notation of functionalities whereas (mini , maxi )
follows the (min, max) notation.
F1 F2
E1 R E2
(min1 , max1 ) (min2 , max2 )

For the given cardinality in the form “F1 : F2 ”, give the equivalent cardinality in the min/max
notation by completing the following table.

F1 : F2 (min1 , max1 ) (min2 , max2 )

1: 1 (0, 1) (0, 1)

1: N (0, ∗) (0, 1)

N : 1 (0, 1) (0, ∗)

N : M (0, ∗) (0, ∗)
Data Modelling and Databases (DMDB), Spring Semester 2017, Exercise 1:
Entity-Relationship Model, February 27/March 3, 2017 Legi-Nr:

Explanation: This table makes it clear that the two notations have to be read “the opposite
way”. Let us look closely at what the “1” means in the case of “1 : N ”. In the notation of
the cardinalities, it means that there is one E1 for each entity E2 . We write the “1” on the
side of E1 (and not on the side of E2 ). This is because, in relationships with more than two
entities, a “1” means that there is one E1 for each set of the other entities (see discussion of
next question). In order to express the “1” in the min/max notation, we can only limit the
number of occurences of each entity in isolation. In the example of the exercise, we have to
say that E2 can occur at most once, which implies the fact that there can be at most one
E1 for that E2 . This is written as “(min2 , max2 ) = (0, 1)” on the side of E2 (since it is the
entity we put the limit on).

Can you establish such an equivalence for ternary relationships?

Solution: No, you cannot. Consider the seminar example from the lecture: the entity
types “student”, “professor”, and “topic” are in a N:1:1 relationship “supervise”. The “1”
for the topic entity type means that, given an entity of type professor and an entity of type
student, there is at most one entity of type “topic” (i.e., a student can only take one topic
with a professor). You may be tempted to express this as (0, 1) in the min/max notation,
which would mean that each topic can be supervised at most once. However, in the N:1:1
relationship “supervise”, each topic entity may participate several times—just not with the
same student. In the min/max notation, there is no way to epxress a N:1:1 relationship
exactly. At the same time, other situations may only be expressable using the min/max
notation, so we may need both depending on what we want to do.

3 Cardinalities on Ternary Relationships

Consider the following entity-relationship (ER) model, where the cardinalities of relationship R
are given as variables MA , MB , and MC . For example, if MA = MB = MC = 1, then R is a
1:1:1 relationship.



The table below shows entities of type A, B, and C respectively that are connected through
relationship R. For example, the first tuple hm, o, xi indicates that entity m of type A, entity o
of type B, and entity x of type C are connected through R.
We are now interested in the question which are valid sets of tuples for R with different
cardinalities MA , MB , and MC .
Data Modelling and Databases (DMDB), Spring Semester 2017, Exercise 1:
Entity-Relationship Model, February 27/March 3, 2017 Legi-Nr:

For each assignment of cardinalities in the table, select a maximal subset of tuples that form
a valid set R. Select a tuple by adding a checkmark to the corresponding cell. If a tuple cannot
be in R, write down the number of the tuple with which it conflicts.

hA, B, Ci ∈ R for given cardinality?

MA = N MA = 1 MA = 1 MA = 1
MB = M MB = N MB = 1 MB = 1
A B C MC = O MC = M MC = N MC = 1

1 m o x X X X X

2 n o z X X X X

3 m q y X X X X

4 n p z X X 2 2

5 n o x X 1 1 1

6 m q z X X X 3

We fill the table column by column:
• MA = N , MB = M , MC = O: If we take two entities out of the three entity types A,
B, or C, there can be N tuples in R with these two entities. This means that any set
of tuples is allowed for R (but it must be a set), so we select all tuples.
• MA = 1, MB = N , MC = M : For any two entities of types B and C respectively, there
may only be a single entity of type A; and there are no other constraints. However,
entity o of type B and entity x of type C participate in R with entities m and n of
type A, so we can only select one of the two (we select tuple 1).
• MA = 1, MB = 1, MC = N : We have the same constraint on entities of type A as
before, so we can only select the tuples that we selected previously. Additionally, for
any two entities of types A and C respectively, there may only be a single entity of
type B. Since entity n of type A and entity z of type C participate in R with entities
o and p of type B, we can only select one of them (we select tuple 2).
• MA = 1, MB = 1, MC = 1: We have the same constraint on entities of types A and
B as before, so we can only select the tuples that we selected previously. Additionally,
for any two entities of types A and B respectively, there may only be a single entity of
type C. Since entity m of type A and entity q of type B participate in R with entities
y and z of type C, we can only select one of them (we select tuple 3).
Data Modelling and Databases (DMDB), Spring Semester 2017, Exercise 1:
Entity-Relationship Model, February 27/March 3, 2017 Legi-Nr:

4 Modelling Miniworlds: Getting Started*

Model the following relationships in ER.
1. An apartment is located in a house in a street in a city in a country.


Copy Country

N 1

Availablein Located

1 N

Copy Copy

N 1

Availablein Located

1 Street
Copy N

2. Two teams play football against each other. A referee makes sure the rules are followed.



Home Away



5 Miniworld: International Wholesale Supplier*

Model the following miniworld of an international wholesale supplier in ER. Identify the keys
and give the functionalities of all relationships (e.g. 1:1, N:1, N:M)
The wholesale supplier has customers that place orders, which are placed on a particular date
and have a total price, current status, and an order number (starting from 1 for each customer).
In each order, a customer can order several parts (products), each in a different quantity and at
a (possibly discounted) price. We also want to model the date on which each of the parts has
been sent. The parts are provided by suppliers. Each part may be provided by several suppliers
Data Modelling and Databases (DMDB), Spring Semester 2017, Exercise 1:
Entity-Relationship Model, February 27/March 3, 2017 Legi-Nr:

and customers may order the same part of different suppliers in the same order, but in this case,
they may have different (retail) prices. Customers and suppliers have a name, an address, a
phone number, and a customer/supplier number and they come from a certain nation, which in
turn is from a particular region (of the world). Parts have a brand, a size, and a retail price.


id status date

1 N
name customer places order number
phone M

is from

name 1
nation consists of price
region 1

is from

phone price
name supplier provides part size

address id id brand

6 Miniworld: Entity-Relationship Model*

Model ER in ER.

Data Modelling and Databases (DMDB), Spring Semester 2017, Exercise 1:
Entity-Relationship Model, February 27/March 3, 2017 Legi-Nr:

Weak Entity


Attribute of N 1
Copy Available
Has Entity Name

N Functionality
Name IsPartOfKey

Available Participate


Name M

Attribute of N 1
Copy Available
Has Relationship Name


Relationship of
1 Weak Entity

Not expressed:
• Relationships of weak entity types can only be N:1 or 1:1. In particular, they are

• Relationships (in the miniworld) are weak entity types (in its model) and they need to
be connected to at least two entity types.
• For each relationship, the role names of the participating entity types are unique.
• An entity type can participate several times in the same relationship through different

• Generalizations (“is-a”) and aggregations (“part-of”).

7 Miniworld: Olympics
Olympic games happen in a certain year at a certain place. Each year, there is at most one
instance of Olympic games. In each discipline of an olympic game, there is exactly one gold
medalist, one silver medalist, and one bronze medalist. All these medalists are athletes. Give an
ER model for this mini world. Identify the keys and give the functionalities of all relationships.
Data Modelling and Databases (DMDB), Spring Semester 2017, Exercise 1:
Entity-Relationship Model, February 27/March 3, 2017 Legi-Nr:


Year Name

Game M won-gold


Same relationship for:

won-silver won-bronze

Some remarks:
• Note that if the key of Game would based on year and place, the requirement that
there is at most one event per year would be violated.
• The way the medalists are modeled is by creating three ternary relationships for Gold,
Silver, and Bronze medals each (from which we pictured only one). While this solution
fulfills the requirements, it also allows for the same athlete to win three medals in the
same discipline. Can you find a more “elegant solution” without losing any constraints?

8 Miniworld: Travelling
Consider the following mini-world. A person has a name and an age. Cities have a name and
are located in a country. Every year, persons can form groups in order to travel together to a
city. A person may be part of the same or a different group in different years, but may be part
of at most one group in any given year. Furthermore, a group travels to the same or different
city in different years, but travels to exactly one city in any given year. Give an ER model for
this mini-world. Identify the keys and give the functionalities of all relationships (e.g. 1:1, N:1,

Data Modelling and Databases (DMDB), Spring Semester 2017, Exercise 1:
Entity-Relationship Model, February 27/March 3, 2017 Legi-Nr:

Person Group

Age N 1 N Is-in
M Travels-to Name
M Copy

Note that Group, Year, and Country have a single attribute “name” that is their primary
key. This has been omitted from the figure for simplicity.
Also note that the model makes the following compromise: On the one hand side, it
limits the number of groups each person can belong to in a given year by making Year a
separate entity type and using functionalities for “belongs-to”. On the other side, it does
not model the fact that each group “travels to exactly one city in any given year”. We could
model “exactly one” with the min/max notation, but then the constraint above (a person
can belong to at most one group per year) could not be enforced anymore.

9 Miniworld: Library System

Assume there is a library system with the following properties. The library contains one or
several copies of the same book. Every copy of a book has a copy number and is located at a
specific location in a shelf. A copy is identified by the copy number and the ISBN number of
the book. Every book has a unique ISBN, a publication year, a title, an author, and a number
of pages. Books are published by publishers. A publisher has a name as well as a location.
Within the library system, books are assigned to one or several categories. A category can be
a subcategory of exactly one other category. A category has a name and no further properties.
Each reader needs to provide his/her family name, his/her first name, his/her city, and his/her
date of birth to register at the library. Each reader gets a unique reader number. Readers borrow
copies of books. Upon borrowing the return date is stored. Create an ER diagram of this library

Data Modelling and Databases (DMDB), Spring Semester 2017, Exercise 1:
Entity-Relationship Model, February 27/March 3, 2017 Legi-Nr:

ReturnDate Shelf
FamilyName Position

Firstname N M
Reader Borrows Copy CopyNr

City N


1 1 ISBN

N M PubYear
Contains Category InCat Book


1 NumPages
Publisher Publishes


Alternative solutions:

• Borrows as entity (what is the key of this entity?)

• Author as its own entity
• Shelf as its own entity
• Publishes relationship as N:M (books are published by several publishers)

• Borrows as 1:N (a copy can be borrowed only once). Then we model “Borrows” as
“Borrows currently” instead of “Has borrowed at some point”. Both solutions are
correct interpreations of the text, but model something slightly different.

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