Operating System Questions
Operating System Questions
Operating System Questions
Operating systems
Question 1
A. Mention the formula to compute CPU time in view of program execution. Brie y explain how software and
hardware entities contribute to various parameters/factors involved in computation of CPU time.
B. With appropriate diagrams explain the concept of copy-on-write in the context of process creation.
Question 2
A. What are logical and physical addresses of a process? How logical address is converted to physical address?
With appropriate figure, discuss how a memory management unit (hardware) protects the memory address
space of other processes and operating systems.
B. Discuss 3 different stages of address binding.
Question 3
A. Consider a computer system with a 32-bit logical address and 4-KB page size. The system supports up to
512-MB of physical memory.
(i) How many entries will be there in a conventional single-level page table and inverted page table?
(ii) What will be the memory requirement for storing these tables?
(iii) If a memory reference takes 50 nanoseconds, how long does a paged memory reference take in the
context of a conventional page table?
(iv) If we add TLBs, and 75 % of all page-table references are found in the TLBs, what is the effective
memory reference time? (Assume that nding a page-table entry in the TLBs takes 2 nanoseconds, if
the entry is present.)
Question 4
A. What is a hashed-page table? How address translation (logical to physical) is carried out using a
hashed-page table?
B. What is the page fault? With appropriate diagrams clearly discuss the steps involved in handling the page
fault by an operating system.
Question 5
A. Consider the following page reference string: 7,2,3,1,2,5,3,4,6,7,7,1,0,5, 4,6,2,3,0,1. Assume demand
paging with 3 frames, how many page faults would occur for the following replacement algorithms?
i. LRU replacement
ii. FIFO replacement
iii. Optimal replacement