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Market Time and Price Townhall

Having proven to myself that Mr. Gann predicted in 1927 within 1 minute Muhammad
Ata's plane departing Logan Airport on September 11, 2001 and within 15 minutes of the
moment the South Tower would fall, I've wondered; "Did he predict when he would die?

One number, perhaps intentionally encoded in the telestics of "The Tunnel Thru the Air",
has bugged me without end. I've, at times, interpreted it as a hidden reference to
Matthew 7:7 which Mr. Gann quotes or paraphrases 3 times. Obviously, 7 X 11 = 77,
two wonderful prime numbers. Here's the telestic that an enquiring researcher would
find on page 97 of the first edition TTTTA (red highlight):

Gann was born in 1878 and died in 1955…77 years. Just a coincidence? "The
Kybalion" insists there aren't any coincidences; I've seen enough in TTTTA that I do not
believe in coincidence. Parse the paradox further to see if Mr. Gann 'designed' further
information in TTTTA that might encourage the reticent reader to believe he predicted
his death in 1955.

Let's look at the date that appears on line 3801, the line of the second 7 or 77; April 30,
1927. Perhaps Mr. Gann meant that we should divide his then hypothetical age by that
mid life date to see whatever we see. Here's some doodling:

We have a bit of an error….that is, if Gann designed his math problem to demonstrate
the all too obvious math properties. We'll accept rounding for now. From his birth date
to April 30, 1927 there expired 10,276 days or 28.14 years. Rounded, that is 4 X 7 years
or 28 years.

And the remaining days from April 30, 1927 to the day he died was 17,859 days or 48.9
years rounded to 49 years. 7 X 7 or 7 units of 7.

That's still not enough for the die hard, the world is random, all is coincidence
persuasion. After all, Gann is off .13 X 365 days on one end and .10 X 365 on the other
end for a net of…well, he misses 77 years by 12 days. I mean, 12 is 12. To the skeptic

proof of coincidence

. I guess so.

Hmmm, that 12 days and 7 units of 7. 12 and 7. Something seems interesting about
that. I'm imagining things. Back to more proof.

There are 15218 lines in TTTTA. I've counted them and have them in a spreadsheet.
Exactly 15218 when you count 1 line after each paragraph and 1 line between pages
(including blank pages). The date, April 30, 1927 appears on line 3801. From the first
line on the cover of TTTTA to line 3801 you have 3801 lines and after that point you
have 15218 - 3801 = 11417 lines to the last line of the back flap. Might those 3 numbers
parse into meaningful components? Why yes, I believe so:

Wow, a 3 and a 4 to the 3rd decimal place. I think Mr. Gann designed the page numbers
and the placement of the acrostic "77" to produce, with precision, the numbers 3 and 4.
Hmm 3+4=7 and 3X4=12. 7 and 12.
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Let's not stop here. He was 77 years and 12 days when he died. 12 days and 7 units of
11. Focus on the 12 and 7. Now recall the philosopher stone numbers of WD Gann and
John Dee previously exposed on this blog, namely, 432 and 252, respectively. They
imply a wonderful proposition of cycles and subdivisions of the "Great" 1000-year

The philosopher stone numbers reduce to 12 and 7 and those same numbers, using
Pythagoras' theorem, become the "Great" 1000-year cycle.

Two implications. First, the not so startling conclusion, at least to me, that Gann
predicted his death. Actually, I 'knew' he did. I just didn't know if he published it or if I
could find it if he did.

But the far more startling implication is that his life represented a subdivision of the
math he and John Dee created; 12 and 7. And those numbers are, in my estimation,
among the Bible's most important.

I bet this keeps the 'random walk' people up tonight. Nah, they know nobody knows.


[I have not published the 9/11 prophecy but will do so at the appropriate time.]

I've twice revised my mapping of the number of lines in "The Tunnel Thru the Air" and
twice been wrong. I first offered the structure of TTTTA in the post "WD Gann's Book
of Numbers" on January 19, 2015 and found that there were 15608 lines in TTTTA when
counting 2 lines after each chapter ended and not counting the number of lines that
appeared on the rear dust cover jacket.

But I realized that was wrong. Mr. Gann would not provide a framework of meaningful
pages without providing proof of why the correct number of pages was correct. He did
that in two metrics; first, the reconciliation of the "great-1000 year cycle" to the total
lines (see essay on the "Great 1000-year cycle" and its 24th subdivision of 41.666 years)
and, second, an acrostic "Phi" found on page 120:

[An acrostic is a word spelled using the first letter of consecutive lines and a telestic is
the same using the last letter of each line. The author contrives line breaks in order to
spell a word that conveys a hidden message. These techniques were used prominently
by Lord Bacon and John Dee.]

That acrostic, "Phi," is the only place that word is found in any of the acrostics and
telestics in TTTTA. And it appears with the telestic "Dee" which is the 17th century
scientist, mathematician, magician of Queen Elizabeth I's court and close friend of Lord
Francis Bacon.

Note that 432 pages in TTTTA (418 numbered pages + 2 Foreword + cover + inside
cover + back + dedication + copyright + 4 blank pages in front + 3 blank pages in rear)
and that divided by 120 is 3.60 or the degrees in the circle if ignoring the decimal. Not a
coincidence. Likewise, then, I expect that IF I have the number of lines correctly
identified, line number 4625 divided into the CORRECT number of lines would result in
a Phi proportion. That would be the iron clad check I expect Mr. Gann created.

As aforementioned, my first counting of the lines in TTTTA was wrong. 15608 / 4625 =
3.374 is close to Phi X 2 but close is not what I'd expect of Mr. Gann's intent. The
second time I counted lines, I came up with 15218 lines by giving 1 line between every
paragraph (including between chapters). This was a number that was extremely pleasing
because it is

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1000 years X 365.242 days per year / 24. I continue to think that number has merit, but
it doesn't pass the second or Phi test. The most logical Phi test would be 4625 X Phi X 2
= 14966 lines. Yes, my line counts are close. But there is something I am missing.

So, that's where I was yesterday when I discovered a major numbering error involving
Chapter 17. Simply a "Ross-up". Each time I re-number pages, it costs me hours and
hours. This time I have a total page count of 15304 lines, but I no longer have the
comfort that it is correct in accordance with EITHER the 1000-year reconciliation or the
Phi marker. Close, but not exact. Mr. Gann's real truths did not involve close IMO.

That's my mea culpa. I've checked back on my conclusions with regard to Mr. Gann's
having forecast when he would die and they remain firm. The line number used in that
analysis, 3801, remains the same as the error was in a later chapter. The 86 line
discrepancy in the total pages will not change the conclusion. Gann knew 77 years was
the end of his earthly stay.

The caveat emptor is a thought Mr. Gann emphasized in his Foreword and throughout
his lifetime of work; prove it to yourself. Given that not a person, not a single Gann
expert, has identified and published proof of the extensive acrostic telestic coding of
TTTTA in 88 years until now nor suggested a line structure of TTTTA, I will allow
myself the error. But the error cannot go unnoticed by me to anyone who reads this.
Gann's advice remains all important. Prove all things to yourself. And, of course, that
means anything that I say in this blog.

That brings me to a crossroads. I have noted several prophecies that I believe Mr. Gann
intended to be discovered in the age of the 266th Pope. I have written extensively on the
curious reference to 266th Pope that was only elected in 2013; by near acclamation of
experts on the subject, Pope Francis is the 266th Pope to which St Malachy (or some
would say Nostradamus) prophesied and Gann discuses on page 82.

My dilemma is that I'd prefer to write a book on the 7 manifest prophecies that Gann
provided in TTTTA and I've written about a half dozen chapters including a Preface.
They aren't good but they convey the wonderment of his documented predictions. The
other, not so fully document prophecies have yet to be adequately researched although
the seed is there. So the matter is time and my ability to limit myself adequately so that
the task is achievable. I am drawn to the math of "Robert Gordon's 7 Days" and thats
my passion. It competes with the need to present the manifest prophecies of Gann.

My plan has become publishing here the fully developed prophecies in the hopes that
others will make further progress. My desire of writing a book is probably more a
matter of attributing myself than one of doing something worthy.

I perceive only one of the prophecies that Gann envisioned as having continuing future
implications. It was a work in progress in the context of the 266th Pope and the
"…remarkable events…." to occur in the wake of his election (page 82). It is the same
prophecy that is laid out by Rabbi Jonathan Can in "The Harbinger." It begins with the
"first warning" began September 11, 2001.

Mr. Gann, I will assert, predicted the World Trade Center tragedy 73 years prior to its
occurrence in 1927. He predicted its onset of to within one minute of when Muhammad
Ata departed Logan Airport and the fall of the South Tower to within mere minutes. He
gave the name of "Ata", the number of attackers, the number of attacks, the cities
involved, the name of the airline, the elements of Rabbi Cahn's interpretation of Isaiah
9/10 (the 'cedar') and more

To fully understand this first prophecy, I'll have to provide some background. Anyone
with a reasonably inquisitive mind should have been alerted when he read "…the 110-
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story Mammouth building." Intentionally misspelled, no less, to underscore its

importance. But who has? I have not read a single person that has ruminated on the
remarkable similarity to the 110-story WTC. I've written on it extensively in the past
and the 266th Pope. Now I will provide the proof of the prophecy.

With all that said in this post, first suspect my analysis, second do the work yourself to
prove it to yourself, and finally decide for yourself if Mr. Gann predicted 9/11.

And if, after doing the work, you come to the affirmative conclusion, what is the
continuing prophecy? That's what's really important.

Jim Ross

WD Gann predicted the 9/11 tragedy in "The Tunnel Thru the Air. I'd long considered it
likely, an uncomfortable feeling, but did not have the last elements of its proof (my post
on this blog "WD Gann meets Johnathan Cahn" dated August 2, 2014). The last element
of proof is the exact timing given by Mr. Gann. I found it several weeks ago but was
holding it as part of a planned but now abandoned book. I know that timing and will
provide it in the next several posts. I expect 3 posts to provide my case; Mr. Gann's
hidden word. In the end, I will have proven by a preponderance of evidence, Mr. Gann
predicted the attack of 9/11 to within one minute of when Muhammad Ata departed
Boston's Logan Airport and within minutes of the fall of the South Tower. But the
prophecy does not end there; it is ongoing and Biblical as I will explain in a fourth post.
I believe this to be one important aspect of the knowledge that Mr. Gann asserted the
world was then not ready to receive; knowledge destined for the age of the 266th Pope
(page 82 of TTTTA). And the 266th Pope was elected in 2013.

WD Gann's Methods

Understanding WD Gann's vast creation of the very detailed and unmistakable prophecy
of 9/11 requires understanding methods of conveying meaning and methods of
encryption. Why didn't Mr. Gann simply state his prophecy in plain words? Because
words lie; intentionally and unintentionally. Language is ambiguous. The person
speaking or writing, despite his/her best efforts, is seldom, if ever, perfectly clear. Even
if clear, the person receiving the meaning may misinterpret the words. The great
philosopher Gurdjiffe, as recalled by P.D. Outspensky, called it "subjective language" as
opposed to "objective language." Gann said that the only language which people and
nations can agree upon is that of math and science. Concepts that cannot be proven in
math is subject to error by the sender and receiver.

But that's only one of the reasons the prophecy was buried in TTTTA as opposed to
being issued in an article such as "Prophecy of 9/11" on a full page of the Wall Street
Journal in 1927 with "WD Gann" listed as the author at the bottom of the page.
Obviously, he would have become a pariah overnight; end of his business and
associations. "This man is crazy, thinks he's a Nostradamus." But there's a greater
reason; as Hermetics say, and St Clement of Alexandria and countless others would
reprise, why would a knowledgable person throw "...pearls before swine?" Why should
people, unwilling to work for knowledge, be entitled to that knowledge? And finally,
displaying knowledge, over the ages, has been dangerous. Ask Galileo how it worked
out for him.

Allusion to the 9/11 prophecy is provided at the surface level with the word
"Mammouth." One must work to confirm the prophecy was made. The concepts of
'veiling' are at least centuries old and most are ancient. Here is a list off the top of my
head of people (among others) I've studied to understanding their usages:

Misspelling- Various, simplistic

Numbers and mathematics as confirmation of meaning- Ancient, St Clement
Acrostic and telestic encoding - Lord Francis Bacon/John Dee and many before
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Opposites- Hermetic from The Kybalion, timeless ancient knowledge

Allegory- Philo of Alexandria

The Target; "The 110-story" Building, "The Mammouth Building"

Obviously, misspelling alerts a reader to a disharmony. How can anyone see the word
"The Mammouth Building," and, having recognized the true spelling is "Mammoth"
without the 'u,' not pause? Was Mr. Gann that dumb and/or careless? I think not.
Perhaps an enquiring mind might run a search on that misspelled word to see if there is
a common historical usage? Failing to find a distant common usage, what do you do
with the word? File it in 'curious.'

Now what do you do when you see "110-story Mammouth Building?" A number
confirming the misspelling disharmony. An enquiring mind, having lived in the age of
9/11, will want to know more. At least, if he makes the connection with the 110-story
World Trade Center. Most people will make that connection and, of them, not a person
has gone appreciably farther. Any farther at all that I can find. Until I wrote about it
several months ago. And until now.

So, the "110-story,""The Mammouth Building" are discordant surface level notations,
anything else? How about "The Cedar." Perhaps on page 369, where Gann refers to the
110-story building as "the cedar," is connecting the Mammouth Building with Ezekiel
17:3. Jonathan Cahn; the Isaiah 9:10 prophecy. This is putting the cart before the horse,
but "the Cedar" will be the connection to Gann's ongoing prophecy envisioned to be
presented in a fourth post. It is the real reason I am writing this series. But let's get back
to the methods of veiling.

Okay, we have a surface meaning of The Mammouth Building; how do we confirm there
is something meaningful in the initial disharmony? How about rudimentary gematria.
Actually, not even rising to the level of gematria, but mathematic, nonetheless. How
many letters are there in "The Mammouth Building?" There are 19 letters…the same as
"The World Trade Center." 19 is a very meaningful number, by the way. The gematria
system of the Pythagorean system for the two phrases are 89 and 92, respectively, that
reduce to 17 and 11. Interesting, the WTC reduces once to 11 (9+2). There isn't any
confirmation in the more detailed gematria, but we do have the same number of letters;
19. Did Gann style the name of the building to be intentionally 19 letters as was the
WTC….and the same number of stories? The 110-story building? Numbers, 19 and 110
confirming the surface meaning.

More circumstance, numbers of occurrence. How many times do we find the words
"Mammouth,""110", and "cedar" in TTTTA? We find "Mammouth" six times in
TTTTA, once as "The Mammouth" and five times as "the Mammouth Building." 1 and
5. The first instance occurs on the 432nd line of Chapter 34 (the mis-numbered Chapter
XXXIX). I've counted the lines in that chapter. It is on line 432 in chapter 39, err 34,
allowing a line between page heading and the first line and a line between pages. That
number, 432, is also the number of pages in TTTTA when counting the cover and blank
pages. 432 is a cosmically important number found in the mysteries of the Great
Pyramid of Giza and in astronomic measurements of the solar system. It is the number
encoded in Luke passages 1:24, 27, 36, 56 and 59 (5X6X6X3X8=4320). 4320 divided
by 2 is the diameter of the moon, 432,000 multiplied by 2 is the diameter of the sun, 432
squared is the speed of light…. The next five occurrences of "Mammouth" are all
worded as "The Mammouth Building." One instance and five instances. Concatenate
those two numbers, 1 and 5, and remember the number; 15. The same number already
mentioned; 15, File it in 'don't forget' and... don't forget.

Now, the "110-story" building. A quick scan and we find it once on line 433 of Chapter
34 (XXXIX). Only once. We find the number "110" appearing another 188 times in
TTTTA making a total of 189.
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Now, "cedar." Similar to "the Mammouth" and "110-story" we find "the cedar" only
once referring to the alternate name of the 110-story Mammouth Building. There are
another 5 instances of the use of the word "cedar" but they all relate to a type of word;
branch of the cedar, cedar boards, etc. Interestingly, we find the former one reference as
"the cedar" on page 369, Chapter 31 (XXXI) and it is the 431st line of that chapter. Did
I miscount and miss a line in this chapter? If I did this might be line 432 just as was
"The Mammouth" on line 432 of Chapter 34. Another day. The takeaway to "The
cedar" is again 1 instance of one usage (referring to the Mammouth Building) and 5
usages as a type of wood or tree; 1 and 5. Again, 15. The "don't forget" file is getting

One more permutation. If you take the 6 total occurrences of "Mammouth" and add the
one occurrence of "110-story building" which was substituted for "The Mammouth
Building", you get 7 total occurrences. The same is true of the 6 total occurrences of
"cedar" when you add one occurrence of "110-story;" you get 7. Now you take 6 of
"Mammouth," 6 of "cedar" and 1 of "110-story" and you get 13. Both 7 and 13 having
numerological and other significance. File them in respectively named folders.

Nope, yet one more "coincidence." Cedar appears on line 431 of Chapter 31, "the
Mammouth" appears on line 432 of Chapter 34 (aka XXXIX), and "110-story" appears
on line 433 of chapter 34 (aka XXXIX). Say that quickly…..431, 432 and 433. Cute
Mr. Gann, cute. That is not random coincidence, now is it? I envision readers with
hands over their eyes, hands over their ears, hands over their mouths. Courage you
random walkers; we, yet, have such a long way to go down this road.

The Perpetrators

So far, we have only a very discomforting and, increasingly so, feeling of the similarity
between "The Mammouth Building" and the WTC. How can Mr. Gann prove to us,
people who are working to understand his true meaning, that he is talking about the
events that involved the two buildings; one allegorical and fictional, the other real and
doomed. He will give us more contrived, designed circumstances. Acrostics and
telestics, devices that are centuries old but prominently used by Lord Francis Bacon and
John Dee, aka, the first "007." Lord Bacon was only once noted in TTTTA but John Dee
is mentioned exactly 46 times…. in the telestic encoding. I'll reserve the unmistakeable
telestic references to John Dee for now as the subject is off point.

Bacon and Dee were contemporaries living in the time of Queen Elizabeth I
(1500s/1600s). Bacon, a lawyer, philosopher and writer (many believe him to have been
the author of many of the works of Shakespeare), wrote a book on then modern methods
of encryption. Dee was the scientist, mathematician, magician of Queen Elizabeth I's
and Maximillian's courts and friend of Bacon. In his time, Dee was known to have 4000
'volumes' in his library when Cambridge had only 400. Both were reputed for their
veiled writings, Dee being known to the Queen in personal correspondence as
"007." Both were thought to have been Rosicrucian/Hermetic, at least in philosophy, if
not in fact.

Acrostic and telestic, the same method with a different object. An acrostic is the use of
the first letter of consecutive lines of text to spell a hidden word. A telestic is the same
but using the last letter of a line. Consider the

very first paragraph

of TTTTA where we find the "six e's:"

The last letter of six consecutive lines i "e." This "word" is created by Mr. Gann with a
meaning; that the entirety of TTTTA will be littered with meaningful acrostic and
telestic words that confirm meaning at the surface or plain word level OR convey new
meaning. If you believe 6 e's is not designed by Gann but, rather, is just a coincidence,
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then you needn't read any further. It is statistically prohibitive to think this design was
not intended… I've presented the math and statistics in other posts. If the probability of
six consecutive coin tosses of a fair count is 1 divided by 2 to the 6th power (1/2^6, a
joint probability) then the probability of 6 consecutive e's is 1 divided by 26 to the 6th
power if all letters had an equal likelihood of occurrence (as a head or tail has an equal
probability on a single coin toss). Since 'e' is a popular level, I will conceded the
improbability of 6 consecutive e's is a mere 1 divided by, oh, 13 to the 6th power. 1 /
13^6. Pretty small. AND in the very first paragraph. "Be alerted to the acrostic/telestic
method" is what 6 e's screams to the thoughtful reader.

Alerted to the existence of acrostic/telestic encoding, what might have been buried to
support a prophecy of 9/11? How about the perpetrator, Muhammad Ata? Yes, there are
exactly 15 acrostic spellings of "ata" in TTTTA (blue highlighted):

That's 15. There isn't a 16th, or 17th….. Exactly 15. Where is that file, "don't forget,"
I've been keeping?

Provided above, you will find the exact page number of 15 instances, the only 15
instances, of the word "ata" spelled in the acrostics/telestics of TTTTA. Make that "only
in acrostics." Not a single telestic. Of those 15, arguably 7 provide meaning or emphasis
to the surface narrative from which they are derived (see the arrows). For those 7 that I
sensed a narrative connection to the 9/11 tragedy I provide, at the right, the exact
narrative comprising the acrostic word. That way you can see those 7 meanings AND
you can construct the acrostic word for those 7 as well. Needless to say, the other 8
instances of 'ata" can be traced to the page number I provide. You can prove all 15 to
yourself if you will do the work.

Numbers generated in the previous paragraph; 7 and 15. Obviously 7, is a universally

and Biblically important number. And 15. On 9/11/2001 there were 4 flights highjacked
BUT only three of the flights attacked the US. The fourth was scuttled in a farm field in
Pennsylvania and did not inflict damage on the US…save for the tragic loss of the lives
of those on board. Of the three flights that successfully assaulted the US, there were five
terrorists on each of the three flights. 3X5=15. A number confirming the meaning of
"ata." Look it up in Wikipedia; 5 terrorists on each of the three flights; 15.

Since we are considering the terrorists, what about the means of their terror; the three
planes. American Airlines flight 11 was first to attack the North Tower of WTC with
Ata on board, United Air flight 175 followed hitting the South Tower, and American
Airlines flight 77 attacked the Pentagon. [Interesting, 11 and 77, but deferred for now.]
It nagged me for such a long time that I could not find any trace of those flights in the
acrostics/telestics. I kept seeing "TWA" but not a hint of American or United. In fact,
15 prominent citations of the word "TWA" in the acrostics encoding. This time I'll
provide just the page numbers where you may find them.

Those 15 citations of "TWA" and the absence of any reference to American Air or
United Air finally jogged my memory. TWA was formed in 1925, prior to and existing
at the publication of TTTTA. Amid financial turmoil its assets were liquidated in early
2001 with the principal assets being ultimately acquired by American Airlines shortly
thereafter. For all we know, the three planes assaulting the US on September 11, 2001
may have been first owned by TWA. For certain, we know, TWA was the name of the
company that was substantially and ultimately acquired by American Airlines in 2001.
Flights 11 and 77 were "TWA" flights in that sense of history; the time in which TTTTA
was written.

15 citations of "Ata" and 15 citations of "TWA", the exact number of terrorists and
means of their terror. All 30 total citations were acrostics.

None were telestics

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. If you believe in randomness, do you believe there could


have been a single "ata" or "TWA" that was a telestic? If you can't wrap your mind
around this improbability, again, you should not be reading further; you've already ruled
the earth is the center of the universe just as the Church so rudely informed Galileo.

15 citations of "Ata" and 15 of "TWA." There was 1 occurrence of "the Mammouth" and
5 of "the Mammouth Building". There was 1 occurrence of "the cedar" referring to the
building and 5 referring to the type of wood or tree. Concatenate 1 and 5 and you have
15. The "don't forget" file is brimming.

There are so many details of the 9/11 attack that Mr. Gann provides. I find new
"coincidences" each time I search. Once complete, the allusion of the simple discordant
"Mammouth" will have become a fully articulated prediction that leads to the 9/11
tragedy. The "don't forget" file will have become the size of a healthy chapter in a
Dickens' novel. Gann's meaning will become as undeniable as the math of 2+2=4.
Errrrr, that's an opinion and a not so humble one at that. But I have "worked out" the
evidence, so reserve the condemnation.

Next up, I will compare details of the "Gigantic Attack on New York City" (page 362)
and those of the events of September 11, 2001. A new concept will be used; the ancient
concept of the opposite; the positive and negative, the male and female, the ying and
yang, the odd and the even…. And in the third post of the series, I will provide the exact
timing, to within one minute, of onset of the 9/11 attack as encoded in TTTTA in 1927.
And at that point, this grand, hidden allegory and prediction will be complete. That
encoding has been buried in TTTTA for 88 years, until I found it in 2015. I know, the
"I'"s become narcissistic. But the "I" is important, as well, as may demonstrated in
posts beyond this series and in a separate manifest prophecy.

You can perform a word search on the first edition copy of TTTTA at archive.org to find
"Mammouth,""110-story,""the cedar." If or when you do visit archive.org, pull the page
bar at the bottom all the way to the right, to the final page…its page 432, the back cover.
I've given you the page numbers of acrostic/telestic words to support the "conflagration
of circumstance" concerning "ata" and "TWA." Its up to you to prove it to yourself,
prove me wrong or, otherwise, just consider in silence:

Qui non intelligit, aut taceat, aut discat (John Dee, "Monas Hieroglyphica")

Jim Ross

(of Tottenham)

WD Gann presents seven prophecies in "The Tunnel Thru the Air" according to the way
I have counted them.

The first is a prophecy of numerous inventions (twelve in my count of inventions

I've identified ranging from encrypted cellular phones to the Saeto torpedo to
modern drone warfare). Most people have sensed the many inventions Gann
predicted, some predictable in 1927, many not. The laundry list is very impressive
when taken together.
The second is the 1929 stock market crash and botom and the attendant depression
in far greater detail than the bad times of "1930-33" found on page 82 and 83.
The third is World War II in far greater detail than "another bad bad period for the
United States will be 1940-44" found also on page 83.
The fourth is the Vietnam War alluded to by the last name of Edna Quinton…the
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acronym of Quinton is Tonkin; the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the Gulf of Tonkin
Resolution that permitted President Johnson to wage war in all significant
The fifth has been partially developed in "The Great Battle(s) of Detroit"
published in the blog.
The sixth is in the process of being developed on this blog; it is the prophecy of
The seventh is me.

Yes, this seems narcissistic, it sounds delusional. No, I am just the matter of the proof,
not the architect; first proven to me, and now, if you will consider, proven to you - that
Gann envisioned and published these things. You are in charge. You can prove what I
will say to yourself and you haven't any excuse for not doing so. I give you the page and
line number of the evidence. The only tools you will need are a first edition copy of
TTTTA found at archive.org and the understanding of the definition of the very simple
acrostic and telestic encoding method. An acrostic is a word spelled by the first letter of
consecutive lines of a narrative and a telstic is its counterpart spelled with the last letter
of consecutive lines. That's all you need; unless you have decided before the provision
of the proof. Many people are like that,….no, most people are like that.

I've alluded to having found my name in TTTTA. It occurred over a period of several
weeks but was proven to me in great detail which I will provide in 3 issues of this series.
And it emerged in exactly the sequential order I recount. I hope the reader will consider
how I felt as I moved from mild unease, to extreme unease, to complete awe and finally
to a sense of duty; this duty. Now, that could be getting a bit delusional, but that's my
feeling. Can a delusional person recognize and contemplate his state? By definition, I
don't think so.

As best I recall, in about December 2014 I was trudging through TTTTA having seen the
six e telestic in the first paragraph of the Foreword ("six e's" are explained in the
previous and many other posts). I was looking at the last letter of every line (telestic) to
see if I could identify words that might have meaning. Literally, I was looking at a
seemingly endless set of vertically aligned letters in the book and considering the
permutations in my mind. Talk about drudgery. Until I found this on page 14:

My last name, "ross." At first I was "weirded out." But then I regained composure. After
all, how much of a coincidence would it be to find any four-letter word in a large
population of random letters? The population of letters, given that TTTTA is 15304
lines long, would be 15304 first letters of lines plus 15304 last letters of lines. Of
course, we're talking about a joint probability and conditioned further that the letters
must be in a sequence (r-o-s-s). I judged it very improbable but hardly prohibitively so.

So I chilled. I remember transitioning into a state of "Well, that's really cute." I recall
posting the substance of the above on Thetas Pendulum that day or a day or two later. It
may have been the Pentagonal_time board on Yahoo. I haven't gone back to check.

In the weeks thereafter, I created an Excel spreadsheet of every line in TTTTA, the
largest component of which was a group of Word files of the book that a generous
Internet personna and brilliant researcher, Superrome, has made available at his website,
Gannstudygroup. Loading those files, after a couple edits, into Excel I was able to
construct an acrostic/telestic search device where I could find acrostically/telestically
created words easily. Perhaps we are in early January 2015.

Inevitably, it struck me to look for Jim, James, Jimi, Jimmy, Chip, all names which were
given me by myself or my childhood 'chums.' Still in early January. And I found it on
page 75:

And there it was; "Jimi." Even the "J" in "Jimi" was capitalized. My high school

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name…more often spelled "Jimmy" but a couple of my closest buddies did spell it that
way just to imply a gentler gender than I would chose as a self description; they'd try to
piss me off. And succeeded.

The improbability has now become far greater….two four letter words, each very
improbable individually. But now its a joint improbability involving the 8 letters of the
only person who has identified the acrostic/telestic encoding of TTTTA in 88 years since
TTTTA was published.

And now I have an acrostic, "Jimi" and a telestic, "ross." Shame on you Mr. Gann for not
providing me a capital "R." Here I'm talking to a dead man…or so we suppose in this
world. I was really 'weirded out" now. It was a bit of a panic actually. Someone was
"looking" at me. I know how that sounds. But that's how I felt. How would you feel?

No, your name is not in the acrostics/telestics of TTTTA. I have found very few names
greater than 3 letters; a limited number of 3 letter names, very few four letter names. I
can't recall any personal four letter names other than the above but I'm sure there are
some. How strange.

On the 7th line of Chapter 7, beginning on the same line as January 28, 1927, we find
the "J." Figure the meanings of those numbers. 7th of Chapter 7 or 77. 77 being the age
of Mr. Gann when he died (77 years and 12 days), 77 being the flight number of the jet
that struck the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 (see my previous post). Muhammad
Ata's flight 11 multiplied by 7. So many general numerological meanings of 77 beyond
the Gann and 9/11 prophecy specific meanings.

Before we leave this thought, parse the date, January 28, 1927, more particularly, 1927.
Theosophic reduction gives us 1+9+2+7=19. And 19 squared is the number of earth
axis degrees in one solar day. Many mathematic and numerologic meanings of 19, too
many to recite. And further Theosophic reduction of 1+9=10 or 1. The monad. Further,
January is the first month of the year or 1. And the 28th day Theosophically reduced;
2+8=10 which reduces to….1. If you don't know that number, the monad, you should;
both its numerological and philosophical meaning. One.

If I gave the task to 100 supposed "Gann Gurus" (none of whom have identified the use
of acrostics or telestics in TTTTA, by the way) of identifying the 10 most important
pages in TTTTA, I expect that 100 would name page 75 as the beginning of the most
important chapter of the book; 'Future Cycles." Gann asserts the future is mathematic
and the math is found in the Bible. In pages 82 and 83 of this chapter, Gann vaguely
predicts the stock market decline, the first years of the Great Depression and the years of
World War II.

Continuing on pages 75 and 76, Mr. Gann goes further to define the repetition of history
and his Biblical basis:

Those last two lines of the above, the word "Then" is spelled. Two of the letters are
acrostic (Th) and two are telestic (en). I do not recall finding any other word spelled in
the 30608 acrostic/telestic letters formed that way. As best I can determine, that is the
only one.

At this point, I know the case that "I" was intended to receive a message is not proven to
anyone else's satisfaction. If its not your name and you do not have to ponder the
implications, then you won't ponder something that is happening to me. I did not have
dispositive proof that would convince another person that a message had been intended
for me. I do not recall making that assertion then public.

But I knew the proof was somewhere in TTTTA. Undeniable proof to me and anyone
who would be willing to 'consider,' that I was a part of something. Most people won't
ponder the thought, much less, honestly consider it. But a very few will.
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I did not know where to look in TTTTA for confirmation. I did not know what I'd be
looking for…. But I knew I would find it.

And then I did. On January 28th, I did find it. January 28th, the same day of the year
that we find on the line of the first letter of my first name I found the "dispositive proof."

Prove the above to yourself, disprove me if you can or dismiss it with "I doubt it." Only
the latter of three alternatives is the sign of what St Clement referred to as "the swine"
before which he would not cast pearls. Have the courage to do the work and make a
decision. St Clement also said "Faith" is a matter of choice; and choice infers a reasoned
decision based on consideration of the facts.

The "capstone" of proof will follow in due course as will installments of the sixth
prophecy, that being 9/11.

Jim Ross

of Tottenham

Of this series of posts presenting WD Gann's 6th prophecy found in "The Tunnel Thru
the Air," this will be the difficult one. In the first post, the target, the perpetrators, the
airline were all identified by a dominant number that was seen time and again; 15. We'll
see that number again in 3 of 3, but there isn't such a dominant number in this post. And
there isn't a lot of evidence in this post. But there are two themes presented that are
necessary context for the third post. Those two themes are the concept of opposites and
the importance of the number 69.

There are so many ways to illustrate the ancient concept of opposites; many eloquent,
philosophic, mathematic, all very introspective if you chose to dwell on it. Start from
the ultimate beginning, the first breath of God, the initial thought that created all things.
You find it in Genesis as the contrasts in day and night, darkness and light, heaven and
earth…. you find Gurdjiffe explaining the diatonic cosmology with it, you find Gann
explaining it as the positive and negative; it is the fourth Hermetic principle of "The

Both Gurdjiffe and Gann elaborate the principle to add to the positive and negative to
add a neutral. Gurdjieffe gets to the "Law of three" and its part in the creation of the
enneagram. Gann, through Robert Gordon, states it as a free standing principle, but
again, with the neutral (page 78):

Gann, seemingly, goes a bit further. Perhaps he infers that, within cycles there are
opposites or between cycles of differing levels or greater and smaller overlapping wheels
we get opposites. Perhaps the "Gigantic Battle of New York" has finer insights on how
his conceptualization works.

The first opposite; June 9, 1932

, most prominently, the day of the "Gigantic" attack on New York City and,
contemporaneously, Robert Gordon's birthday. Take this date apart and you might have
6-9 and 1932. The first part is 69 (which is also 6+9=15) and the second part is
1+9+3+2=15. A perfect transition from the dominant number 15 in the first post to a
newly introduced number, 69. Did I say the number 15 wouldn't be as important in this
second post?

The number 69; one might perceive it to be a perfect symbol of opposites. Is there any
other 2 digit number that, comprised of different digits, will allow you to completely
invert either number (invert meaning turn upside down AND right to left) and you have
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the other digit? Take just the 6, turn it upside down and then rotate it left to right and
you have 9. Do the same with the 9 and it becomes a 6. A mirror reverse, but not just
east west; north south as well. The resulting 2 digits are the same. You have either 66 or
99 depending on which digit you double flip.

Now manipulate the numbers a different way. Take the complete number, 69, and turn it
upside down and rotate the whole number right to left. You end up with…69, the same
number with which you started.

Finally, manipulate the numbers a third way. Move the 9 one place to the left or the six
one place right and you have 96, the transposition of the 69. The difference in the
numbers are 27 (96-69) and the cube of 3.

How important is the number 69 to Mr. Gann? Of course, Robert established his office
in New York at 69 Wall Street. Or perhaps reviewing page number 69 might help.

Very important page but we will focus on the "Jonus triangle." On page 69 we find the
"Jonas triangle" constructed of four observations of the letter "J" in Jonas.
Unquestionably, it is a right triangle further bisected to produce two apparent equilateral
triangles. But that's not the important part. I believe its pretty easy to find triangles in
text. But this one has an interesting property. If you count the letters from the vertically
aligned "J"s on the left and the vertical line spacing you get sides of 12 and 40 and you
can compute an interest hypotenuse of 41.761. Recalling a previous essay found here on
the only cycle that Mr. Gann calls "great," the one twenty fourth division of that cycle
would be 41.666 years. Recalling yet another essay found here regarding cycles derived
from the philosopher stone numbers of Mr. Gann and John Dee (432 and 252,
respectively), we find the derivative 41.666 year cycle might have further substance. [I
did not discover the Jonas triangle but did apply the math to it, compared it to the
"Great" 1000 year cycle and to the philosopher stone numbers.]

And we must mention the specific scripture as well and the number 3. 3+3=6 and
3*3=9. We have the fixings of 69. And cube 3 to derive 27 and you have the difference
between 96 and 69 described two paragraphs above. So much more in this scripture but
off point for now.

Suffice to say, 69 is important and Mr. Gann went to great lengths to emphasize its

The outcome is the most important opposite.

In 1932, Robert Gordon defends the 110-story Mammouth Building, the cedar. He
utterly destroys two fleets of allied enemy airplanes. [As a note, there is a third fleet of
planes, but RG drops them safely into the Tunnel using sleeping gas.] In 2001, the twin
towers are utterly destroyed in two waves of attacks.

**In 1932, the U.S. is victorious, in 2001, the U.S. is defeated. Opposite outcomes.**

The destruction of "two's" are opposite.

In 1932, Robert Gordon entirely destroys two fleets of allied enemy airplanes. In 2001,
the enemy entirely destroys two towers.

**In 1932, the enemy lost 2 fleets of planes, in 2001 the U.S lost two 110-story

The flight paths of the attacks. This promises to be confusing and arguable. Consider it
as you wish but in context of the previous indisputable opposites. There are two New
York attacks in which total destruction of two enemy fleets occurred in 1932 and two
New York attacks in 2001 in which total destruction of two great towers occurred.
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The flight paths of the first wave of the allied enemy fleet originated from "40 or 50
miles up the Hudson River" (page 362). Since the Mammouth was located at 42nd and
Broadway (Time Square) and within only a few miles of the mouth of the Hudson, the
only possible conclusion that the planes were over the Hudson would be if they were
attacking from the north. Further confirmation, Robert Gordon waited until they were
over Yonkers; again, attack from the north. In 2001, Muhammad Ata's Flight 11
departed Logan at 7:59am traveling east, turned due south shortly after entering New
York airspace and attacked the WTC from the north. Visually, one might consider the
1932 and 2001 attack routes the same. The 1932 and 2001 first wave attacks were the

The flight paths of the second wave of the allied enemy and the second attacking United
Flight 175 did not have the same flight paths. They, themselves, were opposites and
their mere being opposites placed them as opposites the the first attacks which were the
same. The second wave of enemy planes approached the Mammouth were sighted over
Long Island Sound but Robert Gordon waited until they approached from the Atlantic
Ocean and were over Fire Island. The fleet of planes emanated from the north, turned
westward at Fire Island and began their attack at about Fire Island. Relative to the
Mammouth, the incoming planes were coming from the north east. Except that the
Flight 175 emanated from the north, it passed New York City widely on its west side,
and turned sharply northward shortly before it would have reached Philadelphia. Its
final flight path to the WTC was from the south west. The 1932 and 2001 second wave
attacks were opposites.

Could Mr. Gann have contrived the 1932 flight plans to demonstrate opposites? I am
very hesitant to dismiss the possibility. Regardless, the authenticity of the 9/11prophecy
hardly rests on this point.

The point of this essay and second component of the three, is to explain the outcomes of
the respective battles according to the Hermetic principle of opposites, and to explain the
importance of the number, 69, in Mr. Gann's prophecy of 9/11. Without this explanation,
the perfect timing that will be demonstrated in the final essay would be lost in the vacant
thought "But in 1932 we won and in 2001 we lost. He didn't predict anything. He has it
bass ackwards."

Quite the contrary. He was right to within one minute, given the concept of opposites.

Jim Ross

of Tottenham

Having found my first and last name, I'm more than uneasy. Consider the improbability
that 'the' person in 88 years (an interesting number) that discovered the hidden acrostic
and telestic codes in WD Gann's 1927 "The Tunnel Thru the Air" AND found his name
in that coding. Was it predicted? How improbable is that occurrence?

First, notice that I have not found any other person's four letter names in TTTTA. I'm
sure they are there, but in days of looking, I haven't found them. There are many, many
three letter names and I can correlate most of them, varyingly, with real persons that I
"know" influenced Mr. Gann. For example, I find John Dee's 46 times in TTTTA. No,
not John, but "Dee" and "007." I've recounted this in the companion series regarding
what I style the 6th prophecy but I'll include it here. I find "dee" 45 times in TTTTA.
But I said 46 only 2 lines above. John Dee was a philosopher, scientist, mathematician,
astrologer, and magician in Queen Elizabeth I's court. His was incredibly learned for the
early 1500s having a personal library that dwarfed that of Cambridge. A contemporary
of the now alleged writer of some or all of Shakespeare's works and also alleged
Rosicrucian, Lord Francis Bacon, John Dee was identified to the Queen in personal
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correspondence as "007." I found "Dee" in telestics 45 times and only as a telestic word.
Never an acrostic word. Non random? Yes. But not proof to me. How would it be
proven to me? I "knew" I would find the proof; that Mr. Gann had foreseen the need for
proof and it would be there.

And I woke up one morning, after having read Dee's "Monas Hieroglyphica" and
pondered his philosophers stone number for hours, and I knew how Gann would confirm
the 45 instances referred to John Dee. I searched and I found on page 198 of the first
edition TTTTA:

Find it yourself, first edition TTTTA is on archive.org. But that was not all. There were
22 "dee"s before the "007" and there were 23 after. The "007" is exactly the middle of
book in reference to the number of "dee"s. 22 intervals before and 22 intervals after.
The same number of stops, 22, in Robert Gordon's 7 days (see my many, many
struggling essays on the math and geometry of RG's 7 days). Still, it doesn't stop there.
I've numbered every line in TTTTA and revised my numbering twice for the inevitable
"Ross-ups" (my code for how often I "screw-up). I'm on version 3 of the numbering.
Ignoring the forward, the title and blank pages and the back flap and blank pages, there
are 15158 lines on the numbered pages of TTTTA. And the midpoint or "keystone" of
"007" is 7579 as you can see in the extreme left column of the above insert. Two times
7579 is 15158. Perfect.

Sorry about the digression, but I thought it necessary to show how I believe I verify
things. How the evidence of non randomness has built up on my thinking such that I
have little doubt about the "design."

Back to the improbability of "Jimi" and "ross," the first person to, likely, have
discovered acrostics/telestics, and, certainly, to have written about them and disclosed
them. Each of the two words is a joint probability and within them ordering is important
to create an intelligible word. Further, there is a joint probability that the two words will
appear without ordering. I will address only the joint probability of one four-letter word
as I am hardly qualified to do that.

A fair coin tossed four times has what probability of four consecutive heads? 1/2 X 1/2
X 1/2 X 1/2 or 1 divided by 2 to the fourth power. The probability of a head on a single
toss to the power of number of ordered outcomes jointly required. Alternately, 50% X
50% X 50% X 50% = .0625. If you said you were going to flip a fair coin 4 times, the
chance you'd get 4 straight heads would be 6.25%. Don't make book on it.

The joint probability of ONE four letter name is similar to the coin toss. Assuming
every letter in the alphabet has an equal likelihood, the formula is 1/26 X 1/26 X 1/26
X1/26 = .00000219. Actually, this is incorrect but substantially correct….regardless of
the admitted incorrectness of this formulation, the answer will be the same. It is vastly
improbable that the person that 'outs' the acrostic/telestic coding of TTTTA will find his
four-letter last name in the 30,316 letters (15158 above lines X the first letter of each line
and the last letter of each line). I'll let the statisticians wrestle with how
improbable….but only matters if you to know how many zeros you put to the right of
the decimal, 12, 50, 100.

Still, I "knew" there would be simple confirmation a non statistician could recognize.
And then I knew how Gann would prove it to me. I'd previously seen "The Imitation
Game" over the holidays and was stunned when, in a bar scene, Hugh Alexander told
Alan Turing he'd discover the keyword to the Enigma cipher…it was Mathew 7:7
"Ask…seek….find." A recurrent scripture quoted once and paraphrased twice more in
TTTTA. Did Mr. Gann predict the keyword to device that many say would tip the
balance of World War II? I think so but haven't proven it to myself? That thought
brought me to see that movie again on January 27, 2015. I put that date in my calendar.

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I've never paid to see the same movie twice. I've seen some movies I'd be embarrassed
to admit to learned people dozens of times, but never paid twice. I saw "The Imitation
Game" with my wife and neighbors (as my excuse) a second time. Sitting there,
thinking of ciphers, I "knew" how I'd have my name confirmed. I thought, can I leave
the theatre, drive home, look it up and get back in time to pick up the wife and
neighbors. No. I had to sit there and stew.

I'd previously seen dozens (in my best guess) of the word "tot" and hadn't a clue why it
was being spelled so often. I live on "Tottenham" Lane. I also remembered there were
exactly 19 instances of the word "ten" because I'd studied that word, specifically, in the
acrostics and telestics. But I did not recall a "ham." Still, I "knew" he'd find a way to
spell Tot-ten-ham.

And it took only seconds, with the Excel "finder" I'd developed to find acrostic and
telestic words in the first edition copy of TTTTA. At least I found 2 words on pages 350
and 351. I'd gotten lucky; while there multitudes of "tot"s and 19 "ten"s there was one
and only one "ham." That is where those 3 words, "Tot-ten-ham" HAD to be spelled.
And there was "tot" on page 350 and "ham" on page 351. There had to be a "ten" in
between. And there wasn't. I stared and started at the screen but there wasn't a
"ten." With a double dose of Z-quill that night, I slept well.

And when I woke up I knew how he'd spell "ten." I've collapsed the two pages and
present it HERE.

He spelled "toT-10-ham." This is where I live; Tottenham Lane.

The above was enough for me. But he wasn't finished with the proof; not even close.
Hence, look for a part 3 of 3.

Jim Ross
of Tottenham

As I disclosed in the Mea Culpa post of a couple days ago, I made an error in line
counting and the corrected number of lines is 15304 from cover of "The Tunnel Thru the
Air" to last line of the back flap using the rules I established (one line between
paragraphs and one line between pages). When I revised the lines, I had to re index all
the acrostics and telestics for my Excel device that finds acrostic and telestic words.
This led to another error in the counting of the word "TWA" which I discussed in the
9/11 prophecy. There is also an error in logic concerning the number of instances of
"ata" which refers to Mohammad Ata (misspelled).

First, there are 20 instances of the word "TWA" not 15. 15 was the recurrent number of
terrorists on the 3 planes that struck the USA, the fourth plane scuttled in Pennsylvania
and not allowed to attack. Still, 20 represents the total number of terrorists on all four
planes. You may say none of the planes were TWA and you might recall, the assets of
TWA were sold/distributed in early 2001, most, but not all, of which became property of
American Airlines. There were 2 American Air flights (11 and 175) and 2 United Air
(77 and 93).

Second, the real name of Muhammad Ata is Mohamed Mohamed el-Amir Awad el-
Sayed Atta.
I came to realize, duh, this when, in light of the 'finder device' error with TWA, I
recounted the number of 'ata's and found 15. But with one of the 15 was extremely

This citation was very meaningful in several respects:

There are 4 's's preceding the 'ata' signaling to me "this is meaningful,"

The narrative says "putting error to flight" referring to Ata who boarded a plane to
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Of course, the acrostic 'ata,'
The five asterisks of referring back to Luo Clement.

When I say the asterisks refer to Luo Clement, read my series regarding WD Gann being
Luo Clement. I assert and, by a preponderance of evidence, show that WD Gann is Luo
Clement and that it was Mr. Gann who wrote "The Ancient Science of Numbers." The
five asterisks appears only once in TTTTA and once in "The Ancient Science of
Numbers." It is a component of the preponderance of evidence.

So what is this saying. Its saying compute the Pythagorean value of Mohmmad Ata's
name. And I did. And just to make sure I had the spelling of the name correct I looked
it up….and I was wrong again. It is Mohamed Mohamed el-Amir Awad el-Sayed
Atta. I see it

most frequently

(defending my stupidity) spelled 'Mohammad Ata,' not 'Mohamed Atta.'

So I went back and searched for 'Atta' and found 3 instances. All three are incredibly
meaningful. Two of them were derived from narratives that dealt with forgiving ones
self for errors and doing the best he can. So I felt better about myself. But one had
BOTH 'ata' and 'atta' contiguously presented and was packed with 9/11 meaning:

Both 'ata' and 'atta' contiguous; 15 of the former representing 15 successful attackers and
3 of the latter representing 3 successful planes carrying 15 successful attackers.

In meaning I try to find; a beginning, an end and a beginning. The Japanese first attack
in the fictional war, a beginning. Robert Gordon's punishment of the attackers during his
7 days, an end. Mohammed Atta, a new beginning. A new beginning; 9/11 the "first
warning" according to Jonathan Cahn's thesis of "The Harbinger." The thesis that I will
assert WD Gann published in the 'veiled' language of TTTTA in 1927. But that is
several posts from this point. It is the ongoing nature of Gann's 6th prophecy; that 9/11
was a beginning, not an end. Recall the 700 year rise and domination of Islam ended
with the first crusade in 1096-99 and found its peak approximately 1000 years ago. A
thousand year cycle ago. There's a post on "The Great 1000-year Cycle."

Why the movie Pi? I discover incredible frustration when I see my incredible errors.
And yet, when I do the work to make corrections, I find, what I consider, greater
meaning and insights. Take a step, back up two, advance three. But I also find some
redemption that in the errors, new understanding is gained. And I find forgiveness in
doing the best I can.

I guess it all works out well in the end. But the confusion and personal indictment along
the way really works on one. Pi.

I'm still contemplating the final post of the series on the 9/11 sixth prophecy and final
post 3 of 3 of the seventh prophecy.

Jim Ross

of Tottenham

Just as a note subject to being corrected, here is my first calculation of the value of (the)
(a) common usage of the name of the 9/11 attacker and his formal name found on

As calculated above (according to Luo Clement's values of numbering), the common

usage name has a value of 36 reduced to 9 and the formal name has a value of 138
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reduced to 3. Of course, 3 and 9 fall in the same triad and, thus, imply a similarity of
vibration. The all important first name, Mohammad has the same value as Mohamed,
32, and both reduce to 5 of the second triad.

Perhaps this will prove valuable at some point or of interest to others.

Jim Ross

In making corrections in line numbering and the 'finder device' I've created to find
acrostic and telestic words in "The Tunnel Thru the Air," I noticed the first instance of
the acrostic word, "Ata," was in proximity to the acrostic, "TWA." [It is the first instance
of 'ata' but the second instance of 'TWA'.] Not only that, there was also a proximate
instance of John Dee's last name "Dee" spelled as a telestic with an additional 'e.'

Was I surprised to find the apparent isosceles triangle created by those words? Not at

At the "A" point on lines 1, 2 and 3, the first letter of each line is T, W, and A. Similarly,
at point C you have on line 18, 19 and 20 you have the letters a, t and a. Those two
words are acrostics because they use the first letter of each of the respective lines. At
point B you have a telstic that uses the last letter of each sentence on lines 9, 10, 11 and
12 or D, e, e, e.

If you bisect the triangle to create two right triangles you can find the lengths of the
sides AB and BC:

The triangle pictured is a bit distorted. The space that is taken for a vertical line is much
bigger than that of a horizontal character. If you gave the horizontal the same space as
the vertical, you'd get a far more elongated triangle, horizontally, than is pictured above.

I think Mr. Gann wants us to know that TTTTA will include hidden acrostic and telestic
messages involving TWA (which was dissolved in early 2001 and became American
Airlines and assets of other airlines), John Dee (of whom I've written many times) and
Mohammad Ata or, more formally, Mohamed Mohamed el-Amir Awad el-Sayed Atta.

I have found that, when Mr. Gann wants you to take particular notice of a concept or
event, he often defines an isosceles or right triangle involving the notable concepts.
Page 69, the "Jonas triangle," is a similar example.

Jim Ross

One number, 69, and the understanding of opposites will connect the events of 1932 to
the tragedy of 9/11. When you boil all these three lengthy posts, it becomes that simple.
And WD Gann designed all of this in "The Tunnel Thru the Air" with the intent that it
be found. As I claim in a separate but contemporary series concerning the 7th prophecy,
Mr. Gann intended this information be discovered as it is now; in the time of the 266th

We are brought to this point that Mr. Gann has predicted the name of the chief terrorist
attacker, the building to be attacked, the airline of two of the three planes (perhaps all
three) used in the attack, the flight paths of the attack, the number of effective waves of
attack. All the details are at the surface level or encoded in the acrostic/telestic or
numerological levels of "The Tunnel Thru the Air." All that remains is the beginning
point in time, the time interval and the application of opposites.

There is but one additional concept needed; discern the correct beginning. We find
Ezekiel 21:30 appearing in, not surpassingly, three places in TTTTA; pages 55, 73 and
176, this excerpt taken from the second citation:

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Astrologers know this principle well but us non astrologer pencil pushing CPAs need the
lesson; it's not on the CPA exam. The theme that will emerge is, not only is it that New
York City being assaulted in 1932 and 2001, but it is the United States. That's an end of
a war and the beginning of a post war period. While the focus is on the Mammouth
Building and the World Trade Center, the 110-story buildings; the former known in
TTTTA as "the cedar" and the latter having become associated with the sycamore (Isaiah
9:10 sycamore/cedar imagery) that saved St Paul's Chapel on September 11, 2001. More
on that in a post on the ongoing prophecy.

The last battle of the fictional 1932 war was Washington DC on July 4, 1932, not that of
New York City, nor Robert Gordon's 7 days. I'll offer that as a proposition as I'm sure
there are those who will take issue. Here's the theory. Luo Clement, who I have asserted
is WD Gann, asserted a person willing him/herself a new name, becomes of that
vibration…of that destiny. Where the nativity of the United States might exist,
historically, "depends" and the confusion cannot be better expressed than in the History
channel video found HERE. Ultimately, and by the will and conscious design of the
nation, the place of nativity has become Washington DC just as the will of a person can
change his or her name.

The event in the life of the nation that will be repeated is a beginning, but a beginning
involving opposites. The last battle of the fictional war takes place on the birthday of
the nation in it's adopted place of nativity and from that date, July 4, 1932, Mr. Gann's
interval of 69 will be applied to produce, yet again, opposites:

Elegance and simplicity, but still two paradoxes must be reconciled. Above are the days
from the Battle of Washington to the WTC tragedy. Two paradoxes, the 12 hours related
to the Mammouth attack and the date of the Battle of Washington. All paradoxes must
be reconciled.

First, let's deal with the 12 hours. In his description of the attack on the Mammouth, Mr.
Gann meticulously avoids using the format "8pm." Instead, time and again, the time is
given as "o'clock." Not "8pm" but "8 o'clock," not "10pm" by "10 o'clock." Why this
change in wording when throughout TTTTA we find the "am" and "pm?" It's the use of
the opposite; the opposite of night (when the Mammouth attack commenced) is day
(when the WTC attack commenced with Flight 11 departing Logan). It is a difference of
12 hours and, accordingly, a half day is added above.

The second paradox; how can we use the timing of the Mammouth attack and the the
date of the Battle of Washington? It may be as simple as this rumination that Mr. Gann
gives us on page 386:

The attack on the Mammouth was merely the beginning of the final battle and the Battle
of Washington on July 4, 1932 was its completion. Just as were the two planes that
attacked the WTC, the completion of the tragedy of September 11, 2001 was Flight 77
impacting the Pentagon. The portion of the attack that related to the Mammouth, the
beginning at "8 o'clock" and the ending near "10 minutes after 10 o'clock" would be the
same timing for the WTC tragedy recounted in the next paragraph.

Set aside the paradox and consider some exact timing and duration of the attack….to the
minute timing.

In 1932, Robert Gordon overhears the enemy's having departed to begin their
attack on the Mammouth at "8 o'clock" in the evening on page 361 (19 squared or
the earth degrees in a solar day) on the Tel-talk.' Similarly in 2001, at the opposite
time of day, the morning, AA Flight 11 departs Logan to begin its attack on WTC.
One minute difference after accounting for the opposite of night and day.
In 1932, Robert Gordon sights and destroys two fleets of enemy airplanes, in
seemingly minutes, to end the destruction that occurred in 1932 (a third fleet of

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planes were dropped harmlessly into the Tunnel). And in 2001, the second tower,
the North Tower, fell at 10:28am. Perhaps, RG spent 18 minutes in completing his
destruction of the two fleets of planes….in that case the timing would be exact
after accounting for the opposite of night and day.

I can go on and on explaining similarities and resolving paradoxes presented. Having

wrestled with Mr. Gann's concepts so long, hardly leaving the thoughts for now the
better part of a year, I've realized two items of relevance among many.

First, owing to the nature of my fallibility I'll get a lot of stuff wrong….I'll make clerical
mistakes and I'll make mistakes of logic. But that's for me to forgive myself and not to
apologize for the efforts and progress I believe I have made.

Second and far more important, paradoxes are a matter of understanding. We get
knowledge by studying a teacher who knows; Mr. Gann. We put our mental construct of
the knowledge into motion and productivity through our effort. But we create
"understanding" by wrestling with the concepts derived from the first two steps. By
resolving the paradox on our own and thereby making the 'understanding' our personal

To my satisfaction, I've resolved the paradoxes involved in the sixth prophecy as

provided here and pending further consideration. Accordingly, I accept that Mr. Gann
foresaw, to the day and within 1 minute, the attack on the World Trade Center. For
others, the timing, just according to the numbers, will be attractive but they won't believe
my resolution of the paradoxes which I identified. They might find further dispute of the
logic; perhaps additional paradoxes. They might disagree with my resolutions. They
wrestle with the paradox as did I. Or, tragically, they might simply dismiss all as being
personally or theologically impermissible. Of those alternatives, only the last is an
affront to thought. It would seem similar thinking forced Socrates to drink hemlock and
Galileo to spend his last years in confinement and isolation.

So, forgive my errors, prove that which is factual, resolve what is paradoxical to your
satisfaction, and keep whatever is good.

This ends the WD Gann's prophecy of the World Trade Center tragedy, but its a
continuing prophecy in that it was only a beginning of an opposite. Where Mr. Gann
styled the victory in 1932 as the end of war and beginning of an era of peace, the
opposite occurred in 2001; a defeat. And as the beginning of the opposite period, 2001
is not a good prognosis for America. In a separate post in the ongoing prophecy, I'll
provide evidence of WD Gann's warning to the our age, the age of the 266th Pope. It is
similar to Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's thesis recounted in "The Harbinger," but included in
"The Tunnel Thru the Air"; about 73 years before the first warning symbolized in the
WTC tragedy and 83 years before its recognition by Rabbi Cahn.

Jim Ross
of Tottenham

More to remind myself. I am searching all of the acrostics and telestic words of the
15304 lines (latest count) of "The Tunnel Thru the Air" for four letter or greater proper
nouns; names of people. I'm doing this to judge the uniqueness of my findings of certain
things and it is turning out that there are precious few such proper nouns.

Recalling the prophecy of 9/11 is the beginning of a greater prophecy, I come upon the
following acrostic, 'ata,' telestic, 'feo' and Biblical verse on page 67:

Daniel 4:26, many meanings packed into just the verse. But I pick out joint meaning of
the verse, the contrived acrostic and telestic and the location in Chapter 6.
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I find the stump of the tree reminiscent of the stump/roots of the sycamore at ground
zero that saved destruction of St Paul's Chapel from the steel beam thrown from the
falling WTC.

I find one of the 15 instances of the acrostic word "Ata" found in TTTTA. There are 15
instances of 'ata' representing the 15 terrorists, including Mohamed Atta, on board the 3
planes that were successful in attacking the US (there are also 3 instances of "Atta"
repressing the 3 planes that were successful tools of destruction).

I find "feo" which, translated from Spanish to English, gives you "bad" or "badly."

And I find this located on line 266 connoting the 266th Pope. That this message is
destined for the time of the 266th Pope who is Pope Francis recently elected in 2013.

Its Rabbi Cahn's thesis of "The Harbinger" wrapped up in 8 lines or, arguably, a possible
meaningful 7 lines. And its predicted 73 years before the event in 1927 and 83 years
before the Rabbi recognizes the Biblical correlation.

Jim Ross

You can 'see' so much of WD Gann's hidden thoughts in the acrostics and telestics. of
"The Tunnel Thru the Air." There isn't any substituting simply perusing the entire book
of acrostics and telestics for things you've missed. Some of it is simply known history,
but seldom without meaning. Take for example, Samuel Morse and telegraph on page
65 and 66. Interesting page number, 66. You don't see Samuel Morse on page 65 or 66?
How about the hidden acrostic and telestic"

That's better. We find "Sam" and "tele" which augments the meaning of the associated
narrative regarding speculation, science and laws laid down in the Bible. Hmmm,
perhaps speculation can be reduced by science to a formula as objective and clear as the
predictability of Morse code as reproduced by electromagnetic pulse?

It shouldn't escape notation that the message is brought to you in 'coded' acrostics and
telestics and Morse code is just that; code.

Those would seem reasonable thoughts to be drawn. I expect there will be confirmation
created by some mathematic device later on. I haven't found it yet but I've come to the
point that I expect it is there when the concept is important enough. It just takes time to

An interesting history of the component inventions that allowed Morse to create the
telegraph can be found HERE.

Jim Ross

At least until I find additional corrections, following is the chapter, page and line count
structure of TTTTA. I have identified markers that I believe WD Gann created in
TTTTA that confirm that a proper page and line count has been achieved. Without first
perfecting the mathematic structure of TTTTA, many of the secrets that I believe lie
within the acrostic telestic and other coding of the book cannot be found. Here is the

36 numbered chapters, 37 if you include the 72 line Foreword, and 39 subdivisions if

you include the 34 line, 4-page cover/ publisher pages/ dedication pages, and the vacant
pages and back flap which is a noteworthy 37 lines. Note that mis-numbered Chapter
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XXXIX meaningfully gives us the total subdivisions of the book suggested here.

In total, 432 pages is the number I like to refer to as Gann's philosopher's stone number
and has Biblical derivation from The Book of Luke and elsewhere. Paired with John
Dee's philosopher's stone number, 252 (see Jim Egan's book "The Meaning of the Monas
Hieroglyphica With Regards to Geometry) you can reduce 432 / 252 to the Biblical 12

The numbers of pages can be proven via two markers within the telestic coding of
TTTTA, "phi" and "007:"

The acrostic"Phi" and telestic "007 appear on only those exact pages of TTTTA and do
not appear anywhere else. Phi is near contiguous with the telestic "dee" representing
John Dee. And "007," which was John Dee's secret signature in his personal and coded
correspondence with Queen Elizabeth I, similarly represents John Dee. It should be
noted that "007" is the 23rd telestic representing John Dee out of 46. It is perfectly half
way in the sequence of the total 46 representations. Futhermore, the midpoint of "007"
is found on the 7579th line of the entire book. 7579 X 2 = 15158 which happens to be
the number of lines in the 36 chapters (i.e. excluding the cover subdivision, Foreword
subdivision and back flap subdivision), suggesting the line numeration is correct.

The page number proof is this. "Phi" appears on the 120th numbered page and adding
10 pages from the cover to the last page of the Foreword, you find "Phi" appears on the
130th page of the book. Similarly, "007" appears on the 208th page of the book.

208 / 130 = 1.600

which is Phi according the the 6th and 5th numbers of the Fibonacci sequence

Suffice for the moment, the page structure is proven as perfected according to the above
device. There remains a final proof of line number perfection which I am pondering to
prove the mathematic perfection of the line numbers as I've assigned them to TTTTA. I
will post it when I am reasonably satisfied the line numbering is correct. For now, the
page numbering appears to be mathematically correct as I believe Mr. Gann intended us
to interpret.

I think this proof of, at least the page numbers, puts to rest any argument that Mr. Gann
did not create a meaningful structure of pages and line numbers within TTTTA.
Understanding the meaning of the page and line number structure as further encoded in
TTTTA is another matter entirely.

[You may notice other numbers on the last of the two excerpts; they have not gone
unnoticed here.]

Jim Ross

Father, son and the holy ghost or body, mind and spirit…. many trinities. Hmm, circle,
square and triangle. How about a trinity of math?

Pi, phi and the exponent e? We know the Great Pyramid of Giza enshrines Pi and phi
but how about e? And in about August 2002 Rick Howard finds e, the math of
compound interest in the GP, HERE.

Here is the math I've co-opted from readings over time:

Surely Mr. Gann would not miss the opportunity to celebrate the the math trinity in "The
Tunnel Thru the Air." Where to look, where to look. I find only "Phi" in the acrostics

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and telestics on page 120. I guess it would be hard to give us a distinct, recognizable
word "pi" or "e" in the acrostics and telestics.

Ah, but he did. He gave us 83 instances of words made up of of 3, 4, 5 and 6 e's in the
telestics. Interesting and notable 83. Here's a frequency distribution:

And, of course, you remember the very first telestic word that is formed by the very first
narrative paragraph of the book in the Foreword…the vastly improbable 6 consecutive

So how about Pi. Why I count exactly 19 instances of Pi in acrostics and telestics. A
very noteworthy number but not quite as satisfying as Phi and e in the acrostics and

How about and 'in your face' signal for those not inclined to study acrostics and telestics
(I feel lonely as I appear to be the only person to have studied the truly hidden code in
TTTTA)? How about the page numbers represent Phi, pi and e? Pages 161, 314 and
272? Duh.

Page 161 is Robert's 21st birthday bannered with the subtitle "Robert Gordon's 21st

Page 314 is the nations 155th birthday or July 4, 1931, in dire times.

Page 272….well, you can guess its a birthday can't you. Why its Robert's birthday
again, but there is a great party where Edna Stanton and Walter Kennelworth's
engagement is celebrated.

"…a threefold chord is not easily broken."

I believe Mr. Gann duly celebrated the mathematic trinity for sure. I believe the
tripartite workings of the mathematic trinity will solve the mathematic paradox of Robert
Gordon's 7 days.

[Some 5 hours after I posted Mr. Gann's my conception of the trinity of mathematics
(below), it occurs to me that, not only did Mr. Gann commemorate Pi, Phi and e with
three birthdays in TTTTA on the pages of those same numbers, but I discovered them on
another birthday…the birthday of Christ. I didn't ponder them and discover the
occurrence. I woke up this morning with the thought and then found the color. I knew it
was there in TTTTA. Either I'm beginning to anticipate the devices Mr. Gann would use
to emphasize an important concept or something else is going on. Surely, its the former.]

Have a blessed and wonderful Easter Sunday,

Jim Ross

I can perceive the analytical solution to Robert Gordon's 7 days, the greatest (IMO) of
paradoxes in "The Tunnel Thru the Air." But where there may be a purely logical
solution to time and space, might there be a map for those more visually perceptive than
mathematically perceptive?

I searched all of the acrostics and telestics of TTTTA and find the simple word "Map"
only once. Such a simple word, but only once? I'd expect to see it many times. Perhaps
the understatement is a statement in itself. I find "Map" appearing on lines 3732 to 3734
as an acrostic word:

Interestingly, the "a" of "Map" appears on line 3733 of TTTTA. Hmmm, 37 and 33, two
interesting numbers combining to form that line number. Hmmm again, 37 / 33 =

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Above and below "Map" we find the telestic words "des" and "ten." "Des" you say. Yes,
I find it many many times in TTTTA. Its an acronym for "data encryption standard"
which was the early basis of modern cryptography (1970 if I recall). But TTTTA was
written in 1927 so Gann couldn't have known about encryption of that level. Really,
how do you think the Tel-talk could exclude all other people from hearing the

So, draw triangle (black lines) using the d, a and n. Then draw the implicit right
triangles (red lines) and you can find the dimensions of the black triangle. The black
lines are close to a right triangle but not close enough (there is a 100 degree angle which
should be 90 degrees). So, I like the idea but I'm not sold by the triangles drawn.

On the other hand, the occurrences of the telestics of words comprised of e's…all 83 of
them, or of t's, or of s's, or of a's…. their spacing in the perfect line structure of TTTTA
(yesterday's post) -- well, just perhaps there is a 'map' of time cycles which comprise the
meaning of Gann's phrase "…the curvature of time..."

Jim Ross

My latest essay on the structure of "The Tunnel Thru the Air" found the 36 numbered
chapters have exactly 15,158 lines in them.

Mr. Gann created at least one proof of the number of pages and I'm working on several
others. John Dee's name, which I've written about was one such proof. In case you
missed earlier discussion, Dee was the mathematician, scientist, philosopher,
magician….of Queen Elizabeth I's court in the 1600s. He corresponded with her using
the secret signature "007." His name "Dee" appears 45 times in TTTTA and it is
supplemented by the number "007" on line number 7579 (page 198):

Of the 46 references to John Dee (including the "007)", the "007" appears on line
number 7579. It is the 23rd reference to Dee. There are 22 intervals before "007" and
22 intervals after. "007" is the exact center of the total "Dee's" in the 36 numbered

It is tempting to think the line on which the first "0" appears (the center of "007") is the
center of the book or the center of the 36 chapters. It is the exact center of the 15,158

I think that was one of Gann's proof that 15158 is the correct number of lines in the 36
chapters (excluding Cover, Foreword, back flap).

Now what?

Recall the angle of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 51 degrees 41 minutes or perhaps it was
designed to be 1/7th the circle, that being 51.4 degrees. Nick Kollerstrom, PhD at
HERE as well as PBS/NOVA at HERE put it at a theoretic 51.50 degrees.

Interesting 15158 and 5150. Rather similar?

Robert Gordon destroyed the Pope's great buildings, the ancient temples in Mexico but
flew over the Great Pyramid and….(page 398):


Obviously, Romeo misplaced "name" for "rose" and he was envisioning Juliet and not
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Luo Clement. Just as obvious to any reader of this blog, I maintain the number of a
name is not a device of the never having existed Luo Clement but WD Gann.

Where are we going? Is the name the stuff of which a person's "number" is made in this
modern era? Or is a person's number, the number? The cell phone number.

How important was the name, and particularly, the given name in the age that Mr. Gann
seemed to have an attraction? Let's take medieval Scotland and Sir Robert Gordon 1
Baronet of Gordonshire (and later 1st Baronet of Nova Scotia). How would a
contemporary of Sir Robert, say Lord Francis Bacon or John Dee, send a
correspondence to him?

Okay, you're a courier and you've got the letter and all it says is Sir Robert Gordon, 1st
Baronet of Gordonshire and has a wax seal. Duh, you go to Gordonshire and find a
village within it, preferably the largest. A bit dusty from the ride, you visit the local pub
and ask the bartender where to find Clan Gordon. The directions are go to the north end
of town and take the main road 30 miles north. Pass Clan Sinclair's castle on the right,
pass Clan Douglas' castle on the left and take the next castle on the left. Hmmm, that
name sounds a lot like Claire Douglas. Clan Sinclair as in Clan St Claire…didn't they
build Rosslyn…. Surely not. Clan Douglas of Sir Robert de Bruce Douglas whose heart
was delivered to Jerusalem upon his death in battle? And Sir Robert Gordon….Baronet
of Nova Scotia? Where fore art thee Peter Amundsen for clarification

There you find yourself a couple hours later staring at the Gordon emblem, knocking on
the giant door with the brass knocker. "Is Robert available to take private
correspondence from Lord Francis?" To which the doorman responds, "Are you
addressing Sir Robert Gordon 1st Baronet or his grandson, soon-to-be 3rd Baronet?" Of
course, the letter finds its way to Sir Robert the 1st.

The process is identifying a person in the 1600s is 1) find a place close by using the
general location, Gordonshire, 2) find the physical mapping to the closer area where the
person might be, namely the Gordon castle, identified by the last name and 3) ask for the
person by the specific first name. The smallest, most personal and most specific name,
the given name, Robert.

Is it any wonder the most important number, the name number, identified by Luo
Clement (err WDG) is the given name? It is by far the most personal. It is the "final
mile" in finding a specific person.

And now? Is the name as important. How many James Ross' are there across the nation.
You still need the physical parameters (state, city, street) to get to me. And how
unremarkable is "James" by itself?

In the old days (hmmm, a mere decade ago), the one land telephone line in the typical
house would get a person to the "clan" homestead with the three digit state code, three
digit local exchange code and the unique four digit code. Still, a call to that land line
number only got you to the "doorman" of the clan and, in a household of 4, only a 25%
chance of getting the person sought. Not a personal connection.

But now, we have the cell phone. That last 4 digits is exact and personal. For many
years I knew myself as "Jim" or Jimmy" or "James". For many college years (too
many), I thought of myself as 4633 (SSN) almost as much as the former. Now, with 20+
years as cell number 3459 (last 4 digits of my cell number), perhaps I'm of that vibration.

How does one most quickly 'get to' another in these days? The number. Pure number.
And the unique component of the cell number is the last four digits; the previous 6 only
get the caller close. The last four get to you exactly. Not to the household. But to you
personally, just as the given name completed the last leg of the seeking, so does the last
four digits of modern communication.
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SO, can the last four digits indicate one's vibration? For me its a moot question. The
number of James is '3' and the number of 3459 is '3'. Interestingly, my SSN would be a
7; concatenate either the name or cell number and the SSN and you have 37 and 33.
Concatenate again and we have 3733. And what do we find on line 3733 of "The
Tunnel Thru the Air" prey tell?

Why, we find the "Map" that I blogged about two days ago. A treasure map of cycle and
price dynamic information? I do not believe in coincidences as I've said before.

A name is with you for your life unless it is a bad vibration. In which case, Luo says
change it. Your cellular number may be even more personal. If Apple has its way, it
will be on your wrist (Applewatch) in the next 10 years. And if the NSA has its
druthers, it will be chip in your flesh. Now that will get really personal.

WD Gann said his greatest discovery occurred in 1908; and "The Anicient Science of
Numbers" was published in 1908. The personal vibration, was it his great discovery that
he published under a fictional name so it would not be discovered? Is personal
vibration, the number determined by name or cell phone, the link between the "curvature
of time" and the actual events occurring in a persons life or the time and price pivots on
a stock chart?

Jim Ross

Needless to say, it dwarfs what I do know. It would seem prideful even to suggest the
question, but I think it a good exercise for anyone to routinely ask simply to restore
some acceptable level of humility.

The 'specific exercise' I'd intuitively set upon was self prompted but became an issue
when a particularly 'noxious commenter' unconsciously reissued the challenge. The
'specific exercise' was to look at every letter of the acrostics and telestics of "The Tunnel
Thru the Air" and determine whether the letters, already sequentially ordered in the
book, spell a proper noun…a person's name…that was equal to or exceeds four letters.
My intent was to find out if there were person's names of any frequency that are the
length of or greater than the length of my name 'Jimi ross' that appears in TTTTA. I
wanted to know that before I capstoned the '7th prophecy' series wherein I found my
name in TTTTA. I wanted to know that first, for myself, because I wanted this simple
test to let me know, yes or no, whether this simple test of improbability was favorable or
unfavorable to the '7th prophecy.'

The 'noxious commenter' had alleged a person could create any words he wanted to
create out of an infinite population of letters. Duh. There are 15304 lines in TTTTA
and, hence, there are 15304 acrostic letters (first letter of a line) and 15304 telestic last
letters in the entire book. A total of 30608 letters in total. And those letters are not re
arrangeable. They are in a sequential and fixed order. It is a good idea, here, to give an

Here is one page of TTTTA as an example. I picked it for several purposes. The page I
chose is not random, but has a purpose. HERE is the first edition, first printing copy of
page 209 of TTTTA as it appears on archive.org. Translated into the Excel worksheet I
have created, and which has an acrostic and telestic word finder, are those same words
with the same words, line spacing and line breaks.

Compare the two versions for yourself because the implications are otherwise difficult to
deny. You will have to live with the implications such as you may find.

Look vertically top to bottom at column (f), the telestic letters, do you see any words?
Why yes, I see "hen" and "net:"

That wasn't so tough. But you might have puzzled over the four contiguous/consecutive
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letters, 's':

How odd. What is the probability? If this occurs a lot in TTTTA which is exactly 15304
lines long, might they represent time markers in a map of a cycle…a line for a day,
perhaps? Ahh, context for a future essay.

Back to the recognizable words on page 209. Now let's look at the acrostic column, (e).
How about imagining the word "TOA," doesn't that sound familiar?

Google search "TOA" and we find in Wikipedia a good 20 or so

possibilities….goodness, TOA, a mnemonic in trigonometry. Didn't Mr. Gann say
something about geometry, math, science? Wasn't Robert Gordon's 7 days all about a
Pythagorean theorem application, DesCartean coordinate trip around the world? Might
Mr. Gann be referencing "SOH-CAH-TOA." Of course, if you failed high school trig
you'd fail to recognize "tangent = opposite / adjacent" or "TOA." But, maybe this is just
a random word. Since I have looked at every line in TTTTA and I know how many
times and where "TOA" appears, I can say it is not random. I know that because I have
done the work. You don't know so you can say EITHER "I don't know" or "I'll test your

You are NOT entitled to say "You are wrong" or "I doubt it.

" Both are forms of the same untruth. Think about it.

Thinking done, two more acrostic words and three consecutive letter i's:

'TAE,' a Scottish word for 'to' or 'too'….and 'was,' well, you know that one and 'I-I-I'
perhaps another cycle marker in the supposed map.

This is what I go through with every one of the 432 pages of TTTTA and 'I know' what
is there to the extent of my human capability. But I do miss words, I don't know all the
Latin, Tai, Scottish…. words Mr. Gann may or may have not thrown at me, and it is
simply hard to concentrate on every page, 100%. Human error.

Speaking of error, perhaps the first several times I've looked at the 432 this way, I missed
a very important word. Its easier to pick out the 3 and 4-letter words. You get patterned
in that thought process. Might you miss this 5-letter word:

'YAHwa' - Yahweh…. Let that sink in for a moment. In the first several acrostic telestic
reading, I missed Mr. Gann's spelling of God. He does it only once in TTTTA and I
know that because I immediately went to my acrostic/telestic word finder and confirmed
it. Only once. 'God' is spelled exactly 3 times found HERE. 'Jehovah' is not spelled as
a whole acrostic/telestic word, but 'I know' Mr. Gann will have constructed it
somewhere, somehow in TTTTA. 'I know' because I have faith that I understand the
intent and contrivances of this man…this great man. It's only a matter of time as to
when and who will find 'Jehovah.'

Having found the word 'YAHwa' on page 209, I re-read that page' full narrative with
reflection. Mr. Gann wanted me to see stuff there would be my suspicion.

So, this lengthy post has me dealing with a noxious commenter who claimed that I can,
quite dishonestly, construct words out of an infinity of letters. Well, this one page has
exactly 40 lines on it and exactly 40 acrostic and 40 telestic "opportunities" on it. Not an
infinity. And there are 432 pages with various numbers of lines on them all adding up to
15304 lines; 15304 acrostic opportunities and 15304 telestic opportunities. Not an
infinity. And the letters are ordered. I can't reorder them…they are Mr. Gann's ordering
which he created with "forethought," purposeful contrivance and planning. I "know"
this because I have done the work and continue doing so. You can't say otherwise
because you have not done the work.
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But there is more to deal with in this post than a refutation of a claim. It's new
knowledge for the noxious one and new knowledge and, dare I say, wisdom learned of
the "getteth" for myself. In bullet form to make it more rememberable:

A person who contradicts you wrongfully may be doing so out of ignorance or

dishonesty. If he leaves you with, "this is why" then it is ignorance and up to you
to help him. It's a duty of response. If he leaves you with simply "I doubt it" or
"you are wrong" or "you are dishonestly using an infinite population" they are
lying. They may not know they are lying so it remains necessary to correct them
for your integrity and to eliminate their dishonesty from infecting others.
Correction need not be couched in "…cast not pearls before swine…" but, as a
good friend reminds me, a gentler version of that same analogy found in Hebrews
5:12-14 that we feed milk for those unable for meat and meat for those capable of
meat. I am guilty and I will change.
Always give a response to others of "I don't know" if I haven't studied it, or "I
doubt it because…." or "I wish I could study it now but…." A response of "I doubt
it but don't have time to study and I might change my mind later" is as wrong as
the dispositive statement "You are wrong" without giving the rationale to help the
respondent understand.

And, at some point, a person is so bigoted that you cannot communicate with them
on an intellectual level. That's when you simply walk away.

So in re-reading page 209, I find it incredibly, if not a near epiphany, that I find these
first words:

I did not plan that I would find those words. I did plan that 'YAHwa' be revealed. But I
cannot prove to you what I intended. Its up to you to judge the truth.

I haven't taking an inventory as promised. I do know what I don't know is infinite…but

I do know what I do know now is greater than when I began this essay. I guess, in that,
I'm less worse off than before. "Inch by inch, step by step…"

Jim Ross

Random or contrived by Mr. Gann in "The Tunnel Thru the Air?" Two examples
concerning the instances of "Yahwa" (Yahweh) or "God" in TTTTA.

Did Mr. Gann intend for the four instances of the Lord to occur or was it random?
Perhaps some aspect of the positioning of those words would confirm their purposeful,
as opposed to random, inclusion. Many permutations of the numbers, that don't work
out and I won't repeat them L

Let's keep it simple and look at the line number of each chapter. The center point of the
word, the letter "o," on page 376 has cumulative number 13797 (from the beginning of
the book) and chapter line number 52. Look now at where the similar "o" appears on
pages 110 and 331; 257 and 205, respectively. And 257 minus 205 equals 52.

Unfortunately, "YAHwa" will not work out quite as cleanly and will need some
"rationalization." Take the three chapter line numbers associated with "God" already
referenced, 52, 205 and 257 and add them to get 514. "YAHwa" exists between chapter
lines 520 and 525 of Chapter XVI. We are off by 9 from the line number I would have
judged is the center of "YAHwa," that being the "H" on line 523.

See that "net" to the right of "YAHwa?" And reading upwards it spells "ten." We are off
by 1 line and that I can ascribe to a 1-line error in my Excel counting of Chapter XVI or
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Mr. Gann's counting under the dim light of his green shaded desk lamp. Suffice it, I am
satisfied of the intent.

Step back and consider the imagery. "YAHwa" the one, the Monad. Then "God" in
three, the holy trinity. Worthy of pondering is what one might think Mr. Gann might
want us to consider?

Another thought but taken away from my reading of Frank C. Higgins' (a Mason and, I
understand, an acquaintance and neighbor perhaps of WD Gann) "The Cross of the
Magi" is that the ancients' reflections of God should be the equal in perfection of God.
Their magic squares, their symbols all had to convey that perfection.

And yet another thought from both reading of Gann and Gurdjieffe; that language is
ambiguous where only math can convey objective meaning. Objective language as
opposed to subjective language according to Gurdjieffe. And math being the only thing
upon which nations and men can agree according to Mr. Gann.

I think the above examples prove Mr. Gann's unambiguous intent to those four words
purposeful inclusion in the acrostically/telestically encoded TTTTA. Perhaps, its simply
a proof my the method of numbering lines in the book and, if so, I believe my
numbering is proven. But I'm sure there is greater meaning I have not, as yet,

Jim Ross

Its been two weeks since posting part 2 of 3. There was yet one test I hadn't applied that
I felt was necessary to put this final post in perspective that I'll explain last thing below.

WD Gann encoded, by my method of counting, 7 manifest prophecies in "The Tunnel

Thru the Air." I have detailed 2 of those prophecies ("The Great Battles of Detroit," the
sixth manifest prophecy of the WTC tragedy, and this, the seventh prophecy of which
this is part 3 of 3).

In part 1 of this series I've shown, in chronologic sequence, my finding my last name in
a telestic word and my first name in an acrostic word:

In part 2 of the series I found a word that personalized the developing message; I found
my street address of 20 years in an artfully constructed word; Tottenham Lane. Because
Tottenham is a long word, it was developed in three syllables as tot-10-ham (pages 350
and 351):

I found the "tot" and "ham" very quickly after I envisioned that it would be a key to
proving to ME that the two words of my name were intended. But I couldn't find the
"ten". Then, I woke up the morning of the 28th of January to realize how the "ten"
would be spelled. It would be number "10" instead of a word "ten." And there is was, in
the narrative. A ten of the larger number 10,000.

So that is where I left you two weeks ago. There's supplemental evidence that was even
more stunning and personal to me.

My professional designation; I passed the CPA exam in North Carolina in 1978 and held
that designation since. Now look at the last insert; can you find "CPA?" I'll make it easy
and highlight the "cpa" in red.

Not only was the word "cpa" spelled, but next to it the last name of John Dee (in green),
an apparently major component of understanding WD Gann's theory of numbers (see
discussion of John Dee's philosopher stone number, 252, HERE). I have discussed John
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Dee multiple times as his name is the most encoded of any in TTTTA that I have found
and is, itself, confirmed by his alias in communications with Queen Elizabeth I as
"007." Thirdly, there is a telestic word "eee" which is a marker found in the first
paragraph of the Foreword (see a discussion of the 6 e's HERE) and, in total, a notable
83 times in TTTTA.

Still don't believe? Recall I've alluded to Mr. Gann's Rosicrucian orientation and its
encoding in TTTTA. Just as the Rosy Cross was found in Shakespeare's works on page
37 of one Shakespeare's plays by Peter Amundsen indicating Lord Francis Bacon's
involvement, so we find the Rosy Cross also in TTTTA but on page 53 (see my
discussion HERE). [The numbers 37 and 53 are revered by Rosicrucian's and Masons as
they are two of the three angles of the Pythagorean 3-4-5 right triangle.] The
Rosicrucian "manifest" was "Fama Fraterntatis" and we find "fama" spelled directly
above "tot" and"cpa":

The "coincidences" keep mounting up. The most stunning components of evidence yet
remain. The word "tot-10-ham" is a bit spread out over 2 pages. What would bring it
together in a mathematically irrefutable proof of itself? If it is a notable triangle….say, a
right triangle or an isosceles triangle. And perhaps not just visibly, but mathematically.

But before I look at the actual triangle that is formed in TTTTA, let's look at what I
"saw" and as I experienced it, mathematically wrongfully, on January 28, 2015:

It sure looked like a right triangle to me. Again, I was stunned. But it was a wrong
reflection. A correct reflection would be that imposed on the actual manuscript of

The following work can only be replicated with a faithful copy of the first edition, first
printing TTTTA which can be found at archive.org HERE. I have used an Excel
reflection of that book above to find and reproduce the words acrostic and telestic
words…not as a faithful reproduction of the true printer's edition. In evaluating the
supposed triangle, its best viewed against the actual pages of the first printing itself.
Pages 350 and 351 are aligned as if they were a single page and the triangle is
superimposed over them. The black triangle IS a faithful reproduction of the visual
black triangle formed by the extreme letters/digits of "tot-to-ham." Doesn't appear to be
a notable triangle does it?

The black triangle does not LOOK like a notable form; a right triangle or an isosceles
triangle. Looks are deceiving, just as the subjective language, as Gurdjiffe would put it,
is deceiving. If you consider the printer's dimension, a line space takes more than twice
the space of a horizontal character. Consider, there are an average of 36 lines per page in
TTTTA, but there are, variably, 45 to 60 characters per line. The space is not "squared"
is it?

Math is the proof. Do the math. Bisect the triangle with the red vector DB and count
the lines and the characters that form the components of the two right triangles. Let
Pythagoras guide you and you'll ultimately find triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle to
the second place of the decimal. The math is above for you to prove.

One last clerical matter. This 3rd post of the 7th prophecy series took two weeks to
complete, not because of the above information, but because I needed to answer for
myself one last question. I manually looked through every letter of the 15,304 acrostic
and 15,304 telestic letters of TTTTA for any proper nouns (names) greater than 3 letters.
Since, "Jimi" and "ross" are, each, four letters, maybe it was just random as there may
be found hundreds of 4 letter proper nouns (names). Such is not the case. It took me
days and days of looking at those 30,608 letters, imagining proper names that might be
constructed. I found only 19 such names, 21 when including "Jimi" and "ross" (see them
HERE). I'm probably wrong. I'm sure I'm wrong. Someone, some person without a

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life, might find 25 or 29, but there are very very few. You'll have to be inventive to find
30. There are very few.


All heretofore cited coincidence is something you can replicate. Every acrostic, every
telestic is there. There are far too many coincidences to explain away. Probably, I've
missed some things and there are some things I've found but not produced that are
beating a dead horse with more evidence. I believe the above is a preponderance of

But there is one final piece of evidence to which only I can attest. You can't replicate it.
You can only take my word in faith for it.

As I noted in part 2 and above, I was sitting in a second viewing of "The Imitation
Game" on exactly January 27, 2015 when I realized Mr. Gann would encode a very
personal bit of information in TTTTA to confirm to me that he was speaking to me. He
would encode my street address, Tottenham. And that day, I found "tot" and "ham" but
couldn't find "ten." The next morning, I woke up "knowing" where I'd find the "ten;" it
was a "10" as previously shown.

And it was there.

I found it on January 28, 2015

. And, if you will go back to the very first insert above, and focus on the first letter in
the word "Jimi." And it is the capital letter "J." Now look directly left of that letter and
you will see on that line the date "January 28, 1927." Exactly 88 years ago, a meaningful
number for anyone familiar with number theory. And then you look directly above the

January 28, 1927 and you find "Future Cycles


Such was the final proof that caused me to believe, unshakably, that whatever is
occurring now, in these, no doubt, poorly worded, imperfectly constructed posts, was
foreseen decades ago by WD Gann.

I feel that I have presented two most notable prophecies of Mr. Gann among another five
with which many people are already acknowledged (his prophecies of inventions, the
Great Depression, WWII, the Vietnam War and The Great Battles of Detroit). I feel that
I have lived up to the burden placed on me that I should develop and make this
information available, imperfect and incomplete as it may be.

But is that all there is? If Mr. Gann indicated this information is needed by this
generation, the generation of the 266th Pope, what is the information that is needed
going forward? We know the 6th prophecy of the WTC tragedy is behind us, we (or at
least I know) he predicted I'd find this information. So what? "What difference, at this
point, does that make now," to quote an unfortunate contemporary testimony?

If Mr. Gann encoded all this prophetic information to be revealed on a post fact basis,
did he not provide a future prophecy yet to manifest from this point forward? Yes, I
believe he did. It is, at least, "The Harbinger" thesis offered by Jonathan Cahn. Except
that, Mr. Gann encoded it 88 years ago. And in the last series of posts, I'll outline, as
best I can, where that prophecy is located. I do not know if I can find specific events yet
to occur. I actually doubt that I can at this point. But I can find Mr. Gann's
reinforcement Rabbi Cahn's prognosis of the lifting of His Grace from this nation formed
in the name of God. I will attempt to develop this theme and evidence which I have
noted and additional evidence as I might find in the final series regarding the prophecies
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of WD Gann.

Jim Ross

31 of 31 03-06-2019, 12:59

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