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agic mirrors often feature in fantasy stories, lords and ladies use—are no more cumbersome than a
usually as a device to scry on others or for a buckler or a dagger, and often have a handle. These are
villain to query regarding the identity of the noted in the text as hand mirrors and generally weigh 2
fairest creature in all the land. Mirrors, and their near or 3 pounds.
magical reflective properties, stand on fertile ground for
new magic items. However, very few wondrous magic
items are indeed mirrors.
Most magic items have a wielder or are worn by their
owner, but large standing mirrors and wall mirrors
Portability are rarely wielded and even more rarely worn;
they are too fragile and too bulky. Instead
Most likely the lack of portability makes
it difficult for wandering adventurers of a wielder, these mirrors have an owner
to employ a mirror, but a canny they function to serve. An owner is a
character (and certainly a clever living creature of at least 3 Intelligence
villain) can find a use for a who touches the mirror and gazes
difficult-to-transport object. into it for a round—doing so reveals
Bags of holding also have a large the mirror’s command word for
enough opening to fit over mirrors that require one.
most typical mirrors and store It takes 24 hours for a new
them for easy transport. The prospective owner to attune a
magic mirrors presented below magic mirror.
generally fall into the purview of Undead and constructs cannot
powerful characters, so gaining be owners of magic mirrors
access to a mirror should not be without some special ritual or spell
an issue. that grants them the semblance
In addition, some smaller of life. They can use magical hand
mirrors—the hand mirrors that noble mirrors normally.

Design: Mike Welham Accountant: Shelly Baur
Editing: Eytan Bernstein Publisher: Wolfgang Baur
Art Direction & Graphic Design: Marc Radle

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Archer’s Trick Shot Mirror, Mundane radiant appearance, which grants him a +2 competence
bonus on Charisma checks to influence other beings
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th (this bonus increases to +5 with respect to creatures with
Slot none; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 5 3 lbs. a matching subtype). This beautifying bonus persists for
16 hours or until the owner targets a creature with charm
This round, steel-framed hand mirror has no handle, monster (DC 16 Will save). The charm has an 8-day
but its 5-inch diameter makes it easy to hold. As a duration, and it ends immediately if the owner later uses
standard action, the mirror’s owner can toss it at a the mirror to charm another creature. While the charm
square and designate how far above the square the is in effect, the owner cannot use the beautifying abilities
mirror hovers. The positioned mirror allows the owner of the mirror. The mirror only grants its bonus once
to ignore cover against targets to which the mirror has every 24 hours.
line of effect when he attacks with ranged weapons. CONSTRUCTION
The mirror deflects the projectile at the target for the
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, charm monster,
owner without any penalty to the attack, other than any
eagle’s splendor, prestidigitation; Cost 5,760 gp
penalties accrued by extending the attack’s range. The
mirror remains in place until recalled by the owner, as a
free action, at which point the mirror travels 40 feet per Mirror of Removing Afflictions
round toward the owner. While it moves in this fashion, Aura moderate abjuration and conjuration; CL 11th
the owner cannot use it to make trick shots. Slot none; Price 27,720 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, telekinesis; This hand mirror measures 9 inches in diameter. The
Cost 15,000 gp pleasant fragrance from its plain sandalwood frame
conceals the antiseptic odor wafting from the mirror’s
Beautifying Mirror surface. Once per day, the mirror’s owner can employ
its power to absorb a disease, poison, or curse into the
Aura moderate enchantment and transmutation; mirror, removing the affliction from the owner. This
CL 8th ability works per the rules for remove disease, neutralize
Slot none; Price 11,520 gp; Weight 70 lbs. poison, and remove curse as appropriate. Onlookers see
black tendrils drift from the owner to the mirror.
This full-length, polished, freestanding, wood-framed The mirror can absorb one disease, one poison, and
mirror stands 6 feet tall and is 3 feet wide. The mirror’s one curse (mummy rot counts as an absorbed curse and
frame depicts icons of beauty appropriate to the owner, disease), at which point the mirror gains a moderate
varying from different types of alluring flowers to aura of necromancy. Once it has absorbed an affliction, it
graceful birds or adorable animals. For a narcissistic cannot absorb another of the same type of affliction.
owner, the frame prominently displays the owner’s face.
To remove an affliction from the mirror, and free up that
The owner activates the mirror with a command word
benefit for future use, one of two methods can be used.
while standing before the mirror.
The owner of the mirror may cast a spell to remove that
After the owner speaks the command word, type of affliction on the mirror, neutralizing the effect
blemishes disappears from his skin, and clothes he within the mirror.
currently wears become crease- and dirt-free. In
If the spell is not available, the mirror can lose one
addition to these minor alterations, the owner takes on a
of its afflictions if a being other than the owner looks

Magic Mirrors and Combat

When determining the suitability of a magic mirror consult the carrying capacity and encumbrance rules
for use in combat, consider both dimensions and to determine if utilizing such an item in combat would
weight. While bags of holding and similar devices impose a penalty to maximum Dexterity, physical
can hold most mirrors, some mirrors are unwieldy skills and checks, and movement speeds. The DM may
in a sudden encounter, simply due to their size. For wish to increase these penalties for particularly large
particularly large and heavy mirrors, the DM should or oddly shaped items, regardless of their weight.

into it and succumbs to one of the effects. In this case, action from the owner, but this move action can be
the peering victim sees its reflection as though afflicted combined with another move action.
by a disease, poison, or curse within the mirror (chosen The duplicate image remains for a total of 10 minutes
at random if the mirror has absorbed more than one per day, which the owner can break up into 5-round
affliction). It must succeed at a saving throw per the increments. Removing the mirror from the owner’s line
affliction, but the DC is 2 lower since the mirror does of sight immediately eliminates the owner’s duplicate
not have the same potency as the affliction’s originator. for that 5-round increment. Destroying the mirror
If the creature fails the save, it is affected per the eliminates the duplicate permanently. The owner can
affliction’s rules. If the creature makes its initial save, it use another standard action to create a new duplicate on
is not affected by any secondary or ongoing effects of their next turn if he regains line of sight with it.
the affliction. The affliction only takes root if the victim CONSTRUCTION
fails its first save. If the victim succeeds on its first save, Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shadow
the mirror retains the affliction, and it cannot attempt conjuration; Cost 7,200 gp
to bestow it again for 24 hours. The mirror can never
target an individual with the same affliction more than
once, though a victim can be targeted by a different
Focusing Mirror
affliction on a subsequent viewing if the mirror holds Aura strong universal; CL 17th
more than one. Slot none; Price 27,500 gp; Weight 10 lbs.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse, A lead frame holds this 10-inch-high, 6-inch-wide
contagion, neutralize poison, poison, remove curse, crystal mirror. The mirror shows a normal reflection,
remove disease; Cost 13,860 gp but anyone who fixates his gaze on a specific location
by looking in the mirror can see that spot with amazing
clarity (granting a +5 competence bonus on Perception
Duplicating Mirror checks). The mirror’s true power reveals itself when
Aura moderate illusion; CL 10th its owner casts a ray spell and reflects the ray with the
Slot none; Price 14,400 gp; Weight 20 lbs. mirror toward his target. The ray is empowered as
DESCRIPTION though the caster used the Empower Spell feat. This
This polished steel, oval mirror measures 3 feet tall ability does not affect the spell’s casting time. Since the
by 1 foot wide. The mirror reflects a perfect image owner can hold the mirror in one hand, it does not
of its owner, but a hazy shadow image of the owner impede a spell’s somatic component.
also appears next to the owner. Onlookers witnessing CONSTRUCTION
the owner using the mirror also see this hazy image. Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Empower Spell;
Everyone other than the owner sees their normal Cost 13,750 gp
reflection when looking in the mirror.
If the mirror’s owner is within line of sight of the
Distorting Mirror
mirror, she can use a standard action to command it
to create a tangible duplicate image of her and direct Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th
the duplicate to help her in combat. The duplicate can Slot none; Price 11,000 gp; Weight 27 lbs.
take up a position on the opposite side of the owner’s DESCRIPTION

opponent to grant the owner a +2 flanking bonus. This full-length mirror is set in a cheap wooden frame,
Additionally, it can appear in an adjacent space to grant and its surface bends in odd directions. It does not
her a +2 circumstance bonus on feint checks. Finally, display a true reflection of those before it. Instead, it
it can provide a distraction during a dirty trick or steal displays a grossly distorted image, either presenting an
maneuver to either eliminate an attack of opportunity elongated and extremely thin reflection or a squat and
from the maneuver’s target or to provide a +2 wide reflection. When the owner has not activated the
circumstance bonus on the maneuver check. Redirecting mirror with its command word, this image is harmless,
and repositioning the duplicate image requires a move if a bit disturbing. Once per day, for an hour after
the mirror’s owner activates the mirror, it physically
distorts the shape of creatures passing before it and
seeing their reflection, unless they succeed at a DC 19

Fortitude save. The mirror’s owner sets its effects when Infinite Mirrors
he activates it. The mirror can always grant a creature a
Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th
+4 enhancement bonus to Strength at the cost of a –2
Slot none; Price 48,200 gp; Weight 98 lbs. (49 lbs. per
penalty to Dexterity, always grant it a +4 enhancement
bonus to Dexterity while inflicting a –2 penalty to
Strength, or randomly choose from either option. The
bonus and penalty last for an hour, at which point the These full-length mirrors (5 feet tall by 2 feet wide,
affected creature’s body compresses or extends into its either oval or rectangular) are always found in pairs.
normal shape. When they are discovered, they are 10 feet apart from
each other. If one is picked up from the ground, the
other stays where it is, but the moment the first mirror
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mass bull’s is set back down on the ground in a different location,
strength, mass cat’s grace; Cost 11,880 gp
the other mirror teleports 10 feet from it. The mirrors
cannot be set down if a location lacks sufficient space
Ghast Mirror for them to operate. Two people can pick up the mirrors
Aura moderate necromancy; CL 12th and attempt to separate them, but the moment one is set
Slot none; Price 26,020 gp; Weight 57 lbs. down, regardless of its location, the other will appear 10
feet away.
A large creature’s ribcage frames this five-foot by two- In order to activate them, the owner must set them
foot, rectangular, tarnished metal mirror, which gives off opposite each other, such that each reflects what is in the
an unnatural chill from its surface. Everything reflected other mirror. Intelligent creatures that look at the infinite
in the mirror appears as though time has severely ravaged reflections get some vertigo, but the mirrors otherwise
it. Objects show signs of major decay, and creatures have no effect until their owner activates them.
become gaunt, thin, and chalky-skinned in the mirror. When the owner activates the mirrors with a
While a creature stands before the mirror, it scans command word, an intelligent creature that sees its
the creature’s image (DC 19 Will save negates); it can reflections in the mirrors must succeed at a DC 22
hold 6 such images, each of which must come from a Fortitude save or become affected as though by temporal
different creature. Once per week, during the deepest stasis. The creature disappears from in between the
hours of night, the mirror’s owner can select an image mirrors, but its infinite reflections remain trapped
from the mirror and provide it a fresh corpse of the by the mirrors. The mirrors may hold only one such
same size, from which it creates a ghast with the selected victim, but the owner may release a trapped victim
creature’s appearance (with a +10 on the Disguise check from stasis if he wishes to trap another one. Destroying
to imitate the creature). both mirrors (hardness 20, 150 hp) also releases the
victim, who must succeed at another DC 22 Fortitude
The mirror’s owner does not have control of the
save to avoid suddenly aging as the passage of time
newly created undead creature, requiring the owner to
spanning its imprisonment catches up to it. Whether
use some other means to control the ghast, but it will
they contain a victim or not, the mirrors resist being
not attack the owner. Most often, the owner leaves the
covered. All blankets, paint, and other obscuring items
ghast to operate own its own and throw the imitated
and substances slough off the mirrors.
creature’s reputation into serious doubt, because those
who survive the ghast’s attacks will surely remember
the features of the monster that attacked them. While a Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, temporal stasis;
ghast bearing a creature’s likeness remains in existence, Cost 26,600 gp
the mirror cannot gain another image from the same
creature. If the ghast is destroyed, the mirror can claim a
new image of the creature.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, create undead;

Cost 13,060 gp

Mage’s Trick Shot Mirror, Spell a raise dead on 3 of her compatriots would require
Aura strong abjuration and transmutation; CL 13th 15 hours of scanning because it requires three such
Slot none; Price 60,000 gp; Weight 5 3 lbs. spells of 5th level). The owner is always aware of the
number of intended targets. Once she has found a
suitable reality, she steps through the mirror and
Similar in design to the archer’s trick shot mirror, the
replaces her counterpart in that reality (effectively
mage’s trick shot mirror instead benefits spellcasters
killing her counterpart and disappearing from her
who need to bend ray- or line-producing spells toward
previous reality). The strain of opening up a new
a difficult target. This mirror allows a spellcaster
reality sometimes destroys the mirror (5% chance per
to maintain line of sight for missile or ray spells by
hour of scanning—75% in the previous example). The
allowing the missile or ray to deflect off the mirror
destruction roll is performed when she steps through
toward its target. Additionally, the mirror can bounce
the mirror.
a line-shaped spell (such as lightning bolt), which sends
If the mirror survives destruction, it follows its owner
the line in a different direction. Any spell deflected by
to the new reality. Additionally, we encourage GMs to
the mirror is still subject to its range.
introduce complications as an unintended side effect of
Spellcasters with the patience and money can set up
stepping into a new reality.
multiple mage’s trick shot mirrors to further bank line-
shaped spells.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, limited wish;
Cost 76,500 gp
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, spell turning,
telekinesis; Cost 30,000 gp
Mirror of Assumed Identities
Mirror of Alternate Realities Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 21,000 gp; Weight 48 lbs.
Aura strong universal; CL 15th
Slot none; Price 151,500 gp; Weight 55 lbs.
This plain standing mirror seems fashioned for an
entryway where guests can check their appearance
This ornate, oval mirror is 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide,
before fully making their entrance into a larger room. Its
with a bronze frame worked to feature cresting waves
innocuous appearance hides its true purpose, however.
and whirlpools. A creature viewing itself in the mirror
When a creature stands in front of the activated mirror
sees ghostly echoes that move in a similar fashion but
(requiring a command word from the mirror’s owner),
ahead or behind the viewer by a second or less. Anyone
it records that creature’s appearance, mannerisms, and
touching the surface meets with resistance as if it was a
speech, as appropriate. The mirror can hold up to 12
solid surface, but the mirror ripples similarly to a liquid’s
such recordings and will remove the oldest recording if
reaction to the contact.
it fills up all 12 slots. Each such recorded image can be
Only the mirror’s owner can benefit from the mirror’s used multiple times, and the owner can choose any or
incredible power to whisk her into an alternate reality all available aspects to mimic at the time he assumes the
that differs in mostly minor ways from her current new likeness (changing his decision each time).
reality. However, she can effectively undo the results of an
With additional commands, the owner can program
action she or her companions took in the past 24 hours,
the mirror to stop recording once it has filled all
by choosing a reality where they took a different course
its slots or only record creatures with specified and
of action. This allows her to undo harmful spell effects,
obvious characteristics (gender, race, etc., but not class
remove an affliction, or even raise creatures from the
or alignment, for example). The owner can spend an
dead. This can benefit multiple creatures at once provided
hour in front of the mirror while it displays one of the
the effect the owner undoes stems from a single source
recordings, and he changes to match all the details
or event (a monster diseased more than one character, an
recorded by the mirror. The owner may also choose a
encounter resulted in multiple deaths, etc.).
subset of those details; for example, he could only to
She must spend a number of hours scanning the sound like the mimicked person, so he would only alter
mirror for a suitable reality equal to the approximate his voice and not his appearance to match the target.
spell level of the effect she plans to create multiplied
The alteration grants the mirror’s owner a +10
by the number of affected creatures (for example,
competence bonus on Disguise checks to imitate the

target if the mirror only gathered one aspect (most likely darkness. In conditions of bright light, the mirror
appearance), a +20 competence bonus if the mirror reflects the light shining on it in all directions, and,
gathered two aspects, and a +40 competence bonus if the as a move action, the mirror’s owner can direct these
mirror gathered all three aspects. reflections to give a target the dazzled condition for one
The mirror does not impart any knowledge or minute (DC 14 Fortitude save negates).
memories held by the target (apart from anything he The mirror’s true benefit is available when it absorbs
said in front of the mirror). The mirror’s owner must sunlight. It retains this absorbed sunlight for 24 hours,
again stand in front of the mirror to return to his normal and the owner can use the stored light to power an effect
form, though he immediately returns to his normal form equivalent to daylight with a duration equal to the time
if the mirror is destroyed. the mirror spent absorbing sunlight. The mirror can be
CONSTRUCTION used in one hour intervals.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, alter self, vocal As a standard action, the mirror’s owner can fire a
alteration; Cost 10,500 gp ray equivalent to searing light; this reduces the daylight
effect’s time limit by 1 hour. The mirror must have at
Mirror of Blades least one hour of absorbed sunlight remaining to power
searing light.
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 10th Clerics of deities with the Light domain can often use
Slot none; Price 20,576 gp; Weight 3 lbs. a mirror of captured sunlight as a holy symbol.
This circular hand mirror measures 1 foot in diameter,
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, daylight, searing
and its frame and handle are fashioned from polished
light; Cost 22,500 gp
silver. The entire mirror creates distracting reflections
in bright light as every surface catches the light and
bounces it in random directions, but no so much to Mirror of Deep Insight
negatively impact those hit by the reflections. Aura moderate divination; CL 9th
The owner reveals the mirror’s true purpose when she Slot none; Price 16,200 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
strikes it on a hard surface, releasing the 8 interlocking DESCRIPTION
silver blades (treat as masterwork alchemical silver Glyphs related to self-understanding and hidden
daggers) comprising the mirror. She can use one or more knowledge cover this hand mirror’s teak frame. The
of the blades as melee weapons, or she can command the mirror’s surface is barely reflective, as if the mirror’s
daggers to animate and swirl around her for 10 rounds, silver backing had corroded beyond use. However,
causing any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of this mirror’s owner does not rely on the item to reflect
the owner to take 5d4 points of damage. Because of the surface details. Instead, he uses the mirror to seek deep
protective nature of the swirling daggers, the owner can within his soul—and the strange realms the mirror
cast spells without provoking attacks of opportunity. accesses—to discover information he may have forgotten
While the daggers are within the mirror, the owner or repressed. He can also obtain information he simply
gains a +20 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to conceal never had because of its forbidden nature.
the fact that the mirror contains weapons. This allows him to retry an Intelligence- or Wisdom-
CONSTRUCTION based skill check, or attempt such a skill check as though
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, wreath of he were trained in that skill, with an insight bonus up
bladesUC; Cost 11,576 gp to +10, once per day. Whether or not the new attempt
is successful, the self-reflection or contact with alien
entities poses a danger to the owner. If he is trained
Mirror of Captured Sunlight in the skill, he incurs a 5% chance per insight bonus
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th (minimum 5%) of the mirror targeting him with insanity
Slot none; Price 45,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs. (DC 21 Will save negates). If he uses an untrained skill,
DESCRIPTION he incurs a 10% chance per insight bonus (minimum
A number of representations of the sun and its rays of 10%) to summon an appropriate creature or group of
light adorn the gleaming gold frame of this hand mirror. creatures (an outsider for a Knowledge [planes] check, a
Creatures looking at their reflection see a halo of light
surround them, even in conditions of non-magical

powerful fey for a Knowledge [nature] or Survival check, Perception or Sense Motive check to realize his identity
etc.), per summon monster VII, except the creatures (close family or friends receive a bonus to the check).
summoned are not under his control. Alternately, if Breaking the mirror’s curse with a remove curse (or
the sought knowledge has an alignment component more powerful) spell reverts the mirror’s victim to his
to it, the mirror could shift the owner’s alignment one normal form.
step towards the alignment (for example, a character CREATION
researching devils could shift towards Lawful Evil) if he Magic Items beautifying mirror, quick-change mirror
fails a DC 21 Will save.
Mirror of Held Memories
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, contact other
plane, seek thoughts; Cost 8,100 gp Aura moderate divination; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 32,400 gp; Weight 20 lbs.
Mirror of Eavesdropping
At 2 feet high and 1 foot wide, this oval mirror set in
Aura faint divination; CL 5th a plain wooden frame is large enough to hang over a
Slot none; Price 54,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs. mantle and reflect the head and torso of those who
DESCRIPTION stand close to it (it can reflect a person’s entire body
This 8-inch diameter mirror set in a delicate silver frame ineffectively at the distance required to capture the entire
usually shows a normal reflection, but an unattuned body). The mirror scans the memories of those who
mirror occasionally shows a flicker of a reflection stand before it, even if they do not see their reflection
from another mirror within 1 mile. If the mirror of in the mirror, and can record the memories of up to 5
eavesdropping is attuned to another mirror, a process unique beings, provided a creature fails a DC 17 Will
requiring this mirror to rest within 20 feet of the attuned save. The amount of time recorded depends on the
mirror for 10 uninterrupted minutes, the owner of the length of continuous time spent before the mirror:
mirror of eavesdropping can command it to display the every 2 rounds up to 1 minute captures 1 day’s worth of
reflection of the attuned mirror. The owner can use her memories; 1–2 minutes captures 1–2 weeks, respectively;
mirror to see and hear anything within range of the every 3 minutes up to 15 minutes captures 1 month; and
attuned mirror. The mirror of eavesdropping can only every 15 minutes captures 1 year. The longest the mirror
be attuned to one other mirror at a time, though some can retain memories for a creature is 5 years. The
claim that there are versions that can eavesdrop on a mirror’s owner can spend a like amount of time to recall
number of mirrors simultaneously. a specified creature’s memories.
CONSTRUCTION The owner can specify which creatures the mirror
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, clairaudience/ can record, which could include descriptions ranging
clairvoyance; Cost 27,000 gp from “everyone who stands in front of the mirror” to “all
creatures of a specific gender or race.” The owner could
even specify physical characters, characteristics of the
Mirror of the Gargoyle
creature, such as clothing, scars, or eye color. The owner
Aura moderate enchantment and transmutation; also specifies which recordings get discarded, but the
CL 15th default is that the oldest recording gets overwritten by
Slot none; Weight 50 lbs. the current recording.
DESCRIPTION While this mirror is useful in conjunction with
When examined with magic, this appears to be a mirrors that allow their owners to take on another’s
beautifying mirror, quick-change mirror, or any other identity, some paranoid owners use this mirror to
mirror that alters the owner’s appearance (DM’s choice), record their own memories and compare the stored
with a subtly hidden gargoyle etched into the mirror’s memories against their personal recollections to
frame. When the owner uses the mirror to change his uncover any tampering.
appearance, he must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude CONSTRUCTION
save to avoid polymorphing into a hideous creature.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Heighten Spell,
Creatures who do not already know the owner have
detect thoughts, share memoryAPG; Cost 16,200 gp
a hostile starting attitude toward the owner, while
those who know the owner must succeed at a DC 20

Mirror of Jealousy an incorporeal creature with 15 hp and the same AC as
the owner, excepting armor and natural armor bonuses.
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 11th
It can fly at the owner’s base speed, range to 250 feet
Slot none; Weight 6 lbs. (hand mirror) 45 lbs.
from the owner, and it can pass through solid barriers
(full-length mirror)
without ending the effect. Since the owner has a tangible
tie to the image, she takes half the damage the image
This cursed mirror instills a jealous obsession in a takes from attacks or effects (DR, energy resistances, and
creature that views her reflection within it. At first immunities do not apply to this damage).
glance, it appears to allow the owner to spy on others
or to assume their identities. As soon as the creature
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, project image;
examines it more closely, the mirror latches onto some
Cost 20,255 gp
important aspect of the victim’s personal history, an
item or person that was the object of the owner’s desire,
and amplifies it into a passionate jealous obsession. This Quick-Change Mirror
obsession could be a favor someone owes her, a familial Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
or personal relationship, or an object she always wanted. Slot none; Price 8,600 gp; Weight 50 lbs.
If the mirror’s owner fails a DC 19 Will save, the DESCRIPTION
mirror affects her as though it cast geas on her, and she This utilitarian, rectangular standing mirror looks
takes that spell’s penalties as long as she does not act to similar to a mirror one would find at a tailor’s, and
acquire the target of her envy. While she pursues the measures 4 feet high by 2 feet wide. The mirror presents
mission imparted by the mirror, she gains a +4 morale a normal reflection and does not serve any decorative
bonus on Will saves, and she gains a +4 morale bonus to purpose. Despite its rather plain features, the mirror
all of her physical attributes. The mirror can only affect a provides a great boon for an owner in a hurry to change
single creature at one time. in and out of clothes and armor. The mirror can hold
Until the mirror’s curse has been removed by means up to 12 outfits; each such outfit can include 1 item per
of a remove curse (or more powerful) spell, the owner standard slot as well as decorative items.
will return to the mirror to receive a new target once she In order to store an outfit, the owner must spend
has dealt with the previous target. one minute in front of the mirror modeling the outfit.
CREATION At any later date, the owner can spend another minute
Magic Items attuned mirror, mirror of assumed in front of the mirror to withdrawn an outfit, storing his
identities, mirror of held memories current clothes in the mirror and putting on the clothes
that were stored. The outfit can include both magical and
Projecting Mirror mundane items, and only the owner can withdraw those
items he has stored. While an “outfit” is typically defined
Aura strong illusion; CL 15th as the clothes or armor worn by the owner, he can model
Slot none; Price 40,505 gp; Weight 62 lbs. carried or held items for the mirror and store them
as part of an outfit. Thus, the owner could kit himself
This roughly five-foot-diameter mirror stands within out with armor, a full backpack and a readied sword,
a thin gold frame. The mirror reflects objects within for example. If the mirror is destroyed, all items stored
normally, but creatures passing by the mirror might within it fall in a heap at its base.
notice a ghostly afterimage following them out of the If the mirror is encountered, roll 1d12 to determine
corners of their eyes. For a total of 15 minutes per day, the number of outfits contained within it. These can only
broken up into a minimum of 1-minute increments, be retrieved by destroying the mirror or by acquiring
the mirror’s owner can call forth a shadowy duplicate ownership of it.
of herself. The owner must be within line of sight of
the mirror to activate it in this way. While the owner’s
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest;
duplicate roams, she is considered staggered, but she
Cost 4,300 gp
can recall the image as a free action, losing the staggered
condition on her next turn. The image can take its full
round of actions as directed by the owner, which can
include movement and spellcasting (limited to spells
with a range of touch or greater). The image is treated as

Ray Trapper Replicating Mirror
Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th Aura faint illusion; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 91,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs. Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 40 lbs.
This hand mirror sits within an onyx frame, which has a This mahogany-framed silver mirror stands 5 feet
matching onyx handle. While the surface reflects objects tall and 2 feet wide. It reflects objects normally, but it
normally, touching the surface reveals it as sticky. always shows a faint, ghostly image of its owner, as if
However, the surface does not retain fingerprints or the mirror has permanently absorbed the image. When
debris coming into contact with it. If the mirror’s owner the owner points the mirror at a voluntary target and
holds the mirror while a ray targets her or a creature says the command word, the mirror creates 5 illusory
within her normal reach, she can absorb the ray by duplicates of target, as per mirror image, except that
succeeding at a touch attack with a DC equal to the ray’s the mirror replenishes 1 image (to the maximum of
attack roll. If she succeeds, the mirror absorbs the ray 5) at the beginning of the owner’s turn. The duplicates
and the owner is not affected. If she fails, she is affected remain for a total of 5 minutes per day, in a minimum
by the ray and is not entitled to a saving throw (if any). of 1-minute increments.
The mirror can only hold one ray at a time, so the CONSTRUCTION
owner cannot use the mirror to trap another ray until Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, symbol of
she releases the trapped ray. As a standard action, she mirroringUM; Cost 5,000 gp
can fire the ray from the mirror; the ray has all the same
characteristics per the original caster (damage dice,
range, etc.), but it uses the owner’s touch attack to strike Revealing Mirror
a target. She need not fire the ray immediately after Aura moderate divination; CL 11th
absorbing it, but the ray’s magic dissipates after an hour Slot none; Price 66,000 gp; Weight 45 lbs.
(allowing her to absorb a new ray). DESCRIPTION

CONSTRUCTION Metal crafted to translucency frames this full-length

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, imbue with spell mirror, which apparently reflects nothing in front of
ability; Cost 45,500 gp it. Superstitious people who see this phenomenon may
believe that vampires abound in the room holding the
mirror. However, any invisible creatures in the mirror’s
Relaying Mirrors visible range appear in the mirror as though they were
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th not invisible. All creatures, not just the owner, can see
Slot none; Price 73,500 gp for a set of three; Weight 2 the invisible creature through the mirror. A hand mirror
lbs. for each mirror variant functions the same way, but only weighs 4 lbs.
These dual-sided mirrors measure 4 inches in diameter Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, true seeing;
and come in sets of three. While practical for all as Cost 33,000 gp
hand mirrors, spellcasters derive the most benefit from
them. As a move action, the owner can place one or
more mirrors in front of him, and they hover there until Soul-Storing Mirror
used. If the owner casts a spell, he can use the mirrors Aura strong abjuration; CL 15th
to increase the spell’s range category by a maximum of Slot none; Price 200,000 gp; Weight 30 lbs.
steps (touch to close, close to medium, medium to long) DESCRIPTION
equal to the mirrors he set. Once the mirrors relay the A carved ivory frame surrounds this full-length
spell, all mirrors set by the owner drop harmlessly to the mirror, which is lighter than one would expect based
ground and remain inert for 24 hours. The owner need on its 5-foot-by-3-foot size. The mirror shows a normal
not set all mirrors in a set if he only desires a one-step reflection, unless the owner has used its magical
increase in range (if he wants to change a medium-range properties to store her soul. In this case, the mirror shows
spell to a long-range spell, for example). a ghostly figure of the owner pacing about the reflected
CONSTRUCTION section of the room. While the mirror stores the owner’s
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Reach SpellAPG, soul, she cannot be affected by death effects, spells or
levitate; Cost 36,750 gp for a set of three effects that imprison her soul, or mental ability damage

or drain. Any spell or effect that detects a creature’s life
Use the following tables to randomly place a mirror
force registers the owner’s body as neither alive nor dead.
in a villain’s lair or as treasure belonging to a creature
Since she controls her body from a distance, she acts as
that had no idea of the mirror’s power.
though she is sickened. Finally, since her soul does not
inhabit her body, any spell or effect that allows another Table 1: Medium Magic Mirrors
creature to possess her body automatically succeeds. She
immediately knows if a creature has possessed her body,
d% Mirror Price
and she can send her consciousness back as a standard
action to allow herself a Will save (at a –4 penalty) to 01–07 Quick-Change Mirror 8,600 gp
expel the possessing creature. 08–15 Replicating Mirror 10,000 gp
If her body is slain while her soul inhabits the mirror, 16–22 Distorting Mirror 11,000 gp
she does not gain negative levels if her body is later
restored. For every day beyond the first that her body 23–30 Beautifying Mirror 11,520 gp
remains dead, she must succeed at a Will save (DC 15, +1 31–37 Stasis Mirror 12,000 gp
per previous save) or go insane, per the insanity spell. 38–44 Duplicating Mirror 14,400 gp
CONSTRUCTION 45–51 Mirror of Deep Insight 16,200 gp
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mind blank; 52–59 Mirror of Blades 20,576 gp
Cost 100,000 gp
60–67 Mirror of Assumed 21,000 gp
Stasis Mirror 68–74 Ghast Mirror 26,020 gp
Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th 75–82 Focusing Mirror 27,500 gp
Slot none; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 57 lbs.
83–89 Mirror of Removing 27,720 gp
This bronze-framed, iron-handled hand mirror, allows
its owner to make full use of her summon spells. The 90-95 Mirror of the Gargoyle —
8-inch-diameter mirror is made of four sections, each (cursed)
about 4 inches across, and held together with a window- 96-00 Mirror of Jealousy (cursed) —
like lattice of electrum. These four panes are four magical
compartments that the user can fill with a summoned
Table 2: Major Magic Mirrors
creature as a free action, creating a translucent image
of the suspended creature in one of the mirror’s Market
d% Mirror Price
quadrants. As a standard action, she can recall one of the
summoned creatures, which appears at close range and 01–09 Archer’s Trick Shot Mirror, 30,000 gp
acts immediately after it appears. Time does not pass for Mundane
suspended creatures, but the owner must recall them 10–18 Mirror of Held Memories 32,400 gp
by the time she prepares spells for the next day or the
19–27 Projecting Mirror 40,505 gp
creatures return from whence they came.
28–36 Mirror of Captured 45,000 gp
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, temporal stasis;
Cost 6,000 gp 37–44 Infinite Mirrors 48,200 gp
45–52 Mirror of Eavesdropping 54,000 gp
53–60 Mage’s Trick Shot Mirror, 60,000 gp
61–68 Revealing Mirror 66,000 gp
69–76 Relaying Mirrors 73,500 gp
77–84 Ray Trapper 91,000 gp
85–92 Mirror of Alternate 151,500 gp
93–100 Soul-Storing Mirror 200,000 gp

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document. © 2011,
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. © 2009, Paizo
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Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by
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2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn
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Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011, Paizo
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McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, Wondrous Items: Magic Mirrors, © 2014, Open Design LLC;
modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright Author Mike Welham.


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