Analysis of Marketing Kampung Super Strategy in Grobogan District

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019 ISSN: 2456-1878

Analysis of Marketing Kampung Super Strategy

in Grobogan District
Dwi Sunarti1, Bambang Mulyanto 1, Elisa Anindyawati2
M aster of Agribusiness, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Diponegoro University
Teaching Staff of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro University
Post-graduate students, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro University

Abstract— Indonesia's natural wealth is very abundant and various kinds of biodiversity become one of the
supporting factors in fulfilling protein needs in the livestock subsector. Farmers choose the type of Super Village
Chicken because the harvest period is faster (45-60 days), provides sufficient income, relatively low mortality
rates, savings in maintenance and feed costs. The large population of Kampung Super Chicken farms in
Grobogan Regency causes breeders difficulties in marketing chicken, so the sale price in the farm is unst able.
This price instability does not dare to take larger scale chicken seeds. The method used in this study is the survey
method. The number of samples is 60 respondents. The reason for the sample is 60 because there are 6 farmer
groups in Grobogan Regency, each with 10 members. Tracer traders use the snow ball method from farmers and
the marketing institutions involved.
The data analysis included descriptive analysis to determine the business income at the farmer level and
SWOT Analysis to find out the Super Village Chicken Marketing Strategy in Grobogan Regency.
Based on the results of the discussion, conclusions can be drawn as follows: (1) Marketing efficiency
below 50% is said to be efficient, (2) Factors that encourage and inhibit marketing of Super Village Chicken are
fluctuating chicken prices, difficult marketing efforts, capital business is relatively limited, lack of knowledge of
farmers, (3) Marketing strategy that should be done to improve the marketing of super chicken in Grobogan
Regency is to cooperate with other parties in partnership, conduct transactions directly with buyers, make
breakthroughs by selling in supermarkets, providing business cutting chicken, selling to big collectors,
innovating various chicken products.
Keywords— Kampung Chicken Super, SWOT, Marketing Strategy.

I. INTRODUCTION due to the price of chicken meat which tends to be cheap

Indonesia's natural wealth is very abundant and easy to obtain.
and various kinds of biod iversity become one of the Many people today choose products that are
supporting factors in fulfilling protein needs in the ASUH (Safe, Healthy, Whole, and Halal) by choosing
livestock subsector. Meeting the needs of animal protein local poultry as a fulfillment of animal protein needs, but
fro m poultry products must be balanced with an increase the high demand is not comparable with the existing
in the population of poultry, so that products from population. This inadequate population is due to a long
livestock, especially poultry, are ab le to meet the needs of maintenance time for local chickens. At present in
animal protein of all Indonesian people. Poultry farming addition to broiler chicken, wh ich has a short maintenance
in Indonesia has an important role in livestock time, there are also native chickens, which have a short
development as fulfilling animal food needs. At present maintenance time, namely Super Ch icken. Super hens are
poultry in Central Java contributes to meat production, native chickens originating fro m the cross between laying
which is 16.13% then followed by beef at 6.28%. Of the hens and native chickens. The innovation of the discovery
total number of poultry, around 9.05% is provided by of super chicken was due to the large nu mber of farmers
broiler ch ickens and only around 7.08% is provided by who comp lained about the length of time they enjoyed the
local chickens, the remainder is by other poultry types results of native chicken farming. In addition to a short
(Statistics of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health in maintenance time o f only 2 months, Super Chicken
Central Java Province, 2017). High demand for poultry is Chicken is also low in cholesterol like ordinary kampung
chicken with 4 months maintenance. At present Grobogan Page | 983

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019 ISSN: 2456-1878

Regency produces Super Village Chicken with its chicken) with laying hens had criteria accord ing to
market ing still in the local area. The Super Village consumer demand, namely weight 0.9-1.0 kg can be
Chicken Business faces strong competition, because achieved at the age of 12 weeks, it looks like a real local
almost every sub-district has a Super-Chicken Village chicken with black feathers and yellow skin.
breeder. Farmers choose the type of Super Village
Chicken because the harvest period is faster (45-60 days), 2.2 Super Chicken Maintenance System
provides sufficient inco me, relat ively low mortality rates, The success in raising or running a Super
savings in maintenance and feed costs. The large Kampung Ch icken is influenced by the effective and
population of Kampung Super Ch icken farms in efficient maintenance system of Kampung Ayam.
Grobogan Regency causes breeders difficulties in Maintenance for 2-2.5 months with an average weight of
market ing chicken, so the sale price in the farm is 0.9-1.5 kg must choose quality seeds and mixtures at
unstable. This price instability does not dare to take larger affordable prices.`
scale chicken seeds 2.3. Business Costs for Super Chicken Village Business
The market ing process that is too long makes Production costs are costs of compensation
farmers become an xious in chicken farming because the received by the owners of production factors, or costs
prices obtained by farmers are getting lower. This incurred by farmers in the production process, both in
increasingly fierce co mpetition requires farmers to cash and non-cash (Daniel, 2002). Soekartawi (2014)
implement appropriate marketing strategies in states that production costs are the value of all production
competition in order to obtain high marketing efficiency. factors used, both in the form o f objects and services
This is based on a strategy to maximize strength and during the production process. So me concepts about costs
business opportunities, while at the same time min imizing such as: variab le costs, fixed costs, and total costs.
existing weaknesses and threats so as to obtain higher Variable costs are variable costs caused by changes in the
income. amount of results. If the amount of goods produced
Research needs to be done with the aim to find increases, the variable cost also increases. Variable costs
out what factors drive and hinder the marketing of Super charged to each unit are called average variable costs
Village Ch icken and what market ing strategies should be (Herlambang, 2002). Fixed costs are constant costs for
done to improve the marketing of Super Village Chicken. each level / nu mber of results produced. Fixed costs
The results of the study will be obtained by factors that charged to each unit are called average fixed costs.
encourage and inhibit and what marketing strategies are 2.4. Marketing channel
carried out to facilitate marketing of Super Village Suharno (2017) stated that market ing channels at
Chicken in Grobogan Regency, so that it can be beneficial chicken farms, both chicken and do mestic chicken, are
for farmers to improve marketing. The right marketing generally long. This is because the marketing channel
strategy is useful for overcoming increasingly fierce starts from collectors' breeders, chicken bases to cutters,
market co mpetition, therefore research will be carried out retailers and new customers. Every stage of the
with the title "Analysis of the Super Village Chicken distribution has a fee, so that the thinner the possibility of
Marketing Strategy in Grobogan Regency" . the farmer to get a reasonable profit. The market ing
channel needs to be shortened to min imize the difference
II. LITERATURE REVIEW in prices that occur at the farmer level and at the
2.1. Super Chicken Village consumer level. The size of marketing costs is very
Super Kampung Chicken is a result of a dependent on the size of the activit ies of market ing
crossbred chicken (male) using Bangkok Chicken, Pelung institutions and facilities needed. Marketing costs also
Chicken, Kedu Chicken, with laying-type chicken depend on the length of the market ing chain involved.
(female). The crossing aims to get the type of Kampung The size o f the market ing margin is influenced by
Chicken which has high productivity of meat and eggs, changes in marketing costs, profit fro m intermediary
thus the cultivation of Super Village Ch icken is mo re traders, prices paid by end consumers and prices received
profitable because it can be harvested with a shorter time. by producers. Besides these factors the magnitude of the
) so as to produce fertile eggs then Super Kampung market ing margin is also influenced by the distance
chickens are hatched by using incubators (hatching between the producer region and the consumer and the
mach ines). According to Jarmani et al. (2016) said that nature of the goods as a whole will increase market ing
silangan chicken (F1) fro m local roosters (free-range costs (Purmantono, 1993).
chicken, kedu chicken, pelung chicken, and bangkok Page | 984

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019 ISSN: 2456-1878

2.5. Marketing strategy IV. RESEARCH METHODS

Current co mpetit ion makes business people / The method used in this study is the survey
companies must use market ing strategies that are truly method. The number of samples is 60 respondents. The
appropriate to achieve their intended goals or to maintain reason for the samp le is 60 because there are 6 farmer
the continuity of their business. The purpose of this groups in Grobogan Regency, each with 10 members.
market ing activity is to influence consumers to be willing Tracer t raders use the snow ball method fro m farmers and
to buy goods or services produced by a company when the market ing institutions involved. The data analysis
they need it. Co mpanies must be able to understand the included descriptive analysis to determine the business
desires or demands of the needs of consumers, and know income at the farmer level and SWOT Analysis to find
the marketing strategies that must be done in order to out the Super Village Chicken Marketing Strategy in
achieve the desired goals. Grobogan Regency.
According to Wawan (2016) marketing
strategy is the organization of all the resources owned to V. THINKING FRAMEWORK
market a product which is then mentioned in the Kampung chicken has a very important role in
market ing strategy that must be done by taking into improving co mmun ity nutrition and in increasing income.
account the marketing mix, product life cycle, and Currently the production of Kampung Super Ch icken in
maintaining or extending the stage of market maturity. Grobogan Regency is highly developed, but as the
production of Super Kampung Ch icken grows, chicken
III. RESEARCH GAP farmers experience d ifficult ies in market ing. The
The results of this study support or in accordance market ing process that is too long makes the farmers
with the research conducted by Novianto (2015) on become an xious in their chicken business because the
Analysis of Marketing Strategies to Increase Sales of prices of farmers are getting lower . Research on what
Super Village Chicken (Jambon Village, Jambon District, factors are driving and inhib iting the market ing of Super
Ponorogo Regency). thesis, Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. Village Ch icken and marketing strategies needs to be
University. Increasingly intense business competition done to find out what should be done to improve the
requires every entrepreneur to maintain its existence. market ing of Super Village Chicken. Fro m th is it will be
With the increasingly fierce co mpetition, it is now obtained the factors that encourage and inhibit and what
demanded to implement appropriate marketing strategies market ing strategy is done to facilitate marketing of Super
that can be used as weapons in the competit ion war Village Chicken in Grobogan Regency, so that it can be
between entrepreneurs. Marketing s trategy is a plan that beneficial for farmers to increase marketing.
describes the company's expectations of the impact o f
various activities or marketing programs on the demand VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
for products or product lines in certain target markets. The marketing pattern that has been used by
It also supports the research conducted by Turnip the super chicken farmers in Grobogan Regency is a
(2016) wh ich states that the IE matrix results show that market ing pattern in general, which is sold to end
the business is in Hold and Maintain (V) position and the consumers (live chickens) with farmer marketing, one
strategy that is suitable for this position is the strategy of trader, t wo traders, three traders and consumers. The
market penetration and product development. The SWOT results of the calculation show that:
Analysis of the Indonesian Christian Co mmunity MP = Consumer Price (Rupiah) - Buy Price of Breeder
Develop ment Training Center institution produced seven (Rupiah)
alternative strategies related to the company's position in MP= 32.300-21.200
the IE matrix. The order of prio rity strategies is (1) Carry MP= 11.100
out creative advertising and sales pro motion (TAS value Farmer Share =
6.64), (2) maintain product quality (TAS value 6.50), (3) Price of Buy Breeder (Rupiah) x 100%
Increase production volume (TAS value 6.23), (4) Trying Consumer Price (Rupiah)
an organic certificate label (TAS value of 5.75), (5) Farmer Share = 21.200 x 100%
Market penetration (TAS value of 5.43), (6) Product 32.300
development (TAS value of 5.40), (7) Improving product = 65,63%
image (positioning) (TAS value of 5.28). (complete calculation see Appendix)
Because the value is above 50% it is said to be efficient. Page | 985

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019 ISSN: 2456-1878

Based on the results of the analysis it can be
seen that the EFAS matrix shows that weakness or
weakness is higher than strength, so it is necessary to use
strategies to overcome them. Fro m the results of the
SWOT analysis several strategies can be combined such
as strategies that combine:
1) Strengh and Opportunity (strategy) by
implementing a maintenance system and effective
maintenance time will make various groups like it,
to meet the high demand for using low cholesterol
in super chickens that will benefit livestock
2) WO strategy (a combination of weakness -
opportunity), namely the availability of superfood
raw materials that will adequately increase
demand, the grade of super chicken will produce
low cholesterol that many consumers like and
become an added value, the marketing system for
super chicken is preferred by various groups .
3) ST strategy, namely a combination of strength and
threat, such as supply fro m outside the district
which will smoothly increase the availability of
super chicken market, continuous production of
substitute male chickens will rep lace super This is in line with the market ing strategy through SWOT
chicken, with the presence of marketing analysis (Rangkuti, 2009) because with the SWOT
institutions can facilitate mileage and improve analysis (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
roads the bad, profitable business will improve can evaluate opportunities and challenges in the
informat ion on the results of processing agribusiness environment. The results of the SWOT
technology research, coaching and mentoring that matrix will make it easier to formu late various strategies
will effectively improve the maintenance system. that need to or should be carried out by super chicken
4) Weak-threat co mbination strategy, which is a farmers.
super chicken chicken market ing system that can The results of this study support or in accordance
supply fro m outside the regency, guidance and with the research conducted by Novianto (2015) on
assistance must be maximized so that there is Analysis of Marketing Strategies to Increase Sales of
product innovation development, improving Super Village Chicken (Jambon Village, Jambon District,
informat ion technology research results so that raw Ponorogo Regency). thesis, Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
chicken and chicken feed are available. super University.
village is increasing. Besides that, it can also Increasingly tight business competition requires
use social media as a pro motional event so that the every businessman to maintain its existence. With the
sales of super chicken will increase because now is increasingly fierce co mpetit ion, it is now demanded to
the era of globalization that uses all-sophisticated implement appropriate marketing strategies that can be
internet, so that with min imal pro motion costs it used as weapons in the competition war between
will be able to reach an increasingly broad market entrepreneurs. Marketing strategy is a plan that describes
share. the company's expectations of the impact of various
activities or marketing programs on the demand fo r
products or product lines in certain target markets. There
are marketing programs (such as advertising, sales
promotions, personal selling, customer service, or product
development) that have different effects on demand. For
this reason, super chicken entrepreneurs in Jambon Page | 986

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019 ISSN: 2456-1878

Village, Jambon District, Ponorogo Regency must have Based on table 4.7, it is known that the price of
new strategies to find out the positive and negative the farmer, the purchase price of the trader I and the
aspects, namely by using a SWOT analysis to formulate a purchase price of the trader II and the consumer the
new marketing strategy. The SWOT analysis is an average selling price of the farmer is Rp.21,200 and for
identification of external and internal factors and the purchase price I is Rp23,800, and the average
strategies that reflect the comparison between the two. purchase price is Rp.26,600 to consumers in the amount
This is based on the logic that an effective of Rp. 32,100. The survey was conducted on 60
strategy is to maximize strength and business respondents and from the data it was found that the
opportunities, but at the same time minimize existing marketing margins of each trader averaged Rp3,633.
weaknesses and threats. The workings of the SWOT In addition, it is also consistent with the research
analysis here use a matrix by including internal conducted by Ekapriyatna (2016) which aims to
environmental factors (IFAS) and include external determine the internal conditions, external conditions of
environmental factors in vert ical cells in the fo rm o f broiler farms and strategies that must be determined by
opportunities and threats that can be known from the emp loyers based on SWOT analysis. This research uses
results of external environ mental analysis (EFAS). Then qualitative research design. The subject of this study was
fro m the remain ing cells that meet iv between internal and the owner of the Ananta Guna broiler farm in Sidan
external factors, we can find out the alternative strategies Village, and the object of this study was a business
produced by the SWOT analysis. Aggressive strategies or development strategy. Data collect ion techniques used the
expansion (based on SWOT analysis) and super chicken interview method, then analy zed using the IFAS and
business in Jambon Village, Jambon District, Ponorogo EFAS methods. The results of the study show that
Regency have alternative hold and design strategies or internal environ mental conditions in the form of strength,
maintain and maintain s trategies (based on IE Matrix namely high-quality products, affordable prices, use
analysis). This strategy can be carried out by maximizing direct d istribution channels. The results of th is study are
internal and external strengths and taking advantage of also consistent with the research conducted by Aedah et al
existing opportunities. (2016) wh ich states that the poultry industry in Indonesia
It also supports the research conducted by Turnip has often experienced ups and downs in recent years. The
(2016) wh ich states that the IE matrix results show that vulnerability of b roiler businesses to various turmoil
the business is in Hold and Maintain (V) position and the opens opportunities to develop local poultry businesses
strategy that is suitable for this position is the strategy of such as free-range chicken, which is currently increasing
market penetration and product development. in popularity compared to other poultry meat. Also
The SWOT Analysis of the Indonesian Christian consistent with the research conducted by Haryono et al.
Co mmunity Development Tra ining Center institution (2015) which states that the Java Super Chicken Business
produced seven alternative strategies related to the Industry can increase income and is a new business
company's position in the IE matrix. The order of priority opportunity that is prospective to be developed, super
strategies is (1) Carry out creative advertising and sales chicken livestock business can fulfill chicken meat as a
promotion (TAS value 6.64), (2) maintain product quality need for local animal protein.
(TAS value 6.50), (3) Increase production volume (TA S
value 6.23), (4) Try ing an organic cert ificate label (TA S Conclusion
value of 5.75), (5) Market penetration (TAS value of Based on the results of the analysis and discussion,
5.43), (6) Product development (TAS value of 5.40), (7) conclusions can be drawn as follows:
Improving product image (positioning) (TAS value of 1. Marketing efficiency above 50% is said to be
5.28). efficient.
Table 4.7. The average selling price of farmers, 2. Factors that encourage and hinder the market ing of
traders and consumers and MP Super Kampung Chicken are fluctuating chicken
prices, difficu lt marketing efforts, relat ively
limited business capital, lack of knowledge of
3. The marketing strategy that should be carried out
to improve the marketing of super chicken in
Grobogan Regency is to work with other parties in
partnership, conduct transactions directly with Page | 987

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 2019 ISSN: 2456-1878

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1. It is best for farmers to apply the right market ing Universitas M ercubuana. Jakarta.
strategy through social med ia, work with big
collectors, make a breakthrough by selling in
supermarkets, providing ch icken slaughter business,
innovating various chicken products to increase
2. In future research with similar topics can be
compared with chicken farmers in other locations or
using quantitative analysis.

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