Cot Lesson Plan Template
Cot Lesson Plan Template
Cot Lesson Plan Template
Key Concepts/
Understanding to
be developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Function and Their Graphs
Skills cite specific examples in which accounting is used in making business decisions.
Attitude Show critical thinking and personal discipline throughout the class activities.
Values Relate the concept of accounting in logical decision or decision making in everyday problem.
2. Contents
3. Learning
(Indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the number of minutes each steps wi
4. Procedures consume.)
4.1 Introductory
(5 minutes)
4.2 Presentation
(5 minutes)
4.5 Application
Written Test
(10 minutes)
7. Remarks
6. Reflections
A. No. of learners who learned 80% in
the evaluation
Prepared by:
n everyday problem.