Maximum Uniquely Restricted Matching in Permutation Graphs
Maximum Uniquely Restricted Matching in Permutation Graphs
Maximum Uniquely Restricted Matching in Permutation Graphs
A matching in a graph is a set of edges no two of which share a
common vertex. In this paper we are discussing about a specialised
type of matching, uniquely restricted matching.
A Uniquely Restricted Matching (URM) is defined to be a matching
M whose saturated vertices induce a subgraph which has only one
perfect matching namely M itself. In this paper we are focussing on
finding a maximum URM in permutation graphs.
1 Introduction
A permutation graph is a graph whose vertices represent the elements
of a permutation and whose edges represent pairs of elements that are re-
versed by permutation.
Suppose π is a permutation of numbers 1, 2, . . . , n then the graph G[π] =
(V, E) is defined as follows
V = {1, 2, . . . , n}
ij ∈ E ⇐⇒ (i − j)(πi −1 − πj −1 ) < 0
An undirected graph G is called a permutation graph if there exists a per-
mutation π such that G ∼
= G[π].
Figure 1: Permutation Graph G[4, 3, 5, 1, 2]
Cut Edge : An edge in a graph after whose removal there does not exist
any path from its one endpoint to another (i.e. The endpoints lie in
two disjoint cut sets).
Induced Subgraph : (Also called Vertex Induced sub graph). vertex in-
duced subgraph is a subset of vertices of a graph G together with any
edges whose end points are both in this subset.
2 Theorems :
Theorem 2.1. [GHL01] Let G = (V, E) be a graph and M a matching on
G. M is uniquely restricted if f G does not contain an alternating cycle with
respect to M .
Theorem 2.2. [GH83] If G has an edge colouring such that each vertex is
incident with atleast one edge of each colour then G has an alternating cycle.
In this paper we make use of the following corollary of the above theorem.
3 Algorithms :
The graph is input in form of an adjacency matrix Im . The vertex set is V
and edge set is E where ex = (vi , vj ) ∈ E if vi < vj where vi , vj ∈ V . The
permutation representation of the graph G gives a unique numbering to each
vertex of the graph which is the basis for the ordering of vertices as well as
the edges.
1: procedure Init
2: Calculate deg(vi )∀vi ∈ V .
3: ∀ex = (vi , vj ) ∈ E, deg(ex ) = deg(vi ) + deg(vj ).
4: ∀x D[x] = deg(ex )
5: SORT D in non decreasing order.
If deg(ea = (va1 , va2 )) = deg(eb = (vb1 , vb2 )) then if va1 < vb1 we say
deg(ea ) < deg(eb ) else if va1 = vb1 then if va2 < vb2 we say deg(ea ) < deg(eb ).
The following procedure will be used to make an induced subgraph S =
(Vs , Es ) based on the matching M .
1: procedure InducedSubgraph(M )
2: for all i such that vi ∈ V do
3: if vi ∈ M then
4: Vs = Vs ∪ vi
5: for all x such that ex = (vi , vj ) ∈ E do
6: if vi ∈ M & vj ∈ M then
7: Es = Es ∪ ex
return S
The following procedure checks if a given edge e in a graph S = (Vs , Es ) is a
cut edge or not.
1: procedure CutEdge(S,e)
2: e = (vi , vj ) and S = (Vs , Es )
3: Es = Es − e
4: BFS(vi )
5: if vj is visited then
return f alse
6: else
return true
Now we present the algorithm to find the maximum uniquely restricted
matching in a given permutation graph.
Algorithm 1 MaxURM
1: Input G = (V, E) in adjacency matrix
2: Init
3: M = φ
4: while D 6= φ do
5: em =MIN (D), where em = (vi , vj ) such that both vi , vj are unmarked.
6: M = M ∪ em
7: S =InducedSubgraph(M)
8: if ∀v ∈ Vs , deg(v) = 1 then . All vertices in Vs are matched
9: Vs = Vs − v
10: for all e ∈ M do
11: if CutEdge(S,e) then
12: em is included
13: Mark vi , vj . End points of matched edge
14: else
15: M = M − em
return M
4 Time Complexity :
For the procedure INIT : Time taken for degree calculation for vertices and
edges = O(|V | + |E|) and O(|E| log(|E|)) for sorting. This effectively turns
out to be O(|E| log(|E|)).
For the procedure INDUCED SUBGRAPH : Time taken for making the in-
duced subgraph is O(|V | + |E|).
For the procedure CUT EDGE : Time taken if O(|V | + |E|) for the BF S.
• Step 5,6: O(1) operations
Therefore total
5 Proof of Correctness:
Permutation Graph is a result of a unique permutation on the numbers [n].
The vertices in the graph are indexed on the basis of their respective permu-
vi = j
j = π −1 and π → Permutation Function
M is the set outputted by Algorithm 1
M = {e1 , e2 , . . . , em }
|M | = m
Wlog. assume M 0 is of size m + 1 sequentially change edges in M and
add another edge em+1 to form M 0 . Let p denote the edges in M replaced
from the end by unmatched edges.
For p = 0: No edges of M will be changed and the edge em+1 , em+1 ∈ E
is inserted. M 0 contains edges {e1 , e2 , . . . em , em+1 }.
Similarly, for p = 1: One edge from the end is changed i.e. M 0 contains
edges {e1 , e2 , . . . e0m , em+1 } (edge em is replaced with e0m where e0m , em+1 ∈ E
1 to add an edge in the M, if both conditions are satisfied, by our Algorithm
the edge em+1 will be added to M and hence M = M 0 and size of M will be
m + 1. But M does not contain em+1 , so our assumption is wrong and M 0 is
not a maximum URM.
Hence, M is max URM for p = 0.
For p = 1
Now, M 0 = {e1 , e2 , . . . , e0m , em+1 }
e0m is not in M this leads to following cases:
2. or if vertices are not covered then e0m forms an alternating cycle with
the rest of the matching set.
3. or deg(em ) ≤ deg(e0m ) i.e. the degree of e0m is not minimum for some
the end and introducing a new edge em+1 . M 0 = {e1 , e2 , . . . , em−k , e0m−k+1 , . . . , e0m , em+1 }
is not a URM.
Inductive step:
For p = k + 1:
Now, the matching M 0 = {e1 , e2 , . . . , em−k−1 , e0m−k , e0m−k+1 , . . . , e0m , em+1 }.
We replace em−k with e0m−k . By induction step we see that for p = k, M 0
doesn’t form a URM, therefore no cut edges exist in the set. We know that
deg(e0m−k ) ≥ deg(em−k ). So all the edges e0m−k+1 . . . e0m have a greater degree
than e0m−k . If em−k is not a cut edge as well as doesn’t induce a cut edge
then e0m−k (similar to base case p = 1) will not induce any cut edges.
Therefore, by induction M 0 is not a URM.
We can extend this to p = m. Here, we are unable to grow it by one, there-
fore it’s not possible to grow further. Therefore, M is maximum uniquely
restricted matching for permutation graph G.
[GH83] Jerrold W Grossman and Roland Hggkvist. Alternating cycles in
edge-partitioned graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series
B, 34(1):77 – 81, 1983.