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Copyright © I FAt: A ut omatioll and Da ta Prf)n· s ~ i ll .l!

in :\4uacu hure . Trolld he im. ~f)n\" a\. I ~I~t)


P. Varvarigos and M. T. Home
f llltitllt /' '1 '~'IIIII(II/tlm' . ('lIi;'l'nih "l 'itirlill.C Stirlillg Ff(') -ILA. 'imt/alld

Abstract. Decision making in a fish farm business presupposes a deep knowledge of the
farming system itself and the market environment within which it operates . Assuming
that the fish farm manager has all the data needed to control his business and to plan
future production through a well established data recording system , he may then use
further techniques which will give him high level information and guidelines for
future po l icies .

Linear programming is a sophisticated, computer based technique which has recently

become available to smaller businesses with the advent o f affordable , but powerful
microcomputers with simplified , 'f riendly ' software. It produces planning models
which provide a decis i o n making tool to indicate the way a farm should ope rate in
o rder to achieve certain specific objec tives. It is essential, f o r its use. that
comp r ehe nsive records o f the business should be available.

In t his study the skills needed to use th i s technique , its data reqUirements, i ts
strengths a nd usefulness under a fish farmi ng environment were analysed. Por this
purpose "L PWYE " linear programming package r unni ng on an IBM PC micr ocomputer was
applied to a fish farming business which operated the circula r tank system to produce
tr out fingerlings for restocking.

The farming system was analysed and its data presented in the LP matrix form, wh ich is
the basic i n put for the technique. The production process and the marketing environ-
ment wer e faithfully r eflected in the matrix and a s ol uti on was soug h t which aimed at
a maximum pr ofitability producti o n plan , g i ven the particular resource limits and
market constraints of the farm.

Prom the study conclusions were drawn as to the usefulness and ove ra ll suitability o f
l inear programming in a fish farming env ironm ent, and a case study is given as an
example whi ch sta tes the basic requirements for LP, explains how the matrix can be
constructed and how th e results can be interpreted .

Keywords . Fish-farm pl anning; op timisation; linea r programming ; mic r ocomputers;

dec is ion rnak ing .

INTRODUCTION th~s inf orm ation. The manager's personal judge -

ment of risk and o f uncertainties is then intro -
Planning future production is one of the duced and a decisio n made .
essentials o f Ifish) farm ma nagement and decisions
must be made as t o which products . when and how Th e implementation of both a data sys te m, to col-
much o f them, a r e to be produced. Apart fro~ these lect and store data and inf o r mation , and of
questions the technical processes which mu st be processing techniques has been made possible for
followed in o rder t o achieve the end produ ct. ~ust sma ll firms with the use of electronic micro-
be clearly defin ed. Therefore . pr oduc t ion pl a n- computers. These machines are now affordable by
ning decisions must ans~er the follo~ing f ou r smal l bu sinessmen, like the a¥erage fish farmer,
ba s ic questions: and provide sufficient computing po wer and ease
of u se. High ly sophisticated programmes for data
~ha t t o produce?
and info r~ati on pr oce ss ing are now accessible and
v,"hen t o se ll?
'fr iendly ' and it is up t o t he individual man age r
~ hat quantity of each kind of product'
to enhance his effecti vene ss u sing these man age -
H o ~ should a pa rticular o utput ~e pr odu ced?
~ent tools .

Possible feasible ans~ers ~ust co~p~y ~ith the

exist ing res o urce 'inputs on the far~ and these
~h i ch the farm is in a po siti on t o de;"elop o r WHAT IS LISEAR PR O GRA~~ISG

acquire from out side. ~oreover . these decisi o ns

~ust have an end result. a ta rget . ~a~age~ent Li near p r ogra~rning
is a ~athematical pl anning
has to make decisions because resources are techniq~e ba sed on ~atrix a!gebra and i s best
limited and theref or e ~ust be opt i~a lly co~bined suited t o a computer . It produces planning
to provide the desired outcome each time . 7 ~ e ~odels ~hich pro~ide a decision mak ing tool to
guides to a manager ' s decisions are data ind icate the Kay a farm should op erate in o rder
informat ion l a nd the techn i ques ',.,'hich process t o achieve certain specific objec t ive s . It is
usef~l in fish farm planning because it deter-
Data 1S considered here as lOW - lev el, el~~ental, ~ines the combina ti on o f pr oduction option s
unprocessed, quantified representati on of facts. { acti\'ities l and the ir producing techniques which
wh ereas information results fr om the proce SS ing will ~aximise revenue, and minimise s th e
o f da ta.
244 P. \'anarigos and \1. T. Hurne

production costs by the most efficient allocation Within both o f these two categories t he fish farms
of resources among the activities in a plan. The may be distinguished according to their culture
computer input must be arranged in an LP matrix systems as fo llows:
which is simply a tabulated form of the farm's
a) t ho se farms where fish grading and their
data required to identify the planning prob lem .
subsequent grouping according to size and
In o ther words, the real l ife situation is
growth potential is possible. In such cases
expressed in a way that the LP programme can
fish growth can be monitored realistically
understand in ord er t o work out the op timum
and these are obvious ly farms operating tank
solution .
o r cage culture systems.
b) those fish farms , opera ti ng mainly fish-pond
USING LP ON THE INDIVID UAL PISH FARM systems where fish grading is extremely
difficult and theref ore not a practical
The fish farm businessman will be concerned with proposition. The fish remain in the same
decisions as to what quantities of which fish o f product i on unit / pond from their very ea rly
what sizes should be produced at certain times stages o f growth until harvest, and their
and how much capacity his farm will require at growth is f o recast according t o the farm's
various pOints in time in order to achieve his past performance rec o rds.
targets. Linear programming will choose fr om a
Linear programming may be employed in all of the
series of options and provide an optimum s olu -
above cases since it is able to produce an ideal
tion based upon the current internal (his own
solution in every planning situation according t o
farm's producti o n affairs) and external
the specified management objec ti ves , providing
(markets) situation. This suggested strategy can
that the farm's environment is realistically
be checked and revised as circumstances change.
represented in a suitable LP matrix.
Using a microcomputer it is now possible to trans-
late farm data into LP models . Realistic models
can be set-up and the results can be best inter-
preted in terms of the particular farm's needs
since the fish farmer can 'feel' and balance
'Trout Fisheries Ltd.' is an imagi nary fish farm
correctly what the computer suggests for the farm
which operates on circular tanks and produces
and formulate the computer input according to his
tr o ut fingerlings for restocking other farms
own field experience.
producing table f ish. Imperial mea sur e ment
units (used throughout this analysis) or metric
Therefore, the system is planned for use by the
may be used.
fish farm manager himself with a minimum of
interference from anyone external to his business
Parm Description
environment, such as farm consultants or public
advisory services.
Tank capacities. The tanks o n the farm were
separated into groups by diamete r; there were
five tanks of 30ft diameter and twenty tanks of
1 2 ft diameter. The water depth in these tanks
was maintained constant throughout the year
The microcomputer LP package which was used and 3
providing a total capacity of about 17,690 ft
is currently recommended thro ugh this study is
water all year round (a minimum water supply was
'LPWYE' developed at Wye College (University of
assumed to be guaranteed by the local water
London ). It was developed for purely scientific
authority, a fairly common situa ti on) .
and teaching purposes in an agricultural college
by scientists with experience in farming.
Pish egg supplies and egg costs. The farm was
Therefore, is suited to agriculture and uses
able to produce a maximum of lm eggs a year from
agricultural terminology. It was se lected
its own brood stock, but could also import eggs
because it is easy to ope rate, very cheap, and,
from abroad, mainly from Denmark and the U.S.
apart from the standard optimal s o lution, it
The anticipated egg input costs were as follows:
provides a v ery useful amount of additional o ut-
put. The maximum matrix size offered is Own pr oduc ed eggs Sl . O per ' 000 ,
appropriate for solving reasonable agricultural Dani sh imported eggs $3. 0 pe r ' 000,
problems in practice. The package is wel l US imported eggs cost Sll.0 per ' 000 .
documented, fast in operation and available for
Definition o f the production o ptions ( activities)
the most popu la r microcomputers (CP/ M and MS DOS
The identification of al l the possible final
o perating systems ) .
fingerling sizes wh ich might be produced on the
farm, should account for the different growth
potential among the fish o f a given population.
The fingerlings came from either of th ree batches
of eggs ( ie. o wn eggs, eggs imported from Denmark
Because of the different management objectives
and from the US) hatched o n the farm at certain
which pre vail in individual far ms it is necessary
periods ~ the ye ar. However, not a l l of the
to define two broad categ o ries of fish farm
fish wh ic h started t ogether c on tinued to grow
planning en v ir onments:
equally efficient l y throughou t , and as a resu l t
1. Pish farm units whic h produce variable of this gr owth variation fish grading and putting
products, for example, farms producing fish of similar size together wa s practiced. As
finger li ngs which may be so ld at various fish of similar growth potential tended event-
sizes for restocking other farms, or farms ually to be gathered together, they showed
which produce mo re than o ne aquatic species. similar growth thereafter, thus , several dif-
ferent fish sizes might b e produced at the same
2. Pish farm units which produce a predeter-
mined level and kind of product (o r ideally
due to market demand should standardise
Three distinct categories of fish, fast, average
their output), for example, farms producing
and slow growing were c o nsidered according to
table-fish, smolt producers etc.
.-\ppiirat ion of L inear Programm ing

their growth potential. These came from the same could be expected, so, the egg costs for all
initial batch/o rig in and were eventually isolated three fingerling origins, allowing for the above
thr ough grading. Therefore, although a continu - mortality rate, were:
ous fish-size distribution i n the t o tal popula-
- 'Home' produced eggs. S 1. 67 per '000,
tion might be expected, consistent grading, apart
- Danish imported eggs, S 5 ,0 0 per ' 000.
from the well accepted benefit of improving the
- US imported eggs, S1 8.33 per ' 000
food conversion, grouped the fish by their gr ow-
ing efficiency and narr owed down the size devia-
tion within each category. Thus, it was neces- Prices of the fish farm produce. No seasonal
sary t o recognise three different fish sizes fro~ variation was assumed for th e farm gate prices
each egg batch. This was taken into acc ount in for the same size of fish of the same batch
the poss ibilities under consideration f o r the origin. the pr oduction plan assumed the following
pr oduction planning process. prices ( excluding transport costs) :

Obviously, the relevant percentages o f fast, Pingerling size sold. Parm gate price
average, and slow growing fish within the same Nos / lb ($ )
batch should be revealed fr om the fish farm's
Danish / USA Own
hist oric al records.
lOO / lb 27 .4 31. 5
However, market supply and demand forces make 60/1b 30 .8 35.4
quite clear t o an alert fish farm manager the 16 / 1b 6 1. 4 70.6
marketable sizes at which he should expect or
prefer to sell his fingerlings. In this Transport costs were excluded from the model
imaginary case, the market situation dictated because no stable pattern could be assumed for
that fingerlings could be expected to sell in them . In any case, the cost of deliveries would
combinations of the following sizes: be charged to the customers, so there was no
reas on to allow for it in the LP matrix.
small size 100/lb fish,
average size 60/ 1b fish, and
Pish farm labour restricti ons. The workforce on
large size 16 / 1b fish.
the farm imposed some restrictions o n the produc-
The information about the fish growth together tion plan since available labour was a relatively
with the information about what the customers scarce resource. With the current labour force
wanted, formed the production options which were situation on the farm, accepted at least as far
ope n to the farm manager. as the next producti on period was concerned,
there was a limit on the biomass which could be
Estimation of food costs. Por reasons of sold/handled in anyone month's overall
insufficient data fr om rea l situations, rather activities. Moreover, there was a maximum level
than for simplicity, the fish food conversion of fish sales from anyone size group in each
was assumed equal f o r all fingerlings irrespec- month , which was jointly determined by the market
ti v e o f egg origin or timing of production cycle demands, the availability o f transport, and the
and even irrespective of the naturally occ uring existing workforce capacity. So , some
variability in growth potential among the fish additional constraints t o the plan were defined
of a certain batch which caused some fish to as follows:
reach a specific size earlier than others. The
Maximum biomass limit of 15, 000 lbs. to be
food cost for each size o f fish sold was
s old/h andled in any one month ove rall
calculated assuming a base line PCR o f 1.3
acti vi ties,
throughout the production cycle. Obvio usl y , the
food cost coefficient was influenced by the Maximum level of sales i n anyone size group
assumptions made about the PCR value. within each month set at 200 , 000 fish at
16 / lb, 380,000 fish at 60/l b, and 480,000 fish
The f oo d costs of the various activities were at lOO /lb.
calculated as foll ows:
At this pOint, with the assumptions, constraints
- for 100 / lb fingerlings s 5.30 4 per 1, 000 and activities defin ed above, the LP matrix
60 / lb S 7 .278 could be constructed; that is these parameters
16 / 1 b S22.208 could be presented to the compu ter in a f o rm
which it was capable of processing.
Allowance f or mortalities. The mortalities were
assumed to be independent of the duration of The matrix which was finally constructed
production, the time it started, and of the final included twenty nine (2 9 ) alternati v e production
fish size produced , that is , as if all deaths optio ns ( activities ) and thirty six (36) con-
occurred at the very initial stages and were not straints. A small section o f it is shown in Pig.
affected seasonally. In reality mortalities I, which reveals the arrangement of the para-
differed according to pr oduction timing, fish meters. The matrix appears as a rectangular area
strain and duration of production cycle. but with rows and columns. Each column represents
limited data records prevented this ~etail in one 'activity' and each row represents one
be ing included in the matrix. The pla~ assumed 'c o nstraint '. The relationship between a con -
that f o r a given end number of live fingerlings straint and an activity is expressed by the
t o be produced. a larger amount o f eggs sh oul~ be coefficient wh i ch has these as coordinates .
int r oduc ed at the start o f the production cycle
in ord er t o of fset the mortality losses thr ough- Revealing the ~atrix Logic
out the pr o cess o f r eari ng the fish.
An explanation of how the fish farm environment
was represented in the matrix and some problems
In the LP matrix the cost of ~ortalities ~as
~hich may oc cur fr om time t o time are described
taken into account by adjusting th e egg cost
value to allow sufficient eggs to guarantee a
target number of fish af ter mo rtality had
The farm gate prices f orm the Set Revenue
oc curred. The fish farm records suggested that a
figures since the major va riable costs were
40.01 mortality rate for all origins of fish

accounted for separate ly in the matrix. T~o majo r more than a un it ( ' 000) o f eggs was required for
variable cost items were included: the production of one unit ('000) of fish.
Specifically , in th i s model . ~ith 40% mo rtali -
Egg purchasing or producing costs 10VACOST
ties, 1,670 eggs wer e needed t o produce 1,000
row a nd column ) ,
Pood costs ( POODCOSTS row and column I .
The calculation of the coefficients f o r the
The fa r m was supposed to borrow from an unl imited
' POODCOST ' r ow needed to take into consideration
capital source, say a friendly bank mana ger,
th e food conversion efficiency o f the fish. Por
wh ich charged 13 . 5% per annum on the a moun t bor-
e xample . for 1 . 000 fish of the ' OJUL 10 0 '
rowed. This flexible assumption was built using
activity (No 5' to be produced , 55.304 for food
the first two acti vi ties (Ovacost Foodcost I which I
was needed, which equals , wei g ht of 1, 00 0 fish
were combined with the first two constraint rows
ie. l Olb! * 'FCR ie . 1. 3! * (cost of a unit o f
and bearing the same names to indicate clearly
f ood weight le. 50.408 ' lb), Therefore, the
that they were dependent on each othe r. These
' FOODCOST ' row coefficient for the above
constraints were used in the form o f "tie lines '!,
activity was 5 .3 04 .
They were supplied with capital by the first two
relevant activities . The ' supply' element was
The names given to the activities in the matrix
shown by the - l (negative) value of the corre-
may seem very strange. but these are created by
sponding coefficients built into the body of the
the model user himself and must be informative
matrix. That is, for each unit (5 1 1 of capital
and unambiguous whilst being no more than eight
needed for a particular purpose , o ne uni t of
cha racters in length. Par example, the name of
capi t al ($) was supplied for this purpose.
activity No 4 iOJUL601 was derived from three
Moreover, these resource rows were charge d 13 . 5% ,
pieces of information . The egg o r ig in, the
that is, $0.135 for each 51 o f capital supplied.
month of fish sale , and the size o f the fish
This was shown by a negative ( - 1.1 35) Net
sold. So . 0-JUl. - 60 i s: - from Own eggs - sold in
Revenue value of these supplying activities whi ch
JULY - at 601lb .
in fact represented cost of capital .


1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 1D
$1 $1 ' ODD ' 000 ' 000 ' 000 ' 000 ' 000 ' 000 '000
Net Re venues - 1. 135 -1 .135 31.500 35.400 31,500 70.600 35,400 31 , 500 70 , 600 70.600

1 oVAC05T $1 0 . 000 1 - 1,000 1.670 1.670 1 . 670 1 . 670 1 , 670 1.670 1 ,670 1.670
2 FoOOC05 T $1 0.000 1 -1 . 000 5 , 304 7.278 5 . 304 22 , 208 7,278 5.304 22 . 208 22.208
3 JANIlIVOL FtJ 17690 . 000 1 16 .622
4 FE8WVOL Ft3 17590.000 1 16.622
5 MARWVOL FtJ 17690 . 000 1 0 .562 0 . 562 0.562 16 .622 0.562 0,562 0 . 562
6 APRWVDL Ft3 17690 .000 1 2.439 2 . u39 0.943 17 . :84 0 , 94 3 0 .562 2 ,439 0 . 943
7 MAYWVOL Ft3 17690 . 000 l 2.941 2 . 941 2 , 577 17 ,565 2,577 0 , 343 2.941 2 , 577
8 JUNWVoL Ft3 17690 . 000 1 7 . 955 7 , 955 2 , 941 30,495 2 . 9u l 2,577 7 , 955 2,941
9 JUlWVOL FtJ 17690.000 ) 16.522 7 . 955 39.063 7 .955 2,941 16 , 622 7 . 955
10 AUGWVOL FtJ 17690.000 1 7 . 955 16 . 622 7.955 27.917 15.622
11 SEPWVDl FU 17690 . 000 1 9.944 36.127 27.917
12 oCTWVoL FtJ 17690.000 1 12.401 36.127
13 NoVWVoL FtJ 17690.000 1 16.622
14 oECWVoL FU 17590.000 l 16.522
15 oEGGFAST ' DOG 200.000 1 1,670 1 .6 7 0 1 , 670

16 OEGGAVER ' 000 SOD ,000 1.570 1 . 57C 1 .670
17 oEGG5LOW '000 300.0;]0 1 .67;] , . 67:
18 oEGGF A5 T ' 000 300.000 l
19 DEGGAVER '000 750 , 000 1,
20 oEGGSLoU; ' 000 4So, QJo ,
21 UEGGFAST ' 000 200.000 ;
22 UEGGAVER '000 500 . 000
23 UEGGSLow '000 300.000
24 JAN8lOM 1La 15ooe.000
25 FE8810M 1 ~a , 5000. DOG
26 :'I'\ARB~ om '_3 ~ 50OG . 000
27 APR9~S ."" : -~ • 5000.00:
28 .~,A¥8i~iY!

29 JUN9:J." ,;~3
15CKJC. JOO , 1::. J::::::;
,;u~a::J ''''
, -- • SClOO. 'JQ:
; S:iJG. JJJ
, ;::: I:;::"?
~2 . 5 :~
, ~. 3!:" 1 : • .::.::
32 SEP9!2fV' ' S::::: . :'J:
. . :::" ~ SJ:G . 2:C 02. o:~
33 J:Ta : O~
-52. S2:
34 "'O V8 : :!!'" ::...e · SO:J . :r::c
35 J:::3IO"Y' -- · SJS: . J::J ,
35 :0:" 5 2:: . :JC

Fig. 1. The secti o r. o f the LP ::-:atr:'x ~rE";::. a:"'ed ~- G r ':-r G"...:::: ::-:s::e r: es LtC!'
sho\\'ing the c o r.strair.ts ar.d : he [:1"3: tec. act:":i:::ies

The coefficients ( positive l built int o the ~ o dy ~:-:e ",,' \ «JL ' '~:!'": ic:, star:ds f o r the :""ater
::-.c.: :;tr.:y
the ~atrix represen ted ho~ many uni ts of a ·. · : :~~ec o r.strair.t restricted the pl an to a void
resource - constraint ~ere needed for the prod~c ­ e xc ee~:'ng tte ~ater a~c~r:t a\'ailable each ~ o nth.

ti on of on e unit o f an activity. For exa~ple. :~e c c efficients a1 Jng each o f t~ese t~elve ro~s
the calcula t ion of the coefficients acr o ss the ex~resse~ for e~e~v acti~it~ the ~onthlv ~ater V

' O\'ACOST' ro ~ embraced the assu ~ ed fish ~ o rta li ­ re~"':ire:::e:1ts :;; ·. .;a; er L:fi its 1 ft 3 ) o f ~ne unit !

ties during the production of each activity. ,' 000 ~f fis~ at their current stage of gr ow th
The cost of eggs requ i red for the prodcction of each t~:::e. ? c r exa ~ p l e . O ~e un it of the
o ne unit ( '000 fish) of an activity producing activit~· ~o 3 ie . ' CJlX10 G' ~eeded 2 . ~39 units
fish from a Danish egg batch ~as 55,0. in s p ite 'ft) e f ':·~.':"Ri.· \·OL ' . S o , 1 , 'j(J I) fingerlings ,
o f the normal cost of 53, 0: ' 000 eggs, ~ecause ~ ~~ch ca~e fro~ J ~~ pr oduced eggs and which were
Application of Linear Programming 247

intended to be sold in June at lOO/lb., occupy had been restricted in order to accept 50
2 . 339 ft 3 of water during March. These coef- 'average' and 30 's low ' fish for every 20 'fast'
ficients were calculated for each month based on ones produced, it would still not be possible in
data of the fish average size in that particular practice to instruct which of the several
month and on the fish farmer's policy on stock- 'average' or 'slow' activities to combine with
ing densities practiced for fish of that average any specific 'fast' activity. Therefore, the
size range. It is essential therefore that the techniques used when planning traditional farm
growth pattern expected should be clear from the production, such as the use of "proportional
farm's data records. In essence, built into the constraints l1
that is , constraint rows which give

LP matrix, was the month l y growth pattern of the and receive 'permissions ' for activities to be
fish and the policy on fish densities which produced (Barnard and Nix, 1979), did not solve
depended on the different fish sizes. So, the this particular problem. Another way would be to
monthly 'WVOL' coefficients expressed how much compound several activities of each cate g o ry
water space was needed by 1,000 fish of the together but since it is possible in practice
given average size at the density stocked. to include only a few of such combinations in the
matrix, the planning flexibility, which is needed
Si nce the production cycle of some activities for a true optimum solution, is lost.
extended to more than a year, some monthly
coefficients were the compound of the water needs The above problem stemmed from a basic theoretical
in the same month but for the successive years property of linear programming, that of
into which the production cycle extended. additivity (o r independence of the various
activities in the matrix). This problem arises
The constraint rows numbered 15 to 23 all dealt in cases where if one activity is introduced into
with the fish egg resources of the farm. Por the plan, then a nother must be brought in as well
each egg supply source (Own produced, Danish and because the activities are not independent.
U.S. imported) there were three constraint rows
each representing a growth intensity group of The solution to this problem, which did not allow
fish expected from each batch of eggs, namely the computer to 'corrupt' the optimum strategy,
' PAST' J 'AVER', and 'SLOW' fish. The proportions was to adjust the relevant amount of eggs of the
of these fish-growth groups were indicated by different groups in the matrix in such a way that
the relative maximum limits set for them. These the computer Simply accepted all offered eggs in
expecte d proportions, as the farm records whatever quantities they were offered and in the
showed, were 20% for 'Past' fish, 50% for desired proportions between 'fast', 'average'
'Average' fish and 30% for 'Slow' fish. and 'slow' fish that orig i nated from them. This
may often necessitate some preliminary runs of
The final restraint was egg availability. The the programme and subsequent amendments of the
farm was able to produce lm 'Own' eggs, to egg resource maximum limits.
import 1.5m 'Danish' eggs and lm 'U.S.' eggs.
The upper limits of all of these restraints were Regarding the finite capacity of the fish farm's
those shown in the LP matrix. workforce, constraints had been imposed on the
maximum quantity of biomass to be sold or hand-
The coefficients across these rows tied up only led for sale each month. These monthly, 'BIOM'
with the relevant activities , (eg . 'DEGGPAST' constraint rows were related to the activities
coefficients have been derived from only the by coefficients which were calculated as the
'Past' Danish fish origin activities). These amount o~ biomass of one unit ('000) of fish at
coefficients also depicted the assumed 40% the assumed fi~al average size. Si n ce each
mortality rate and for every unit ('000) of fish individual activity would produce fish ready for
they revealed a need for 1.67 units ('000) of sale on one particular month only, it was
eggs ie. 1,670 eggs. obvious that it needed only be related to the
particular biomass maximum constraint row which
However, a very interesting point must be stres- represented that particular month. Por example,
sed here. Although it was possible to group the activity No. 5 produced 100 / lb fish in July and
egg resources accordi n g to the future growth therefore demanded 10/lbs out of the total
performance of the fish which would come from handl ing capac i ty in that month (' JULBIOM'
them, the computer was unable to ' understand ' coefficient for activity 5 is 10.0).
that these three growth categories of fish that
had been defined should be produced jointly! Pinally, as described in the introduction to the
that is 20 'fast' fish might be produced only farm's planning environment, there were con-
if another 50 'average' and 30 'slow' were al'!..9. straints on the total monthly amount of fish
produced. So, if the other resources on farm sold from each particular activity. Since to
were suitable, the programme might very well all ow for this would necessitate the additional
produce an artificial optimal solution where in clusion of as many more constraint r ow s as the
there might be , say, only fast growing fish and number of activities in the matrix, and since
the accepted proportions (in this case 20% fast, most of them would eventually prove 'slack' -or
50~ average, and 30% slow fish) would be ignored. non-participating in the plan-, it was found to
be better to obtain a first provisional solution
Similar problems are also encountered in arable and then check it. If some activities were
farming where crop rotations, that is, the included at an excess level then constraints
proportions and sequences of various crops should be introduced for these only. Then the
through the years must be planned. In arable solution was checked again until there were no
farming, the end product of each cropping 'abuses' of the assumptions in it. In fact only
activity is standard ( wheat grain, potato, etc.) one - the 36th - such constraint was required
and the production cycle is well established. in the example case.

However, in fish farming, and in this model in A complication may arise when planning a
particular, a set of different activities (' fast', fish farm's production, especially on farms
IaverageI slow
I I was defined but these
I ) 1 where grading of fish is possible and fish of
activities also had variable end products (dif- similar sizes are brough together. There are
ferent final fish sizes ) . So, even if the matrix defined production units - circular tanks - of
248 P. \ 'an'arigos and ~1. T. Home

certain water capacities. When a number of fish If the fish origins were ignored and the sizes
of a specific size is transferred to a tank, sold overall concentrated on, then, the farm was
then no more fish may be added to this tank supposed to sell in total about 2, 100 ,000
unless they are of a similar size. Therefore, it fingerlings.
is obvio us that in such cases the space within a 16 / lb,
49 . 0% at the size of
tank may be only partly utilised and the stocking
26.3% 60 / lb
densities of the fish lower than normal. lOO/lb .
However, the LP programme assumes continui t y of The total cost of produced and imported eggs was
the water resource. Therefore, it may divide the $16,467.
water supply into arbitrary units which hold just
the appropriate number of fish at the precise The total food cost assuming an overall FeR of
densities each time. Although the computer logic 1/ 1.3 was $29,500.
favours a very efficient water utilisation, this
is sometimes unfeasible in practice especially The above figures bear a capital charge of 13.5%,
for farms with a few large tanks. In such cases that is, $6 , 218 total capital cost for bank
the computer produces an artefactual situation charges . The total Net Revenue achieved at farm
where different groups of fish may be allocated gate prices was $46,804 and, if we subtracted
different portions of water within the same tank . the 13.5% capital cost charges, the revenue
figure would become $53,022 which allowe d f or
One answer to this problem is to include a food and egg costs but not for the transport of
monthly constraint regarding the total fish bio- fish.
mass that the farm as a whole is able to hold at
anyone time. Such a total monthly "MAXBIOM" Slack constraints. The monthly breakdown of
constraint is related t o all, fish-producing, the resources, which proved to be more than
activities and for all months . It was inevitable enough for the optimum plan, and the amount of
that when this constraint was introduced plenty their surplus , was give n in the output under the
of water seemed to remain unusued, which was heading of " Slack constraints" shown in Fig. 3 ·
actually correct Since the ideal stocking
densities could not be followed consistently. The water surpluses were based on the initial
assumption that a constant 17,690 ft 3 water level
Another effective solution to the same problem was maintained on the farm throughout the year
would be to estimate the water which remained and a part of the surplus was certa i nly due t o
unused every month on farm due to the unavoidable the imposed maximum biomass carrying-capacity
inefficiencies of the stock management schedule in order to account for the inevitable
and then subtract it from the monthly water inefficiencies of the stocki ng schedule.
availab l e. This would cause the computer to
calculate in terms of less water available and Another resource in surplus was the mon thly bio-
its opti mum allocation among the fish groups mass handling and selling capacity, which was
would not create any further problems. With given a maximum limit of 15,000 lbs . ThUS, it
this latter approach a smaller LP matrix could seemed that labour was not at all restricted, as
be produced since the twelve extra constraint far as hand l ing fish for sale was concerned, and
rows necessary to restrict the monthly maximum could be shifted elsewhere.
biomass would be avoided.
Activities not in optimal plan. The section
Interpretation of the LP Solution titled "Activities not in optimal plan" in the
'LPWYE' output (Fig. 4) lists all those
The op timum plan . The selection of the best production possibilities which were not included
possible activities by the computer in terms of
in the optimum plan, and states the Ne t Revenue
what , how mUCh, and when to produce was based on
needed (in this case the farm gate prices)
the relative demands of the activities on the before these activities could be considered for
avai l able resources (such as water, biomass
inclUSion, all other assumpti o ns being equal.
handling capacity, etc.), their costs in terms
of egg production or purchase, their relative
When assessing the pricing system for the dif-
mortali t y rates, their foodcosts, the farm gate ferent pr oducts their relative prices and their
prices they were sold at, and the resource's demands on inputs must be considered. Since the
relative scarcity. pricing system used assumed equal prices for the
same sizes of fish (even though they were pro-
When the model described was run the optimum plan duced during different peri ods of the year) the
was as shown in Fig. 2 .
assessment o f activities dealing with fish of the
same size was based only on their relative
Some rounding of the results should be made, resource requirements. Por example, if it was
since linear programming does not "think" in necessary, for a particular product, to use a
terms of integer activity levels. This happens price which was dictated by market circumstances
because divisibility (or continuity ) is a con - or personal intu ition, then the model's informa -
ceptu al property of LP which assumes that tion would show whether this price would be
resources and activities are divisible into
acceptable given the demands which the pr oduct
infinitesimally small units. made on the pool of resources compared with the
return obtained from other product possibilities
In the ab ove plan the suggested optimum was that
which competed for the same resources. This
600,000 fingerlings should be produced from element of "opportunity cost" is clearly built
1, 000,000 eggs using own facilities all owing for into the logic of planning production using the
40% mortalities. From 1,500,000 eggs imported
linear programming technique.
from Denmark 900,000 "Danish" fingerlings should
be produced, and 1 , 000,000 imported eggs from the Sensitivi ty analysis. In 'the plan' secti on of
US would give 600,000 fingerlings both with a the output (Fig. 2) along with the activities in
40~ mortality rate. Of all the ab ove produced
the opt imal plan, there was additi onal,
fish, 20% were expected to grow fast, 50~ to sensitivity analysiS, that is information which
grow at an average pace, and 30% to grow slowly. stated the range of net revenues (f arm gate
.-\pplication of Linear Programming 249

Maximum value of Net Revenue 46803.803 - -

The Plan : N.R . range for which each activity level stays constant
********** (with the incoming variable)

Level Lower limit Present Upper limit


FOODCOST $1 29590.560 -1 .191 (UEGGSLOW) -1.135 -1.077 (OJUL60

OJUL16 ' 000 171.701 70 .340 (OJUL60 ) 70.600 71.653(OAUG60
UMAY60 '000 106.898 29.640(UMAR100 ) 30.800 31.732 (O AUG60
OAUG100 '000 7.940 30.447(OAUG60 ) 31.500 31.760(OJUL60
DSEP100 ' 000 200 . 683 27 .1 92(OJUL60 ) 27.400 28.245(OAUG60
DNOV60 '000 53.353 29.741 (OAUG60 ) 30.800 31.425(00CT16
OSEP16 ' 000 89.824 66 . 773(OAUG60 ) 70.600 71.544(OJUL60
OVACOST $1 16467.066 -1.150 (UEGGSLOW) -1.135 O.OOO(OVACOST
DAPR16 '000 179.641 53.586(DAUG100 ) 61.400 OPEN
OJUN100 '000 29.936 31.397 (O JUL60 ) 31.500 35.327 (O AUG60
DFEB60 'ODD 269.461 30.046(DJUL16 ) 30.800 OPEN
UMAR60 '000 119.760 30.472 (UEGGFAST ) 30.800 OPEN
UAUG16 '000 192.503 60.468(OAUG60 ) 61.400 80.161 (00CT6D
UMAY100 '000 179.641 27 .1 20(UEGGSLOW) 27.400 OPEN
DJUN16 '000 195.066 57.232 (OAUG60 ) 61.400 61.699 (OJUL60
OJUL100 ' 000 99.401 31.139(OAUG60 ) 31.500 33.786 (00CT16
00CT16 '000 200 . 000 68.314(00CT16 ) 70.600 OPEN

Pig. 2 . The optim a l plan derived from the model

Slack constraints
Lower limit Surplus [Upper limit Surplus

JANWVOL ft3 17690.000 2451.048

FEBWVOL ft3 17690.000 727.406
MARWVOL ft3 17690.000 1947.795
MAYWVOL ft3 17690.000 2955.074
APRWVOL ft3 17690.000 922.765
JULBIOM 1LB 15000.000 3274.682
NOVWVOL ft3 17690 .000 4237.501
DECWVOL ft3 17690.000 2870.090
JUNBIOM 1LB 15000.000 2509.022
JANBIOM 1LB 15000.000 15000.000
FEBBIOM 1LB 15000.000 10508.892
MARBIOM 1LB 15000.000 13003.952
APRBIOM 1LB 15000.000 3772.455
MAYBIOM 1LB 15000.00011421.926
AUGBIOM 1LB 15000.000 2889.143
SEPBIOM 1LB 15000.000 7379.166
OCTBIOM 1LB 15000.000 2500.000
NOVBIOM 1LB 15000.000 14110 .765
DECBIOI'II 1LB 15000 .000 15000.000

Fig. 3 . The 'slack constraints' s ection

of the LP output
250 p, \ 'a n 'a rigos and ~I . T. Horne

Acti vities not in optimal plan upper limit figure of an activity the first cand i-
****************************** date am ong the other acti v ities, some units of
Present N.R . needed which had to be sacrificed in order to allow the
N.R. befo re entry inclusion in the pla n of more uni ts of the former,
was mentioned in bracket s .
OJUL60 '000 35.400 35.515
OAUG60 '000 35.400 35.761 Binding constraints. Inf ormat i on was provided
00CT60 '000 35.400 39.245 under the output secti o n of "Bi nding constraints"
OAUG100 '000 27.400 35.214 concerning all those resources wh ich were com-
OSEP60 '000 30.800 42.516 pletely ut i lised i n the plan and whic h more ove r
USEP16 '000 61.400 70.258 proved t o be scarce, thus dicta t i ng the computer's
00CT100 '000 27.400 28.560 'decisi on' on the final form of the plan.
OJUL16 '000 61.400 62.154
UNOV100 '000 27.400 28.560 An important attribute of a bi ndin g constraint
UMAR100 '000 27 .400 28.560 is the concept of its Marginal Value Pro du ct ( MVP)
UJUL16 '000 61.400 62.154 which is defined as the am ount of extra net
UJUL60 '000 30 . 800 35.174 re ve nue which is added t o the final (op tim um)
s o luti on for each extra un i t of binding restraint
that is made available .
Pig. 4. Activities excluded fr om
the p lan Acc o rding t o the defin i tion o f MVP those con -
straints with a positive value reveal that the
pr o gramme wo u ld pref e rential l y accept more than
prices) within which the included activities the level imposed if more were available. It
would remain constant in the plan at the chosen would then produce a final ne t reve nue figur e,
levels. It would be worth changing the pr oduc - increased by the amount o f t he MVP for every extra
tion plan on l y if t h e re venues were t o g o bey ond unit o f scarce resource which would be made
these limits. This information on permissible available. Co nstraints with negative MVP v al ues
net revenue changes was used to assess the sta- for every extra unitar y increa se o n their i mposed
b ilit y o f the optim um plan and large ranges l evel, would bring the total NR figure down by
indicate a much more 'confident' pl an. Thus , the the amount of thei r MVP.
ana l ys is of the activities included in the p lan
r evealed the degree of their advisibility when Therefore, when imposing on the plan more of a
pr ices cha ng e , and, if the difference between the factor with a negative MVP, LP warns t hat the
present net reve nue figure and the lower l imit so l uti on shifts away from the optimum. The
of it was large, then it meant that the acti v ity opp o site applies when the c omputer is free t o
was relatively ov erpriced . On the other hand, select greater l evels of those factors which
in the ' Activities not in the optimal plan' bear a positive MVP.
se c tion of the outp u t (Pig. 4), the prices needed
by the rejected activities in order t o be c o n- The "Binding constra i nts" sect i on , shown in Pig . 5
sidered for inc l usion re vealed by how much their o ffere d the MVP values f or each exhaus ted
current price needed to go up f or them t o be res ou rce and a sensiti v ity analysis which stated
competitive with the others in the plan, ie. that t he lowe r and upper lim its fo r the level of the
they were relatively underpriced . res ource that confined the availability of it.
Throughout this rang e the MVP was const ant .
The word "relatively" in the ab ov e analysis means Beside the figures o f the lower Or upper limits,
th at activities are over or underpriced re l ati ve in parentheses, were the names of those resources
to the others in the LP matrix in terms o f their which wou l d go out o f surplus o r t hose activities
demands on scarce resources. which wo uld be first reduced when these limits
were exceeded . Ho we v er, it shou l d be born in
This analysis assumed that there was no c orre l a - mind that all o ther fac t o rs in the plan should be
tion between any o f the acti v ities; i f a pri c e o f assumed t o be independent and remain constant.
one activity changed this would not cause c hanges
in the pr i ce of othe r activities. In genera l the The market environment. Although a plan produced
stability o f one activit y was assessed ass umi ng by l inear pr ogramming may l ook t o tally feasible
that no other factor in the plan a l tered due t o in terms of resources a vailable and of management
the change in the NR of the acti vi ty u nder a t titudes, the questi on o f its app licability lies
examination. mos t ly on t he influences from the marketing
envir o nment. This f a ct o r is external to the fish
In the printout of the plan \ Fi g. 2 ) oeside t h e farm itself, but c o ntributes drastically towar ds
lower Net Re venue limit f i gure of a~ acti vi t y , the f o r ma t i o n o f the pr o duction plan. For the
the name of the ne w incoming activ i ty ~hi c h ~ o ul d present example study it was assumed that there
replace it , or the name o f the res ource ~hich were no such market influences and the plan has
would come into surplus when s ome units o f the been formed assuming equal opportunities for all
former acti v ity were dr o pped o ut , ~as give n in the pr oducts ( activities ) .
brackets. More o ver, in this same sens i tiv i t y
ana lys is of the 'resistance' of an activit y in However, if any market trends existed, whi ch
the plan, the upper limit of the net revenue :hat fa voured one or the other fingerling size and / or
each unit of the activit y should earn for the p la e timing, or if customers ' pref e rences concentra ted
bef o re any ~ o f this acti\'ity was inclu d ed On on e particular pr oduct, then this should be
at the expens e o f some o thers, ~as als o stated. acc ounted for by the fa r m' s management . The LP
In cases wh ere th e word 'aPES' was stated instead matrix should depict such external impo siti o ns
of a figure, it meant that the plan used u p the and allow for them in the form of con straint
maximum amount allowed o f that acti v ity by t h e limits ( minimum, maximum or even equal it y co n-
most con strai ning res ource and the com puter would s traints ) , which would co ntri bute t owards the
ha ve accepted more of it i f it could. Bes i de the for mat io n o f an o ptimum p l an s ui table for the rea l
:\pplic<ltion of Linear ProgTamming 251

market situation. In this discussion the fish SUITAB I LITY Of LP WHEN PLANNING fISH
farming business that was modelled was fARM PRODUCTI ON
insufficiently large to be able to inf luenc e or
regulate the market. If this assumption did not When fish farm production is planned the main
hold then it would be economically beneficial t o co ncern is with the strategic plann ing and co n-
impose its plan on the customers rather than t o trol of production rather than the analysis of
conform to their preferences. For example, a the technical efficiency of production operations.
hatchery supplying the market with fingerlings at Linear programming is not supposed t o show the
times when there is vi rtua lly no competiti o n in way in which certain tasks. such as determining
a specific locality could preferably se ll those the correct feeding levels the fish farmer sh ould
fish sizes which are shown by, linear programm- us e , should be carried out. It accepts the cur-
ing, to be the most profitable to the business. rent producti o n o perati ons and their level of

Binding constraints Resource supply range over which the M.V.P. is constant
******************* (with the outgoing variable)
M.V.P. Lower limit Present Upper limit
$/ unit Level
oEGGSLoW 'ODD 12.772 285.5oo(oAUG1oo 300.000 1323.122(JULBIOM
oVACoST $1 1.135 OPEN 0.000 16467.o66( oVAC05T
oEGGAVER 'ODD 12.948 437.512(oAUG100 500.000 1213.282(JUNBIOM
00CT16 'ODD 2.286 164.317(oJUN1oo 200 .000 214.575(ONOV6o )
FoDDCoST $1 1.135 OPEN 0.000 29590.561 (FOOOC05T)
JUNWVoL ft3 0.378 10642.857(oJUN16 17690.000 19140.295(JUNBIOM )
oEGGFAST 'ODD 12.322 150 .o06 (oJUN10o 200 .000 1679.413 (OJUN16 )
oEGGAVER 'ODD 6.963 513.o29(oJUN10o 750.000 1461.030(OSEP16 )
oCTWVoL ft3 0.11717159.457(oNoV60 17690.000 19685.592(05EP10o )
oEGGSLoW 'ODD 8.611 46.495(OSEP10o 450.000 547.267(FEBWVOL)
oEGGFAST 'ODD 13.212 159.960(OJUN100 300.000 343.249(APRWVoL)
AUGWVoL ft3 0.12217304.801(oAUG100 17690.000 19428.231 (AUGBIOM )
UEGGFAST 'ODD 0.197 0.000(UMAR6o 200.000 325.626(FEBWVoL)
JULWVoL ft3 0.10715869.281(JUNBIOM 17690.000 179B7.662 (OAUG100 )
UEGGSLoW 'ODD 0.168 0.000(UMAY100 300.000 818.545(FEBWVoL)
UEGGAVER 'ODD 0.836 319.388(UMAY60 500.000 656.486(APRWVOL)
SEPWVoL ft3 0.408 15509.214(AUGBIOM 17690.000 18812.307(oJUN100 )

fig. 5 . The ' Binding c o nstraints' section of the ' LPWYE '
printed output

Ho weve r, competiti on is, more usually, a major effici e ncy given in the form of the input - output
factor and i n t he se cases the comput er' s freedom coeff ici ents which are built i nt o the body of the
of choice must be limi ted by imposing decision s LP matrix. However, if the data exists, LP may
in the LP matrix by defining certain production be used to check the impact of alternative
constraints (equalities ) or giving them minimum production techniques and pinpoint pos sible
a cc e ptable values . technical inefficiences of o perati o ns . The LP
s olution will revea l the relative economic
The essential difference bet ween an equality and efficiency of different production methods by
a mi ni mum ( o r a maximum ) con strain t is that selecting, in t he optimal plan, the most profit-
'equalities' do not all ow any sort of f lexibility able o f t hem. The requirement is that inf o rma-
t o the pr ogramm e. They impose exactly the level tion on the alternati ve pr oduc ti on methods for
of the res ou rce entered. Minimum co nstr aints the same outp ut sh ould be built into the model
however, allow the programme to exceed the leve l and f o rm distinct activiti es in the matrix .
i f it 'thinks' it is of benefit, bu t forbid any
reductions to the set level. In fact the matrix LP assists in the decision of the best "pr oduct
may be reforme d in ord er to accept as facts mix" according to some clear idea of the
what~ver product restrictions the ma rketing bu si ne ss's primary obj ecti ve s which in turn
environment dictates. What the computer will determine the obj ect iv es f or production . The
then do is to find the op timum strategy under clear definition of the business's targets
these restrictions . LP will als o give the best reflects the internal characteristics o f the
possible ( l east costly ) resource distribution firm and its expected response to the conditions
for op timum results and a clear indication of the o f its environment. Hence it influences the
imp lic ati o ns that the imposed strategies hav e construction of the model and the interpretation
upon profitability D1VP valu es ) . Such a planning of its results. The actual times wit h in a year
model, where part of the act iv it y l e vels are that a production plan sh ould be generated
fixed while o thers are opt imised , is referred depends on how stable the operating environment
to as a par tial o ptimisati on model. In no case is in terms of internal processes and external
would a partially o ptimised pl an have a higher influence s, that might influen c e the optimum
value in the solut io n than one, virtua l l y the pl an. Forecasts or predictions of future e vents,
same, but with ou t s om e of the production con- li ke th e ov erall gr owth in the market, monthly
strai nt s, that had be en f ully optimi sed. This demand of each product etc., are vi tal when plan-
is made clear by the MVP va lues of the various ning future production. LP provi des a solution
constraints, which show the directi on of the which is su bje ct to subseq uent revisions
ad ju stments needed in the plan in order to move acc ording to the changing circumstances . Any
towards a 'ful l' opt imum. solutions must be interpreted in the broad sense
252 P. \·an·arigos and '.1. T. Home

of providing guidance towards makin g the best s ubjective probab ilities attached t o them. Then
possible decisions. it is up t o the personal ap preciation of risk to
act along the li nes o f the o ne o r the other
The way LP was used in this study is orientated alternative plan. A set o f "security con-
towards impr ovi ng the resource allocation and straints· might be included in the matrix, that
planning of existing fish production activities is impose a certain conservative idea on the
rather than radically restructuring future pro- final plan in o rder to provide for the worse
duction plans. To leave the latter possibility case. Alternatively. the same conservative
open to the model, data about new activities effect on the plan can be achieved by restrict-
never previously attempted o n the farm, must be ing th e res ources in the mo del t o an excessively
found. If such data is generated by f orecasting lo w level. For a f o rmal evaluation of risk,
models, the reliability of which is quest ionable, compl ementary fusk Evaluation Models (REMs) can be
the LP results will be equally doubtfu l . Data o f used ( M.C. Murphy, 1971 ) , but this presupposes
this kind is thought t o be better obta ined either a s oun d dat a base wh ich enables the production
fr om o ther farms whi c h already o perate these o f statistical in f ormation about the pr ob ability
acti v ities and are willing to disclose informa- distribution o f the planning parameters such as
tion, or from experimental agricultural stations g r owth rates, mo rtalities, pric es, costs, etc.
and consulting bodies. With such information available , a LP plan may
be ob tained first using mean expected values and
In the case study a complete production cycle the n the solution tested for v ariation by means
was reflected in the matrix by a monthly break- o f a REM. If the degree of variation is
down of resource requirements and production unacceptable th e so l uti on can be modified to give
scheduling. It wo u ld be a further task for th e lower variation / risk by altering the planning
manager to consider the detail of day-to-day co nstraints and coefficients generally at the
running o f the fish farm in pursuit of the cost o f providing lo wer total net revenue.
o ptimal plan. Suc h an attempt frequently high-
lights the ina dequacy of record-keeping and it is Although LP provides the op t imum planning
this identificati on of data problems that helps solution for every differently defined planning
to impro ve the existing recording system. environment, it should be presumed that the
entrepreneur aims al ways at maximising his
The demands for detailed and accurat e data appear profits since maximum p r ofits need not in all
to be but are definitely not excessive. In fact cases maximise satisfaction. As far as no
the same information is n eeded - although in a assumption is mad e about the individual's
much more inf ormal wa y - for any ot her less psychology or behaviour, it is difficult to
sophisticated farm planning technique, or even decide whether a max im um profit plan as such is
when the whole business management and decision the fish farmer's objec tive. Since material
making is based solely on the farmer's experi- demands are satiable and also because leisure is
ence . The only serious demand of LP is the an essential ingredient o f a good life, not
accurate statement of the problem. If a manager everyone wi l l be willing to put every resource
is so uninformed and u na ble to specify his scarce at hand - and entrepreneurial time is one of the
resources or the likely input - o utput relation- most im portant - into the service of obt aining
ships, his planning efforts, no matter which maximum re v enue. However, it wo uld be sensible
method is used, cannot be surrounded by much to ac cept that after allowing f o r the
confidence. individual's perso nal pursuits, whatever
resources and effort he is wi l ling to put in the
Linear pr o gramming ca n also stand criticisms busi ness, are op timis ed.
regarding s ome basic theoretical and structura l
concepts around which i t has been de v e loped . It ThuS, LP solves a strategic problem which is
might be criticised o n the grounds of its defined according to a planning environment
theoretical inadequacy in representing which perfectly suits the fish farmer's style
realistically a 'real wo rl d ' situation. In fact and business objec ti ve s. The solution is formed
LP provides relatively short-term static by the amount o f res o ur ces that he defines as
s o lutions which assume perfect knowledge of all appropriate f o r his purpose, and by certain
the values which take part in the matrix, a l though quantified conditions which must hold before any
in actual life managing a fish farming system is pl an is put f o rward, such as a minimum amount of
a dynamic process surr o unded by unce rtaint y. personal expendit u re f o r leisure.
There are als o the structural criticisms relating
t o LP's assumpti ons o f linearity and continuity. In summa r y then, the concept of the fish farm
Linear programming cannot handle adequately production planning sys te m given here incorpo-
situations where in teger quantities only are rates the f ollowing p arts:
acceptable and as a matter o f fact, lineal'
relationships are rare in the real world. Pirstly, the data system supplies the necessary
data f o r the constructi o n of the LP matrix. A
But although it deals with straight line factor- wel l organised data system which gathers,
p~Qduct functi ons, ta ki ng successive d~scrctc analyses, st o res and retrieves, information must
linear segments on these functions may precede all serious p l anning efforts. As far as
approximate continuous curves. For example a LP i s concerned, the data system will provide
matrix may ref l ect the monthly fish growth in the manager with the following sets of data for
the form of success iv e 'steps'. Fractional ma trix construction:
quantities in the final plan, where v er inappro-
the production pr oc ess,
priate, may be r ound ed up to the closest integer
res ou rce a v aila bil it y ,
amount, and since no - one may ever be sure of his
pricing and costing,
expectations, sensitivity analyses may be used
alternative producti o n poss i b ilities,
extensively to show how possible changes could
sales and marketing.
affect profitability. It is possible to formu-
late a set of standard s ol uti o ns for different
S ec ondly , it c omp rises the linear programming
states of nature, thus, 'good', 'medium' and
system. This is di vi ded into the hardware,ie .
'bad' plans may be generated and then some
Application of Linear Programming 253

the microcomputer system that the LP pro bl em wi l l env i ronment which is reflec t ed in the matrix.
be run o n, and the software, ie. the LP p ackage It sh o uld be considered as a valuable decision
which is to be employed for the solution. A making tool, which in addition motivates a better
third factor needed may be named "the human organisation of farm data and deeper under-
interface" and incorporates the three b asic standing of the fish farm system as a wh o le. It
functions that the human operator should perform. is hoped that it will become more familiar to the
Namely, maintain comprehensive, accurate records, fish farm managers as a result of the continuing
construct a linear pgoramming natrix and upward trend in the use of microcomputers.
interpret the results. Acc o rding t o o ur research
observations, these functio n s demand the
manager's commitment to master the technique and REFERENCES
are continuously sharpened through experience and
personal involvement. Business orientated per- Arn o ld, G.W. and D. Bennett (1975 ) . The problem
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