CSE4019 Image - Processing ETH 1 AC41

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The key takeaways are that digital image processing deals with manipulating images through computers and covers topics like image models, representation, operations, transforms, enhancement, restoration, segmentation and compression.

The main topics covered in the course include image representation, operations on digital images, image enhancement, digital image restoration, feature extraction, segmentation and compression.

Some image processing techniques discussed are spatial and frequency filtering, histogram processing, discrete Fourier transform, discrete cosine transform, image registration, thresholding and morphological operations.

Image Processing L,T,P,J,C

Subject Code:

Digital images are ubiquitous in today's world, and the number of

images available on the internet is exploding. Images are an important
form of data in many fields. Examples include microscopy in biology,
MRI and CT in medicine, satellite imagery in geology and agriculture,
fingerprint and face images in security and many others. Digital image
processing field deals with manipulation of images through
Course Description
computers, which takes images as inputs, applies an efficient
algorithm and produces images as output. This course introduces to
the students the fundamentals of digital image processing, covering
topics from the following list: image models, image representation,
various operations, transforms, techniques for enhancement,
restoration, segmentation, morphological operations, compression and
image analysis.
1. To provide the students a foundation of digital image processing
2. To build up the capability of implementing various image
Objectives processing algorithms.

1. Apply principles and techniques of digital image processing in

applications related to digital imaging system design and
Expected Outcome analysis
2. Analyze and implement image processing algorithms

1) Having an ability to apply mathematics and science in

engineering applications
2) Having a clear understanding of the subject related concepts
and of contemporary issues
Student Learning
Outcome 5) Having design thinking capability

6) Having an ability to design a component or a product applying

all the relevant standards and with realistic constraints
9) Having problem solving ability- solving social issues and
engineering problems

12) Having adaptive thinking and adaptability

14) Having an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well

as to analyze and interpret data
18) Having critical thinking and innovative skills
Module Topics L Hrs SLO
Image Representation and Image Processing Paradigm -
Elements of digital image processing-Image model
Sampling and quantization-Relationships between pixels-
Connectivity, Distance Measures between pixels - Color image
(overview, various color models)-Various image formats – bmp,
jpeg, tiff, png, gif, etc.
Topological Properties of Digital Images-Histograms, Entropy ,
Eigen Values-Image Quality Metrics-Noise in Images – Sources,
Arithmetic operations - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
Division-Logical operations – NOT, OR, AND, XOR-Set
operators-Spatial operations – Single pixel, neighbourhood,
geometric-Contrast Stretching-Intensity slicing-Bit plane slicing
Power Law transforms
Spatial and Frequency domain-Histogram processing-Spatial
filtering-Smoothening spatial filters-Sharpening spatial filters-
6 9,5
Discrete Fourier Transform-Discrete Cosine Transform-Haar
Transform -Hough Transform-Frequency filtering-Smoothening
frequency filters-Sharpening frequency filters-Selective filtering
Noise models - Degradation models-Methods to estimate the
degradation-Image de-blurring-Restoration in the presence of
noise only spatial filtering-Periodic noise reduction by frequency
7 12
domain filtering-Inverse filtering-Wiener Filtering
Geometrical transformation-Point based methods-Surface based
methods-Intensity based methods
Region of interest (ROI) selection - Feature extraction: Histogram
based features - Intensity features-Color, Shape features-Contour
6 14
extraction and representation-Homogenous region extraction and
representation-Texture descriptors - Feature Selection: Principal
Component Analysis (PCA)
Discontinuity detection-Edge linking and boundary detection-
Thresholding-Region oriented segmentation- Histogram based
6 18
Object recognition based on shape descriptors
Dilation and Erosion-Opening and Closing-Medial axis
transforms-Objects skeletons-Thinning boundaries
Lossless compression versus lossy compression-Measures of the
compression efficiency- Hufmann coding-Bitplane coding-Shift 6 6
codes-Block Truncation coding-Arithmetic coding-Predictive
coding techniques-Lossy compression algorithm using the 2-D
DCT transform-The JPEG 2000 standard – Baseline lossy JPEG,
based on DWT
Project # Generally a team project [3 to 5 members] 60
# Concepts studied should have been used [Non
# Down to earth application and innovative idea should have been attempted Contac
# Report in Digital format with all drawings using software package to be t hr
# Assessment on a continuous basis with a min of 3 reviews.

Projects may be given as group projects

The following is the sample project that can be given to students to be

implemented that could be solved using

1. Image enhancement applications, based on point operations, in grey

scale and color images
2. Object/image recognition applications based on digital image
3. Digital image restoration applications
4. Quantitative and structural image analysis applications based on
binary and grey scale morphology.
5. Contour detection, contour extraction, contour-based object models
6. Region based image segmentation.
7. Image analysis systems for visual inspection tasks (object recognition)
8. Image fusion
9. Image compression
10. Image security – Steganography, Watermarking, Encryption, Hashing

On various image categorie like

1. Natural images
2. Remote Sensing images
3. Medical images
4. Agriculture images
5. Biometric images
6. Synthetic images
7. Fractal images
8. Hyper-spectral images
9. Multispectral images
10. High dynamic range images
11. Thermal images
Text Books
1. Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Third Ed.,
Reference Books
1. William K. Pratt, Digital Image Processing, John Wiley, 4th Edition, 2007.
2. Anil K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall of India, 1997.
3. Sonka, Fitzpatrick, “Medical Image Processing and Analysis”, 1st Edition, SPIE,2000.
Image Processing

Knowledge Areas that contain topics and learning outcomes covered in the course

Knowledge Area Total Hours of Coverage

CS: GV(Graphics and Visualization)/ 12(I-6, II-6) (Module No. – Hours)

CE: DSP11 (Image Processing)

CS:IS (Intelligent Systems) 19 (IV-7, V-6, VII-6)

CS:IM (Information Management)/ 14(III-6, VI-6, VIII-2)

CE:DSP11 (Image Processing)

Body of Knowledge coverage

[List the Knowledge Units covered in whole or in part in the course. If in part, please indicate
which topics and/or learning outcomes are covered. For those not covered, you might want to
indicate whether they are covered in another course or not covered in your curriculum at all.
This section will likely be the most time-consuming to complete, but is the most valuable for
educators planning to adopt the CS2013 guidelines.]

CE DSP11 – Image Processing – Page 90

KA Knowledge Unit Topics Covered (Refer ACM Course Page) Hours

CS: GV/Fundamental Image Representation and Image Analysis 6

GV/ concepts Tasks-Elements of digital image processing-
CE: DSP11/Image Image model, Sampling and quantization-
DSP11 Relationships between pixels- Connectivity,
Distance Measures between pixels-Color image
(overview, various color models)-Various
image formats – bmp, jpeg, tiff, png, gif, etc.

CS: GV/Fundamentals Topological Properties of Digital Images- 6

GV Histograms, Entropy, Eigen Values-Image
Quality Metrics-Noise in Images – Sources,
Arithmetic operations - Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication, Division-Logical operations –
NOT, OR, AND, XOR-Set operators-Spatial
operations – Single pixel, neighbourhood,
geometric-Contrast Stretching-Intensity slicing-
Bit plane slicing, Power Law transforms-Image

CS: IM IM/Multimedia Discrete Fourier Transform 4

Systems Discrete Cosine Transform
Haar Transform
Hadamard Transform
Hough Transform

CS:IM IM/Multimedia Region of interest (ROI) selection-Salient 6

Systems features identification and feature extraction-
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)-Common
features extraction-Histogram based features;-
Intensity features-Color features-Contour
extraction and representation-Homogenous
region extraction and representation-Texture
representation and texture descriptors

CS:IM/ IM/Multimedia Introduction to digital image compression- 7

Systems Lossless compression versus lossy
compression-Measures of the compression
efficiency; Pixels coding-Hufmann coding-
Bitplane coding-Shift codes-Block Truncation
Concepts coding-Arithmetic coding-Predictive coding
techniques-Lossy compression algorithm using
the 2-D DCT transform-The JPEG standard –
Baseline lossy JPEG, Based on DCT
CS: IS/ IS/Perception and Spatial and Frequency domain-Intensity 6
CE: Computer Vision/ transformation functions
DSP11 DSP11/Image Histogram processing-Spatial filtering-
Processing Smoothening spatial filters-Sharpening spatial
filters-Frequency filtering-Smoothening
frequency filters-Sharpening frequency filters-
Selective filtering

CS: IS/ IS/Perception and Degradation models-Methods to estimate the 6

CE: Computer Vision/ degradation-Image de-blurring-Restoration in
DSP11 DSP11/Image the presence of noise only spatial filtering-
Periodic noise reduction by frequency domain
filtering-Inverse filtering-Wiener Filtering,
Geometrical transformation-Point based
methods-Surface based methods-Intensity
based methods

CS: IS IS/Perception and Discontinuity detection-Edge linking and 5

Computer Vision boundary detection-Thresholding-Region
oriented segmentation-Motion based
segmentation-Histogram based segmentation-
Object recognition based on shape descriptors

Total hours 45
Where does the course fit in the curriculum?
[In what year do students commonly take the course? Is it compulsory? Does it have pre-
requisites, required following courses? How many students take it?]

This course is a
 Elective Course.
 Suitable from 4th semester onwards.
 Programming knowledge in MATLAB/OpenCV/Octave/Pyhon/Image
Processing Toolbox is preferred.
What is covered in the course?
[A short description, and/or a concise list of topics - possibly from your course syllabus.(This is
likely to be your longest answer)]

Part I: Digital Image - Fundamentals

It introduces what is digital image processing, basic operations that could be done on
images, various formats of images, colour image models. The properties of images,
other transform based representations of images are also discussed.

Part II: Digital Image Enhancement and Restoration

This section introduces the different types of spatial and frequency domain filters
employed for enhancing the quality of the images for better human perception. It also
discusses the restoration mechanisms which improve the perceptual quality of the
images degraded by motion blur, periodic noise etc.

Part III: Digital Image Processing

This section deals with segmentation of images by different techniques as well as object
recognition. Morphological image processing techniques on binary images are also
covered in this section. Further digital image analysis is also exposed in this section
which handle features extracted from image histogram, colour etc. for various
applications ranging from recognition to security.

Part IV: Image Coding and Compression

This section deals with various coding techniques for storing and transmission of
images. It also discusses various lossy and lossless image compression/decompression
What is the format of the course?
[Is it face to face, online or blended? How many contact hours? Does it have lectures, lab
sessions, discussion classes?]
This Course is designed with 100 minutes of – (i) in-classroom sessions per week, 60
minutes of video/reading instructional material per week, (iii) 200 minutes of non-
contact time spent on implementing course related project. Generally this course should
have the combination of lectures, in-class discussion, case studies, guest-lectures,
mandatory off-class reading material, quizzes.

How are students assessed?

[What type, and number, of assignments are students are expected to do? (papers, problem sets,
programming projects, etc.). How long do you expect students to spend on completing assessed

 Students are assessed on a combination group activities, classroom discussion,

projects, and continuous, final assessment tests.

 Additional weightage will be given based on their rank in crowd sourced

projects/ novel image processing application projects.

 Students can earn additional weightage based on certificate of completion of a

related MOOC course.

Additional topics
[List notable topics covered in the course that you do not find in the CS2013 Body of Knowledge]

Other comments
Session wise plan
Student Outcomes Covered: 1, 2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 17, 18.

Class Lab Topic Covered Levels of Referenc Remarks

Hour Hour mastery e Book

1 Image Representation and Image Familiarity 1

Analysis Tasks-Elements of digital
image processing-Image model
4 Sampling and quantization- Usage 1
Relationships between pixels-
Connectivity, Distance Measures
between pixels-Color image
(overview, various color models)-
Various image formats – bmp, jpeg,
tiff, png, gif, etc.
3 Topological Properties of Digital Usage 1
Images-Histograms, Entropy , Eigen
Values-Image Quality Metrics-Noise
in Images – Sources, types.
5 Arithmetic operations - Addition, Usage 1,2
Subtraction, Multiplication,
Division-Logical operations – NOT,
OR, AND, XOR-Set operators-
Spatial operations – Single pixel,
neighbourhood, geometric-Contrast
Stretching-Intensity slicing-Bit plane
Power Law transforms-Image
4 Discrete Fourier Transform-Discrete Familiarity 1
Cosine Transform-Haar Transform-
Hadamard Transform-Hough
5 Spatial and Frequency domain- Assessment 1,2
Intensity transformation functions
Histogram processing-Spatial
filtering-Smoothening spatial filters-
Sharpening spatial filters-Frequency
filtering-Smoothening frequency
filters-Sharpening frequency filters-
Selective filtering
5 Degradation models-Methods to Assessment 1,2
estimate the degradation-Image de-
blurring-Restoration in the presence
of noise only spatial filtering-
Periodic noise reduction by
frequency domain filtering
Inverse filtering-Wiener Filtering
2 Geometrical transformation-Point Familiarity 1
based methods-Surface based
methods-Intensity based methods
5 4 Region of interest (ROI) selection- Usage 1
Salient features identification and
feature extraction-Principal
Component Analysis (PCA)-
Common features extraction-
Histogram based features;-Intensity
features-Color features-Contour
extraction and representation-
Homogenous region extraction and
representation and texture
3 2 Discontinuity detection-Edge Usage 1
linking and boundary detection-
Thresholding-Region oriented
segmentation-Motion based
segmentation-Histogram based
segmentation-Object recognition
based on shape descriptors
3 4 Dilation and Erosion-Opening and Assessment 1
Closing-Medial axis transforms-
Objects skeletons-Boundaries
5 4 Introduction to digital image Usage 1,2
compression-Lossless compression
versus lossy compression-Measures
of the compression efficiency - Pixels
coding-Hufmann coding-Bitplane
coding-Shift codes-Block Truncation
coding-Arithmetic coding-Predictive
coding techniques-Lossy compression
algorithm using the 2-D DCT
transform-The JPEG standard –
baseline lossy JPEG, based on DCT
45 Hours (3 schedule)

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