Jump in - Melt Fat Fast With Jump Rope Circuit Training
Jump in - Melt Fat Fast With Jump Rope Circuit Training
Jump in - Melt Fat Fast With Jump Rope Circuit Training
No gym? No problem. A circuit alternating jump rope and strength training is the
perfect low-cost way to shred on the cheap!
Jumping rope? I know what some of you are thinking: That's for kids, or maybe for
professional boxers like Floyd Mayweather, Jr., but it's not for me. I felt the same way all
the way up to 2009. I loathed jumping rope, because I constantly tripped over the rope.
Still, I was far from fit—OK, I was overweight—and I knew that jumping rope was
probably good for me. So I started searching around on the Internet, and it didn't take
me long to discover Buddy Lee. He's a former Marine and former Olympic wrestler who
spent the last 20 years spreading the gospel of jump-rope training. He teaches people
how to do it properly. He's also a charismatic personality who can do mind-blowing
things with a rope. Buddy convinced me to give the rope one more try.
This time around, something clicked with me right away. I had an epiphany! All of a
sudden, I loved jumping rope. I threw myself into Buddy Lee's training system with an
enthusiasm I'd never had for exercise before. Just a year later, I was personally trained
and tested by Buddy Lee, and my status changed from "jump rope klutz" to "Certified
Jump Rope Training Specialist"
Athletes Jump Rope - Rope Skipping for Speed - Olympian Buddy Lee
I'm a busy dentist, personal trainer, and fitness model. I don't have time to go to a gym.
It's even more challenging for busy career women who frequently travel for work
and/or who have young children at home.
There are plenty of people who will tell you that your fitness level is directly tied to how
much time you spend in the gym. As I travel deeper into the world of health and fitness,
I have discovered the opposite to be true. Workouts don't need to be time-consuming
or require expensive gym equipment to be effective.
Here's the bottom line: The only effective exercise regimen is the one you'll actually
follow multiple times per week. In today's hectic world, this means it must be quick, fun,
inexpensive, and portable. This is why I like to perform time-saving high-intensity
resistance circuits.
Research shows circuits are the most effective way to boost the metabolism and burn
fat. You can work smarter, not harder, by combining your strength training and cardio
session into one short but intense muscle-building and fat-blasting workout.
A University of New South Wales study found that women who did anaerobic high-
intensity interval training burned fat at a rate three times higher than those doing long-
duration aerobic exercises.
I think you know where I'm going with this. When strapped for time, perform an all-in-
one jump rope circuit!
By progressing gradually and jumping no more than 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch off the ground,
you will cause less stress on the joints than jogging and actually strengthen your knee
In the long-term, the benefits of a consistent jumping program grow even larger. Aside
from the obvious cardiovascular benefits, it increases bone density, minimizing your
risk of developing osteoporosis. This is especially important for women, whose risk of
osteoporosis in their 70s is double the occurrence among men.
This doesn't mean jumping rope is totally risk-free, but a little planning will go a long
way to minimize the danger of injury. First off, wear cross-training shoes with sufficient
forefoot padding to protect the balls of your feet.
Second, avoid jumping on hard surfaces such as concrete or tile. Instead, choose a
surface that has give, such as wood, or one that will absorb impact, such as a
rubberized surface.
Proper rope length is also crucial to your success. To determine your correct rope
length, place one foot on the center of the rope and pull the handles up the sides of
your body. If the handles extend beyond your shoulders, the rope is too long. It should
be at armpit level.
As you become more proficient at jumping, shortening the rope will increase the rope's
rotational speed and improve your reflexes. For best performance, cut the cord to the
desired length, but if you don't wish to cut your rope to shorten it, you can tie a knot
near the handle.
Before learning more advanced training techniques, it is imperative to first master the
two basic jump-rope skills. Even before trying these, it is advisable to spend some time
doing a "shadow jump." Shadow jumping is simulation of jump rope, only without the
rope. Do not make the mistake of going from zero to hero, or you'll quickly get
discouraged. It is crucial to follow a step-by-step progression with initial emphasis on
technique rather than speed.
Bounce Step
At first, keep your focus on practicing timing and coordination. Start with one jump at a
time. Once you master timing and rhythm, increase to five jumps per set. As you gain
proficiency, keep adding jumps until you can perform 140 consecutive jumps. To build
your proficiency, practice 5-10 minutes twice per day. Stretch after each session,
especially your calves.
Over a six-week period, focus on gradually building your jump rope endurance from
140 to 500 consecutive jumps in small increments. Do not immediately focus on
improving speed. Simply mastering these two techniques will provide you with a solid
foundation for your jump rope training.
Bounce Step
Alternate Foot-Step
1. Instead of jumping with both feet at once, alternate your feet as if running in place.
2. Be sure to raise your knees to the front.
3. Jump a little higher than 1 inch off the floor.
4. Stay on the balls of your feet.
Alternate Fast-Foot
Feeling confident with your rope? Let's take things to the next level by sandwiching
jumping between strength exercises. I like to tackle an intense workout like this in the
morning, because later in the day, it'll be too easy to talk myself out of it. Plus, this way I
burn fat the rest of the day!
For this 20-minute circuit, set your timer for 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest,
for a total of 20 cycles. The goal is to transition between exercises with little to no rest
time. I recommend you use a circuit timer like Gymboss, which can be downloaded
onto your smartphone.
High Intensity Jump Rope Training Circuit
For the jump rope part of this circuit, use a combination of the basic bounce and
alternate-foot step jump rope techniques. As you gain proficiency, increase the amount
of jumps you can do during the 50-second work periods. In time, integrate the "high-
step" technique, which is the same as the alternate-foot step technique except that you
raise your knees to hip-level.
1 Rope Jumping
2 Pushups
1 set, 50 seconds (with dumbbells)
1 set, 50 seconds
4 Rope Jumping
5 Bench Dips
6 Rope Jumping
7 Kettlebell Thruster
9 Plank
10 Rope Jumping
Dr. Sara Solomon received her B.Sc. in Physical Therapy and her D.M.D. in 2001 and
2005 respectively. Learn more about this Oxygen Magazine success...
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arsalanpervez (arsalan)
Can you please suggest me the type of jump rope to use? I want to start rope skipping for weight loss.
I'm glad I found this :). How would you incorporate this into a split or make a program of this?
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