Dialysis Technician Exams PDF
Dialysis Technician Exams PDF
Dialysis Technician Exams PDF
National Board of Nephrology Examiners Nephrology Nursing Certifying National Nephrology Certification
Organization Nursing and Technology (BONENT) Commission (NNCC) Organization (NNCO)
Certification Certified Hemodialysis Certified Clinical Hemodialysis Certified Clinical Nephrology
provided Technologist/Technician (CHT) Technician (CCHT) Technology (CCNT)
Certification period Every 4 years Every 2 years prior to 11/1/2009; Every 4 years
every 3 years effective 11/1/2009
Recertification Re-exam or 40 contact hours of in- Re-exam or prior to 11/1/09, 20 Re-exam or 30 contact hours of
offered person continuing education, of which contact hours of continuing continuing education, of which 15
15 contact hours can be earned from education plus 2000 work hours contact hours can be earned from work
other education specified on BONENT every 2 years; effective 11/1/2009, in nephrology (3.75 contact
Web site 30 contact hours of continuing hours/year)
education plus 3,000 work hours
every 3 years; effective 11/1/2011,
10 contact hours of continuing
education plus 1,000 work
hours/year with recertification every
3 years.
Educational High school diploma or equivalency; if High school diploma or GED; if no High school diploma or equivalency
requirement(s) to no evidence of high school diploma, > evidence of either, dialysis work OR four years of full time experience in
apply for 4yrs of dialysis work experience can experience >4 years can substitute the field of nephrology technology
examination substitute
Training/experience 12 months of experience in nephrology Successful completion of PCT 1 year training program in nephrology
requirement(s) to patient care and current active work in training program (classroom & technology with clinical experience
apply for an ESRD facility or successful supervised experience); signed and/or training program and clinical
examination completion of an accredited dialysis verification by preceptor of training experience equivalent to 1 year. OH
course approved by the BONENT and clinical experience; recommend requires 12 months specified dialysis
Board. >6 months (1000 hours) of clinical care experience
experience, including training, prior
to exam
Testing sites Providers may be test sites for paper & ANNA chapters & dialysis clinics Computer-based tests are offered at
pencil tests. Independent test sites are may host paper & pencil tests at on hundreds of PSI/LaserGrade
used for computer-based tests. or off-site locations. In 2010 NNCC Computer Testing sites in the U.S. and
BONENT accommodates people with will offer computer-based tests at Canada. NNCO accommodates ADA
ADA disabilities. CBT centers. NNCC accommodates disabilities & religious convictions
disabilities & religious convictions against Saturday tests.
against Saturday tests.
Proctored Test Yes Yes Yes
Website http://www.bonent.org http://www.nncc-exam.org http://nnco.nbccc.net