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The Impact of Climate Change on Indian Agriculture

Raymond Guiteras ;y
Department of Economics, MIT
December 2007

Job Market Paper— Draft

This paper estimates the economic impact of climate change on Indian agricul-
ture. I estimate the e¤ect of random year-to-year variation in weather on agricultural
output using a 40-year district-level panel data set covering over 200 Indian districts.
These panel estimates incorporate farmers’within-year adaptations to annual weather
shocks. I argue that these estimates, derived from short-run weather e¤ects, are also
relevant for predicting the medium-run economic impact of climate change if farmers
are constrained in their ability to recognize and adapt quickly to changing mean cli-
mate. The predicted medium-run impact is negative and statistically signi…cant: I …nd
that projected climate change over the period 2010-2039 reduces major crop yields by
4.5 to nine percent. The long-run (2070-2099) impact is dramatic, reducing yields by
25 percent or more in the absence of long-run adaptation. These results suggest that
climate change is likely to impose signi…cant costs on the Indian economy unless farm-
ers can quickly recognize and adapt to increasing temperatures. Such rapid adaptation
may be less plausible in a developing country, where access to information and capital
is limited.
Keywords: climate change, India, agriculture, panel data

JEL Classi…cation Codes: L25, Q12, Q51, Q54

I thank my advisors, Esther Du‡o and Michael Greenstone, for their encouragment and guidance. I thank
C. Adam Schlosser of MIT’s Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research for guidance with the
NCC data set and Kavi Kumar of the Madras School of Economics for guidance with the World Bank India
Agriculture and Climate Data Set. Nivedhitha Subramanian and Henry Swift provided excellent research
assistance. I thank Daron Acemoglu, Miriam Bruhn, Jessica Cohen, Greg Fischer, Rick Hornbeck, Jeanne
LaFortune, Ben Olken, José Tessada, Robert Townsend, Maisy Wong and participants in the MIT Applied
Microeconomics Summer Lunch and the Harvard Environmental Economics Lunch for their comments.
MIT E52-391, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, 02139; e-mail: guiteras@mit.edu
1 Introduction

As the scienti…c consensus grows that signi…cant climate change, in particular increased
temperatures and precipitation, is very likely to occur over the 21st century (Christensen
and Hewitson, 2007), economic research has attempted to quantify the possible impacts of
climate change on society. Since climate is a direct input into the agricultural production
process, the agricultural sector has been a natural focus for research. The focus of most
previous empirical studies has been on the US, but vulnerability to climate change may
be greater in the developing world, where agriculture typically plays a larger economic role.
Credible estimates of the impact of climate change on developing countries, then, are valuable
in understanding the distributional e¤ects of climate change as well as the potential bene…ts
of policies to reduce its magnitude or promote adaptation. This paper provides evidence
on the impact of climate change on agriculture in India, where poverty and agriculture are
both salient. I …nd that climate change is likely to reduce agricultural yields signi…cantly,
and that this damage could be severe unless adaptation to higher temperatures is rapid and
Most previous studies of the economic e¤ects of climate change have followed one of two
methodologies, commonly known as the production function approach and the Ricardian
approach. The production function approach (also known as crop modeling) is based on
controlled agricultural experiments, where speci…c crops are exposed to varying climates in
laboratory-type settings such as greenhouses, and yields are then compared across climates.
This approach has the advantage of careful control and randomized application of environ-
mental conditions. However, these laboratory-style outcomes may not re‡ect the adaptive
behavior of optimizing farmers. Some adaptation is modeled, but how well this will corre-
spond to actual farmer behavior is unclear. If farmers’actual practices are more adaptive,
the production function approach is likely to produce estimates with a negative bias. On
the other hand, if the presumed adaptation overlooks constraints on farmers’adaptations or

does not take adjustment costs into account, these estimates could be overoptimistic.
The Ricardian approach, pioneered by Mendelsohn et al. (1994), attempts to allow for the
full range of compensatory or mitigating behaviors by performing cross-sectional regressions
of land prices on county-level climate variables, plus other controls. If markets are functioning
well, land prices will re‡ect the expected present discounted value of pro…ts from all, fully
adapted uses of land, so, in principle, this approach can account for both the direct impact of
climate on speci…c crops as well farmers’adjustment of production techniques, substitutions
of di¤erent crops and even exit from agriculture. However, the success of the Ricardian
approach depends on being able to account fully for all factors correlated with climate and
in‡uencing agricultural productivity. Omitted variables, such as unobservable farmer or
soil quality, could lead to bias of unknown sign and magnitude. The possibility of omitted
variables bias and the inconsistent results obtained from Ricardian studies of climate change
in the US have lead to a search for new estimation strategies.
More recently, economists studying the US have turned to a panel data approach, using
presumably random year-to-year ‡uctuations in realized weather across US counties to es-
timate the e¤ect of weather on agricultural output and pro…ts (Deschênes and Greenstone,
2007; Schlenker and Roberts, 2006). This …xed-e¤ects approach has the advantage of con-
trolling for time-invariant district-level unobservables such as farmer quality or unobservable
aspects of soil quality. Furthermore, unlike the production function approach, the use of data
on actual …eld outcomes, rather than outcomes in a laboratory environment, means that es-
timates from panel data will re‡ect intra-year adjustments by farmers, such as changes in
inputs or cultivation techniques. However, by measuring e¤ects of annual ‡uctuations, the
panel data approach does not re‡ect the possibility of longer-term adaptations, such as crop
switching or exit from farming.
Agriculture typically plays a larger role in developing economies than in the developed
world. For example, agriculture in India makes up roughly 20% of GDP and provides nearly

52% of employment (as compared to 1% of GDP and 2% of employment for the US), with
the majority of agricultural workers drawn from poorer segments of the population (FAO,
2006). Furthermore, it is reasonable to expect that farmers in developing countries may be
less able to adapt to climate change due to credit constraints or less access to adaptation
technology. However, the majority of the economics literature on the impact of climate
change has focused on developed countries, in particular the US, presumably for reasons of
data availability. Most research in developing countries has followed the production function
approach, …nding alarmingly large possible impacts (Cruz et al., 2007). A true Ricardian
study would be di¢ cult to carry out in a developing country context, because land markets
are less likely to be well-functioning and data on land prices are not generally available.
Instead, a semi-Ricardian approach has used data on average pro…ts instead – the idea is
that the land price, if it were available, would just be the present discounted value of pro…ts.
The major developing country semi-Ricardian studies, of India and Brazil, found signi…cant
negative e¤ects, with a moderate climate change scenario (an increase of 2:0 C in mean
temperature and seven percent increase in precipitation) leading to losses on the order of
10% of agricultural pro…ts (Sanghi et al., 1998b, 1997).
This paper applies the panel data approach to agriculture in India, using a panel of
over 200 districts covering 1960-1999.1 The basic estimation strategy, following Deschênes
and Greenstone (2007), is to regress yearly district-level agricultural outcomes (in this case,
yields) on yearly climate measures (temperature and precipitation) and district …xed e¤ects.
The resulting weather parameter estimates, then, are identi…ed from district-speci…c devia-
tions in yearly weather from the district mean climate. Since year-to-year ‡uctuations in the
weather are essentially random and therefore independent of other, unobserved determinants
of agricultural outcomes, these panel estimates should be free of the omitted variables prob-
Au¤hammer et al. (2006) also employ the panel data methodology to study Indian agriculture, rice in
particular. Their study uses state-level data on rice output and examines the impact of climate as well
as atmospheric brown clouds, the byproduct of emissions of black carbon and other aerosols. They …nd a
negative impact of increased temperature, as does this paper.

lems associated with the hedonic approach. The use of district-level data is important to
obtain adequate within-year climate variation, thereby distinguishing climate impacts from
other national-level yearly shocks. I also include smooth regional time trends so that the
e¤ect of a slowly warming climate over the second half of the twentieth century is not con-
founded with improvements in agricultural productivity over the same period. The predicted
mean impact of climate change is then calculated as a linear combination of the estimated
weather parameters and the predicted changes in climate.
The paper …nds signi…cant negative impacts, with medium-term (2010-2039) climate
change predicted to reduce yields by 4.5 to nine percent, depending on the magnitude and
distribution of warming. The impact of long-run climate change (2070-2099) is even more
detrimental, with predicted yields falling by 25 percent or more. Because these large changes
in long-run temperatures will develop over many decades, farmers will have time to adapt
their practices to the new climate, likely lessening the negative impact. However, estimates
from this panel data approach may be more relevant for the medium-run scenario, since, as
the paper’s theoretical section argues, developing country farmers face signi…cant barriers to
adaptation, which may prevent rapid and complete adaptation.
This negative impact of climate change on agriculture is likely to have a serious impact
on poverty: recent estimates from across developing countries suggest that one percentage
point of agricultural GDP growth increases the consumption of the three poorest deciles by
four to six percentage points (Ligon and Sadoulet, 2007). The implication is that climate
change could signi…cantly slow the pace of poverty reduction in India.

2 Theoretical Framework

Because this paper will attempt to estimate the impacts of climate change based on the
e¤ects of annual ‡uctuations in the weather, it is worthwhile to consider the relationship
between the two.

2.1 Short-run weather ‡uctuations versus long-term climate change

Consider the following simple model of farmer output. A representative farmer’s production
function is f (T; L; K), where T represents temperature, L represents an input that can be
varied in the short run, which we shall call labor for concreteness, and K represents an input
that can only be varied in the long run, which we call capital. Labor and capital should
not be thought of literally, nor are the distinctions between inputs that are ‡exible in the
short and long run so sharp in reality. The point is that some inputs, such as fertilizer
application or labor e¤ort are relatively easy to adjust, while other inputs, such as crop
choice or irrigation infrastructure, may be more di¢ cult to adjust or may be e¤ectively …xed
at the start of the growing season. The farmer, taking price and temperature as given, solves
the following program:
max fp f (T; L; K) wL rKg

where for simplicity we assume linear input costs. For a given temperature T , with all
inputs fully ‡exible, the farmer will choose pro…t-maximizing L (T ) and K (T ) and obtain
a maximized pro…t of (T; L (T ) ; K (T )). Now consider a small change in temperature to
T 0 > T . First, consider the case where the farmer is not allowed to make any changes, i.e. L
and K are held …xed at L (T ) and K (T ), respectively. In this case, the farmer obtains pro…t
(T 0 ; L (T ) ; K (T )). To the extent that the production function approach discussed in the
introduction understates or ignores the possibility of adaptation, that approach estimates
the e¤ect of climate change on pro…ts as c P F = (T 0 ; L (T ) ; K (T )) (T; L (T ) ; K (T )).
Next, consider the case where the farmer can carry out short-run adjustments, which in
this model we capture as reoptimizing L, but is constrained from long-run adjustments of
K. In this case, the farmer obtains (T 0 ; L (T 0 ) ; K (T )). The panel data approach followed
in this paper, where farmers are free to make all intra-season adjustments but not longer-

run adjustments, estimates the e¤ect of climate change as c F E = (T 0 ; L (T 0 ) ; K (T ))
(T; L (T ) ; K (T )).
Finally, consider the case where the farmer is allowed to reoptimize all factors. In this
case, the farmer obtains (T 0 ; L (T 0 ) ; K (T 0 )) and the true e¤ect of climate change is =
(T 0 ; L (T 0 ) ; K (T 0 )) (T; L (T ) ; K (T )). Since greater choice can only help the farmer,
we have
c FE c PF

This framework is illustrated in Figure 1. The …rst point to note is that the panel data
approach should better approximate the true e¤ect of climate change than a production
function approach that does not allow for adaptation. The second point is that, for small
changes in climate, the panel data approach may provide a reasonable approximation to the
true e¤ect of climate change. However, for large changes in climate, the panel data approach
will overstate the costs of climate change relative to the true long-run cost, when farmers
have re-optimized.
Furthermore, the panel data approach may also provide a reasonable approximation
if farmers are unable to reoptimize along some margins or do so only slowly. If long-term
reoptimization is slow or incomplete, it is plausible that the panel data approach will provide
a good estimate of the costs incurred over the medium run, while not all adjustments have
been carried out. There are several reasons to expect that agricultural practice may adapt
slowly to climate change. First, the signal of a changing mean climate will be di¢ cult
to extract from the year-to-year weather record. The IPCC calculates that a discernible
signal of a warmer mean climate for the South Asian growing season will take 10-15 years
to emerge from the annual noise (Christensen and Hewitson, 2007). This is for South Asia
as a whole, greater noise in particular locations will slow the signal’s emergence further.
If farmers’ practices are based on mean climates, then this di¢ culty in discerning climate
change could lead to farming practices signi…cantly out of phase with the true optimum.

Second, many of the investments associated with long-term reoptimization –new irrigation,
new crop varieties, or migration –involve both …xed costs and irreversibilities, both of which
can delay investment in the presence of uncertainty (Bertola and Caballero, 1994; Dixit and
Pindyck, 1994).
Additionally, it is reasonable to expect developing country agriculture to face even greater
di¢ culties adjusting. Incomplete capital markets, poor transmission of information, and low
levels of human capital are all pervasive and likely to slow adaptation. Topalova (2004) pro-
vides evidence that factors, especially labor, are relatively immobile in India. Furthermore,
slow adaptation of pro…table agricultural practices is a long-standing puzzle in the economics
literature (Foster and Rosenzweig, 1995; Du‡o et al., 2005).

2.2 Caveats

Several important caveats may limit the applicability of the above model. First, data on
annual agricultural pro…ts are not available.2 This paper will use data on annual yields
(output per hectare) as a proxy instead and explore the impact on those inputs for which
annual data are available. This may overstate the impact on welfare if farmers reduce their
use of inputs in response to a negative weather shock. The empirical analysis explores the
impacts on those inputs for which yearly, district-level data are available. Second, it is not
possible for a panel study to assess the impact of weather on output through its e¤ects on
stock inputs. For example, if climate change hurts agriculture by depleting aquifers but one
year’s drought does not appreciably deplete an aquifer, the panel data approach will not
capture this e¤ect. Finally, the panel approach cannot assess the impact of variables that
vary only slowly over time. For example, it is believed that the same increased levels of carbon
dioxide (CO2 ) that are causing global warming may be bene…cial to agriculture, since carbon
Sanghi et al. (1998b) use average pro…ts over a 20-year period. Their imputed labor inputs are based on
agricultural labor quantities measured by decadal censuses, with linear interpolations for non-census years.
This is appropriate for their purpose, which is to asses the relationship between average climate and average
pro…ts, but not appropriate for this paper, where the emphasis is on annual ‡uctuations.

dioxide is important to plant development.3 Since the level of CO2 changes only slowly, it is
not possible to separate its e¤ect from that of, for example, smooth technological progress
over time. However, since CO2 levels are roughly constant across space, the Ricardian
approach is not able to capture this e¤ect either.

3 Data Sources and Summary Statistics

The analysis is performed on a detailed 40-year panel of agricultural outcomes and weather
realizations covering over 200 districts. Although Indian districts are generally somewhat
larger than US counties, the district is the …nest administrative unit for which reliable data
are available. This section describes the data and provides some summary statistics.

3.1 Agricultural outcomes

Detailed district-level data from the Indian Ministry of Agriculture and other o¢ cial sources
on yearly agricultural production, output prices and acreage planted and cultivated for 271
districts over the period 1956-1986 have been collected into the “India Agriculture and Cli-
mate Data Set” by a World Bank research group, allowing computation of yield (revenues
per acre) and total output (Sanghi et al., 1998a). This dataset covers the major agricultural
states with the exceptions of Kerala and Assam. Also absent, but less important agricul-
turally, are the minor states and Union Territories in northeastern India, and the northern
states of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu-Kashmir. These 271 districts are shown in Figure
2.A. The production, acreage and price data for major crops were extended through 1999
by Du‡o and Pande (2007), allowing computation of yields (output per acre) for these ma-
jor crops.4 218 districts have data for all years 1960-1999; these are the districts that will
Recent research in the crop modelling school has cast doubt on the magnitude of bene…cial e¤ects from
CO2 fertilization (Long et al., 2006).
The six major crops are rice, wheat, jowar (sorghum), bajra (millet), maize and sugar. These comprise
roughly 75% of total revenues.

be included in the regressions. These districts are mapped in Figure 2.B. The bulk of the
districts lost are in the East, Bihar and West Bengal in particular.
Because markets are not well-integrated, local climate shocks could a¤ect local prices.
These price e¤ects make estimating e¤ects on revenue undesirable. While the price response
to a negative climate shock will reduce the impact on farmers, calculating the e¤ect of climate
on revenues will ignore the e¤ect on consumer surplus. As pointed out by Cline (1992),
the impact on yields better approximates the overall welfare e¤ects. To avoid potentially
endogenous prices, then, I hold prices …xed at their 1960-1965 averages.
The World Bank dataset also includes input measures, such as tractors, plough animals
and labor inputs, as well as prices for these inputs. However, many of these inputs, in
particular the number of agricultural workers, are only measured at each 10-year census,
with annual measures estimated by linear interpolation. This precludes construction of
annual pro…ts data, a theoretically preferable measure. This paper will use data on fertilizer
inputs, the agricultural wage and the extent of double-cropping, each of which is measured
annually at the district level, to estimate the extent of within-year adaptation to negative
climate shocks.

3.2 Weather data

Recent research in economics and agricultural science has pointed to the importance of daily
‡uctuations in temperature for plant growth (Schlenker and Roberts, 2006). Commonly
available data, such as mean monthly temperature, will mask these daily ‡uctuations, so
it is important to obtain daily temperature records. Recent economics research in the US
has used daily records from weather stations to construct daily temperature histories for US
counties. However, the publicly available daily temperature data for India are both sparse
and erratic. The main clearinghouse for daily data, the Global Summary of the Day (GSotD,
compiled by the US National Climatic Data Center on behalf of the World Meteorological

Organization) has at most 90 weather stations reporting on any one day and contains major
gaps in the record –for example, there are no records at all from 1963–1972. Furthermore,
these individual stations’ reports come in only erratically – applying a reasonable sample
selection rule such as using stations that report at least 360 days out of the year or 120 days
out of the 122 day growing season would yield a database with close to zero observations.
To circumvent this problem, I use data from a gridded daily dataset that use non-
public data and sophisticated climate models to construct daily temperature and precip-
itation records for 1 1 grid points (excluding ocean sites). This data set, called NCC
(NCEP/NCAR Corrected by CRU), is a product of the Climactic Research Unit, the Na-
tional Center for Environmental Prediction / National Center for Atmospheric Research and
the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, CNRS. NCC is a global dataset from which
Indian and nearby gridpoints were extracted, providing a continuous record of daily weather
data for the period 1950-2000 (Ngo-Duc et al., 2005). To create district-level weather records
from the grid, I use a weighted average of grid points within 100 KM of the district’s ge-
ographic center.5 The weights are the inverse square root of the distance from the district
I employ two methods to convert these daily records to yearly weather metrics for analysis.
The …rst, degree-days, re‡ects the importance of cumulative heat over the growing season, but
may fail to capture important nonlinear e¤ects. The second, less parametric approach, counts
the number of growing-season days in each one-degree C temperature bin. This approach is
more ‡exible, but imposes a perhaps-unrealistic additive separability assumption. However,
the results are very similar between the two approaches. Details of the methods follow.

3.2.1 Temperature: Degree-days

Agricultural experiments suggest that most major crop plants cannot absorb heat below
a temperature threshold of 8 C, then heat absorbsion increases roughly linearly up to a
Alternative radii did not appreciably a¤ect the district-level records.

threshold of 32 C, and then plants cannot absorb additional heat above this threshold. I
follow the standard practice in agronomics, then, by converting daily mean temperatures to
degree-days by the formula
> 0 if T 8C
D (T ) = T 8 if 8 C < T 32 C
: 24 T 32 C

Degree-days are then summed over the growing season, which for India is de…ned as the
months of June through September, following Kumar et al. (2004). Fixing the growing season
avoids endogeneity problems with farmers’ planting and harvesting decisions. It should
be noted that the degree-day thresholds were developed in the context of US agriculture.
Crops cultivated in a warmer climate may have di¤erent thresholds, in particular a higher
upper threshold. For comparability with other research, I use the standard 8 C and 32 C
thresholds in the empirical results that follow, but the results are not sensitive to the use of
alternative upper thresholds (33 C; 34 C). I also allow for the possibility that heat in excess
of a threshold may be damaging by including a separate category of harmful degree-days.
Each day with mean temperatures above 34 C is assigned di¤erence between that day’s
mean temperature and 34 C; these harmful degree-days are then summed over the growing
season. Again, the results are not sensitive to alternate thresholds (33 C; 35 C).

3.2.2 Temperature: One-degree bins

Schlenker and Roberts (2006) emphasize the importance of using daily records in the con-
text of nonlinear temperature e¤ects. Consider the following simple example: imagine that
increased temperature is initially bene…cial for plants, but then drastically damaging above
30 C. Consider two pairs of days, the …rst pair with temperatures of (30 C; 30 C) and the
second pair with temperatures of (29 C; 31 C). Although both pairs have the same mean

temperature, their contributions to growth will be very di¤erent, with the second much
less bene…cial. To capture such potential nonlinearities, I employ a nonparametric approach,
counting the total number of growing season days in each one-degree C interval and including
these totals as separate regressors. That is, for each grid point g, I construct

Tc;g;y = f# of growing season days with mean temperature in the interval ((c 1) C; c C]g

for year y and for each of c = 1; : : : ; 50. To obtain district-level measures from these measures
at each grid point, I again take the weighted average of the number of days in that bin for
each grid point within 100KM of the district center.
It is important to emphasize that the district-level bins are constructed by averaging over
grid point temperature bins rather than constructing bins of district center temperatures.
Again, this is necessary to account for potential nonlinear temperature e¤ects. To under-
stand the reasoning, consider the following simpli…ed example of a district center equidistant
between two grid points. Suppose these are the only two grid points within 100 KM of the
district center. As above, imagine that increased temperature is initially bene…cial for plants,
but then drastically damaging above 30 C. Now suppose that one of the two grid points has
a mean temperature of 29 C every day while the other grid point has a mean temperature
of 31 C. The mean temperature calculated at the district center will be 30 C each day, but
the bin-by-bin experience of the district as a whole would be better captured by assigning
half a day to each of the bins corresponding to 29 C and 31 C. This methodology does lead
to districts having fractional number of days in bins, but the total over all bins still sums to
122, the number of days in the growing season, for each district.
The mean number of days in each bin across all districts is plotted in Figure 3. Because
of the scarcity of observations above 38 C and below 22 C, each of these will be collected
into single bins. The tradeo¤ here is between precision of estimation (aided by grouping
these observations) and estimation of nonlinearities at extreme temperatures.

3.2.3 Precipitation

Precipitation data are summed by month to form total monthly precipitation for each month
of the growing season, during which the vast majority of annual precipitation occurs. In-
cluding separate monthly measures, rather than merely summing over the growing season,
allows the timing of precipitation, in particular the arrival of the annual monsoon, to a¤ect
output. To test robustness, I also run regressions with total growing season precipitation.

3.3 Climate change predictions

I compute estimated impacts for three climate change scenarios. First, I examine the short-
term (2010-2039) South Asia scenario of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s
latest climate model (Cruz et al., 2007), which is an increase of 0:5 C in mean temperature
and four percent precipitation for the growing season months of June–September. This sce-
nario corresponds to the “business-as-usual” or highest emissions trajectory, denoted A1F1
in the IPCC literature. However, because most of the short-run component of climate change
is believed to be “locked-in”, i.e. already determined by past emissions, these short run pro-
jections are not very sensitive to the emissions trajectory. For example, the short-term South
Asia scenario associated with the lowest future emissions trajectory, denoted B1 in the IPCC
literature, di¤ers by less than 0:05 C for the growing season months. The impact of this
scenario on the distribution of growing season temperatures is plotted in Figure 4.
The IPCC does not report higher moments of predictions for this consensus scenario.
However, considering just a mean shift in temperatures would overlook the potentially im-
portant e¤ects of the distribution of temperatures, in particular nonlinearities at temperature
extremes. Furthermore, this consensus scenario is given as a uniform change across all re-
gions, whereas it is likely that climate change will develop di¤erently across di¤erent regions
of India. To assess the e¤ects of changing distributions of temperatures and to account for
regional di¤erences, I use daily predictions from the Hadley Climate Model 3 (HadCM3)

data produced by the British Atmospheric Data Centre for the A1F1 business-as-usual sce-
nario. These predictions are given for points on a 2:5 latitude by 3:5 longitude grid. I
calculate the average number of days in each one-degree interval, by region, for the years
1990-1999, 2010-2039 and 2070-2099. The changes in the distribution of temperatures are
then applied to the district-level temperature distributions derived from the historical NCC
data to obtain district-level changes in temperature distributions.6 These changes are plot-
ted in Figures 5 and 6. The contrast with the mean-shift scenario of the IPCC is apparent
in the greater relative mass in the right tails. Signi…cantly, the increase in the mean number
of growing-season days with temperatures above 38 C is greater than the mean number of
such days in the historical data: while the average district experienced just 0.4 such days
observed per year in the historical data, the mean number of days is expected to increase
by nearly 2 for the period 2010-2039 and nearly 10 for the period 2070-2099. Because the
e¤ect of these extreme temperatures is only imprecisely estimated, this will add uncertainty
to the estimated impacts.

3.4 Summary statistics

Summary statistics of the key variables of interest are presented in Table 1.A. This table
presents the sample used in the analysis, covering 1960-1999 and including only the 218
districts with full records of output and yields. Noteworthy points in this table include the
high productivity, irrigation and use of high-yield varieties (HYV) of the Northern states
(Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh). Signi…cant poverty reduction, de…ned relative to
state- and sector-speci…c thresholds for minimum adequate calorie consumption, is also vis-
ible, although poverty remains high, especially in the Eastern states. Panel I of Table 1.B
The Hadley data for 1990-1999 display both a higher mean and variance than the NCC data for the
same period. Since the estimation of temperature e¤ects is performed with the NCC data, calculating
projected impacts using temperature changes based on the Hadley data would not be properly scaled. In
the projections, I rescale the level of the Hadley data so that the 1990s means by region match the 1990s
NCC data. I also rescale the spread so that the root mean squared errors around each gridpoint’s monthly
mean match for the 1990s.

compares the 218 districts analyzed in this paper to the sample of 271 districts for the
period 1966–1986 studied in Sanghi et al. (1998b) (referred to as SMD98 hereafter). The
two samples are very similar. Panel II of Table 1.B looks at the 218 districts over time.
Noteworthy trends include the increase in agricultural productivity revealed by increasing
yields, the large increase in irrigation an high-yield varieties, and the reduction in poverty.
Notably, not much aggregate change in mean temperature, degree-days or precipitation is
observed over the four decades. This is consistent with the IPCC’s assessment that India’s
mean temperatures have increased by just 0:05 C per decade over the second half of the
twentieth century.

3.5 Residual variation

Because this paper uses district …xed-e¤ects to strip out time-invariant unobservables that
could be confounded with mean climate, it is important to consider how much variation in
climate will be left over after these …xed e¤ects and other controls have been removed. This
section assess the extent of this residual variation.

3.5.1 Mean temperatures, degree-days and precipitation

Table 2.A reports the results of an exercise designed to assess the extent of residual variation
in mean temperatures, degree-days and precipiation. I regress each weather measure on
various levels of …xed e¤ects – none, district, district and year, district and region*year,
district and state*year. The residual from this regression is a measure of remaining variation.
For example, the residual from the regression with no …xed e¤ects is simply the deviation
of that district*year observation from the grand mean of the sample, the residual from the
regression with district …xed e¤ects is the deviation of that district*year observation from
the district mean, etc. I then count how many observations have residuals of absolute value
greater than certain cuto¤s – for mean growing season temperature, for example, steps

of 0:5 C up to 2:5 C. Ideally, there should be a substantial number of observations with
deviations greater than the predicted change in climate. If this is the case, then the e¤ect of
weather variation of similar magnitude to the predicted climate change would be identi…ed
from the data, rather than from functional form extrapolations.
Unfortunately, the …xed e¤ects do wipe out a great deal of variation. Consider the sixth
row of Panel 2, which examines the results for district and year …xed e¤ects for the sample
that will be the focus of the regression analysis: the 218 districts with output data for all
years 1960-1999. Here, we see that just 15 district*year observations di¤er from the predicted
value –which, in this case, is the district mean plus the deviation of the national mean for
that year from the national mean for the sample period – by more than 120 degree-days
(which corresponds roughly to a 1:0 C mean temperature increase), while no observations
di¤er from the predicted value by more than 180 degree-days.
These …ndings are less than ideal, since they mean that only a few observations are
available to identify even small weather ‡uctuations. To recapture some of this variation,
I retreat from year …xed e¤ects and add smooth time trends (linear, quadratic, cubic) to
district …xed e¤ects. This way, I remove possible confounding from correlated trends in
temperature and technological progress. If yearly weather ‡uctuations are indeed random,
then in expectation they will be uncorrelated with other economic shocks and therefore the
consistency of the estimates will not be a¤ected. Looking at the …fth row of Panel 2, we
see that we now have 161 observations di¤ering from the predicted value by more than 120
degree-days. Although this is an improvement relative to the year …xed-e¤ects, there is
still not an overwhelming amount of variation: we still have no observations di¤ering from
the predicted value by more than 240 degree-days. However, not much variation is lost
relative to the district …xed-e¤ects alone (the …rst row of each panel). In Appendix Table 2,
I experiment with alternative upper bounds for the degree-day measure, but this does not
revive much variation.

These results should lead to caution in interpreting predicted impacts for large changes
in climate, since these will depend on functional form assumptions. However, in the case of
precipitation, there is no lack of underlying variation, as is made clear by Panel 3. Estimates
of precipitation e¤ects will be well-identi…ed from the data.

3.5.2 Temperature bins

To assess the extent of the residual variation within temperature bins, I calculate the sum
of the absolute value of the residuals from a regression of the value of the bin variable on
di¤erent levels of …xed e¤ects. That is, for each bin c = < 20; 21; : : : ; 40; > 40, I estimate

Tc;d;y = F Ef + "c;d;y

where fF Ef g is some set of …xed e¤ects (e.g. none, district, district and year, district and
region*year, state*year) and calculate the average value of the absolute residuals,

1 X
AV Rc = j^"c;d;y j
D Y d;y

I also perform similar calculations for regression models incorporating smooth functions of
time rather than year …xed e¤ects, e.g.

2 3
Tc;d;y = F Ed + 1Y + 2Y + 3Y + "c;d;y

The results of these calculations of mean sums of absolute residuals are reported in Table
2.B. Each entry represents the mean across districts and years, so the mean times the number
of district-by-year observations (here 218 40 = 8270) yields the number of observations
available to identify the e¤ect of that interval. For example, looking at the …fth row, cor-
responding to the regression model with district …xed e¤ects and a cubic time trend, there

are roughly 0:05 8720 435 observations available to identify the extremal bin collecting
all days with mean temperatures above 40 C. Because of the scarcity of observations above
38 C and below 22 C, each of these will be collected into single bins. The tradeo¤ here
is between precision of estimation (aided by grouping these observations) and estimation
of nonlinearities at extreme temperatures. The results for the speci…cation of district …xed
e¤ects and a cubic year trend are plotted in Figure 7.

4 Econometric Strategy

4.1 Semi-Ricardian method

This section describes the econometric framework used in the semi-Ricardian approach of
Sanghi et al. (1998b) in order to make clear the di¤erence between that approach and the
panel approach considered here. The cross-sectional model is

yd = X0d + i fi Wid + "d (1)

where yd is the mean agricultural outcome of interest for district d, Xd is a vector of observ-
able district characteristics (such as urbanization, soil quality, etc.), Wid is a climate variable
of interest (temperature, precipitation) and "d is the error term. In SDM98, the climate
variables are monthly mean temperature and precipitation for the months of January, April,
July and October, as well as their squares and within-month interactions. As noted above,
SDM98 diverge from the traditional Ricardian or hedonic approach by using an average of
pro…ts, output and other ‡ow variables rather than land values in a year, for reasons of
data availability. The regressions are weighted by area in cropland in each district, with
the motivation being that estimates of output from larger districts will be measured more

For the coe¢ cients of interest i to be estimated consistently, it is necessary that

E fi Wid "d j Xd = 0

for all i. Intuitively, climate must be uncorrelated with unobserved determinants of agricul-
tural productivity, after controlling for observed determinants of agricultural productivity.
Note that this requires that the true in‡uence of the Xd is linear (or, alternatively, that
the true, nonlinear relationship has been correctly speci…ed). SMD98 include measures of
soil quality, population density and other plausible determinants of agricultural produc-
tivity. However, the possibility remains that unobserved determinants of output, such as
unobserved soil quality, farmer ability, or even government institutions are correlated with
the error term "d , which would bias the estimated coe¢ cients ^i and therefore the imputed
impact of climate change.
In the language of the model in Section 2.1, the semi-Ricardian method estimates the
impact of a shift in climate from T to T 0 by comparing observed (T 0 ; L (T 0 ) ; K (T 0 )) with ob-
served (T; L (T ) ; K (T )), with the observations taking place in two di¤erent districts. How-
ever, there may be other unobserved components of the pro…ts function, so in truth the semi-
Ricardian method would be comparing (T 0 ; L (T 0 ) ; K (T 0 ) ; ~") with (T; L (T ) ; K (T ) ; "),
while the true long-run impact of climate change for the district currently at climate T would
be (T 0 ; L (T 0 ) ; K (T 0 ) ; ") (T; L (T ) ; K (T ) ; ").

4.2 Panel approach

This paper follows a panel data approach, estimating

ydt = d + g (t) + X0dt + ~i fi (Widt ) + "dt (2)

There are a number of important di¤erences between equation (2) and equation (1). First,
note that the dependent variable, ydt , is a yearly measure rather than an average. In the
models estimated below, this is annual yields (output per hectare). Second, the regressors of
interest are (functions of) yearly realized weather Widt , rather than climate averages. Third,
as discussed in the theory section, the coe¢ cients on short run ‡uctuations need not be the
same as those on long run shifts, i.e. ~i 6= i. Finally, the district …xed e¤ects d will absorb
any district-speci…c time-invariant determinants of ydt .
The consistency of …xed-e¤ects estimates of ~i rests on the following assumption:

E [fi (Widt ) "dt j Xdt ; d; g (t)] = 0

Intuitively, ~i is identi…ed from district-speci…c deviations in weather about the district aver-
ages after controlling for a smooth time trend. This variation is presumed to be orthogonal
to unobserved determinants of agricultural outcomes, so it provides a potential solution to
the omitted variables bias problems that impede estimation of equation (1).
Because outcomes are likely autocorrelated between years for a given district, I perform
feasible generalized least squares (FGLS) estimation of the …xed-e¤ects model, estimating
the autocorrelation structure of the dependent variable using the bias-corrected method of
Hansen (2007). Examining the residuals from the …xed e¤ects regression reveals that an
AR(2) process best …ts the data. However, as Hansen (2007) emphasizes, conventional esti-
mation of the parameters of the autocorrelation model are biased in a …xed e¤ects framework,
so I compute these parameters using Hansen’s bias-corrected method.
While an AR(2) process describes the observed data best, it is unlikely that the true
underlying error-generating process is literally AR(2). Therefore, I construct cluster-robust
standard errors for the FGLS estimates in the spirit of the Huber-White heteroscedasticity-
robust variance-covariance matrix. That is, rather than computing the standard error
e0 ^
as ^ 2 X 1 e
X e denotes the regressors with …xed e¤ects removed), which
(where X

would be appropriate if the data truly were governed by an AR(2) process, I compute
1 1
e0 ^
X 1 e
X W e0 ^
^ X 1 e
X ^ is the robust sum of squared residuals matrix.7
, where W
This procedure combines the best of both worlds – the FGLS procedure is more e¢ cient
than …xed e¤ects estimation alone, because the AR(2) process does approximate the true
autocorrelation structure, but the robust standard errors are conservative (Wooldridge, 2003;
Hansen, 2007).

5 Results

5.1 Regression results

5.1.1 Modelling temperatures with degree-days

The …rst set of regressions models temperature using growing season degree-days (and its
square) and harmful growing season degree-days. As noted above, this re‡ects the agronomic
emphasis on cumulative heat over the growing season, but may be overly restrictive in its
functional form. In particular, I estimate

ydt = d + g (t) + ~DD GSDDdt + ~DD2 GSDDdt

+ ~HDD HDDdt (3)

+~P Pdt + ~P 2 Pdt2

+~IDD;P (GSDDdt Pdt ) + ~IHDD;P (HDDdt Pdt ) + "dt

where the dependent variable is the major crop yield (output per hectare in 2005 US dollars).
I include district …xed e¤ects and region-speci…c cubic time trends. The time trends allow
productivity to improve as the climate slowly warms over the latter half of the 20th century,
avoiding confounding of temperature warming with technological progress.Table 3.A, column
Precisely, W^ = PN u 0
j=1 ^j u
^j , where u
^j = t=1 e^jt x
~jt . e^jt is the residual from the FE regression and and
~jt is the j; t row of the matrix ^ 1=2 ~

(1) reports the results of this FGLS regression. The results are overall as expected: yields are
increasing in the linear temperature and precipitation terms, but decreasing in the squares.
Harmful degree-days are indeed very harmful, although when considering the magnitude of
the coe¢ cient it should be kept in mind that an increase of 100 harmful degree-days would be
quite a radical increase in temperatures. Interestingly, the interaction term between degree-
days and precipitation is consistently negative, which runs counter to the received agronomic
wisdom that extra moisture helps shield plants from extra heat. However, precipitation does
appear to shield plants from extreme heat, as indicated by the positive interaction between
harmful degree-days and precipitation.
In column (2) of Table 3.A, I report results for a regression that includes monthly precipi-
tation (and squares), in an attempt to capture the importance of the timing of precipitation.
The estimates on precipitation are generally sensible, with yields increasing in linear precip-
itation terms and decreasing in their squares. The exception is August precipitation, where
the signs are reversed, presumably re‡ecting the negative impact of a late-arriving monsoon.

5.1.2 Temperatures in nonparametric bins

Because of concerns that the degree-day speci…cation may be overly restrictive, I also estimate
models where the regressors are the number of days in each of 20 temperature bins. In
particular, I estimate

ydt = d + g (t) +
~Tc Tc;dt + ~P Pdt + ~P 2 P 2 + "dt (4)

where the temperature bins are c = < 22; 21; : : : ; 38; > 38. The (29; 30] bin is omitted as
the reference category, so each coe¢ cient ~Tc represents the impact of an additional day in
the bin (c 1; c] compared to a day in the (29; 30] bin. The main functional form restriction
this framework imposes on the temperature e¤ects is that the e¤ect is constant within each
bin. This seems a reasonable approximation for the interior bins but of course cannot be

true for the extremal bins (< 22 and > 38). As above, I run models with aggregate growing
season precipitation (and its squares) and with monthly precipitation (and squares). Again,
I include district …xed e¤ects and regional cubic time trends.
The coe¢ cient estimates are given in Table 3.B, but are perhaps more easily assessed in
graphical form, presented in Figure 8. The clear pattern is that cooler temperatures increase
agricultural productivity and warmer temperatures are harmful, relative to the (29; 30] bin.
For example, imagine that climate change shifts one day from the P29 bin (temperatures
in (28; 29] C) to the P31 bin. Since the estimated coe¢ cients on these bins are 0:013 and
0:082, respectively, the total estimated impact of such a shift would be 0:095. Notably,
the e¤ects of the highest temperature bins, while negative, are imprecisely estimated.
This additional ‡exibility does come with a cost: as is readily visible in equation (4),
there is a strong assumption of additive separability. That is, I am implicitly assuming that
the marginal e¤ect of, for example, a day in the (34; 35] bin is the same in a relatively warm
year as in a relatively cool year. This is unlikely to be true. However, as will be apparent in
the predicted impacts, the results from this nonparametric approach are reasonably close to
those obtained from the degree-day approach, which does take into account cumulative heat
over the growing season.

5.2 Predicted Impact of Climate Change

To incorporate the estimated coe¢ cients into a climate change prediction, I calculate the
discrete di¤erence in predicted yields at the projected temperature and precipitation scenario
from the predicted yield at the historical mean. That is, in the case of the nonparametric

bins, I calculate

cy = yb1 yb0
Xn o
= ^Tc Tc;1 Tc;0
Xn o
+ ^Pm Pm;1 Pm;0 + ^Pm2 Pm;1
2 2

where ^Tc is the estimated coe¢ cient on temperature bin c, ^Pm on precipitation in month
m, and ^Pm on squared month-m precipitation. Tc;1 represents the mean number of days in
bin c in the projected climate, Tc;0 the mean in the historical climate, and similarly for the
precipitation variables. The calculation is similar for the degree-days approach.
Table 4.A presents results for the degree-days approach, using both total precipitation
and monthly precipitation. The underlying regression coe¢ cients are taken from the cor-
responding columns in Table 3.A. In each case, impacts are estimated for each of three
climate change scenarios: the IPCC 2010-2039 consensus A1F1 (business-as-usual) scenario
(+0:5 C uniform temperature increase, +4% precipitation increase), the Hadley 2010-2039
A1F1 temperature predictions with +4% precipitation, and the Hadley 2070-2099 A1F1
temperature predictions with +10% precipitation. The aggregate impact is negative for all
three scenarios, with mildly positive precipitation e¤ects outweighed by negative tempera-
ture e¤ects. Even the most moderate scenario, the IPCC, reduces yields by roughly 4.5%.
The Hadley scenarios are even more detrimental, emphasizing the importance of the shift
into the highest temperature bins. However, these bins are imprecisely estimated, and this
imprecision feeds into the estimates of impacts, as can be seen from the increasing standard
errors on the estimated e¤ects. In the medium run (2010-2039), yields are predicted to fall
by apporximately nine percent, while the long run e¤ect is over 40% of yields. However, this
latter estimate is in the absence of long-run adaptation, and therefore likely represents an
upper bound on damages.

Table 4.B presents results for the temperature bins approach. The national results,
reported in column (1) are broadly similar to those from the degree-days approach: the mild
(IPCC) medium-run scenario reduces yields by roughly 4.5 percent, and damages increase for
the Hadley scenarios. Notably, the long-run Hadley scenario is not nearly as damaging as in
the degree-days model, although yields are still predicted to fall by 25 percent. The di¤erence
can be attributed to the degree-days model’s reliance on functional form: as temperatures
increase, the negative coe¢ cient on the quadratic degree-day term pushes yields far down.
To explore potentially heterogeneous impacts, columns (2)–(5) reports results from sep-
arate estimates by region. E¤ects are negative across all regions with the exception of the
East, which is very imprecisely estimated due to the small sample size. The estimated
long-run e¤ect for the Northwest region is perhaps implausibly large (over 60% of yields),
although this region also has a small sample size and this estimate is not very precise.
Table 4.C explores the possibility of heterogenous impacts over time. I split the sample
into 1960-1979 and 1980-1999 and run the temperature bins regressions separately. The coef-
…cients on the temperature bins are plotted in Figures 9.A and 9.B. Inspection of these …gures
reveals the same pattern of bene…cial lower temperatures and harmful higher temperatures.
overall decline in temperature. As above, these coe¢ cients (along with the coe¢ cients on
monthly precipitation) are combined with climate projections to obtain predicted impacts,
reported in Table 4.C. For comparison, column (1) re-reports the results for the full sample,
1960-1999. Interestingly, the later period (reported in column (3)) shows greater sensitivity
to climate than the earlier period (reported in column (2)), both absolutely and as a percent-
age of average yields. Since there is not an appreciable di¤erence in average temperatures
between the two periods, this likely re‡ects the increased prevalance of high-yield varieties
(HYVs) in the latter period, as HYVs are believed to provide greater yields on average but
are more sensitive to climate ‡uctuations.

5.3 Evidence on Adaptation

Three margins for adaptation can be explored with the available data. First, the application
of fertilizer can be adjusted in the face of a harmful weather shock. The fertilizers reported
in the data are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are aggregated at mean 1960-
1965 prices. Column (1) of Table 5 shows the estimated impact of a 1 C mean temperature
increase on the quantities of fertilizers used per hectare. Fertilizer use falls by roughly 4.5
percent. This suggests that the true welfare impact of a climate shock may be slightly
overstated by the e¤ect on yields, since farmers can reduce their input use.
Second, farmers could respond to a harmful shock by planting in the second, winter
season. However, column (2) shows that the extent of double-cropping8 is not signi…cantly
a¤ected by a one-degree temperature shock. This margin for adaptation may be limited, at
least in the short run.
Finally, although yearly data on labor inputs are not available, yearly wages are available
at the district level. If we assume that the temperature a¤ects the agricultural labor market
mainly through the channel of labor demand rather than labor supply, the behavior of wages
in response to temperature shocks can be informative about the response of labor demand
to temperature. Column (3) shows that the wage falls by nearly two percent in response to
a one-degree temperature increase.9 In a full-employment context, we could interpret this
as reducing the welfare e¤ect of a climate shock, since farmers use fewer scarce resources,
much as with fertilizer. However, given chronic unemployment in India, it is likely that these
resources are left unemployed, so the welfare e¤ect is ambiguous. The results of Topalova
(2005), demonstrating the slow response of factor quantities in India to shocks, suggest that
this e¤ect could be persistent.
As measured by the ratio of gross cropped area to net cropped area.
This is consistent with the e¤ects for rainfall found by Jayachandran (2006).

6 Conclusion

This paper employs a panel data methodology to show that the impact of climate change
on Indian agriculture is likely to be negative over the short- to medium-term. The medium-
term (2010-2039) impact on yields is estimated to be negative 4.5 to nine percent. Since
agriculture makes up roughly 20 percent of India’s GDP, this implies a cost of climate
change of 1 to 1.8 percent of GDP per year over the medium run. Furthermore, agricultural
productivity is particularly important for the well-being of the poor. A back-of-the envelope
calculation using the estimate of Ligon and Sadoulet (2007) that each percentage point of
agricultural GDP growth increases consumption of the lowest three deciles by four to six
percent would imply that climate change could depress consumption among India’s poor by
at least 18 percent. In the absence of rapid and full adaptation, the consequences of long-run
climate change could be even more severe, up to 25 percent of crop yields. The results of
this paper pose two important questions for future research. First, what are the factors
explaining the di¤erence between these negative consequences for a developing country and
the mildly positive results for the U.S. found by Deschênes and Greenstone (2007)? Second,
and crucial for the welfare of Indian agriculture, how quickly will developing country farmers
be able to adjust their farming practices to adapt to the changing climate and what policies
or technologies will enable rapid adaptation?


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Table 1.A: Descriptive Statistics
Variable Units All North NorthWest East South
Output 2005 USD (000) 4,564.2 7,580.2 2,289.0 4,098.6 3,682.8
(4,813.8) (6,860.9) (2,567.6) (2,396.3) (3,092.3)
Yield (output per hectare) 2005 USD 15.2 19.6 10.4 10.9 14.8
(11.0) (11.5) (9.0) (4.8) (10.9)
Mean temperature (growing season) Deg. C 28.3 29.6 29.1 27.8 27.3
(2.3) (2.3) (2.0) (1.4) (2.0)
Degree-days (growing season) Deg. C 2,438.4 2,577.2 2,526.2 2,403.5 2,336.2
(253.6) (255.6) (220.7) (166.3) (220.8)
Precipitation (growing season) mm 760.8 791.2 682.8 996.1 746.0
(309.1) (279.3) (273.7) (197.7) (330.9)
Share of cropland irrigated 0.28 0.48 0.21 0.21 0.20
(0.23) (0.22) (0.12) (0.16) (0.19)
Share of cropland HYV 0.23 0.31 0.16 0.16 0.21
(0.19) (0.22) (0.13) (0.12) (0.19)
Share below poverty line (1973) 0.45 0.36 0.42 0.70 0.49
(0.14) (0.11) (0.16) (0.14) (0.10)
Share below poverty line (1999) 0.23 0.15 0.17 0.42 0.27
(0.12) (0.10) (0.08) (0.15) (0.10)
Number of districts 218 61 36 11 110
Number of observations 8,720 2,440 1,440 440 4,400
Notes: Regression sample: 1960-1999, 218 districts with output data for all years 1960-1999. Regions defined as:
North (Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh); Northwest (Gujarat, Rajasthan); East (Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal); South
(Andhra Pradesh, Karnakata, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Tamil Nadu). Standard deviations in parentheses.

Table 1.B: Supplemental Descriptive Statistics
Panel I: Comparison of Regression Sample with World Bank Sample
Regression Sample, World Bank Sample, Regression Sample,
Variable Units 1960-1999 1966-1986 1966-1986
Output 2005 USD (000) 4,564.2 4,296.8 4,245.7
(4,813.8) (3,806.1) (3,912.0)
Yield (output per hectare) 2005 USD 15.2 13.3 13.7
(11.0) (8.3) (8.6)
Mean temperature (growing season) Deg. C 28.3 28.0 28.0
(2.3) (2.6) (2.6)
Degree-days (growing season) Deg. C 2,438.4 2,408.2 2,404.9
(253.6) (294.3) (292.3)
Precipitation (growing season) mm 760.8 801.9 754.2
(309.1) (351.8) (315.8)
Share of cropland irrigated 0.28 0.26 0.28
(0.23) (0.23) (0.23)
Share of cropland HYV 0.23 0.22 0.22
(0.19) (0.19) (0.19)
Share below poverty line (1973) 0.45 0.47 0.45
(0.14) (0.15) (0.14)
Share below poverty line (1999) 0.23
Number of districts 218 271 218
Number of observations 8,720 5,670 4578
Panel II: Regression Sample By Decade
Variable Units 1960-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999
Output 2005 USD (000) 2,777.3 3,956.2 5,365.1 6,158.1
(2,110.4) (3,346.6) (5,025.6) (6,713.1)
Yield (output per hectare) 2005 USD 10.2 12.9 17.3 20.4
(5.8) (7.6) (10.6) (14.8)
Mean temperature (growing season) Deg. C 27.6 28.3 28.6 28.6
(3.3) (1.8) (1.8) (1.8)
Degree-days (growing season) Deg. C 2,356.4 2,443.5 2,476.5 2,477.3
(368.8) (196.0) (192.6) (190.0)
Precipitation (growing season) mm 734.2 788.6 766.5 754.1
(327.2) (302.6) (308.9) (294.6)
Share of cropland irrigated 0.22 0.27 0.32
(0.19) (0.21) (0.25)
Share of cropland HYV 0.05 0.20 0.35
(0.07) (0.16) (0.19)
Share below poverty line 0.45 0.39 0.27
(0.14) (0.17) (0.15)
Number of districts 218 218 218 218
Number of observations 2,180 2,180 2,180 2,180
Notes: Regression sample includes all 218 districts with output data for all years 1960-1999. Word Bank sample includes all 271 districts of the
Sanghi, Mendelsohn and Dinar (1998) World Bank study. Standard deviations in parentheses.

Table 2.A: Residual Variation in District Weather Variables
Panel 1: Growing Season Mean Temperatures (C)
District*year observations differing from predicted value by more than
Mean: 28.5; N:8720 0.5 deg C 1.0 deg C 1.5 deg C 2.0 deg C 2.5 deg C
Regressors RMSE Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share
Constant only 1.81 6853 0.786 5200 0.596 3619 0.415 2214 0.254 1230 0.141
District FEs 0.50 2624 0.301 358 0.041 69 0.008 6 0.001 0 0.000
District FEs, Linear Year 0.49 2551 0.293 330 0.038 46 0.005 4 0.000 0 0.000
District FEs, Quadratic Year 0.49 2557 0.293 303 0.035 53 0.006 5 0.001 0 0.000
District FEs, Cubic Year 0.49 2531 0.290 298 0.034 44 0.005 4 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year FEs 0.33 1011 0.116 32 0.004 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year*Region FEs 0.26 517 0.059 9 0.001 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year*State FEs 0.20 174 0.020 3 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
Panel 2: Growing Season Degree-Days (C)
District*year observations differing from predicted value by more than
Mean: 2,464.6; N:8720 60 deg-days (C) 120 deg-days (C) 180 deg-days (C) 240 deg-days (C) 300 deg-days (C)
Regressors RMSE Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share
Constant only 194.95 6752 0.774 4914 0.564 3034 0.348 1441 0.165 867 0.099
District FEs 50.47 1926 0.221 189 0.022 25 0.003 0 0.000 0 0.000
District FEs, Linear Year 49.32 1783 0.204 168 0.019 20 0.002 0 0.000 0 0.000
District FEs, Quadratic Year 48.92 1735 0.199 168 0.019 22 0.003 0 0.000 0 0.000
District FEs, Cubic Year 48.89 1751 0.201 161 0.018 21 0.002 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year FEs 33.89 617 0.071 15 0.002 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year*Region FEs 27.27 323 0.037 3 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year*State FEs 20.49 85 0.010 2 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
Panel 3: Growing Season Precipitation (mm)
District*year observations differing from predicted value by more than
Mean: 775.0; N:8720 2 percent 4 percent 6 percent 8 percent 10 percent
Regressors RMSE Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share
Constant only 302.47 8403 0.964 8058 0.924 7721 0.885 7382 0.847 7028 0.806
District FEs 183.38 8093 0.928 7439 0.853 6775 0.777 6220 0.713 5638 0.647
District FEs, Linear Year 182.15 8091 0.928 7473 0.857 6850 0.786 6219 0.713 5631 0.646
District FEs, Quadratic Year 182.15 8096 0.928 7462 0.856 6853 0.786 6222 0.714 5635 0.646
District FEs, Cubic Year 182.14 8091 0.928 7464 0.856 6851 0.786 6225 0.714 5637 0.646
District and Year FEs 149.57 8003 0.918 7228 0.829 6517 0.747 5802 0.665 5125 0.588
District and Year*Region FEs 133.05 7785 0.893 6912 0.793 6009 0.689 5229 0.600 4460 0.511
District and Year*State FEs 105.00 7382 0.847 6094 0.699 4952 0.568 3970 0.455 3232 0.371
Notes: Table counts residuals from regressions of district*year observations on regressors listed in row headings. Cell entries are number of
residuals of absolute value greater than or equal to the cutoffs given in the column headings.Years: 1960-1999; Sample: 218 districts with output
data for all years.

Table 2.B: Residual Variation in District Temperature Bins
Regressor(s) <20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Constant 0.30 0.06 0.13 0.85 2.89 6.08 12.16 18.77 19.47 18.13 13.68
District FEs 0.04 0.03 0.09 0.42 0.92 2.24 4.08 4.85 5.65 4.92 4.06
District FEs, Linear Year 0.06 0.04 0.11 0.50 1.05 2.32 4.15 4.85 5.64 4.89 4.06
District FEs, Quadratic Year 0.06 0.04 0.11 0.52 1.05 2.32 4.15 4.84 5.63 4.90 4.05
District FEs, Cubic Year 0.06 0.04 0.11 0.52 1.05 2.31 4.16 4.84 5.64 4.90 4.05
District and Year FEs 0.07 0.04 0.14 0.61 1.12 2.43 4.19 4.68 5.48 4.79 4.01
District and Region*Year FEs 0.07 0.04 0.15 0.62 1.09 2.21 3.72 4.41 4.89 4.24 3.28
District and State*Year FEs 0.07 0.05 0.13 0.47 0.89 2.04 3.26 4.07 4.41 3.89 2.93
Regressor(s) 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 >40
Constant 7.48 5.20 4.33 3.91 3.35 2.51 1.54 0.76 0.30 0.09 0.03
District FEs 2.70 2.02 1.77 1.59 1.40 1.22 1.00 0.68 0.36 0.14 0.04
District FEs, Linear Year 2.70 2.02 1.77 1.59 1.40 1.22 1.01 0.69 0.36 0.15 0.05
District FEs, Quadratic Year 2.69 2.02 1.77 1.60 1.40 1.22 1.01 0.69 0.36 0.15 0.05
District FEs, Cubic Year 2.69 2.02 1.77 1.60 1.41 1.23 1.02 0.71 0.37 0.15 0.05
District and Year FEs 2.56 1.93 1.67 1.51 1.34 1.17 0.98 0.70 0.39 0.17 0.06
District and Region*Year FEs 2.22 1.75 1.54 1.41 1.24 1.08 0.90 0.64 0.37 0.16 0.06
District and State*Year FEs 1.99 1.54 1.35 1.25 1.09 0.93 0.74 0.53 0.32 0.14 0.05
Alternative Extremal Bins
Regressor(s) <21 <22 >38 >39
Constant 0.36 0.49 0.42 0.12
District FEs 0.05 0.11 0.51 0.18
District FEs, Linear Year 0.05 0.12 0.52 0.19
District FEs, Quadratic Year 0.06 0.13 0.52 0.19
District FEs, Cubic Year 0.06 0.13 0.53 0.19
District and Year FEs 0.07 0.17 0.57 0.21
District and Region*Year FEs 0.07 0.18 0.53 0.20
District and State*Year FEs 0.08 0.17 0.45 0.18
Notes: This table assesses the extent of residual variation available after removing district fixed effects and other controls. For each bin, the number
of days in that bin is regressed on the controls given in the row heading. The absolute value of the residual is then averaged over all district*year
observations. The result can be interpreted as the mean number of days per district*year available to identify the effect of that bin. Years: 1960-
1999; Sample: 218 districts with output and yield data for all years 1960-1999 (8720 total year*district observations)

Table 3.A: FGLS Estimates of Weather Variables' Effects on Major Crop Yields
(1) (2)
Growing Season Degree-days (100, C) 5.418 3.536
(2.325) (2.310)
GSDD Squared -0.125 -0.094
(0.047) (0.048)
Harmful GSDD (100, C) with threshold 34 -3.508 -2.687
(1.540) (0.706)
Total Growing Season Precipitation (100 mm) 1.620
TotalGrowSeasonPrecip Squared -0.021
GrowSeasonDegreeDays*TotalGrowSeasonPrecip -0.048
HarmfulGSDD34*TotalGrowSeasonPrecip 0.068
June Precipitation (100 mm) 0.520
June Precipitation Squared -0.034
July Precipitation (100 mm) 0.272
July Precipitation Squared -0.061
August Precipitation (100 mm) -0.450
August Precipitation Squared 0.050
September Precipitation (100 mm) 0.533
September Precipitation Squared -0.010
N 8,720 8,720
Notes: Dependent variable: major crop yields (2005 USD / HA). Regressions include district
fixed effects and region*year cubic time trends (coefficients not reported). Years: 1960-1999.
Sample: 218 districts with output data for all years. FGLS estimator uses bias-corrected AR(2)
parameter estimates; standard errors are calculated from the robust variance-covariance matrix.

Table 3.B: FGLS Estimates of Effect of Days in One-Degree (C) Temperature Bins on Major Crop Yields
Total GS Precipitation Monthly GS Precipitation
(1) (2)
Days in <=22 bin 0.192 0.126
(0.120) (0.121)
Days in P23 bin 0.081 0.094
(0.061) (0.060)
Days in P24 bin 0.032 0.026
(0.037) (0.037)
Days in P25 bin 0.040 0.038
(0.019) (0.018)
Days in P26 bin 0.037 0.028
(0.014) (0.014)
Days in P27 bin 0.031 0.025
(0.015) (0.014)
Days in P28 bin 0.006 -0.001
(0.015) (0.015)
Days in P29 bin 0.017 0.013
(0.017) (0.017)
Days in P30 bin (omitted category) - -
- -
Days in P31 bin -0.073 -0.082
(0.041) (0.040)
Days in P32 bin -0.001 -0.013
(0.041) (0.043)
Days in P33 bin 0.012 0.004
(0.047) (0.047)
Days in P34 bin -0.091 -0.082
(0.037) (0.038)
Days in P35 bin 0.040 0.044
(0.041) (0.042)
Days in P36 bin -0.114 -0.123
(0.045) (0.046)
Days in P37 bin -0.021 -0.014
(0.059) (0.060)
Days in P38 bin -0.225 -0.209
(0.132) (0.133)
Days in >38 bin -0.092 -0.092
(0.076) (0.076)
Total Growing Season Precipitation (100 mm) 0.387
Growing Season Precipitation Squared -0.016
June Precipitation (100mm) 0.602
June Precipitation Squared -0.050
July Precipitation (100mm) 0.361
July Precipitation Squared -0.075
August Precipitation (100mm) -0.441
August Precipitation Squared 0.050
September Precipitation (100mm) 0.614
September Precipitation Squared -0.030
N 8720 8720
Notes: Dependent variable: major crop yields (2005 USD / HA). Robust FGLS standard errors in parentheses. Each bin is identified as
its upper limit (e.g. P35 includes temperatures in (34,35] C). FGLS regressions include district fixed effects and a cubic time trend
(coefficients not reported). Years: 1960-1999. Sample: 218 districts with output data for all years.

Table 4.A: Projected Impact of Climate Change on Major Crop Yields
from Aggregate Weather Regressions

Total GS Monthly GS
Precipitation Precipitation
(1) (2)
Mean of Dependent Variable 15.215 15.215
Number of Observations 8,720 8,720
Panel A: IPCC Medium-Run (2010-2039) S. Asia Scenario
(Uniform +0.5 deg C, +4% precipitation)
Temperature Effect -0.566 -0.691
(0.100) (0.073)
Precipitation Effect 0.373 0.026
(0.122) (0.011)
Interaction Effect -0.520
Total Effect -0.712 -0.665
(0.076) (0.079)
Panel B: Hadley A1F1 Medium-Run (2010-2039) Scenario
Temperature Effect -1.358 -1.414
(0.315) (0.165)
Precipitation Effect 0.373 0.026
(0.122) (0.011)
Interaction Effect -0.514
Total Effect -1.498 -1.387
(0.168) (0.171)
Panel C: Hadley A1F1 Long-Run (2070-2099) Scenario
Temperature Effect -6.755 -6.506
(1.608) (0.847)
Precipitation Effect 0.926 0.064
(0.303) (0.026)
Interaction Effect -1.329
Total Effect -7.158 -6.441
(0.870) (0.860)

Notes: Projections are calculated as the discrete difference in yields (output per hectare) at the
projected climate versus the historical climate. Coefficients are obtained from bias-corrected
FGLS regressions of yields on growing season weather variables, regional cubic time trends
and district fixed effects, weighted by area cropped. Weather variables in column (1) are
growing-season degree-days, its square, harmful growing season degree days, total growing
season precipitation, its square and the interaction of precipitation with growing-season
degree-days and harmful degree-days. Column (2) substitutes monthly precipitation (and
squares) for aggregate precipitation, and drops the interactions. Sample: 218 districts with
output data for all years 1960-1999.

Table 4.B: Projected Impact of Climate Change on Major Crop Yields from Bins Regressions

National North Northwest East South

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Mean of Dependent Variable 15.215 19.555 10.436 10.858 14.809
Number of Observations 8720 2440 1440 440 4400
Panel A: IPCC Medium-Run (2010-2039) S. Asia Scenario (Uniform +0.5 deg C, +4% precipitation)
Temperature Effect -0.727 -1.467 -0.888 -0.256 -0.452
(0.065) (0.201) (0.169) (0.207) (0.080)
Precipitation Effect 0.029 0.059 -0.015 -0.070 0.037
(0.011) (0.020) (0.026) (0.066) (0.012)
Total Effect -0.699 -1.408 -0.903 -0.326 -0.415
(0.072) (0.208) (0.193) (0.249) (0.087)
Panel B: Hadley A1F1 Medium-Run (2010-2039) Scenario
Temperature Effect -1.225 -1.479 -0.871 0.255 -1.676
(0.298) (1.389) (0.399) (0.330) (0.447)
Precipitation Effect 0.029 0.059 -0.015 -0.070 0.037
(0.011) (0.020) (0.026) (0.066) (0.012)
Total Effect -1.196 -1.420 -0.886 0.185 -1.639
(0.301) (1.395) (0.417) (0.348) (0.451)
Panel C: Hadley A1F1 Long-Run (2070-2099) Scenario
Temperature Effect -3.983 -4.514 -6.624 2.276 -2.615
(0.919) (4.643) (1.667) (2.926) (0.986)
Precipitation Effect 0.070 0.129 -0.046 -0.160 0.093
(0.026) (0.049) (0.065) (0.175) (0.028)
Total Effect -3.913 -4.385 -6.670 2.116 -2.521
(0.924) (4.659) (1.693) (3.075) (0.999)

Notes: Projections are calculated as the discrete difference in yields (output per hectare) at the projected climate
versus the historical climate. Coefficients are obtained from bias-corrected FGLS regressions of yields on growing
season days in one-degree (C) temperature bins, monthly precipitation (and squares), regional cubic time trends
and district fixed effects, weighted by area cropped. Sample: 218 districts with output data for all years 1960-1999.

Table 4.C: Comparing Climate Resiliency Over Time: 1960-1979 vs. 1980-1999

1960-1999 1960-1979 1980-1999

(1) (2) (3)
Mean of Dependent Variable 15.215 11.567 18.863
Number of Observations 8720 4360 4360
Panel A: IPCC Medium-Run (2010-2039) S. Asia Scenario
(Uniform +0.5 deg C, +4% precipitation)
Temperature Effect -0.727 -0.242 -1.189
(0.065) (0.042) (0.127)
Precipitation Effect 0.029 0.051 -0.006
(0.011) (0.006) (0.019)
Total Effect -0.699 -0.191 -1.195
(0.072) (0.046) (0.137)
Panel B: Hadley A1F1 Medium-Run (2010-2039) Scenario
Temperature Effect -1.225 -0.299 -2.034
(0.298) (0.139) (0.583)
Precipitation Effect 0.029 0.051 -0.006
(0.011) (0.006) (0.019)
Total Effect -1.196 -0.247 -2.040
(0.301) (0.144) (0.584)
Panel C: Hadley A1F1 Long-Run (2070-2099) Scenario
Temperature Effect -3.983 -0.496 -7.007
(0.919) (0.457) (1.694)
Precipitation Effect 0.070 0.123 -0.020
(0.026) (0.015) (0.046)
Total Effect -3.913 -0.372 -7.026
(0.924) (0.466) (1.695)

Notes: Projections are calculated as the discrete difference in yields (output per
hectare) at the projected climate versus the historical climate. Coefficients are
obtained from bias-corrected FGLS regressions of yields on growing season days in
one-degree (C) temperature bins, monthly precipitation (and squares), regional cubic
time trends and district fixed effects, weighted by area cropped. Sample: 218
districts with output data for all years 1960-1999.

Table 5: Projected Impact of Climate Change on Major Crop Yields

Impact of Uniform One-Degree (C) Temperature Increase On:

Fertilizer Use Double-Cropping Agricultural Wage
(1) (2) (3)
Effect -5.556 -0.002 -0.118
(0.828) (0.001) (0.008)
Mean of Dependent Variable 125.3 1.2 7.0
N 7588 7570 7588

Notes: Projections are calculated as the discrete difference in yields (output per hectare) at the
projected climate versus the historical climate. Coefficients are obtained from bias-corrected
FGLS regressions of yields on growing season days in one-degree (C) temperature bins, monthly
precipitation (and squares), regional cubic time trends and district fixed effects. Sample: all 271
districts, 1960-1987.

Figure 1: Impact of Climate Change With Various Degrees of Adaptation




T T´
T Temperature

Figure 2.A: Districts Included in SMD98 Study

Notes: This map shows the 271 districts included in the Sanghi,
Mendelsohn and Dinar 1998 study. The states included are:
Haryana, P j b and
Punjab dUUttar Pradesh
P d h (N(North);
h) Gujarat,
G j R j h
(Northwest); Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal (East); Andhra Pradesh,
Karnakata, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Tamil Nadu (South).
The major agricultural state excluded is Kerala.

Figure 2.B: Districts Included in Regressions

Notes: This map shows the 218 districts with output data for all
years 1960-1999. The bulk of the lost districts ((relative to the
SMD98 dataset) are from the East, especially Bihar and West

Figure 3:

Mean Growing-Season Days in Each Temperature Bin


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Notes: Each one-degree C bin is indicated by the upper limit, e.g. 20 indicates a day with mean temperature
in (19,20]. Growing season is June-September (122 days).

Figure 4:

Change in Distribution of Temperatures

Scenario: +.5 deg C mean temperature increase
Mean difference in number of days
-15 -10 -5 0 5

20 25 30 35 40
Daily mean temperature
Notes: Each one-degree C bin is i ndicated by the upper li m it, e.g. 30 corresponds to m ean tem perature (29,30].
All tem peratures below 22C and above 38C are grouped. Growi ng season is June-Septem ber (122 days).
Years: 1960-1999; Sam ple: di stricts wi th output data for all years.

Figure 5:

Change in Distribution of Growing Season Daily Mean Temperatures

National; 1990s to 2010-2039
Number of days
-2 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Notes: Each one-degree C bin is indicated by its upper limit, e.g. 30 corresponds to mean temperature (29,30].
Source: Hadley A1F1 model, rescaled. Growing season is June-September (120 days).

Figure 6:

Change in Distribution of Growing Season Daily Mean Temperatures

National; 1990s to 2070-2099
Number of days
-5 -10 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Notes: Each one-degree C bin is indicated by its upper limit, e.g. 30 corresponds to mean temperature (29,30].
Source: Hadley A1F1 model, rescaled. Growing season is June-September (120 days).

Figure 7:

Residual Variation in Mean Temperatures

Regression: District Fixed Effects and Cubic Year Trend
Mean sum of absolute residuals
1 2 3 0 4 5

20 25 30 35 40
Notes: Each one-degree C bin is indicated by the upper limit, e.g. 30 corresponds to mean temperature (29,30].
All temperatures below 22C and above 38C are grouped. Growing season is June-September (122 days).
Years: 1960-1999; Sample: districts with output data for all years.

Figure 8:

-.4 Estimated Impact of Temperature Bins on Yield

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Point Estimate +/- 2 Standard Deviations

Notes: P lots coefficients from FGLS regression of yield on number of growing season days in each bin, plus district
fixed effects, monthly precipitation (and squares) and regional cubic time trends. Each 1-degree C bin is indicated by its
upper limit, e.g. 24 indicates a day in with mean temperatures in (23,24] C. The (29,30] bin is the omitted
category, so estimates are relative to the effect of a day in (29,30]. Temperatures below 22 C and above 38C
are grouped. Sample: 218 districts with output data for all years 1960-1999.

Figure 9.A:

Estimated Impact of Temperature Bins on Yield


22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Point Estimate +/- 2 Standard Deviations

Notes: Plots coefficients from FGLS regression of y ield on number of growing season day s in each bin, plus district
fixed effects, m onthly precipitation (and squares) and regional cubic tim e trends. Each 1-degree C bin is indicated by its
upper lim it, e.g. 24 indicates a day in with mean temperatures in (23,24] C. The (29,30] bin is the om itted
category , so estim ates are relative to the effect of a day in (29,30]. Tem peratures below 22 C and above 38C
are grouped. Sample: 218 districts with output data for all y ears 1960-1999.

Figure 9.B:

Estimated Impact of Temperature Bins on Yield


22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Point Estimate +/- 2 Standard Deviations

Notes: Plots coefficients from FGLS regression of y ield on number of growing season day s in each bin, plus district
fixed effects, m onthly precipitation (and squares) and regional cubic tim e trends. Each 1-degree C bin is indicated by its
upper lim it, e.g. 24 indicates a day in with mean temperatures in (23,24] C. The (29,30] bin is the om itted
category , so estim ates are relative to the effect of a day in (29,30]. Tem peratures below 22 C and above 38C
are grouped. Sample: 218 districts with output data for all y ears 1960-1999.

Appendix Table 2.A: Residual Variation in Growing Season Degree-Days with Alternative Upper Bounds
Panel 1: Degree-Day Upper Bound of 33 C
District*year observations differing from predicted value by more than
Mean: 2,479.1; N:8720 60 deg-days (C) 120 deg-days (C) 180 deg-days (C) 240 deg-days (C) 300 deg-days (C)
Regressors RMSE Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share
Constant only 204.38 6826 0.783 5069 0.581 3304 0.379 1730 0.198 994 0.114
District FEs 53.72 2168 0.249 235 0.027 40 0.005 2 0.000 0 0.000
District FEs, Linear Year 52.58 2058 0.236 206 0.024 33 0.004 0 0.000 0 0.000
District FEs, Quadratic Year 52.15 2031 0.233 212 0.024 36 0.004 1 0.000 0 0.000
District FEs, Cubic Year 52.10 2025 0.232 208 0.024 33 0.004 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year FEs 35.52 753 0.086 18 0.002 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year*Region FEs 28.51 374 0.043 3 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year*State FEs 21.29 104 0.012 2 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
Panel 2: Degree-Day Upper Bound of 34 C
District*year observations differing from predicted value by more than
Mean: 2,489.3; N:8720 60 deg-days (C) 120 deg-days (C) 180 deg-days (C) 240 deg-days (C) 300 deg-days (C)
Regressors RMSE Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share
Constant only 211.53 6855 0.786 5146 0.590 3489 0.400 1984 0.228 1093 0.125
District FEs 56.43 2379 0.273 295 0.034 47 0.005 3 0.000 0 0.000
District FEs, Linear Year 55.28 2287 0.262 247 0.028 41 0.005 2 0.000 0 0.000
District FEs, Quadratic Year 54.83 2271 0.260 245 0.028 44 0.005 3 0.000 0 0.000
District FEs, Cubic Year 54.76 2264 0.260 244 0.028 42 0.005 2 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year FEs 37.00 853 0.098 22 0.003 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year*Region FEs 29.62 418 0.048 5 0.001 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year*State FEs 22.03 130 0.015 2 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
Panel 3: Degree-Day Upper Bound of 35 C
District*year observations differing from predicted value by more than
Mean: 2,495.9; N:8720 60 deg-days (C) 120 deg-days (C) 180 deg-days (C) 240 deg-days (C) 300 deg-days (C)
Regressors RMSE Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share
Constant only 216.36 6876 0.789 5193 0.596 3602 0.413 2144 0.246 1165 0.134
District FEs 58.51 2517 0.289 325 0.037 55 0.006 5 0.001 0 0.000
District FEs, Linear Year 57.33 2419 0.277 282 0.032 48 0.006 3 0.000 0 0.000
District FEs, Quadratic Year 56.88 2424 0.278 278 0.032 52 0.006 5 0.001 0 0.000
District FEs, Cubic Year 56.78 2427 0.278 270 0.031 47 0.005 3 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year FEs 38.24 948 0.109 30 0.003 1 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year*Region FEs 30.55 477 0.055 8 0.001 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year*State FEs 22.71 143 0.016 3 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000

Panel 4: Degree-Day Upper Bound of 36 C

District*year observations differing from predicted value by more than
Mean: 2,499.5; N:8720 60 deg-days (C) 120 deg-days (C) 180 deg-days (C) 240 deg-days (C) 300 deg-days (C)
Regressors RMSE Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share Number Share
Constant only 219.12 6881 0.789 5224 0.599 3660 0.420 2246 0.258 1233 0.141
District FEs 59.91 2601 0.298 356 0.041 64 0.007 7 0.001 0 0.000
District FEs, Linear Year 58.72 2521 0.289 318 0.036 50 0.006 6 0.001 0 0.000
District FEs, Quadratic Year 58.24 2517 0.289 300 0.034 53 0.006 5 0.001 0 0.000
District FEs, Cubic Year 58.13 2519 0.289 300 0.034 48 0.006 5 0.001 0 0.000
District and Year FEs 39.13 1011 0.116 32 0.004 1 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year*Region FEs 31.23 519 0.060 9 0.001 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
District and Year*State FEs 23.24 170 0.019 3 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
Notes: Table counts residuals from regressions of district*year observations on regressors listed in row headings. Cell entries are number of
residuals of absolute value greater than or equal to the cutoffs given in the column headings.Years: 1960-1999; Sample: 218 districts with
output data for all years.


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